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JOHN VENN, Sc.D., F.R.S., F.S.A.,
J. A. VENN, M.A.,
THE publication of this volume completes Part I of the Alumni; the fact that it
contains fuller information than its predecessors (an average of thirty-six biographies
to a page as compared with thirty-eight in Volume III, forty in Volume II, and as many
as forty-three in Volume I) affords perhaps a reasonable explanation for its somewhat
delayed appearance. The attention of those consulting the work is drawn to the
extensive Appendix contained at the end, which represents material kindly supplied
by numerous readers of the first Volumes, whose names are in most instances appended
to their notes. From the compiler's standpoint it is gratifying to record that practically
the whole of this mass of information consists of addenda, and that the corrigenda
are remarkably few.
Since the inception, some eighteen years ago, of the entire scheme the possibility
of completing Part II (1752-1900) has, from economic causes, receded further and
further into the background, and work upon it has been in abeyance. It is, therefore,
exceedingly gratifying to be able to announce that the Syndics of the Press have, with
the utmost generosity, decided to provide the financial means whereby the whole
work can now be completed. May it be hoped that such public-spirited action will
result in further support being accorded to Part 1} At the moment it is impossible
to estimate the period of time likely to elapse before Volume I of Part II will be ready
for press, but may this opportunity be seized of requesting readers to forward any notes
in their possession relating to alumni who entered the University subsequent to the
year 1751? The assistance hitherto received from so many sources encourages the
belief that this appeal will be well supported.
In addition to those correspondents previously, but inadequately, thanked this
Volume in particular has benefited from the help of the following: Mr F. C. Beazley,
Mr R. W. Goulding, Mr A. Hawley, Mr L. G. Horton-Smith, Mr J. B. Leslie,
Mr J. P. Mander, Mr L. B. Namier, Mr G. R. Potter, the Rev F. D'A. Ranner, Mr H.
Shove, Mr W. P. Haskett Smith, Mr P. E. Towell, Mr Leonard Whibley, Captain
H. J. R. Yardley, D.S.O., M.C.
To the Rev T. C. Dale is due a measure of no ordinary gratitude, for he has now
added to the heavy debt already owed him by supplying some thousands of ordinations
and institutions to livings.
October 1st, 1926
SAAL, JOHN. D.Can.L. before 1456.
SABAY, . B.A. 1529-30-
SABBE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 1575; B.A.
1579-80. One of these names adm. at Gray's Inn, Jan. 30,
1580-1, from Barnard's Inn.
SABBE, MATTHEW. Adm. sizar (age 20) at Caius, Oct. 26,
1618. S. of John, gent., of Norfolk. School, Tankersley,
Yorks. (Mr Shaw). Matric. 1618-9; B.A. 1622-3. Ord. priest
(Norwich) Feb. 22, 1623. Licensed to teach grammar, 1623.
Of Tunstalli Suffolk, 1637. R. of Dunningworth, 1638.
{Venn, i. 242.)
SABBS, EDWARD. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Mar. 21, 1661-2.
Matric. 1662.
SABERY, CHARLES. M.A. 1682 {Lit. Reg.). Matric. (St Alban's
Hall, Oxford) Nov. 13, 1671, age 16; B.A. 1675. R. of
Whitchurch, Hereford, 1679. V. of Tenbury, Worcs., 1694.
{Al. Oxon.)
SABINE, ALURED. Adm. pens, at Queens', 1653. Of Kent.
Matric. 1655. Adm. at the Inner Temple, 1657. Of Bekes-
boume, Kent.
SABINE, CHIBBORN (CHILBORN). Adm. pens, (age 16) at
Trinity, Dec. 19, 1683. S. of Philip, of Witham, Essex (and
Mary,dau.of Richard Chilbome). School, Halstead. Matric.
1683; Scholar, 1685. Of Patricksboume, Kent. (Burke,
Ext. Bart.)
SABINE, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Feb. 14, 1623-4.
Matric. 1625; B.A. from St John's, 1627-8; M.A. 1631.
Licensed to practise medicine, 1637. One of these names,
M.D., had a grant of arms in 1663; he was of Bekesboume,
Kent. {Har.ted, iii. 7i7-)
SABINE, JOHN. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Trinity Hall, Jan. 19,
1730-1. Probably s. and h. of Joseph, of Tewin, Herts, (for
whom see D.N. B.). Matric. 1731. Name 08,1735. Probably
brother of the next.
SABINE, JOSEPH. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Trinity, Mar. 29,
1738. S. of Joseph, of Tewin, Herts, (for whom see D.N.B.).
School, Westminster. Matric. 1738; Scholar, 1738. Captain
in the Welsh Fusiliers. Killed at Fontenoy, i745- Probably
brother of John (above). {Clutterbuck, 11. 229.)
SABRIDGEWORTH, THOMAS. Adm. scholar at King's Hall,
Nov. 15, 1369.
SACHELL or SATCHELL, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at
Christ's, May 16, 1660. S. of Simon (below). B. at Bleasby,
Notts. School, Repton. Matric. 1660; B.A. 1663; M.A. 1667.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1669.
SACHELL or SATCHELL, SIMON. Matric. sizar from St John's,
Easter, 1618; B.A. from Clare, 1621-2; M.A. 1626, as
Zachel. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 21, 1623; priest. May 23,
1624. Doubtless V. of Bleasby, Notts., and father of John
SACHEVERELL, ANTHONY. Matric. pens, from Trinity,
Easter, 1571. Doubtless 2nd s. of Ralph, of Staunton, Notts.
B.A. 1575-6. Brother of William (1571)- {Nichols, iii. 394.)
SACHEVERELL, FERDINANDO. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 18) at
St John's, Apr. i, 1647. 2nd s. of Ferdinando, Esq., of
Coventry, Warws. (and Lucy, dau. of Sir Henry Hastings,
of Leicester Abbey), and nephew of Manfred (1612). B. there.
Adm. at Gray's Inn, May 16, 1642. Of Old Hays, Ratby,
Leics. Married Mrs Susannah Ferryman at Kirby Muxloe,
Leics., Oct. 2, 1656. {Nichols, in. 509.)
SACHEVERELL, HENRY. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Emmanuel,
Dec. 9, 1587. Probably s. and h. of Henry, of RadcUffe-upon-
Soar, Notts, (and Jane, widow of German Ireton). Matric.
1588. Of Radcliffe-upon-Soar. Age 37 in 1608. {Nichols,
III. 220.)
SACHEVERELL, HENRY. D.D. 1714 (Incorp. from Magdalen
College, Oxford). Matric. there, Aug. 28, 1689, age 15. S. of
Joshua (1664), of Marlborough, Wilts., clerk. School,
Winchester. B.A. (0.\ford) 1693; M.A. 1696; B.D. 1707-8;
V.A.C. IV,
D.D. 1708. Fellow of Magdalen, 1701-13. V. of Cannock,
Staffs. Chaplain of St Saviour's, Southwark, 1705. Famous
political preacher. Advocated the High Church and Tory
cause both in sermons and pamphlets. Impeached by the
House of Commons for two sermons favouring non-resistance
and condemning toleration; found guilty and suspended
from preaching for three years, 1710; great popular demon-
stration in his favour. R. of Selattyn, Salop, 1710-3. R. of
St Andrew's, Holbom, 1713-24. Died at Highgate, June 5,
1724. Buried in St Andrew's, Holbom. M.I. Will, P.C.C.
{Al. Oxon.; D.N.B.; Nichols, in. 511.)
St John's, Michs. 1567.
SACHEVERILL, JOSEPH. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter,
1626. Probably s. and h. of Thomas, of Leicester, Confrater
of Wigston's Hospital. Bapt. Feb. 28, 1610, at St Martin's,
Leicester. Died Mar. 6, 1636. {Nichols, in. 220.)
SACHEVERILLE, JOSHUA. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's,
June 2, 1664. S. of John, R. of Rimpton, Somerset (for whom
see Al. Oxon.). B.A. 1667-8. R. of St Peter's, Marlborough,
Wilts. Preb. of Sarum, 1677-85. Living, 1711. Father of
Henry (1714). {Nicliols, in. 510.)
SACHEVERILL, MANFRED. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Mag-
dalene, Michs. 1612. Doubtless natural s. of Henry
of Morley and Hopwell, Derbs. (by Elizabeth Keyes). Of
Old Hays, Ratby, Leics., Esq. Died Mar. 3, 1615, aged 22.
Buried at Ratby. M.I. (iVtcAo/s, in. 509; iv. 884.)
SACHAVEREL, ROBERT. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 18) at Trinity,
Sept. 16, 1687. S. of William, of Barton, Notts, (for whom
see D.N.B.). B. 1669, at Morley, Derbs. School, Derby
(Mr Samuel Ogden). Matric. 1688. Adm. at the Inner
Temple, Jan. 29, 1689. M.P. for Nottingham, 1699-1700,
1701-2, 1705-8 and 1710-14. Of Barton, Esq. Married
Elizabeth, dau. of Harvey Staunton, of Staunton, Notts.,
Esq. Died Dec. 10, 1714. (Le Neve, Man.; Nichols, ni. 394-)
SACHEVERELL, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Jesus, Michs.
1570. School, Winchester; of Saddington, Leics. Migrated
to Oxford. Matric. (Hart Hall, Oxford) 1572, age 17; LL.B.
1579. Ord. deacon and priest (Dover) Mar. 25, 1584. V.
of Eynsham, Oxon., 1585. C. of St Nicholas, Leicester, in
1613. V. of St Martin's, Leicester. Buried there Dec. 1, 1626.
WiU (P.C.C.) 1627. {Al. Oxon.)
from Trinity, Easter, 1571. Doubtless s. and h. of Ralph,
of Staunton, Notts. B. 1555. Of Barton. Married Tabitha,
dau. of James Spenser, of Alvaston. Died 1616. Brother of
Anthony (1571).
SACHEVEREL, . Matric. pens, from Christ's, Easter, 1548.
SACKER, see also SECKER.
SACKER, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, c. 1590.
Of Yorkshire. B.A. 1594-5; M.A. 1598. Ord. deacon and
priest (Peterb.) June 13, 1595. R. of Little Bradley, Suffolk,
1598-1606. V. of Haverhill, 1607-15. V. of Cockerington,
Lines., 1621-41. Probably P.C. of Bury, Hunts., 1636-40.
P.C. of St Peter, Upwood, and Great Raveley, Hunts., till
1647. Died Apr. 1647. Will dated, Apr. 4; proved, Apr. 17,
SACKETT, GEORGE. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney, Apr. 27,
1658. 3rd s. of John (next), clerk. B. at Mongeham, Kent.
Schools, Sutton (Mr Thomas Brett) and Sleaford (Mr Thomas
Gibson). Matric. 1658; B.A. 1661-2; M.A. 1665. Ord. priest
(Lincoln) June 6, 1669. Brother of John (1647).
SACKETT, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Sidney, May 20, 1614. Doubt-
less s. of John, gent. B. in the Isle of Thanet. Matric. 1614;
B.A. 1617-8; U.A. 1621 ; B.D. 1628. Incorp. at Oxford, 1622.
Ord. deacon (London) Mar. 12, 1619-20, age 27; priest
(Peterb.) Sept. 24, 1621. Probably C. of Heme, Kent, in
1624. R. of Betteshanger, 1626-8. R. of Gt Mongeham,
1628-64. R. of Eastbridge, 1628-46. Master of Eastbridge
Hospital, Canterbury. Died .A^ug. 24, 1664. Buried at Gt
Mongeham. Probably brother of Stephen (1621); father of
George (above) and of the next. {Hasted, iv. 140, 630.)
Sackett, John
SACKETT, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Sidney, July 6, 1647- S. of
John (above), clerk. B. at Mongeham, Kent. Schoolsj
Sutton, Canterbury and Merchant Taylors', London. Matric.
1647; B.A. 1650-1; M.A. 1654. Brother of George (1658).
SACKETTE, JOHN. Matric. from Pembroke, Easter, 1686.
Of Canterbury. S. of Nathaniel, gent., and grandson of
John (1614). School, King's, Canterbury. Adm. at Corpus
Christi, 1688; B.A. 1690-1; M.A. 1694- Ord. deacon (Lincoln)
Feb. 12, 1692-3; priest (London) Mar. 8, 1695-6. V. of
Folkestone, 1699-1753- R- of Hawking, Kent, i7i3-53- V.
of West Hythe, 1732-53. Master of Eastbridge Hospital,
Canterbury, 1746-53. Married Margaret Tempest, of
Patricksboume, Kent, spinster, Oct. 24, 1702. Antiquary
and poet. Died Jan. 29, 1753. (G. Mag.; Masters; Hasted,
IV. 631.)
SACKETT, STEPHEN. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Sidney, June 20,
1621. S. of John, gent. B. at St Peter's, Isle of Thanet.
School, St John's, Isle of Thanet. Matric. 1621; B.A.
1624-5; M..-^. 1628. V. of Blean, Kent, 1632-79. V. of
West Hythe, 1633-79. Died 1679. Probably brother of
John (1614).
SACKFORD or SECKFORD, CHARLES. Matric. pens, from
Trinity, Michs. 1562. S. of Francis, of Seckford HaU,
Suffolk(andEleanor,dau. of Sir Thomas Newbury). B. 1551.
Adm. at Gray's Inn, 1567. A member of the Queen's house-
hold, 1575. Buried at Woodbridge, Feb. 20, 1591-2. Will,
P.C.C. Father of Thomas (i597).
SACKFORD, HENRY. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Corpus Christi,
c. 1597. Of Suffolk. S. of Sir Thomas, of Seckford HaU,
Suffolk. M.A. 1607. Knighted, May 11, 1603. Married
Dorothy, dau. of Sir Henry North. Died 1638.
SACKFORD or SECKFORD, THOMAS. Studied at Cambridge.
2nd s. of Thomas, of Seckford Hall, Suffolk. B. c. 1515.
Adm. at Gray's Inn, 1540. Barrister, 1542. Lent Reader,
1556. Master of Requests, 1557. One of the commissioners
for causes ecclesiastical, in 1570. M.P. for Ipswich, 1572-83.
A munificent benefactor to Woodbridge, Suffolk. Buried
there Jan. 15, 1587-8. (Cooper, 11. 18; D.N.B.)
SACKFORD, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Gonville Hall,
Easter, 1544. Probably 7th s. of Thomas, of Seckford HaU,
SACKFORD or SECKFORD, THOMAS. Matric. FeU.-Com. from
Corpus Christi, c. 1597. Of Suffolk. S. of Charles (1562).
B. at Seckford HaU, Suffolk, 1582. Adm. at Gray's Inn,
Apr. 21, 1600. Knighted, Mar. 1607-8; of Bedfordshire.
Buried at Woodbridge, Aug. 12, 1610. Father of the
SACKFORD, THOMAS. Of Trinity. S. of Thomas (above).
B. at Seckford HaU, Suffolk, 1608. Died in CoUege. Buried
there, 1624.
SACKVILLE, EDWARD. M.A. 1612 (fil. nob.). S. of Robert,
Baron Buckhurst, and 2nd Earl of Dorset. B. in London,
1590. Matric. (Christ Church, Oxford) July 26, 1605, age 15.
K.B., 1616. M.P. for Sussex, 1620-22. Governor of the
Bermuda Islands Co., 1623. Succeeded his brother Richard
as 4th Earl of Dorset, Mar. 28, 1624. K.G., 1625. Privy
CounciUor, 1626. Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty,
1628-35. Lord Chamberlain of the King's household at
Oxford, 1644-6. Keeper of the Privy Seal and President of
the Council, 1644-6. Married Mary, dau. of Sir George
Curzon, of Croxhall, Derbs. Died July 17, 1652. Buried at
Withyham, Sussex. {Al. Oxon.; D.N.B.; G.E.C.)
SACKVILLE or SECHEVILL, JOHN DE. 'King's Scholar' at
Cambridge, 1329.
SACKVILLE, RICHARD. Educated at Cambridge. S. of John,
of Chiddingley, Sussex. Afterwards of Gray's Inn, barrister.
Lent Reader in 1529. M.P. for Arundel, 1529-36; for
Chichester, 1547-52; for Portsmouth, 1554; for Sussex, 1559
and 1562-6. Knighted, 1548-9. ChanceUor of the Court of
Augmentations, 1548. ChanceUor of the Exchequer, 1559-66.
Governor of the Inner Temple. Married Winifred, dau. of
Sir John Bruges, Lord Mayor of London. Died Apr. 21, 1566.
Buried at Withyham, Sussex. Father of Thomas. {Cooper,
1.241; D.N.B.)
SACKVIL, RICHARD. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Trinity, May 2,
1663. 3rd s. of Richard, 5th Earl of Dorset, and grandson
of Edward (1612). B. Apr. 30, 1646. Matric. 1663. Adm. at
the Inner Temple, June 19, 1663. Died 1712. {Collins, 11.
SACKVILLE, SAMUEL. Scholar of Trinity, 1605. S. of
William, of HaUfax, Yorks. B. at Dorking, Surrey. B.A.
1607-8; M.A. i6ii; B.D. 1619. FeUow, 1610. Incorp. at
Oxford, 1619. Ord. deacon (London) Dec. 22, 1611, age 25;
priest, Dec. 18, 1613. R. of Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex,
1617-9. V. of Bottisham, Cambs., 1620. V. of Blythe,
Notts., 1621. V. of Trumpington, Cambs., 1622. V. of
Sadler, John
Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland, 1624-37. V. of Marsworth,
Bucks., c. 1636-43; Sackfield. Died 1643. (Vis. of Yorks.,
1612; Al. Oxon.; Lipscomb, in. 412; Nightingale, loio.)
SACKVILLE, THOMAS. Created M.A. 1571. S. of Sir Richard,
Chancellor of the Exchequer. B. at Buckhurst, Sussex.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1592. Assigned to St John's, Cambridge
and Hart Hall, Oxford. A student of the Inner Temple, 1555.
Barrister of the Inner Temple. M.P. for Westmorland, 1558;
for East Grinstead, 1559; for Aylesbury, 1563-7. Knighted
and created Baron Buckhurst, June 8, 1567. K.G., 1589.
ChanceUor of Oxford University, 1591-1608. Lord High Trea-
surer, 1599-1608. Privy CounciUor. Created Earl of Dorset,
Mar. 13, 1603-4. Married Cicely, dau. of Sir John Baker, of
Sissinghurst, Kent, in 1555. Poet; ooUaborated with Thomas
Norton in the production of The Tragedy of Gorboduc, the
first English tragedy in blank verse. Died Apr. 19, 1608,
aged 81 (sic). Buried at Withyham. WiU (P.C.C.) 1609.
(Cooper, II. 484; Al. Oxon.; G.E.C; D.N.B.)
SADD, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Easter, 1619. Matric.
SADD, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1672. Of
Norfolk. Matric. Easter, 1674.
SADD or SADE, WILLIAM. B.Can.L. 1513-4- Perhaps V. of
Boxted, Essex, 1513-31. Died 1531.
SADLER, ANTHONY. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, July 28,
1620. S. of Rowland, of St Nicholas Aeon, London, haber-
dasher and vintner (wiU (P.C.C.) 1647). Matric. 1620; B.A.
1623; M.A. 1627. V. of West Thurrock, Essex, 1628-43.
Died May 19, 1643. See Al. Oxon. for a contemporary.
(T.A. Walker, 17.)
SADLER, DANIEL. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, July 1, 1707.
Of Middlesex. Matric. 1707. Died Oct. 23, i754- (G. Mag.)
SADLER, EDWARD. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Trinity Hall,
Easter, 1554. 2nd s. of Sir Ralph, of Standon, Herts., Knt.
Adm. at the Inner Temple, Nov. 1555. Of Temple Dinsley,
Herts., and Aspley Guise, Beds., Esq. Married Anne, dau.
of Sir Richard Lee, of SopweU, Herts., Knt. Died v.p.,
Apr. 4, 1584. Buried at Aspley Guise. Brother of Henry
(1557-8) and Thomas (1554). (T. U. Sadleir; Vis. of Herts.;
Burke, Ext. Bart.)
SADLER or SADLEIR, EDWARD. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Trinity,
Sept. 14, 1652. 2nd s. of Robert, of SopweU, Herts., gent.
Bapt. Mar. 14, 1632-3, at Standon. Adm. at Gray's Inn,
June 14, 1651. Buried at St Peter's, St Albans, Jime 6,
1669. Brother of Robert (1650). (T. U. Sadleir; Clutterbuck,
III. 229.)
SADLER, Sir EDWIN, Bart. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Corpus
Christi, 1683. Of Temple Dinsley, Herts., and Aspley Guise,
Beds. 3rds. of Sir Edwin, Bart., of Temple Dinsley. Matric. c.
1683. Succeeded as 2nd Bart., July, 1672. Sold the estate
of Temple Diasley, in 1712, to Benedict ItheU. Author,
History of the Jacobites of Egypt; History of the Cophts.
Died July 14, 1719, s.p. M.I. at Aspley Guise. It was his
wife, vridow of Dr WiUiam Croone (1647) who founded the
'Sadleirian Lectures,' and left lands to the R.C.P. (Le Neve,
Mon.; T. U. Sadleir; G.E.C, in. 237.)
SADLER, FRANCIS. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1585; B.A. 1588-9.
SADLER, GEORGE. Matric. sizar from Clare, Michs. 1573-
One of these names of Hovingham, Yorks., clerk; wiU (York)
SADLER, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Gonville Hall, Lent,
1557-8. Of Everley, WUts., and Hungerford Lodge, Berks.
3rd s. of Sir Ralph, of Standon, Herts., Knt. M.P. for
Lancaster, 1571, 1572-83, 1584-7- Clerk of the Hanaper,
1572-1604. HighSheriffof Wilts., 1595. Married (1) Dorothy
GUbert, of Everley, WUts.; (2) Ursula, dau. of John GiU, of
Widial, Herts. Died Mar. 17, 1618, aged 80. M.I. in Hunger-
ford Church. Brother of Thomas (1554) and Edward (1554).
(T. U. Sadleir; Vis. of Beds., 1634; Clutterbuck, in. 229.)
SADLER, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Dec. 1707-
SADLER, JAMES. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Jan. 31, 1701-2.
Of Middlesex. Perhaps s. and h. of Ebenezer, of St Martin-
in-the-Fields. Matric. 1702; B.A. 1705-6. Probably adm.
at the Middle Temple, Feb. 17, 1703-4- CaUed to the Bar,
SADLER, JAMES. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 1717-
SADLER, JOHN. Perhaps scholar of Christ's, 1536. B.A.
(? from Corpus Christi) 1537-8; M.A. 1540. FeUow of Jesus,
1539-46. Original FeUow of Trinity CoUege, 1546. R. of
Sudborough, Northants., 1568-84. Published translations
from Flavius Vegetius Renatus. Died c. 1595. (Cooper, 11.
203; D.N.B.)
SADLER, JOHN. Adm. at King's (age 16) a scholar from Eton,
Aug. 23, 1538. Of Whitacre, Warws. B.A. 1542-3; M.A.
1547. FeUow, 1541-57. R.of Dunton Waylett, Essex, 1556-
64. Died 1564.
Sadler, John
SADLER, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Michs.
SADLER, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Trinity, 1598. B. at
Worfield, Salop. B.A. 1601-2; M.A. 1605. Ord. deacon
(London) Dec. 20, 1607, age 25; 'Tutor in the family of
Sir Geo. Coppin'; priest, Sept. 24, 1608. V. of Patcham,
Sussex, 1608. V. of Ringmer, 1627-40. Married Mary
Fenner, widow of Edward Fanner, late of Aubotime, Sussex,
May 12, 16x3. (His daughter Ann married John Harvard,
in 1636.) Buried at Ringmer, Oct. 3, 1640. Will (P.C.C.)
1640. Father of John (1630). (W. C. Renshaw.)
SADLER, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Caius, 1619. S. of
Nicholas, merchant, of Norwich. Schools, Hadley (Mr
Turner), Middlesex, and Norwich (Mr Thornton). Matric.
Easter, 1620; Scholar, 1620-2.
SADLER, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Nov. 13, 1630.
Of Sussex. S. of John (1598). B. Aug. iS, 1615. Matric.
1631; B.A. 1634; M.A. 1638. Fellow, 1639. Master of
Magdalene, 1650-60. Of Lincoln's Inn. Master in Chancery,
1644-56. Bencher, 1654. Master of Requests. Town clerk
of London, 1649-60. A member of the Council of State,
1653. M.P. for Cambs., 1653; and for Yarmouth (Isle of
Wight), 1659. Lost his offices, 1660. Retired to Warmwell.
Married Jane, dau. of John Trenchard, of Warmwell, Dorset,
Esq., Sept. 9, 1645. Author, historical. Died at Warmwell,
Apr. 1674. {D.N.B.; Mag. Coll. Hist., 115.)
SADLER, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Pembroke, Easter, 1631.
Ord. deacon (Norwich) Dec. 23, 1632.
SADLER, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Trinity, Mar. 29, 1718.
S. of John, of London. School, St Paul's.
SADLER, RALPH. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Queens', Mar. 3,
1596-7. Of Standon Lordship, Herts. Only s. of Sir Thomas
(1554), of Standon, Herts. B. 1581. High Sheriff for Herts.,
1609. Married Anne, dau. of Sir Edward Coke, L.C.J. , who
on his death, presented books to Trinity library. Died s.p.,
Feb. 12, 1660. He is the 'Noble Mr Sadleir' of Walton's
Angler. {Vis. of Beds., 1634; Cussans, i. 170; T. U. Sadleir.)
SADLER, REGINALD. B.Can.L. 1519-20. Perhaps V. of
Shopland, Essex, 1544.
SADLER, RICHARD. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Peterhouse,
Easter, 1549. Natural son of Sir Ralph Sadleir, of Standon,
Herts. Of Renningsley, Herts., Esq. Author, De procrandis
...equis experieniia (London, 1587); in the preface to which
he thanks his father for the education he had given him in
Cambridge, Pavia and Germany. Died at Standon, c. 161 1.
M.I. there. [Clutterbuck, in. 238; T. U. Sadleir.)
SADLER, RICHARD. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Dec. 30, 1636.
B. in Worcester, c. 1620. Matric. 1637. Went with his
parents to New England in 1638, who settled at Lynn, Mass.
Returned to England. 'Ordained' in Whixall Chapel, Salop,
May 10, 1648. Lecturer at Ludlow; ejected, 1662. Retired
to Whixall and died there in 1675. aged 55. [Calamy, 11.
328; J. G. Bartlett.)
SADLER, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, Oct. 15,
1657. S. of Samuel, weaver, of Norwich. B. there. School,
Norwich (Mr Lovering). Matric. 1657; B.A. 1661-2. Ord.
deacon (Norwich) Nov. 10, 1661; priest. Mar. 6, 1663-4.
R. of Elmham All Saints' and St Nicholas, Suffolk, 1664.
R. of St James', South Elmham, 1665-83. Admon. Nov. 20,
1683, to relict Dorothy, at Ipswich. {Venn, i. 400.)
SADLEIR, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Apr. 22, 1650.
S. and h. of Robert, of Sopwell, Herts., Esq. Bapt. Feb. 9,
1631-2, at Standon. Adm. at Gray's Inn, June 24, 1650.
Buried at St Peter's, St Albans, June 17, 1652. Brother of
Edward (1652). (T. U. Sadleir; Clutterbuck, in. 229.)
SADLER, THEODORE. Matric. pens, from Peterhouse, Michs.
1566. One of these names s. and h. of John, of Fillongley,
Warws. (Vis. ofW arms., i()i<j.)
SADLER, THOMAS. Adm. at King's (age 17) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. II, 1523. Of Over, Cambs. Fellow, 1526-7. No
degree recorded. Ord. deacon (Lincohi) Apr. 6; priest,
Apr. 20, 1527.
SADLER, THOMAS. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Trinity Hall,
Easter, 1554. Of Standon, Herts., Esq. S. and h. of Sir
Ralph, of Standon, Knt. B. c. 1536. M.P. for Lancaster,
1572-83. High Sheriff of Herts., 1588, 1595-6. Knighted
by James I, when entertained at Standon, 1603. Married
(i) Ursula, dau. of Sir Henry Sherington, of Lacock, Wilts.;
(2) Gertrude, dau. of Robert Markham, of Cotham, Notts.
Died Jan. 5, 1606-7. M.I. at Standon. Brother of Edward
(1554) and Henry (1557-8), father of Ralph (1596-7)-
(T. U. Sadleir; X^is. of Beds., 1634; Clutterbuck, iii. 229.)
SADLER, THOMAS LEE (or LEIGH). Matric. pens, from
Queens', Easter, 1605. S. and h. of Lee Sadler, of Aspley
Guise, Beds., and Temple Dinsley, Herts., Esq., and grand-
Sagar, John
son of Edward (1554). B. 1587. B.A. 1608-9. Of the Inner
Temple and Aspley Guise, Esq. Serjeant of Laws and
Justice of Quorum for Beds. Much esteemed for his profound
learning. Married Frances, dau. of Francis Bury, of
Beckening Park, Beds., Mar. 15, 1612-3. Died 1658, aged 70.
(This is the date given in G.E.C., iii. 237, and by F. Sadleir
Stoney; other authorities assume, with more probability,
that he was the Thomas Sadler, Esq. buried at Aspley, Dec.
23, 1644, as recorded in Geneal. Bedford.) Father of the next.
{Vis. of Beds., 1634; T. U. Sadleir; Scott's State Papers of
Sir Ralph Sadleir; Clutterbuck, in. 28.)
SADLER, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter, 1637.
S. and h. of Thomas Lee (above), of Temple Dinsley, Herts.,
and Aspley Guise, Beds., Esq. B. 1619. Adm. at Gray's Inn,
May 4, 1638. Died v.p. and s.p., 1639. Buried Nov. 10, 1639,
at Aspley Guise. (Burke, Ext. Bart.; Vis. of Beds., 1634;
T. U. Sadleir.)
SADLER, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Jesus, Easter, 1544.
SADLER, . Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Easter,
SADLINGTON, MARK. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Easter,
1578. Migrated to Peterhouse, May 7, 1580. B.A. 1580-1;
M.A. 1584. FeUow of Peterhouse, 1584-90. Recommended
by Sir Francis Walsingham for master of Colchester Grammar
School. Master of St Olave's School, London, 1591-4- P-C
of All Hallows-the-Less, 1594-7- R- of Holy Trinity, Guild-
ford, Surrey, 1599-1633. V. of Sunbury, Middlesex, 1603-47.
Some historical writings have been attributed to him.
Buried at Sunbury, Apr. 27, 1647. Admon. (P.C.C.) granted
to his widow, Jane, May 4, 1647. (Peile, i. 146; D.N.B.;
Cooper, II. 385.)
SADLINGTON, RALPH. Matric. pens, from Peterhouse,
Michs. 1586. Of Norwich. Notary Public. Died Mar. 6,
1601, aged 30. M.I. in Norwich Cathedral. {Blomtfield, 11.
SADLYNGTON, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Easter,
1561; B.A. 1566-7. Ord. deacon (Lincoln); priest (Ely)
Dec. 21, 1569, age 26. R. of Hessett, Suffolk, 1574- R- of
St Mary-in-the-Marsh, Norwich, 1579- R- of Fehningham,
Norfolk, 1584-1604. R. of Pakefield, Suffolk, 1604-16.
SADLYNGTON, SAMUEL. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Easter,
SADLINGTON, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi,
Michs. 1598; B.A. 1601-2. V. of Horsey, Norfolk, 1609-15.
Perhaps R. of St Peter, Southgate, Norwich, 1623.
SADLINGTON, THOMAS. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1697. Of
Nottinghamshire. B.A. 1701-2, according to Masters.
SAFFERY, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's, Oct.
30, 1716. S. of Henry, maltster, of Norfolk. B. at Downham
Market. School, Norwich (Mr Pate). Matric. 1716; B.A.
SAFFORD, BARTHOLOMEW. Adm. sizar at Peterhouse,
1603-4; B.A. 1607-8; M.A. 1611. R. of Enmore, Somerset,
1613-39. Died 1639. His three sons graduated from New
Inn Hall, Oxford.
SAFFORD, JAMES. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Trinity, Jan. 29,
1745-50. S. of James, of Ipswich, Suffolk. School, Stow-
market (Mr Aldrick). Matric. 1750; B.A. i755- Ord. deacon
(Norwich) July, 1755; priest, Sept. 1757- V. of Mettingham,
Suffolk, 1758-1805.
SAGAR, see also SEAGAR.
SAGAR, CHARLES. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, May 28,
1653. S. of Thomas, husbandman, of Ightenhill-in-Whalley,
Lanes. Bapt. Jan. 24, 1635-6, at Burnley. School, Burnley
(MrAspden). Matric. 1653; B.A. 1657. Master of Blackburn
Grammar School, 165&-65. Licensed as a Presbyterian
teacher at Blackburn, Feb. 1672-3. Nonconformist minister
at Walmsley and at Darwen, 1687-97. Married Isabel, dau.
of Henry Astly, of Blackburn, Nov. 11, 1663. Buried at
Blackburn, Feb. 17, 1697-8. (E. Axon.)
SAGAR, EDWARD. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May 18, 1618.
Matric. 1618. Perhaps migrated to Oxford and matric. (Hart
Hall) Nov. 16, 1621, age 21; of Lancashire.
SAGAR or SEGAR, JEREMIAH. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Christ's,
Feb. 11, 1658-9. S. of lames. B. at Northallerton, Vorks.
School, Northallerton. "Matric. 1659; B.A. 1662-3. Ord.
deacon and priest (York) Sept. 1663; 'C. of Bradford.' V. of
Dewsbury, 1665. Died July 11, 1665. (Peile, i. 583; J. B.
Greenwood, Dewsbury, 163.)
SAGAR, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Michs. 1555- One
of these names R. of Trimlcy St Mary, Suffolk, 1580-1606.
SAGAR or SACAR, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Sx John's,
c. 1593.
Sagar, Joseph
SAGAR, JOSEPH. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1722. Doubtless s. of Joshua, presbyterian minister
of New Chapel, Wakefield (and Baptista, dau. of Captain
Joseph Poole, of Pontefract and of Wakefield). B. in
Yorkshire, 1694. M.A. 1723 {Lit. Reg.). Educated for the
Dissenting Ministry; conformed and became chaplain to
Bishop Hoadly. Ord. priest (Ely) Mar. 13, 1719-20. V. of
North Tidworth, and R. of Homerton, Wilts. Canon
residentiary of SaUsbury, 1724-57; preb., 1726-57; Arch-
deacon of Salisbury, 1727-32- Married Mary, dau. of
Edward Hearst, Esq., of Salisbury. Died July 18, 1757-
Buried in SaUsbur>' Cathedral. {F.M.G., 148.)
SAGAR, JOSHUA. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Dec. 1681. S. of
John, of Bradford, Yorks. Bapt. Jan. 6, 1655. B.A. 1681-2.
Ord. deacon (York) Dec. 1690; priest, Sept. 1692. Probably
R. of Nuthall, Notts., 1694. (Peiie, 11. 85, where he is con-
fused with the Wakefield presbyterian of these names, who
was s. of Charles (1653) and always a nonconformist.)
SAGAR, OTIS. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs. 1575-
SAGE, ELISHA. Adm.pens.at Pembroke, Apr. 7, 1676. S. of
George, of Bishop's N>Tnpton, Devon. Matric. (New Inn
Hall, Oxford) Apr. 7, 1674, age 18.
SAGE, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter, 1588.
S. of William (1562). Bapt. at Toddington, Beds., Nov. 20,
1573. B.A. 1592-3; M.A. 1595. Conduct at King's, 1595-8.
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Apr. 5, 1595. V. of Brickhill parva,
Bucks., 1598-1602. V. of Dedham, Essex, 1605-15. R. of
Layham, Sufiolk, 1614.
SAGE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Pembroke, Easter, 1569.
SAGE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Feb. 6, 1561-2.
Matric. 1562; Scholar, 1563; B.A. 1564-5; M.A. from
Pembroke, 1568. Fellow of Pembroke, c. 1568. Ord. deacon
(Ely) Dec. 19, 1563; priest, Nov. 5, 1564. Minister of Little
St Mary's, Cambridge, 1564-5. University preacher, 1569.
R. of St Andrew Wardrobe, London, 1570-4- R- of Todding-
ton, Beds., 1573-98. Buried there Aug. 7, 1598. Father of
Henry (1588). (T. A. Walker.)
SAGGE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1612; B.A.
1614-5; M.A. 1618. Ord. deacon (York) June, 1622; priest.
Mar. 1625-6. One John Sage was master of the Grammar
School, Houghton-le-Spring, Durham, 1 632-9.
SAGG, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's, Jan. 16,
1679-80. S. of William, woollendraper, of Hedon-in-Holder-
ness, Yorks. B. there. Schools, Burstwick (private) and
Beverley. Matric. 1680. Migrated to Sidney, June 12, 1680.
B.A. 1683-4; M.A. 1687. Lecturer at Trinity Church, Hull.
A non-juror. Brother of William (1678) and probably father
of the next.
SAGGE, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, June 18,
1716. S. of Thomas (? above), clerk, of Yorkshire. B. at
Thrushes, near Sutton. Matric. 1716.
SAGGE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, May 10,
1678. S. of William, draper, deceased. B. at Hedon, Yorks.
School, Burstwick (private). Matric. 1678. Migrated to
Corpus Christi. B.A. 1681; M.A. 1685. Fellow of Corpus
Christi, 1682-9. Ord. deacon (York) Sept. 1685. Died 1689.
Brother of Thomas (1679-80).
SAGITTARY, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Pembroke, June
20, 1717. S. of John, M.D., of Blandford, Dorset. M.B. 1722.
SAGO or SAGUS, WILLIAM. Scholar at King's Hall, 1393-8.
One William Sagow R. of Cricksea, Essex, 1384.
ST ALBANS, Prior of. D.Can.L. 1484-5. Probably Thomas
Ramryge or Ramrugge, who became abbot in 1492.
SAINTALMOND, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter,
1609; Scholar, 1611; B.A. 1612-3. Perhaps 'Secretary to
the Lord Keeper'; adm. at Gray's Inn, Mar 12, 1624-5.
Possibly M.P. for Stamford, 1624-5; as St Amand.
SAINTANDREW, WILLIAM. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Corpus
Christi, c. 1595. Of Nottinghamshire. Doubtless s. and h.
of George, of East Haddon, Northants. (and Barbara, dau.
of George Neville, of Grove, Notts.). Adm. at Gray's Inn,
Apr. 22, 1597. Married (1) Mary, dau. of Thomas and co-heir
of her uncle William, of Skeffington, Leics.; (2) Mary, dau.
of Edmund Pilkington. Died Nov. 25, 1624, aged 46. Buried
at Gotham, Notts. {Baker, i. 161.)
ST ANDREWS, . FeU.-Com. at Jesus, 1617-8. Possibly
John, s. and h. of WilUam (above). Adm. at Gray's Inn,
May 7, 1619. Of East Haddon, Northants., Esq. Married
Elizabeth, dau. of John Bainbridge, of Lockington, Leics.
Died Jan. 14, 1625-6. {Baker, i. 161.)
ST BARBE, EDWARD DE. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Magdalene,
July 6, 1671. S. of John, Esq., of Broadlands, Hants. Died
young. Brother of the next.
ST BARBE, Sir JOHN DE, Bart. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Mag-
dalene, July 6, 1671. 2nd s. of John, Esq., of Broadlands,
Romsey, Southampton. Created Bart., Dec. 30, 1663, when
Sainthill, Peter
only eight years old. Adm. at the Inner Temple, May 22,
1674. M.P. for Ilchester, 1681. Sheriff of Hants., 1704-
Married (i) Honor, dau. of Richard Norton, of Southwick,
Hants.; (2) Alice, dau. of the Hon. Richard Fiennes. Died
s.p., Sept. 17, 1723. Buried at Ashington, Somerset. M.I.
WiU, P.C.C. Brother of Edward (above). (G.E.C., in. 286.)
ST BENEDICT, Abbot of. D.D. 1460-1. John Kevyng was
Abbot, 1459-1500.
ST BONDULPH, WILLIAM DE. Scholar at Peterhouse, July,
1351, when the Master petitions the Pope for a benefice for
him. Described as M.A. {Cal. of Pap. Pet., 1. 211.)
ST ELOy, MOSES (GONQUET). Adm. FeU.-Com. at Clare,
June 25, 1707. B. in Jersey, 1687. Matric. 1709; B.A. 1710-
i; M.A. 1719. Ord. deacon (London) Aug. i, 1709; priest
(Ely) Dec. 23, 1711. R. of Marston, Beds., 1711. V. of
Langford, 1728.
ST FAITH, PETER DE. D.D. of Cambridge and Paris. CarmeUte
friar. Theologian. R. of Taverham, Norfolk, 1450. Author,
theological. Died at St Faith, Norwich, Nov. 8, 1452. (Pits,
647; D.N.B.)
ST FAITH, WILLIAM DE. D.D. of Cambridge. CarmeUte friar
of St Faith, Norwich. Died 1372. Buried at St Faith's.
{Pits; D.N.B.)
ST GEORGE, ANTHONY. Adm. pens, at Queens', Apr. 16,
1647. Of Cambridgeshire. Doubtless 5th s. of John, of
Hatley St George, Cambs. Scholar, 1650, expeUed. {Misc.
Gen. et Her., N.S., in. 79.)
ST GEORGE, BALDWIN. Adm. pens, at Queens', Apr. 3, 1592.
Of Cambridgeshire. Doubtless s. of John (1569), of Hatley
St George, Cambs. Bapt. 1573, at Ridgmont, Beds, (his
mother's home). B.A. 1592-3. ' Of Hungry Hatley, Cambs.' ;
adm. at Gray's Inn, May 14, 1595. {Geneal. Beds., 427.)
ST GEORGE, BALDWIN. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Queens', Mar. 16,
1649-50. Of London. Perhaps s. of Thomas (and Frances,
dau. of John Shelbury, of High Holbom). M.B. 1659. {Misc.
Gen. el Her., N.S., 111. 79-)
ST GEORGE, JOHN. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1476; B.A. 1480-1.
ST GEORGE, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
1569. Probably s. and h. of Francis, of Hatley St George,
Cambs. Married Mary, dau. of Peter Grey, of Ridgmont,
Beds. Living, 1610, age 66 {sic). Brother of Richard (1569)
and doubtless father of Baldvdn (1592) and WiUiam (1601).
{Vis. of Cambs., 1619.)
ST GEORGE, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Queens', May 5, 1574.
Of Cambridgeshire.
ST GEORGE, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
1569. Doubtless 2nd s. of Francis, of Hatley St George, Cambs.
(and Rose, dau. of Thomas Hutton, of Dry Drayton, Cambs.).
Windsor Herald, in 1602. Norroy king-of-arms, 1603-23;
Clarenceux king-of-arms, 1623-35. Knighted, Sept. 28, 1616.
Adm. at Gray's Inn, Mar. 3, 1617. Married EUzabeth, dau.
of Nicholas St John, of Liddiard Tregose, Wilts., in 1575.
A friend of Sir Robert Cotton, Camden and other eminent
antiquarians. Left genealogical manuscripts. Died May 17,
1635. Buried at St Andrew's, Holbom, London. Brother
of John (1569). {Misc. Gen. et Her., N.S., iii. 78; Vis. of
Cambs., 1619; D.N.B.)
ST GEORGE, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Trinity Hall,
Michs. 1627. Of Cambridgeshire. LL.B. 1633. FeUow,
scholar from Eton, 1496; B.A. 1499-1500 (1st in the ordo);
M.A. 1503-4. FeUow, until 1507. 'Afterwards "receiver"
of the CoUege.' WiU (V.C.C.) 1514. {Harwood.)
ST GEORGE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Apr. 14,
1601. 2nd s. of John (1569), gent., of Hatley St George,
Cambs. School, King's, Cambridge. Scholar, 1601-4; B.A.
from Trinity, 1606-7. Went to Douay, Sept. 21, 1610. Ord.
deacon, Dec. 21, 1613; priest, Feb. 22, 1613-4. Sent to
England, 1617; arrested and banished. Again sent Sept. 14,
1618. Labouring as a priest in Northumberland, in 1632 and
1649. Date of death not known. (Fcnn,i. 175; E. H. Burton;
Vis. of Cambs., 1619.)
SAINTHILL, HUMPHREY. M.A. 1621 (Incorp. from Oxford).
Perhaps s. of Peter, of Bradninch, Devon. Matric. (Oriel
CoUege, Oxford) May 18, 1610, age 13; B.A. (Lincohi CoUege,
Oxford) 1613-4; M.A. 1616. R. of Zeal Monachorum,
Devon, 1623. Admon. (Exeter) 1629-30. {Vis. of Devon,
1620; Al. Oxon.)
SAINTHILL, PETER. M.A. 1639 (Incorp. from Oxford). S. of
Peter, of Southwark, Surrey, pleb. Matric. (Corpus Christi
CoUege, Oxford) Dec. 5, 1623, age 16; B.A. (Pembroke
CoUege, Oxford) 1628. Probably R. of Ovington, Essex,
1635. R. of Long Melford, Sufiolk, 1655. (H. Smith; Al.
Sainthill, Peter
SAINTHILL, PETER. Adm. (age 18) at Emmakuel, Nov. 1750.
2nd s. of Peter, of Garlick Hill, London, surgeon. School,
Bury St Edmunds. Matric. 1750; B.A. 1755. Adm. at the
Inner Temple, Jan. 14, 1752. Ord. deacon (London) Sept. 21,
1755. DiedatSouthampton, Nov. 9(?0ct. 8), 1762. Admon.
(P.C.C.) 1763. (G. Mag.; Musgrave; L. Mag.)
ST IVES, JOHN. Resident at King's Hall untU 1412. See
ST JOHN, ALEXANDER. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Queens', Nov. 9,
1601. Of Bedfordshire. 4th s. of Oliver, 3rd Baron St John,
ofBletsoe. Knighted, Aug. 5, 1608. M.P. for Bedford, 1614,
1620-2, 1624-5; for Barnstaple, 1626, 1628-9. Married
Margaret, dau. of John Trye, of Hardwick, Gloucs., Esq.
Died c. June, 1657. Brother of the next, of Beauchamp
(1609-10), Henry (1604), Oliver (1595) and Rowland (1604).
(Vis. of Beds., 1634, 194; Collins, vi. 744.)
ST JOHN, ANTHONY. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Queens', Nov. 9,
1601. Of Bedfordshire. 3rd s. of Oliver, 3rd Baron St John,
of Bletsoe. Knighted, Aug. 5, 1608. M.P. for Wigan, 1624-
5, 1626, 1628-9; for Cheshire, 1625. Brother of Alexander
(1601), etc. and father of Oliver (1627). (Vis. of Beds., 1634,
ST JOHN, ANTHONY. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 17) at Christ's,
May 4, 1636. 4th s. of Ohver (1595), 4th Baron of Bletsoe
and Earl Bolingbroke. Bapt. May 10, 1618, at Melchboume,
Beds. Married Ann Kensham, of Tempsford, Beds., Aug. 8,
1639. Buried at Bletsoe, June 21, 1673. Probably brother
of Oliver (1615). (Peile, i. 442; Vis. of Beds., 1634, 194;
Geneal. Bedford.)
ST JOHN, BEAUCHAMP. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Queens', Mar. 9,
1609-10. 7th s. of Oliver, Baron St John, of Bletsoe, Beds.
M.A. 1612-3 (on King's visit). Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, May 5,
1613. Knighted, July 24 (22), 1619. M.P. for Beds., 1620-2;
for Bedford, 1626, 1628-9, 1640. Married Rebecca, dau. of
William Hawkins, of Tilbrook, Beds., Oct. 14, 1613. Will
(Leicester) 1667 (the date of his death has been confused by
Collins and other authorities with that of his wife, who was
buried at Tilbrook, Mar. 26, 1631). Brother of Alexander
(1601), etc. (Vis. of Beds., 1634, 194; Collins, vi. 745.)
ST JOHN, FRANCIS. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Emmanuel, July 21,
1648. Of Bedfordshire. S. and h. of Oliver (1615-6), of
Longthorpe, Northants. (and Frances, dau. of Sir John
Altham, of Latton, Essex, Knt.). M.A. 1650 (Jil. nob.).
Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 14, 1648. CaUed to the Bar,
1656. M.P. for Peterborough, 1656, 1659, 1679-80, 1698-
1700. Of Longthorpe, Northants. Married (i) Mary, dau.
of Dionysius Wakeringe, of Kelvedon, Essex; (2) Mary,
dau. of Dannett Foorth, alderman of London. Died 1705.
Brother of WiUiam (1652-3). (Burke, Ext. Bart.; Noble,
Cromwell Family, 11. 24.)
ST JOHN, FRANCIS. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1654. Of
London. 3rd s. of Sir Paulet, K.B., and grandson of Oliver,
ist Earl of Bolingbroke. Died unmarried. (Collins, vi. 747;
Burke, Ext. Peerage.)
ST JOHN, FRANCIS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius, June 24,
1713. S. of Thomas, of East Tuddenham, Norfolk, gent.
B. there. School, Reepham (Mr Robinson). Matric. 1713;
Scholar, 1713-8; B.A. 1716-7; M.A. 1729. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) July 13, 1718; priest, June 12, 1720. V. of
Reepham, 1723-56. Died Jan. 28 (? 24), 1756. WiU (Norwich
Arch. C.) 1756. (Venn, i. 530; G. Mag.)
ST JOHN, HENRY. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Queens', Easter,
1604. 6th s. of Oliver, 3rd Baron St John, of Bletsoe, Beds.
M.A. 1612-3 (on King's visit). Knighted, July 24 (22), 1619.
Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Aug. 9, 1627. Died young. Brother
of Alexander (i6oi), etc. (Vis. of Beds., 1634, 194.)
SAINT JOHN, HENRY. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 16) at Caius,
May 29, 1668. S. and h. of Sir Walter, Bart., of Liddiard
Tregose, Wilts, (and Joanna, dau. of Oliver St John (1615-6)).
Bapt. Oct. 17, 1652, at Battersea, Surrey. School, Eton.
Matric. 1668; M.A. from St John's, 1669 (Lit. Reg.). Incorp.
at Oxford, 1669. D.C.L. (Oxford) 1702. M.P. for Wootton
Bassett, 1679-81, 1685-7, 1689-95, 1698-1700; for Wilts.,
1695-8. Succeeded his father as 4th Bart., July 3, 1708.
Created Viscount and Baron St John of Battersea, July 2,
1716. Married (i) Mary, dau. of Robert Rich, Earl of
Warwick; (2) Angelica Magdelina, dau. of George PeUssary,
Treasurer of the Navy to Louis XIV. Died Apr. 8, 1742,
aged c. 90. His son Henry was created Viscount BoUngbroke
ini7i2. Brother of John (1683). (Venn,i. 434; G.E.C., i. 25.)
ST JOHN, JOHN. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1473.
Left as scholar. One of these names s. and h. of Sir John,
K.B. and grandson of Sir Oliver, of Bletsoe, Beds. K.B.,
1502. Married and had issue. (G.E.C.; Collins, vi. 742.)
ST JOHN, JOHN. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1479.
Perhaps s. and h. of Ohver, of Liddiard Tregose, Wilts., and
cousin of John (above). If so, knighted, June 17, 1497.
Married and had issue. Died 1512. Ifi.E.C.)
St John, Oliver
SAYNT JOHNS, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
1545. One of these names, 'of Bletsoe, Beds.,' adm. at the
Inner Temple, 1549.
SAYNT JOHNS, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
1545 (separate entry).
ST JOHN, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's, Easter,
1633. Of Bedfordshire. Perhaps s. of Oliver, of Keysoe.
Bapt. there, Sept. 13, 1615.
ST JOHN, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Emmanuel, June 30,
1683. Of Wiltshire. Doubtless 2nd s. of Walter, Bart., of
Liddiard Tregose, Wilts., and of Battersea, Surrey. Adm. at
the Inner Temple, Nov. 2, 1685. Died young. Brother of
Henry (1668). (Lyson's Environs of London, i. 30.)
ST JOHN, NEEDHAM. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Emmanuel,
June 1, 1743. S. of Francis, gent., of Cold Overton, Leics.
School, Nuneaton. Matric. 1743. Died July 25, 1762, aged
37. (Nichols, II. 656.)
SANCT JOHN, OLIVER Adm. scholar (age 16) at Caius, July
14, 1579. Resident in 1581. S. of Henry (? Thomas), gent.,
of Keysoe, Beds. School, Ely. One of these names buried
at Keysoe, Mar. 3, 1625-6 (but according to Geneal. Bedford,
404, this was Oliver, s. of Thomas, and grandson of Ohver,
1st Baron St John). Possibly father of Oliver (1615-6).
(Venn, i. 103.)
SEINJOHN, OLIVER. Adm. scholar (age 17) at Caius, Apr. 15,
1581. S. of Henry, gent. Bapt. Jan. 14, 1564, at Milton,
Beds. School, Dalling, Norfolk. Probably of Hockerinc;
Park, Norfolk, and East Tuddenham. Married Mary, dau.
of Robert Tilney, of East Tuddenham. (Venn, i. 111.)
ST JOHN, OLIVER. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Peterhouse, c.
1595. Doubtless s. and h. of Oliver, 3rd Baron St John, of
Bletsoe, Beds. B. c. 1580. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Apr. 20,
1597. M.P. for Beds., 1601 and 1604. K.B., 1610. Suc-
ceeded his father as 4th Baron St John, Sept. 1618. Created
Earl of Bolingbroke, Dec. 28, 1624. Joined the ParUa-
mentarians, 1642. Lord-Lieutenant of Beds., 1643-6. Took
the covenant and became a lay member of the Westminster
Assembly, 1643. A commissioner for the custody of the
Great Seal, 1643-6. Married Elizabeth, dau. of WiUiam
Paulet, of Ewalden, Somerset. Died June, 1646. Father of
Anthony (1636) and probably of OUver (1615). (D.N.B.;
ST JOHN, OLIVER. Matric. pens, from Queens', Lent, 1615-6.
S. and h. of OUver (? 1579), of Ke>'Soe, Beds, (and Sarah,
dau. of Edward Buckley, D.D.). Adm. at Lincoln's Inn,
Apr. 22, 1619. Barrister, 1626. Counsel for Lord Saye and
John Hampden in their resistance to the payment of Ship-
money, 1637. M.P. for Totnes in the Short and Long
Parhaments, 1640-53. Solicitor-General, 1641-8. Promoted
the BiU for Strafford's attainder. One of the commissioners
to treat for peace at Uxbridge, 1645; sided with the army
against the Parliament, 1647. Chief Justice C.P., 1648-60.
Chancellor of the University, 1651-60. Member of the
Council of State, 1659-60. Of Longthorpe, Northants.
Married three wives (his 2nd wife was EUzabeth, dau. of
Henry CromweU). Left England, 1662; went to Basel and
afterwards to Augsburg. Died Dec. 31, 1673. Father of
Francis (1648) and of WiUiam (1652-3). (D.N.B.; Burke,
Ext. Bart.; Geneal. Bedford. 404.)
ST JOHN, OLIVER. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Queens', Nov. 3,
1615. Doubtless s. of OUver (c. 1595), 4th Baron St John.
Matric. 1618; M.A. 1620 (Lit. Reg.). M.P. for Beds., 1624-5,
1626, 1628-9. K.B., 1626. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Aug. 9,
1627. Held Hereford for the ParUament, 1642. Married
Arabella, dau. of John Egerton, Earl of Bridgewater. Died
of wounds at Edgehill, Oct. 23, 1642. Probably brother of
Anthony (1636). (D.N.B.)
ST JOHN, OLIVER. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 15) at Sidney,
June 2, 1627. S. of Sir Anthony (1601), Knt. B. in London.
Schools, Chenies, Bucks. (Mr Peter Alibond) and Hammer-
smith (Mr Thomas Goodwyn). Matric. 1627. Adm. at
Lincoln's Inn, Apr. 22, 1630. CaUed to the Bar, 1638. (Vis.
of Beds., 1634, 194.)
ST JOHN, OLIVER. Matric. FeU.-Com. from St Catharine's,
Michs. 1640. Of Northamptonshire. Doubtless s. and h. of
Sir Rowland (1604), K.B., of Woodford. Created Bart.
June 28, 1660. Married Barbara, dau. of John St Andrew,
of Gotham, Notts. Died Jan. 2, 1661-2, aged 37. (Baker,
I. i6t, 486; G.E.C, III. 68.)
ST JOHN, OLIVER. Adm. pens, at Caius, Jan. 6, 1675-6. S. of
Oliver, of Tuddenham, Norfolk, and probably grandson of
Oliver (1581). B. in Hampshire. Matric. FeU.-Com. Easter,
1676; Scholar, 1676-83; B..'^. 1679-80; M.A. 1684. Ord.
priest (Norwich) Mar. 1682-3. R- of Freethorpe, Norfolk,
1683-5; of Wickhampton, 1683-4. Licensed to marry
Bridget Cannon of Swaffham, 1684. (Venn, 1. 455.)
St John, Oliver
ST JOHN, OLIVER. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 17) at Trinity,
July 29, 1708. S. of Oliver, of Tonragee, Co. Armagh.
School, Hackney, London (Mr Morland). Adm. at Lincoln's
Inn, Sept. 27, 1710. Probably F.R.S., 1720. Died Nov. 26,
1743- (<?• Mag., 1743-)
ST JOHN, PAWLET. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, July 13,
1697. S. of John, LL.D. B. in London. School, Canterbury.
Migrated to St John's, Mar. 30, 1699. Matric. 1699; B.A.
1701-2; M.A. 1705; D.D. 1718. Fellow of St John's, 1705-8.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1711. Ord. deacon (London) June 3, 1705;
priest (Chichester) Dec. 6, 1706. R. of Yelden, Beds., 1707.
Chaplain to Queen Anne. V. of Melchboume, 1708-15. R. of
Shelton, 1715. R. of Stackpole Elidore, Pembroke, 1718.
Canon of Hereford, 1721-32. Died Dec. 27, 1732. Will
(P.C.C.) 1733. Father of the next. {Al. Oxon.)
ST JOHN, PAWLET. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, Jan. 14,
1730-1. S. of Pawlet (above), of Bedfordshire. B. at Yelden.
School, Bury, Suffolk. Matric. 1731; B.A. 1734-5; M.A.
1738; B.D. 1746. Fellow, 1737-49- Ord. deacon (Lincoln)
Mar. 15, 1738-9; priest, June 17, 1739. V. of Melchboume,
Beds., 1742-75. Died Apr. 5, 1775. Will (P.C.C.) 1776.
(Scott-Mayor, in. 432; G. Mag.)
ST JOHN, ROWLAND. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Queens',
Easter, 1604. Of Bedfordshire. 5th s. of Oliver, 3rd Lord
St John, of Bletsoe. Perhaps the same who was M.A. from
St John's, 1614; 'fil. nob.' M.P. for Higham Ferrers, 1614;
for Tiverton, 1625. K.B., 1616. Married Sybilla, dau. of
John Vaughan, of Hargast, Hereford. Died Aug. 5, 1645.
Brother of Alexander (1601), etc. and father of Oliver (1640).
{Vis. of Beds., 1634, 194; G.E.C., in. 68.)
ST JOHN, ST ANDREW. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's,
Sept. 14, 1702. 2nd s. of Sir St Andrew, 2nd Bart., of
Woodford and East Haddon, Northants. B. at Culford,
Suffolk. School, Guilsborough, Northants. (Mr Worling).
Scholar, 1702-3. Succeeded his brother Oliver as 4th Bart.,
c. 1710. Of Woodford and East Haddon, Northants. Married
Anne, dau. of Sir William James, of Korlings, SuSolk, and
of Kensington, Middlesex. Died 1711. Admon., Nov. 7,
i7n. Brother of William (1709). (Le Neve, A/cm.; Peile,
XI. 155-6; G.E.C., III. 68.)
ST JOHN, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Queens', Michs. 1559.
One of these names buried at Bletsoe, Beds., Dec. 27,
SENJHONS, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Michs.
ST JOHN, WILLIAM. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Emmanuel, Feb. 2,
1652-3. 2nd s. of Oliver (1615-6), of Enfield, Middlesex,
Chief Justice. B. 1637. Adm. at Lincohi's Inn, Feb. 5,
1652-3. Died unmarried. Brotherof Francis (1648). (Burke,
Ext. Bart.)
ST JOHN, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Jesus, July 5, 1709.
4th s. of Sir St Andrew, 2nd Bart., deceased, of Woodford,
Northants. Matric. 1709; B.A. 1712-3. Succeeded as 9th
Baron Bletsoe, May 10, 1714. Died unmarried, Oct. 11, 1720.
Brother of St Andrew (1702). {Collins, vi. 749; G.E.C.)
ST JUST, THOMAS. Mus.Doc. (probably 1461-2). Warden of
King's Hall, 1463-7. R. of Anstey, Herts., 1455-67.
Chaplain to the King. R. of St James' Garlickhithe.
Archdeacon of Chester, 1462-7. Preb. of Lincohi, 1465-7.
Preb. of St Paul's, 1466-7. Preb. of Hereford, 1467. Pre-
centor of Sarum, 1467. Died Sept. 1467. {Hennessy;Cussans,
I. ii. 62.)
SENTLEGER, ANTHONY. Educated at Cambridge. S. of
Ralph, of Ulcombe, Kent. B. c. 1496. Of Gray's Inn.
Gentleman of the King's Privy Chamber, 1538. Knighted,
1539. Sheriff of Kent, 1539. Lord Deputy of Ireland, 1540.
Passed the act giving Henry VIII and his heirs the title of
King of Ireland, 1541. K.G., 1543. Confirmed as deputy of
Edward VI, 1547. Returned to England, 1548. Recon-
stituted Lord Deputy, 1550. Privy Councillor, 1553. Re-
called on a charge of falsifying his accounts, 1556. Of Leeds
Castle, Kent, 1552. Married Agnes, dau. of Hugh Warham,
Esq., of Croydon, and niece to William Warham, Archbishop
of Canterbury. Died Mar. 16, 1559. Buried at Ulcombe.
{Cooper, I. 196; D.N.B.)
ST LEGER, ANTHONY. Matric. Fell.-Com. from St John's,
Easter, 1626. Doubtless s. and h. of Sir Warham (i 614-5).
Knighted, July 28, 1642. Warden of the Mint, 1669. Of
St Paul's, Co vent Garden, London. Married (i) Barbara,
dau. of Thomas Sherley; (2) Mary Norwood. Died 1680.
(C. Wykeham-Martin, Leeds Castle, 157.)
ST LEGER, ANTHONY. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Peterhouse,
June 9, 1750. Of Ireland. 4th s. of Sir John, Baron of the
Irish Exchequer. Bapt. Feb. 29, 1731. Matric. 1750. M.P.
for Grimsby, 1768-74. Major-General, 1781. Died Apr.
1786. Brother of the next. {T. A. Walker, 299; Lodge, vi.
120, says he died in London, Mar. 5, 1770.)
St Quintin, Henry
ST LEGER, BARRIMORE MATTHEW. Adm. pens, (age 18)
at Peterhouse, Mar. 28, 1751. 5th s. of Sir John, Baron of
the Irish Exchequer. Bapt. May i, 1733. School, Eton.
Matric. 1752, 'Barry'; B.A. 1755; M.A. 1763. Fellow, 1763.
Brother of Anthony (above). (Lodge, vi. 120.)
ST LEGER, Sir WARHAM. M.A. 1614-5 (on King's visit).
Doubtless 2nd s. of Sir Anthony, of Ulcombe, and of Leeds
Castle, Kent (and Mary, dau. of Sir Thomas Scott, of Scott's
Hall), and great-grandson of Anthony, Lord Deputy of
Ireland. Knighted, June 13, 1608. Went with Raleigh to
Guiana, 1617. Alienated Leeds Castle, c. 1618. Married
Mary, dau. of Sir Rowland Hayward (twice Lord Mayor of
London). Died 1631. Buried at Ulcombe. Doubtless father
of Anthony (1626).
SAINTLOW, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Mar. 25, 1653.
Previously matric. (Trinity College, Oxford) June 5, 1651.
Of London. Matric. 1653; B.A. 1654-5.
ST LOE, LAURENCE. M.A. 1682 (Com. Reg.). One of these
names 3rd s. of Edward, of Knighton, Wilts. B. Sept. 4, 1651.
(Hutchins, iv. 81.)
ST NEOTS, HUGH DE. D.D. of Cambridge. Carmelite friar of
Hitchin monastery. Author, theologi(»l. Died 1340. (Pits,
ST NEOTS, Prior of. Resident pens, at Peterhouse, 1417-8.
Pays 13s. 4i. for his chamber.
ST NICHOLAS, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Apr. 5, 1619.
Doubtless 2nd s. of Thomas (next), of Ash, Kent. Bapt.
there. Mar. 25, 1603-4. Matric. 1619. Joined the Inde-
pendents and was among the foremost of 'the adventurers
in the First Plantation of New England.* R. of Luttei-worth,
Leics., c. 1657; ejected, 1662. Married (i) Etheldreda, dau.
of Basil Good, of Stretton-under- Fosse, Warws. ; (2) Priscilla,
dau. of Anthony Grey, Earl of Kent. Author, theological.
Died May 27, 1698, aged 94. Buried at Burbach. Brother
of Thomas (1619) and father of Timothy (1646). (Calamy,
II. 119; Nichols, IV. 270.)
ST NICHOLAS, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Queens', Michs.
1583. Of Kent. Doubtless 2nd s. of Vincent, of Ash, Kent.
Bapt. there, Aug. 27, 1567. Married (i) Dorothea, dau. of
William Tilghman; (2) Elizabeth Woodward. Died 1626.
Will proved, Jan. i, 1626-7. Father of John (above) and of
the next. (Planch^, A Corner of Kent, 371.)
ST NICHOLAS, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Apr. 5,
1 619. Doubtless s. and h. of Thomas (above), of Ash,
Kent. Bapt. there, Oct. 3, 1602. Matric. 1619. Adm. at
the Inner Temple, 1623. Barrister. M.P. for Yorks., 1653;
for Canterbury, 1656-8 and 1659. Married (i) Susannah,
dau. of William Copley, of Wadsworth, Yorks. ; (2) Elizabeth,
dau. of Henry Croke, of Well Place, Oxfordshire. Died 1668.
Brother of John (1619). (Vis. of Kent, 1663; Vis. of Warws.,
1682; Planch6, A Corner of Kent, 372.)
ST NICHOLAS, TIMOTHY. Adm. pens, at Trinity, May 21,
1646. Matric. 1646. S. and h. of John (1619), of Stretl.on-
under-Fosse, Warws. Adm. at the Inner Temple, 1649.
Age 53 in 1682. Succeeded at Stretton. Married (i) Anne,
dau. of Christopher Copley, of Wadworth, Yorks.; (2) Eliza-
beth More, of Linley, Salop. Died June 10, 1698. Buried at
Monks Kirby. M.I. (Vis. of Warws., 1682; Nichols, iv. 269.)
ST OSWALD, Prior of. Incorp. 1479-80.
ST OWEN, THOMAS DE. Scholar at King's Hall, 1358. Died
Aug. 15, 1361.
ST PIERRE, PETER. B.A. 1732 (Incorp. from Trinity College,
Dublin). Adm. there, June 30, 1722, age 18. S. of Peter.
B. in Holland. School, Westminster. B.A. (Dublin) 1725.
(Al. Dublin.)
ST QUINTIN, ANSELM. .'Vdm. scholar (age 18) at Caius, Feb. 18,
1578-9. 2nd s. of Gabriel, of Harpham, Yorks. School,
Pocklington (Mr Elis). Died unmarried. (Burke, L.G.; Vis.
of Yorks., 1584.)
ST QUINTING, GABRIEL. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Caius, Oct.
17, 1584. S. and h. of Matthew, gent., of HarsweO, Yorks.
B. al Kelk, Yorks. School, York. Married Catherine
Craddock, of Burton Agnes, 1591. (Vis. of Yorks., 1584.)
SAYNTQUYNTIN, HENRY. Matric. Fell.-Com. from St John's,
Easter, 1623. S. and h. of Sir William, of Harpham, Yorks.,
ist Bart. Adm. at the Inner Temple, 1623-4. Succeeded as
2nd Bart., Oct. 1649. Married Mary, dau. of Henry Staple-
ton, of WighiU, Yorks. Died Nov. 1695. Brother of Thomas
(1635) and father of the next. (Burke, L.G.; Vis. of Yorks.,
1612; G.E.C, II. 161.)
ST QUINTIN, HENRY. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, Apr.
15, 1652. S. of Sir Henry (above), Knt. and Bart., of Bever-
ley, and of Harpham, Yorks. B. at Towton-in-Saxton, Yorks.
School, York. Buried June 23, 1696, at St Mary's, Beverley.
(Burke, L.G.; T'«. of Yorks., 1665.)
St Quintin, Matthew Chitty
ST QUINTIN, MATTHEW CHITTY. Adm. scholar (age i6) at
Sidney, Apr. 17, 1718. 2nd s. of Hugh (and Catherine, dau.
of Matthew Chitty, Esq.). B. at Amsterdam, Holland.
Schools, Greenwich and Hackney (Mr Newcomb). Adm. at
the Middle Temple, Apr. 18, 1718. M.P. for Old Sarum,
1728-34. Died at York, May 8, 1783, aged 83. Buried at
Harpham. M.I. Will proved (York) June 21, 1783. Brother
of William (1718). (Burke, Ext. Bart.)
ST QUINTIN, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's,
June 5, 1635. 4th s. of WiUiam, Esq., of Harpham, Yorks.
(created Bart., 1641-2). B. at Folkton. Adm. at Gray's
Inn, Mar. 24, 1637-8. Of Flamborough, Yorks. Married
Ann, dau. of Thomas Wood, Esq., of Thorp. Buried Aug. 28,
1667, at Flamborough. Will (York) 1668. Brother of Henry
(1623). (Burke, Ext. Bart.; Vis. of Yorks., 1665.)
ST QUINTIN, WILLIAM. Adm. scholar (age 18) at Sidney,
Apr. 17, 1718. S. and h. of Hugh. B. at Amsterdam, Holland.
Schools, Greenwich and Hackney (Mr Newcomb). Adm. at
the Middle Temple, Apr. 18, 1718. M.P. for Thirsk, 1722-7.
Succeeded his uncle, Sir William as 4th Bart., June 30, 1723.
Sheriff of Yorks., 1729. Of Harpham and of Scampston,
Yorks. Married Rebecca, dau. of Sir John Thompson (Lord
Mayor of London, 1736-7). Died May 9, 1770, at Bath.
Will, P.C.C. Brother of Matthew Chitty (1718) and father
of the next. {G.E.C., 11. 162.)
ST QUINTIN, WILLIAM. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Trinity Hall,
Nov. 3, 1747. S. and h. of Sir William (above), 4th Bart.
Bapt. July 4, 1729, at Rillington, Yorks. Succeeded his
father as 5th Bart., May 9, 1770. Sheriff of Yorks., 1772-3.
Married Charlotte, dau. of Henry Fane, of Wormsley, Oxon.,
M.D., and granddaughter of Nicholas Rowe, the poet. Died
s.p., July 22, 1795. Buried at Harpham. M.I. {G.E.C., 11.
SAKER, CHRISTOPHER. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's,
May 22, 1638. S. of Christopher. B. at Faversham, Kent.
Schools, Canterbury (Mr Ludd) and Wingham. {Vis. of
Kent, 1619.)
SALCOTT, JOHN. B.Civ.L. 1488-^.
SALEBANK, SAMUEL. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1614; B.A. 1616-7, 'Swilbanck.' Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
Dec. 21, 1617; priest, June 11, 1620. R. of Wainfleet All
Saints', Lines., 1619-22. Died 1622. Admon., 1622; 'Saile-
banckes,' Lincoln.
SALEMAN, WILLIAM. 1261. Southern student who received
a royal pardon for taking part in a riot against the northern
students. (Fuller, 29.)
SALESET, THOMAS. M.A. excused regency, 1469-70.
SALETT, JOHN. Doctor. Incorp. 1458-9, from Oxford.
SALING, ROGER. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1581.
R. of HoUisley, Sufiolk, 1606-14.
SALYNG, WILLIAM. Incorp. from Oxford, 1505-6. Augustinian
canon of Merton, c. 1485. Prior of Merton, 1502-20. D.D.
(Oxford) 1504. Died Mar. 14, 1519-20. (H. G. Harrison.)
SALISBURY, AMBROSE. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Easter,
1626. Matric. 1626-7; B.A. 1630-1; M.A. 1634. Ord. priest
(Coventry and Lichfield) Sept. 20, 1635. R. of Whepstead,
Suffolk, 1643.
SALISBURY, GABRIEL. B.A. from Trinity, 1614-5. B. at
Llanvorog, Denbigh. M.A. 1620. Incorp. at Oxford, 1622.
Ord. deacon (London) Dec. 21, 1617, age 25; priest, Mar. 1,
1617-8. C. of Stapleford Abbotts, Essex. V. of Hartlip,
Kent, 1623. WiU (P.C.C.) 1649.
SALISBURY, JAMES. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney, Feb. 6,
1663-4. S. of Thomas, yeoman. B. at Ration, Suffolk.
Schools, Cheveley, Cambs., Dalham, Sufiolk and Ratton.
Matric. 1664; B.A. 1667-8; M.A. 1671. Ord. deacon (Ely)
Dec. 20, 1668; priest, Sept. 22, 1672. V. of Newton, Suffolk,
1684-1715. Died 1715.
SALISBURY, JAMES (CECIL), Earl of. M.A. 1707 (Incorp. from
Christ Church, Oxford). S. and h. of James, Earl of Salisbury
(whom see, under Cecil). B. June, 1691. Succeeded to the
peerage, Nov. 1694. Educated at Oxford. Matric. (Christ
Church) 1705. Created M.A. (Oxford) 1707. Lord-Lieutenant
of Herts., 1712-4. Married Anne, dau. of Thomas (Tufton)
Earl of Thanet. Died Oct. 9, 1728. Buried at Hatfield.
SALISBURY, JOHN. Studied at Cambridge. A Benedictine
monk, of Bury St Edmunds. Prior of St Faith, Horsham,
Norfolk. Perhaps graduated in laws at Oxford, 1530.
Suffragan Bishop of Thetford, 1536. Archdeacon of Anglesey,
Salisbury, William
1537-54 and 1559-73. Canon of Norwich, 1538-9. Dean of
Norwich, 1539-54, 1560-73. Held the livings of Cleydon,
Suffolk, 1541-59, and Creke, Lopham (1547), and Trunch,
Norfolk. Chancellor of Lincoln, 1554-67. Bishop of Sodor
and Man, 1570-3. Died Sept. 1573. Buried in St Andrew's
Church, Norwich. (Cooper, i. 318, who confounds his degrees
with those of Robert; D.N.B. errs similarly.)
SALISBURY, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Clare, Easter, 1621;
B.A. 1624-5; M.A. 1628; B.D. 1634. Fellow, till 1634-5.
Buried at St Edward's, Cambridge, Feb. 11, 1634-5.
SALISBURY, JOHN. Adm. scholar at Trinity Hall, Jan. 4,
1724-5. Of ' Bachegraig Dymerchion,' Flintshire. Doubtless
s. and h. of Thomas, of Bachegraig. B. Oct. 1, 1710. Matric.
1724-5; M.A. 1728 (Com. Reg.). Married a daughter of Sir
Robert Cotton, Bart. Died Dec. 11, 1762. Brother of Thomas
(1726). (CliUterbuck, in. 98; Burke, Ext. Bart.)
SALUSBURY, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Trinity Hall,
Oct. 14, 1745. Matric. 1747; LL.B. 1747. Ord. deacon (Ely,
Litt. dim. from St Asaph) Feb. 19, 1748-9.
SALISBURY, PETER. Adm. pens, (age 15) at St John's, May 3,
1634. 2nd s. of Salisbury Roberts, gent., of St Asaph (and
Mary Humphreys). B. there. School, St Asaph (private).
Matric. 1634; B.A. 1637-8; M.A. 1641. Married Katherine,
dau. of John Lloyd, Sept. 5, 1644. Brotherof Thomas (1634).
(Scott-Mayor, 1. 16.)
SAULSBURY, REGINALD. Matric. sizar from Magdalene,
Easter, 1605; B.A. from Pembroke, 1608-9; M.A. 1612.
V. of Llannvst, Denbigh, 1614-8. V. of Llandasa, Flintshire,
1618-33. R. of Llansaintffraid-Glan-Conway, 1618-33.
Canon of St Asaph, 1622-33. R. of Denbigh, 1625-33.
Died Mar. 1, 1632-3, aged 73 (sic). M.I. at St Asaph.
SALISBURIE, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs.
1582. Probably s. of Richard, of Newton Burgeland, Leics.
B.A. 1585-6. R. of Ravenstone, Derbs. Will (P.C.C.)
1620. (Nichols, III. 940; Vis. of Leics., 1619.)
SALISBURY, ROBERT. B.A. 1518-9; M.A. 1522-3; B.D. 1533
4. Fellow of Jesus, 1523-39. Ord. acolyte (Lincoln) Mar. 12,
1529-30. Probably V. of Olney, Bucks., c. 1541-4, and
preb. of Rochester, 1543-4. Died at Olney, 1544. Will
(P.C.C.) 1544. (Lipscomb, iv. 306.)
SALISBURY, ROBERT. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Dec. 20, 1618;
'B.A. of St John's College.'
SALUSBURY, THELWALL. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's,
June 27, 1750. Of Denbighshire. S. of Norfolk, of Plas-y-
ward, Denbigh, Esq. Matric. i75<>-i; LL.B. 1756. Ord.
deacon (Lincohi) June 9, 1754. V. of Offley, Herts., 1755-75-
V. of Graveley, 1770-1803. Married Anne, a natural daughter
of James Cecil, Earl of Salisbury. Died July 17, 1803, aged
74. M.I. at Graveley. (Clutterbuck, in. 98; 11. 333.)
SALISBURY, THOMAS. Ord. deacon (London) May 12, 1591;
'aged 35; B.A. of Jesus CoUege'; priest, Jan. 26, 1591-2.
B. at Catton, Norfolk. R. of St Giles-in-the-Fields, London,
SALISBURY, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse,
Easter, 1606-7. S. of Robert, sailor, of All Hallows, Barking,
London. B. 1587. Grecian at Christ's Hospital, 1606.
Scholar, 1610-1; B.A. 1610-1; M.A. 1614; B.D. 1621. Ord.
deacon (London) Mar. 1612-3; priest. May 30, 1613.
SALISBURY, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter,
SALISBURY, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's,
May 3, 1634. S. of 'Salisbury Roberts,' gent., of St Asaph.
B. there. School, St Asaph (private). Matric. 1634. Brother
of Peter (1634).
SALISBURY, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Trinity Hall, 1726.
5. of Thomas, of 'Bach-Egraig Dymerchion,' Flintshire.
B. 1711. Matric. 1726; Scholar, 1728; LL.B. 1734; LL.D.
1740. Fellow, 1732-51. Commissary of the Dean and
Chapter of St Paul's. Chancellor of St Asaph diocese,
1743-73- Knighted, Nov. 18, 1751. Judge of the Admiralty
Court, 1751-73. Married (1) Nov. 1751, Anna Maria, dau.
of Sir Henry Penrice; (2) Sarah, dau. of Samuel Burroughs,
Esq. and widow of William King (s. of Lord Kingston).
Died s.p., Oct. 28, 1773, aged 66. Buried at Offley. M.I.»
Lilley, Herts. Brother of John (1724-5). {Clutterbuck, in
SALSBURY, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's
Mar. 7, 1649-50. S. of John, gent. B. at Llanrwst, Denbigh.
School, Llanrwst. Matric. 1650; B.A. 1653-4; M.A. 1659.
Probably R. of St George, alias Kegidog, Denbigh, 1661.
V. of Llangemyw, 1662-75. (D. R. Thomas, 11. 323.)
SALISBURY, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's,
Apr. II, 1670. S. of Thomas, of Llanvaire, Denbigh. B.
there. School, St Mary's (? S. E. Glamorgan). Matric. 1671;
B.A. 1673-4-
Salisbury, William
SALISBURY, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 15) at St John's,
Sept. 8, 1 72 1 ; exhibitioner from Charterhouse. S. of William,
barrister, of Atherstone, Warws. B. there. Bapt. July 20,
1707, at Mancetter. Matric. 1721; B.A. 1725-6; M.A. 1729;
B.D. 1737. Fellow, 1728-54. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Dec. 21,
1729; priest (Ely) Aug. 3, 1730. R. of Newton Blossomville,
Bucks., 1730-52. Reader at the Charterhouse, 1733-54-
R. of Moreton, Essex, 1752-96. R. of Little Hallingbury,
1766-96. Preb. of Lincohi, 1769-96. Author, sermons, etc.
Died Jan. 30, 1796. Buried at Moreton. WiU, P.C.C. (Scott-
Mayor, in. 344; Al. Carthus.)
SALISBURY, . B.A. 1474-5; M.A. 1478.
SALKELD, FRANCIS. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Queens', Nov. 1,
1594. Of Cumberland. S. and h. of Lancelot. Brother of
the next and of Thomas {1597). {Vis. of Cumberland,
SALKELD, LANCELOT. Adm, pens, at Qufens', Feb. 18,
1597-8. Of Cumberland. 4th s. of Lancelot, of Whitehaven,
Esq. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Feb. 2, 1601-2. Brother of
Francis (above) and of the next.
SALKELD, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Queens', Apr. 22, 1597.
Of Cumberland. 3rd s. of Lancelot, of Whitehaven, Esq.
Adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 7, 1600. Brother of Francis (1594)
and of Lancelot (above).
SALKELD, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 22) at St John's, Apr. 6,
1681. S. of Richard, husbandman. B. at Morland, West-
morland. School, Appleby. One of these names, serjeant-
at-law, died Sept. 3, 1715. (Musgrave.)
SALKELD, . B.A. 1482.
SALL, see also SAUL, SAWELL and SOLE.
SALL, EDMUND. B.D. 1458-9. Monk of Norwich.
SALLE, JOHN. Scholar at King's Hall, 1396-1405. One of
these names R. of St Gabriel, Fenchurch Street, London,
SALL or SAWLE, . B.A. 1459-60; M.A. 1463-4.
SALL or SAULE, . Incorp. 1491-2. A friar. Perhaps D.D.
1482-3, as Sowle (a friar).
SALLET, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Easter,
1658. Of Norwich. B.A. 1661-2; M.A. 1665. Probably R. of
Carlton, Norfolk, 1667-99, 'Salle.' Probably father of the
next. {Blomefield, x. 122.)
SALLET, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, May 22, 1684.
S. of John (? above), R. of Carlton, Norfolk. B. at Burling-
ham, Norfolk. School, Norwich. Matric. 1684; Scholar,
1684-9; B.A. 1687-8. V. of Halvergate, Norfolk, 1691-1709.
R. of Moulton, 1699. Buried Aug. 27, 1709, at Burlingham
St Edmund. {Venn, i. 476.)
SALLOWES, EVERARD. Adm. sizar (age 20) at Caius, June 12,
1628. S. of Everard, wooUendraper, of Suffolk. B. at
Ilketshall St Andrew. School, Bungay (Mr Christopher
Smith). Matric. 1629.
SALMON, APPLEYARD. Adm. pens, at Clare, Apr. 30, 1672.
Of Kingston-on-Hull, Yorks. S. of , Esq., Deputy
Governor of Hull (and Johan, dau. of Christopher Appleyard,
of Burstwick Earth, Yorks.). Matric. 1672, {Lines. Pedigrees,
SALMON, EDMUND. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Easter, 1573;
B.A. 1576-7, Samon.
SALMON, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Michs.
1588. B. at Bamburgh, Lines., 1572. B.A. 1592-3. Perhaps
M.A. Ord. deacon and priest (Peterb.) June 19, 1594. Tutor
in the family of the Earl of Lincoln. R. of Partney, Lines.,
1601-7. R. of Hatton, 1610-35, 'M.A.' Licence, Aug. 21,
1601 (Lincoln) to marry Mary Andrew, spinster, of Bucknall.
Admon. (Lincoln) 1636.
SALMON, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Lent, 1625-
6; exhibitioner from Charterhouse. S. of Thom.is. B.A.
1625-6; M.A. 1629; D.D. 1669 {Lit. Reg.). Fellow, 1627,
ejected. Probably R. of Tittleshall, Norfolk, in 1658. R. of
Lopham, 1663-81, 'Edmund.' Probably R. of Kelshall,
Herts., 1663-81. Died 1681. {Clutterbuck, in. 536; Blome-
field, 1. 236.)
SALMON, HENRY. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs. 1583.
SALMON, HENRY. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Easter, 1621.
Matric. 1622; B.A. 1625-6; M.A. 1629; B.D. 1636. Fellow,
1629-34. V. of Stanground, Hunts., 1634-c. 54. Perhaps
father of Samuel (1671) and Robert (1661).
SALMON, JAMES. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Apr. 1622.
Matric. 1622; B.A. 1625; M.A. 1629. Ord. deacon (London)
June 4, 1626, age 23.
SALMON, JAMES. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Easter, 1628
Matric. 1628; B.A. 1631-2; M.A. 1635.
Salt, Edward
SAMON, JOHN. Fellow of Corpus Christi, 1373.
SALMOND, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Oct. 1564.
Perhaps ord. priest (Lincoln) Dec. 21, 1570; R. of Haltham,
near Homcastle, Lines., 1595; admon. (Lincoln) 1627. One
of these names V. of Irbv, I575, and R. of Mablethorpe, 1575.
{Peile, I. 84.)
SALMON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's, Apr. 11,
1654. S. of John, gent., of Downham, Suffolk. B. there.
School, Buckenham, Norfolk. Matric. 1654.
SALMON, JOHN. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, July 8, 1704.
S. of Samuel (1652). Bapt. Dec. 16, 1684, at Saxmundham,
Suffolk. Matric. 1705; B.A. 1708-9. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
Mar. 1709-10; priest, Dec. 1715. Licensed to teach at
Stonham AspaU School, Suffolk, 1710. R. of Mickiield,
1715-45- Died Aug. 14, 1745.
SALMON, JOHN (WYMBERLY). Adm. at Corpus Christi,
1728. Of Suffolk. Matric. Michs. 1729; B.A. 1731-2. R. of
Yaxham, Norfolk, 1733. R. of Shelton (united with Hard-
wick, 1775), 1746-79. V. of Tharston, 1762-75. (Masters.)
SALMON, NATHANIEL. Adm. at Corpus Christi, June 11,
1690. Of Bedfordshire. S. of Thomas, R. of Mappershall.
B. Mar. 22, 1674-5- LL.B. 1695. Ord. priest (Lincohi) Sept.
24, 1699; C. of Cottered, Herts. For some time C. of West-
mill, Herts. Afterwards a non-juror. Extra-hcentiateR.C.P.,
Feb. 3, 1709-10. Practised at St Ives and Bishop's Stortford.
Antiquary. Author of antiquarian and historical works.
Died Apr. 2, 1742. Brother of William (1701). {D.N.B.;
Munk, II. 27; G. Mag.)
SALMON, PAUL. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1564; B..'V. 1568-9. Probably the 'Salmon senior' adm. in
SAMAN, PETER. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Sept. 10, 1590.
SALMON, PETER. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1619.
S. of Robert, of Leigh, Essex (will (P.C.C.) 1641; of Stepney,
Middlesex). B. 1602. Matric. 1618-9; B.A. 1622-3; M.A.
1626. Fellow, 1622-32. Incorp. at Oxford, 1627. M.D.
(Padua) 1630. Incorp. at Oxford, 1633. Licensed to practise
medicine, 1632. F.R.C.P., 1639. Physician to Charles I.
Died 1675. WiU dated. Mar. 29, 1675; proved, Nov. i8, 1675.
(Munk, I. 223.)
SALMON, ROBERT. Fellow of Gonville Hall, 1423-33. Ord.
acolyte (Ely) June 7, 1422.
SALMON, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Dec. 23, 1661.
Perhaps s. of Henry (1621), of Huntingdonshire. Matric.
1662. Perhaps brother of Samuel (1671).
SALMON, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Peterhouse,
June 18, 1672. Of London. School, Godmanchester. Matric.
1672. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) May 21, 1676; priest (London)
Mar. 7, 1679-80, 'B.A.' Probably R. of Lees Parva, Essex,
1680-1701; R. of High Ongar, 1701-33. Died 1733.
SALMON or SAMMAN, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Trinity,
Sept. 11, 1652. Of Suffolk. B.A. 1656-7; M.A. i66o. Ord.
priest (Chichester) Sept. 13, 1660. C. of Stonham Aspal,
Suffolk, 1662. R. of Saxmundham, 1662-1707. Died May 29,
buried (age 75) at Saxmundham, May 31, 1707. M.I. Father
of John (1704).
SALMON, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Pembroke, July 13,
1671. S. of Henry (? 1621). B. in Huntingdonshire. B.A.
1675-6. Probably V. of Rothersthorpe, Northants., 1686.
Died 1690. Perhaps brother of Robert (1661).
SALMON, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinity, Apr. i,
1732; exhibitioner from St Paul's, London. S. of William,
of Milton Abbot, Devon. Matric. 1732; Scholar, 1732; B.A.
1735-6; M.A. 1739; LL.D. 1749. Ord. deacon (Lincoln)
Sept. 19, 1736. V. of Tavistock, Devon, and of Whitchurch,
Salop. Chaplain to the Duke of Bedford. Bishop of Ferns,
1758. Died Mar. 19, 1759. (Musgrave; St Paul's Sdwol
Register, 79.)
SALMON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Christ's, Nov. 3,
1701. S. of Thomas, R. of Meppershall (will P.C.C. Aug.
13, 1706). Bapt. Aug. 23, 1685, at Meppershall, Beds.
School, Buntingford (Mr England). Matric. 1702-3; Scholar,
1702; B.A. 1706-7. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Aug. 1708;
priest (Worcester) 1709. C. of Wickhambrook, Suffolk.
Brother of Nathaniel (1690). {Peile, 11. 151.)
SALMON, . Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1562.
SALMS (? SALTUS), COMES. M.A. 1615 (on King's visit).
SALOP or SALOPBURY, JOHN DE. 'King's Scholar' at Cam-
bridge, 1319. Probably brother of the next.
SALOP or SALOPBURY, RICHARD DE. 'King's Scholar' at
Cambridge, 1319. Probably brother of John (above).
SALOVIS, -. Com. for M.A. or higher degree, 1468-9.
SALT, EDWARD. Adm. sizar at Jesus, July 4, 1695. Of
Derbyshire. Matric. 1695; B.A. 1698-9.
Salt, James
SALT, JAMES. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Mar. 5, 1699-1700. Of
Cambridgeshire. Matric. 1700; B.A. 1703-4; M.A. 1707.
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June 3, 1705; priest, May 19, 1706.
V. of Elmstead, Essex, 1710-6. R. of Carlton, 1720. R. of
Hildersham, Carabs., 1736-58. Died 1758. Will, 1758.
Father of the next, Thomas (i739) and William (1731-2).
SALT, JAMES. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Magdalene, Nov. 13,
1734. S. of James (above), clerk, R. of Hildersham, Cambs.
B. at Chesterton. School, Bury. Matric. 1735; B.A. 1738-9;
M.A. 1742. FeUow, 1743. Ord. deacon (Ely) Sept. 23, i739;
priest (Norwich) Dec. 1741- R. of Hildersham, Cambs.,
1758-97. Died June, 1797, aged 81. Will, P.C.C. Brother
of Thomas (1739) and William (173 1-2).
SALT, JOH^f. Matric. pens, from Sx John's, Easter, 1544; B.A.
1546-7 (ist in the ordo); M.A. 1549. Fellow, 1547. Fellow
of Pembroke, 1555. Died 1558. WiU (V.C.C.) 1558.
SAULT, JOHN. Adm. (age 19) at Magdalene, June 23, 1666.
S. of Richard, farmer, of Rocester, Staffs. School, Man-
chester. Matric. 1667; B.A. 1669-70; M.A. 1673- Ord.
deacon (Gloucester, at Holbom) Feb. 27, 1669-70; priest
(Lincoln) Sept. 24, 1670.
SALT, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Corpus Christi, 1694- Of Stafford-
shire. Matric. Michs. 1695; B.A. 1698-9. Perhaps V. of
Audley, Staffs. One of these names died Sept. 16, i75i; of
Betley, Staffs.
SALT, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Pembroke, June 4.
1623. S. of WiUiam, of Tatenhill, Staffs. Matric. 1623; B.A.
162&-7; M.A. 1630.
SALT, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, June 20, 1660.
Of Staffordshire. Matric. 1660; B.A. 1663-4. Perhaps ord.
priest (London) Dec. 18, 1681, 'M.A.' One of these names,
B.A., preached several limes at Oldham, Lanes., 1664-6;
he was not curate there.
SALT, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, June 5,
1739. S. of James (1699-1700), R. of Hildersham, Cambs.
B. at Chesterton. School, Bury St Edmunds. Matric. 1740;
B.A. 1742-3; M.A. 1746. Ord. deacon (Norwich) May 20,
1744; priest (Canterbury) Sept. 22, 1745. V. of Nasing,
Essex, 1761-1806. R. of Hildersham, Cambs., 1797-1806.
Died Apr. 1806. Brother of the next and of James (i734)-
{Scott-Mayor, m. 500.)
SALT, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's, Jan. 15,
1731-2. S. of James (1699-1700), R. of Hildersham, Cambs.
B. at Chesterton. School, Bury St Edmunds (Mr Kinsman).
Brother of Thomas (above) and of James (i734)-
SALTER, ABRAHAM. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's,
Easter, 1677; B.A. 1680-1; M.A. 1684. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
May, 1684; priest, Dec. 1686. V. of Edwardstone, Suffolk,
168&-90. WiU of one of these names, clerk, of Stanningfield,
proved (Bury) July 21, 1714-
SALTER, ANTHONY. M.A. 1626 (Incorp. from Oxford). Of
Devon, pleb. Bapt. July 9, 1600, at St Olave's, Exeter.
Matric. (Exeter College, Oxford) Oct. 24, 1617, age 17; B.A.
1621; M.A. 1624; M.B. and M.D. (Oxford) 1633. Mayor of
Exeter, 1664. An eminent physician. Married Gertrude,
sister of Baldwin Acland. {Al. Oxon.)
SALTER, BLAISE. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Easter,
1544. Of Essex. Probably s. of Richard, of Salop (and Jane,
dau. of John Sams, of Essex). B.A. 1546-7. Secretary to
John, Earl of Oxford. Married Collet, dau. of Richard
Smyth, of Kidderminster, Worcs. Died 1601. Probably
father of Edward (1581). (Vis. of Suffolk, 1664, App.)
SALTER, CHRISTOPHER. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, July 4,
1640. Matric. 1641. Perhaps s. of Sir William, of Richings,
Tver, Bucks., Knt.; adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 7, 1644.
SALTER, EDMUND. Adm. pens, at Jesus, 1616. Of Suffolk.
Scholar, 1619; B.A. 1619-20; M.A. 1623. Ord. deacon (Ely);
priest, Feb. 18, 1626-7.
SALTER, EDMUND. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, Apr. 10,
1641. S. of Robert, gent., of Tottington, Norfolk. B. at
Fressingfield, Suffolk. School, Thetford (Mr Ward). Matric.
1641; Scholar, 1642-4; B.A. 1644-5; M.A. 1648. Lord of a
manor in Tottington. (Venn, i. 341.)
SALTER, EDMUND. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Oct. 22, 1690.
Of Middlesex. Matric. 1690; B.A. 1694-5; M.A. 1716. Ord.
deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 23, 1694; priest, Mar. 5, 1698-9.
R. of Little Peatling, Leics., 1710-22. R. of Carlton,
Northants., 1716-7. R. of Carlton Curlieu, 1717-22. Died
Oct. 6, 1722. Will (Leicester) 1722. (Nichols, 11. 545.)
SALTER, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter, 1577.
Of London. Perhaps adm. at Gray's Inn, Jan. 1579-80.
SALTER, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Easter,
1581. Probably s. of Blaise (1544). B. at Terling, Essex.
B.A. 1584-5; M.A. 1588; B.D. from King's, 1595. Ord.
Salter, Thomas
deacon (London) Nov. 27, 1591, age 27; 'C. of Shenfield,
Essex.' R. of Monks Eleigh, Suffolk. WiU (P.C.C.) 1635.
Father of Thomas (1619).
SALTER, EDWARD. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter,
1604. B. at Preston, Lanes. B.A. 1607-8; M.A. i6ii. Ord.
deacon (Ely); priest (London) Dec. 18, 1614, age 30. C. of
Witham, Essex. R. of Little Braxted, 1620.
SALTER, EDWARD. B.A. from Trinity, 1617-8; M.A. 1621,
Slater. (Perhaps matric. from Sidney, 1614, as Psalter.)
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Jan. i, 1623-4; 'FeUow of Clare H.'
Perhaps R. of St John's, Stamford, Lines., 1633.
SALTER, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Caius, .\pr. 10,
1620. S. of WiUiam, of Tottington, Norfolk, deceased.
School, Bury St Edmunds (Mr Dickinson). Matric. 1620;
Scholar, 1621-7; B.A. 1623-4; M.A. 1627. FeUow, 1627-44,
ejected. Ord. deacon (Norwich) June i; priest, Sept. 21,
1634. University preacher, 1637. R. of Gt Casterton,
Rutland, 1636-46; sequestered as a delinquent; of Tatterset,
Norfolk, 1649; of Little Massingham, 1662-4. Buried there
May 26, 1664. WiU (Norwich) 1664. (Venn, 1. 249.)
SALTIER, NATHANIEL. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Pembroke,
May 15, 1700. S. of Nathaniel, R. of St Martin-in-the-
Vintry, London. B. June 12, 1681, in London. School,
Merchant Taylors'. Matric. 1700; B.A. 1703-4; M.A. 1707.
Ord. priest (Norwich) Feb. 1707-8. V. of Ketteringham,
Norfolk, 1707-16. V. of Oulton, 1707-16. R. of Cranworth,
1714-50. R. of South Burgh, 1714-50. Died 1750. Father
of the next.
SALTIER, NATHANIEL. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Caius, Apr. 26,
1720. S. of Nathaniel (above), clerk, of Wymondham,
Norfolk. B. there. School, Wymondham (Mr Sayer).
Scholar, 1720-7; Matric. 1721; B.A. 1724-5; M.A. 1720.
FeUow, 1727-44. Subscribed for deacon's orders (Norwich)
Sept. 24, 1727; ord. priest (Lincoln) Mar. 2, 1728. Master
of the Perse School, Cambridge, 1728-32. R. of Ashdon,
Essex, 1743-91. Married Letitia, dau. of Thomhagh Gurdon,
Esq., of Letton. Died May 7, 1791. M.I. at Ashdon. {Venn,
II. 13.)
SALTER, NICHOLAS. Adm. sizar at Queens', June, 1633. Of
Devon. Matric. 1634; B.A. 1636-7; M.A. 1640. V. of
Dunsford, Devon, 1660-6. WiU (Exeter) 1666.
SALTER, PETER. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, Dec. 28,
1721. Of Lavenham, Suffolk. Matric. 1722; B.A. 1726-7.
Perhaps of St Giles', Colchester, Essex, clerk; wiU (Comm.
Essex) 1754.
SALTER, RICHARD. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Feb. 25, i66o-i.
Of Norfolk. Matric. 1661; Scholar, 1662; B.A. 1664-5; M.A.
1668. FeUow, 1667-1705. Ord. priest (Ely) Sept. 24, 1670.
V. of Whittlesford, Cambs., 1697-1705. Died Oct. 7, 1705.
Buried in the CoUege Chapel. WiU proved (V.C.C.) 1705.
(A. Gray.)
SALTER, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1697. Of
Essex. Matric. 1697; B.A. 1700-1; M.A. 1704; D.D. 1728
(Com. Reg.). Ord. deacon (Nonvich) Sept. 1703. V. of
Thorpe Market, Norfolk, 1705-9. V. of Thurgarton, 1705-9.
V. of St Stephen's, Norwich, 1708, and V. of St Saviour's.
V. of Earlham, 1712-4. R. of IBramerton. Chaplain to the
King, 1725. Preb. of Norwich, 1729-56. Archdeacon of
Norfolk, 1734-56. Left Norwich at the age of 70 and went
to London. A member of Dr Johnson's circle of friends.
Married Anne Penelope, dau. of John Jeffery. Died 1756.
WiU (P.C.C.) Sept. 1756; of Nonvich. Father of the next.
(D.N.B.; Blomefield, ni. 646.)
SALTER, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, June 30,
1730. Of Norfolk. S. of Samuel (1697), D.D. B. June 30,
1710, at Norwich. Schools, Nonvich and Charterhouse.
Matric. 1730; B.A. 1733-4; M.A. 1737. FeUow, 1735-8.
D.D. (Lambeth) 1751. Chaplain to Lord Hardwick. Pteb.
of Gloucester, 1739-45. R. of Burton Goggles, Lines., 1740-
50. Preb. of Norwich, 1745-78. V. of Gt Yarmouth, 1750-4.
Preacher at the Charterhouse, 1754-61; Master, 1761-78.
R. of St Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange, London, 1756-78.
Author, sermons, etc. Died Mav 2, 1778. Buried at Charter-
house. Wm, P.C.C. (^fasters■, G. Mag.; L. Mag.; D.N.B.)
SALTER, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Easter,
i6iq. 4th s. of Edward (1581), R. of Monks Eleigh, Suffolk.
B.A. 1622-3; M.A. 1626; B.D. 1633. Ord. deacon and priest
(Norwich) Sept. 23, 1627. R. of Gt Bromley, Essex, 1629.
One of these names V. of Shakerston, Leics., 1649-52.
SALTER, THOMAS. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Trinity, July 23,
1646. Of Suffolk. Perhaps s. and h. of Martin, of Battesford,
Suffolk (and EUzabeth, dau. of Thomas Bowes, of Bromley,
Essex), and nephew of Thomas (above). (Vis. of Suffolk, 1664.)
SOLTER, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 20) at St John's, Dec. 26,
1654. S. of John, shoemaker, of Derby. B. there. School,
Derby (Mr Brandrith). Perhaps ord. deacon (Lincoln) Dec,
12; priest, Dec. 13, 1660.
Salter, Timothy
SALTER, TIMOTHY. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Trinity, June 26,
1701 S. of Richard, of the Barbadoes, West Indies. School,
Greenwich, Kent (Mr Turner). Matric. 1701. Adm. at the
Middle Temple, May 26, 1702.
SALTER, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1612;
Scholar, 1614.
SALTER, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs. 1612.
Buried at St Sepulchre's, Cambridge, July 22, 1615.
SALTER, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Trinity, Apr. 23, 1659.
Matric. 1659; B.A. 1663.
SALTER, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, June 25,
1683. S. of George, of London. School, Westminster. Matnc.
1683; Scholar, 1684; B.A. 1686-7. One of these names
chaplain in the Navy, 1688.
SALTER, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1690.
Of Norwich. Probably s. and h. of William, of Norwich,
gent. Matric. 1690. Adm. at Gray's Inn, May 23, 1693.
SALTER, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 20) at Trinity, Nov. ii,
1721. S. of WiUiam. School, Bolton, Lanes. (Mr Bateman).
Matric. 1721; B.A. 1725-6. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Apr. 9,
1725. See Al. Oxon. for a contemporary namesake.
SALTER, . B.A. 1520-1; M.A. 1524.
SALTERFORD, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Christ's, July, 1608.
SALTMARSH, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Easter,
1627. Of Saltmarsh, Yorks. B.A. 1632-3; M.A. 1636. Ord.
deacon (Durham) 1637. R- of Heslerton, Yorks., c. 1639-43-
V of Cranbrook, Kent, in 1643. R. of Brasted, 1645-6.
Chaplain to Fairfax's troops, 1646. Subsequently adopted
Calvinistic views. Author, mystical and controversial.
Buried at Wanstead, Essex, Dec. 15, 1647. (D.N.B.)
SALTMARSH, RICHARD. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's,
June I 1638. S. of Edward. B. at Thorganby, near York.
School, Roecliffe, near Boroughbridge (Mr Tomson). Matric.
1639; B.A. 1641-2.
SALTMARSH, WILLIAM. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 16) at Sidney,
May 6, 1636. 3rd s. of William, Esq., of Strubby, Lines.
Schools, Langton and Lincoln. Matric. 1637. Died young.
(Ltnci. Pedigrees, 847.)
SALTMARSH, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's,
May 26, 1665. S. of Thomas, gent., of HuU. B. there. School,
HuU (Mr Catlin). Matric. 1665; B.A. 1668-9; M.A. 1672.
Ord. deacon (Ely) Sept. 24, 1670. V. of Westerham, Kent,
1673-96. Married there to Mary Bootbby, Feb. 10, 1675-6.
Buried Apr. 7, 1696, at Westerham. Admon., P.C.C.
SALTONSTALL, GABRIEL. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Lent,
1579-80 Perhaps s. of Sir Richard, of South Ockendon,
Essex (and Susan, dau. of Gabriel Poj-ntz). B.A. from Clare,
1582-3. Entered as student at Geneva, 1583.
SALTONSTALL, JAMES. Adm. pens, at Jesus, June 18, 1633.
Of Hertfordshire. S. of Sir Peter, of Barkway, Knt. (and
Christian, dau. of Sir John Pettus, of Rackheath, Norfolk).
Bapt. there, Oct. 27, 1616. Matric. 1633. Had an estate
at Helion Bumpstead, for which he had to compound as a
rovalist. Married Dorothy, dau. of Thomas Bendish, of
HeUon Bumpstead, July 18, 1639. Buried at Barkway,
Apr. 19, 1649. Half-brother of Richard (1617). (Kts. of
Herts., 1634; Clulterhuck, in. 363.)
SALTONSTALL, PHILIP. Adm. pens, at Queens', Sept. 14,
1681. Of London. Perhaps of South Ockendon, Essex.
(Palin, More about Stifford, 107.)
SALTONSTALL, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Clare, Easter,
1603. Of Rookes and Huntwick, Yorks. S. and h. of Samuel,
of Halifax, Yorks. (and Anne Ramsden) and nephew of Sir
Richard, Lord Mayor of London. Bapt. there, Apr. 4, 1586.
Adm. at the Middle Temple, Feb. 24, 1605-6. J. P. for West
Riding, Yorks. Knighted, Nov. 23, 1618. One of the patentees
of the Massachusetts Bay Company, 1629, when the Govern-
ment of the Company was transferred to New England,
emigrated thither with his family and a retinue of servants,
1630. Returned to England, 1631, probably owing to
pioneer hardships and also to his displeasure at the intoler-
ance of the Government of the Colony. His interest in the
colony continued for many years. Went to Holland, 1643,
when his portrait was painted by Rembrandt. Resided
latterly at Wrexham, Co. Denbigh, and at Crayford, Kent.
Married three wives. Died 1658. Admon. to his son Richard
(1627) Oct. 25, 1661. (F.M.G., 640; J. G. Bartlett; D.N.B. ,
where he is wrongly called son of Sir Peter.)
SALTONSTALL, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Michs.
1617. S. of Sir Peter, of Barkway, Herts., Knt. (probably
by his first wife Anne, dau. of Edmund Waller, of Coleshill,
Herts.). B. in Buckinghamshire. B.A. 1619-20. Half-
brother of James (1633). (Clulterhuck, in. 600; but Sir
Peter's ist wife is not mentioned in the Pedigree where
Richard does not occur.)
Same, Nicholas
SALTINSTALL, RICHARD. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Emmanuel,
Apr. 28, 1627. Of Yorkshire. S. and h. of Sir Richard (1603),
of Huntwick, Knt. (by his ist wife Grace, dau. of Robert
Kaye, of Woodsome Hall, Almondbury, Yorks.). B. at
Woodsome, Almondbury. Bapt. Oct. i, 1610. Matric. 1627.
Emigrated with his family to New England, 1630. Returned
to England to study law, 1631-5. Married Muriel, dau. of
Brampton Gurdon, Esq., of Assington Hall, Suffolk, 1633.
Returned to New England, 1635. Settled at Ipswich, Mass.,
and resided there except during the periods 1649-63 and
1672-80, when he lived in England. Prominent in Colonial
affairs; served as Deputy to the Massachusetts General
Court and as an Assistant of the Colony. Again went to
England in 1686, and died at Huhne, Manchester, Lanes.,
Apr. 29, 1694. A staunch advocate of civil liberty, public
justice and humanitv. Benefactor to Harvard College.
Ancestor of all the Saltonstalls now in America. {F.M.G.,
640; Vis. of Yorks., 1612; J. G. Bartlett.)
SALVAN, EDMUND. B.A. 1503-4.
SALVIN, ANTHONY. Adm. pens, (age 19) at St John's, July 4,
1734. S. of Anthony, Esq., of Wackerfield, Durham. Bapt.
Feb. 25, 1715-6, at St Oswald's, Durham. School, Durham
(MrDongworth). Matric. 1734. Adm. at the Middle Temple,
June 14, 1734. Migrated to the Inner Temple, May 10, 1737.
Died 1744. Buried at St Andrew's, Auckland. (H.M.Wood.)
SALVIN, JARRARD (GERARD). Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 17) at
Sidney, Apr. 10, 1635. S. and h. of ' Jarrard' (Gerard), Esq.
B. at Croxdale, Sunderland. Schools, Brancepeth (Mr
Hutton), Prideaux-Castle (Mr Foster) and Durham. Adm.
at Gray's Inn, Jan. 29, 1635-6. Colonel in the King's army.
KiUed at Northallerton, 1644. (Vis. of Durham, 1666; Le
Neve, A/on., iv. loi; Burke, L.G.)
SALEWAY, JOHN. Scholar at King's Hall, 1449-52.
SALWAY, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Apr. 18, 1639.
Of Worcestershire. Matric. 1639. Possibly 5th s. of Hum-
phrey, of Stanford, Worcs., J. P. If so, kiUed in the civil
wars. For an account of his brother Richard, the Parlia-
mentarian, see D.N.B. (Burke, L.G.)
SALWEY, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, Sept. 30,
1693. Previously matric. (Christ Church, Oxford) Nov. 3,
1692. S. and h. of Richard, mercer, of London. B. there.
School, Bovingdon, Herts, (private). Scholar, 1693-5;
Matric. 1694. Adm. at the Inner Temple, July 20, 1692.
(Venn, 1. 493.)
SAMBEE, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Trinity, May 11, 1667. Matric.
1667; B.A. 1670-1; M.A. 1675. Ord. priest (London) Sept. 22,
1672. Chaplain to Robert Lovell, of Liscomb, Bucks. V. of
Soulbury, Bucks., 1672-1728. V. of Bierton, 1683-1728.
Preb. of Lincoln, 1703-28. Died Dec. 1728, aged 80. Will
Archd. Bucks.
SAMBER, JAMES STIRLING. Adm. pens, (age 19) at St John's,
May i8, 1739. S. of Samuel Legge (next), M.D., of Dorset.
B. at Dorchester. School, Salisbury. Matric. 1731; B.A.
1742-3; M.A. 1746; D.D. 1765. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
Feb. 23, 1745-6. Preb. of Salisbury, i75o-73- R- of St
Edmund's, Salisbury, 1754-93- Sub-dean of Salisbury,
1759-1801. Died Mar. 15, 1801. (Scott-Mayor, in. 500.)
SAMBER, SAMUEL LEGGE. Adm. pens, (age 20) at Caius,
July 1, 1700. S. of Samuel, medical practitioner, of South-
ampton. B. at Lymington, Hants. School, Southampton
(Mr Pocock). Matric. 1700; Scholar, 1700-5; M.B. 1705;
M.D. 1732. Doctor at Salisbury. Died there Dec. 11, 1761.
WiU (P.C.C.) 1762. Father of James Stirling (above).
(Venn, i. 506; G. Mag.)
SAMBOURNE, JAMES. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 1609.
SAMBORNE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from King's, Michs. 1659;
B.A. 1663-4.
Com. (age 17) at Trinity, July 7, 1720. S. and h. of Sir
Samuel, Bart., of Bush HiU, Middlesex, and probably nephew
of the next. School, Enfield, Middlesex (Dr Uvedale).
Matric. 1722; M.A. 1722. Succeeded his father as 4th Bart.,
Dec. 27, 1714. M.P. for Beds., 1731-40- Of Bush HiU,
Enfield. Died unmarried, July 5, 1740. Buried at Edmonton.
(G.E.C., IV. 184.)
SAMBROOK, JOHN. Adm. Fell.-Com. at St Catharine's,
July 4, 1709. Probably 3rd s. of Sir Jeremiah, of Bush HiU,
Enfield, Middlesex. M.P. for Dunwich, 1726-7; for Wenlock,
1727-34. Married Elizabeth, dau. of Sir WiUiam Forester,
of Shropshire, Knt. Died at Bath, May 19, 1734- (Clutter-
buck, I. 453.)
SAME, NICHOLAS. B.Can.L. 1500-1; D.Can.L. 1518-9- Adm.
advocate, June 25, 1521. Perhaps R. of Radwinter, Essex,
1506-27; V. of Gt ChishaU, 1520-7. V. of Gt Waltham,
1524-7. Died 1527.
Same, Ralph
SAME, RALPH. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Easter,
1579; B.A. 1582-3; M.A. 1586. Ord. priest (Norwich) Dec.
22, 1587. V. of Binham, Norfolk, 1592-1603. V. of Narford,
1592. R. of Cocklhorpe, 1602. V. of Caistor-in-Flegg, 1608.
Living in Nonvich, 1635.
SAME, . B.A. 1518-9.
SAMMES, ANTHONY. Adro. pens, at Queens', Apr. 8, 1593.
Of Essex. Matric. 1593; B.A. 1595-6- 'S. of John, of Hat-
field Peveril, Essex'; adm. at Gray's Inn, Feb. 9, 1597-8.
SAMMES, ANTHONY. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Apr. 29, 1620.
Perhaps 3rd s. of John, of Gt Waltham, Essex. Matric. 1620;
B.A. 1623-4; M.A. 1627. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 23;
priest, Sept. 24, 1627. C. of Bumham, Essex, 1637; R- of
Thelnetham, Suffolk, 1638-^. V. of Bumham tiU 1657.
Married, at Margaret Roding, Essex, Sept. 25, 1638,
Elizabeth, dau. of John Stable, rector. Died 1657. Perhaps
brotherof Samuel (1621) and William (1621). (Vis. of Essex,
1612; H. Smith.)
SAMMES, AYLETT. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 17) at Christ's,
July 3, 1655. S. of Thomas. B. at Kelvedon, Essex. School,
Felsted. Matric. 1656; B.A. 1657. Incorp. M.A. at Oxford,
1677. (M.A. degree not found in our records.) Adm. at the
Inner Temple, Oct. 28, 1657. Ord. deacon (Westminster)
Nov. 1678. Lived at Kelvedon. Author, antiquarian. Died
c. 1679. (Peile, I. 569; D.N.B.; Al. Oxon.)
SAMS, ED. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Michs. 1565. Prob-
ably brother of Peter (1565).
SAMMES, EDWARD. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Michs. 1641.
Previously matric. (Magdalen Hall, Oxford) Oct. 12, 1638,
age 16. S. of Edward, of London, grocer. Matric. 1642; B.A.
1642-3; M..'^. from Peterhouse, 1646. Intruded Fellow of
Peterhouse, 1644-52. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, May 18, 1650.
Brother of WiUiam (1647). (T. A. Walker, 77.)
SAMMES, GEORGE. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Christ's, July 7,
1708. S. of John. B. at Clapton, Cambs. School, Bunting-
ford (Mr England). Scholar, 1708-9; Matric. 1710; B.A.
1712-3. Ord. deacon (London) May, 1713. [Peile, 11. 170.)
SAMMES, GERARD. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 15) at Caius, Oct. 8,
1611. Of Wickham, Essex. S. and h. of Sir John (1606),
Knt., of Langford Hall, Essex (and Elizabeth, dau. of Sir
John Gerrard, of London, Knt. and alderman). School,
Moreton (Mr Goodwin). Matric. 1612. Adm. at Lincoln's
Inn, Aug. 4, 1613. Knighted, June 15, 1616. Of Langford
Hall, Little Witham, Essex, Knt. Married Ursula, dau. of
Arthur Champemoon, of Partington, Devon. Died Apr. 28,
1630. {Venn, i. 214; Vis. of Essex, 1612; Movant, i. 388.)
SAMMES, HENRY. Matric. pens, (age 13) from Corpus Christi,
Michs. 1578; B.A. 1581-2; M.A. 1585.
SAMMES, HENRY. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Peterhouse, Sept.
I, 1676. Of Middlesex. School, St Paul's. Matric. 1677-8;
B.A. 1680-1.
SAMMES, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter, 1583.
Of Essex.
SAMMES, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Emmanuel, Easter, 1586.
SAMES, Sir JOHN. M.A. 1606 {nob.). Doubtless s. of John, of
Langford HaU, Essex. Knighted, .^ng. 6, 1599. M.P. for
Maldon, 1610-1 and 1614. Married Elizabeth, dau. of Sir
John Garrard, of London, Knt. and Alderman. Doubtless
father of Gerard (i6ii). (Vis. of Essex, 1613.)
SAMS, PETER. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Michs. 1565.
SAM, RICHARD. B.A. 1536-7-
SAM, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Sidney, July i, 1645.
S. of Ambrose, yeoman, of AmpthiU, Beds. Schools,
Houghton Conquest and Ampthill (MrQuarrell). Matric.1645;
B.A. 1648-9; M.A. 1652. V. of Salford, Beds., c. 1667-90.
SAMMES, SAMUEL. Matric. pens, from Emmanuel, Michs.
1621. Perhaps 4th s. of John, of Gt Waltham, Essex. B.A.
1627. One of these names R. of Whepstead, Suffolk, 1650.
Perhaps brother of Anthony (1620) and William (1621).
SAMMES, SAMUEL. Matric. sizar from Christ's, July, 1622.
SAMS, W. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Mar. 1584-5. Possibly
William, s. and h. of John, of Gt Totham, Essex; adm. at
the Middle Temple, Mar. 24, 1590-r, 'formerly of New Inn.'
(Peile, I. 181.)
SAMMES, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Michs. 1582; B.A. 1585-6; M.A. 1589; LL.D. from Trinity
Hall, 1595. Adm. advocate, Oct. 24, 1601. Buried Oct. 15,
1646, at St Peter, Paul's Wharf, London. WiU (P.C.C.) 1646.
SAMMES, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Easter, 1621.
Perhaps 5th s. of John, of Gt Waltham, Essex. B.A. 1624-5.
Perhaps brother of Anthony (1620) and Samuel (1621). (Vis.
of Essex, i6i2.)
Sampson, John
SAMNES, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Peterhouse,
June 29, 1647. S. of Edward, of London, grocer. School,
St Paul's. B.A. 1650-1; M.A. 1654- Fellow, 1650 (appointed
by Parliament). Taxor, 1655. Buried at Little St Mary's,
Cambridge, Apr. 13, 1676. Will proved (V.C.C.) 1676.
Brother of Edward (1641).
SAMES, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Clare, Michs. 1650.
SAMM, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Sidney, Feb. 5,
1673-4. ist s. of William, brewer. B. in London. School,
Cambridge (private). Matric. 1674; B.A. 1677-8; M.A. 1681.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1682. Canon of Sarum, 1681. R. of
Upwey, Dorset, 1684-7. Died before Jan. 14, 1687-8.
SAMFIELD, . D.D. 1472-3- A friar.
SAMFORD, GEORGE. B.Can.L. 1507-8.
SAMFORD, GEORGE. M.Gram. 1525-6. ('Bamforth' in Gr.
Bk, B.)
SAMFORTH, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Clare, Easter, 1545.
SAMPFORD, JOHN. B.A. from Magdalene, 1569-70.
SAMPFORD, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Peterhouse, Easter,
SAMPFORD, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, June 28,
1578. Matric. 1578; B.A. from Magdalene, 1580-1. Perhaps
adm. at Lincoln's Inn, May 7, 1583; of Essex; barrister of
Clifford's Inn. Called to the Bar, 1591. Bencher, 1610,
SAMPSON, ABRAHAM. Adm. sizar at Jesus, June 23, 1736.
Of Leverton, Notts. Matric. 1736; B.A. 1739-40. Ord.
deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 21, 1740; priest (York) Sept. 25, 1743-
SAMPSON, ALEXANDER. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Pembroke,
Sept. 2, 1704. S. of Augustine, of Gainsborough, Lines., gent.
B. there. School, Westminster. Matric. 1704; B..\. 1708-9;
M.A. 1712. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) June 4, 1710. R. of
Skirbeck, Lines., 1719-
SAMPSON, HENRY. Matric. sizar from St John 's, Easter, 1 585 ;
B.A. from St Catharine's, 1588-9. Ord. priest (LincolD)
Dec. 7, 1592. P.C. of Ramsey, Hunts., c. 1601-8.
SAMPSON, HENRY. Matric. pens, (age 17) from Pembroke,
Easter, 1646. S. of William, of South Leverton, Notts.
B. there, 1629. Schools, Atherstone and Coventry. B.A.
1649-50; M.A. 1653. FeUow, 1650. R. of Framlingham,
Suffolk, 1650-60. Went to Padua, and afterwards to Leyden.
M.D. there, 1668. Hon. Fellow, R.C.P., 1680. Practised in
London. Author, archaeological and religious. Died s.p.,
July 23, 1700. Buried at Clayworth, Notts. Will, P.C.C.
Brother of WiUiam (1653-4). {D.N.B.; Munk, i. 410.)
SAMPSON, JAMES. Adm. at King's (age 17) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 20, 1526. Of Binfield, Berks. Perhaps s. of
Robert. B.A. 1530; M.A. 1534. Fellow, 1529-37. Brother
of Richard (1519).
SAMPSON, JOHN. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1455;
B.A. 1459-60.
SAMPSON, JOHN. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1487.
SAMPSON, JOHN. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1498.
B. at Earith, Hunts. B.A. 1502-3; M.A. 1506; B.D. 1513-4;
D.D. 1516-7. Proctor, 1510-1. Vice-Provost of King's.
Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Mar. 28, 1506. V. of Ring^vood,
Hants., but died before institution. (Cooper, i. 22.)
SAMPSON, JOHN. Of Clare. B.A. c. 1503; M.A. c. 1508; B.D.
1516-7. Fellow, Nov. 10, 1503. Preacher, 1512-3. 1519-20.
SAMSON, JOHN. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Christ's, Mar. 26,
1586. Perhaps John, s. and h. of Robert, of Kersey, Suffolk
(and Elizabeth Wingfield). If so, married Bridget, dau. of
William Clopton, of Groton, Suffolk. (Peile, i. 184.)
SAMPSON, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse, 1595-6;
B.A. 1599-1600; M.A. 1603. Will (P.C.C.) of one of these
names, of Poplar, Middlesex, clerk, 1612; mentions his son
'now in the custody of Mr Robert Durham (Dereham)
at Cambridge.'
SAMPSON, JOHN. Fell.-Com. at Peterhouse, c. 1606. Perhaps
the above, or possibly a different man and brother of Richard
(1607). (No separate entry recorded.)
SAMPSON, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter, 1619;
B A. 1622-3; M.A. 1626. One of these names, 's. and h. of
John, of Kersey, Suffolk, Esq.,' adm. at Gray's Inn, May 23,
SAMPSON, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Trinity, May 24, 1645; B.A.
SAMPSON, JOHN. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Trinity, July 2, 1669.
One of these names s. and h. of Francis, of London, merchant,
age 27 in 1681-2. Married and had issue. Died 1689, at
Barbados. See also Al. O.xon. for a contemporary namesake.
(Oliver, Antigua, iii. 68.)
Sampson, Joshua
SAMPSON, JOSHUA. Adm. sizar (age 20) at St John's, July 4,
1730. S. of Joshua, husbandman, of Derbyshire. B. at
Teasdale. School, Teasdale. Ord. deacon (Lincoln, Litt.
dim. from York) Sept. 22, 1734; priest, Oct. 1736. C. of East
Markham, Notts. V. of East Retford, 1752-72. R. of
Kirton, 1766-72. Died Mar. 26, 1772.
SAMPSON, RICHARD. B.Can.L. 1481-2.
SAMPSON, RICHARD. B.Civ.L. 1504-5-
SAMPSON, RICHARD. Of Clement Hostel and Trinity Hall.
B.Civ.L. 1506-7; D.Civ.L. 1512-3. Perhaps D.Can.L. 1519-
20. Studied also at Paris and Sens. Incorp. at Oxford, 1521.
Advocate, 1515. Dean of St Stephen's, Westminster, 1516.
Dean of the Chapel Royal and chaplain to the King. Arch-
deacon of Cornwall, 1517-28. Preb. of York, 1519-34.
Resident Ambassador to Spain, 1522-5. Dean of Windsor,
1523-36. V. of Stepney, 1527-34. Preb. of Lincoln, 1527-36.
Preb. of St Paul's, until 1534. Archdeacon of Suffolk, 1529-
36. Preb. of Lichfield, 1533; Dean, 1533-6. R. of Hackney,
1534-6. Treasurer of Salisbury, 1535-6. Bishop of Chichester,
1536-43. Dean of St Paul's, 1536-40. Bishop of Lichfield
and Coventry, 1543-54. Lord President of Wales, 1543-48.
Author, theological. Died Sept. 25, 1554. Buried at Eccles-
hall. Staffs. (Cooper, i. 119; D.N.B.; A. B. Beaven.)
SAMPSON, RICHARD. Adm. at King's (age 17) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 1, 1519. Name off before 1524. Of Binfield,
Berks. Brother of James (1526).
SAMPSON, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs.
SAMPSON, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from St John's, c. 1601;
B.A. 1605-6; M.A. 1609. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 22,
1611. Perhaps R. of Knossington, Leics., tiU 1639. Buried
there Oct. 30, 1639. (According to Nichols, u. 658, Richard
Sampson signs the Register from the beginning of 1558, tiU
his death, in 1639. But the dates suggest a possible confusion
of two men.)
SAMPSON, RICHARD. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Peterhouse,
Easter, 1607.
SAMPSON, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Magdalene,
June 28, 1699. S. of Robert, mercer. B. at Chesterfield,
Derbs. School, Heighington, Lines. Matric. 1699; B.A.
1703-4. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) May 23, 1703; priest, Feb. 17,
1705-6. V. of Cuxwold, Lines., 1705. V. of Caboum, 1715-
21. Under-master at Caistor School.
SAMSON, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, June 7, 1645.
Of Sussex.
SAMPSON, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Queens', Jan. 9, 1670-1.
Of Essex. Matric. 1671; B.A. 1674-5. Ord. deacon (Ely)
1676; priest (London) Feb. 24, 1677-8. V. of Gt Sampford,
Essex, 1690. Died 1701. Will (Cons. C. London); as of
Chigwell. Father of Thomas (1703).
SAMPSON, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Magdalene,
June 30, 1731. S. of Thomas (1703), clerk. B. May 30, 1713,
at Leigh, Essex. School, Brentwood, Essex. Matric. 1731;
B.A. 1734-5. OfHadleigh. Married Mary Hubbard, of South
Benfleet, 1739. Buried June 9, 1750. Admon., Comm.
Essex. (Benton, Rochford.)
SAMPSON, SIMON. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1648.
B. at Kersey, Suffolk, 1631. Matric. 1648; B.A. 1651-2;
M.A. 1655. Fellow, 1651-7. Died Feb. 14, 1657-8, of small-
SAMPSON, THOMAS. B.A. 1494-5; M.A. 1501; B.D. 1509.
Fellow of Corpus Christi, 1498. University preacher, 1507;
left the College soon after. Benefactor to Corpus Christi.
SAMPSON, THOMAS. B.A. 1541-2. B. at Plaj-ford, Suffolk,
c. 1517. M.A. 1549. Fellow of Pembroke, 1548. Grace for
B.D. and D.D. (Oxford) 1561. Adm. at the Inner Temple,
Feb. 1546-7. Ord. deacon (London) Aug. 10, 1550. R. of
AU Hallows, Bread Street, 1552-3. Dean of Chichester, 1553.
An exile under Queen Mary. Offered the bishopric of
Norwich, 1560. Canon of Durham, 1560-2. Dean of Christ
Church, Oxford, 1561-5. Master of Wigston's Hospital,
Leicester, 1567-89. Preb. of St Paul's, 1570-89. Author,
religious; concerned in the translation of the Geneva Bible.
Died Apr. 9, 1589, aged 72. Buried in the Chapel of Wigston's
Hospital. (Cooper, 11. 43; Al. Oxon.; D.N.B., where it is
stated that there is no evidence of his having taken a degree
at Cambridge.)
SAMPSON, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Magdalene,
May 24, 1703. S. of Samuel (1670-1), clerk. B. Nov. 24,
1686, at Chigwell, Essex. School, Felsted. Matric. 1705;
B.A. 1706-7. Ord. priest (London) Aug. 8, 1711. R. of
Hadleigh, Essex, 1713-30. Married (i) at St Clement's,
Oxford, to Mrs Sophia Smith, in 1712 ; (2) at Chipping Ongar,
Essex, to Elizabeth Hill, widow. Buried Dec. 15, 1739.
Father of Samuel (1731).
Sancroft, W.
SAMPSON, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Easter,
SAMPSON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Sidney, Apr. 9, 1608.
Matric. 1608; B.A. 1611-2; M.A. 1615. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) Sept. 19; priest, Sept. 20, 1613. C. of Alwalton,
Himts., 1614.
SAMSON, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
SAMPSON, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Michs.
SAMPSON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Clare, Jan. 24, 1631-2.
Matric. 1632; B.A. 1635-6; M.A. 1639. Ord. deacon (Nor-
wich) Sept. 20, 1640. Probably minister at Swavesey,Cambs.,
in 1648.
SAMPSON, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, (age 17) from Pembroke,
Lent, 1653-4. S. of WiUiam, of Leverton, Notts. B.A.
1656-7; M.A. 1660. Fellow, 1660. Chosen Master of Pem-
broke, 1693, but decUned. Presented to Tilney, 1669. R. of
Clayworth, Notts., 1672-1702. Preb. of Lincoln, I672-1703.
Compiler of the 'Rector's Book' of Clayworth, 1676.
(Published, 1910.) Buried Nov. 8, 1703, at Clayworth.
Benefactor to Pembroke. Brother of Henry (1646). (Loder.)
SAMPSON, . B.A. I49CH-1. Perhaps John (1487).
SAMPSON, . Of Corpus Christi. B.A. 1503-4; M.A.
SAMUELL, ARTHUR. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs.
1559; Scholar, 1560; B.A. 1562-3.
SAMUELL, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs.
SAMUEL, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1573.
One of these names adm. at Gray's Inn, from Barnard's Inn,
SAMUEL, . Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, 1639. Of
SAMWAYS, PETER. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1634;
scholar from Westminster, 1635. B. at Eltham, Kent, 1615.
B.A. 1637-8; M.A. 1641; D.D. 1660 (Lit. Reg.). Fellow, 1640,
ejected. Ord. deacon (Rochester) May 28, 1643; priest
(Lincohi) Apr. 9, 1645. V. of Cheshunt, Herts., ejected.
R. of Maldon, Beds., c. 1657. Chaplain to the King. R. of
Bedale, Yorks., 166CH-93. R. of Wath, 1660-93. Canon of
York, 1668. Author, religious. Died Apr. 6, 1693. Buried
at Bedale. M.I. Benefactor to Trinity College and to the
parishes of Wath and Bedale. (Al. Westmon.; D.N.B.;
Clutttrbuck, II. III.)
SAMWAYS, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Apr. 15, 1597.
Matric. c. 1597; B.A. 1600-1; M.A. 1604. C. of Wherstead,
Suffolk, 1603-11, and of Bury St Edmunds, c. 1604. V. of
Wherstead, 1611-57. Died Sept. 30, 1657.
SAMWAIES, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, June 4,
1621. S. of Thomas, gent. B. at Bincombe, Dorset School,
Sherborne (Mr Grove). Matric. 1621; B.A. 1624-5. Ord.
deacon (Sahsbury) Dec. 18, 1625. C. of Owermoigne, Dorset.
V. of Hermitage, near Sherborne, 1650. V. of Abbotsbury,
1662. R. of Bincombe, 1664-70. Died 1670. (Venn, i.
SAMWELL, ANTHONY. B.A. 1625 (Incorp. from Oxford).
4th s. of Sir William, of Upton, Northampton, Knt., auditor
to Queen Ehzabeth. Bapt. there, Nov. 18, 1604. Matric.
(Trinity CoUege, Oxford) Oct. 26, 1621, age 17; B..\. 1623.
Adm. at the .Middle Temple, Apr. 22, 1626. Of Dean's Yard,
Westminster. Married Anne Heynes, of Chessington, Surrey.
Living, 1682. (Al. Oxon.; Burke, Ext. Bart.; Baker, i. 225;
Vis. of Nortluints., i6i8-g.)
SAMWELL, Sir THOMAS, Bart. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Corpus
Christi, Apr. 20, 1704. Of Northamptonshire. S. of Sir
Thomas, of Upton, Northants., Bart. Bapt. there Apr. 14,
1687. Matric. 1704; LL.D. 1717 (Com. Reg.). Succeeded as 2nd
Bart., Mar. 1693-4. M.P. for Coventry, 1715-22. Of Upton,
Northants. Married (i) MiUicent, dau. of Rev. Thomas
Fuller, D.D., R. of Hatfield, Herts.; (2) Mary, dau. of Sir
Gilbert Clarke, of Chilcot, Derbs., and widow of WiUiam
Ives, of Bradden, Northants. Died Nov. 16, 1757- Buried
at Upton. Admon., P.C.C. (Masters; G.E.C., iv. 71.)
SANCROFT, FRANCIS. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, May 11,
1613. Matric. 1613; B.A. 1616-7; M.A. 1620. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) Oct. 21; priest, Oct. 22, 1620.
SANCROFT, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Aug. 3,
1704. Of Suffolk. Matric. 1705.
SANDCROFT, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Sept. 10,
1633. S. of Francis, of Fressingfield, Suffolk. Matric. 1634.
Of Ufford Hall. Died c. 1681. Brother of William (1633) and
probably father of William (1665). (G. Mag., 1841, 23.)
SANDCROFTE, W. Matric. sizar from Clare, Michs. 1568.
Sancroft, William
SANCROFT, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Oct. 12,
1596. Of Suffolk. S. of Francis, of Fressingfield, Suffolk.
B. 1582. Scholar; B.A. 1600-1; M.A. 1604; B.D. 1611;
D.D. 1629. Fellow, 1604-16. Master, 1628-37. R. of Stan-
ford-le-Hope, Essex, 1618-28. Died at Bury St Edmunds,
Apr. 1637. Will proved (V.C.C.) 1637. [Emmanuel Coll.
Hist., 73.)
manuel, Sept. 10, 1633. 2nd s. of Francis, of Fressingfield,
Suffolk (and Margaret, dau. of Thomas Boucher, of Wilby),
and nephew of William (above). B. there, Jan. 13, 1616-7.
School, Bury St Edmunds. Matric. 1634; B.A. 1637-8.
M.A. 1641; B.D. 1648; D.D. 1662 {Lit. Reg.). Fellow, 1642-
51. Master, 1662-5. Went abroad, 1657; studied at Padua.
Returned to England, 1660. R. of Houghton-le-Spring,
Durham, 1661-4. Chaplain to Charles II, 1661-78. Preb.
of Durham, 1662-75. Dean of York, 1664-5. Dean and
preb. of St Paul's, 1664-78. Archdeacon of Canterbury,
1668-70. Privy Councillor, 1678-89. Archbishop of Canter-
bury, 1678-91. Crowned James II, 1685. Refused to serve
in the high commission court established by James II;
refused to read the King's declaration of liberty of conscience,
1688. Signed with six bishops, the famous petition to James II,
1688. Imprisoned in the Tower of London; tried on a charge
of seditious libel and acquitted. Signed the declaration
calling on William of Orange to assist in procuring peace
and a 'free parliament,' 1688, but opposed appointmg him
king. Suspended, 1689; deprived, 1690. Retired to Fressing-
field. Prepared the Memorials of Laud for the Press. Died
unmarried. Buried at Fressingfield, Nov. 27, 1693, aged 77.
Benefactor to Emmanuel. (D.N.B.)
SANDCROFT, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Apr. 25,
1665. Of Suffolk. Probablys.ofThomas(i633). Matric. 1665.
Died s.p., 1713. (<?. Mag.)
SANCROFT, WILLIAM. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Emmanuel, Mar. 5,
1700-1. Of Suffolk. Probably s. and h. of Francis, of Ufford
Hall, Fressingfield, and grandson of Thomas (1633). Of
Ufford Hall and afterwards of Exning. Married Catherme,
dau. of Sir John Cotton, of Landwade, Bart. Will dated,
1717. (G. Mag.)
SANCTUARY or SENTUARY, JOHN. B.A. 1470-1. Of Norfolk.
M.A. 1474; B.D. 1484-5. Fellow of Corpus Christi, 1474-
Overseer of the works at Gt St Mary's, 1502. R. of Land-
beach, Cambs., 1512-6. WiU proved (V.C.C.) 1516. (Cooper,
1. 22.)
SANDALL, BENJAMIN. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter,
1634. Of Yorkshire. B.A. 1640-1. V. of Calverley, Yorks.,
1662-88. Died 1688.
SANDALL, EDWARD. Adm. sizar at Queens', June 14, 1670.
Of Yorkshire. Matric. 1670; B.A. 1673-4; M.A. 1681. Ord.
deacon (York) Feb. 1674-5; priest, Sept. 1681.
SANDYL or SENDALL, RICHARD. Adm. pens, at Peter-
house, July 4, 1595. Matric. c. 1595, Sandyl.
SANDELL, RICHARD. Adm. (age 16) at Caius, Oct. 19, 1620;
afterwards FeU.-Com. S. and h. of Edmimd, gent., of Lynn,
Norfolk. B. at Waddington, Yorks. Schools, Lynn,
Chichester (Mr Woodhouse) and Heidelberg, Germany
(private). Matric. 1620-1. Migrated to Queens'. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, Feb. 14, 1618-9. [Venn, i. 251.)
SANDAV, . Adm, pens, at St Catharine's, June 29, 1664.
SANDBY, JOSIAH. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, May 21,
1689. Matric. 1689; B.A. 1692-3; M.A. 1696. Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) May 19, 1695; 'C. of Knebworth, Herts." R. of
Bredicot, Worcs., 1696-1711. Preb. of Worcester, 1708-44.
V. of Warton, Lanes., 1710-1. Chaplain to the Duke of
Marlborough. Chaplain, 7th Dragoon Guards, 1715. Died
SANDEMAN, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from St John's, c. i6oi.
Ord. deacon (York) Feb. 1607-8.
SANDERS, ALEXANDER. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Pembroke,
May 5, 1673. S. of Thomas, of Inglesham, Berks, {sic). See
Al. Oxon. for a contemporary.
SAUNDERS, ANTHONY. M.A. 1668 (Incorp. from Christ
Church, Oxford). Student of Christ Church. Matric. (Wad-
ham College, Oxford) Oct. 26, 1660; B.A. (Oxford) 1664;
M.A. 1667; D.D. 1677. R. of Hollingboume, Kent, 1666-77.
Chancellor of St Paul's, 1672-1719- R- of Buxted, Sussex,
1674. R. of Acton, Middlesex, 1677-1719- Died 1719-20.
Admon., Mar. 1719-20; of Buxted. {Al. Oxon.; Hennessy.)
SAUNDERS, CHARLES. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinity,
June 19, i68o. S. of William. B. at Brentford, Middlesex.
School, Westminster. Scholar, 1681. Author, Tamberlaine,
a tragedy, 1681, acted at Oxford before Charles I and
honoured with an epilogue by Dryden. {Al. Westmon., 190.)
SAUNDERS, DANIEL. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Apr. 27, 1598;
Scholar; B.A. 1601-2; M.A. 1605. Dixie Fellow, 1607.
Sanders, George
SAUNDERS, DRUE. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1492.
SAUNDERS, EDWARD. Educated at Cambridge. S. and h. of
Thomas, of Harrington, Northants. Adm. at the Middle
Temple, May 3, 1524; barrister. Bencher, 1539. Serjeant-
at-law, 1540. M.P. for Coventry, 1541; for Lostwithiel,
1547-52; for Saltash, 1553. Recorder of Coventry, 1542-53.
King's Serjeant, 1547. Justiceof the C. P., 1553-7. Knighted,
Jan. 27, 1554-5. Chief Justice Q.B., 1557-9- Chief Baron
of Exchequer, 1558-76. Married (1) Margaret, dau. of Sir
Thomas Englefield, of Bucks.; (2) Agnes Hussey. Died
Nov. 12, 1576. Buried at Weston-under-Weatherley, Warws.
M.I. Will, P.C.C. Brother of Laurence (1538). (Cooper, i.
359; D.N.B.; Baker, i. 293.)
SANDERS, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Caius, Aug. 22,
1571; afterwards Fell.-Com. Of Coventry. S. of Francis,
gent., of Welford, Northants. Schools, Gt Harborough and
Eton. Matric. 1571. Adm. at the Middle Temple, Jan. 15,
1575. Of Brixworth, Northants., Esq. Married Millicent,
dau. of John Temple, of Stowe, Bucks., June 2, 1583.
Died Sept. 1630. Buried at Brixworth. M.I. Half-brother
of Francis (1596) and Matthew (1593)- (Venn, 1. 68.)
SANDERS, EDWARD. Adm. sizar at Sidney, Jan. 10, 1617-8.
B. in Cambridgeshire. Matric. i6i8; B.A. 1621-2; M.A.
1625, Sander.
SANDERS, EDWARD. Adm. sizar at Peterhouse, July 5,
1626. Of Salisbury. Matric. 1626-7. Migrated to Queens',
Apr. 8, 1628.
SAUNDER or SANDERS, EDWARD. Adm. sizar (age 17) at
St John's, Mar. 25, 1669. S. of Edward, yeoman, of Etton,
Yorks. B. there. School, Halham (?Halsham), Sheffield.
Matric. 1669; B.A. 1672-3; M.A. 1676. Ord. deacon (York)
May, 1673; priest, Sept. 24, 1676. Probably R. of Patrington,
Yorks., 1682-5. Buried there Nov. 30, 1685.
SANDERS, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 19) at St John's, July r,
1708. S. of John, gent. B. at Wootton, Warws. School,
Coventry (Mr Greenway). Matric. 1708; B.A. 1711-2.
Apparently migrated to Exeter College, Oxford, Sept. 29,
1708. Matric. there, 1708, age 18 (sic), but returned to
SAUNDER, EDWARD. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, June 25,
1713. Of Leicestershire. Probably s. of Samuel (1668).
School, Oakham. Matric. 1713; Scholar; B.A. 1716-7; M.A.
1722. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June 15, i7i7; priest (Norwich)
Mar. 1722-3. C. of Burley, Rutland, 1717- V- of Hendon,
Middlesex, 1726-56. Died Aug. 5, 1756. Probably brother
of Samuel (1699-1700).
SAUNDERS, EDWARD. Adm. sizar (age 20) at Trinity, Feb.
16, 1721-2. S. of Edward, of Middlesex. B. in Salop, 1700.
School, Charterhouse. Matric. 1724. Ord. deacon (Ely)
June 28, 1724. One of these names chaplain in the Navy,
SANDERS, FORTUNATUS. Matric. sizar from Sidney, Oct.
1602; B.A. from Magdalene, 1605-6; M.A. 1610. Ord.
deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 22, 1605; priest, Oct. 2, 1608. Signs
as minister of Tempsford, Beds., in 1606. P.C. of Upwood,
Hunts., 1610-C. 1616; also schoolmaster. Probably R. of
Newton Toney, Wilts.; will (Cons. C. Sarum) 1633.
SAUNDERS, FRANCIS. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Nov. 1566.
Perhaps s. of Francis, of Welford, Northants. Died 1586.
(Peile, I. 97.)
SAUNDER, FRANCIS. B.A. from Christ's, 1579-80.
SANDERS, FRANCIS. Matric. pens, from Clare, c. 1595.
Perhaps adm. at Gray's Inn, Feb. 11, 1601-2.
SAUNDERS, FRANCIS. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Magdalene,
c. 1596. Probably s. of Francis, of Welford, Northants.
Bapt. there, Aug. 14, 1580. Adm. at the Middle Temple,
Feb. 21, 1600-1. Of Syresham, Northants. Married Frances,
dau. of Peter Andrew, of Syresham. Living, 1619. Doubtless
brother of Matthew (1593) and half-brother of Edward (i57i)-
(Vis. of Northants., 1618; Nichols, 11. 792.)
SANDERS, FRANCIS. Matric. sizar from Christ's, June, 1602 ;
B.A. 1605-6, Sander.
SAUNDERS, FRANCIS. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 17) at Pembroke,
June 27, 1617. S. of Sir Matthew (1593), of Shangton, Leics.,
Knt. Bapt. there, Feb. 5, 1599-1600. Matric. 1617. 'Circa
festum Paschalis 1620 clam se subito subduxit atque in
Gallias temere profectus est' {Coll. Register). Succeeded his
father at Shangton, 1622. High Sheriff of Leics., 1634. Sold
Shangton to Sir Justinian Isham, Bart., in 1636. (J. H. Hill,
Church LangtOH.)
SAUNDER, FRANCIS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Magdalene,
June II, 1652. S. of Francis, of Hullbank, Cottingham,
Yorks. School, Beverley. Matric. 1652.
SAWNDERS, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from Gonville Hall,
Easter, 1544.
Sanders, George
SANDERS, GEORGE. Matric. sizar from Trinity Hall, Easter,
1631; Scholar, 1632; LL.B. 1636.
SANDERS, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Clare, c. 1595. One
of these names, s. and h. of Bartholomew, of Minster, Kent,
gent., adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 22, 1598. Married Jane
Parramore, of Canterbury, Dec. 15, 1607. Buried Oct. 9,
1637, aged 63, at Canterbury. (H. G. Harrison.)
SANDERS, HENRY. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's, Jan. 30,
1668-9. S. of Henry. B. at Bishop's Stortford. School,
Bishop's Stortford {Mr Leigh and afterwards Mr Cudworth).
Matric. 1669; B.A. 1672-3; M.A. 1676. Ord. priest (London)
June, 1680. Probably R. of Nettleswell, Essex, 1680-1716.
Died 1716. (Peile, 11. 18.)
SAUNDERS, HENRY. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, 1687.
Matric. Easter, 1688; B.A. 1690-1.
SAUNDERS, HUMPHREY. M.A. from Trinity, 1665. Prob-
ably s. of Humphrey, R. of Holsworthy, Devon. Matric.
(Exeter College, Oxford) Mar. 22, 1658-9 [der. fit.); B.A.
(Oxford) 1662. Probably ord. priest (Carlisle) May 20, 1667.
V. of Netherbury, Dorset, 1667-73- Died Oct. 27, 1673.
aged 33. M.L at Netherbury. {Al. Oxon.; F. S. Hocka-
SAUNDERS, JAMES, alias GOODWIN. Adm. at King's, a
scholar from Eton, 1641. B. at Egham, Surrey, 1624.
Matric. 1641; B.A. 1644-5; M.A. 1648; D.D. 1660. Fellow,
1644-52. V. of Ringwood, Hants., 1652. Died 1670-1.
Father of the next. (Harwood.)
SANDERS, JAMES. Adm. at Jesus, Feb. 17, 1672. S. of James
(1641). B. at FUngwood, Hants. Matric. 1672; B.A. 1675-6.
Fellow of King's, 1675.
SANDER, JOHN. B.A. 1474-5-
SAUNDERS, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Emmanuel, Aug. 6,
1604. Doubtless s. and h. of Richard, of Marston Pillings,
Beds. Adm. at Lincohi's Inn, May 31, 1606. Knighted,
Apr. 19, 1624. Of Marston Moretaine, Beds. Married Eliza-
beth, dau. of Francis Roberts, of Willesden, Middlesex.
Probably father of John (1631-2). (Vis. of Beds., 1634.)
SAUNDERS, JOHN. M.A. 1607 (Incorp. from Oxford). S. of
Richard, of Long Marston, Bucks., gent. Matric. (Oriel
College, Oxford) Jan. 26, 1598-9, age 18; B.A. 1601-2;
MA 1605; M.B. and M.D. 1628. Principal of St Mary Hall,
1632-44. Provost of Oriel, 1644-52. Died Mar. 20, 1652-3.
Buried in the College Chapel. (Al.Oxon.; Vis. of Beds., 1634;
Lipscomb, i. 336, 385.)
SANDERS, JOHN. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 16) at Sidney, Feb.
28, 1631-2. S. of Sir John (1604), Knt., of Marston Pillings,
Beds. B. at Willesden, Middlesex (his mother's home).
Schools, Thurlow, Beds. (Mr Lloyd) and Clifton (Mr Bedford).
Matric. 1632. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 2, 1635. Of
Sapperton, Lines. Married Ursula, dau. of Richard Taylor,
of Clapham, Beds., Sept. 8, 1635. Father of John (i66i).
{Lines. Pedigrees, 854; Vis. of Beds., 1634.)
SANDERS, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Easter, 1636.
Perhaps s. of Thomas, of Woolston, Berks.; age 44 in 1664.
Matric. 1636; B.A. 1639-40. {Genealogist, vi. 86.)
SANDERS, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Queens', 1644. Matric. 1645;
B.A. 1647-8; M.A. 1652.
SAUNDERS, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Sidney, May 16,
1661. S. of John (1631-2), gent. B. at Clapham, Beds,
(his mother's home). Schools, Hargrave, Northants. and
Sleaford, Lines. Matric. 1661. Perhaps adm. at the Inner
Temple, June 3, 1662. Died Dec. 12, 1693. Buried at All
Saints', Stamford. {Lines. Pedigrees, 854.)
SANDERS, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's, Easter,
1664; B.A. 1667-8; M.A. 1671. Incorp. at Oxford, 1710.
Perhaps preb. of Lichfield, 1673, and R. of Broome, Staffs.,
SAUNDERS, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Sidney, May 3,
1671. S. of Richard (? 1639-40), R. of Kentisbeare, Devon.
School, Tiverton. Matric. 1671; Scholar, 1673; B.A. 1674-5;
M.A. 1678. Fellow, 1678. Taxor, 1683.
SAUNDERS, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Trinity, June 23, 1673.
Matric. 1675-6.
SAUNDERS, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Sept. 9, 1706. Of
Stagordshire. Matric. 1707; LL.B. from Trinity Hall, 171 2.
Ord. deacon (York) May, 1711. V. of Burton with Bulcote,
Notts., 1719.
SAUNDERS, JOSEPH. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, June
28,1712. S. of John, tailor. B. at Marlborough, Wilts. Bapt.
there, Feb. 7, 1694-5. School, Marlborough. Matric. 1712;
B.A. 1715-6; M.A. 1721. Ord. deacon (Ely, Liit. dim. from
Gloucester) Mar. 17, 1716-7. C. of Iron Acton, Gloucs.,
Sanders, Robert
SAUNDERS, JOSEPH. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's, Nov.
26, 1743. S. of John, of Wiltshire. B. at Marlborough.
School, Marlborough. Matric. i743; B.A. 1747-8. Ord.
deacon (Lichfield) Dec. 23, 1750; priest, Sept. 22, 1751. V.
of Carswell, Staffs., i773-9i- {Scott-Mayor, in. 54°-)
SANDERS, JULIUS. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, June 19,
1678. Of Warwickshire. 3rd s. of Francis, of Bedworth,
Warws. Age 23 in 1682. Started a nonconformist church
at Bedworth, in 1686. {Vis. of Warws., 1682.)
SAUNDERS, LAURENCE. Adm. at King's, a scholar from
Eton, 1538. 2nd s. of Thomas, of Harrington, Northants.
Perhaps B.A. 1541-2; M.A. 1544. Divinity lecturer at
Fotheringay College. Preb. of York, 1552-4- R- of All
Hallows, Bread Street, London, 1553-4- R- of Church
Langton, Leics., 1554. Condemned for heresy and burnt at
Coventry, Feb. 8, 1554-5. Brother of Edward, judge.
{Cooper, 1. 122; D.N.B.; Nichols, n. 792; J. H. Hill, Langton,
SANDERS, LUKE. Matric. sizar from St Catharine's, Easter,
1634. Of Essex. B.A. 1638-9; M.A. 1642. Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) Jan. 15, 1661-2; priest, Sept. 21, 1662. R. of
Radwell, Herts., 1647-79. V. of Norton, till 1679. Died
1679. (Shaw, I. 339.)
SANDERS, MARK. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1565.
Of Ely, Cambs. Ord. deacon (Ely) Dec. 21, 1569, age 22;
priest. Mar. 22, 1569-70. V. of Elm and Emneth, Cambs.,
1570. R.ofStGeorge, Canterbury, 1574-86. V. of Benenden,
Kent, 1579-86. Died 1586. Perhaps brother of the next.
SANDERS, MATTHEW. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1581. Of Ely, Cambs. Migrated to Queens', 15S4. B.A.
1584-5; M.A. 1588; B.D. from Pembroke, 1595. Incorp. at
Oxford, 1603. R. of Bamston, Essex, 1610. Married Eliza-
beth, dau. of Henry Fletcher, R. of Little Easton, Essex,
Aug. 16, 1611. Buried at St Michael's, Comhill, London,
Aug. 24, 1629. Admon., Cons. C.London. Father of Matthew
SAUNDERS, MATTHEW. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 16) at Caius,
May 5, 1593. S. of Francis, Esq. (by his 3rd wife Frances
Pope), of Welford, Northants. Schools, Leicester and Eton.
Adm. at the Middle Temple, Nov. 21, 1594. Knighted, Sept.
2, 1617. Of Shangton, Leics. Married Margaret, dau. of
Henry Skipwith, of Coates, Leics. Died Apr. 13, 1622,
at Shangton. M.I. Brother of Francis (1596), half-brother
of Edward (1571) and father of Francis (1617). {Venn, 1. 149;
Vis. of Northants., 1618.)
SAUNDERS, MATTHEW, Adm. sizar (age i8) at St John's,
May 25, 1632. S. of Matthew (1581), clerk, R. of Bamston,
Essex. B. there. School, Felsted.
SAUNDERS, NICHOLAS. B.D. 1537-8. FeUow of Queens*.
SAUNDERS, NICHOLAS. Adm. pens, at King's, Michs. 1565.
SANDERS, NICHOLAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, May 4,
1597. S. of John. Bapt. Jan. 25, 1581-2, at Tawstock,
Devon. School, Barnstaple. Scholar, 1598-1604; B.A.
1600-1; M.A. 1604. Fellow, 1606-10. University Examiner,
1608. (Venn, i. 162.)
SANDERS, PETER. Matric. sizar from St Catharine's, Easter,
1635. Of Cambridgeshire. B.A. 1638-9; M.A. 1642. Ord.
deacon and priest (Lincoln) Aug. 7, 1645. V. of Swaton and
Spanby, Lines., 1663. Father of Samuel (1668).
SAUNDERS, PHILIP. Matric. sizar from Sidney, Michs. 1601.
B. at Debden, Essex. B.A. 1605-6. Ord. deacon (London)
Mar. 19, 1608-9, age 23; priest, Sept. 23, 1610. C. of Layer
Bretton, Essex. C. of Hutton, 1622-34, suspended by the
Bishop. Sequestered to Magdalen Laver, 1645-52. Married
Alice, dau. of William Greene, of Chelsworth, Suffolk, June 4,
1622. Died 1652. (H. Smith.)
SAUNDERS, RICHARD. Adm. sizar at Jesus, June 12, 1639.
Of Buckinghamshire. Matric. 1639; B.A. 1642-3.
SANDER or SAUNDER, RICHARD. Adm. pens, (age 16) at
Caius, Jan. 17, 1639-40. S. of Richard, gent., of South Lynn,
Norfolk. B. there. School, South Lynn (Messrs Rawlinson
and Bell). Matric. 1640; Scholar, 1640-7; B.A. 1643-4;
M.A. 1647. Perhaps R. of Kentisbeare, Devon, in 1655; if
so, father of John (1671). (Venn, i. 337.)
SAUNDERS, ROBERT. Adm. at King's (age 18) a scholar from
Eton, 1591. B. at Hambledon, Bucks., c. 1573. B.A. 1595;
M.A. 1599. Fellow, 1594-1607. Incorp. at Oxford, 1599.
Ord. deacon (York) Sept. 1607; priest (London) Sept. 25,
1608. Master of the School at Wakefield, Yorks., 1607
(elected, July 20; resigned, Oct. 22, 1607). R. of Arborfield,
near Reading, Berks., 1608. (Harwood; M. H. Peacock.)
SANDERS, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, 1676.
Matric. Easter, 1677; B.A. 1679-80; M.A. 1685. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) Feb. 1680-1; priest, Dec. 1686.
Sanders, Roger
SAUNDERS, ROGER. Adm. pens, at Queens', June 29, 1682.
Previously matric. (Trinity College, Oxford) Apr. i, 1680,
age 16. S. of Thomas, of Shaftesbury, Dorset. Matric. 1682;
B.A. from Trinity Hall, 1683. V. of Charlton Horethome,
alias Canfield, Somerset, 1687-93. Died 1693.
SANDERS, SAMUEL. Resided three years at St John's. B. at
South Kirby, Yorks., c. 1S63. Ord. priest (York); preacher
(Norwich). Of Northbrook, Norfolk, 1585. V. of Gt Hale,
Lines., 1599-C. 1617. Will (Lincoln) 1617-8.
- SANDERS, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Christ's, May 7,
1659. S. of Thomas, colonel in the Parliamentary army.
B. May 27, 1641, at Little Ireton, Derbs. School, Repton.
Matric. 1659. Refused to take the oath for his B.A. degree
in 1661. Adm. at Gray's Inn, June 3, 1663. Of Little Ireton.
Married three wives. Died at Normanton-on-Soar, Sept. 16,
1688. Buried in Mugginton Church. (F.M.G., 441; Peile,
I. 585.)
SAUNDER or SAUNDERS, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 16) at
Sidney, June 3, 1668. S. of Peter (1635), R. of Swaton,
Lines. Schools, Charterhouse and Uppingham. Matric. 1668;
B.A. 1671-2; M.A. 1675. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Mar. 23,
1672-3; priest (Peterb.) May 25, 1673. Probably V. of
Burley-on-the-Hill, Rutland, 1681. Died 1725. Probably
father of the next and of Edward (1713)- (H. I. Longden.)
SAUNDER, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, Mar.
19, 1699-1700. S. of Samuel (? above), clerk. B. at Burley-
on-the-Hill, Rutland. School, Rugby. Matric. 1700; B.A.
1703-4; M.A. 1707; D.D. 1722. Fellow, 1707-10. Ord.
deacon (Peterb.) Mar. 10, 1705-6; priest. Mar. 9, 1706-7.
R. of Saxelby, Leics., 1707-9. Head Master of Sedbergh,
1709-41. V. of Wheldon and Hutton Buscel, Yorks., 1740.
Died Nov. I, 1741. Buried at Westminster. Probably brother
of Edward (1713). (Scott-Mayor; Nichols, iii. 483.)
SAUNDERS, SAMUEL TOBIAS. Adm. at King's, a scholar
from Eton, 1741. S. of Dr Erasmus Saunders, V. of Blockley,
Worcs., 1705-24. B. there, 1723. Matric. Michs. 1742; B.A.
1746-7. Fellow, 1745. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 21, 1746.
Died in Worcestershire, 1748.
SAWNDERS, SAUL. Matric. pens, from Clare, Easter, 1550
SAUNDERS, STEPHEN. B.D. Fellow of Pembroke, 1450.
Confessor of Syon monastery. Benefactor to Pembroke.
SANDER, STEPHEN. B.A. 1462-3; M.A. 1467-8. Fellow of
Pembroke, 1470.
SANDERS, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Easter, 1586.
SAUNDERS, THOMAS. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Emmanuel, Dec.
28, 1587. Matric. 1588. One of these names, 'of Sibbertoft,
Northants.,' adm. at the Inner Temple, 1589-90; a near
relation of Sir Chr. Hatton.
SAUNDERS, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Easter,
1602; B.A. 1605-6; M.A. 1609. V. of Bourn, Cambs.,
1612-38. V. of Caldecote, 1638-44, ejected. (Peile, i.
SAUNDERS, THOMAS. Matric. FeU.-Com. from King's, Easter,
1613. Perhaps s. of Richard, of Denton, Bucks, (by his
2nd wife Elizabeth, dau. of WiUiam Blount, of Leicester-
shire). If so, knighted, Mar. 12, 1622-3. Of Agmondisham,
Bucks. Married Alice, dau. of Sir David Watkins, of Fam-
borough, Hants. (Vis. of Bucks., 1634.)
SANDERS, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Mar. 17,
1631-2. Of Suffolk. Matric. 1632.
SANDERS, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Nov. 18, 1648.
Of Worcestershire.
SAUNDERS, WALTER. B.Can.L. 1492-3.
SAUNDERS, WILLIAM. B.A. 1524-5; M.A. 1528.
SAUNDERS, WILLIAM. Adm. at King's (age 18) a scholar
from Eton, .^ug. 12, 1524. Of .^mersham, Bucks. B.A.
1528-9; M.A. 1532-3. Fellow, 1527-37. Proctor, 1535-6.
SAUNDERS, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter,
1550. B. in London. Scholar, 1550, Sawnders. Ord. deacon
(London) Apr. 23, 1569, age 37. V. of Blakesley, Northants.,
1569. Buried there Aug. i8, 1585. (T. P. Dorman.)
SAUNDERS, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's,
Easter, 1579.
SAUNDERS, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Sidney, Oct. i6or. B.
at Kimbolton.
SAUNDERS, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Sidney, July 12,
1615. B. in Middlesex. Matric. 1615; B.A. 1618-9; M-A.
SANDERS, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, May 23,
1672. Matric. 1672; B.A. 1675-6; M.A. 1679.
Sanderson, George
SAUNDERS, WILLIAM BILL. Adm. scholar at Trinity Hall,
Jan. 8, 1707-8. Matric. 1707; B.A. i7it>-i; M.A. 1714. Head
Master of Nottingham Grammar School, 1719-c. 31.
SANDERS, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, July i, 1723-
Of Hertfordshire. Matric. 1724; B.A. 1726-7; M.A. 1766.
Perhaps V. of Albury, Herts., 1733-92. Probably R. of
Hunsdon, 1766-73. Died 1792.
SAUNDERS, ZACHARIAH. Matric. pens, from St John's,
Michs. 1581; B.A. 1585-6; M.A. 1589. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
Jan. 1, 1588-9; priest, Nov. 13, 1590. Master of Rivington
School, Lanes., 1589. V. of Bolton-le-Moors, 1595-8. V. of
Sturton, Lines., 1598. V. of Poslingford, Suffolk, 1599-1601;
deprived. V. of Clee, Lines., 1600-3. (E. Axon.)
SANDERS, . Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1554.
SANDERS, . Adm. Fell. -Com. at St Catharine's, 1644.
SAUNDERS, . Matric. pens, from St Catharine's, Easter,
1655. Of London.
SAUNDERS, . Adm. at Pembroke, June 14, 1658.
SANDERS, . Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, July 7, 1685.
SANDERSON, AMBROSE. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's,
June 7, 1669. S. of George (1640), clerk, of Gainford,
Durham. Bapt. there, Mar. 2, 1652. School, Brignall
(Mr Johnson). Matric. 1669; B.A. 1672-3. (Walbran,
Gains ford, 85.)
SANDERSON, ANTHONY. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Pembroke,
June 21, 1673. S. of Robert, of Serlby, Notts., Esq. (and
Mary, dau. of Anthony Topham, Dean of Lincolii). Matric.
1673. Adm. at the Inner Temple, Apr. 26, 1676. Married
Jane, dau. of Reason Mellish. Buried at Harworth, Mar. 23,
1687-8. Brother of Robert (1673). (J. Raine, B/y«A.)
SANDERSON, ANTHONY. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Feb. 15,
1675-6. Of Northamptonshire. 5th s. of William, of Stoke
Doyle, Northants. Bapt. Dec. 14, 1658, at Pilton. Matric.
1676; B.A. 1679-80; M.A. 1683; B.D. 1690; D.D. 1700.
Fellow, 1685-92. Incorp. at Oxford, 1699. R. of Thorpe
Achurch, Northants., with Thorpe Waterville, 1715-37. V.
of Little Addington, 1720-37. Married (i) Elizabeth
Saunderson (his cousin), Sept. lo, 1692; (2) Anne Sansbury,
Dec. 9, 1700. Buried at Little Addington, Dec. 5, 1737.
Admon. (P.C.C.) 1738. Father of John (1722). (Al. Oxon.;
Vis. of Northants., 1682; H. I. Longden.)
SANDERSON, ANTHONY. Adm. pens, at Clare, Apr. 4, 1749.
2nds.of John (1722). Bapt. Feb. 2, 1730-1, at Little Adding-
ton, Northants. Matric. 1750; B.A. 1753. Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) June 17, 1753; priest. May 25, 1755. R. of Bam-
well St Andrew, Northants., 1757-80. Married Sarah Moore,
of Peterborough. Died at Barnwell, 1780. Brother of John
(1749). (H. I. Longden.)
SAUNDERSON, CHRISTOPHER. Matric. sizar from Christ's,
Feb. 1579-80; B.A. 1583-4; M.A. 1587. R. of Lichborough,
Northants., 1598. Buried there Jan. 29, 1631-2. Will, P.C.C.
(Peile, I. 158; Bridges, 1. 77.)
SANDERSON, CLEMENT. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Lent,
SANDERSON, EDWARD. Matric. sizar from Clare, Michs.
SANDERSON, ELISHA. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, July 3, i66r.
Of Derbyshire. Matric. 1661; B.A. 1664-5; M.A. 1668.
V. of Saltby, Leics., 1678-80. Died at Bottesford, c. 1680.
(Nichols, II. 306-7.)
SANDERSON, GABRIEL. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Sept. 11,
1640. Matric. 1641; B.A. 1644-5; M.A. 1648. Incorp. at
Oxford, 1648.
SANDERSON, GEORGE. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's,
Oct. 10, 1640. S. of William, of Sedbergh, shoemaker, lately
deceased. B. there. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1640. R. of
Croglin, Cumberland, 1671-91. V. of Kirkoswald, 1671-85.
At Gainford, Durham, c. 1649-56, and at Forcett, Yorks.,
in i66r. Died 1691. Father of .\mbrose (1669). (B. Night-
ingale, 343, 416; Walbran, Gainsford, 85.)
SANDERSON, GEORGE. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 17) at Caius,
May 27, 1646. S. of George, of Washingborough and Aby
Grange, Lines., and grandson of Nicholas, 1st Viscount
Castleton. B. in London. School, Newport, Essex (Mr
Woolley). Matric. 1646. Of South Thoresby, Lines. Married
Frances, dau. of Sir Henry Massingberd, Bart., of Gunby.
Buried at South Thoresby, Dec. 6, 1680. Father of George
(1679-80). (Lines. Pedigrees, 859.)
SANDERSON, GEORGE. Adm. pens, at Trinity, May 18, 1658.
Doubtless s. of George, of Grainthorpe, Lines. Bapt. Aug.
20,1640. Of Grainthorpe, Esq. Married and had issue. Died
1663. Will dated, July 17; proved, Nov. 23, 1663. (Lines.
Pedigrees, 856.)
Sanderson, George
SANDERSON, GEORGE. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Jesus, Jan. 30,
1679-80. S. of George {1646), of South Thoresby, Lines.,
Esq. Bapt. there, Mar. 9, 1660-1. School, Alford. Matric.
1680; M.A. 1682 {Com. Reg.). Married Frances, dau. of
George Saunderson, of Louth. Buried Oct. 5, 1688. (Lines.
Pedigrees, 859.)
SAUNDERSON, HENRY. B.A. 1531-2. Of York diocese. S. of
Christopher, of Beverley, draper. M.A. 1535-6; B.D. 1545.
Fellow of St John's, 1533. Proctor, 1538-9. Will proved
(V.C.C.) 1545-
SANDERSON, ISAAC. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Jan. 10, 1638-5.
Of Middlesex. Matric. 1639; Scholar, 1640; B.A. 1642-3.
Inc. of Plumstead, Kent, 1647.
SANDERSON, JAMES. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 14) at Magdalene,
Nov. 19, 1681. 8th s. of George, Viscount Castleton (and
Grace, dau. of Henry Belasj'se). B. at Sandbeck, Yorks.
School, Laughton, Yorks. Matric. 1681. Adm. at Gray's
Inn, Apr. 15, 1686. M.P. for Newark, 1698-1700 and 1701-
10. Vice-admiral of Lines., 1705. Succeeded his father as
5th Viscount (Ireland), 1714. Created Baron Saunderson of
Saxby, Lines., Oct. 19, 1714; Viscount Castleton of Sand-
beck, Yorks., July 2, 1716, and finally Earl Castleton of
Sandbeck, July 18, 1720. Died s.p., May 23, 1723. Brother
of Thomas '(1681). (G.E.C.)
SANDERSON, JAMES. Adm. pens, (age 16 sw) at St John's,
Aug. 24, 1683. S. of Christopher. B. Dec. 19, 1664, at
Egglestone, Durham. School, Charterhouse. Matric. 1684;
B..A.. 16S7-8. Ord. deacon (Carlisle, Litt. dim. from Durham)
June 7, 1691; priest (Durham) Sept. 25, 1692. P.C. of
St Nicholas, Durham, 1 688-1 702. Married Aug. 8, 1699, to
Jane Rutter, at St Margaret's, Durham. Died s.p. Brother
(twin) of Joseph (1683) and Robert (1683) and half-brother
of Philip (1659). {F.M.G., 872; H. M. Wood.)
SAUNDERSON, JOHN. B.Can.L. 1508-9.
SANDERSON, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1554.
Of Lancashire. Scholar, 1555; B.A. 1557-8; M.A. 1561.
Fellow, 1560. Logic reader, 1562. Expelled for 'super-
stitious doctrine.' Proceeded to Rome and then to France,
Subsequently retired to Flanders. Student at Douay, 1570,
where he was created D.D. Ord. priest at Douay. Divinity
Professor in the English College at Rheims, 1580. Canon of
Cambrai. Author, theological. Died at Cambrai, 1602
(? 1610). Perhaps brother of Lawrence (1560). {Cooper, 11.
351; D.N.B.)
SANDERSON, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Clare, Easter, 1616.
Probably s. and h. of John, of Little Addington, Northants.,
Esq. Age 17 in 1618. B.A. 1619-20. Adm. at Gray's Inn,
Nov. I, 1619. Probably brother of Laurence (1622). {Vis.
of Northants., 1618.)
SANDERSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney, May 20,
1662. S. of John, Esq. B. at Tempsford, Beds. School,
Sutton (Mr Bankes) . One of these names buried at Tempsford,
Jan. 12, 1674. {Vis. of Beds., 1634, 194.)
SANDERSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Clare, Sept. 17, 1678.
S. of Theophilus, of Little Addington, Northants. B. Apr. 17,
1663. School, Oundle. Matric. 1679. Migrated to Emmanuel,
May 25, 1680. B.A. 1682-3; M.A. 1686. Died 1687, aged 23.
{Vis. of Northants., 1682.)
SANDERSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Dec. 29, 1722.
S. of Anthony (1675-6). Bapt. Oct. 8, 1706, at Achurch,
Northants. Matric. 1724; B.A. 1726-7; M.A. 1739- Ord.
deacon (Peterb.) Oct. 13, 1728; priest, Sept. 19, 1731. C. of
Little Addington, Northants., 1728; V., 1738-70. R. of
Covington, Hunts., 1738-67. Married Mary Little, of
Peterborough, Apr. 20, 1730. Will (P.C.C.) 1770; of Little
Addington. Father of John (1749) a^d Anthony (1749).
SAUNDERSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Christ's, May
19, 1742. S. of Nicholas (1707), Lucasian Professor. B. at
Cambridge. Schools, St Neots (Mr Bidwell) and Ely (Mr
Gunning). Matric. 1742; B.A. 1745-6; M.A. from Peter-
house, 1749. Fellow of Peterhouse, 1747. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) Dec. 1746; priest (Lincoln) Dec. 18, 1748; licensed
to Bedingfield, Suffolk. Buried at Little St Mary's, Cam-
bridge, Apr. 29, 1759. {Peile, 11. 243.)
SANDERSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Clare, Apr. 4, 1749.
S. of John (1722). B. Jan. 26, 1730-1, at Little Addington,
Northants. Matric. 1750; B.A. 1753. Ord. deacon (Lincoln)
June 17, 1753; priest, May 25, 1755. R. of Covington, Hunts.,
1767-1805. Buried Nov. 19, 1805, at Little Addington,
aged 75. Brother of Anthony (1749). (H. I. Longden.)
SAUNDERSON, JOSEPH. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's,
May 11, 1647. S. of Edward, currier, of Sheffield. B. there.
School, Leeds (Mr Gamett). Matric. 1647. Perhaps brother
of Stephen (1659).
SANDERSON, JOSEPH. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's,
Apr. 3, 1683. S. of Christopher. B. Dec. ig, 1664, at Eggle-
Sanderson, Robert
stone, Durham. School, BrignaU (Mr Johnson). Matric.
1683; M.B. 1688. Died s.p. Twin-brother of James (1683)
and brother of Robert (1683). {F.M.G., 872.)
SAUNDERSON, LAURENCE. Matric. sizar from Trinity,
Easter, 1560. B. at Fumess Abbey, Lanes. Perhaps B.A.
Ord. deacon (London) May 20, 1567, age 24. V. of Watford,
Herts., 1568-73. R. of Swineshead, Hunts., 1570. Still there
in 1589. Probably buried at Tempsford, Beds., Dec. 9, i6n.
Perhaps brother of John (1554). {Vis. of Beds., 1634, 194.)
SANDERSON, LAURENCE. Matric. pens, from Clare, Easter,
1622. Probably 2nd s. of John, of Little Addington, North-
ants., gent., and perhaps grandson of Laurence (above).
B.A. 1625-6. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 5, 1627; priest,
Dec. 21, 1628. V. of Little Addington, 1627-46, sequestered.
Probably brother of John (1616). {Vis. of Beds., 1634, 194;
Vis. of NortJiants., 1618.)
SANDERSON, NICHOLAS. Adm. sizar at Trinity, Apr. 27,
1647. Of Yorkshire. Matric. 1646; Scholar, 1649; B.A.
1650-1; M.A. 1654. Fellow, 1651. Ord. priest (Bishop
Brownrigg, of Exeter) June 12, 1658-9. R. of St Michael,
Denver, Norfolk, 1660-9.
SANDERSON, NICHOLAS. Adm. at Christ's, 1707. S. of John.
B. at Thurlstone, near Penistone, Yorks. Bapt. there, Jan.
20, 1682-3. School, Penistone (Mr Staniforth). Matric.
Michs. 1711; M.A. 1711 {Lit. Reg.); LL.D. 1728 {Com. Reg.).
Lost his eyesight by smaU-pox in infancy. A teacher of
mathematics at Cambridge, 1707. Lucasian professor, 1711-
39. F.R.S., 1719. Married Abigail, dau. of WiUiam Dickons,
R. of Boxworth, 1723. Author, mathematical. Buried at
Boxworth, Cambs. M.I. Will, P.C.C. Father of John (1742).
{D.N.B.; F.M.G., 884; Peile, 11. 168.)
SANDERSON, PHILIP. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's,
Jime 15, 1659. 2nd s. of Christopher, yeoman, of Barnard
Castle, Durham (the Diarist). Bapt. there, June 10, 1643.
School, Brough, near Appleby, Westmorland. B.A. 1662.
Adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 15, 1662. Married Ann, dau. of
George Dale. Died June 11, 1684. Buried at Barnard Castle.
Half-brother of James (1683), etc. {F.M.G., 872; Genealogist,
N.S., xxii. 74.)
SANDERSON, PIGOTT. Adm. pens, (age 20) at Trinity, Jan.
24, 1676-7. S. of Robert, of Lincolnshire, merchant in
London. B. in St Botolph's, Aldersgate, Nov. 20, 1655.
Adm. at the Inner Temple, Nov. 25, 1678. Of Nottingham.
Living, 1694. {Lines. Pedigrees, 857; Raine, Blyth.)
SANDERSON, RALEIGH. B.A. from Christ's, 1603-4. One
Ralph Sanderson buried at Wymington, Beds., Apr. 1, 1638.
SANDERSON, RALPH. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Clare, Nov. 7,
1650. Matric. 1650. Perhaps s. of William, an of&cer in the
Dutch wars (killed, 1664-5). If so, a captain in the West
Indies. Married Ephrim Garrett, of Norfolk. Died 1699.
His son William was created Bart., in 1720. (Burke, Ext.
SANDERSON, RALPH. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's,
May 2, 1664. S. of John, gent., of Wellhaugh, Northumber-
land. B. there. School, Newcastle (Mr Oxley). Matric. 1664;
B.A. 1667-8; M.A. 1671. Fellow, 1668. Junior Proctor,
1675-6. Ord. priest (Peterb.) Dec. 26, 1676.
SANDERSON, RICHARD. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's,
Apr. 29, 1686. S. of Charles, gent., deceased. B. at New-
castle, Northumberland. Bapt. Jan. 14, 1668-9, at St
Nicholas, Newcastle. School, Newcastle. Matric. 1686; B.A.
1689-90; M.A. 1693. Ord. priest (London) Mar. 4, 1693-4.
SANDERSON, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter,
1570. 2nd s. of Christopher, of Blyth, Notts., of Gilthwaite,
Yorks. and Shef&eld. School, Sheffield. Migrated pens,
(age 20) to Cains, Nov. 5, 1571. B.A. 1572-3; M.A. 1578.
Adm. at Lincohi's Inn, 1579. Of Gilthwaite, Yorks., Esq.
Married Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Carr, of Butterthwaite,
Ecclesfield. Buried Nov. 14, 1609, at Blyth. Father of the
next. {Venn, i. 68; Hunter, Sheffield, 398.)
SANDERSON, ROBERT. M.A. 1609 (Incorp. from Oxford).
S. of Robert (above), of Blyth, Notts., etc. B. Sept. 19, 1587,
at Sheffield. Matric. (Lincohi College, Oxford) July 1, 1603,
age 15; B.A. 1604-5; M.A. 1607; B.D. 1617; created D,D.
1636. FeUow of Lincohi College, Oxford, 1606-19. Proctor,
1616. Canon of Christ Church, 1642-8, ejected by the
Parliamentary visitors. Regius Professor of Di\Tnity,
1642-8, 1660-1. R. of Wyberton, Lines., 1618. V. of
Heckington, 1618. R. of Boothby Pagnell, 1619. Canon of
Lincoln, 1629-60. R. of Muston, Leics., 1633-42. Canon of
Southwell, 1641-61. Bishop of Lincohi, 1660-2. Died Jan.
29, 1662-3, aged 76- Buried at Buckden. Will (P.C.C.) 1663.
{Al. Oxon.; D.N.B.; Le Neve, Fasti, 11. 26.)
SAUNDERSON, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Clare, Michs.
1618. Perhaps s. and h. of Thomas, of Kirton, Lines., Esq.;
adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 4, 1618.
Sanderson, Robert
SANDERSON, ROBERT. Adm. pens, (age i8) at Pembroke,
June 21, 1673. S. of Robert, of Serlby, Notts., Esq. Matric.
1673. Buried at Harworth, July 24, 1726. Brother of
Anthony (1673).
SANDERSON, ROBERT. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's,
Apr. 3, 1683. S. of Christopher. B. July 27, 1663, at Eggle-
stone, Durham. School, Brignall (Mr Johnson). Matric. 1683;
B.A. 1686-7. Clerk in the Rolls Chapel, London. Usher of
the Court of Chancery, 1726. Completed Rymer's Foedera.
One of the original members or founders of the Society of
Antiquaries when it was revived in 1717. Married four wives.
Died s.p., Dec. 25, 1741, in London. Buried in Red Lion
Fields. Will (P.C.C.) 1741. Brother of James (1683), etc.
{D.N.B.;F.M.G., 872.)
SANDERSON, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, June 5,
1695. Of Northamptonshire. Probably 3rd s. of William
(1664), V. of Weston-by-Welland. Bapt. there, Dec. 31, 1680.
Matric. 1695; B.A. 1698-9. Said to have been refused the
M.A. as a non-juror. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) May 31, 1702;
priest, June 19, 1709. C. of Aldwinkle All Saints, Northants.,
1702. R. of Newbold Verdun, Leics., 1719-43. Died Sept.
17, 1743. Buried there. (Nichols, iv. 824.)
SANDERSON, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Magdalene,
Jan. 17, 1726-7. S. of Timothy, innkeeper. B. at Cambridge.
School, Wisbech. Matric. 1727; B.A. 1731-2. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) Mar. 1733-4.
SANDERSON, ROGER. Adm. at Magdalene, Oct. i, 1645. S.
of Roger, of Pittstone, Bucks., pleb. Matric. (St Mary Hall,
Oxford) Mar. 13, 1639-40, age 15; B.A. 1645-6. Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) May 24; priest, May 25, 1662. V. of Eaton Bray,
Beds., 1652. Buried there, Oct. 4, 1664. (Al. Oxon.; Geneal.
Bedford, 98.)
SAUNDERSON, SAMUEL. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Sidney, Jan.
1602-3. Doubtless s. of Henry, of Brancepeth, Durham,
Esq. Matric. 1603. Constable of Brancepeth Castle for King
James I. Married Barbara, dau. of Thomas LiddeU, of
Ravensworth Castle, Dec. 18, 1610. Died July, 1650. M.I.
at Lanchester. Father of Thomas (1628). (Vis. of Durham,
1666; H. M. Wood.)
SANDERSON, STEPHEN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Magdalene,
Apr. 29, 1659. S. of Edward, currier, of Sheffield. School,
Sheffield. Matric. 1659. Perhaps brother of Joseph
SANDERSON, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, Nov. ii,
1581. S. of Robert. B. at Lowick, Northumberland. School,
Lynn. Matric. 1581.
SANDERSON, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney, Oct.
23, 1628. S. of Samuel (1602-3), Esq. Bapt. Nov. 3, 1611,
at Brancepeth, Durham. School, Brancepeth. Matric. 1628.
Of Hedley-hope, Durham, Esq. Married Eleanor, dau. of
Francis Barker, of Topcliffe, Yorks., Feb. 10, 1656-7. Buried
at Lanchester, Apr. 30, 1695. (Vis. of Durham, 1666; Surtees,
II. 243.)
SANDERSON, THOMAS. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 16) at Mag-
dalene, Nov. 19, 1681. S. of George, Viscount Castleton.
B. at Sandbeck, Yorks. School, Laughton, Yorks. Matric.
1681. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 24, 1683. Died before 1714.
Brother of James (1681).
SANDERSON, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Pembroke,
Apr. 18, 1702. S. of Thomas, gent. B. at Bitteswell, Leics.
Matric. 1702-3; B..^. 1705-6; M.A. 1709. Ord. deacon
(London) Dec. 19, 1708; priest, Sept. 25, 1709. V. of
Tannington and Brundish, Suffolk, 1711. Died 1731. One
of these names chaplain in the Navy, 1712. Brother of
William (1708) and perhaps father of the next.
SANDERSON, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Mar. ir,
1727-8. S. of Thomas (? above), clerk. Matric. 1728; B.A.
1731; M.A. 1735. Fellow of Sidney, 1736. Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) Dec. 19, 1736; priest, June 5, 1737. V. of Evington,
Leics., 1738-42. One of these names of Haslemere, Surrey,
clerk; will (P.C.C.) 1781.
SANDERSON, TIMOTHY. Adm. sizar at Trinity, Apr. 18, 1671.
Matric. 1671; B.A. 1674-5.
SAUNDERSON, W. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Easter, 1566.
SAUNDERSON, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Nov.
1549; B.A. 1552-3; M.A. 1555. Probably fellow of Pem-
broke, 1553; of Northumberland. Fellow of Christ's, 1555-61.
Received tonsure (London) May, 1554. R. of Covington,
Cambs., 1560. University preacher, 1567. R. of Terrington
St Clement, Norfolk, 1569-74. Preacher at Lynn. Com-
missioner for discovery of Popish recusants in Norfolk. Died
c. 1589. (Peile, I. 46; Cooper, 11. 79.)
SAUNDERSON, WILLIAM. M.A. 1629 (fil. nob.). Doubtless
2nd s. of Nicholas, Viscount Castleton, of Ireland. Adm. at
Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 5, 1614. Knighted, Aug. 31, 1625.
Equerry to James I and Charles I. Of Willoughton, Lines.
Sandford, John
Married Jane, dau. of John Cooper, M.P. Died s.p. Will
dated, Aug. 10, 1642; proved, Mar. 1642-3. To be dis-
tinguished from the historian of these names for whom see
D.N.B. (Lines. Pedigrees, 858.)
SAUNDERSON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's,
Oct. 8, 1635. S. of John, merchant, of Oundle, Northants.
B. there, 1619. Schools, Oundle and Uppingham. Matric.
1636; B.A. 1639-40. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Feb. 22, 1644-5.
Probably ord. priest (Lincoln) Feb. 23, 1661-2. V. of
BiUesdon, Leics., 1662-8.
SANDERSON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Trinity, May 25, 1641.
Matric. 1641; B.A. 1644-5. One of these names intruded as
V. of Finedon, Northants., 1650; conformed and was buried
there Mar. 25, 1684. Possibly father of the next.
SANDERSON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Clare, July 7, 1664.
Perhaps s. of William (? above), V. of Finedon, Northants.
(or possibly s. of William, of Pilton, Northants., gent.).
School, Oundle. Matric. 1664; B.A. 1668-9; M.A. 1673.
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Mar. 7, 1668-9; priest, June 14, 1674.
Master of the School at Harrowden parva, Northants.,
1669-72. C. of Pytchley, 1672-4. V. of Weston-by-Welland,
1673-86. Died 1686.
SANDERSON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Aug. 9,
1692. Of Northamptonshire. S. and h. of William, of Pilton,
gent. Bapt. June 17, 1672, at Aston, Northants. (his
mother's home). School, Oundle. Matric. 1693; B.A. 1696-7;
M.A. 1700. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 25, 1698. One of
these names R. of Compton, Surrey, 1715.
SANDERSON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Pembroke,
July 9, 1708. S. of Thomas, of BittesweU, Leics., gent.
Matric. 1709; B.A. 1712-3; M.A. 1716. Ord. deacon (Lincoln)
Sept. 19, 1713; priest, Mar. 13, 1714-5. Probably C. of
Aldwinkle St Peter, Northants., 1718; R., 1719-24. One
of these names R. of Holford, Somerset, 1723-36. Died 1736.
Brother of Thomas (1702).
SANDERSON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 20) at St John's,
Sept. 20, 1716. Exhibitioner from Charterhouse. S. of
Lieutenant Francis, of Middlesex. B. Mar. 30, 1696, in
London. Matric. 1716; B.A. 1720-1. Ord. priest (Rochester)
Mar. 6, 1725-6- C. of Lamberhurst, Kent, 1726. (Scott-
Mayor, HI. 307.)
1337-45- Became a monk, 1345.
SANDFORD, DANIEL. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's,
May i8, 1723. S. of Daniel, of Middlesex. B. in London.
Schools, Manchester (Mr Barrow) and Wanslay, Derbs. (Mr
Fameworth). Matric. 1723; B.A. 1726-7; M.A. 1730. R. of
Mavesin Ridware, Staffs., 1730-80. Died Mar. 3, 1780,
aged 74. M.I. at St Nicholas, Castle Hedingham. Will
(P.C.C.) 1780. (Shaw, I. 197.)
SANFORD, FRANCIS. M.A. 1620 (Incorp. from Oxford). B.A.
(Christ Church, Oxford) 1601-2; M.A. (Broadgates Hall)
1618. V. of Royston, Yorks., 1617-9. V. of Silkstone, 1619-
35. (Al. Oxon.)
SANDFORD, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter,
1613; B.A. 1615-6; M.A. 1619.
SANFORD, HUMFREY. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's,
Jan. 16, 1668-9. S. of Richard, Esq., of Whitchurch', Salop.
B. there, 1650. School, Shrewsbury (Mr Taylor). Matric.
1672; B.A. 1672-3; M.A. 1676. Fellow, 1672-81. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, June 8, 1670. Succeeded to the family estates
in 1676. Died unmarried, Oct. 28, 1712. Buried at St Chad's,
Shrewsbury. Benefactor to St John's. (ScoU-Mayor; Burke,
SANFORD, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Mar. 28, 1645.
Matric. 1645. Perhaps s. and h. of William, of Gray's Inn,
Esq.; adm. at Gray's Inn, May 26, 1646.
SANDFORD, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 13) at Magdalene, June
17, 1663. S. of John, of Lilford, Northants. School, Eton.
Matric. 1663; B.A. 1666-7; M.A. 1670. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
Dec. 19, 1668; priest, Sept. 24, 1670.
SANFORD, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's, Mar. 2,
1663-4. S. of Humfrey, of Broadclist, Devon. B. there.
School, Broadclist (Mr Coplston). Matric. 1664. Migrated
to Pembroke, 1664. B.A. 1667-8. Perhaps of Mamhead,
Devon, clerk; admon. (Exeter) 1689.
SANDFORD, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Sidney, June 19,
1674. 2nd s. of Francis, shoemaker. B. at Shifnal, Salop.
School, Shifnal. Matric. 1674-5. Ord. deacon and priest
(Peterb.) Mar. 10, 1679-80. Doubtless V. of Long Buckby,
Northants., 1680-1720. Perhaps P.C. of Whilton, in 1690.
Married Mary Line, of Long Buckby, Nov. 7, 1683, at
Whilton. Buried at Long Buckby, Mar. 28, 1720. Will
(Archd. Northampton) 1720. (H. I. Longden.)
Sandford, John
SANDFORD, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age i6) at Christ's,
Apr. 8, 1687. S. of Thomas. B. at High Ongar, Essex.
School, Bishop's Stortford {Mr Cooper). Matric. 1688; M.A.
1690 {Com. Reg.). Married Anne, dau. of Edward Denny,
Esq., of Bishop's Stortford. Died Nov. 28, 1743. aged 73.
M.I. at Bishop's Stortford. A benefactor to Bishop's Stort-
ford. {Clutterbuck, ill. 259; Peile, 11. 104.)
SANDFORD, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's, Oct. 24,
1720. S. of John, gent., of Middlesex. B. in London. School,
Westminster. Matric. 1720; B.A. 1724-5.
SANFORD, MARTIN. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Christ's, Apr. 15,
1692. S. of Thomas (1664). B. at Thorverton, Devon.
School, Tiverton (Mr Sanders). Matric. 1692; Scholar, 1693;
B.A. 1696-7. One of these names of Puddington, Devon,
clerk. Admon. (Exeter) 1716. But see Al. Oxon. for a con-
temporary namesake. {Peile, 11. 124.)
SANDFORD, PHILIP. Adm. pens, at Jesus, July 1, 1680.
S. of Richard, of Shrewsbury, clerk. Matric. (Christ Church,
Oxford) Mar. 17, 1664-5, age 16; B.A. (Oxford) 1668; M.A.
(Cambridge) 1680. V. of Wrotham, Kent, 1680-1715. Died
Oct. 1715. M.I. at Wrotham. {Al. Oxon.)
SANDFORD, Sir RICHARD, Bart. Adm. Nobleman (age 17) at
Christ's, Aug. 27, 1692. S. and h. of Sir Richard, Bart., of
Howgill Castle, Westmorland, deceased. B. there, Sept. 8,
1675 (said to have been at the hour of his father's death).
School, London. Succeeded as 3rd Bart., Sept. 8, 1675. M.P.
for Westmorland, 1695-1700; for Morpeth, 1701-2; for
Appleby, 1713-23. Of Howgill Castle. Died unmarried,
Apr. 2, 1723. {Peile, 11. 126; G.£.C., 11. 133.)
SANDFORD, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Queens', Nov. 23, 1650.
Of Essex. Probably s. and h. of George, of Colchester, gent,
(by his 1st wife, Sarah, dau. of John Soames). B. at Ford-
ham, Essex. School, Colchester. Age 9 in 1640-1. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, May i, 1657. {Essex Arch. Soc, N.S., iv. 38.)
SANDFORD, ROBERT. M.A. 1670 (Incorp. from Magdalen
College, Oxford). Matric. there, Mar. 18, 1656-7 {cler. fil.);
B.A. (Oxford) 1661; M.A. 1664. Faculty (Lambeth) to receive
Holy Orders, Dec. 21, 1667. V. of ToUesbury, Essex, 1671-7.
R. of Radwinter, 1677. Will (Cons. C. London) 1705; of
Walden, Essex. {Al. Oxon.)
SANDFORD, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's,
Mar. 3, 1731-2. S. of Samuel, attorney, of Salop. B. at
Whitchurch. School, Wem (Mr Appleton). Matric. 1732;
B.A. 1735-6; M.A. 1741. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Mar. 21,
1735-6; priest, June i, 1740; C. of Haconby, Lines. Lecturer
at Halifax, Yorks., 1744. V. of Huddersfield, 1753-9. R- of
Thomhill, 1756-60. Died 1760.
SANDFORD, THOMAS. Adm. at King's (age 17) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 26, 1591. Of Bristol. Matric. c. 1591; B.A. 1595;
M.A. 1606. Fellow, 1594-8. R. of Sutton Valence, Kent,
1606-14. R. of Hope AU Saints', 1612. V. of Newington-
next-Hythe, 1615-45. Buried at Hope, June 24, 1645. Will
(Canterbury) 1645. (H. G. Harrison.)
SANDFORD, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Queens', Lent,
1647-8. Of Middlesex.
SANDFORD, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Queens', Apr. 17, 1650.
Of Kent.
SANDFORD, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Christ's, Apr.
13, 1664. S. of Thomas. B. at Musbury, Devon. School,
Broad Clist (Mr Copleston). Matric. 1664; B.A. 1667; M.^.
1678. Incorp. at Oxford, 1678. Ord. deacon (Exeter) May;
priest, Dec. 1668. V. of Thorverton, Devon, in 1677. Died
there Sept. 29, 1716. Will, Exeter. Father of Martin (1692).
{Peile, I. 608.)
SANFORD, TOBIAS. M.A. 1578 (Incorp. from Oxford). B.A.
(Oxford) 1570; M.A. 1574; M.B. and licensed to practise
medicine, Jan. 14, 1600-1.
SANDFORD, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Jan. 20,
1617-8. Matric. 1618; B.A. 1621-2; M.A. 1625; B.D. 1632.
R. of White Roding, Essex, by sequestration, 1648-60.
Living, 1670, when he gave £5 towards the College Chapel.
SANDFORD, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Clare, Easter,
1621; B.A. 1624-5; M.A. 1628. Ord. priest (Norwich) 1632.
V. of Walpole St Andrew, Norfolk, 1632.
SANDFORD, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, July 2,
1642. Of Lancashire. Matric. 1642.
SANDFORD, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Apr. 28,
1709. Of Shrewsbury. Matric. 1709; B.A. 1712-3; M.A.
1716; D.D. 1750. Ord. priest (London) Dec. 4, 1721. R. of
a benefice in Salop. P.C. of St Mary Aldermary, London,
c. 1736-54. President of Sion College, 1752. Died Nov. 7,
1754. WiU (P.C.C.) 1754; of St Mary Aldermary. (But
Hennessy says he died in 1765.)
SANFORTH, . B.Can.L. 1503-4.
SANFORD, B.Can.L. 1511-2. Probably George, V. of
Flore, Northants., 152&-32, resigned. {Bridges, i. 508.)
Sandy, Richard
SANDFORD, . Adm. sizar at Trinity, Jime 4, 1645.
SANDHAM, ROBERT. M.A. from King's, 1735. S. of WiUiam,
of Petworth, Sussex, gent. Colleger at Eton, 1722-5. Matric.
(Merton College, Oxford) July 17, 1725, age 18; B.A. (Oxford)
1729-30. {Al. Oxon.)
1534-5; D.Civ.L. 1539-40. Fellow of Queens', 1537-43-
R. of St Martin, Ludgate, London, 1542-50. Preb. of
Westminster, 1546-54. V. of Canewdon, Essex, 1547-54,
deprived. P.C. of Paddington, until 1559. Died 1559. WiU
dated, Aug. 6, 1557; proved (P.C.C.) May 20, 1559.
SANDEFORTH, MILES. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Christ's, June
15, 1675. S. of George. B. at Wakefield, Yorks. School,
Giggleswick. Matric. 1675; B.A. 1678-9; M.A. 1682. Ord.
deacon (York) June, 1680; priest, Sept. 1682. V. of Hooton
Pagnell, Yorks., 1691-6. Buried there July 4, 1696. {Peile,
"• 59-)
SANDIFORD, CHARLES. Adm. pens, (age i6) at St John's,
Nov. 15, 1718. S. of Thomas. B. in the Barbadoes. School,
Merchant Taylors', London. Matric. 1717.
SANDIFORD, ROWLAND. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, May 3,
1729. Of Middlesex. Matric. 1729; B.A. 1732-3; M.A. 1749.
V. of St BarthoIomew-the-Less, London, 1750-4. R. of
Christ Church, Newgate Street, 1754-80. Died Apr. 13,
1780, aged 65. Will, P.C.C. (G. Mag.; Hennessy.)
SANDIVER, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius, July 3,
1738. S. of William, carpenter, of Newmarket. B. there.
School, Bury (Mr KjTinesman). Scholar, 1738-43; Matric.
1740; B.A. 1742. Ord. deacon (Norwich) June 26, i743;
priest (Ely, Litt. dim. from Rochester) Feb. 23, 1752. C. of
Thomey. R. of Croyland, Lines., 1761. Buried there. June 1,
1762. {Venn, 11. 44.)
SANDLAND, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's,
June 7, 1746. S. of Thomas, maltster, of Salop. B. at Wem.
School, Wem (Mr Appleton). Matric. 1746; B.A. 1749-50.
Ord. priest (Lichfield) Sept. 22, 1751; C. of Moreton Corbet,
Salop; C. of Eccles, Lanes., 1754. One of these names R. of
St Devereux, Hereford, 1771-91. {Scott-Mayor, in. 559.)
SANDON, EDWARD. Adm. pens, at Trinity, June 19, 1638.
Matric. 1639; B.A. 1641-2. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Jime 5,
SANDON, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, c. 1596.
B. at Grimsthorpe, Lines., 1578. B.A. 1599-1600; M.A. 1603.
Ord. priest (York) June 9, 1602. R. of Well, Lines., 1605-6.
R. of Halton Holgate, 1606.
SANDON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Christ's, Dec. 10,
1646. S. of John. B. at Southwark. School, Southwark
(Mr Woodward). Matric. 1647, 'Saddon'; Scholar. Buried
at Gt St Andrew's, Cambridge, May 7, 1649. {Peile, i. 510.)
SANDON, LAURENCE. Adm. sizar at Queens', May, 1648.
Of Lincolnshire. Matric. 1649; B.A. 1651. R. of Astwick,
Beds., 1663. V. of Arlesey, 1666. Buried July 11, 1668, at
SANDON, LAURENCE. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1680. Of
Lincolnshire. Matric. 1680, 'Saundem'; B.A. 1683-4.
SANDEN, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1628.
Perhaps same as the next.
SANDON, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, 1630. Of
Bedfordshire. B.A. 1634-5; M.A. 1638. R. of Thorpe-on-
the-Hill, Lines., 1641-2.
SANDWELL, GEOFFREY. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney,
June, 1625. S. of Geoffrey, yeoman, deceased. B. at
Minster, Kent. Schools, St John's and Wye. Matric. 1625.
SANDWELL, GEOFFREY. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1651. Of Kent.
SANDWYCKE, JOHN. M.A. Fellow of Corpus Christi, 1399.
SANDWITH, HENRY. Adm. scholar (age 15) at Caius, 1591.
S. and h. of Robert, of Stillington, Yorks. School, Bury St
Edmunds (Mr Wright). Scholar, 1592-5. Of Barton-on-
Humber, Lines. Married Magdalen, dau. of Richard Atkin-
son, of Barton. Living in 1640. Doubtless father of the next.
(Lines. Pedigrees, 850; Venn, i. 144.)
SANDWITH, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from St John's, Lent,
1626-7. Doubtless s. and h. of Henry (above). Bapt. Feb. 12,
1608-9, at Barton-on-Humber. Adm. at Gray's Inn, May 23,
1629 {sic). Married (1) Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Nelthorpe,
of Beverley, Yorks.; (2) Sarah Swann. Buried at Barton,
Nov. 23, 1640. (Lines. Pedigrees, 850.)
SANDIE, RICHARD. M.A. 1587 (Incorp. from Oxford). Matric.
(Exeter College, Oxford) c. 1581, age 18; B.A. 1583-4; M.A.
1586. Fellow of Exeter College, 1581-90. Ord. deacon and
priest (Lincoln) Mar. 12, 1589-90. R. of Gt Linford, Bucks.,
1589-1634. Buried there 1634. {Al. Oxon.)
Sandy, Thomas
SANDY, THOMAS. B.A. from Trinity, 1601-2. Perhaps ord
priest (Norwich) June 15, 1606; 'aged 28; M.A.' R. of
Horningtoft, Norfolk, 1606.
SANDYE, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Christ's, May, 1544-
B.A. 1544-5-
SANDYLANDS, ANDREW. Fellow of Christ's, 1624-30. A
Scotchman. M.A. 1615 (probably of Edinburgh). R. of
Gt Waldingfield, Suffolk, 1632 ; ' the proud audatious Parson,'
signs, 1638 (Par. Reg.).
SANDYS, see also SONDES.
SANDS, ANTHONY. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's, Easter
1551. Probably 6th s. of George (? William), of Hawkshead'
Lanes. OfEsthwaite. Married Anne, dau. of Robert Mann of
Bullingbroke, Lines. Buried at Hawkshead, Nov. 13 1501
Brother of Edwin (1538-9) and Miles (1544).
SANDYS or SANDS, BENEDICT. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel
June 14, 1688. S. of Sir Richard, of Northboume Court'
Kent, Knt., and twin-brother of Sir Richard, Bart. Matric!
1688. Died s.p., 1700, aged 29. (Foster, Lanes. Pedi-
SANDYS, CHAUNCY. Adm. pens, (age is) at Sidney, July 27,
1621. S. of Henry, of Culworth, Northants., gent., deceased
(and PrisciUa, dau. of Sir Toby Chauncy, of Edgcote). B
at Edgcote, Northants. Schools, Edgcote and Ashby. Matric
SANDYS, DAVID. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter 1611
Possibly 3rd s. of Adam, of Graythwaite, Westmorland- if
so, afterwards of Fieldhead. B. at Pontefract. B.A. from
Tnnity, 1614-5; M.A. 1618. Ord. deacon (London) Dec. 10
1619, age 24. (Foster, Lanes. Pedigrees.)
^A^^l^.^O^^^- Of St John's. S. of George (? William)
(and Margaret, dau. of John Dixon, of London), and probably
grandson of William, of Hawkshead, Lanes. (There appears
to be some confusion among the authorities as to his parent-
age and ancestry, but in the Visitations he generally occurs
as s. of George, citizen of London.) Probably b. at Esthwaite
HaU, c. 1519. B.A. 1538-9; M.A. 1541; B.D. 1546; D.D
1549- Proctor, 1542-3. Master of St Catharine's, 1549-53
ejected. Vice-Chancellor, 1552-3. V. of Haversham, Bucks '
in 1548. Preb. of Peterborough, 1549-54; deprived, but
restored, 1559. Preb. of Carlisle, 1552-4- Imprisoned for
his support of Lady Jane Grey. Afterwards in retirement at
Strasburg. Bishop of Worcester, i559-7o; of London, 1570-7.
Archbishop oi York, 1577-88. One of the translators of the
Bishops' Bible. Married Cicely, dau. of Thomas Wilford of
Cranbrook, Kent. Died July 10, 1588. Buried in SouthweU
Minster. M.I. Ancestor in the female line of Sandys-
Lumsdaine and of Lord Sandys. Father of Miles (1578) and
brother of Miles (1544)- {Vis. of Kent, 1619; Vis. of Cambs
1619; Vts. of Bueks., 1634; D.N.B.; Le Neve, Fasti, 111. 115-
Cooper, II. 24.)
SANDYS, EDWIN. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Peterhouse Oct 6
1617- Perhaps s. of Miles (1578), of Wilburton, Cambs!
Matric. 1617; B.A. 1621-2. One of these names buried at
South Witham, Lines., Nov. 22, 1630. {T. A. Walker.)
SANDYS, EDWIN. Adm. sizar (age c. 18) at St John's, Jan 18
1630-1. S. of Christopher, of Hamlette Booth in Hawkshead'
Fumess Fells, Lanes., and grandson of Adam, of Graythwaite'
School, Sedbcrgh. Matric. 1631; B.A. 1634-5; MA from'
Peterhouse, 1638. FcUow of Peterhouse, Apr. 3, 1638-46
ejected. (T. A. Walker, 61; Foster, Lanes. Pedigrees.)
SANDYS, FRANCIS. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Emmanuel Oct 27
1726. Matric. 1732. One of these names, M.D. 1739 '{Lit
Reg.), 'skiUed in physic' Surgeon and lecturer in anatomy
m Cambridge. WiU (P.C.C.) 1771; of Potton, Beds.
SANDYS, GEORGE. Adm. pens, (age i6) at Sidney, Apr 5
1621. S of Thomas, Esq. B. in St Andrew's, London!
School, Walden, Essex. Matric. 1621; B.A. 1624-5- MA
1628. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Apr. 14; priest, Apr. 15' 1629
R. of Willersey, Gloucs., 1630-c. 42; sequestered, and 1660-
c. 1690. (F. S. Hockaday.)
SANDYS, HANBURY. M.A. from Pembroke, 1700. 5th s of
Edward, of Brimpsfield, Gloucs., gent. Matric. (St Mary
Hall, Oxford) IVIar. 22, 1688-9, age 15; B.A. (Hart Hall,
Oxford) 1692. Ord. deacon (Winchester) Dec. 24 1601-
priest, Mar. 4, 1693-4. R- of Brimpsfield, 1710-26. Chaplam
in the Navy; dismissed, c. 1714. Will, Gloucs. C.C. (Al
Oxon.; F. S. Hockaday.)
SANDYS, HENRY. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs
SANDYS, JAMES. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter
1566. '
SANDYS, JAMES. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, May 28
1703. S. of Henry, of London. School, Westminster. '
Sandys, William
SANDES, JOHN. Adm. scholar (age 17) at Caius, Apr. 23, i6ir.
S. of Robert gent., of Tumby and of Bennington, Lines
School Lobthorpe (Mr John Bayes, B.A.). Married Eliza-
beth, dau. of Robert Middlemore, of Enfield, Middlesex
Apr. 28, 1627. Of Thornton Curtis, Lines., in 1634. Died
Dec. 21, 1664, aged 74 (sic). Buried at GoxhiU. (Lines.
Pedigrees, 848.) ^
SANDYS, JOHN Adm. sizar (age 18) at Christ's, May 15, 1671.
b.°l ^m""^^*-.,^- ""} ^V"'^^ ^"«^"*' L^ncs. School, Hawks-
head (Mr Bordeley). Matnc. 1671. Migrated to St John's
M^V^^ /<,'• I^-A- 1674-5; M.A. 1678. Ord. priest (London)
r ^/^' w^3- R- of Doddinghurst, Essex, 1683-^9. Died
1699. (Petle, II. 35.) ^ ^^
^^^°\^'k^'^Fu^- ^f^^'"- P^°^- ^'•°'° St John's, Michs. 1544.
AH°,^^^7t^'\?-^°i G£°'-ge(? William), of Esthwaite, Lanes.
Adm. at the Middle Temple, 1551 (s. of William). Bencher
1578. Treasurer, 1588-95. Clerk of the Crown. Of Latimer
r ^.rl,?"'^ °X^""P^'^^^^' Gloucs. Married (i) Hester, dau
of WiUiam Chfton, of Barrington, Somerset; (2) Brideet
Colt, of Latimers. Died Oct. 22, 1601, at Latimers. Brother
°lT,"i^ 538-9)- (Vis. of Bucks., 1634; Vis. of Gloucs.,
1623; Middle Temple Benek Bk.)
SANDYS, MILES. Matric. pens, from Peterhouse, Michs. 1578
Of Wilburton, Isle of Ely. 3rd s. of Edwin (1538-9), Arch-
bishop of York (by his 2nd wife Cecilia, dau. of Sir Thomas
Wilford, of Cranbrook, Kent). B. Mar. 29, 1563. School
Merchant Taylors'. B.A. 1579-80; M.A. 1583. Fellow, 1581.
FeUow of Queens', 1585-8. Proctor, 1588-9. Preb. of York
1585-1602. Knighted, May 11, 1603. Created Bart., Nov'
25, 1612. M.P. for the University, 1614; for Huntingdon
1621-2; for Cambs., 1628-9. Sheriff for Cambs. and Hunts
1615-6. Married (i) Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Cooke, of
North Cray, Kent; (2) Mary West, widow. Died 1645. WiU
(P.C.C.) 1645- Perhapsfatherof Richard (1609). (Robinson,
I. 17; Cooper, II. 352; G.E.C., 1. 89.)
SANDYS, MILES. Adm. pens, (age 14) at Sidney, Mar. 24
1623-4. Probably s. of Thomas (1584) and grandson of
Edwin, Archbishop of York. B. in Blackfriars, London.
School, Maldon (Mr John Daynes). Matric. 1624; B.A 1627-
8; M.A. 1631. FeUowof Peterhouse, 1654. Perhaps the same
who was presented to ' Hardwick-CMwj-Membris, Warwick '
Feb. 9, 1646-7. (Shaw, i. 337; Vis. of London, 1634.) '
SANDS, NATHANIEL. Adm. pens, at Trinity, June 8 1664
Matnc. 1664; Scholar, 1668; B.A. 1668-9; M.A. 1674.
Signed for deacon's orders (London) June 16, 1671- 'C. of
South Weald, Essex.' Ord. priest (Ely) Dec. 24, 1671.
SANDES, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1609
Possibly s. of Miles (1578). If so, buried at South Witham
Lines., Aug. 13, 1619. (Vis. of Cambs., 1619; T. A. Walker.)
SANDYS, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1634-
a scholar from Westminster. Perhaps 3rd s. of Sir Edwin
of Northboume, Kent, and grandson of Edwin (1538-9)!
A Colonel in the Parliament army. Of Donne Hall, near
Westerham. Died 1669. One of these names 2nd s of
Edwin, of Ombersley, Worcs., Knt. B. 1616. Adm. at Gray's
Inn, May 14, 1636. KiUed at Edgehill, Oct. ii, 1642. (Al.
Westmon.; Foster, Lanes. Pedigrees.)
SANDES, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Michs. 1606.
One of these names, 'of Dettington' (? Distington), Cumber-
land, adm. at the Inner Temple, 1607. Probably brother of
Walter (1606).
SANDYS, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Sidney, Jan. 26, 1615-6.
S. of Thomas, of London, gent. Matric. 1615-6; B.A. 1619-
20; M.A. 1623. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Nov. 1; priest, Nov. 2,
1625. R.ofBoddington, Northants., 1628-75. Married Alice,
dau. of Laurence Washington, of Sulgrave, Northants.
Buried at Boddington, Dec. 13, 1675, aged 75. (Baker, 1. 482;
Bridges, i. 106.)
SANDYS, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Nov. i, 1669.
Of Worcester. S. of Martin, Esq., and grandson of Sir
Samuel, of Ombersley, Worcs., Knt. B. May 19, 1653.
Scholar, 1671; Matric. 1672; B.A. 1673-4. Fellow, 1674-6.
Died Nov. 19, 1676, aged 23. (Le Neve, Mon., iv. 172; T. A.
Walker, 141.)
SANDES, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Michs. 1584.
Probably 5th s. of Edwin (1538-9). B. Dec. 3, 1568. Of
London. Doubtless father of Miles (1624).
SANDES, WALTER. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Michs.
1606. Perhaps s. of Robert. Bapt. Dec. 21, 1585, at St Bees,
Cumberland. Possibly migrated to Oxford; matric. (Queen's
College, Oxford) Feb. 17, 1608-9, age 20; 'of Cumb., pleb.'
Probably brother of Robert (1606). (Al. Oxon.)
SANDYS, WILLIAM. Scholar at King's Hall, 1449-59.
SANDYS, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 14) at Trinity, Feb. 8,
1720-1. S. of John, of London. School, Westminster.
Matric. 1721; Scholar, 1722; B.A. 1724-5.
Sankey, Clement
SANKEY or ZANCHY, CLEMENT. Adm. pens, (age 15) at
Magdalene, Mar. 13, 1647-8. S. of Walter, gent., of London.
Matric. 1647-8; B.A. 1651-2; M.A. 1655; D.D. 1668. Fellow.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1655. R. of St Clement Eastcheap,
London, 1666-1707. R. of Colne-Engaine, Essex. R. of
Settrington, Yorks., 1667. Canon of York, 1669-1707. R. of
Whitchurch, Salop, 1684. Licensed Apr. 10, 1669, to marry
Mary Archer, of Bourn, Cambs. Died 1707. {Hennessy; H.
B. Swanzy.)
SANKEY or ZANKEY, JEREMY. Matric. sizar from Trinity,
Michs. 1637. S. of Richard (1608), of Salop, cler. Migrated to
Clare, July 4, 1640. B.A. 1640-1; M.A. 1644. Fellow of All
Souls, and sub-warden, 1648, by the Parliamentary visitors.
Proctor (Oxford), 1649. Ordered to be created D.C.L., 1649.
Commander of cavalry in the Parliamentary Force in
Ireland. M.P. for Tipperary and Waterford, 1654-5; for
Reigate, 1656; for Marlborough, 1657; for Woodstock, 1659.
Knighted, Nov. 16, 1658. {Al. Oxon.)
SANKYE, HAMLET. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Michs. 1572.
Doubtless s. of John, of Edesborough, Bucks. Preb. of St
Patrick's, Dublin, 1581. (H. B. Swanzy; Fasti, v. 241, 304.)
SANKEY, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 20) at Magdalene, June 22,
1712. S. of Richard (1673), V. of Downton, Hereford,
deceased. B. at Leintwardine, Hereford. School, Leint-
wardine. Matric. 1712; B.A. 1715-6. R. of Elveden, Suffolk,
1728-39. R. of Icklingham St James', 1731-9. Died 1739.
Brother of Thomas (1708).
SANKEY, RICHARD. M.A. 1608 (Incorp. from Oxford). Of
Salop, cler. fil. Probably 2nd s. of Peter, R. of Wem, Salop.
Matric. (Oriel College, Oxford) Oct. 20, 1598, age 16; B.A.
1602; M.A. (St Edmund's Hall, Oxford) 1605. R. of Wem,
Salop, 1606. R. of Hodnet, 1615. Died 1634. Will, P.C.C.
Father of Jeremy (1637). (Al. Oxon.)
SANCHEY or ZANCHEY, RICHARD. Adm. sizar at Jesus,
Oct. 21, 1673. S. of Humphrey, of Gatting, Salop. Matric.
(Pembroke College, Oxford) Mar. 17, 1670-1, age 17; B.A.
(Cambridge) 1674-5. V. of Downton, Hereford, 1681. Father
of John (1712), Thomas {1708) and perhaps of the next.
SANKEY, RICHARD. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, May 24, 1699.
Of Salop. Perhaps s. of Richard (above). Matric. 1699; B.A.
1702-3; M.A. from King's, 1706. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
Sept. 1704. Chaplain at King's, 1705. R. of Elveden,
Suffolk, 1706-28. Died 1728. Perhaps brother of the next
and of John (1712).
SANKEY, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 20) at Magdalene, July
19, 1708. S. of Richard (1673), V. of Downton, Hereford.
B. at Leintwardine, Hereford. School, Leintwardine. Matric.
1710. Brother of John (1712) and perhaps of Richard (above).
SANSOME or SANSONN, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Christ's,
July, 1619; B.A. 1622-3; M.A. 1626. Ord. priest (Peterb.)
Sept. 24, 1626. (Peile, i. 329.)
SANSOM or SANSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's,
June 29, 1690. Exhibitioner from Charterhouse. Doubtless
s. and h. of John, of London. Bapt. July i, 1674, at St Olave,
Hart Street. Matric. 1690. Adm. at the Inner Temple,
May 28, 1692. Will dated, Feb. 27, 1704-5; proved (P.C.C.)
May 4, 1705, by Anne Sansom, widow. [Al. Carthus.)
SANSON or SANSAM, NICHOLAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at
Magdalene, June 8, 1653. S. of Richard (i6ii), late R. of
Hemingby, Lines. School, Lincohi. Matric. 1653; B.A.
1656-7; M.A. 1662. Probably R. of WithcaU, Lines., 1660.
SANSON, RICHARD. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Apr. 25,
1579- Matric. 1579; B.A. from Magdalene, 1582-3.
SANSOME or SANSAN, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Corpus
Christi, Easter, 1611. Of Leicestershire. B.A. 1614-5;
M.A. 1619. R. of Thorganby, Lines., 1622. R. of Hemingby]
1632. Will (Lincohi) 1639; Sansan. Father of Nicholas
SANSON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Christ's, Apr. 21,
1638. S. of John. B. at Twizell, Northumberland. Schools,
Morpeth and Newcastle (Mr Oxlev). Matric. 1638; B.A.
1641-2. One of these names Usher of Newcastle Grammar
School, in 1662. {Peile, i. 453.)
SANSOME, WILLIAM. .\dm. sizar at Emmanuel, Apr. 17, 1661.
Of Leicestershire. Matric. 1661. Perhaps schoolmaster of
Hinckley, Leics., 1685. (Nichols, iv. 702.)
SANSTROP, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Magdalene, Easter, 1639.
SANTON, ROBERT. D.Can.L. 1460-1. Perhaps R. of Birch-
anger, Essex, i486. Died 1487.
SANTRATH, (sic). M.A. from Jesus, 1619 (in ordo).
SAP?, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1627. Of Norwich. B.A. 1631-2; M.A. 1635. V. of Guest-
wick, Norfolk, 1639.
SARE, see also SAYER and SAWYER.
Satterthwaite, William
SARB or SAYER, ADY. Matric. pens, from Jesus, c. 1590.
S. and h. of Thomas, of Lenham, Kent (and Joanna, dau. of
John Ady). B.A. 1593-4. .^dm. at the Inner Temple, Nov.
1593. Called to the Bar, 1603. Bencher, 1619. Lent Reader,
1620. Of Provenders, Norton, Kent. Married and had issue.
(Vis. of Kent, 1619; Inner Temple, Masters of the Bench.)
SARE or SARES, JAMES. Adm. sizar at Trinity, Sept. 30,
1645. Of Sussex. Matric. 1645; Scholar, 1647; B.A. 1649-50.
SARE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter, 1580. Of
SARE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1639.
SARE, THOMAS. M.A. from Trinity, 1638 (Incorp. from
Oxford). Doubtless s. of Robert, of Woodhurst, Sussex,
pleb. Matric. (Magdalen Hall, Oxford) Jan. 31, 1622-3,
age 17; B.A. 1625-6. M.A. not recorded. R. of Whatlington,
Sussex, 1641. One of these names of St Antholin's, London,
clerk; buried there Aug. 27, 1678; will (Cons. C. London)
1678. (Al. Oxon.)
SARGENSON, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse, Michs.
1655. Of Coventry. School, Coventry. B.A. 1658-9; M.A.
from King's, 1662. Incorp. at Oxford, 1663. Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) June 8, 1661; priest (Ely) Sept. 20, 1662. Chaplain
at King's, 1661. C. of St Edward's, Cambridge. C. of
Harbledown, Kent, c. 1663-70. R. of St George's, Canter-
bury, 1671. R. of St Mildred, 1672-84. Minor canon, c.
1679-82. R. of St Mary Magdalen, 1681. Buried at St
George's, Canterbury, May 13, 1684. (H. G. Harrison.)
SARGENSON, LAURENCE. Matric. sizar from Queens', Michs.
1571. Of Yorkshire. B.A. 1575-6; M.A. 1579. R. of Ittering-
ham, Norfolk, 1585. R. of Thwaite, 1605-12. R.ofReedham,
SAROP, RICHARD. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1457.
SARESON, GEORGE. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1631. Of Leicestershire. B.A. 1633-4; M.A. 1637.
Ord. priest (Peterb.) Dec. 18, 1636. V. of Headon, Notts.,
1637-40. Died 1640.
SARSON, LAURENCE. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Feb. 21,
1628-9. Of Nottinghamshire. Matric. 1629; B.A. 1632-3;
M.A. 1636; B.D. from St Catharine's, 1643. Fellow of
Emmanuel, 1636. Ord. priest (Peterb.) Dec. 22, 1639. Pre-
sented to Silk WiUoughby, Lines., 1647.
SARSON, OLIVER. Matric. sizar from Jesus, Michs. 1564.
One of these names R. of Lidgate, Suffolk, 1576-1625. Died
SARSON, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Jesus, Michs. 1566;
B.A. 1570-1; M..^. 1574. R. of Burton Overy, Leics., 1576;
'Aged 28; well learned; preacher; ord. by Bp of Peter-
borough' (Lib. Cleri, 1576.)
SARSON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Caius, June 30,
1622. S. of William, husbandman, of Stanford-on-Soar,
Notts. School, Loughborough (Mr Spunge). Matric. 1622;
Scholar, 1625-7; B.A. 1625-6; M.A. 1629. R. of Stanford-
on-Soar, 1630. (Venn, 1. 259.)
SARSON, . B.A. 1478-9.
SARTAIN or SARTON, RALPH. B.A. 1569-70, as Serton. Of
Richmondshire. M.A. from Pembroke, 1573. Fellow, 1571.
(Loder gives M..^. 1563; Fellow, 1561.)
SATTERTHWAITE, BISHOP. Adm. sizar at Trinity, Feb. 20,
1656-7. S. and h. of PhiUp (1637), of Bromley, Kent.
Matric. 1656-7. Migrated to Peterhouse, Sept. 2, 1662.
Scholar there; B.A. 1663-4. (T. A. Walker, 121; Vis. of
Kent, 1663.)
SATTERTHWAITE, ELIAS. Adm. sizar (age zy) at Christ's,
June 23, 1636. S. of William. B. at Gt Oakley, Northants.
School, Oakham (Mr Stackhouse). Matric. 1637; B.A. 1639-
40 (Elijah); M.A. 1643. (Peile, 1. 444.)
SATTERTHWAITE, PHILIP. M.A. 1637 (Incorp. from Oxford).
Of Northamptonshire. 4th s. of Francis, of Lamport. Bapt.
there, Feb. 11, 1600-1. Matric. (Trinity College, Oxford)
Oct. 26, 1621, age 20; degrees not recorded. LL.D. from
Peterhouse, 1662. V. of BirUng, Kent, until 1643, 'D.D.'
R. of Ibstock, Leics., 1660-6. Of Bromley, Kent. Will
(P.C.C.) 1666; of Bromley. Father of Bishop (1656-7).
(Al. Oxon.; Vis. of Kent, 1663.)
SATERTHWAIT, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's,
June 25, 1673. S. of Thomas, of Fumess Fells, Lanes. B.
there. School, Kendal. Matric. 1673.
SAUCER orSACER, . B.A. 1511-2; M.A. 1515-
Sauchier, William
SAUCHIER, WILLIAM. M.A. 1615 (on King's visit).
SAUL, see also SALL and SAWELL.
SAUL, EDWARD. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Nov. 3, 1659.
Of Lincolnshire. Matric. 1659; B.A. 1663. Signs for deacon's
orders (London) Sept. 18, 1663; C. of Bassingthorpe, Lines.
SAUL, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at Queens', June 13, 1622. Of
Lincolnsliire. Migrated to Emmanuel, Oct. 1622. Matric.
1623; B.A. 1626-7; M.A. 1634.
SAULE, WALTER. Scholar at King's Hall; adm. Dec. 3, 1361.
Promoted to a benefice, 1387.
SAURESBY, JAMES. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter,
1584; B.A. 1587-8.
SAUTINIUS (SAUTIN), PETER. M.D. 162 1 (Incorp. from
Padua). Practised at Norwich. Will (P.C.C.) 1630.
SAVACRE, EDWARD. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1633; B.A. 1637-8. Possibly s. of Edward (Savacar), R. of
Notgrove, Gloucs., in 1577 and again in 1594.
SAVACRE, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs.
SAVADGE, ARTHUR. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Dec. 6, 1631. Of
Sussex. Matric. 1631; B.A. 1635-6; M.A. 1640. Ord.
deacon (Carlisle) Mar. 5, 1636-7. R. of Brougham, West-
morland; ejected, 1644; restored, 1660-3. Preb. of Carlisle,
1660-1700. V. of Caldbeck, Cumberland, 1663-1700. Died
1700. Father of Richard (1656-7). (For a contemporary
see Al. Oxon.) (Nightingale, 1247.)
SAVAGE, ARTHUR. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Magdalene,
May 31, 1662. S. of William, of Northlees, Derbs. School,
Dronfield. Matric. 1662; B.A. 1665-6.
SAVAGE, ATHELSTAN. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's,
July 7, 1680. S. of Andrew, clerk. B. at Llanbrynmair,
Montgomery. School, Llanidloes (Mr Lloyd). Matric. 1681;
B.A. 1683-4; M.A. 1689. Second Master of Oswestry School.
R. of Llan-y-Cil, Merioneth, 1690-1705. (St Asaph, iii.
SAVAGE, BONIFACE. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1579;
B.A. from Clare, 1584-5; M.A. from Trinity, 1588.
SAVAGE, BONIFACE. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter,
1598. One of these names of Pontefract, Yorks., in 1629;
married Mercy, dau. of Charles Young, of Methley, in
SAVAGE, CULPEPER. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's, May
14, 1706. S. of John (1659-6), clerk, of Uppingham, Rutland.
B. there. School, Uppingham (under his father). Matric.
1706; B.A. 1709-10; M.A. 1713. Ord. deacon (London) Mar.
16, 1711-2. V. of Stone-in-Oxney, Kent, until i753- V. of
Sutton Valence, 1723. R. of Eastry, 1747-53- R- of Town
Sutton, 1747. Buried at St James', Bath, June 2, 1753.
Brother of John (1686).
SAVAGE, EDWARD. B.A. from Jesus, 1615-6; M.A. 1619.
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Mar. 1, 1617-8; priest, Sept. 20, 1618.
C. of Swavesey, Cambs., 1618. R. of Tilbrook, Beds., 1621.
P.C. of Long Stow, Hunts., in 1651.
SAVAGE, FRANCIS. Matric. pens, from Clare, Easter, 1573.
Migrated to Trinity. Scholar, 1578; B.A. 1578-9; M.A. 1582;
B.D. 1589; D.D. 1608. Fellow of Trinity, 1581. Incorp. at
Oxford, 1601. V. of Trumpington, Cambs., 1594-5- V. of
Chesterton, 1599. V. of Masham, Yorks., 1601-2. R. of
Farthinghoe, Northants., 1602-38. R. of Ripple, Worcs.,
1607. Will (P.C.C.) 1638. Father of the next.
SAVAGE, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Easter, 1633.
S. of Francis (above), clerk, R. of Ripple, Worcs. Matric.
(Magdalen HaU, Oxford) Dec. 9, 1631, age 16; B.A. (Em-
manuel) 1634-5; M.A. (do.) 1638.
SAVAGE, HENRY. Ord. deacon (London) Dec. 21, 1583; 'B.A.;
of St John's; age 30; of Hallingbury, Essex '; priest. May 27,
1586. B. at Glandford Brigg, Lines. C. of Hormead,
SAVAGE, HENRY. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1671.
Matric. Easter, 1672; B.A. 1675-6; M.A. 1679; B.D. 1690.
Fellow, 1675-91. Ord. priest (London) Mar. 11, 1676-7.
Died 1691. (Harwood.)
SAVAGE, HENRY. Adm. pens, at Queens', Aug. 14, 1675.
Of London. Colleger at Eton, 1666-74. One of these names
adm. at Leyden, Oct. 27, 1681.
SAVAGE, JOHN. Fellow of Peterhouse, 1437-47- Perhaps
R. of Bale, Norfolk, c. 1447. One of these names, 'LL.B.,'
R. of St Andrew Undershaft, London, 1443-75- Died 1475;
to be buried in St Paul's. Will, Coram. C. London.
SAVAGE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Trinity, c. 1595.
Savage, Thomas
SAVAGE, JOHN. B.A. from Jesus, 1610-1; M.A. 1614. Perhaps
ord. deacon and priest (Lincoln) Feb. 21, 1618-9. One of
these names V. of Long Stanton All Saints', Cambs., 1612-9.
SAVAGE, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Queens', Feb. 28, 1619-20.
Of Warwickshire. Perhaps brother of William (1616).
SAVAGE, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's, Easter,
1634. Of Dorset. B.A. 1637-8; M.A. 1641. Fellow. Ord.
deacon (Norwich) Jan. 2, 1643-4; priest (Lincoln) Dec. 8,
1644. Probably R. of Bloxworth, Dorset, in 1651. Buried
there, 1697. (Hutchins, i. 183.)
SAVAGE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Sidney, Jan. 31,
1659-60. ist s. of Thomas, clockmaker. B. at Exeter.
Schools, Exeter and Tiverton. Matric. i66o; B.A. 1663-4;
M.A. 1667. Fellow, 1664. C. of Airington, Cambs., 1668.
R. of Morcott, Rutland, 1682-1721. Head Master of Upping-
ham School, 1684-1721. Died 1721. Father of John (1686)
and Culpeper (1706).
SAVAGE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's, Sept. 8,
1685. S. of Thomas, cooper, deceased. B. at Peterborough,
Northants. School, Peterborough (Mr Waring). Matric.
1687; B.A. 1689-90. Ord. deacon (London) May 23, 1692.
See Al. Oxon. for a contemporary namesake.
SAVAGE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's, Apr. 7,
1686. S. of John (1659-60), R. of Morcott, Rutland. B. in
Rutland. School, Uppingham (Mr Davison). Matric. 1686;
B.A. 1689-90; M.A. 1693; B.D. 1701. Fellow, 1692-1704.
Ord. priest (Lincohi) Sept. 20, 1696. V. of Holme-on-
Spalding-Moor, Yorks., 1703-33. Died 1733. Brother of
Culpeper (1706).
SAVAGE, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Feb. 13, 1690-1.
Of Hertfordshire. B. 1673. School, Westminster. Matric.
1691; B.A. 1694-5; M.A. 1698. Incorp. at O.xford, 1705.
B.D. and D.D. (Christ Church, Oxford) 1707. Incorp. at
Cambridge, 1730. R. of Bygrave, Herts., 1701-8. R. of
Clothall, 1708-47. Lecturer at St George's, Hanover Square,
1732. Author, historical, etc. Killed Mar. 22 (?24), 1746-7,
by a fall down the steps of the scaffolding erected for Lord
Lovat's trial. (Al. Westmon., 209; D.N.B.; Al. Oxon.;
G. Mag. ; L. Mag.)
SAVAGE, LUKE. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Michs.
SAVAGE, REPENT. Adm. pens, at Christ's, Apr. 11, 1581.
B. at Brentwood, Essex. Matric. 1581; B.A. 1584-5; LL.D.
from Pembroke, 1606-7. Ord. deacon (London) May, 1599.
R. of Corringham St Mary, Essex, 1599-1619. Married
Mercie Chace, July 14, 1608. Will (Cons. C. London) 1619-20;
of Gt Warley. Probably father of the next. (Peile, i. 164.)
SAVAGE, REPENT. Matric. pens, from King's, Easter, 1622.
Of Cambridgeshire. Probablys. of Repent (above). Migrated
to Queens', 1624; B.A. 1627 8.
SAVAGE, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from King's, Lent, 1656-7.
S. of Arthur (1631), V. of Caldbeck, Cumberland. B.A.
1660-1. Ord. deacon (Carlisle) Sept. 25, 1670; priest, Sept.
21, 1673. V. of Thursby, Cumberland, 1673-4. Buried at
Caldbeck, Apr. 4, 1674- (B. Nightingale, 544, 553.)
SAVIDGE, SAMUEL. Matric. sizar from St Catharine's,
Easter, 1646; B.A. 1649-50. Ord. priest (Norwich) Aug. 23,
1662. V. of Aldeburgh, Suffolk, 1656.
SAVAGE, SAMUEL. M.A. from King's, 1720. S. of John, of
Worcester, clerk. Matric. (Magdalen Hall, Oxford) Mar. 19,
1701-2, age 18; B.A. (Oxford) 1705. Ord. deacon (Wor-
cester) Sept. 22, 1706; priest (Oxford) June 19, 1709. V. of
Dymock, Gloucs., 1714-61. R. of Poole Keynes, Wilts.,
1721. Chaplain to Lord Ducie. Died 1761. Will, P.C.C.
(Al. Oxon.; F. S. Hockaday.)
SAVAGE, THOMAS. LL.D. (Incorp.) 1495-6. S. of Sir John,
of Clifton, Cheshire. Chaplain to Henry VII, 1485. Employed
as ambassador to Castile and Portugal, 1488, and to France,
1490. Bishop of Rochester, 1493-6. Bishop of London,
1496-1501. Archbishop of York, 1501-7. Died Sept. 3, 1507.
Buried in York Minster. (Cooper, 1. 12; D.N.B.)
SAVAGE, THOMAS. M.A. 1621 (Incorp. from Oxford). Of
Oxfordshire. Militis fil. Matric. (Magdalen College, Oxford)
Tune 16, 1610, age 17; B.A. 1615; M.A. 1618. Fellow of
Magdalen, 1618-21. R. of Sutton Bonuington St Michael,
Notts., 1620. R. of St Anne, 1623. Licensed, June 28, 1624,
to marry Elizabeth Rooe, of Welboum, Lines. Buried at
St Anne, Notts., May 21, 1662. (Al. Oxon.)
SAVAGE, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 19) at St John's, Oct. 29,
1734. S. of William, gent., of Yorks. B. at SheflSeld.
Schools, Sheffield and Westminster. Matric. 1735; B.A.
1738-9. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 24, 1738; pnest (Litt.
dim. from York) Dec. 1740. C. of Welby. V. of Owston,
Yorks., 1744-82. One of these names R. of Durley, Derbs.,
1745-64. But see Al. Oxon. for a contemporary namesake.
(Scott-Mayor, iii. 463.)
Savage, Thomas Byrche
SAVAGE, THOMAS BYRCHE. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age i8) at
Trinity, Nov. i8, 1749. S. of William Byrche, LL.D.,
Chancellor of Worcester, and of Leacroft, StaSs. (and
Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Savage, of Elmley Castle, Worcs.).
School, Westminster. Matric. 1749. Assumed the name of
Savage and succeeded to Elmley Castle, Worcs. Married
Dorothy, dau. of Thomas Kynnersley, of Loxley, Staffs.
Died s.p., Sept. 4, 1776. {Nash, i. 3S3-4.)
SAVYDGE, W. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Lent, 1563-4. One
William Savage, ord. priest (Chichester) Oct. 28, 1570. R.
of Ovingdean, Sussex, 1570-1619. 'B. in Clayton; aged 44,'
in 1590. Buried Sept. 4, 1619. (W. C. Renshaw.)
SAVAGE, WILLIAM. ' King's Scholar,' 1335.
SAVAGE, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Easter, 1570.
One of these names R. of North Benfleet, Essex, 1572-81.
Died 1581. Wm (P.C.C.) 1582; son, Repent.
SAVAGE, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter, i6i(5.
Of Warwickshire. B.A. 1619-20. Perhaps brother of John
SAVAGE, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Apr. 6, 1686.
B. at Ickleford, Herts. Matric. 1686; B.A. 1689-90; M.A.
1693; B.D. 1700; D.D. 1717 (Cmn. Reg.). Fellow, 1692-1703.
Master, 1719-36. Vice-Chancellor, 1724-5. Ord. deacon
(London) Dec. 13, 1692; priest (Lincoln) June 7, 1696.
Chaplain to Lord-Keeper Wright and afterwards to Bishop
Atterburj'. R. of St Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe, London,
1702. R. of St Anne's, Blackfriars, 1702-36. R. of Graves-
end, 1704-20, and of Stone, Kent, 1720-36. Author,
sermons. Died Aug. 2, 1736. Buried at Sampford, Essex.
Admon., P.C.C. (D.N.B.; Emmanuel Coll. Hist., 128;
SAVAGE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinity, June 10,
1704. S. of William, of Bloxworth, Dorset. School, West-
minster. Matric. 1704; Scholar, 1705. Adm. at the Middle
Temple, Feb. 8, 1705-6. Called to the Bar, 1711.
SAVAGE, . Rector. B.Can.L. 1489-90.
B.Civ.L. 1490-1.
SAVAGE, . B.A. 1498-9; M.A. 1502-3.
SAVAGE, . B.Can.L. 1498-9. Probably Robert, B.Can.L.,
V. of Hornsea, Yorks., 1499-1513.
SAVARY, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Clare, June 11, 1720. B. in
SAVERY, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Caius, Easter,
SAVIGNAC, JACOB. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, Oct. 23,
1729. S. of J., gent., of Middlesex. B. in Westminster.
School, Westminster. Matric. 1729. Ord. deacon (Lincoba)
Sept. 22, 1734; priest (Rochester) June 5, i737- R- of
Snelland, Lines., 1743-7. Buried at St Swithin's, Lincoln,
May 25, 1747. (Scott-Mayor, in. 425.)
SAYVELL, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from Clare, Michs. 1570.
Perhaps s. of John, of Stanley, near Wakefield, Yorks.
Married Catherine, dau. of Alverj' Copley, of Batley, Nov.
22, 1574. Died 1590. Admon., Aug. 1590.
SAVELL, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter, 1579.
Doubtless s. of George, of Hasleden HaO, Wakefield, Yorks.
B. 1560. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Jan. 22, 1581-2 ; of Fvuriival's
Inn. Called to the Bar, 1591. Died Jan. 2, 1594-5- He and
his father were benefactors of Wakefield School. Probably
brother of Thomas (i579).
SAVILLE, Sir GEORGE. M.A. 1594-5. Doubtless s. and h. of
Henry, of Lupset, Yorks. B. c. 1550. Of St John's College,
Oxford, c. 1566. Student of Lincoln's Inn, 1568. M.P. for
Boroughbridge, 1586-7; for Yorks., 1592-3. Knighted,
June 18, 1587. Of Barrowby, Lines. Succeeded to the estate
of ThomhiU, Yorks., Feb. 1602-3. Created Bart, of Thorn-
hill, June 29, 1611. Sheriff of Yorks., 1613-4. Died Nov. 12,
1622. Buried at Thomhill. M.I. Doubtless father of the
next. (G.JE.C, i. 49; Hunter, S. Yorks., 11. 301.)
SAVILL, GEORGE. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Trinity, c. 1595.
Doubtless s. and h. of Sir George (above), of Thomlull,
Yorks., Bart. Matric. (University College, Oxford) June 30,
1598, age 15; B.A. (0.xford) 1600-1. M.P. for Morpeth, 1601;
for Appleby, 1614. Knighted, May 11, 1603. Married Anne,
dau. of Sir WiUiam Wentworth. Buried at Thomhill, Aug.
24, 1614, aged 31. {G.E.C., i. 51; Al. Oxon.)
SAVILE, Sir GEORGE, Bart. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Queens',
Jan. 21, 1744-5. S. of Sir George, of Thomhill, Yorks.,
Bart. B. July 18, 1726. M.A. 1749; LL.D. 1749. Succeeded
as 8th Bart., Sept. 16, 1743. F.R.S., 1747. Vice-President
of the Society of Arts. M.P. for Yorks., 1759-83. Success-
Savill, Robert
fully introduced Nullum Tempus BUI, 1768; supported the
resistance of the American Colonies, 1775. A staunch whig
of unimpeachable character. Died unmarried, Jan. 10, 1784.
Buried at ThomhiU, Yorks. M.I. at ThomhiU and at York
Minster. (D.N.B.; G.E.C.i. 51.)
SAVILL, HENRY. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Trinity, Michs.
1602; M.A. 1607 (fit. tiob.). One of these names s. of Sir
John, Baron of the Exchequer, for whom see Al. Oxon.;
the dates make identification with this man unlikely.
SAVILL, HENRY. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Sidney, May 15, 1616.
3rd s. of Sir George, of ThomhiU, Yorks., Knt. and Bart.
Bapt. Dec. 7, 1599, at ThomhiU. Matric. 1616. Adm. at
Lincohi's Inn, Apr. 21, 1618. Of Bowling, Yorks., Esq.
Married Anne, dau. of Robert Crewse, of London. Living,
1666. Brother of John (1616). (Burke, Ext. Bart.; Vis. of
Yorks., 1666.)
SAVILE, HENRY. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's, Apr. 27,
1640. 8th s. of Henry, of Copley, near HaUfax, Yorks. Bapt.
Nov. 24, 1623, at HaUfax. Schools, Mansfield (Mr Dodgson)
and York (Mr WaUis). Matric. 1640. Buried at HaUfax,
June 16, 1642. {Peile, 1. 470; Geneal., N.S., .xiii. 119.)
SAVILE, HUGH. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Nov. 5, 1586.
Matric. 1586.
SAVELL, JOHN. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Trinity, Easter, 1572.
Doubtless s. and h. of Sir Robert SavUe, alias Barkston.
B. 1560. Sheriff of Lines., 1590. Knighted, July 23, 1603.
M.P. for Yorks., 1624. High Steward of the honour of
Pontefract and ComptroUer of the Household, 1625-8.
Created Baron Savile of Pomfret, July 21, 1628. Married
(i) Catherine, dau. of Christopher, Baron WiUcughby;
(2) EUzabeth, dau. of Sir Edward Caryl, of Aldenham, Herts.
Died Aug. 31,1630. Buried at Batley. (One of these names
s. of WiUiam, of Grantham, Lines. Married and had issue.
Buried at Somerby (he is caUed Sheriff of Lines., in 1590)-)
Perhaps father of Thomas (1608). (G.E.C.; Lines. Pedigrees,
SAVELL, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, May 13, 1581.
Matric. 1581. Perhaps adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 10;
1583-4; of Yorkshire.
SAVELL, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Trinity, c. 1597.
SAVILL, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Sidney, May 15, 1616.
2nd s. of Sir George, of ThomhiU, Yorks., Knt. B. in York-
shire. Matric. 1616. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Apr. 21, 1618.
CaUed to the Bar, 1625. A govemor of Wakefield School,
1625-50 Knighted, June 22, 1627. High Sheriff of Yorks.,
1647-48 and 1649-50. A Parliamentarian. Of Lupset,
Yorks., Esq. Married (i) EUzabeth, dau. of Sir John
Armitage, of Kirklees, Yorks.; (2) Anne, dau. of Sir John
Soame. His son, John, succeeded as 6th Bart. Buried
May 8, 1660, at Horbury. Brother of Henry (1616). (Vis.
of Yorks., 1666; M. H. Peacock.)
SAVILE, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Jan. 29, 1638-9.
Matric. 1659; Scholar, 1661; B.A. 1662-3; M.A. 1666. Signs
for deacon's orders (London) June 1, 1667; for priest's.
May 28, 1670. Chaplain to Lord Grey. R. of Clapham,
Surrey, 1 675-1 705. Buried at Shelley, Essex, Feb. 8, 1705-6.
(One of these names P.C. of Holmfirth, Yorks., 1674-85-
Buried Feb. 12, 1685-6. See Al. Oxon. for a contemporary.)
SAVILE, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 15) at Trinity, Feb. i,
1686-7. S. of John, of Methley HaU, Yorks. B. there, Mar. 7,
1671. School, Wakefield. Adm. at the Inner Temple, Dec. 7,
1686. Of Methley, Esq. Married Mary, dau. of Sir John
Bankes, of Aylesford, Kent, Bart. Buried at Methley, Apr.
28, 1711. (M. H. Peacock; Geneal., N.S., xv. 44.)
SAVILL, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, May 17, 1709.
S. of John, mercer, of Colchester. B. at Horkesley, Essex.
School, Felsted. Matric. 1709; Scholar, 1709-12. Adm. at
Lincoln's Inn, Apr. 25, 1710, and at the Inner Temple, Jan.
31, 1712-3. Of Stisted HaU, Essex, Esq. Lord of the Manor
of Gt Fordham, Essex. Died unmarried, Feb. 1734-5.
[Venn, 1. 520.)
SAVILE, JOHN. LL.D. from King's, 1749; probably adm.
1738-9. S. and h. of Charles, of Methley, Yorks., Esq. M.P.
for Hedon, 1747-9; for Shoreham, 1761-8. K.B., 1749.
Created Lord PoUington, 1753, and Earl of Mexborough,
Feb. II, 1765. Married Sarah, dau. of Francis Blake Delaval,
Esq. Died Feb. 12, 1778. Buried at Methley. (Geneal., li.S.,
XV. 44.)
SAVILL, NICHOLAS. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs. 1622 ;
B.A. from Magdalene, 1628; M.A. 1636. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) July 3; priest, July 4, 1623. R. of St Clement's,
Hastings, 1629-38. R. of Peasemarsh, Sussex, 1637-8. WiU
proved (P.C.C.) 1638. (W. C. Renshaw.)
SAVILL or SEVELL, ROBERT. Matric. FeU.-Com. from
Trinity, Easter, 1562. Perhaps brother of Thomas (1561).
Savill, Samuel
SAVILL, SAMUEL. Adrn. at King's (age 17) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 21, 1607. Of Wakefield, Yorks. S. of WilUam,
attorney, of Wakefield and Mexborough. Matric. 1607-8;
B.A. 1611-2; M.A. 1615. Fellow, 1610-23. 'Lived in Yorks.
upon a good estate. Esquire of the Body extraordinary to
Charles I.' Secretary to the Earl of Carlisle, 1616. Royalist;
suffered in the Civil wars. Married Alice, dau. of John
Blacket, of Herts. Philosopher and mathematician. Died
May 25, 1660, aged 72. M.L at Mexborough. (Hunter,
S. Yorks.; Vis. of Yorks., 1665; Harwood; Genealogist, N.S.,
XXII. 48.)
SAVILE, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Pembroke, May 18,
1664. S. of Thomas, of Darton (? Darlton) Grange, Notts.,
gent. B. at 'Osworth,' Notts. Matric. 1664.
SAVELL, THOMAS. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Trinity, Easter,
1561. Oneof these names adm. at Gray's Inn, 1564. Perhaps
brother of Robert (1562).
SAVELL, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs. 1579-
Probably s. of George, of Haselden Hall, Wakefield, Yorks.
B. c. 1562. Perhaps adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Aug. 30, 1582.
Married Sarah, dau. of Richard Clayton, of Wakefield.
Died Apr. 1599. A benefactor of Wakefield School. Probably
brother of George (1579).
SAVYLE, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Mar. 28, 1592.
Matric. c. 1592; Scholar; B.A. 1595-6; M.A. 1604. R. of
Stifford, Essex, 1610-9. Married Elizabeth, dau. of George
Goodwin, R. of Moreton, Essex, Oct. 7, 1614. Author,
Prisoner's Conference, etc. {Cooper, 11. 447.)
SAVILE, THOMAS. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Peterhouse, Oct. 2,
1608. Doubtless 3rd s. of John (1572), ist Baron Savile,
of Pontefract (Pomfret). B. c. 1590. Matric. 1608. Adm. at
the Inner Temple, 1610. Knighted, Mar. 6, 1616-7. M.P.
for Yorks., 1624-5; for York, 1628. Gentleman of the
Privy Chamber, 1626. Created Viscount Savile and Baron
Castlebar, June 11, 1628. Succeeded his father as 2nd Baron
Savile, Aug. 31, 1630. Lord President of the Council of the
North, 1641. Lord-Lieut, of Yorks., 1641. Treasurer of the
Household, 1641-5. Governor of York, 1642. Created Earl
of Sussex, May 25, 1644. Married (i) Frances, dau. of Sir
Thomas Sondes, of Throwley, Kent; (2) Anne, dau. of
Christopher, Earl of Anglesey. Will dated, Nov. 8, 1657;
proved, Oct. 8, 1659. {G.E.C.; T. A. Walker.)
SAVILL, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, July 5,
1669. Matric. 1669.
SAVELL, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 1569;
B.A. 1573-4; M.A. 1577.
SAVELL, WILLIAM. M.A. 1571 (Incorp. from Oxford).
SAVELL, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from St John's, c. 1591;
B.A. 1595-6.
SAVELL, WILLIAM. Matric. Fell.-Com. from King's, Easter,
1617. Doubtless s. and h. of Gabriel, of Newton, Lines., Esq.,
deceased (and Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Wendy, of Hasling-
field, Cambs.). Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 6, 1622. M.P.
for Lines., 1654-5 and 1656-7. Died 1657. {Lines. Pedigrees,
SAVILL, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Sept. 23, 1647.
Of Lincolnshire. Doubtless s. and h. of Thomas, late of
Newton, Lines., Esq., deceased. B. 1630. Matric. 1647-8.
Adm. at Lincohi's Inn, Nov. 28, 1650. Buried at Newton,
Feb. I, 1681-2. {Lines. Pedigrees, 861.)
SAVILL, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, May 5,
1658. S. of William, gent., of Arksey, Yorks. (by his 2nd
wife Rosamund, dau. of John Franck, of Pontefract). Bapt.
there. Mar. 26, 1640. School, Holden, Yorks. Matric. 1658.
Adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 16, 1659. Of Cridling Park.
Married Catherine, dau. of Arthur Ingram, of Knottingley,
Yorks. Died Sept. 3, 1691. Buried at Knottingley.
{Genealogist, N.S., xiii. 119.)
SAVILE, WILLIAM. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Clare, Oct. 16, 1658.
Of Halifax, Yorks. Doubtless s. and h. of Thomas, of Copley,
near Halifax, Yorks. Bapt. Aug. 24, 1641, at Halifax.
Matric. 1659. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Mar. i, 1655-6. Buried
in St Edward's, Cambridge, Aug. 23, 1661. {Genealogist,
N.S., XIII. 119.)
SAVILE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, May 23,
1673. S. of Samuel, gent., of Mexborough, Yorks., and
grandson of Samuel (1607). Bapt. there, June 9, 1656.
Matric. 1673; LL.B. 1678. Married and had issue. Buried
at Mexborough, July 3, 1718. (Vis. of Yorks., 1665;
Genealogist, N.S., xxii. 48.)
SAYVELL, . Matric. pens, from Christ's, Easter,
SAVILL, . Adm. Fell.-Com. at King's, 173S-9. Probably
John, LL.D. 1749, whom see.
Sawtre, Robert de
Fl. 1485. A Franciscan of London. At Cambridge, in 1478,
when he wrote his Margarita Eloquentiae. {D.N.B.)
SAWBRIDGE, ANTHONY. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, July 3,
1597. Matric. c. 1597; Scholar; B.A. 1600-1; M.A. 1604;
B.D. 1611. Fellow, 1605-13. Incorp. at Oxford, 1609. R. of
Hadleigh, Essex, 1612-33. R. of Stondon Massey, 1633.
Died c. 1660.
SAWBRIDGE, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's,
Oct. 15, 1668. S. of Thomas, of Melton Mowbray, Leics.
B. there. School, Melton Mowbray. Matric. 1669; B.A.
1672-3; M.A. 1676. Incorp. at Oxford, 1677. Ord. priest
(Ely) May 30, 1675. V. of Lowesby, Leics., 1679-1700.
R. of South Croxton, 1690-1700. V. of Knaptoft, 1700-13.
Buried at Mowsley, Knaptoft, Mar. 12, 1712-3. Probably
father of the next. {Nichols, iv. 222, 866-8.)
SAWBRIDGE, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, June 5,
1705. Of Leicestershire. Probably s. of Thomas (above).
Matric. 1705-6; B.A. 1708-9; M.A. 1712. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) Mar. 19, 1708-9; priest, June 15, 1712. Probably
R. of Gilmorton, Leics., 1712-5, deprived. Perhaps chaplain
in the Navy, 1720, and in the East India Company at
Tellichery, Bombay, 1723. One of these names, LL.D., dean
of Ferns and Leighlin, Ireland, 1728-33; died May 30, 1733.
(H. B. Hyde, Annals of Bengal; Assoc. Architect. Soc.
Reports, xxx. 430.)
SAWELL, see also SAUL.
SAWELL, WILLIAM. Adm. at Pembroke, July i, 1674-
Previously matric. (St Alban Hall, Oxford) July 4, 1673,
age 18. S. of William, of Gerrans, Cornwall. Matric. 1677;
B.A. 1677-8; M.A. 1705 {Lit. Reg.); 'had served abroad as
chaplain in the army.' R. of Walton, Bucks., 1695-1711.
V. of Cholsey, Berks., 1705. (Al. Oxon.; Lipscomb, iv. 387.)
SAWEN, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Queens', Michs. 1551.
Butler of the College. One of these names R. of Ringsfield,
Suffolk, 1561-99.
SAWKINS, JAMES. Adm. FeU.-Com. at CORPUS Christi, 1587,
as 'Sakings.' Matric. 1588.
SAWKINS, JAMES. Adm. pens (age 17) at St John's, Oct. 12,
1 75 1. S. of Joseph, attorney, of Kent. B. at Canterbury.
School, Canterbury. Matric. 1752; LL.B. 1758. Ord. deacon
(Canterbury) Sept. 25, 1757; priest, Sept. 24, 1758. V. of
Frampton, Dorset, 1776-99. R. of Bettiscombe, 1784-99.
Died Aug. 4, 1799. Buried at Frampton. {Scott-Mayor, iii.
SAWKIN, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Queens', Jan. 4, 1644-5.
Previously matric. (Magdalen Hall, Oxford) May 15, 1640,
age 17. S. of Thomas, of Tamworth, Warws. B.A. 1644-5;
M.A. 1648. FeDow of Queens', 1647-53-
SAWKYNS, THOMAS. B.D. 1532-3- Franciscan friar.
SAWNDE, . Of Trinity. Went overseas, 1594. {Foley.)
SAWNER, . B.D. 1471-2.
SAWREY, see also SOWRAY.
SAWREY, MILES. Adm. sizar (age 20) at Christ's, Sept. 8,
1668. S. of William. B. at Hawkshead, Lanes. School,
Hawkshead (Mr Bordley). One of these names Master of
Hawkshead School, 1671-2. (Peile, 11. 17.)
SAWREY or SORY, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from St John's,
Easter, 1581. 2nd s. of Henry (? John), of Plumpton, near
Ulverston, Cumberland. B. there, Sept. 4, 1564. Migrated
to Peterhouse, May 26, 1582. B.A. 1583-4; M.A. 1587. Ord.
deacon and priest (Peterb.) Mar. 19, 1587-8. V. of Preston,
Lanes., 1592-1604. R. of Windermere, Cumberland, 1594-
1610. R. of Halton, Lanes., 1606-10. {Nightingale, 1036.)
SAWREY, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Apr. 22, 1725.
Of Cheshire. Matric. 1725; B.A. 1728-9; M.A. 1738.
SAWSER, JOHN. Scholar at King's Hall, 1461-79. Excused
lecturing after admission (? to B.D.), 1471-2.
SAWSTON, JOHN. Fellow of Peterhouse. Ord. sub-deacon
(Ely) Sept. 23, 1419.
SAWTRE, BERNARD. M.A. Fellow of Peterhouse, 1333.
R. of Northwold, Norfolk, 1336. {T. A. Walker.)
SAWTRE or SAUTRE, JOHN DE. 'King's Scholar' at Cam-
bridge, 1341. Died May 24, 1349.
SAWTRE, RICHARD DE. M.A. B.Can.L. and B.Civ.L. R. of
Northwold, Norfolk. Petitioned the Pope for a canonry of
York, 1363. {Cat. Pap. Pet., i.)
SAWTRE, ROBERT DE. Fellow of Peterhouse, 1339-33.
Died 1352.
SAWYER, see also SAYER.
Sawyer, Ambrose
SAWYER, AMBROSE. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Trinity, Sept.
II, 1678. Of Northamptonshire. S. of Francis (1649).
School, Leicester (Mr Wakeman). Matric. 1679; Scholar,
1681; B.A. 1682-3; M.A. 1686. Chaplain, 1685-96. R. of
Ashley, Northants., 1696-1730. Died 1730. Father of the
next and of Francis (1719).
SAWYER, AMBROSE. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's,
July 9, 1713. S. of Ambrose (above), clerk. B. at Irthling-
borough, Northants. School, Oakham. Matric. 1714. Buried
at All Saints', Cambridge, Jan. 21, 1716-7. Brother of
Francis (1719).
SAWYER, EDMUND. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Mar. 15,
1631-2. Of Northamptonshire. S. of John, of Kettering.
Age 4 in 1618. Matric. 1632. Adm. at the Middle Temple,
Jan. 30, 1633-4. Called to the Bar, 1641. Married (i) Rachel
West; (2) Joyce James. Buried at Kettering, Nov. 23, 1680.
(Vis. of Northants., 1618; H. I. Longden.)
SAWYER, EDMUND. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 16) at St John's,
Sept. 19, 1705. S. of Henry, Esq. B. in Northamptonshire.
Bapt. Aug. 6, 1689, at Kettering. Matric. 1705-6. He and
his father sold the Manor House and lands of Kettering on
Sept. 3, 1720. Died Oct. 9, 1759.
SAWYER, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Apr. 11, 1649.
Of Northamptonshire. Perhaps 4th s. of John, of Kettering.
Matric. 1649; Scholar, 1650; B.A. 1652-3; M.A. 1656.
Intruding V. of Sibbertoft, Northants., 1655-c. 62. R. of
Upper Isham, 1662-5. R- oi Thorpe Malsor, 1662-9. Chap-
lain to Lord Montagu, in 1674. V. of St Margaret, Leicester,
1674. V. of Knighton, Leics., 1674-83. R. of Kettering,
Northants., 1684-1709. Will (Archd. Northampton) 1710.
Father of Ambrose (1678).
SAWYER, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, at Clare, May 20, 1719.
2nd s. of Ambrose (1678). B. at Ashley, Northants. School,
Oakham. Matric. 1719; B.A. 1722-3; M.A. 1727. Ord.
deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 22, 1723, age 23; priest, Sept. 19, 1725.
C. of Ashley, Northants., 1723; R., 1730-45. Married Cathe-
rine Clough, of Tugby, Leics., Oct. 3, 1738. Died 1745.
Brother of Ambrose (1713). (W. M. Noble; H. L Longden.)
SAWER, JAMES. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, June 20, 1633.
Of Norfolk. Probably died in College; buried at Gt St
Andrew's, Cambridge, Jan. 29, 1634-5.
SAWER, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Peterhouse, June 23, 1593;
B.A. 1596-7; M.A. 1600. Ord. deacon and priest (Norwich)
Sept. 29, 1599. C. of Holme-by-the-Sea, Norfolk.
SAWYER, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Mar. 1610-1.
SAWYER, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Michs.
1648. 4th s. of Sir Edmund, of Heywood, Berks. B. 1633.
Craven Scholar, 1649; B.A. 1651-2; M.A. 1655. Fellow,
1652. Incorp. at Oxford, 1655. Adm. at the Inner Temple,
1653. Called to the Bar, 1661. Treasurer, 1683-8. K.C.
M.P. for Chipping Wycombe, 1673-9; for Cambridge
University, 1689-92. Knighted, Oct. 17, 1677. Speaker of
the House of Commons, 1678. Attorney-General, 1681-7.
Counsel for the seven bishops in the reign of James II.
Married Margaret, dau. of Ralph Suckley, of Canonbury,
Middlesex, July i, 1665. Died July 28, 1692. Buried at
Highclere, Hants. WiU (P.C.C.) Aug. (D.A^.B.; Burke, L. G.)
SAWYER, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Clare, Jan. 17, 1745-6.
Probably s. of John, of Heywood, White Waltham, Berks.
B. there. Matric. 1745-6.
SAWYER, RUPERT. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, Oct. 7,
1697. S. of Rupert, vintner. B. in London. School, Salis-
bury (Mr Taylor). Matric. 1697; B.A. 1701-2. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) Sept. 20, 1702. C. of Marham, Northants., 1702.
SAWYER, . Pens, at Jesus, 1589-90.
SAXBY, EDWARD. Adm. at King's (age 19) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 1517. Name off, 1519. Of Gt Leigh, Essex.
Student of Law at Clement's Inn. One of these names Baron
of the Exchequer, 1548-62. WiU (P.C.C.) 1562.
SAXBY, EDWARD. B.Can.L. 1533-4. Perhaps B.A. from
Oxford, 1527. One of these names R. of Galby, Leics., 1549;
'aged 68; not married; ord. by Bp of Lincoln; Bach, of Law;
understands Latin.' Will (Lincoln) of Edward Saxby, R. of
Galby, 1593. (Lib. Cleri, 1576.)
SAXBY, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Mar. 31, 1629. Of
Kent. Matric. 1632; B.A. 1632-3; M.A. 1636.
SAXBY, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 15) at St John's, June 21,
1651. S. of John, draper, of Leeds, Kent. B. there. School,
Maidstone. Matric. 1651.
SAXON, see also SAXTON.
SAXONj RALPH. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, May 23,
1674. S. of Ralph, of Betley, Staffs. B. there. School,
Wrenbury. Matric. 1674; B.A. 1677-8; M.A. 1681.
SAXPES, WILLIAM. B.A. 1522-3; M.A. 1526. Possibly s. of
Richard, of Withyham, Sussex (whose will (P.C.C.) 1509).
Say, Francis
SAXTON, ABRAHAM. Adm. sizar at Trinity, July i, 1647.
Of Yorkshire. Matric. c. 1647.
SAXTON, CHRISTOPHER. Educated at Cambridge. Of Wake-
field, Yorks. Topographical draughtsman. Obtained the
Queen's patent for the publication of maps of England, 1577,
some of which he engraved himself. Living, 1600. Buried
at Woodkirk, near Wakefield. Perhaps father of Peter
(c. 1595). (Cooper, i. 420; D.N.B.)
SAXTON, FAITHFULL. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1622; B.A. 1625-6; M.A. 1629. Perhaps adm. at Leyden,
Oct. 5, 1629. Admon. (York) Fidentius Saxton, M.D., of
Wakefield, Yorks., 1635.
SAXTON, HENRY. Adm. sizar at Queens', Oct. 14, i595. Of
Derbyshire. S. of Thomas, of Warmsworth, Yorks. Matric.
c. 1596; B.A. 1599-1600; M.A. 1607. Ord. deacon (York)
Mar. 1608-9; priest, Sept. 1610. Licensed preacher. V. of
Conisborough, Yorks., 1615-65. Died Apr. 21, 1665, aged 84.
Buried at Conisborough. Father of Thomas (1633) and
William (1633). (F.M.G., 603.)
SAXTONE, PETER. Matric. sizar from Trinity, c. 1595-
Perhaps s. of Christopher, the chorographer. B. at Bramley,
Leeds. School, Leeds. B.A. 1595-6; M.A. 1603. Ord. priest
(York) Apr. 18, 1611. R. of Edlington, Yorks., 1614-40.
Went to New England ; succeeded John Lothrop at Scituate,
Mass., 1640-1. Returned to England, 1641. V. of Leeds,
1646-51. Married Elizabeth, dau. of Anthony Goodwin, R.
of Rawmarsh, Yorks., Feb. 12, 1626-7. Died Oct. i, 1651.
Buried at Leeds. (F.M.G., 604; J. G. Bartlett; FeU, 442;
Hunter, i. 94.)
SAXTON or SAXON, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Magdalene,
Michs. 1633. Doubtless s. of Henry (1595), V. of Conis-
borough, Yorks. B.A. 1636-7. Married and had issue.
Brother of WiUiam (1633). (F.M.G., 603.)
SAXTON, WILLIAM. Chaplain of King's; ord. priest (London)
1554. Perhaps C. of Thrapston, Northaints., 1554. One of
these names C. of Castor, 1555.
SAXTON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Sidney, June 5, 1607.
Matric. 1607; B.A. from St Catharine's, 1609; M.A. 1612.
Perhaps previously a student at Oxford. If so, of Yorkshire,
pleb. Matric. (University College, Oxford) Mar. 15, 1604-5,
age 17. Ord. deacon (York) Dec. 1609; priest, Sept. 1610.
C. at Cawthome, Yorks., 1615. V. of Gringley, Notts., 1617.
(Al. Oxon.)
SAXTON or SAXON, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Magdalene,
Michs. 1633. Doubtless s. of Henry (1595). B.A. 1636-7;
M.A. 1640. V. of Harworth, Notts. Married Edith, dau. of
William Marshall, of Moor AUerton, near Leeds. Died Nov.
13, 1693, aged 75. Brotherof Thomas (1633). (F.M.G.,603;
Hunter, i. 122.)
SAY, ALEXANDER. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May 17, 1631.
Of Northamptonshire. 2nd s. of Francis, of Weston Favell.
Bapt. Sept. 21, 1614, at Gt Doddington. Matric. 1631.
Brother of the next. (Vis. of Northants., 1618.)
SAY, AUGUSTUS. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Oct. 5, 1637.
3rd s. of Francis, of Weston FaveU, Northants. Bapt. Aug.
26, 1621, at Doddington. Matric. 1637; B.A. 1641-2. Brother
of Alexander (above).
SAYE, CHRISTOPHER. Matric. sizar from Clement Hostel,
Easter, 1544.
SAY, FRANCIS. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Jan. 20, 1663-4. Of
Huntingdonshire. Matric. 1665; B.A. 1668-9; M.A. 1672.
Ord. deacon (London) Feb. 27, 1669-70; priest (Ely) Sept.
24, 1670. V. of Caxton, Cambs., 1679-93. R- o^ East
Hatley, 1689-1705. Died Nov. 22, 1705, aged 58. M.I. at
East Hatley. Father of the next and of WiUiam (1713-4).
SAY, FRANCIS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Christ's, July 4, 1706.
ist s. of Francis (above), R. of East Hatley, Cambs. B. June
9, 1690. School, Ruslingworth, Beds. Scholar, 1706-7;
Matric. 1707; B.A. 1710-1. Ord. deacon (London) May,
1713; priest (Norwich) July, 1719. V. of Barney, Norfolk,
1720-40. V. of Hindolveston, 1721-40. Died 1740. Brother
of William (1713-4). (Peile, 11. 165.)
SAY, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, June 2, 1708.
S. of Hugh, of London. School, Westminster. Matric. 1709;
Scholar, 1709; B.A. 1711-2; M.A. 1715. Adm. at the Middle
Temple, Oct. 20, 1719. Secretary to five successive bishops
of Ely. Librarian to Queen Caroline at St James' Park,
1737. Died Sept. 10, 1748. M.I. in Ely Cathedral. (Al,
Westmon., 250; Bentham, Ely; G. Mag.)
SAY, FRANCIS. Adm. sizar (age 20) at Peterhouse, Jan. 7,
1742-3. Of Norfolk. B. in Norfolk, 1722. School, Cambridge.
Scholar, 1742; Matric. 1743; B.A. 1746-7; M.A. 1753. Ord.
deacon (Ely) Dec. 1746; priest (Norwich) Mar. 1747-8. R. of
Hatley St George, Cambs., 1751. V. of Whaddon, 1751.
V. of Tadlow. R. of East Hatley, 1753. Died Mar. 13, 1796,
aged 73. WiU, P.C.C. (T. A. Walker, 2S1.)
Say, John
say, john. m.a. 1460.
SAY, JOHN. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1490; B.A.
1493-4. Ord. acolyte (Ely), Sept.; sub-deacon (? priest)
(Lincoln) 1496-7. Minister of Lynn, Norfolk. Perhaps
brother of Thomas (1487). (Harwood.)
SAY, RICHARD. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's, Mar. 4,
1645-6. S. of Thomas, yeoman, of Hadeston, Norfolk.
B. there. School, Norwich (Mr Lovering). Matric. 1645-6;
B.A. 1649-50; M.A. 1660.
SHY, ROBERT. Adm. (age 15) at Caius, Feb. 28, 1564-5. S.
of George, gent., of Watlington, Norfolk (and Ann, dau. of
John Bennett, of Burwell, Cambs.). School, Lynn.
SAYE, ROBERT. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, c. Apr. 1659.
S. of William, gent., of Islington, in Marshland, Norfolk.
B. at Outwell. Schools, Outwell (private) and Lynn (Mr
Bell). Matric. 1659; Scholar, 1659-62. Of Islingcon, Norfolk,
gent. Will dated and proved, 1662. {Venn, i. 405.)
SAY, ROBERT. M.A. from Caius, 1739. S. of Robert, gent.
B. in St James', Westminster. Of University College, Oxford.
Matric. (University College, Oxford) 1730, age 19; B.A.
(Oxford) 1733. Ord. deacon (Norwich) June 9, i734- R- of
Swaffham, Norfolk, 1738-48. R. of Houghton-on-the-Hill,
and of North Pickenham, 1748-64. Died June 30, 1764.
Will, P.C.C. Father of the next. (Venn, 11. 46.)
SAY, ROBERT. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Caius, Sept. 25, 1751-
S. of Robert (above), R. of North Pickenham and Beecham-
weU, Norfolk. B. at Downham, Norfolk. School, Seaming
(Mr Brett). Scholar, 1751-6; B.A. 1756; M.A. i759- Ord.
deacon (Peterb.) Dec. ig, 1756; priest (Norwich) Oct. 22,
1758. R. of West Walton, Norfolk, 1762-85; of North
Pickenham, 1764-84. (Venn, 11. 66.)
SAYE, THOMAS. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1445.
Of Podington, Beds.
SAYE, THOMAS. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1487.
Perhaps brother of John (1490).
SAY, THOMAS. Scholar of Trinity, 1619; B.A. 1619-20; M.A.
1623. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Dec. 19; priest, Dec. 20,
SAY, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Clare, Mar. 3, 1658-9. Matric.
1659; B.A. 1662-3. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 25, 1664.
C. of Gt Billing, Northants., 1669-71. V. of Easton Maudit,
1680-6. One of these names V. of Scalford, Leics. Admon.
(Leicester) 1693.
SAY, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Lent, 1713-4.
S. of Francis (1663-4). B. at East Hatley, Dec. 5, 1696.
Scholar, 1715; B.A. 1717-8; M.A. 1724 (William Cray Say).
Ord. deacon (London) Sept. 1719; priest (Rochester) Dec.
1720. Chaplain to Countess of Rockingham. R. of East
Hatley, Cambs., 1722. V. of Tadlow, 1722. R. of Hatley
St George, 1746. Died immarried, Nov. 1751. Brother of
Francis (1706). (Peile, 11. 182.)
SAY or SEY, . Sick scholar at Christ's, 1551-2.
SAYCE or SAYES, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Magdalene,
May 29, 1683. S. of Thomas. B. at Bishop Castle, Salop.
School, Bury St Edmunds. Matric. 1683; B.A. 1686-7. Ord.
deacon (Hereford) Sept. 5, 1687; C. of Eton. V. of Ickleton,
Cambs., 1689-1744. Buried there Feb. 20, 1743-4.
SAYS or SAES, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Christ's,
May 24, 1666. S. of William. B. at Bishop Castle, Salop.
School, Edgeton (Mr Hay).
SAYER, DANIEL. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1599. Of Norfolk.
B.A. 1602-3; M.A. 1606. Ord. deacon and priest, Sept. 21,
1607, age 26. R. of Pulham, Norfolk, 1615-60. Died 1660.
(Blomefield, v. 392.)
SAYRES, EDMUND. Matric. pens, from Christ's, 1595-6.
Probably B.A. from Magdalene, 1596-7. One of these names
R. of Palling, Norfolk, 1612. (Peile, i. 219.)
SAYER, EDWARD. Matric. sizar from St Catharine's, Michs.
SAYER, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 15) at St John's, July 15,
1685. S. of John, gent. B. in London. Matric. 1686.
SAYERS, EDWARD. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Queens', Aug. 16,
1689, from Trinity College, Dublin. Scholar of Trinity
CoUege, Dublin, 1680; B.A. 1683; M.A. 1686; B.D. and D.D.
1709. Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, 1686.
SAYER, EXTON. Adm. scholar at Trinity Hall, June 11,
1709. S. and h. of George, of London, gent. Matric. 1709;
LL.B. 1713; LL.D. 1718. Fellow, 1714-24. Adm. at Lin-
coln's Inn, May 20, 1709. Official of the Archdeaconry of
Sayer, John
Wiltshire. Chancellor of Durham, 1724-31. M.P. for
Helston, 1726-7; for Totnes, 1727-31. Commissary of London
diocese. Surveyor General of Land Revenue, 1730-1. Of
Doctors' Commons. Married Catherine, dau. of William
Talbot, Bishop of Durham. Died Sept. 24, 1731. Buried in
Durham Cathedral. Will, P.C.C. Perhaps brother of G«orge
(1712). (G. Mag.; H. M. Wood.)
SAYRE, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, at Caius, Easter, 1645. Of
Norfolk. Migrated to Jesus, Nov. 25, 1645. Matric. 1645-6.
SAYER, GEORGE. Adm. pens, (age 14) at Caius, Nov. i, 1578;
readm. as FeU.-Com. 1579. Of Aldham, Essex. S. of George.
B. at Colchester. School, Colchester (Mr William Bartlet).
Adm. at Gray's Inn, Jan. 4, 1581-2. Knighted, June 11,
1607. Of Bouchiers Hall. Married Dorothy, dau. of Sir
John Higham, of Barrow Hill, Suffolk. Buried at Aldham,
Mar. 3, 1630. Will (P.C.C.) 1631. (Vis. of Essex, 1612;
Venn, i. 98.)
SAYER, GEORGE. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, July 8, 1607.
Perhaps 2nd s. of George (above). Matric. 1607. (Vis. of
Essex, 1612.)
SAYRE, GEORGE. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 15) at Christ's, Apr.
21, 1631. S. and h. of John (M.P. for Colchester); age 19 in
1634. B. at Bouchiers HaU, Aldham, Essex. School, Bury
(Mr Dickmson). Matric. 1631. Knighted, Apr. 2, 1640.
Master of Horse to the King of Bohemia. Of Bouchiers HaU.
Married Jane, dau. of Baron Ripe, Grand Chamberlain of
Moravia. Died July 11, 1650. (His son John (1665) is not
mentioned by Morant or by Burke.) (Peile, i. 409; H. G.
Harrison; Vis. of Essex, 1634.)
SAYER, GEORGE. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Sept. 20, 1639.
SAYER, GEORGE. Adm. sizar at Queens', Oct. 12, 1697. Of
Himtingdonshire. Matric. 1699. Surgeon in London.
SAYER, GEORGE. Adm. pens, at Clare, Dec. 15, 1712. S. of
George, of Doctors' Commons, London. Matric. 1713.
Migrated to Magdalene, Jan. 12, 1713-4- Thence migrated
to Oxford; matric. (Oriel CoUege, Oxford) Nov. 23, 1714.
age 18, as s. of George, of St Gregory's, London, gent.; B.A.
(Oxford) 1717; M.A. 1719; D.D. 1735. V. of Witham, Essex,
1722-61. Canon of Durham, 1725-32; Archdeacon, 1730-61.
R. of Bocking, Essex, 1741-61. Died at Brussels, July 26,
1761. Perhaps brother of Exton (1709). (G. Mag.; L. Mag.;
Al. Oxon.)
SAYER, ISAAC. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, Apr. 15, 1702.
S. of Isaac, weaver, of Norwich. B. there. School, Norwich
(Mr Burton and Mr Hoadley). Matric. 1702; Scholar, 1702-8;
B.A. 1705-6; M.A. 1711. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Mar. 20,
1708-9; priest, July 2, 1710. Master at Saham Toney School,
Norfolk, 1708; of Wymondham School, 1712-21. R. of
Crownthorpe, 1714; of East Bradenham, 1716-21. Died
Jan. 21, 1721-2. M.I. at Wymondham. (Venn, i. 509.)
SAYER, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, June 26, 1613.
Matric. 1614.
SAYER, JOHN. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, Sept. 2,
1615. B. at Lartington, Yorks. Matric. 1615; B.A. 1619-20;
M.A. 1623. FeUow, 1618-23. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Mar. 9;
priest. Mar. 10, 1622-3. C. of Fordingbridge, Hants. Buried
there. (Harwood.)
SAYER, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Christ's, Oct. 10, 1627.
2nd s. of Thomas, of Bacton, Suffolk. B. at Mendham.
Schools, Eye (Mr HaU) and Bury (Mr Dickinson). Matric.
1628; B.A. 1631-2. Perhaps V. of Eastham, Essex. One
of these names of Hackney, Middlesex; wiU (P.C.C) 1676.
(Peile, I. 388.)
SAYER, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1656. Of
Norfolk. Matric. 1658; B.A. 1659-60; M.A. 1663. One of
these names, 'M.A.,' R. of Witnesham, Suffolk, 1704.
Probably brother of Richard (1656).
SAYER, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 16) at Christ's, May 3,
1665. S. of Sir George (1631), of Bouchiers HaU, Aldham,
Essex, Knt. B. at Chappie, near Marks Tey. School, West-
minster. Matric. 1665. Adm. at the Inner Temple, Aug. 2,
1667. (He is not to be found in the pedigree of the family
(Vis. of Essex), nor is he mentioned in the notice of the
family in Morant's Essex, 11. 199; possibly he was iUegitimate.)
(Peile, I. 617.)
SAYERS, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 21) at Caius, May 17,
1666. S. of Richard, gent., of Pulham St Mary-the-Virgin,
Norfolk. School, Eye (Mr Francis and Mr Browne). Matric.
1667. Adm. at the Inner Temple, June 29, 1666. Succeeded
to his father's estate, 1667. WiU dated May 12, 1666;
proved, Apr. 27, 1670; of Pulham St Mary, gent. (Venn,
I. 427-)
SAYER, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Sept. 7, 1687. S. of
Thomas, of NorfoUi, Esq. Matric. 1688; Scholar, 1690; B.A.
I 69 1-2.
Sayer, John
SAYER, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, June 28, 1694.
S. of Robert (? 1653), clerk, deceased, of Westley, Cambs.
B. there. Schools, Pettaugh, Suffolk (Mr Candler) and
Ipswich (Mr Stevenson). Scholar, 1694-7; Matric. 1695.
Migrated to Queens'. B.A. 1697-8; M.A. 1701; B.D. 1710.
Fellow of Queens'. Elected, but not admitted, Master of
St Catharine's, 1736. Subscribed for deacon's orders
(Norwich) Mar. 12, 1703-4- R- of St Botolph, Cambridge,
1715. R. of Bradenham, Norfolk, 1716. V. of Wickham
Market; elected, but not admitted. [Venn, 1. 495.)
SAYER, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Aug. 23, 1726.
S. of Edward, druggist, of Nonvich. B. there. School,
Norwich (Mr Reddington). Scholar, 1726-32; Matric. 1727;
M.B. 1732. Practised at East Dereham. Died Mar. 21, 1736.
M.I. at East Dereham. (Venn, ii. 26.)
SAYER, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, Apr. i, 1731-
S.of John, woollendraper, of Essex. B. at Brain tree. School,
Colchester (MrComark). Matric. 1731; B.A. 1736-7- (Bapt.
at St Peter's, Cambridge, June 5, i737. age 22, by permission
of the Bishop.) Perhaps chaplain in the Navy, 1739; if
so, will (Comm. Essex) 1741-2; of Chelmsford. One of these
names R. of Weston TurvUle, Bucks., 1741-7.
SAYER, PHILIP. M.A. 1715 (Incorp. from New Inn HaU,
Oxford). S. of Francis, R. of Yattenden, Berks. B. there.
Colleger at Eton, 1680-4. Matric. (Merton College, Oxford)
Nov. 14, 1685, age 16; B.A. (Oxford) 1689; M.A. 1692. R. of
Catmore, Berks., 1693. R. of Stanford Dingley, 1703. [Al.
SAYER, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Jesus, Easter, 1576.
B. at Gt Chesterford, Essex. B.A. 1579-80; M.A. 1583. Ord.
deacon (London) May 14, 1585, age 24. C. of Wallington,
SAYER, RICHARD. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1656.
Of Norfolk. Matric. 1658; B.A. 1659-60; M.A. 1663. R. of
Sheering, Essex, 1671. Admon. (Cons. C. London) Apr. 17,
1 712. Probably brother of John (1656).
SAYER, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1561. Of Norfolk. Perhaps s. of Thomas, of Pulham,
Norfolk. B.A. 1564-6; M.A. 1568; B.D. 1575- Fellow,
1569-77. University preacher, 1573. R. of Dickleburgh,
Norfolk, 1576-1622. One of these names (M.A.), V. of
Tooting, Surrey, 1614-5. (Vis. of Norfolk.)
SAYRE or SEARE, ROBERT. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius,
July 5, 1576. S. of John, of Redgrave, Suffolk. B. there,
1560. School, Botesdale. Matric. 1576; B.A. from Peter-
house, 1580-1 ^having been refused his degree at Caius on
account of his popish views). Adm. at the English College,
Rome, Nov. 6, 1582. Ord. priest, 1585. Became a Benedic-
tine monk (and took the name of Gregory) in the monastery
at Monte Cassino. Professor of moral philosophy there for
several years. Acquired a great name on account of his
learning; invited to the monastery of St George at Venice,
1595. Author, theological. Buried at Venice, Oct. 30, 1632
(? 1602). (Venn, i. 87; D.N.B.; Cooper, 11. 334.)
AYER, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1623. Of Norfolk. Perhaps s. of Robert, of Gt Yarmouth,
merchant (whose wiU (P.C.C.) 1641). B.A. 1626-7; M.A.
1630. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Dec. 23, 1632; priest, Sept. 22,
1633. V. of Cretingham, Suffolk, 1634.
SAYER, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter, 1653;
B.A. 1655-6; M.A. 1659; B.D. 1667. Fellow, 1660. Probably
R. of Westley Waterless, Cambs., 1662. Preb. of York,
1675-81. R. of Widdington, Essex, 1678-81. Died 1681.
Perhaps father of John (1694).
SAYER, ROWLAND. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, July i,
1667. S. of George, yeoman, of Croft, near Darlington,
Yorks. B. there. School, Brignall (Mr Johnson). Matric.
1667; B.A. 1670-1.
SAYER, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Corpus Christi, 1661. Of
Norfolk. Matric. 1661; B.A. 1664-5; M.A. 1668. V. of
Attlebridge, Norfolk, 1670-2.
SAYER, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1583.
Of Norfolk. Matric. 1583; B.A. 1586-7; M.A. 1590. FeUow,
1589-96. Ord. deacon (Worcester) Feb. 14, 1592-3; priest,
Feb. 14 (? 1592-3). V. of Hoxne, Suffolk, 1596-1644,
sequestered. Died soon after. (Masters.)
SAYER, THOMAS. Ord. priest (Peterb.) Mar. 8, 1611-2; 'B.A.
of Trinity College.'
SAYER, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, Feb. 2,
1720-1. S. of John, gent., of Topcroft, Norfolk. B. at
Saxlingham. Schools, Norwich (Mr Reddington) and
Shottesham (Mr Pitcaime). Matric. 1721; Scholar, 1721-7;
B.A. 1724-5. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Sept. 24, 1727; 'C. of
Framingham Pigot.' Died June 8, 1757. Will proved
(Norwich Archd. C.) i757- (Venn, 11. 15; G. Mag.)
Saywell, Thomas
SAYER, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Lent,
1620-1. Of Norfolk. B.A. 1623-4. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
Dec. 19, 1624; priest, Dec. 18, 1625. V. of Waterbeach,
Cambs., 1636.
SAYRE, . Matric. pens, from Christ's, July, 1609.
SAYRES, . Adm. sizar at Trinity, July 29, 1645. Matric.
SAYLE or SALE, JAMES. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Christ's,
July 2, 1636. S. of James. B. at Pudsey, near Bradford.
Schools, Bradford (Mr Collier) and Wakefield (Mr Doughty).
Matric. 1636; B.A. 1639-40. Nonconformist minister at
Lincoln; at Thornton; at Pudsey, 1647; at St John's, Leeds,
1649; assistant to Elkanah Wales. Silenced, 1662; retired
to Pudsey. Died Apr. 17, 1679. Buried in Calverley Church.
(Calamy, 11. 566; Pejle, i. 445.)
SAYLES, JOHN. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter, 1616;
B.A. 1619-20; M.A. 1623. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Dec. 20;
priest, Dec. 21, 1623.
SAYLES or SALES, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, June 18,
1716. Of Derbyshire. Matric. 1716.
SALE, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from St John's, c. 1597; B.A.
1600-1; M..\. 1604.
SAYLYS, ROBERT. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1487.
SAYLE, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Michs. 1580;
B.A. 1583-4; M.A. 1587, 'Salte.' Ord. deacon and priest
(Peterb.) Oct. 16, 1588. V. of Chatteris, Cambs., 1592.
SAYLE, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter, 1610;
B.A. 1613-4; M.A. 1617. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June 4;
priest, Sept. 24, 1615. R. of Mavis Enderby, Lines., 1622.
Licensed to marry Margaret Burton, of Langton, Mar. 6,
SAYLE or SALE, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's,
Mar. 14, 1751. S. of William, attorney, of Nottingham-
shire. B. at Retford. School, Chesterfield (Mr Burrough).
Matric. 1751; B.A. 1755. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Mar. 6;
priest, Sept. 25, 1757; C. of Gt Barford with Roxton, Beds.
One of these names R. of Chelworth, Somerset, 1774-99;
V. of Stowey, 1774-99- (Scott-Mayor, iii. 604.)
SAYON, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, at Jesus, July 4, 1664. Of
London. 1st s.of Abraham, merchant. Matric. 1664. Brother
of the next.
SAYON, SIMON. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's, June 8,
1668. S. of Abraham, deceased, of Leadenhall Street,
London. B. there. School, Eton; Colleger, 1663. Adm.
Scholar at King's, 1668; Matric. Easter, 1669; B.A. 1672-3;
M.A. 1676. Fellow of King's, 1671. Ord. deacon (London)
Sept. 21, 1679. R. of Kingston, Cambs., 1683. Died Oct. 2,
1688. Brother of Francis (above). (Scott-Mayor, 11. 16.)
SAYVE, PETER. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, June 15,
1686. S. of Peter. B. in London. School, Westnunster.
Matric. 1686; Scholar, 1687; B.A. 1689-90; M.A. 1693;
B.D. 1701. FeUow, 1692. Ord. deacon (London) Jtme 11;
priest, Nov. 5, 1693. V. of Masham, Yorks., 1703-32. V. of
Kirkby Malzeard, 1703-32. Died Sept. 11, 1732. Buried at
SAYWELL, GABRIEL. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May 18,
1629. Of Middlesex. Matric. 1629; B.A. 1632-3; M.A. 1636.
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 24, 1637; priest. May 20, 1638.
R. of Pentridge, Dorset, 1640-58. Died 1658. Father of the
next, of William (1659), John (1686) and Samuel (1666).
SAYWELL, JAMES. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's, July 4,
1673. S. of Gabnel (above), of Pentridge, Dorset. B. there.
Matric. 1673. Brother of the next, William (1659) and Samuel
SAYWELL, JOHN. D.D. (? B.D.) from Jesus, 1686. S. of
Gabriel (1629), R. of Pentridge, Dorset. Matric. (Wadham
College, Oxford) Feb. 21, 1661-2, age i6; B.A. (Oxford)
1665; M.A. 1668. V. of East Grinstead, Sussex, 1671. Canon
of Chichester, 1672. R. of Downham, Cambs., i677- R- of
Watton-at-Stone, Herts., 1689-94. Died Mar. 13, 1693-4.
M.I. at Watton. Brother of James (1673), etc. (CluUerbuck,
II. 488; Al. Oxon.)
SAYWELL, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 14) at St John's, Apr. 5,
1666. S. of Gabriel (1629), clerk, of Pentridge, Dorset.
B. there. School, Cranbome. Matric. 1667; B..'\. 1669-70;
M.A. 1673; B.D. 1680. FeUow, 1671-85. Incorp. at Oxford,
1677. Ord. priest (Ely) Sept. 18, 1675- V. of Hauxton and
Newton, Cambs., 1676. V. of WiUingham, 1679-1709. R. of
Bluntisham, Hunts., 1684-1709. Author, sermons. Died
1709. Brother of James (1673), etc.
SAYWELL or SAYVILL, THOMAS. Adm. at King's (age 16)
at King's, a scholar from Eton, Aug. 25, 1598. Of Byfleld,
Northants. Matric. 1598; B.A. 1601-2. Fellow, 1601-5.
Died in College.
Say WELL, William
SAYWELL, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age i6) at St John's,
Oct. 3, 1659. S. of Gabriel (1629), deceased, R. of Pentndge,
Dorset. B. there, 1643. School, Cranbome (Mr Johnson).
Matric. 1659; B.A. 1663-4; M.A. 1667; D.D. 1679. Master
of Jesus, 1679-1701. Vice-Chancellor, 1685-6. Incorp. at
0.\ford, 1669. Chaplain to Bishop Gunning. R. of Birdham,
Sussex, 1672. V. of Pevensey, 1672. Preb. of Chichester,
1672-5; Chancellor, 1672-1701. R. of Downham, 1677. R.
of Willingham, Cambs., 1679. Canon of Ely, 1679-1701;
Archdeacon, 1681-1701. Author of Latin verse and con-
troversial treatises. Died in London, June 9, 1701. Buried
in the CoUege Chapel. WiU, P.C.C. Brother of James (1673),
etc. (D.N.B.; Al. Oxon.)
SCABHAM or SCUPHOLME, JOHN. Matric. sizar from King's,
Michs. 1659; B.A. 1663-4.
SCADDER or SKUDDER, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from St
Cath.^rine's, Easter, 1640. Of Kent. B.A. 1643-4; M.A.
SCAIFE, CHRISTOPHER. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney,
June 29, 1652. S. of Richard, yeoman. B. at Islebeck, near
Thirsk. School, Coxwold. Matric. 1652, 'Scape'; B.A. 1655-
6; M.A. 1659. R. of South Ottrington, Yorks., 1660-1704.
Died 1704. Probably father of Richard (1692).
SKAIFE, HENRY. Adm. pens, at Queens', Mar. 2, 1674-5.
Of Surrey. School, Oundle. Matric. 1674-5; B.A. 1678-9;
M.A. 1682. R.ofFolksworth, Hunts., 1690-1702. Died 1702.
SKAYFF, HENRY. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Mar. 8, 1706-7.
Of Glatton, Hunts. Matric. 1707; B.A. 1710-1. Died in
College. Buried probably in the Chapel Cloister, Oct. i,
1711. M.I.
SCAIFE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, Apr. 4, 1700.
S. of John, husbandman. B. at Sedbergh, Yorks. School,
Sedbergh. Matric. 1700; B.A. 1704-5. Ord. deacon (Ely)
June II, 1704; priest, June 3, 1705.
SCAIFE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Trinity, June 25, 1720.
S. of Thomas (1678), of Histon, Cambs., clerk. School,
Histon (under his father). Matric. 1721; B.A. 1723-4; M.A.
1729. Ord. deacon (Ely) Sept. 20, 1724; C. of Histon; priest
(Norwich) July, 1726. V. of Histon, 1735-75. Brother of
Thomas (1717). (A. G. HiU, Churches of Cambs.)
SCAIFE, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Christ's, June i8,
1692. Probably s. of Christopher (1652). B. at Ottrington,
Richmonds. Perhaps C. of Sowerby Chapel, Thirsk, Aug. 7,
1699. (Peile, II. 125.)
SCAIFE, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, May 11,
1678. S. of Thomas, husbandman. B. at Crosby-Garret,
Westmorland. School, Ravenstonedale (Mr Metcalf). Matric.
1678; B.A. 1684; M.A. from Magdalene, 1692. Fellow of
Magdalene, 1692. Ord. priest (Carlisle, Litt. dim. from
Durham) Sept. 29, 1686. Probably P.C. of Lanchester,
Durham, 168&-94. V. of Histon, Cambs., 1695-1725. Buried
there Feb. 18, 1725-6. Father of the next and of John (1720).
SCAIFE, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Trinity, May 4,
1717. S. of Thomas (above), V. of Histon, Cambs. School,
Histon (under his father). B.A. 1720-1. Ord. deacon (Ely)
Sept. 24, 1721. V. of Histon, c. 1725-35. Brother of John
SCALES, LAURENCE. B.A. from St John's, 1582-3.
SCALES, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, Mar. 21,
1740-1. S. of Robert, gent., of Lancashire. B. at Thwaite-
head. Schools, Hawkshead and Heversham, Westmorland.
Matric. 1741; B.A. 1744-5; M.A. 1748; B.D. 1756. Fellow,
1747-69. Ord. deacon (Gloucester) Mar. 10; priest (Bangor)
June 9, 1754. P.C. of Ulverstone, Lanes., 1765-86. R. and
V. of Hormead, Herts., 1768-86. Died Jan. 3, 1786. {Scott-
Mayor, III. 515.)
SCALES, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Queens', Lent, 1578-9;
B.A. 1582-3; M.A. 1586. Supp. for incorp. at Oxford, 1588.
Ord. priest (Lincoln) Sept. 10, 1583. V. of Hagnaby, Lines.,
1583. Admon. (Lincoln) 1587.
SCALES, THOMAS. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Mar. 8; priest, Mar. 9,
1627-8; 'M.A. of Queens' College.'
SCALES, WILLIAM. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1485; B.A. 1489-90; M.A. 1492-3; B.D. 1502-3; D.D. 1506-7.
Fellow. Vice-Provost. Ord. sub-deacon (Ely) Sept. 19, 1495.
V. of Ringwood, Hants. Will (P.C.C.) 1519. Benefactor to
the College. (Hanuood.)
SCALON or SCALAM, . B.A. 1499; M.A. 1503. Doubtless
Thomas, R. of Haddiscoe, Norfolk, 1504 (presented by
King's College).
SCAMBER, . Adm. Fell.-Com. at Trinity, 1654.
SCAMBLER, ADAM. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs.
1581. 4th s. of Edmund (next), Bishop of Norwich. Bapt.
Aug. 28, 1569, at Peterborough. B.A. from Corpus Christi,
1585-6. Adm. at the Inner Temple, 1587. Bencher, 1611.
ScAMPTON, William
J. p. for Norfolk and Suffolk. Married Dorothy, dau. of
John Athow, of Brisley. Died Sept. 18, 1645. M.I. at
Hevingham. (Vis. of Norfolk; Le Neve, Mon.; D.N.B.;
SCAMBLER, EDMUND. B.A. 1541-2. B. at Gressingham,
Lanes., c. 1520. D.D. from Queens', 1564. Probation
Fellow of Peterhouse, 1547, but did not complete his year.
V. of Rye, Sussex, 1559. Chaplain to Archbishop Parker.
Preb. of York, 1560-4. Preb. of Westminster, 1560-2.
Bishop of Peterborough, 1560-84. Bishop of Norwich,
1584--94. Married Julyan Fraunceys, Jan. 21, 1560-1, at
St Dionis Backchurch, London. Author, religious; assisted
in the translation of the 'Bishops' Bible.' Died May 7, 1594,
aged 85 (sic). Buried in Norwich Cathedral. M.I. Father of
Adam (above) and of Thomas (1581). {Cooper, 11. 167; Vis.
of Norfolk; D.N.B.; Blomefield, in. 560.)
SCAMBLER, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
1575- Of Northamptonshire. B.A. 1579-80; M.A. 1583.
Fellow, 1581. Incorp. at Oxford, 1584. Probably brother
of the next.
SCAMBLER, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter, 1575.
Probably adm. at Gray's Inn, 1577. Probably brother of
Edward (above).
SCAMBLER, JOHN. Matric. sizar (age 16) from Pembroke,
Easter, 1631. S. of Robert, of Cambridge, carpenter. B.A.
1634-5; M.A. 1638. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Sept. 25, 1636;
'C. of Fressingfield ' ; priest. Mar. 9, 1638-9. Probably R. of
Markshall, Norfolk, 1639-87, and R. of Thurgarton, 1662.
Died 1687. Doubtless father of Robert (1669) and perhaps
of Joseph (1675-6). (Blomefield, v. 48.)
SCAMBLER, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Clare, Jan. 31, 1659-60.
Probably s. of Thomas (1633), of Ickiingham, Suffolk.
Matric. 1660; B.A. 1663-4; M.A. 1667. FeDow, 1664. V. of
Everton, Hunts., 1679-80. V. of Eaton, Norfolk, 1687-93.
Probably R. of Shenfield, Essex, 1694-1706. Died June 13,
i7o6,aged6o. M.I. at Shenfield. Probably brother of Thomas
(1667). (Blomefield, iv. 518, where two men are apparently
SCAMLER, JOSEPH. Adm. pens, at Clare, Feb. 15, 1675-6.
Of Higham by Norwich. Probably s. of John (1631) and
brother of the next.
SCAMBLER, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Pembroke,
Mar. 31, 1669. S. of John (1631), of Heigham, Norfolk,
clerk. Matric. 1672; B.A. 1672-3; M.A. 1676. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) June, 1674; 'C. to his father at Thurgarton,
Norfolk'; priest, Feb. 1675-6. Probably brother of Joseph
SCAMBLER, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs.
1581. 3rd s. of Edmund (1541-2), Bishop of Peterborough.
Adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 8, 1583. Brother of Adam (1581).
(Vis. of Norfolk.)
SCAMBLER or SCAMPLER, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 16)
at Caius, May 24, 1633. S. of Edward, gent. B. at Heving-
ham, Norfolk. School, Aylsham (Mr Knowles). Matric. 1633;
B.A. 1636-7; M.A. 1640, Scampler. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
Sept. 25, 1642; priest, Feb. 25, 1643; 'C. of Ickiingham
St James', Suffolk.' Admon. (Norwich .Archd. C.) Dec. 3,
1660; of Norwich. Probably father of John (1659-60) and
Thomas (1667). (Venn, i. 318.)
SCAMLER, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Clare, Apr. 16, 1667.
Perhaps s. of Thomas (1633). Matric. 1667; B.A. 1670-1;
M.A. 1674. Ord. priest (Norwich) Dec. 1674. R. of Marling-
ford, Norfolk, 1676-97. R. of Drayton, 1676-97. Perhaps
R. of South Ockenden, Essex, 1708. If so, died 1711. One
of these names of London, clerk; will (Cons. C. London) 1708.
Perhaps brother of John (1659-60).
SCAMBLER, . Adm. sizar at Peterhouse, May 31, 1622.
SCAMMELL, BARTHOLOMEW. Matric. sizar from King's,
Easter, 1669; B.A. 1672-3; M.A. 1676. Incorp. at Oxford,
1676. V. of North Petherton, Somerset, 168 1-1715. Died 1715.
SCAMP, HUGH. Matric. pens, from King's, Michs. 1615; B.A.
1619. Ord. deacon (Bp. of Exeter) June 11, 1620; priest (Bp.
of Ross) Apr. 24, 1626. Vicar-Choral of Ross, Co. Cork and
V. of Castrumventry, 1626. V. of Aghadowne, Ross, 1635-67.
V. of Kilgobinet, Lismore, 1662-4. C. of Tracton, Cork, in
1666. (H. B. Swanzy; Brady, 11. 457.)
SCAMP, THOMAS Adm. at King's (age 16) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 25, 1599. Of Hayne, Devon. B.A. 1603-4; M.A.
1607. Fellow, 1602-24. Senior proctor, 1621. Incorp. at
Oxford, 1617. 'Had a lease of crown land, 1623, 1626.'
Will proved (P.C.C.) May 7, 1631; of Georgeham, Devon.
SCAMPTON, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Queens', July 5, 1689. Of
Leicestershire. Matric. 1689; M.B. 1694.
SCAMPTON, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1633; Scholar, 1634; B.A. 1636-7. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
June 9, 1639.
SCANDRETT, STEPHEN. M.A. 1659 (Incorp. from Oxford).
Matric. (Wadham CoUege, Oxford) Dec. 12, 1654; B.A.
(Oxford) 1656-7; M.A. 1659. Conduct of Trinity College,
Cambridge, 1659-60. Assistant to Mr Eyres at Haverhill,
Suflolk; silenced, 1662. Received presbyterian ordination.
Prosecuted in the ecclesiastical courts for preaching after
being silenced in 1662. Married Abigail Walker, of Little
Waldingfield, Sufiolk, Nov. 30, 1667. Author, theological.
Died Dec. 8, 1706, aged 75. Buried at Haverhill. {Calamy,
n. 421; D.N.B.)
SCAR or SCARRE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse,
Easter, 155 1.
SCARR or SKAR, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs.
1561; Scholar, 1563.
SCARBOROUGH, CHARLES. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius
Mar. 4, 1632-3. S. of Edmund (1602), gent. Bapt. Dec. 29,
1615, at St Martin-in-the-Fields, London. School, St Paul's.
Matric. 1633; Scholar, 1634-40; B.A. 1636-7; M.A. 1640.
Fellow, 1642-9. M.D. (Oxford) 1646. Incorp. M.D. at
Cambridge, 1660. Resided at Merton College, Oxford.
Fellow collegian and friend of William Harvey, M.D. One
of the original fellows of the Royal Society. Fellow of the
Royal College of Physicians, 1650; Elect, 1677-91- Physician
to Charles II; to James II; to William III, and to the House-
hold, 1667-77. Knighted, Aug. 15, 1669. M.P. forCamelford,
1685-7. Author, mathematical. Died Feb. 26, 1693-4.
Buried at Cranford, Middlesex. M.I. Father of the next and
of Edmund (1677). {Venn, I. 308; D.N.B.; Le Neve, Mon.,
v. 148.)
SCARBURGH, CHARLES. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius,
Sept. 10, 1669. S. of Charles (above). B. in London. Matric.
1670; M..^. 1674 (Lit. Reg.); LL.D. 1681. Incorp. at Oxford,
1702. Adm. at the Middle Temple, May 18, 1670. Servant
to Prince George of Denmark; envoy from him to his brother
the King of Denmark, in 1699. Brother of Edmund (1677).
{Venn, 1. 438; Harl., viii. 226; Al. Oxon.)
16) at Caius, Apr. 15, 1602. S. of Henry (1581), of North
Walsham, Norfolk. Bapt. Dec. 25, 1584. School, Norwich
(Mr Brigs). Matric. 1602. Emigrated to Virginia, c. 1620.
Member of House of Burgesses there, 1629. J. P. for Co.
Northampton, Virginia, 1631. Married Hannah Butler.
Died 1635. (His son Edmund was a prominent citizen of
Virginia.) Brother of Henry (1606), John (1614) and Samuel
(1610), father of Charles (1632-3). {Venn.i. 178; J. W. Wise.)
SCARBURGH, EDMUND. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Caius, Sept.
23, 1677. 2nd s. of Sir Charles (1632-3), Knt., M.D., physician
to Charles II. B. in London. School, St Paul's. Matric. 1678;
M.A. 1682-3 {Lit. Reg.). Fellow, 1682-8. Adm. at the
Middle Temple, Nov. 22, 1676. R. of St Michael, Wareham,
Dorset, 1686; of Upway, 1687. Preb. of Salisbury, 1687-
1705. Died Oct. 1705. Brother of Charles (1669). {Venn,
1. 458.)
SCARBROUGH, GERVASE. Matric. sizar from Clare, Easter,
1589. Of Yorkshire. B.A. from Corpus Christi, 1593-4;
(M.A. not recorded); B.D. 1615. R. of Cranford, Middlesex,
1597-1603. R. of St George, Botolph Lane, London, 1603-30.
Died June, 1630.
SKARBOROUGH, HENRY. Adm. Scholar (age 17) at Caius,
Nov. 3, 1581. S. of Henry. Bapt. Sept. 1565, at North
Walsham, Norfolk. Schools, North Walsham and Norwich.
Married Mary, dau. of John Humberstone, of Loddon, Esq.
Died Aug. 24, 1617. Buried at North Walsham. M.I. Will
(Norwich C. C.) 1617. Father of the next, of John (1614) and
Samuel (1610). {Venn, 1. 112.)
SKARBURGHE, HENRY. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Oct. 9,
1606. S. of Henry (above), attomey-at-law, of North
Walsham, Norfolk. Bapt. there, July 21, 1590- School,
North Walsham (Mr Tylles). Scholar, 1608. Died in College.
Buried at St Michael's, Apr. 11, 1609. Brother of Edmund
(1602), etc. {Venn, 1. 194.)
SCARBOROUGH, JAMES. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, June 4,
1664. Of Yorkshire. Matric. 1664.
SCARBURGH, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Caius, May 4,
1614. S. of Henry (1581), gent. Bapt. May 7, 1598, at North
Walsham, Norfolk. School, North Walsham. Matric. 1613;
Scholar, 1614-7; B.A. 1616-7. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Feb. 25,
1615-6. Of North Walsham, Esq. Brother of Edmund
(1602), etc. {Venn, i. 225.)
SCARBROUGH, MATTHEW. Adm. sizar (age 20) at St John's,
May 15, 1713. S. of Matthew, husbandman. B. at Hill,
Westmorland. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1713; B.A. 1716-7.
Ord. deacon (Ely) Mar. 17, 1716-7.
SCARBORO, RICHARD. B.D. 1512-3. Canonicus.
SCARBURGH, SAMUEL. Adm. scholar (age 16) at Caius, Nov.
3, 1610. S. of Henry (1581), attomey-at-law, of North
Walsham, Norfolk. Bapt. there, Nov. 4, 1593. School,
Scarlett, Francis
North Walsham. Matric. 1612; B.A. 1613-4. Adm. at
Lincohi's Inn, July 5, 1614. Died Apr. 20, 1655. Buried
at North Walsham. M.I. Brother of Edmund (1602), etc.
{Venn, 1. 209.)
SCARBOROUGH, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1619; B.A. 1622-3. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Mar. 9, 1622-3;
priest, Sept. 21, 1623.
SCARBORO, . B.A. 1489-90; M-A. 1493-4-
SCARFE, see also SCARTH.
SCARFE, HICKLE. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Pembroke, Dec. 29,
1718. S. of William, of Cambridge, vintner. Matric. 1718-9;
B.A. 1722-3; M.A. 1726. Fellow, Feb. 1727-8. Brother of
William (1729).
SCARFE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Pembroke, July
24, 1729. Exhibitioner from Charterhouse. S. of William,
of Cambridge, vintner. Bapt. Oct. 20, 171 1, at St Sepulchre's.
Matric. 1730; B.A. 1733-4; M.A. i737- Ord. deacon (Lincoln)
Mar. 10, 1733-4; priest, Dec. 21, 1735- R- of Hatley St
George, Cambs., 1735-46. R. of St Colomb Major, Cornwall,
1746. Buried there Apr. 19, 1748. WiU, P.C.C. Brother of
Hickle (1718).
SCARGILL, DANIEL. Adm. sizar at Corpus Christi, 1661. Of
Cambridgeshire. Matric. 1662; B.A. 1665-6. Fellow, 1667-8.
Expelled from the University for infidel tenets, but after-
wards publicly recanted in Gt St Mary's, July 25, 1669.
(His recantation was reprinted in the Somers Collection,
vol. VII.) R. of Mulbarton, Norfolk, 1672. V. of Swardeston,
1690. Married (i) Sarah, dau. of Thomas Le Neve, of Aslac-
ton, (2) Sarah Carman, of All Hallows, London, Mar. 20,
1681-2. {Masters; H. B. Swanzy.)
SCARGILL, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, at Sidney, Mar. 29, 1604.
Probably s. of Francis, R. of Knapwell, Cambs. (whose will
(P.C.C.) 1605). Of Knapwell. Licensed to Marry Elizabeth
Godfrey, of St Michael's, Cambridge, 1617. Will (P.C.C.)
1651-2. Doubtless brother of John (1609) and father of the
next. {Cambs. Vis., 1619.)
SCARGILL, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Apr. 5, 1636.
S. of Francis (above), of Knapwell, Cambs. B. 1619. Matric.
1636; B.A. 1639-40; M.A. 1643. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Oct.
31, 1643; 'C- of Knapwell, Cambs.'; priest, Apr. 18, 1644.
V. of Knapwell, in 1650. {Cambs. Vis.)
SCARGILL, HENRY. Adm. sizar at Clare, Aug. 6, 1640.
Matric. 1640; B.A. 1644; M.A. 1648.
SCARGILL, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Christ's, 1609. Probably
s. of Francis, R. of Knapwell, Cambs. B.A. 1612-3; M.A.
1616. One of these names R. of West Hallam, Derbs., 1638.
Died 1663, aged 74. Probably brother of Francis (1604).
{Peile, I. 272; Cambs. Vis., 1619, where Thomas (not John)
appears as M.A. of Christ's.)
SCARGILL, JOSHUA. Adm. sizar at Trinity, Apr. 13, 1661.
Matric. 1661; Scholar, 1664; B.A. 1664-5; M.A. 1668.
SKARGELL, SIMON. B.A. 1533-4. S. of William. M.A. 1537.
Fellow of Gonville Hall, 1538-40. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
Mar. 13, 1531-2; priest, May 25, 1532. Died 1540. Admon.
granted (V.C.C.) Oct. 20, 1540, to his father William. {Venn,
I. 30.)
SCARGILL, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from King's, Easter, 1604.
Perhaps s. of Francis, R. of Knapwell, Cambs., and
brother of Francis (1604), etc.
SCARGELL, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's,
May 12, 1690. S. of Joshua, cutler. B. at Sheffield, Yorks.
School, Sheffield (Mr Baley). Matric. 1690. Migrated to
Trinity Hall, Nov. 9, 1693. B.A. 1693-4.
SCARGILL, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Trinity, May 6, 1654.
Matric. 1654; B.A. 1657-8. Ejected from Chapelthorpe,
Sandal Magna, Yorks., 1662. Afterwards conformed. Ord.
deacon (York) Dec. 22, 1672. V. of Holbeck, Leeds., 1675-86.
R. of Danby Wiske, 1684-6. Died Nov. 5, 1686.
SKARGILL, . Fell.-Com. at St Catharine's, Aug. 1564.
Possibly Francis, s. of Henry. Afterwards of Knapwell,
SCARLETT, EDWARD. B.A. from Trinity, 1603-4; M.A.
from Magdalene, 1607; B.D. 1616. Fellow of Magdalene.
(Matric. (St Edmund HaU, Oxford) Oct. 19, i599. age 17;
of Worcestershire, pleb.) R. of Gt Wigborough, Essex,
i6i7-(?) 28. R. of Little Canfield, 1623-36. Marrisd EUza-
beth, dau. of Edward Dod, V. of Hinxton, Cambs. Will
(P.C.C.) 1636. Father of the next. (J. Ch. Smith.)
SCARLET, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, Apr. 20,
1640. S. of Edward (above), B.D., late R. of Little Canfield,
Essex. Bapt. there, Sept. 9, 1623. School, Felsted. In-
herited lands at Hinxton, Cambs. {Venn, 1. 338.)
SCARLETT, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Sept. 2, 1645.
Matric. 1645. Adm. at the Inner Temple, 1649; 's. and h.
of Benjamin.'
Scarlett, George
SCARLETT, GEORGE. B.A. from St John's, 1598-9-
SCARLETT, JOHN. B.Can.L. 1481-2; D.Can.L. 1492. C. of
Holy Trinity, Cambridge. WiU (V.C.C.) 1502.
SCARLETT, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter, 1549.
Probably B.A. 1560-1. Ord. deacon (London) Jan. 14;
priest, Jan. 25, 1559-60. C. of St Michael's, Cambridge, 1561.
R. of St Bartholomew, Exchange, London, 1567-91. Died
Apr. 1591. Will, Cons. C. London. {Hennessy.)
SCARLETT, JOHN. B.A. from Pembroke, 1607-8; M.A. 1611.
Fellow, 1610. R. of Thorpe-by-Newark, Notts., 1615.
SCARLETT, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter, 1617.
Of Cambridgeshire. B.A. 1620-1; M.A. 1624. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) Sept. 23, 1621; priest, Dec. 20, 1622.
SCARLETT, PHILIP. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Christ's, Mar. 12,
1630-1. S. of Philip. B. at Cambridge. School, Perse
(Mr Lovering). Matric. 1631; B.A. 1634-5; M.A. 1638. Ord.
deacon (Peterb.) Dec. 22, 1639. (Peile, i. 407.)
SCARLET, PHILLIP. Adm. at Queens', c. 1642-3. S. of Peter,
bookseller, of Cambridge. Bapt. Aug. 26, 1627, at Gt St
Mary's. School, Perse. Migrated to Caius as sizar, Jan. 8,
1644-5. Scholar, 1644-9; Matric. 1645; B.A. 1646-7; M.A.
from King's, 1652. R. of North Creake, Norfolk, 1653-61 and
1680-5. R. of Aldham, Suffolk, 1663-80 (his successor makes
a note, 'hitherto the negligent Mr Phil. Scarlett, with his
confounded writing'). Buried Aug. 26, 1685. Will proved
(Norwich C. C.) 1685. Father of William (i677). (Venn, i.
SCARLETT, THOMAS. Scholar or Fellow at King's Hall;
adm. Nov. 19, 1370; resigned, Oct. 15, 1393.
SCARLETT, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 1568.
Of Suffolk. S. of Robert, of Stowmarket, Suffolk. Migrated
pens, to Caius, Oct. 16, 1570, age x8. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn
(from Fumival's Inn) Aug. 6, 1582. (Venn, i. 66.)
SCARLETT, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Easter,
SCARLET, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 1622;
B.A. 1625-6.
SCARLETT, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Pembroke,
June 8, 1665. S. of Robert, farmer. B. at Feltwell, Notts.
Matric. 1667; B.A. 1668-9. R. of Wanstrow, Somerset,
1688-96. Died 1696.
SCARLETT, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1631; Scholar, 1634; B.A. 1634-5; M.A. 1638. Ord. priest
(Peterb.) Dec. 22, 1639. Chaplain of Trinity, 1639-45 and
1661-2. One of these names V. of Bobbing, Kent, in 1663;
R. of Halstow, 1664. Buried there, Mar. 9, 1669. (Fielding,
SCARLETT, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Mar. 11, 1641-2.
Of Essex. Matric. 1642; B.A. 1645-6; M.A. 1649. Incorp.
at Oxford, 1653. Perhaps V. of Bassingboume, Cambs.,
1660; V. of Dunton, Norfolk, 1686.
SCARLET, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Queens', May 20, 1673.
Of Cambridgeshire. Matric. 1673; M.B. 1678.
SCARLET, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, Oct. 27,
1677. S. of Philip (c. 1642-3), clerk, of Hadleigh, Suffolk.
B. July 9, 1660, at North Creake, Norfolk. Schools, Creake
and Hadleigh (Mr Challenor). Matric. 1678; Scholar, 1678-
84; B.A. 1681-2. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Dec. 1684; priest,
May 30, 1686; C. of Dunton, Norfolk. R. of Dunton and
Doughton, 1686-1701; of North Creake, 1687-1727. Buried
Feb. 8, 1726-7. WiU (Norwich C. C.) 1726-7. (Venn, i. 458.)
SCARLING, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Clare, June 20, 1715.
B. at Sudbury, Suffolk. Matric. 1715-6; M.B. 1720.
SCARROW, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Trinity Hall,
Easter, 1683, 'Carrow'; B.A. 1686-7.
SCARTH, see also SCARFE.
SCARTH, PHILIP. Adm. pens, at Clare, May 12, 1647.
Matric. 1647; B.A. 1650.
SCARTH, . Matric. pens, from St John's, c. 1594.
SCATCHERD, JOSEPH. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Sidney, June 20,
1685. S. of Robert, farmer. B. at Arthington, Yorks.
Schools, Picton and Leeds, Yorks. Matric. 1685, 'Shratcherd';
B.A. 1688-9. Ord. priest (York) Dec. 1690. V. of Alne,
Yorks., 1691.
SCATLIN, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Clare, Easter, 1606;
B.A. 1609-10.
from Trinity, Michs. 1628. S. of John, attorney, of Chad-
desden, Derbs. Bapt. Sept. 18, 1611, at Ellastone, Staffs.
B.A. 1632-3; M.A. 1636; D.D. 1662 (Lit. Reg.). Incorp. at
Oxford, 1669. Chaplain at Trinity, 1637-40. R. of Winwick,
Northants., 1641-87. Canon of Lincoln, 1641-83; of Lich-
field, 1666-82. R. of Yelvertoft, 1670-87. Married Martha
ScoLES, Giles
Wharton at St Bartholomew-the-Less, London, June 27,
1644. Author, biblical criticisms. Died July 30, 1687, aged
76. Buried at Yelvertoft. .^dmon. Aug. 7, 1687, to son
Samuel. Father of the next and of Samuel (1662). (D.N.B.;
Bridges, i. 605, 610.)
SCATTERGOOD, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Oct. 14, 1668.
2nd s. of Anthony (above). Bapt. Mar. 5, 1649-50, at
Winwick, Northants. Matric. 1671-2; Scholar, 1671; B.A.
1672-3; M.A. 1676. Buried at Winwick, Sept. 24, 1723-
Brother of Samuel (1662). (H. I. Longden.)
SCATTERGOOD, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Trinity, Sept. 12, 1672.
Matric. 1673; Scholar, 1676; B.A. 1676-7; M.A. 1680. Ord.
priest (London) Feb. 24, 1688-9.
SCATTERGOOD, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Trinity, May 20,
1662. S. of Anthony (1628). Bapt. at Winwick, Northants.,
Apr. 16, 1646. Matric. 1662; Scholar, 1664; B.A. 1665-6;
M.A. 1669. Fellow, 1668. Incorp. at Oxford, 1669. Ord.
priest (Ely) Sept. 19, 1674. V. of St Mary's, Lichfield, 1678
81. V. of Ware, Herts., 1681, resigned within four months.
V. of Blockley, Worcs., 1681-96. Canon of Lichfield, 1682;
of Lincoln, 1683. Married Elizabeth Gilbert, of Tettenhall,
Staffs., Sept. 5, 1688. Author, sermons. Buried at Blockley,
Dec. 10, 1696. Brother of John (1668). (Al. Oxon.; D.N.B.)
SCAWEN, FRANCIS. Probably a student at Cambridge. S. of
Robert, of Molinick, Cornwall. Died Mar. 14, 1669. M.I. at
Gt St Mary's, Cambridge. (Musgrave.)
SCAWEN, WILLIAM. Matric. Fell.-Com. from King's, Easter,
1709. S. and h. of Thomas, of Cornwall. Died Nov. 21, 1710,
aged 19. Buried in the College Chapel. (Le Neve, Mon., iv.
SCAWSBY, THOMAS (or WILLIAM). Adm. at King's, a scholar
from Eton, 1496; B.A. 1500-1; M.A. 1504-5- Fellow.
Ord. priest (Lincoln) Dec. 23, 1503. V. of Chalke, Wilts.
SCHARDIN, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Clare, Easter, 1705.
SCHELE, LEWIS. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1718. Of London.
(Com. Reg.). S. of John James, of Zurich. B. in Switzerland,
1702. Graduated at Zurich, 1722. Came to England and
became librarian to Sir Hans Sloane. L.R.C.P., 1723- F.R.S.,
1724. Author, medical. Died Apr. 10, 1729. (D.N.B.)
SCHLAER, FREDERICK. Incorp. M.D. 1681, from Utrecht.
SCHLECH, JOHN. B.Can.L. 1492-3-
SCOCHEY, EDWARD. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Magdalene,
May 14, 1710. S. of Edward, of Caister, Lines. School,
Caister. Matric. 1711; B.A. 1714-5- Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
May 26, 1716. C. of Tansor, Northants.
SCOCHIE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from St John's, c. 1595;
B.A. 1599-1600. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) June 21, 1601;
priest, Sept. 26, 1602. V. of Ashby-juxta-Temple Brewer,
Lines., in 1604-5, when he was licensed as a schoolmaster.
V. of Hibaldstow, 1609-18. V. of Hale, 1618. Married Anne
Witherall, of Liddington, Jan. 24, 1608-9. Will (Lincohj)
1652; of Bicker.
SCHOLAR, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at Queens', Oct. 9, 1669
Of Derbyshire. Matric. 1670; B.A. 1673-4- Master of Bake
well School. Died Feb. 11, 1674-5. M.I. at Bakewell.
SCHOLEFIELD, ABRAHAM. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Mac
dalene, June 27, 1739. S. of Abraham. B. at Halifax
Yorks. School, Halifax. Matric. i739; B-A- 1742-3-
SCHOFIELD, EDWARD. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1626; B.A. 1629-30, 'Chofield.'
SKOFYLD, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 1573-
SCOLEFIELD, RADCLIFFE. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Dec. 13,
1689. S. of Radcliffe, attorney, of Scholefield Hall,
Rochdale. Bapt. there, Aug. 17, 1671. Minister at Ash-
worth Chapel, in 1703; of a presbyterian chapel at Hall
Fold, Whitworth, 1718-27; then at Ringhay, Cheshire.
Buried Aug. 16, 1728, at Ringhay. Admon. (Chester) 1739.
(Fam. Min. Gent., i. 114; A. Gray.)
SCHOFIELD, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Lent,
1577-8. Probably V. of Little Clacton, Essex, 1589-1605.
Died 1605. Admon. (Cons. C. London) Mar. 26, 1605.
SCHOFIELD, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Easter,
1577. Perhaps of Schofield, near Rochdale, Lanes. One of
these names C. of Holcombe, in 1609. (Peile, i. 142.)
SCOLES, GILES. Matric. sizar from Christ's, July, 1608;
Scholar, 1610-1; B.A. 161 1-2; M.A. 1615. Probably buried
at Gt St Andrew's, Cambridge, May 14, 1618. (Peile, 1.
ScHOLES, James
SCHOLES, JAMES (? JACOB). Adm. sizar (age i6) at St John's,
May 31, 1686. S. of James, husbandman. B. at Oldham,
Lanes. School, Manchester. Matric. 1686; B.A. 1689-90;
M.A. 1698. Ord. deacon (Lincohi) June 15, 1690. C. of
Prestwich 61 years. V. of Ringley, i7i9- Died 1752- Will
(Chester) 1755. (Mumford, Manchester Grammar School.)
SCOLES, JEREMY. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Sept. 6, 1646.
S. of George. B. at Salford, Lanes. Bapt. June 14, 1629, at
Manchester. School, Manchester. Matric. 1647; Scholar;
B.A. 1650-1; M.A. 1654. Ord. presbyter, July 5, i655-
Minister of Stretford Chapel, 1655-7. V. of Norton, Derbs.,
1659- ejected, 1662. Returned to Salford, licensed to preach
there, 1672. Died Apr. 23, 1685, aged 56. Buried at Man-
chester. Will, Chester. Father of the next. {Calamy, i. 333;
Mumford, Manchester Grammar School.)
SCOLES, NATHANIEL. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Christ's, Sept.
II, 1680. S. of Jeremiah (above). B. at Salford, Lanes.
Bapt. June 9, 1664, at Manchester. School, Salford. Pastor
at Newton, Manchester; also at Macclesfield. Died at
Macclesfield, Oct. 2, 1702. Buried at Manchester. (Mumford,
Manchester Grammar School; Peile, 11. 81.)
SCOLYS, . B.Civ.L. 1482-3.
SCHOLEY, CALEB. 'Late student of St John's'; ord. priest
(York) Sept. 1626.
SCHOLEY, HENRY. Matric. sizar from Clare, Michs. 1568.
One of these names of V/ragby, Yorks., clerk; will (York)
SCHOLEY, NICHOLAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's,
July T, 1665. S. of John, husbandman, of Ulley, Yorks.
B. there. School, Rotherham (Mr Barton). Matric. 1667;
B.A. 1668-9. Ord. deacon (York) June 6, 1669; priest, June,
SCHOLEY, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Lent,
SCOLYE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Clare, Easter, 1618.
SCHOMBERG, ISAAC. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Trinity, Mar. 19,
1746-7. S. of Dr Meyer Low, F.R.S., of London. B. at
Schweinberg, Aug. 14, i7i4- School, Merchant Taylors'.
M.D. 1750 (Lit. Reg.). Professor of Medicine in the Univer-
sity of Giessen. Of Conduit Street, London. Summoned by
the President and Censors of the C.P. to present himself for
examination as licentiate but declined, i747; his practice
interdicted, till 1765. L.R.C.P., 1765- F.R.C.P., i77i-
Censor, 1773 and 1778. Attended Garrick in his last illness.
Died unmarried Mar. 2, 1780. Buried at St George's,
Hanover Square, London. WiU, P.C.C. Twin-brother of
Raphael or Ralph, M.D. (for whom see D.N.B.) {G. Mag.;
L. Mag.)
SCHOOLECROFT, AUGUSTINE. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St
John's, Apr. 12, 1654. S. of James, clerk. Bapt. Nov. 3,
1633, at Lancaster. Matric. 1654; B.A. 1657-8. Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) Mar. 10; priest, Mar. 13, 1660-1. C. at Colwich,
Staffs., in 1659, to John Greensmith, whose daughter he
married, in 1666. V. of Colwich, 1663-70. Buried Feb. 16,
1699-1700. Brother of the next. (Wm. Salt Arch. Soc. ,1^15.)
SCHOOLECROFT, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's,
Apr. 12, 1654. S. of James, clerk, of Lancaster. Bapt. there,
Feb. 6, 1635-6. Matric. 1654. Brother of Augustine (above).
SCHUTZ, HENRY. Adm. pens, at Queens', May 30, 1747.
Of Berkshire. Matric. 1748; B.A. 1752; M.A. i755; D.D.
1769. Fellow, 1753-9. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Dec. 28, 17541
priest, May 25, 1755. R. of Marsh Gibbon, Bucks., 1757-60.
R. of Oving, 1774-1803. R. of Burton Coggles, Lines.
R. of Paston, Northants., 1803-n. Died before Mar. 13,
SCHUTZ, SPENCER. Adm. pens, at Queens', Mar. 24, 1733-4-
Of Middlesex. S. and h. of Hon. Augustus, of St George's,
Hanover Square. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Mar. 2, 1742-3.
Called to the Bar, 1751. Migrated to the Inner Temple,
Feb. 6, 1752.
SCIALETTI, PAUL. M.A. 1664 (Lt<. i?eg.). 'Rabbi; converted
SCOBELL, FRANCIS. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 17) at Pembroke,
Nov. 9, 1732. S. of Francis, of Tregony, Cornwall, Esq.
Bapt. Aug. 14, 1715. Matric. 1732-3. Died Nov. 26, 1740.
(Vivian, Vis. of Cornwall.)
SCOGGAN, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius, May 5,
1628. S. of Robert, husbandman. B. at Preston, in the
diocese of Durham. School, Preston. Matric. 1628; B.A.
1632-3. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Sept. 22, 1633. [Venn, i.
SCOLDING, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, June 9, 1687,
Skulding. Matric. 1688.
Scot, Christopher
SCOOPE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 14) at St John's, Apr. 25,
1696. S. of Richard, clerk. B. at Thornton Watlass, Yorks.
School, Threshfield (Mr Motley). Matric. 1696; B.A. 1699-
1700. Ord. priest (York) Sept. 1704-
SCOOPE, RICHARD. Adm. sizar at Trinity, May 5, 1671;
B.A. 1675-6.
SCOPHAM, . B.Can.L. 1498-9-
SCORER, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Michs. 1571-
Perhaps s. of Nicholas, of Co. Hereford and Melton-on-the-
HiU, Yorks. Bapt. Nov. 10, 1549. Probably B.A. 1575-6,
'George.' Ord. deacon (Ely) Nov. 17, 1577, 'age 24; B.A.
of Christ's.' Perhaps C. of Melton. Buried Dec. 6, 1620.
Will (York) 1621.
SCORINGHURST, . Pens, at Jesus, 1613-4.
SCORTRETH, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Mar.
1588; B.A. (?) 1591-2; M.A. 1597- Ord. deacon (Lincohi)
Dec. 19, 1592; priest, Sept. 15, 1593. V. of Huttoft, Lines.,
1592-1600. V. of Saleby, near Alford, 1600-6. R. of Firsby,
1605. Will (Lincohi) 1645-6; of Alford, clerk. Father of the
next. (Peile, i. 192.)
SCORTRATH, GEORGE. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Sidney, May
28, 1628. S. of George (above), V. of Saleby, Lines. B. there.
School, 'Ashford.' B.A. 1631-2; M.A. 1635. Lecturer at
Lincoln; colleague with Edw. Rayner; ejected, 1662.
(Calamy, 11. 154.)
SCORTRETH, RAMUS. Adm. sizar at Sidney, Oct. 22, 1614.
Matric. 1614; B.A. 1618-9; M.A. 1622.
SCORY, EDMUND. M.A. 1615 (on King's visit). Doubtless s. of
Silvan, of Co. Hereford, Esq., and grandson of John (below).
Bishop of Hereford. Matric. (Balliol CoUege, Oxford) Oct. 24,
1595, age 20. Knighted, July 4, 1618. Brotherof John (1592).
(Al. Oxon.; Vis. ofWorcs., 1569-)
SCORY, JOHN. Studied nine years at Cambridge. B.D. 1539,
when he is described as formerly a Dominican friar. Of
Norfolk. (One of the 14 friars who with their Prior, Gregory
Dodds, B.D., signed the deed of Surrender of their Monastery
in Cambridge to the King, Apr. 16, 1538. The site of the
old monastery was afterwards occupied by the Protestant
foundation of Emmanuel.) Six preacher at Canterbury, 1541.
Chaplain to Archbishop Cranmer. Bishop of Rochester,
1551-2; of Chichester, 1552-3, deprived. A fugitive abroad
under Queen Mary. Retired to Emden in Friesland; super-
intendent of the English congregation there; returned, 1558.
Bishop of Hereford, 1559-85- Author, sermons. Died June
26, 1585. Buried at Whitbourne, Herefordshire. (Cooper,
I. 511; D.N.B.; Emmanuel College History.)
SCORY, JOHN. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Queens', Nov. 4, 1592.
Of Hereford. S. and h. of Silvan, Esq., and grandson of
John, Bishop of Hereford. Brother of Edmund (1615)-
(Vis. of Worcs., 1569-)
SCOTT, ALEXANDER. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Trinity, May 2,
1681. S. of Thomas. B. at Yokefleet, Yorks. School, Holden
CHowden), Yorks. (Mr Thomas Reynolds). Matric. 1681;
Scholar, 1683; B.A. 1684-5; M.A. 1688. R. of North Coates,
Lines., 1704.
SCOTT, ANTHONY. Adm. (age 18) at Sidney, June 18, 1666.
S of William, R. of Morebath, Devon. School, Eton;
Colleger, 1663-8. Matric. 1667; B.A. 1669-70; M.A. 1677.
R. of Skilgate, Somerset, 1674-85-
SCOT, ARTHUR. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Dec. 1610. Of
Richmond, Yorks. Possibly s. of Gregory (1550). B.A.
1613-4; M.A. 1617; B.D. 1624. Fellow before Michs. 1621-31.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1624. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Dec. 18;
priest, Dec. 19, 1619. R. of Holy Trinity, Goodramgate,
York, 1633-5; of St Martin's, 1635-40. Buried there Feb. 17,
1639-40. Perhaps brother of Christopher (1603) and John
(1597-8). (Peile, I. 279-)
SCOTT, BAL. Matric. sizar from Trinity Hall, Easter, 1544
SCOTT, BENEDICT. ('Benjamin' in Coll. Reg.) Matric. sizar
from Queens', Easter, 1659.
SCOTT, CHARLES. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Apr. 11, 1640.
S. of Charles, gent., of Northwold, Norfolk. B. at Didlington.
School, Swafiham (Mr Dawson). Matric. 1640. Brother of
Edmund (1640) and Thomas (1640). (Venn, 1. 337.)
SCOTT, CHRISTOPHER. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi,
Michs. 1548.
SCOTT, CHRISTOPHER. Matric. sizar (age 19) from Christ's,
Apr. 1603. Perhaps s. of Gregory (1550). V. of Catterick. B.
at Catterick, Richmonds. B.A. 1606-7; M.A. 1610. Ord.
deacon (London) Sept. 25, 1609; 'licensed to Markshall,
Essex'; priest, 1614-5; 'licensed to Stisted, Essex.' R. of
Hawkeswell, Essex (not Hockerill), 1617-32. Died 1632.
Admon. (Cons. C. London) Feb. 5, 1632-3. Father of the
next, perhaps brother of Arthur (1610) and John (1597-8).
(Peile, I. 244; H. Smith.)
Scot, Christopher
SCOTT, CHRISTOPHER. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Christ's,
Apr. 24, 1635. -S. of Christopher (above), R. of HawkesweU,
Essex. B. there. School, Maldon. Matric. 1635; B. A. 1638-9.
R. of Gt Wakering, Essex, 1644-62, ejected. {Peilc, 1. 435.)
SCOTT, CHRISTOPHER. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Mar. 25,
1639. S. of Robert, gent., of Letton, Norfolk. B. there.
School, W>-mondhain. Matric. 1639; Scholar, 1640-6; B.A.
1642-3; M.A. 1646.
SCOTT, CLEMENT. Adm. sizar at Corpus Christi, 1673. Of
Suffolk. Matric. Easter, 1674; B.A. 1676-7; M.A. 1680.
Fellow, 1680-9. Junior Proctor, 1686-7. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) June, 1680; priest. Mar. 1682-3. 'Minister of
St Bene't, Cambridge in the time of James II, and turned
papist.' {Masters, 115.)
SCOTT, CUTHBERT. B.A. 1534-5. Of Lancashire. M.A. 1538;
B.D. 1544; D.D. 1547. Fellowof Christ's, 1538-47. Master,
1553-6. Vice-Chancellor, 1554, 1555-6. One of the Visitors
in Queen Mary's Commission to the University, 1556-7.
One of the deputation who disputed at Oxford against
Cranmer and Ridley. Incorp. at Oxford, 1554. R. of Etton,
Yorks., 1547. R. of Beeford, 1549. Preb. of York, 1546.
Preb. of St Paul's, 1554-8- Bishop of Chester, 1556-9;
deprived, 1559. Fined and imprisoned in the Fleet, 1559-63.
Retired to Louvain. Died there 1565. Author, theological.
{Peile, I. 21; D.N.B.; Cooper, i. 233; Al. Oxon.)
SCOTT, EDMUND. Matric. pens, from Peterhouse, Michs.
1598; Scholar, 1601-5; B.A. 1601-2; M.A. 1605. Ord. deacon
and priest (Norwich) June 15, 1606, age 26; C. of Northwold,
Norfolk. R. of Hadley, Essex, 1609-12. Died 1612.
SCOTT, EDMUND. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Oct. 12, 1640.
S. of Charles, gent., of Northwold, Norfolk. B. at Didlington.
School, Swaffham (Mr Dawson). Matric. 1641; Scholar,
1641-3. Brother of Charles (1640) and Thomas (1640).
{Venn, i. 341.)
SCOTT, EDWARD. B.A. 1522-3.
SCOTT, EDWARD. Adm. at King's (age 16) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 14, 1549. Of Carlisle. Matric. 1549; B.A. 1553-41
M.A. 1557. Fellow, 1552-61. Ord. deacon (London) 1557-8.
V. of Fordingbridge, Hants., 1560-79. Died Nov. 1579.
SCOTT, EDWARD. Adm. at King's (age 18) a scholar from
Eton, Jan. 6, 1559-60. Of Leighs, Essex. Perhaps 2nd s.
of Walter, of Stapleford, Essex. Matric. 1560. Fellow, 1562-
3. Left without a degree. Student at Clement's Inn. {Vis.
of Essex, 1612; Essex Pedigrees, 705.)
SKOTT, EDWARD. Matric. sizar from Clare, Easter, 1587.
SCOT, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, at Christ's, Oct. 16, 1622. S. of
Thomas. Schools, Middleton, Westmorland (Mr Garnet) and
Kirkby (probably Lonsdale). Matric. 1623; B.A. 1625-6;
M.A. 1630. C. of Canewdon, Essex, 1637. Sequestered to
Fobbing, 1646. Buried there Nov. 23, 1653. Will (P.C.C.)
1654. {Peile, I. 347; H. Smith.)
SCOTT, FRANCIS. Matric. pens, from King's, Easter, 1650;
B.A. 1653-4. Fellow (by order of the Parliamentary Com-
mittee), -1654-5 ; he had been admitted scholar by the same,
July 10, 1650.
SCOTT, FRANCIS, Earl of Dalkeith. LL.D. 1749. S. of Francis,
Duke of Buccleugh. B. Feb. 19, 1720-1. Matric. (Christ
Church, Oxford) Oct. 27, 1739, age 18. Created M.A.
(Oxford) 1742. M.P. for Boroughbridge, 1746-50. Died v.p.
Apr. I, 1750. Buried at Dalkeith.
SCOTTE, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from King's, Easter, 1575.
Probably s. of George, of Conghurst, Kent. B.A. from
Corpus Christi, 1578-9; M.A. 1582. Perhaps ord. priest
(St David's) May 8, 1583. R. of Balcombe, Sussex, 1586.
Probably preb. of Chichester, 1586-1611. Will (P.C.C.) 1618.
(W. C. Renshaw; Vis. of Kent, 1619.)
SCOTT, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Easter, 1602.
SCOTT, GEORGE. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Queens', June 8, 1608.
Of Kent. Doubtless s. and h. of WiUiam, of Conghurst,
Kent. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 27, 1609. Of Hawkhurst,
Kent. Married Dorothy, dau. of Humphrey Winche. Died
before May 18, 1633. Probably father of Humphrey (1629-
30). {Vis. of Kent, 1619.)
SCOTT, GEORGE. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Christ's, June 25,
1628. S. of George, alderman of Richmond, Yorks. B. there.
School, Richmond. Matric. 1628; B.A. 1631-2; M.A. 1635.
Ord. deacon (Carlisle) June i, 1634; priest, Sept. 20, 1635.
R. of Langton-on-Swale, Yorks., 1637-65. Probably R. of
Wensley, 1643-72; R. of Spennithome, 1663-72. Buried at
Wensley, Dec. 20, 1672. Father of George (1649). {Peile,
I- 393-)
SCOTT, GEORGE. Matric. Fell.-Com. from St Catharine's,
Michs. 1638. Of Essex. Doubtless s. and h. of George, of
Gt Easton, Essex, Esq. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Oct. 19, 1639.
Cedled to the Bar, 1647. Married Elizabeth, dau. of Robert
Scot, John
Cheyne, of Beds., Sept. 25, 1647. Died Oct. 15, 1683, aged 61.
(Berry, Essex Pedigrees, 706; Morant, 1. 169; Vis. of Essex,
1634, where father and son are apparently confused.)
SCOTT, GEORGE. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Christ's, Apr. 21,
1649. S. of George (1628), R. of Langton-on-Swale, near
Richmond, Yorks. B. at Richmond. School, Giggleswick.
Matric. 1649; B.A. 1652; M.A. 1663. R. of Oswaldkirk,
Yorks., 1663-1700. Probably R. of Kirkby Wiske, 1661-92-
Died c. 1700. Father of the next. {Peile, 1. 525.)
SCOT, GEORGE. Adm. pens, at Christ's, May 20, 1671. S. of
George (above). B. at Warlaby, Yorks. School, Coxwold
(Mr Parkes). Matric. 1671; B.A. 1674-5.
SCOTT, GEORGE Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, May i, 1690.
S. and h. of William, gent., of Chigwell, Essex. Bapt. there,
Nov. 4, 1673. School, North Weald (Mr Richard Hewett).
Matric. 1690; B.A. 1693-4. .'\dm. at Lincoln's Inn, Sept. 23,
1690. Died unmarried Feb. 19, 1726. Buried at Chigwell.
{Venn, i. 487; Essex Pedigrees.)
SCOTT, GREGORY. Adm. at King's (age 17) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 13, 1550. Of 'Sebrem' (Sebergham), Cumberland.
Matric. 1550; B.A. (?) 1553-4. {Harwood says he went away
B.A. The dates of degrees given in Cooper, i. 358 and D.N.B.
are those assigned to Edward Scott.) Fellow, 1553-4. R. of
Thimbleby, Lines., 1560. Chaplain to the Bishop of Lincoln.
Canon of Carlisle, 1564-76; Vicar-General, 1570-6. V. of
St Michael, Appleby, 1569. Chancellor of the Cathedral, Car
lisle, 1570-6. Died 1576 (stc). But one of these names, M.A. ,
was V. of Catterick, Yorks., 1568-90 (stc), and was probably
father of Christopher (1603) and possibly of Arthur (i6io)
and John (1597-8). (Cooper, i. 358; in. 114; D.N.B.;
Whitaker, Richmondshire.)
SCOTT, HENRY. Adm. sizar at Peterhouse, 1590-1. Matric. c.
1591; B.A. 1594-5; M.A. 1598. Ord. priest (Colchester)
Aug. 7, 1596. R. of Reymerston, Norfolk, 1603. Father of
Henry (1634) and Nathaniel (1622).
SCOTT, HENRY. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1610;
B.A. 1614-5; M.A. 1618. Ord. deacon and priest (York)
Feb. 1618-9. Perhaps V. of Bametby, Lines., 1623-41.
SCOTT, HENRY. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Caius, June 18, 1634.
S. of Henry (1590-1), R. of Reymerston, Norfolk. School,
Westfield (Mr Chapman). Matric. 1634; Scholar, 1637-8;
B.A. 1637-8. Brother of Nathaniel (1622). {Venn, i. 315.)
SCOTT, HUMPHREY. Adm. pens, at EmmanueL; Mar. 22,
1629-30. Of Kent. S. and h. of George (? 1608), of Conghurst,
Esq. Age 5 in 1619. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, May 18, 1633.
{Vis. of Kent, 1619.)
SCOTT, JAMES. Matric. sizar (age 18) from Pembroke, Easter,
1631. S. of James, of Suffolk, attorney. B.A. 1634-5; M.A.
1638. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Sept. 25, 1636; 'C. of Cock-
field, Suffolk'; priest, Sept. 24, 1637.
SCOTT, JAMES. Adm. sizar at Queens', Apr. 28, 1705. Of
Devon. Matric. 1705; B.A. 1708-9; M.A. 1715. R. of
Skilgate, Somerset, 1711.
SCOT, JAMES. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, Nov. 5, 1751.
S. of James, V. of Trinity Church, Leeds. B. there, 1733-
School, Bradford (Mr Butler). Matric. 1752- Migrated to
Trinity, Mar. 4, 1756. Scholar, 1756: B.A. 1757; M.A. 1760;
B.D. 1768; D.D. 1775. Fellow of Trinity, 1758. Lecturer
at St John's Leeds, 1758-69. C. of Edmonton, 1760-1.
C. of Horbury, Wakefield, 1766-74. R. of Simonbum,
Northumberland, 1771-91. Retired to London. Author,
political and religious, also wrote verse. Died Dec. 10, 1S14.
SCOTT, JOHN. M.Gram. 1500-1; B.A. 1502-3; M.A. 1506-7;
B.D. 1516-7. Fellow of God's House (Christ's). Proctor,
1510-1. Preb. of Lichfield, 1522-45. R. of Garboldisham,
Norfolk, 1533-9- Died 1545. {Peile, 1. 5.)
SCOTT, JOHN. B.A. 1534-5; M.A. 1537.
SCOTT, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Clare, Easter, 1552.
SCOTT, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1567; B.A. 1570-1; M.A. 1574. Fellow, 1571-6. V. of
Shropham, Norfolk, 1574.
SCOTT, JOHN. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Queens', Dec. 10, 1572.
SCOTT, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter, 1578.
Of Huntingdonshire. B.A. 1581-2. Perhaps R. of Upton
St Margaret, Hunts., in 1614.
SCOTT, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Peterhouse, Apr. 16, 1386.
Matric. 1586.
SCOTT, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Michs. 1589.
Perhaps adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 11, 1594-5; of Staple
Scot, John
SCOTT, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Christ's, 1597-8. Of Rich-
mond, Yorks. Perhaps s. of Gregory (1550). B.A. 1600-1;
M.A. 1604; D.D. 1621. Fellow, 1605-7. Perhaps ord. deacon
and priest (Carlisle) Feb. i, 1618-9. (Possibly R. of Islip,
Northants., 1614-8.) R. of Keystone, Hunts., 1621-4. Preb.
of York, 1625; Dean, 1625-44. R. of Barwick-in-Elmet, 1629-
44, deprived and imprisoned. Described by Bishop Hacket
as a prodigal gamester. Died in the King's Bench prison,
1644. Admon. (P.C.C.) Apr. 7, 1646; to a creditor as dying
in or near the City of London. Perhaps brother of Arthur
(1610) and Christopher (1603); father of John (1635). {Peile,
I. 225; Thoresby, Barwick-in-Elmet, 67, where he is confused
with an Oxford contemporary.)
SCOTT, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Emmanuel, Michs. 1598.
SCOTT, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Clare, Michs. 1617.
SCOTT, JOHN. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 14) at Christ's, July 4,
1635. S. of John (1597-8), D.D., R. of Keystone, Hunts.
B. there. School, York (Mr WaUis). Matric. 1635; B.A. 1638.
SCOTT, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius, Apr. 9, 1678.
S. of John, gent., of Fincham, Norfolk. B. there. School,
Fincham (Mr Gardner). Matric. 1678; Scholar, 1678-83;
B.A. 1681-2; M.A. 1685. Ord. deacon (Norwich) June;
priest, Oct. 1682. R. of Pensthorpe, Norfolk. V. of Stradsett,
1682-1727. Died Oct. 24, 1727. Will (Norwich C. C.) 1727.
(Venn, i. 459.)
SCOTT, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1689. Of
Norwich. Matric. Easter, 1690; B.A. 1693-4; M.A. 1697;
B.D. 1705; D.D. 1710. Fellow, 1698-1706, resigned. Ord.
priest (Lincoln) Sept. 24, 1699. Perhaps R. of Isfield, Sussex,
1705-42. Died 1742. One of these names, D.D., author of
Notes on the First Chapter of Genesis; died i753- See Al.
Oxon. for a contemporary namesake. (Musgrave.)
SCOTT, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Sidney, May 27, 1710-
2nd s. of William (1669), B.D., deceased, V. of Albrighton,
Salop. B. there. School, Newport. Matric. 1710; B.A. 1713-
4; M.A. 1717. Ord. deacon (London) Sept. 19, 1714; priest.
May 27, 1716. Probably R. of Hunsdon, Herts., 1719-56.
Died 1756. Brother of William (1704)-
SCOT, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's. Feb. 12, 1722-3.
S. of Benjamin, of Wiltshire. B. at Chippenham. School,
Marlborough. Matric. 1723; B.A. 1726-7; M.A. 1738. Ord.
deacon (Salisbury) June 9; priest, Sept. 22, 1727. V. of
Wilsford and Woodford, Wilts., 1759-74. {Scott-Mayor, in.
SCOTT, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Magdalene, June 29,
1724. S. of Thomas. B. at Lincoln. School, Lincoln. Matric.
1724; B.A. 1727-8. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Mar. 17, 1727-8;
priest, June 16, 1728. Perhaps P.C. of Horbury, Yorks.,
172S-66. Buried there June 17, 1766. But see Al. Oxon. for
a contemporary namesake.
SCOTT, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 20) at St John's, Feb. 24,
1726-7. S. of William, husbandman, of Snape, Yorks.
B. there. School, Kirk Leatham (Mr Clarke). Matric. 1727.
Migrated as pens, to Sidney, Dec. 30, 1732. LL.B. 1735.
SCOTT, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Jesus, June 7, 1735. Of Wake-
field, Yorks. S. of Thomas (1687-8), clerk, deceased. School,
Wakefield. Matric. 1736; Rustat Scholar; B.A. 1738-9;
M.A. 1742. Fellow, 1742-52. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Dec. 21,
1740; priest, Sept. 25, 1743- V. of Fordham, Cambs., 1748-
51. Probably R. of Methley, Yorks., 1751-80. Preb. of
Ripon, 1774-80. Died 1780. Brother of Thomas (i735).
(M. H. Peacock.)
SCOTT, JOSEPH. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1608. Of Hertfordshire. B.A. 1611-2.
SCOT, JOSHUA. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's, Mar. 27,
1723. S. of Thomas, gent., of Yorkshire. B. at Hull. School,
Hull. Matric. 1723; B.A. 1726-7; M.A. 1730. Ord. deacon
(York) June 9, 1727; priest, July 21, 1728. R. of Hilston,
Yorks., 1728-31. V. of Owthome, 1729-31. {Scott-Mayor,
III. 361.)
SCOTT, LEONARD. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter,
1579. Of Cumberland. B.A. from Christ's, 1581-2; M.A.
1585. V. of Castle Sowerby, Cumberland, 1585-1623. V. of
Irthington, 1589-97. R. of Skelton, 1598-1623. {Peile, i.
SCOTT, MATTHEW. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, Apr. i8,
1635. S. of Edward, clothier, of Glemsford, Sufiolk. B. there.
School, Thurlow (Mr Moore). Matric. 1635; B.A. 1638-9;
M.A. 1642. Adm. at the Middle Temple, Nov. 25, 1645.
SCOTT, MATTHEW. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Mar. 16, 1691-2.
Of Norfolk. Matric. 1696.
SCOTT, MUNFORD. Matric. sizar from Trinity Hall, Michs.
1565; Scholar, 1566. Went to Douay; ord. priest (R.C.) 1575-
Sent to England, 1577. Executed before 1591. {Douay
Scot, Thomas
SCOTT, NATHANIEL. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, July 2,
1622. S. of Henry (1590), R. of Reymerston, Norfolk.
School, Reymerston (Mr Chapman). Matric. 1623; Scholar,
1625-6; B.A. 1625-6; M.A. 1629. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
Sept. 24, 1626; priest, Sept. 23, 1627. R. of Gt EUingham,
Norfolk, 1628-31. R. of Thuxton, 1647. Buried there Apr.
23, 1662. Brother of Henry (1634). {Venn, i. 259.)
SCOTT, NATHANIEL. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, June
25, 1751. S. of Robert, druggist, of Norfolk. B. at Diss.
School, Wyverstone (Mr Stygal). Matric. 1751; B.A. 1755-
Ord. deacon (Norwich) July 13, 1755; priest, Sept. 25, 1757.
R. of Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk, 1757-1812. R. of Thelveton,
1774-1812. Died Jan. 18, 1812. {Scott-Mayor, iii. 608.)
SCOTT, NICHOLAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity Hall, Lent,
SCOTT, PETER. LL.D. 1667 {Lit. Reg.), from St Catharine's.
S. of John, of Camberwell, Surrey, and grandson of Sir Peter
Scott, Knt. Matric. (Oriel College, Oxford) July 2, 1658.
Adm. at the Inner Temple, Nov. 14, 1660. V. of Sunninghill,
Berks., 1671. Canon of Windsor, 1671-89. Married (i) Mar-
garet, dau. of Sir William Bowles, of Clerkenwell, May 20,
1663; (2) Margaret, dau. of Clement Spelman, Baron of the
Exchequer. Died Dec. 26, 1689. Admon. (P.C.C.) 1690.
Father of the next and of William (1690). {Al. Oxon.; Vis. of
Surrey, 1662; Coll. Top. et Gen., in. 147.)
SCOTT, PETER. Adm. pens, at Queens', Mar. 26, i68r. Of
Surrey. S. and h. of Peter (above). Bapt. Apr. 27, 1664, at
Camberwell. Adm. at the Inner Temple, Nov. 7, 1682.
Brother of WiUiam (1690).
SKOTT, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Trinity Hall, Easter,
1544 {imputes).
SCOTT, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Easter, 1583;
B.A. 1586-7; M.A. 1590. Perhaps 'of Essex: licensed by the
R.C.P., Sept. 25, 1590.' {Munk, i. lOO.)
SCOTT, RICHARD. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May 21, 1603.
Matric. 1603.
SCOTT, RICHARD. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Mar. 23, 1626-7.
Matric. 1627.
SCOTT, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1576;
Scholar, 1580.
SCOTT, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Lent, 1584-5;
Scholar, 1588; B.A. 1588-9; M.A. 1592; B.D. 1599. Fellow,
1591. Ord. deacon and priest (Peterb.) Mar. 25, 1599.
Probably R. of West Grinstead, Sussex, 1608-20. Died
I 620-1.
SCOTT, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Pembroke, Michs. 1588.
Probably s. of Christopher, of Bamston, Essex. Bapt. there,
Feb. 4, 1569. B.A. 1591-2; M.A. from Clare, 1595; D.D. 1613.
Fellow of Clare; Master, 1612-20. Vice-Chancellor, 1619-20.
Subalmoner to the King. Dean of Rochester, 1615-20.
Died in London, Dec. 21, 1620. Buried at Bamston, Essex.
WiU proved (V.C.C. and P.C.C.) 1620. {Clare Coll. Hist.;
Genealogist, N.S., xii. 23-4.)
SCOTT, ROBERT. B.A. from St Catharine's, 1593-4.
SCOTT, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at Trinity, June 27, 1644.
Of Lincolnshire. Matric. 1644; Scholar, 1646; B.A. 1647-8;
M.A. 1651; B.D. 1660. Fellow, 1649. Taxor, 1656. Senior
Dean, 1659-60, 1674-7 and 1691-2. Senior Bursar, 1679-81.
Approved for presbyterian orders, June 16, 1658. V. of
Gt St Mary's, Cambridge, 1671. Will proved (V.C.C.) 1694.
SCOTT, ROBERT. M.A. 1734 (Incorp. from Exeter College,
Oxford). Matric. there. Mar. 14, 1721-2, age 17. S. of
Robert, of Belchalwell, Dorset. B.A. (Oxford) 1727; M.A.
1728; B.D. 1739. Fellow of Exeter, 1724-41. Ord. deacon
(Oxford) Sept. 24, 1727; priest (Sarum) Sept. 20, 1730.
R. of Wootton, Northants., 1741-61. Died May 16, 1761.
Buried at Wootton. {Al. Oxon.; H. I. Longden.)
SCOT,ROGER. Scholar at King's Hall; resigned, July 20, 1382.
SCOT, ROKEBY. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Aug. 13, 1713- S. of
Henry, apothecary, of York (and Jane, dau. of William
Rokeby). Matric. 1713; B.A. 1717-8; -M.A. 1721. Ord.
deacon (York) June 12, 1720; priest. Mar. 5, 1720-1; C. of
Escrick, Yorks. V. of Weaverthorpe, i740-<;. 45- R- of
Arthingworth, Northants., 1742. Buried there Oct. 3, 1767.
Will proved, Feb. 20, 1768. FatherofThomas(i743)- (.f.^^-G.)
SCOTT, SIMON. B.Civ.L. 1501-2.
SCOTT, SIRIA(?). Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Michs.
SCOTTE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Jesus, Michs. 1564. Of
Cumberland. B.A. 1567-8; M.A. from Queens', 1571.
FeUow of Queens'. V. of Castle Sowerby, Cumberland,
1571-84, resigned. (One of these names V. of Edenhull, 1578-
80; died 1580. But see Al. Oxon. for a contemporary name-
sake to whom Foster assigns the Castle Sowerby living.)
(Nightingale, 439, 493.)
Scot, Thomas
SCOTT, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Magdalene, Michs. 1564.
SCOTT, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1566.
Probably s. of Thomas, V. of Mildenhall, Suffolk, in 1558.
B.A. 1568-9; M.A. 1572. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Jan. 16,
1572-3; priest (Ely) Sept. 29, 1575- Chaplain to the Bishop
of Ely. Perhaps V. of MildenhaU, Suffolk, i57.3-9.'i. Prob-
ably R. of Northwold, Norfolk, 1576, and also of Oxburgh,
1579. Perhaps father of Thomas (1620).
SCOTT, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1579;
B.A. 1582-3; M.A. 1586. One of these names R. of Langton-
on-Swale, Yorks., 1587-1629.
SCOTT, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Michs.
SKOTT, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Clare, Easter, 1587.
SCOT, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Clare, c. 1590.
SCOTT, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Trinity, c. 1596; Scholar,
1596; B.A. 1600-1; M.A. 1604; B.D. 1611. R. of St Clement,
Ipswich, 1612-4; suspended and absolved by Bishop Wren;
reinstated, 1614-38. One of these names R. of North Lynn,
Norfolk, 1621-6.
SCOTT, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Easter, 1607.
SCOTT, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Apr. 6, 1619.
Matric. 1619; B.A. 1622-3; M.A. 1626. One of these names
R. of St Clement, Ipswich, Suffolk, 1638-40.
SCOTT, THOMAS. B.D. from Peterhouse, 1620 (Incorp. from
St Andrews). Perhaps s. of Thomas (1566), R. of Northwold,
Norfolk. B. there. Incorp. at Oxford, 1623. Probably ord.
deacon (London); priest, Sept. 24, 1620, age 40. Chaplain
to James I, in 1616. Opposed the marriage of Charles I with
the Infanta of Spain. R. of St Saviour's, Norwich, 1620.
Preacher to the English Garrison at Utrecht, 1623. Murdered
there June 18, 1626, by an English soldier named John
Lambert. Author, political. Possibly identical with the
poet ifl. 1605). {D.N.B.; N. and Q., 3rd S., x. 433.)
SCOTT, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1634.
SCOTT or SCOT, THOMAS. Said to have been educated at
Cambridge. School, Westminster. M.P. for Aylesbury,
1645-53, 1656-8; for Wycombe, 1654-5, 1659-60. Regicide
member of the Council of State, 1649-53, 1659-60. Secretary
of State, 1660. Fled to Flanders, but surrendered at Brussels.
Tried with the other regicides, condemned to death and
executed, Oct. 17, 1660. Father of William (1640). {D.N.B.)
SCOTT, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Caius, Apr. ir, 1640.
S. of Charles, gent., of Northwold, Norfolk. B. at Didlington.
School, Swaffham (Mr Dawson). Matric. 1640; Scholar,
1640-4; B.A. 1643-4; M.A. 1647. Licensed to practise
surgery, 1655-6. Subscribed for deacon's orders (Norwich)
Dec. 20, 1662; ord. priest, Dec. 20, 1663. Brother of Charles
(1640) and Edmund (1640). {Venn, i. 337.)
SCOTT, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Clare, Mar. 5, 1687-8. Of
Wakefield, Yorks. School, Wakefield. Matric. 1688; B.A.
1691-2; Scholar, 1692; M.A. 1695. Ord. priest (London)
Mar. 8, 1695-6. V. of Wakefield, 1701-29. Preb. of York,
1707-29. Governor of Wakefield School. Died Apr. 14, 1729.
Buried at Wakefield. Father of John (1735) and Thomas
(1735)- (M. H. Peacock.)
SCOTT, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, June 28,
1692. S. of Thomas. B. at Elworthy, Somerset. School,
Westminster. Matric. 1693; Scholar, 1693. Secretary to the
Duke of Roxburgh. Author of Comedies. (Al. Westmon.,
SCOTT, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Sidney, July 2, 1721; M.A.
1721. S. of T., of Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucs. Matric.
(University College, Oxford) Mar. 6, 1706-7, age 17; B.A.
(Oxford) 1710-1. R. of Cleeve Prior, Worcs., 1717-56. (Al.
SCOTT, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, July 3,
1721. S. of Robert, husbandman, of Yorkshire. B. at
Yokefleet, near Howden, Yorks. School, Beverley (Mr John-
stone). Matric. 1722; B.A. 1725-6; M.A. 1740. Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) Dec. 24, 1727; priest, Sept. 20, 1730; C. of Conis-
holme. Lines. Perhaps V. of Helhoughton, Norfolk, 1740,
also R. of Rainham, 1740-2. {Scott-Mayor, in. 343.)
SCOTT, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, June 14,
1735. S. of Thomas (1687-8), of Wakefield, Yorks. School,
Bradford (Mr Butler). Matric. 1735; Scholar, 1737; B.A.
173^-9; M..A.. 1750. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 20, 1741.
V. of West Ardsley, Yorks., 1754-71. V. of Batley, 1754-71.
V. of East Ardsley, 1766-71. Died Sept. 13, 1771. Brother
of John (1735).
SCOTT, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Jesus, July 2, 1743. Of
Eskrick, Yorks. S. of Rokeby (1713), clerk. B. Mar. 9,
1725-6. Matric. 1743; Scholar; B.A. 1746-7; M.A. 1750.
Fellow, 1752-79. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 25, 1748;
priest (Lincoln) Dec. 23, 1750. V. of Fordham, Cambs., 1773.
R. of King's Stanley, Gloucs., 1779. Died Aug. 1799. Buried
V.A.C. IV.
ScoTCHMER, Thomas
at St Oswald's, Chester. WiU (P.C.C.) 1800; of King's
Stanley, and of Kensworth, Herts. (A. Gray; F. S. Hocka-
SCOTTE, W. Matric. pens, from Trinity Hall, Michs. 1561.
One ' William Scott, of Chigwell, Essex,' adm. at the Inner
Temple, 1566; s. of George, of Chigwell. {Vis. of Essex,
SCOTT, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1576.
S. of John, burgess of Cambridge. B. there. Migrated to
Caius, Oct. 1, 1578. B.A. from Corpus Christi, 1580-1; M.A.
1584. Ord. priest (Lincoln) Jan. 31, 1585-6. R. of Gt Stukely,
Hunts., 1587-95. C. of Catworth. R. of Upton, 1592. R. of
Coppingford, 1592-1633. One of these names R. of Knoddis-
hall, Suffolk, 1624. {Venn, i. 97.)
SCOTT, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Lent, 1593-4;
LL.B. from Trinity Hall, 1600.
SCOTT, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter, 1628;
B.A. 1630-1. One of these names C. of Bradfleld, Yorks.,
SCOTT, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney, June ii,
1636. S. of William, merchant. B. at York. School, Cox-
wold. Matric. 1636; B.A. 1639-40. One of these names R. of
Oxburgh, Norfolk, 1641.
SCOTT, WILLIAM. B.C.L. (Oxford) 1648; s. and h. of Thomas,
of Marlow Park, Bucks., the regicide; 'had spent 6 years in
study at Cambridge': probably therefore the man of these
names matric. from Peterhouse, 1640; 'of Norfolk.' Fellow
of All Souls, 1648. Adm. at the Inner Temple, 1646. Bar-
rister-at-law, 1653. Living in Holland as a spy for the English
Government, 1666. {Vis. nf Bucks., 1634; Al. Oxon.; D.N.B.)
SCOTT, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Sept. 24, 1644.
Of London. Matric. 1644. Migrated to Peterhouse, Nov. 7,
1645; Scholar, 1645- (T. A. Walker, 84.)
SCOTT, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Christ's, May 18,
1665. S. of George, of Yorkshire. School, Bradford (Mr
Cotes). Matric. 1665. One of these names ord. deacon (York)
June, 1668. {Peile, i. 617.)
SCOTT, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Trinity, June 25, 1669.
S. of William, yeoman. B. at Costford, Salop. Schools,
Oken Strafford (Jonathan Jenes), Salop and Arlston.
Migrated to Sidney, Oct. 7, 1671, age 16. Matric. 1672;
B.A. 1672-3; M.A. 1676; B.D. 1683. Fellow of Sidney, 1673.
Ord. priest (Ely) Sept. 23, 1676. V. of Albrighton, Salop.
Married, at Hickling, Notts., to Elizabeth Fisher, Apr. 23,
1684. Father of William (1704) and John (1710).
SCOTT, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, Jan. 5,
1676-7. B. at Ely, Cambs. School, Ely. Matric. 1677;
B.A. 1680-1. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Mar. 1681-2; priest,
Dec. 22, 1683. Perhaps R. of Boulge, Suffolk, 1687. R. of
Debach, 1688.
SCOT, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from King's, Michs. 1690.
Doubtless s. of Peter (1667). B. at Windsor, Berks. Colleger
at Eton, 1683-9. Adm. at the Inner Temple, May 18, 1693.
Buried at CamberweU, Surrey, Mar. 24, 1705. Brother of
Peter (1681). {Coll. Top. et Gen., in. 147.)
SCOTT, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Sidney, May 5,
1704. 1st s. of William (1669), B.D., deceased, V. of
Albrighton, Salop. B. there. School, Albrighton (Mr Henry
Yeomans). Matric. 1704; B.A. 1707-8; M.A. 1711- Ord.
deacon (Ely) Dec. 19, 1708. Probably C. of Southill, Beds.,
1 7 10. Brother of John (1710).
SCOTT, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Trinity, Jan. 19,
1742-3. S. of John, of King's Lynn, Norfolk. School, Lynn
(Mr Pigg). Colleger at Eton, 1739. Matric. i743; Scholar,
1746; B.A. 1746-7; M.A. 1750. Ord. deacon (Ely) Dec. 6,
1747; priest (Norwich) Sept. 1750. Assistant morning
preacher at St Sepulchre's, Snow Hill, London. Author,
sermons, etc. (H. G. Harrison.)
SCOTT, . B.A. 1523-4-
SCOTT, . B.D. 1524-5. A friar.
SCOTT, . B.A. 1529-30.
SCOTT, . Adm. Fell.-Com. at Corpus Christi, 1583.
SCOTT, . Matric. from St John's, c. 1591.
SCOTT, . Adm. Fell.-Com. at Emmanuel, Easter, 1624.
SCOTCHBURNE, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Jan. 8, 1684-5.
Of Lincolnshire. Matric. 1685; B.A. 1689-90. Ord. deacon
(London) Dec. 18, 1692; priest. Mar. 8, 1695-6. V. of Frant,
Sussex, 1702-41. Buried there Apr. 1, i74i-
SCOTCHMER, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Caius, Mar. 30,
1739. S. of Thomas, clothier, of Bury St Edmunds. Bapt.
there, June 4, 1719. School, Bury (Mr Kynnesman). Scholar,
1739-46; Matric. 1740; B.A. 1742-3; M-A. 1746. Fellow,
1747-8. College testimonial for deacon's orders, June 3,
1743. DiedDcc. 31, 1748, agcd29. M.I. at St James' Church,
Bury. {Venn, 11. 46.)
33 3
ScoTHORs, George
SCOTHORS, GEORGE. Matric. sizar from Clare, Easter, 1623.
SCOTMAN, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Caius, June i, 1726.
S. of Thomas, brewer, of Newmarket, Cambs. B. there.
School, Bury (Mr Kynnesman). Scholar, 1726-33; Matric.
1727; B.A. 1729-30; M.A. 1733. Fellow, 1733-50. Ord.
deacon (Norwich) Mar. 14, 1730-1; priest, Sept. 23, 1733.
{Venn, 11. 25.)
SCOTSON, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, c. 1594;
B.A. 1599-1600. Licensed to practise medicine, 1604. One
of these names of South MaUing, Sussex, gent.; will (P.C.C.)
SCOTSON, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 23) at St John's, May 8,
1685. S. of Thomas, husbandman. B. at Abbot Park,
Col ton. Lanes. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1685; B.A. 1688-9;
M.A. 1692. Fellow, 1 69 1-9. Taxor, 1694. Incorp. at Oxford,
1693. Ord. priest (Carlisle, Litt. dim. from Durham) Mar. 20,
SCOTTON, EDWARD. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Apr. 14, 1637.
Of Warwickshire. Matric. 1637.
SCOTTON, JOHN. B.Can.L. 1476-7.
Christi, 1721. Of Norfolk. S. of Thomas, of Norwich, and
Little Melton. Matric. 1721; B..'^. 1724-5; M..^. 1728; B.D.
1736. Fellow, 1726-51. Taxor, 1729. Declined the Master-
ship of Corpus Christi, 1750. Ord. priest (Lincoln) Sept. 21,
1735. R. of St Lawrence Pountney, and St Mary Abchurch,
1747-9. Preb. of Chichester, 1748-67. R. of Rodmell,
Sussex, 1749-67. R. of Slinfold, 1760-7. Master of Leicester
Hospital, Wanvick. Died Apr. 1767. Will (P.C.C.) Skottowe.
SCOTTOW, MILES. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Easter,
1606. Of Norwich. B.A. 1609; M.A. 1613. Incorp. at
Oxford, 1615. V. of Bengeo, Herts., 1623-5. R. of Charlton
St Luke, Kent, 1625-6. Buried there. Will proved (Cons.
C. Rochester) July 14, 1626.
SCOTTOW, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1639. Of Norwich. Of Little Melton, Norfolk.
Married a dau. of Sir Charles Le Gross, Knt. Buried at
Melton, 1656. {Masters.)
SKOTTOWE, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Aug. 24,
1598. S. of Richard, vintner, of Norwich. School, Norwich
(Mr Limbard). Matric. 1597-8; Scholar, 1598-1605; B.A.
1600-1; M.A. 1605. Fellow, 1605-11. R. of Bamby, and
V. of Mutford, Suffolk, 1610-3. {Venn, i. 166.)
SCOWN, THOMAS. B.Can.L. 1503-4.
SCOYLE, JOHN. Adm. at King's (age 17) a scholar from Eton,
.'^ug. 17, 1510. Of Sudbury, Suffolk. Perhaps s. of William
[Scole], baker (will, 1526). B.A. 1514-5; M.A. 1518. Fellow,
1513. Ord. deacon (Ely) Mar. 8, 1515-6; priest, 1516. R. of
Hadleigh, Suffolk. Perhaps R. of moiety of Gamlingay,
Cambs., 1546-54.
SCRAFTON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Trinity, June 4,
1694. S. of William, of Trinity Lane, London. B. in Friday
Street, London. Bapt. July 10, 1677, at St Margaret Moses.
School, St Paul's. Matric. 1695; Scholar, 1697; B.A. 1697-8;
M.A. 1701. Ord. priest (London) May 31, 1702. V. of
Clacton Magna, Essex, 1702-4. R. of Paul's Cray, Kent,
1704-43. Died Jan. 31, 1743. M.I. at Paul's Cray.
SCRANTON, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1618; B.A. 1621-2; M.A. 1625. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept.
20; priest, Sept. 21, 1623. Probably of Canterbury, and
possibly C. of St Dunstan's, Canterbury. Died June 10, 1648,
aged 47. Buried in the Chancel of St Dunstan's. M.I.
(H. G. Harrison.)
SCRENE, . Scholar at King's Hall, 1460-1.
SCRIBO, MOOR. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Sidney, June 9, 1742.
2nd s. of James, farmer, deceased, of Thomey, Cambs.
B. at Tidd St Giles', Cambs. School, Moulton, Lines.
(Mr Chapman). Matric. 1743; B.A. 1745-6. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) Dec. 1746; priest (Lincoln) Sept. 25, 1748. R. of
Croyland, Lines., 1767-1808. Died July 18, 1808.
SCRIME, see also SKYRME.
SCRIME or SKRIME, EDMUND. Matric. pens, from Trinity,
Michs. 1615; B.A. 1617-8; M.A. 1621. Perhaps brother of
the next.
SCRIME, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1617;
B.A. 1620.
SKRYME, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1583. Perhaps adm. at Caius; see the next.
SKRYME or SKRYNNE, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 15) at
Caius, May 23, 1583. S. of John. B. at Snettisham, Norfolk.
School, Lynn (Mr Iverye).
Scrivener, Charles
SKRYMSHER, CHARLES. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity,
June 22, 1709. S. of George (Gerard), M.D., of Woodseaves,
Shrops. School, Uttoxeter, Staffs. (Mr Burton). Matric.
1709; B.A. 1713-4. {Staffs. Pedigrees.)
SCRYMSHERE, GARRARD. Matric. pens, from Trinity,
Easter, 1635. S. of James, of Norbury, Staffs. Scholar, 1638;
B.A. 1638-9; M.D. 1661 {Lit. Reg.). Living at Norbury,
1680. {Staffs. Pedigrees, 1664-1700.)
SCRYMSHERE, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Feb. 12, 1636-7.
Perhaps s. and h. of John, of Norbury, Staffs., Esq. Adm.
at Gray's Inn, Nov. 18, 1639. Died vit.pat. {Staffs. Pedigrees.)
SCRIMSHIRE, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May 24, 1660.
Of Nottinghamshire. S. of John. Bapt. at Cotgrave, May 20,
1641. Matric. 1661, 'William'; B.A. 1663-4; M.A. 1667.
R. of Cotgrave, 1667-9. V. of Sneinton, 1667-9. Died June
24, 1669. Buried at Cotgrave. Perhaps brother of the next.
(Godfrey, Notts.)
SCRIMSHIRE, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Apr. 29,
1673. Of Nottinghamshire. Perhaps s. of John. Matric.
1674; B.A. from King's, 1676-7; M.A. 1680. Perhaps brother
of John (above).
SCRYMGEOUR, THOMAS. B.A. 1501-2; M.A. 1505.
SKRIMSHIRE, WILLIAM. B.A. 1486-7; M.A. 1490-1. Perhaps
R. of Norbury, Staffs., 1530-3, 'M.A.'
SKRYMSHER, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse,
Michs. 1547.
SCRIMSHIRE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, June 8,
1661. Of London. Matric. 1661. Perhaps s. and h. of
William, citizen of London; adm. at Gray's Inn, Oct. 21,
1664. If so, married Hannah Hatley, Sept. i, 1673.
SKRIMSHIRE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age ly) at St John's,
June 17, 1671, as Shrimsheire. S. of Roger, deceased, of
Holme, Notts. B. there. School, Newark.
B.Civ.L. 1496.
SCRIVEN, EDWARD. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's, Oct. 2,
1685. S. of Edward, blacksmith, of Northampton. B. in
Northamptonshire. School, Gt Houghton, near Northampton
(Mr Steele). Matric. 1686; B.A. 1689-90. Ord. deacon
(London) Sept. 21, 1690; priest (Peterb.) May 30, 1697.
C. of Harpole, Northants., 1692; R. there, 1697-1704, 1737-9.
R. of Twywell, 1705-37. Married Sarah, dau. oif Samuel
Cory, of Harpole. Died Feb. 15, 1739. Buried at Harpole.
Will proved, Feb. 17, 1740-1, by son Edward.
SCRIVEN, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Sidney, Apr. 3,
1683. Only s. of Thomas, R. of Knotting, Beds. B. there.
Educated at home. Matric. 1684; B.A. 1687-8; M.A. 1691.
Ord. priest (Lincoln) Dec. 23, 1688. V. of Irchester, North-
ants., 1688-1705. R. of Harpole, 1704-37. V. of Shpton,
1707-37. Married Elizabeth Ekins, Sept. 27, 1688, at
Woodford, Northants. Died May 2, 1737. Buried at Harpole.
WiU, P.C.C. Father of William (1716). {Baker, 1. 178.)
SCRIVEN, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Sidney, Mar. 17,
1683-4. S. of Samuel, farmer. B. at Northampton. Schools,
Northampton (Mr Archer and Mr Jackson) and Houghton
(MrStiU). Matric. 1683-4; B.A. 1686-7; M.A. 1691. Perhaps
schoolmaster at St Giles', Northampton, 1690-2.
SCRIVEN, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Sidney, May 17,
1716. 4th s. of Thomas (1683), V. of Irchester, Northants.
B. there, Apr. 17, 1698. School, Uppingham. Matric. 1716;
B.A. 1719-20; M.A. 1730. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 25,
1720; priest, Sept. 23, 1722. C. of Addington parva, North-
ants. R. of Twywell, 1737-68. Succeeded his father as V. of
Slipton, Northants., 1737. Buried at Twywell, Dec. 8, 1768.
(T. P. Dorman.)
SCRIVEN, WILLIAM. M.A. from King's, 1726. S. of Henry,
of Woodford, Northants. B. at Famdon, Woodford. Matric.
(Pembroke College, Oxford) Mar. 4, 1717-8, age 18; B.A.
(Oxford) 1722. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 23, 1722; priest,
Sept. 22, 1723; C. of Newton, Northants., 1722; of Gedding-
ton, in 1723; v., 1727-35. R. of Church Lawford, Warws.,
1735-7. Died Nov. 1737. (/I/. 0.ro».; H. I. Longden.)
SCREVIN, . M.Gram. 1520-1.
SCRIVENER, BARTHOLOMEW. Matric. sizar from St John's,
c. 1596. B. at Bridlington, Yorks. B.A. 1600-1; .M.A. 1604.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1604. Ord. deacon (Ely); priest (London)
Oct. 3, 1606, age 28. V. of Messing, Essex, 1606-19. Married
Margaret, dau. of Thomas Morris, priest, of Layer Mamey,
Essex, June 9, 1607. Died 1619. Will proved (Cons. C.
London) Sept. 6, 1619. Brother of William (1608).
SCRIVENER, CHARLES. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, 1675.
4th s. of Thomas (1629), of Tannington, Suffolk. B. Apr. 26,
1660. School, Woodbridge. Matric. 1676; Scholar of Trinity
Hall, Aug. 9, 1679; LL.B. 1681. Fellow of Trinity HaU {LU.
Reg.), 1684-90. Ord. deacon (London) Dec. 20, 1689. V. of
Scrivener, Charles
Gazeley, Suffolk, 1602. R. of Wilby, 1699. Married Anne,
dau. of Thomas Wharton. Died Aug. 8, 1737. Brother of
John (1668), Henry (1681) and Matthew (1677-8), father of
the next, Edmund (1710) and Thomas (1717). (Burke, L.G.;
Vis.ofSuff., 1664.)
scrivener, CHARLES. Adm. scholar at Trinity Hall, Aug.
25,1715. Of Suffolk. S. of Charles (above). B. Nov. 1, 1694.
School, Woodbridge. LL.B. 1718. Of Sibton, Esq. Married
Margaret, dau. of Francis Bedingfield, of Bedingfield. Died
Sept. 24, 1751. Brother of Edmund (1710) and Thomas
(1717). (Burke, L.G.)
SCRIVENER, EDMUND. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Pembroke,
Apr. 28, 1710. S. of Charles (1675), R. of Wilby, Suffolk.
B. Jan. 10, 1691, at Gazeley. Matric. 1710. Brother of
Charles (1715) and Thomas (1717).
SCRIVENER, HENRY. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caiup, June 28,
i68i. S. of Thomas (1629), of Sibton, Suffolk. B. there.
School, Bury (Mr Leeds). Matric. 1681; Scholar, 1681-5;
M.B. 1686. Fellow of Pembroke, 1687 (by Royal mandate).
Recorded in a list of non-jurors, in 1690. Probably died 1690.
Brother of Charles (1675), etc. (Venn, i. 467; Vis. of Suff.,
1664; KettleweU's Lt/£.)
SCRIVENER, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 18) at Pembroke,
Apr. 24, 1668. S. of Thomas (1629). B. at Sibton, Suffolk.
M.A. 1669 (Lit. Reg.). Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Mar. 2, 1669-
70. Died 1720. Brother of Charles (1675), etc. (Vis. of
Suff., 1664.)
SCRIVENER, MATTHEW. Matric. pens, from Trinity Hall,
Easter, 1573; Scholar, 1.573; LL.B. 1579. Fellow, 1581-90.
SCRIVENER, MATTHEW. Matric. pens, from Trinity, c. 1596;
Scholar, 1599; B.A. 1599-1600; M.A. from Pembroke, 1603.
Fellow of Pembroke, 1602.
SCRIVENER, MATTHEW. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's,
Michs. 1639. OfSuffolk. S. of John, of Sibton. B.A. 1643-4;
M.A. 1647. V. of Haslingfleld, Cambs., 166&-88. Author,
religious. Died c. 1688. (D.N.B.)
SCRIVENER, MATTHEW. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Feb. 4, 1677-8.
Of Suffolk. 5th s. of Thomas (1629), of Sibton. B. July 25,
1661. School, Woodbridge. Matric. 1677-8; Scholar, 1680;
B.A. 1681-2; M.A. 1685. Fellow, 1683-8. Died in College.
Will proved (V.C.C. and P.C.C.) 1688. Brother of Charles
(1675), etc.
SCRYVENER, RALPH. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, Apr. 8,
1611. S. and h. of Peter, gent., of Bacton, Norfolk. B. at
Keswick, Norfolk. School, North Walsham (Mr Tylles).
Matric. 1611. Succeeded his father, in 1620. (Venn, i. 211;
Vis. of Norfolk.)
SCRIVENER, SAMUEL. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter,
1631. Scholar from Westminster, 1629. B.A. 1632-3; M.A.
1636. R. of Westhorpe, Suffolk, 1636.
SCRIVENER, THOMAS. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Pembroke,
Easter, 1629. S. and h. of John, of Sibton, Suffolk, Esq.
Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. ii, 1630. Called to the Bar,
1638. Married Elizabeth, dau. of William Grudgfield, of
Fressingfield, Dec. 15, 1640. A great sufferer in the Royal
cause. Died 1682 (1667, according to Burke). Buried at
Sibton. Father of Charles (1675), Henry (1681), John (1668)
and Matthew (1677-8). (V. B. Redstone; Burke, L.G.)
SCRIVENER, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 19) at Caius, June 25,
1717. S. of Charles (1675), R. of Wilby, Suffolk, and nephew
of Henry (i68i). B. at Gately, Norfolk. School, Monk Soham
(private). Matric. 1717; Scholar, 1717-8. Migrated to
Pembroke, Mar. 28, 1718. Buried at Sibton, Suffolk, Sept. ir,
1736. Brother of Charles (i7i5> and Edmund (1710). (Venn,
II. 8.)
SCRIVENER, WILLIAM. Scholar of Christ's, 1537-9; B.A.
SCRIVENER, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs.
1608. B. at Bridlington, Yorks. B.A. 1612-3; M.A. 1616.
Ord. deacon (London) Mar. 5, 1614-5, age 24; 'C. of Elsen-
ham, Essex'; priest (Lincoln) Sept. 1616. Brother of
Bartholomew (c. 1596).
SCROGGS, EDWARD. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1606.
Probably s. and h. of John, of Albury, Herts., deceased.
Bapt. there, July 6, 1591. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 24,
1606. Of Patmore Hall. Married Penelope, dau. of John
Smythe, of Bardfield, Essex. Will proved (P.C.C.) Oct. 1622.
(Misc. Gen. et Her., 5th S., iii. 77.)
SCROGGS, JOHN. .'\dm. pens, (age 15) at Christ's, Apr. 8, 1671.
S. and h. of John. B. Aug. 20, 1654, at Albury, Herts.
School, Bishop's Stortford (Mr Cudworth). Matric. 1671.
Adm. at Gray's Inn, May i, 1672. Buried at Albury, Jan. 8,
1685. Probably father of Thomas (1702). (Peite, 11. 34.)
ScRooPE, Henry
SCROGGES, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Trinity, c. 1596.
Perhaps s. of Richard, of St Ives, Hunts., and of Renhold,
Beds. (Misc. Gen. et Her., 5th S., iii. 71.)
SCROGGS, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1702.
Of Hertfordshire. Doubtless s. of John (1671), of Albury,
Herts. B. 1685. Matric. Easter, 1703. Adm. at the Middle
Temple, Nov. 28, 1704. Barrister-at-la w (stc). Of Patmore
Hall. Died unmarried, July 18, 1710, aged 25. M.I. in Albury
Church. (Clutterbuck, in. 338.)
SCROGGS, . Adm. Fell. -Com. at King's, Lent, 1631-2.
Possibly John, s. and h. of Edward (i6o6), of Albury, Herts.
Bapt. there, June 25, 1612. Of Patmore Hall, Esq. Married
and had issue. Died June 13, 1692, aged 80. M.I. at Albury.
Perhaps father of John (1671). (Clutterbuck, in. 338; .Misc.
Gen. et Her., 5th S., iii. 78.)
SCROOBY or SKREWBY, JAMES. Matric. sizar from Peter-
house, Michs. 1568; B.A. 1571-2; M.A. 1575; B.D. 1582.
Fellow, 1574. Ord. deacon (Lincoki) Oct. 18, 1577. V. of
Cherry Hinton, Cambs., 1580-2. V. of Melboum, 1582-1616.
Buried there Nov. 22, 1616. Perhaps father of the next.
(Cooper, II. 288.)
SCROOBY or SCRUBY, JOSEPH. B.A. from Christ's. 1607-8.
Perhaps s. of James (above). M.A. 1611. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) Feb. 25; priest, Feb. 26, 1615-6. V. of Gt Hormead,
Herts., 1619-61. Died before Feb. 24, 1661. (Peile, i. 251;
Clutterbuck, iii. 421.)
SCROPE, ADRIAN. Adm. at King's (age 16) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 14, 1548. Of Hambleden, Bucks. Probably 5th
s. of John, of Spennithome, Yorks., and of Buckinghamshire.
Matric. 1548; B.A. 1552-3; M.A. 1556. Fellow, 1551-62.
Married Ursula, dau. of George Ludlow, of Hill Deverill,
Wilts. Buried at Hambleden, Jan. 23, 1577-8. Will, P.C.C.
Brother of Robert (1551). (Lines. Pedigrees, 862; Foster,
Yorks. Pedigrees.)
SCROOPE, ADRIAN. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Easter,
1614. 2nd s. of Sir Adrian, of Cockerington, Lines., Knt.
Scholar; B.A. 1616-7; M.A. 1621. Fellow, i6i8. Steward
to the Duke of Lennox, in 1634. Married Jane, dau. of
Robert Newcomen, LL.D., at Chesterton, Cambs., Sept. 24,
1621. Living, 1642. (Lines. Pedigrees, 863.)
SCROOPE, ADRIAN. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 16) at St John's,
May 18, 1632. S. andh. of SirGervase, Knt., of Cockerington,
Lines. B. at Dorchester. School, Westminster. Matric. 1632;
M.A. 1635-6 (Lit. Reg.). Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, June 9, 1634.
K.B., 1661. M.P. for Grimsby, 1661-6. A valiant loyalist.
Of Cockerington. Married Mary, dau. of Sir Robert Carr,
Bart., of Sleaford. Died 1666. Buried at Cockerington.
Admon., Sept. 5, 1667. To be distinguished from the regicide
of these names — a distant kinsman. Father of Gervase (1667).
(D.N.B.; Lines. Pedigrees, 864.)
SCROPE, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney, Mar. 27,
1623. 2nd s. of Christopher, Esq., of Spennithome, Yorks.
B. May 10, 1606, at Danby, Yorks. Schools, Thornton
Stewart (Francis Roberts) and Pocklington (Richard Crosse).
Matric. 1623. Married Mary, dau. of Sir Edward Plumpton,
of Plumpton. Died s.p., 1661. (Vis. of Yorks., 1665;
Genealogist, N.S., xv. 168.)
SCROPE, GEOFFREY. D.Can.L. 1499-1500. Ord. priest (Ely)
Apr. 2, 1496. R. of Kclshall, Herts., 1488-94. R. of Fingall.
One of these names, clerk, 4th s. of Thomas, 5th Lord Scrope
of Masham (d. 1475), succeeded his brother Ralph as gth and
last Baron Scrope of Masham, 1515. Died unmarried, 1515,
aged 32 (sic). (The date of his father's death clearly makes
this impossible.) (Fisher, Masham; G.E.C.)
SCROOPE, GERVASE. Adm. Fell. -Com. (age 17) at Magdalene,
Dec. iq, 1667. 2nd s. of Sir Adrian (1632), Knt., of Cockering-
ton, Lines. Died before 1680. (Lines. Pedigrees, 864.)
SCROOPE, GERVASE. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Magdalene,
July 2, 1733. S. of Gervase, Esq. B. at Cockerington, Lines.,
Sept. 2, 1714. School, Manchester (private). Matric. 1733;
B.A. 1738-9. High Sheriff of Lines., 1758. Of Cockerington,
and Eastcot Park, Middlesex. Died unmarried, June 5
(? May 29), 1776. Buried at Cockerington. (Lines. Pedigrees,
865; G. Mag.)
SCRUPPE, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1566.
SCROOPE, HENRY. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Emmanuel, Lent,
1584-5; M.A. 1588 (fil. nob.). Doubtless 2nd s. of Henry,
Lord Scroope, of Bolton; adm. at Gray's Inn, Jan. 12,
1587-8. Of East Greenwich, Kent. Died s.p., Oct. 5, 1625.
Buried at East Greenwich. Will proved (London) Oct. 7,
1625. (Genealogist, N.S., xv. i66.)
SCROOPE, HENRY Adm. pons, at Clare, Nov. 14, 1691. Of
London. Probably s. and h. of Adrian, of the Inner Temple.
Matric. 1692; B.A. 1695-6. Adm. at the Inner Temple,
May 4, 1689.
ScROOPE. Ralph
SCROPE, RALPH. B.A. 1474-5- 3rd s. of Sir Henry, 4_th Lord
Scrope. M.A. i477; B.D. and D.D. 1479-80. Probably
feUow of Queens', c. i479- Preb. of Lincoln 1477-1517.
R of Gt Dunmow, Essex, 1481. R. of Hambleden, Bucks.,
ia8q Archdeacon of Northumberland, 1493-1516. Died
Mar. 2 (? 28), 1516-7. M.L at Hambleden. (A. B. Beaven;
Genealogist, N.S., xv. 164.)
SCROOPE, RICHARD. LL.D. Probably s. of Henry, ist Baron
Scrope of Masham (according to G.E.C.). Chancellor of the
University, 1378-9. R. of Ainderby Steeple, Yorks., 1367.
Dean of Chichester, c. 1383. Bishop of Lichfield, 1386-98.
.-Archbishop of York, 1398-1405. Joined the Northern
rebellion. Executed at York, June 8, 1405. Buried in the
Scrope Chapel, York Minster. {D.N.B.; G.E.C., where the
vexed question of his parentage is examined and the prob-
ability of his being a son of Richard, ist Lord Scrope of
Bolton is disputed.)
SCROOP, RICHARD. Warden of King's Hall, 1457-63- and
s of Sir Richard, 3rd Lord Scrope of Bolton. B. 1419.
ChanceUor of the University, 1461-2. R. of Ditton, Cambs.,
1447 'M.A.' R. of Wensley, Yorks., 1447-68. Dean of
Hastings. Bishop of Carlisle, 1464-8. Died May 10, 1468,
aged 49. Buried in Carlisle Cathedral. Will, York.
SCROOPE, RICHARD. 'B.A. of Trinity'; ord. deacon (York)
Sept. 19, 1675 ; priest. May 21, 1676. R. of Thornton WaUass,
Yorks., 1679-96. Died 1696.
SCROUPE, ROBERT. Adm. at King's (age 16) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 22, 1551. Of Hambleden, Bucks. S. of John, of
Spennithome, Yorks., and of Buc'ninghamshire. B.A. 1555-6;
M A 1559. Fellow, 1554-60. Student of law at Lincom s
Inn. Buried at Hambleden, May 10, 1598-9- Will, P.C.C.
Brother of Adrian (1548). {Lines. Pedigrees, 862.)
SCROOPE, STEPHEN LE. LL.D. S. of Sir Stephen, 2ud Baron
Scrope. Chancellor of the University, 1414- Preb. of
Lichfield, 1396-1400. Preb. of York, 1400-2. Archdeacon
of Richmond, 1400-18. Preb. of Ripon, 1401. R. of
Hornby, and R. of Langhame, Carmarthen, 1401. Died
Sept. 5, 1418. Buried in St Stephen's Chapel, York Minster.
M.I. (G.E.C.)
SCROOPE, . Fell.-Com. at Jesus, 1567-8.
SCRUDDYL, . M.A. or higher degree, 1520-1.
SCRUTON, RICHARD. Adm. sizar at Christ's, June 5, 1674-
B at Scruton, Yorks. School, Bishop Weannouth (Mr
Broughton). Matric. 1674; B.-A. 1677-8; M.A. 1681. Ord.
deacon (Durham) June 5, 1680; priest (York) Sept. 1682.
R. of Dinsdale and Middleton St George, Durham, 1690-3.
{Peile, II. 53.)
SCRUTON, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Sx John's, Easter,
1618; B.A. 1621-2; M.A. 1625.
SCRUTTON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Pembroke,
July 6, 1619. S. of William, of Walton, SuSolk. Matric.
1619; Scholar, 1622; B.A. 1622-3; M.A. 1626.
SCUDAMORE, HUGH. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Apr. 23,
1608. 4th s. of Thomas, of Overton, Yorks. Bapt. Jan. 17,
1593-4, at Holy Trinity, Goodramgate, York. Matric. 1608;
B.A. 1611-2; M.A. 1615. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) July 23;
priest, July 24, 1619. Probably R. of Skelton, York, 1619.
R. of Holtby, Yorks., 1632. Married Alice, dau. of Henry
Watkinson, of Ilkley. Died May 1, 1665, aged 71- {Vis. of
Yorks., 1612; Due. Lead., 36.)
SCUDAMORE, HUGH. Matric. pens, from Peterhouse, Easter,
1609 (probably the above).
SCUDAMORE, JOHN. Adm. at King's, 1596-7; B.A. 1603-4.
SCUDAMORE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Sx Caiharine's,
Michs. 1654.
SCUDAMORE, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 14) at St John's,
Oct. 27, 1701. 3rd s. of John, 2nd Viscount Scudamore of
Sligo. B. at Holme Lacy, Hereford. School, Westminster.
Adm. at the Inner Temple, Oct. 21, 1700. Of Cradock, Esq.
Died unmarried, Feb. 1713-4, aged 27 Buried at Holme
Lacy. {G.E.C.)
SCUDAMORE, SAMUEL. B.A. 1635 (Incorp. from Oxford).
S. of WUliam, of St Swithin, London, gent. Matric. (New
Inn Hall, Oxford) Nov. 4, 1631, age 21; B.A. 1634. V. of
Epsom, Surrey, 1637. R. of Byifleet, 1647-62, ejected.
Perhaps his admon. (P.C.C.) Feb. 20, 1672; of Chertsey.
{Al Oxon.)
SCUDAMORE, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Queens', Apr. 27,
1646. Of Hertfordshire (? Hereford). One of these names
3rd s. of John, of Kentchurch and Rowlstone, Herefordshire.
Buried at St Peter's, Oxford, Aug. 9, 1647, aged 20.
{Robinson, 156.)
Seagrave, John
SCUDAMORE, . Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, 1605-6.
Probably John, 2nd s. of Thomas, of Overton, Yorks. Bapt.
June 27, 1590, at Holy Trinity, York. Married Anne, dau. of
William Bourchier, June 17, 1620. Probably brother of
Hugh (160S) and of the next. (T. A. Walker.)
SCUDAMORE, . Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, 1605-6.
Probably William, s. and h. of Thomas, of Overton, Yorks.
Bapt. Feb. 18, 1588-9, at St Michael-le-Belfry, York. Adm.
at Gray's Inn, Nov. 21, 1608. Married Elizabeth, dau. of
William Bourchier. Died Apr. 4, 1661. Probably brother
of Hugh (1608) and John (1605-6). {T. A. Walker.)
SCUDAMORE, . Adm. pens, at Sx Catharine's, Easter,
SCWDDER, HENRY. B.A. (? 1602-3); M.A. ^o™ Christ's, 1606.
R. of Drayton, Oxford. R. of Collingboume Ducis, Wilts.,
1633. Preached before the House of Commons a memorable
sermon, Oct. 1644. Held presbyterian views. Minister at
St Mildred Poultry, London, 1645-6. A member of the
committee for the Scriptures, 1648. Author, rehgious.
Buried at Collingboume. Will (P.C.C.) 1652. {Peile, i. 233;
SCULTHORPE, MARTIN. 'D.D. from Cambridge." Of Norfolk.
Carmelite friar at Blakeney. Died c. 1430. {Pits, 621.)
SCULTHORP, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs.
SCURFIELD, GODARD. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter,
1626. Of Hertfordshire. Probably s. of John (next). B.A.
1629-30; M.A. 1633. R. of Holwell, Beds., 1637. Licence
(St Albans) to marry Frances, dau. of Edmund Brokett, of
Gravely. Buried at HolweU, Oct. 19, i685. (W. M. Noble.)
SCURFEYLD, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 1570;
B.A. from Christ's, 1575-6. Ord. priest (London) Nov. 29,
1578. Chaplain to Sir Ralph Sadler. R. of Little Shelford,
Cambs., 1580-1600. R. of Hertingfordbury, Herts., 1584-
1601. Probably father of Godard (above). {Peile, i. 121.)
SCURLOCK, JONATHAN. Adm. pens, at Trinity, June 5, 1673-
Matric. 1673. Probably s. and h. of John, of Caimarthen,
alderman; adm. at Gray's Inn, Apr. 29, 1675.
SCURR or SKURRE, LEONARD. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Sidney,
June 25, 1644. S. of John, brewer. B. at Pontefract, Yorks.
Schools, Pontefract and Coxwold. Matric. 1644; B.A. 1647;
M.A. 1652. Assistant minister at Beeston, Yorks., 1651;
ejected, 1662. Undertook the management of a coal mine
near Beeston, where he, his mother and a servant were
murdered, Jan. 22, 1680. {Calamy, 11. 555; Whitaker, Loidis
and Elmele, 95, 102.)
SCUTT, JOHN. B.A. 1562-3.
SCUT or SKUT, ROBERT, alias EXWORTH. B.Can.L. 1463-4-
A monk.
SEABORNE, EDMUND. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Sidney, May 12,
1669. S. and h. of John, clothier, of Dedham, Essex. B. there.
Schools, Ipswich and Dedham (Mr Edmund Sherman).
Matric. 1669; B.A. 1672-3; M.A. 1676. Ord. deacon (Nor-
wich) Mar. 1673-4; priest, Sept. 1677. R. of Little Oakley,
Essex, 1684-1706. Died 1706.
SEABORNE, JAMES. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, Apr. 20,
1685. S. and h. of Thomas, gent., of W>Tnondham, Norfolk.
B. there. School, Wymondham. Matric. 1685; Scholar,
1685-90; B.A. 1688-9. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, June 24,
1687. Died in London, July 2, 1691, aged 23. Buried at
Wymondham. M.I. {Venn, i. 478.)
SEABORNE or SEBBORN, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from
Christ's, Michs. 1620. Migrated to Emmanuel, Easter, 1621.
B.A. 1624-5; M.A. 1628. Ord. priest (Ely) Sept. 3, 1632.
C. of Langham, Essex, 1634, afterwards R. there, till 1669.
Died 1669. WiU, P.C.C. {Peile, 1. 336; H. Smith.)
SEABROOKE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Trinity, May 24,
1676. S. of John. B. at Knotting, Beds. School, Knotting
(MrScriven). Matric. 1676; B.A. 1679-80.
SEAGAR, see also SAGAR.
SEAGAR or SEGER, GEORGE. Matric. sizar from Corpus
Christi, Michs. 1626. Of Sussex. B.A. 1629-30. Perhaps
of Hastings, Sussex, clerk; if so, married Theodosia, dau. of
Richard Stollion, of Hastings, Apr. 9, 1634.
SEAGAR or SIGAR, HENRY. B.A. 1486-7; M.A. 1491.
SEAGAR, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from King's, Easter, 1685;
B.A. It"
SEAGAR or SEYGAR, . Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1544.
SEAGRAVE, CHARLES. M.A. 1615 (on King's visit). Perhaps
2nd s. of Ralph, of Scalford, Leics. (and Margaret Duffield,
of Devonshire). If so, married Alice, dau. of John Flower,
of Whitwell, Rutland. {Nichols, 11. 314-)
SEGRAVE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter, 1622.
Seagrave, Richard
SEGRAVE, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Michs.
SEAGRAVE, RICHARD. Adm. pens, (age 19) at Christ's,
Apr. 19, 1637. S. of Richard. B. at Grantham. Schools,
Grantham (Mr Wilkinson) and Lincohi (Mr Clearke). Matric.
SEAGRAVE, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at Clare, Nov. 8, 1710.
S. of Robert, V. of Twyford, Leics. B. there, Nov. 22, 1693.
School, Oakham. Matric. 1711; B.A. 1714-5; M.-'V. 1718.
Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Feb. 26, 1715-6. R. of Cold Overton,
Leics., 1720-6. Acted as an extra-parochial clergyman and
preached in many places. Joined the O.xford Methodist
movement. Preacher at Lorimer's Hall, Cripplegate, London,
1739. Wrote hymns and religious works. Probably died
1760. Brother of the next. {D.N.B.)
SEAGRAVE, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Clare, Feb. 18, 1718-9.
S. of Robert, V. of Twyford, Leics. B. there. Matric. 1719;
B.A. 1723-4; M.A. 1727. Incorp. at Oxford, 1728. Ord.
deacon (Lincoln) Mar. 10, 1722-3. Perhaps of Whatcott,
Warws., clerk. Brother of Robert (above).
SEGRAVE, STEPHEN DE. D.Can.L. ChanceUor of the Uni-
versity, 1306-7 (? 1303-6, according to Le Neve, Fasti).
R. of Aylestone, Leics., 1297-1320. R. of Stowe, Northants.,
1300-1S (the seat of his kinsman Nicholas de Segrave).
Dean of Glasgow and canon of Dunkeld, c. 1309. Archdeacon
of Essex, 1315-9. V. of Stepney, London, 1315. Canon of
Lincoln, c. 1318. Dean of Lichfield, 1320-3. Canon of St
Paul's. Archbishop of Armagh, 1323-33. Died in England,
Oct. 27, 1333. (D.N.B.; Nichols, iv. 30.)
Christi. B.A. 1520-1; M.A. 1524. Will proved (V.C.C.) 1553.
SIGRAVE, WILLIAM. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1552; M.A.
1556. Presented to Grantchester, Cambs., 1554. Died 1556.
SEGRAVE, . B.A. 1483-4. Perhaps John, V. of Croydon,
Cambs., till 1496. Died 1496.
SEAGROVE, GEORGE. Adm. sizar at Queens', Oct. 14, 1S89.
Of Hampshire. Matric. 1689; B.A. 1693-4. Chaplain in the
Navy, 1695.
SEALE, DAVID. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, June 3, 1693.
Of Derbyshire. Matric. 1696; B.A. 1696-7.
SEELE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, July 10, 1580.
S. of Abraham, of Newark-upon-Trent, Notts. School,
Newark. B.A. IJ83-4; M.A. 1587. Ord. deacon (Lincoln)
Mar. 2, 1585-6. One of these names R. of Bolton-nigh-
BoUand, Yorks., 1584; R. of Burton Agnes, 1602. But see
Al. Oxon. for a contemporary. {Venn, i. 107.)
SEELE or SELL, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
SEALE, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, May 24, 1717. Of
Derbyshire. B. 1700. School, Derby. Matric. 1717; B.A.
1720-1; M.A. 1724. V. of Redmersham, Kent, 1722-51.
Chaplain in the Navy, 1742. V. of St Werburgh and St
Michael, Derby, 1751-74. Chaplain of the gaol. Died May 21,
1774- M.I. at St Werburgh. WiU (P.C.C.) 1775.
SEELE, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Lent, 1577-8.
Perhaps ord. deacon and priest (Lincoln) 1586; 'of Lincoln
diocese.' V. of Kirmond, Lines., 1592-1610. Will (Lincoln)
SEALE, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Christ's, Apr. 4,
1661. S. of Gregory. B. at Mackworth, Derbs. School,
Mackworth (Mr Sam. Ogden). Matric. 1661.
SEEL, SAMUEL. Adm. scholar at Trinity Hall, Jan. 2,
1727-8. Of Liverpool. Doubtless s. of Thomas, of Liverpool,
merchant. Matric. 1727-8. Probably of Liverpool, merchant.
Admon. (Chester) 1747.
SEAMAN, AUGUSTINE. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Oct. 3,
1639. S. of Lionel, attorney, of Ellough, Suffolk. Bapt.
there, Dec. 30, 1623. Schools, Cove (Mr Rayner) and
Ipswich (Mr Holt). Matric. 1640; Scholar, 1640-4; B.A.
1643-4. {Venn, i. 336.)
SEAMAN, CHARLES. Adm. pens, at Queens', July 5, 1683.
Of Lincolnshire. Probably b. in London. Colleger at Eton,
1679-83. Matric. 1683; B.A. 1686-7.
SEAMAN, CHRISTOPHER. Adm. scholar at Caius, 1619. S. of
Robert, of Norfolk. School, North Walsham (Mr Tilles).
Matric. 1619; B.A. 1622-3; M.A. 1626. Fellow, 1628-34.
Ord. priest (Norwich) Sept. 23, 1627. R. of Sengham,
Norfolk, 1637-49; of Tattersett, 1637, and of Little Snoring,
1640-71. {Venn, i. 246.)
SEAMAN, CHRISTOPHER. Adm. sizar at Trinity, Apr. 22,
1663. B. Mar. 8, 1644. Matric. 1663; B.A. 1666-7; M.A.
1670. R. of Wiverton and of Little Snoring, Norfolk, 1671-
1717. Died Dec. 24, I7i7- Buried at Wiverton. (H. G.
Seaman, Robert
SEAMAN, DANIEL. Adm. pens, at Trinity, July 5, 1675.
Doubtless s. of Nathaniel (1639). Matric. 1676; B.A. 1678-9.
Brother of Thomas (1676).
SEAMAN, DUTTON. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinity, Mar. 26,
1683-4. S. and h. of Dutton, of Gray's Inn, gent. B. in
London. School, St Paul's. Adm. at the Inner Temple,
Nov. 3, 1685. Of Rotherby, Leics. Married Mary, dau. of
John Nourse, of Woodeaton, Oxon. Died Apr. 10, 1720,
aged 53. Buried at Rotherby. M.I. {Nichols, in. 397, 400.)
SEAMAN, EDMUND. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1626. Of Suffolk. B.A. 1627-8; M.A. 1631. Ord.
priest (Norwich) May 24, 1635. V. of Thrandeston, Suffolk,
1637. R. of Wortham Jarvis, 1637-44. Died 1644.
SEMAN, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Lent, 1582-3.
Perhaps scholar of Trinity Hall, 1584.
SEAMAN, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Michs,
1602. Of Suffolk. B.A. 1605-6; M.A. 1609.
SEMAN, H. Matric. pens, from Trinity Hall, Michs. 1561.
SEMAN, JOHN. Fellow of Trinity Hall. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) Feb. 28; priest, Mar. 12, 1439-40.
SEAMAN, JOHN. Adm. at King's (age 17) a scholar from Eton,
Aug. 16, 1546. Of Tring, Herts. Matric. 1546; B.A. 1550-1;
M.A. 1554. Fellow, 1549-54. Perhaps R. of Tibenham,
Norfolk, 1558, and R. of Flordon, 1561. One of these names
R. of Little Moulton, 1566. {Cooper, i. 104.)
SEAMAN, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter, 1579.
Of Essex. Probably s. and h. of John, of Chelmsford,
woollendraper, and afterwards of Panfield Priorv, Essex.
B.A. 1582-3; M.A. 1586. FeUow, 1583-94. Taxor, 1588-9.
Perhaps identical with John Seaman, LL.D., Chancellor of
the diocese of Gloucester, 1600-23. If so, succeeded his
father at Panfield Priory, 1604. Married and had issue.
Died June 29, 1623, aged 59. Buried at Painswick, Gloucs.
M.I. {Morant, 11. 408; Rudder, Gloucs., 163.)
SEEMAN, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius, July 4, 1622.
S. of Christopher, grocer, of Holt, Norfolk. School, Holt
(Mr Tallis). Matric. 1623; B.A. 1626-7; M.A. 1630. Ord.
deacon (Norwich) May 20; priest, Sept. 23, 1627. R. of
Billockby, Norfolk, 1631-73. WiU proved (Norwich Archd. C.)
1673. {Venn, 1. 259.)
SEAMAN, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter, 1624.
Of Yorkshire. B.A. 1627-8; M.A. 1631.
SEAMAN, JOHN. Adm. pens, from Corpus Christi, 1699. Of
Norfolk. Matric. 1699; B.A. 1702-3; M.A. 1706. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) June, 1707; priest (Norwich, Litt. dim. from
Canterbury) Dec. 1708. C. of Appledore, Kent, 1707-9. R.
of Knapton, Norfolk, 1709. Died July 10, 1759. (G. Mag.)
SEAMAN, JOSEPH. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Peterhouse,
May 1, 1652. Of Sussex. S. of Lazarus (below), Master of
Peterhouse. School, Hertford. Matric. 1652; Scholar, 1655;
B.A. 1655; M.A. 1659. Fellow, 1657 (his father procuring a
mandate: not acknowledged bv the Society). (T. A. Walker,
SEAMAN, LAZARUS. Matric. sizar from Emmanuel, Easter,
1623. B. in Leicester. B.A. 1627-8; M.A. 1631; D.D. from
Peterhouse, 1649. Master of Peterhouse, 1644-60. Vice-
Chancellor, 1653-4. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Feb. 12, 1627-8.
Lecturer at St Martin's, Ludgate, London. Chaplain to
.A.lgemon Percy, Earl of Northumberland. R. of All Hallows,
Bread Street, London, 1642-62. One of the Westminster
Assembly, 1643, and a Parliamentary Trier, 1645. President
of Sion College, 1651-3. Author, sermons, etc. Died Sept.
1675. Will (P.C.C.) 1676. His library sold by Cooper, in
1676; the earliest sale of which a catalogue has been pre-
served. Father of Joseph (1652). (R. South; D.N.B.; Emm.
Coll. Hist., 69.)
SEAMAN, NATHANIEL. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's,
Apr. 19, 1639. S. of Nathaniel, draper, of Chelmsford,
deceased. B. there. School, Chelmsford. Matric. 1639;
B.A. 1642-3; M.A. 1646. Usher at Ipswich Grammar School,
1645. Head Master of Colchester, 1648-57. Ord. priest
(Bishop of Ardfort) May lo, 1660. R. of West Bergholt,
Essex, 1658-79. Died July 8, 1679. Will, P.C.C. Father of
Thomas (1676) and Daniel (1675)-
SEAMAN, PAUL. Adm. pens, at Queens', Apr. 17, 1591. Of
Essex. Possibly s. of John, of Chelmsford, Essex, and of
Panfield Priory. Matric. c. 1592. One of these names of
East Kirby, Lines., clerk. Will (Lincoln) 1606. Possibly
brother of John (1579)-
SEAMAN, PAUL. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Apr. 24, 1646.
Of Suffolk. Matric. 1646. Adm. extra-licentiate, R.C.P.,
Apr. 22, 1664, as B.A. of Emmanuel, practising at Colchester.
(Munk, I. 314.)
SEMAN, ROBERT. Licensed to practise surgery, 1541-2-
SEMAN, ROBERT. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Corpus Christi, 1586
Of Suffolk. Matric. pens. 1586; B.A. 1589-90; M.A. 1593.
Seaman, Robert
SEAMAN, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1589, as
'William.' Of Norfolk. Matric. 1589; B.A. 159^-3; M.A.
1596. Incorp. at Oxford, 1601. Perhaps ord. priest (London)
Apr. 25, 1596; V. of Carlton Colville, Suffolk, 1596; signs
there 1650, as 'aged.' One of these names of Rame, Com-
waU, clerk. Will (P.C.C.) 1647. (A I. Oxon.)
SEMAN, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Jfsus, Nov. 14, 1648. Of
Suffolk. Matric. 1648-9; Scholar, 1649; B.A. 1652.
SEAMAN, SIMON. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter. 1588;
B.A. 1591-2; M.A. 1595. V. of Bredgar, Kent, 1595-1622.
SEMAN, THOMAS. B.A. 1513-4; B.Civ.L. 1517-8. FeUow of
Jesus, 1518. R. of Winfarthing, Norfolk, 1523-35. Probably
R. of Framlingham, Suffolk, 1536-45- Perhaps V. of Wick-
ham Market, Oct. 8, 1555; there in 1558.
SEAMAN, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, Mar. 4,
1589-90. S. of William, of Tibenham, Norfolk. School,
Tibenham. Matric. c. 1590; Scholar, 1590-7; B.A. 1593-4;
M.A. 1597. A Mr Seaman was C. of Shelley, Suffolk, in 1603.
SEAMAN, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Trinity, July 4,
1676. S. of Nathaniel (1639), R. of East Bergholt, Suffolk.
B. there. School, Felsted. Brother of Daniel (1675)-
SEAMAN, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, June 7,
1710; afterwards Fell. -Com. S. of Peter, alderman of
Norwich. B. there. Schools, Nonnch (private) and Reepham
(Mr Robinson). Matric. 1710. Died Ocl. 13, 17^4, aged 31.
M.L at Heigham. {Venn, 1. 523.)
SEAMAN, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, June 22,
1647. S. of Thomas, doctor ('medicus'), of Wymondham,
Norfolk. Schools, Hingham (Mr Alden) and Wymondham
(Mr Matthews). Matric. 1647; M.D. 1676 {Lit. Reg.). Adm.
at Leyden, May 20, 1671. To be distinguished from the
orientalist of these names for whom see A I. Oxon. and D.N.B.
SEAMAN, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at St John's, July 5, 1669.
SEEMAN, . Incorp. in Canon Law, 1495-6.
SEMAN, . Adm. Fell. -Com. at Corpus Christi, 1562.
SEAR, see also SAYER.
SEAR, CHARLES. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, Mar. 19,
1716-7. S. of Richard (? R. of Homsey, and afterwards R. of
St Alban, Wood Street, 1711-43), of London. School,
Charterhouse. Scholar, 1718; Matric. 1720. Perhaps ord.
priest (Lincoln) Dec. 23, 1722, 'B.A.'
SEAR or SERES, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Queens', Mar. 29,
1596. Of London. (Possibly one of the family of Stationers
of whom the head was William Seres, long Master of the
Stationers' Company and living in 1584.) Perhaps 'of Bark-
ing, Essex, gent'; adm. at Gray's Inn, Oct. 26, 1602. One
of these names of St Leonard, Shoredatch, Middlesex; will
(P.C.C.) 1607 (alludes to his late nephew William Seres,
deceased). {Towneley MSS.)
SEARANK, JOHN. Matric. sizar from King's, Michs. 1633;
B.A. 1636-7; M.A. 1640.
SERANCKE, ROOKWOOD. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Trinity,
May 28, 1698. S. of Thomas (below), R. of Ashley, Cambs.
School, Bury St Edmunds (Mr Leeds). Matric. 1699; B.A.
1701-2. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) May 23, 1703. R. of Roydon,
Norfolk, 1709.
SERANCKE, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Trinity, June 15, 1671.
School, Westminster. Scholar, 1672; Matric. 1674-5; B.A.
1674-5; M..-^. 1678. Ord. priest (London) Dec. 23, 1677.
R. of Ashley, Cambs., 1682-1730. R. of Cheveley, 1703-30.
Died 1730. Father of Rookwood (above).
SEARLE or SERLE, ALEXANDER. LL.B. from Trinity Hall,
1605. Incorp. at Oxford, 1605. King's proctor in the
ecclesiastical courts, 1604; receiver of fines in ecclesiastical
matters, 1608. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Aug. 13, 1612. Will
(P.C.C); of St Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street. {Cooper,
II. 530; Al. Oxon.)
SEARLE, ANDREW. .'\dm. pens, (age 18) at Peterhouse,
Nov. 18, 1712. Of Essex. S. and h. of Andrew, of Chambers,
Epping, Essex. School, Felsted. Scholar, 1712; Matric. 1713;
B.A. 1716-7. Adm. at the Middle Temple, Nov. 28, 1715.
Called to the Bar, 1721. Of Chambers, in Epping. Married
Anne, dau. of Henry BeadeU, of London. Drowned, Nov. 25,
1762. (J. Sargeaunt; G. Mag.; H. A. C. Sturgess.)
SEARLE, EDWARD. Adm. at Trinity, a scholar from West-
minster, 1605; B.A. 1608-9; M.A. 1612. FeUow, 1610.
SEARLE, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's, Feb. 18,
1628-9. S. of Edward. B. at Potsgrove, Beds. School,
Bishop's Stortford. Matric. 1629.
SEARLE, GEORGE. Adm. sizar (age i6) at Magdalene, July 8,
1712. S. of William (? 1690-1), clerk. B. at Ramsey, Hunts.
School, Ramsey. Matric. 1713-4; B.A. 1716-7; M.A. 1720.
Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Mar. 17, 1716-7; priest. Mar. 9, 1717-8.
V. of Bawdsey, Suffolk, 1727. Brother of Radcliff (1707).
Searle, William
SEARLE, HENRY. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Sidney, Oct. 27,
1632. S. of Brian, schoolmaster, of Hemmington, Northants.
B. at Gt Gidding, Hunts. Matric. 1633; B.A. 163&-7; M.A.
1640. Probably intruded R. of St Michael Royal, London,
1643-7. R. of Cranford, Northants. (intruder) ; ejected, 1662.
V. of .Mdeburgh, Suffolk, 1649. Father of Samuel (1663).
{Calamy, 11. 218.)
SERLE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs. 1544.
SEARLE, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Trinity Hall, Easter,
SEARLE, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May 26, 1599.
Licensed to practise surgery, 1607. Author, Ephemeris,
ibog-iy. {Cooper, 11. 530.)
SEARLE or SEARLES, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius,
May 20, 1687. S. of John, gent., of North Weald, Essex.
B. there. School, North Weald. Matric. 1687; Scholar,
1687-94; B.A. 1690-1; M.A. 1694; D.D. 1706. FeUow, 1694-
1702. Moderator, 1695. Usher of the Perse School, 1692.
Ord. deacon (Lincoln) June 3, 1694; priest (Ely) Sept. 1695.
University preacher, 1696. R. of Willingale Doe, Essex,
1700. R. of North Weald, 1706. Married Judith, dau.
of Francis Hervey Mildmay, Esq., of Marks, Romford,
Dec. 17, 1706. Admon. (Cons. C. London) May 12, 1715-
Probably father of the next. (Venn, i. 483.)
SEARL, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, Apr. 6, 1724-
S. of J. (? above), clerk, of Essex. School, Felsted. Matric.
1724; B.A. 1728-9.
SEARLE, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Feb. 8, 1743-4- Of
Huntingdonshire. S. of , clerk, deceased. Matric. i744;
Rustat Scholar, 1744; B.A. 1747-8. Ord. deacon (Ely) Mar.
12, 1749-50; priest, May 24, 1752. C. of Chatteris, Cambs.,
1750. V. of Buckden, Hunts., 1773-9- Preb. of Lincoto,
1773-9. Died 1779.
SEARLE, NICHOLAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1608.
B. at Epping, Essex. Scholar, 1611; B.A. 1611-2; M.A.
1615; B.D. 1628. Created D.D. (Oxford) 1661. Ord. deacon
(London) Mar. 16, 1616-7, age 24; priest, June 15, 1617; C.
of Theydon Bois, Essex. R. of Bobbingworth, 1628;
sequestered, but restored, 1662. R. of Widdington, 1637-78.
Married Eliz. Wetherill at St Leonard's, Shoreditch, May 10,
1628. Died 1678. (^/. Oxon.; H.Smith; H. B.Swanzy.)
SEARLE, PHILIP. LL.B. from St Catharine's, 1641. Possibly
s. of Philip, of Honiton, Devon. If so, matric. (Exeter
College, Oxford) Apr. 8, 1636, age 16. One of these names
of Wbimple, Devon, clerk. Will (Exeter) 1676.
SEARLE, RADCLIFF. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Magdalene,
June 12, 1707. S. of William (? 1690-1), clerk, R. of Denton,
Hunts. B. at Ramsey, Hunts. School, Ramsey. Matric.
1708; B.A. 1710-1. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Mar. 1711-2;
priest (Lincoln) Sept. 19, 1713. C. at Denton, in 1711. R. of
Thoresway, Lines., 1718. Brother of George (1712).
SEARLE, REGINALD. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Mar.
1584-5; B.A. 1588-9; M.A. 1592.
SEARLE, RICHARD. M.A. 1634 (Incorp. from Oxford). Of
Devon, pleb. Matric. (Q\ieen's College, Oxford) Nov. 21,
1628, age 18; B.A. (Exeter College, Oxford) 1629-30; M.A.
1632. R. of Denbury, Devon, 1642. R. of Whimple. Died
before Dec. 20, 1645. {Al. Oxon.)
SEARLE, ROGER. Of Christ's. B.A. 1531-2; M.A. 1535.
SEARLE, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Sidney, Nov. ii,
1663. 1st s. of Henry (1632), clerk. B. at Aldeburgh, Suffolk.
School, Strixton, Northants. (Mr Farrow). Matric. 1664;
B.A. 1667-8; M.A. 1671. Schoolmaster of Tichmarsh,
Northants., 1671. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 19, 1675.
SEARLE, THOMAS. Adm. at Trinity, c. 1602. Of Essex.
Migrated to Corpus Christi, 1606. B.A. 1606-7; M.A. 1610.
Ord. deacon (London) Sept. 20, 1607; priest, Dec. 17, 1608.
V. of Gt Totham, Essex, 1608-16.
SEARLE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1612;
B.A. 1614-5; M.A. 1618. Perhaps preb. of York, 1630-3.
SEARLES, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, June 17,
1625. S. of Thomas, weaver, of Aylsham, Norfolk. School,
Aylsham (Mr Knowles). Matric. 1625; B.A. 1628-9; M.A.
1632. Ord. priest (Norwich) Sept. 25, 1631; 'C. of Beeston
St Lawrence.' Licensed C. and schoolmaster at Tuttington,
Norfolk, 1633. V. of Tuttington, 1636. {Venn, 1. 271.)
SEARLE, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Queens', Jan. 12, i69c^-i.
Of Ireland. S. of George, of Dublin. B. at Cambridge.
(.'\dm. at Trinity College, Dublin, Oct. 13, 1685.) Matric.
1690; B.A. 1690-1. Ord. deacon (York) Mar. 1690-1.
Master of Scarborough Grammar School, 1690. C. of Scar-
borough, 1690. P.C. of Ramsey, Himts., 1701-33. Perhaps
R. of Denton, 1712-33. Buried at Ramsey, June 2, 1733.
Probably father of George (1712) and Radcliff (1707)- {Al.
Searson, John
SEARSON or SEASON, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age i8) at St John's,
May 9, 1655. S. of Christopher, baker, of Lincoln. B. there.
School, Nottingham (Mr Leeke). Matric. 1655. Buned at
All Saints', Cambridge, Nov. 11, 1658. WiU proved (P.C.C.)
Feb. II, 1658-9.
SEARSON, JOHN. .4dm. sizar at Emmanuel, Apr. 3, i734-
Of Suffolk. School, Ipswich. Matric. 1734; B.A. 1737-8.
SEATH, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Easter, 1548-
SEATON or SETON, GEORGE. Fellow of St John's, 1620 (by
Royal mandate). B.D. from St John's, 1626 {Lit. Reg.).
A Scotchman; probably D.D. of Edinburgh; M.A. (Edin-
burgh) 1618. V. of Kingston, Surrey, 1626-31. Perhaps R.
of Bushey, Herts., 1631-42.
SEATON, GEORGE. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter, 1627;
B.A. 1630-1; M.A. 1634.
SEATON, JAMES. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney, Jan. 16,
1665-6. 2nd s. of James, merchant. B. at Stamford, Lines.
Schools, Stamford (Mr Hermon) and Oakham. Matric. 1667;
B.A. 1669-70: M.A. 1674. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) May 29,
SEATON, JAMES. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May 16, 1671.
Of Rutland. Matric. 1671; B.A. 1674-5; M.A. 1678. Ord.
deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 20, 1674; priest, Sept. 19, i675-
SETON, JOHN. B.A. 1528-9 (ist in the ordo); M.A. 1532; B.D.
1540-1; D.D. 1544. Fellow of St John's, 1529. Incorp. at
Oxford, 1554. Chaplain to Bishop Gardiner. R. of Hinton,
Hants. Canon of Winchester, 1553-4- Preb. of York, 1554-
60. A popish recusant in 1561. Escaped to Rome. Well
known author on Logic. Died at Rome, July 20, 1567. M.I.
at the English College at Rome. (Cooper, 1. 219; iii. 114;
D.N.B.;Al. Oxon.)
SEATON or SETTON, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Clare, c. 1591.
SEATON or SETON, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Mar. 17,
1619-20. Matric. 1620; B.A. 1623-4; M.A. 1627. Ord.
deacon (Peterb.) Oct. 3, 1623; priest. Mar. 5, 1625-6. C. of
Egleton, Rutland, 1623-9. Usher of Oakham School, 1623-9.
Probably usher at Felsted School, 1628-9. In 1630, an
'unconformable minister in Essex.' One of these names
ejected from Twywell, Northants., 1660. Afterwards taught
school at Islip and Thrapston. Buried at Thrapston, Nov. 5,
1684. {Calamy, 11. 234; J. Sargeaunt.)
SEATON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Sidney, May 25, 1636.
S. of Richard, yeoman. B. at Hagworthingham, Lines.
School, Lincoln. Matric. 1636.
SETON, JONATHAN. Adm. pens, at Clare, Mar. 5, 1669-70.
Of Brookhouse, Penistone, Yorks. Matric. 1670; B.A. 1673-
4; M.A. 1677. Ord. deacon (York) Feb. 1675-6; pnest,
Sept. 1677. V. of Owston, Yorks., c. 1678-86. Died 1686.
SEATON, MATTHEW. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Sidney, July 4,
1667. S. of William, yeoman. B. at Brigg, Lines. Schools,
RothweU and Castor (Godfrey Carrington). Matnc. 1667;
B.A. 1670-1; M.A. 1681. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Mar. 19,
1670-1; priest, June 2, 1672.
SEETON, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Magdalene, Easter,
SETON, THOMAS. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1495;
M.A. Fellow, until 1506. R. of Toft Monks and Haddiscoe,
SEATON, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Clare, May 6, 1701. B.
1684, at Stamford, Lines. Matric. 1701; B.A. 1704-5; M.A.
1708. Fellow, 1706-21. Founder of the Seatonian prize for
English poetry. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Mar. 9, 1706-7;
priest (Lincoln) Sept. 29, 1708. Chaplain to Daniel, Earl of
Nottingham. V. of Madingley, Cambs., 1713- V. of Raven-
stone, Bucks., 1721-41. Author, religious. Died Aug. 18,
1741. M.I. at Ravenstone. Will, P.C.C. (prior to Apr. 7,
1923, this will appeared in the P.C.C. index as Sexton).
(D.N.B.; Baker, i. 215.)
SEATON, ZACHARY. B.A. from St John's, 1627-8; M.A.
1631. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) July 22; priest, July 23, 1629.
R. of Aspley Guise, Beds., 1633. Buried June 29, 1638.
Will proved, Aug. 15, 1638, by his widow, Dorothy.
SECKBURNE, RICHARD. D.D. FeUow of Pembroke. Perhaps
R. of Soham, Cambs. Benefactor to Pembroke. (Cole.)
SECKER, see also SACKER.
SECKER, GEORGE. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Christ's, Apr. 17,
1666. S. of Thomas. B. at Grantham, Lines. School,
Grantham (Mr Siston). M.B. 1672. Brother of the next.
(Peile, II. 2.)
Sedgwick, George
SECKER, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Christ's, May 10,
1664. S. of Thomas. B. at Grantham, Lines. School,
Grantham (Mr Siston). Matric. 1664; B.A. 1667-8; M.A.
1671. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) June 6, 1669; priest. Mar. 19,
1671-2. Chaplain to the Earl of Shrewsbury. R. of Blox-
holm. Lines., 1672-6. R. of Hougham with Marston, 1676.
Died c. Oct. 1676. Brother of George (above). {Peile, i. 609.)
SEDON, ARTHUR. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs. 1561.
Of Chester diocese. Ord. deacon (Ely) May 26, 1566; priest,
Dec. 21, 1569, age 25. R. of Gislingham, Sufiolk, 1571.
SEDDON, EDWARD. Adm. sizar (age 15) at St John's, Sept. 10,
1660. S. of William (1622), clerk, of Cheshire. B. there.
School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1660; B.A. 1664-5; M.A. 1668.
Ord. deacon (York) Sept. 1668. One of these names of
Throwley, Devon, clerk. Will (Exeter) 1710.
SEDDON, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Magdalene, Easter, 1622.
SEDDON, REUBEN. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Michs. 1589-
90. Matric. c. 1591.
SEDDON, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, Oct. 30,
1654. S. of John, of Wigan, Lanes., draper. School, Wigan
(Mr Barrow). Matric. 1654. Migrated to Oxford. Matric.
(St Mary Hall, Oxford) Mar. 10, 1656-7; B.A. (Magdalen
Hall, Oxford) 1658; M.A. 1661.
SEDDON, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Christ's, Oct. 27,
1646. S. of Peter. B. at Pilkington, Lanes. Bapt. Oct. 4,
1629, at Prestwich. School, Newton (Mr Hulme). Matric.
1646; B.A. 1650-1; M.A. 1654. Incorp. at Oxford, 1654.
Minister at Gorton, 1654; of Kirk Langley, Derbs., 1656-62,
ejected. Nonconformist minister at Bolton-le-Moors, Lanes.,
1692-5. Died there Mar. 21, 1695-6, aged 77. Buried at
Ringley Chapel. Father of the next. {Peile, i. 510; A I. Oxon.;
Cox, Churches of Derbyshire, iv. 269.)
SEDDON, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age i"') at Christ's, June 17,
1672. S. of Robert (above). B. at Kersley, near Bolton,
Lanes. School, Chowbent (Mr Taylor). Matric. 1672; B.A.
1675-6. R. of East Wittering, near Chichester, Sussex, 1679.
V. of Sidlesham, 1680. Died 1688. Will, Chichester. See Al.
Oxon. for a contemporary namesake. {Peile, 11. 44.)
SEDDON, THOMAS. .-Vdm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, Apr. 4,
1745. S. of John, merchant, of Lancashire. B. in Manchester.
School, Manchester (Mr Brooke). Matric. i745; B.A. 1748-9.
Ord. deacon (York) Feb. 19, 1748-9; priest (Lincoln) Mar. 11,
1749-50. V. of Carlton Moorland, Lines., 1756-99. V. of
Norton Disney, 1763-99. P.C. of Stapleford, Lines., 1772-99.
Died Mar. 20, 1799. M.I. at Carlton. {Scott-Mayor, 111. 550.)
SEDDON, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs. 155 1.
SEDDON, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Magdalene, Easter,
1622. S. of Ralph, of Prestolee, Lanes. B.A. 1625-6; M.A.
1629. V. of Eastham, Cheshire, 1638, ejected as a Royalist.
C. of Penwortham, Lanes., in 1650. R. of GrappenhaU,
Cheshire, 1660-71. Buried there Sept. 8, 1671. Father of
Edward (1660). (Walker's Sufferings, 11. 351; E. Axon.)
SEDDON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Trinity, May iS, 1657,
Siddon. Of Derbyshire. Matric. 1659. Migrated to Em-
manuel, Apr. II, 1659; B.A. 1660-1.
SEDGWICK, CHARLES. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1715. Matric. Easter, 1716; B.A. 1719-20; M.A. 1723.
Fellow, 1719. Ord. deacon (London) June 4, 1721; priest
(Norwich) Feb. 1721-2. Died in London, Dec. 1723.
SEDGWICK, CHARLES. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, Jan. 20,
SEDGWYCKE, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from St John's,
Easter, 1570. Of Huntingdonshire. B.A. 1573-4; M.A. 1577.
Fellow, 1577-
SEDGWICK, EDWARD. Adm. sizar at Clare, May 15, 1674.
Of St Faith's, London. Matric. 1675; B.A. 1677-8; M.A.
1681. Ord. deacon and priest (London) Dec. 22, 1678.
SEDGWICK, EDWARD. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Jan. 24, 1680-1.
Of Lancashire. Matric. 1682; B.A. 1685-6. Ord. deacon
(Chester) Sept. 25, 1687. C. of Horwick Chapel. Probably
C. of Lymm, Cheshire, and of Billinge, Lanes. C. of Up-
holland, 1704. P.C. of Flixton, c. 1709-22. Buried Oct.
SEDGWICK, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 19) at St John's,
Apr. 1, 1745. S. of Edward, gent., of Kent. B. at Langley,
near Maidstone. School, Sutton, Kent (Mr Clendon). Matric.
1745; B..\. 1748-9. Ord. deacon (Rochester) .Apr. i, 1750;
'C. of West Peckham, Kent.' Perhaps ord. priest (Peterb.)
Feb. 23, 1752.
SEDGWICKE, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter,
SIDGWICK or SIDGIDICKE, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from
St John's, Easter, 1619; B.A. 1622-3; M.A. 1626.
Sedgwick, George
SIDGWICK, GEORGE. Adm. sizar (age i6) at St John's,
July 8, 1631. S. of George, husbandman, of Killington,
Westmorland. B. there. School, Sedbergh. Appointed
secretary to Lady Anne Clifford, Countess of Pembroke, 1652.
Tutor to John Tufton (Earl of Thanet). Retired to CoUmg-
field, near Kendal, 1668. Died June 10, 1685, aged 67 (sic).
(Bum's Westmorland, 294; Lady Anne Clifford, 200.)
SEDGWICK, GEORGE. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Magdalene,
June 16, 1676. S. of Ralph, of Dent, Yorks. B. there.
School, Sedbergh. Migrated to St John's, Dec. 22, 1676.
Matric. 1676; B.A. 1679-80. Ord. deacon (York) Sept. 19,
1680; priest, Mar. 12, 1681-2. C. of Broughton," Kirkby
Ireleth, Lanes., 1684. Still there, 1691. Admon. (Archd.
Richmond) 1693.
SIDGEWICK, GILES. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's, Apr. i,
1700. S. of Giles, husbandman. B. at Dent, Yorks. School,
Kendal. Matric. 1700; B.A. 1703-4- R- of Bolton-by-
BoUand, Yorks., 1710-26. V. of Kirkby Malbam, 1706-15.
Buried at Bolton, June 15, 1726.
SIDGWICK, HENRY. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs. 1624;
B.A. 1627-8 ;M. A. 1631. Perhaps C. of Abthorpe.Northants.,
SEDGWICK, HUTTON. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, May 30,
1682. Matric. 1684; B.A. 1685-6; M.A. 1689.
SEDGWICK, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Christ's, 1598-9-
Perhaps s. of Edward, of Dent, Yorks. B.A. 1601-2; M.A.
1609. Lived at Wisbech, Cambs. Married Elizabeth May.
(Peile, 1. 229.)
SEDGWICK, JOHN. B.D. 1638 (Incorp. from Oxford). S. of
Joseph, V. of Ogbourne .St Andrew, Wilts. B. at Marl-
borough. Matric. (Queen's College, Oxford) June 18, 1619,
age 18; B.A. (Magdalen Hall, Oxford) 1622; M.A. 1625;
B.D. 1633. V. of Bisley, Gloucs., 1625-38. V. of Clavering,
Essex. R. of St Alphege, London, 1641-3. Chaplain to the
regiment of the Earl of Stamford. Author, sermons. Buried
at St Alphege, Oct. 15, 1643. Father of the next and prob-
ably of Obadiah (1648). (D.N.B.; Al. Oxon.)
SEDGWICK, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St Catharine's,
June 23, 1649. S. of John (1638). B. at Bisley, Gloucs.
School, St Paul's. Migrated to Christ's, Aug. 21, 1649.
Matric. 1649; B.A. 1652-3; M.A. 1656. Incorp. at Oxford,
1653. R. of St Martin, Salisbury, 1661; of St Edmund's,
1662. {Peile, I. 530.)
SEDGWICK, JOHN. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, Apr. 10,
1678. S. of Joseph (1647-8). Matric. 1681; B.A. 1681-2;
M.A. 1685. Ord. priest (Lincoln) Sept. 20, 1684. R. of
Hanworth, Lines., 1689-1717- V. of Burton Pedwardine,
1702-17. Preb. of Lincoln, 1703-17. Died 1717. Perhaps
father of Philip (1727). (Le Neve, Fasti, 11. 207.)
SEDGWICK, JOHN. Matric. FeU.-Com. from King's, Easter,
1723; LL.B. 1723. Ord. priest (Gloucester) Feb. 25, 1713-6.
R. of Haselton, Gloucs., 1716-27. Chaplain to Lord Walpole.
V. of Corsham, Wilts., 1723-7. Died 1727. (F. S. Hockaday.)
SEDGWICK, JOSEPH. Matric. sizar from Pembroke, Michs.
SEDGWICK, JOSEPH. Matric. sizar from .Sx Catharine's,
1647-8. S. of Obadiah. School, St Paul's. B.A. 1648-9;
M.A. from Christ's, 1652. Fellow of Christ's, 1649-59. R. of
Blankney, Lines., 1658-66. R. of Althorpe, 1672. Preb. of
Lincoln, 1675-1702. R. of Fiskerton, 1683-1702. Died
Sept. 22, 1702, aged 74- Fatherof John (1678). {Peile, i. 501;
Le Neve, Fasti, ii- 207; D.N.B. confuses this man with his
Oxford namesake who was Head Master of Repton School,
1662-72, when he died. See Repton School Register.)
SEDGWICK, JOSEPH. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, June 6, 1716.
Of Lincolnshire. LL.B. 1721.
SIDGWICK, LEONARD. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Sidney,
Apr. 2, 1691. S. and h. of Thomas (? 1659-60), C. of Church
Brampton, Northants. B. there, May 11, 1673. School,
Guilsborough (Mr Chapman). Matric. 1691; B.A. 1694-5;
M.A. 1701. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June 6, 1696; priest
(London) Dec. 19, 1697. C. of Furthoe, Northants., 1696.
P.C. of Stony Stratford, Bucks., 1703-47. R. of Thornton,
1710-47. Preb. of Lincoln, 1728-47. Died 1747, aged 74.
Buried at St Giles', Stony Stratford. Father of William
(1717-8) and perhaps of Thomas (1723). {Lipscomb, iv. 371.)
SEDGWICKE, OBADIAH. Adm. pens, at Trinity, May 20,
1648. Of London. Probably s. of John (1638). School,
Westminster. Matric. 1648; Scholar, 1649; B.A. 1651-2;
M.A. 1655. Fellow, 1653. Incorp. at Oxford, 1655. R. of
Rampton, Cambs., 1662-85. Buried there Sept. 25, 1685.
{Al. Oxon.)
SEDGEWICK, PHILIP. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Apr. 26, 1727.
Of Lincolnshire. Perhaps s. of John (1678). Matric. 1727;
LL.B. 1732. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 20, 1730; priest,
June 4, 1732. V. of Burton Pedwardine, Lines., 1732.
Sedgwick, Thomas
SEDGWICK, RAPHAEL. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's,
July 3, 1697. Matric. 1699; M.B. 1714- Will (P.C.C.) 1748;
of Penn, Staffs.
SEDGEWICK, RICHARD. Adm. sizar at Peterhouse, Michs.
1590-1; Scholar, 1594; B.A. 1594-5- One of these names,
s. of Edward, of Dent, Yorks., V. of Wapping, Middlesex,
SIDGEWICKE, RICHARD. Matric. from St John's, c. 1594.
SEDGWICK, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Magdalene, Michs.
1634; B.A. 1638-9.
SEDGWICK, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Magdalene,
June 17, 1668. S. of Thomas (? 1640), of Horton(? Houghton,
near Settle, Yorks.). School, Giggleswick. Migrated to
Christ's, 1674; B.A. 1674. Ord. priest (Gloucester) Dec. 19,
1678. C. of Wick Ramon, Northants., 1680. C. of Little
BiUing, 1699; R., 1702-17 (B.A. of Christ's). Died Jan. 13,
1717-8, aged 74 (sic). Buried at Little Billing. M.I. (Baker,
Northants., i. 29; Peile, 11. 53.)
SEDGWICK, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's,
June 29, 1742. S. of Giles, farmer, of Yorkshire. B. at Dent.
School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1742; B.A. 1745-6; M.A. 1750.
Classical master at Heath Academy, Wakefield, till 1748-
Usher of Leeds Grammar School, 1748-50; Head Master,
1750-5. Died Jan. 9, 1755. {Scott-Mayor, in. 530; M. H.
SIDGWICK, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs.
1621; B.A. 1624-5; M.A. 1628. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Apr.
28; priest, Apr. 29, 1630. Perhaps Master of Pocklington
Grammar School, 1630-c. 1650.
SEDGWICK, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Clare, Easter, 1628;
B..'\. 1631-2; M.A. 1635. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Sept. 25,
1636; prie.st, Sept. 24, 1637; 'C. of Bumham St M.,' Norfolk-
R. of Thwaite, 1660.
SEDGWICK, ROGER. Adm. pens, (age 19) at St John's, May 5,
1742. S. of Robert, merchant, of Lancashire. B. at Man-
chester. School, Salford (Mr Clayton). Matric. 1742; M.B.
1748. Of Manchester. Died Jan. 7, i779, aged 55. (Described
as M.B. on tombstone and as 'an eminent banker' in the
newspaper obituary.) (E. Axon.)
SEDGWICK, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Clare, July 1, 1745-
B. in London. Matric. 1745-
SEDGWICK, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Queens', Feb. 18,
1751. Of Barbados. Matric. 1751; B.A. i755-
SEDGWICK, STEPHEN. Matric- pens, from Emmanuel, Easter,
1637; B.A. 1640-1. Ord. deacon (Gloucester) Sept. 22, 1666.
C. of Sutton-under-Brails, Gloucs.
Yorkshire. M.A. 1533; B.D. 1544-5; D.D. i554- FeUow of
Peterhouse. 1531-c. 46. Fellow of Trinity, 1546. Vice-
Master of Trinity, 1554-5. Lady Margaret Professor, 1554-6.
Regius Professor of Divinity, 1557-9- Incorp. at Oxford,
1554. Ord. priest (Lincoln) Dec. 22, 1537- R- of Erwarton,
Suffolk, 1552. V. of Enfield, Middlesex, 1556 (appointed
Mar. 12, 1555-6; resigned, 1556). R- of Toft, Cambs., 1556-
V. of Gainford, and R. of Stanhope, Durham, 1558; deprived,
1559. A recusant in 1561. Living, 1567. {Cooper, i. 213;
D.N.B.; Al. Oxon.)
SEDGEWICKE, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Sx John's,
Easter, 1570; B.A. 1573-4; M.A. from Clare, 1577-
SEDGWICK, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Christ's, June 6,
1640. S. of Thomas. B. at Settle, Yorks. School, Giggles-
wick. Matric. 1640; B.A. 1643-4; M.A. 1648. Ord. deacon
and priest (Lincoln) Apr. 21, 1646. R. of Marfleet-in-
Holdemess, Yorks., c. 1648-79. probably ejected, but re-
instated. Died Sept. 18, 1679, aged 58. Buried at Marfleet.
Perhaps father of Richard (1668). {Peile, i. 471; Poulson,
H older ness, n. 231.)
SEDGWICK, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Sx John's,
Mar. 1, 1659-60. S. of Leonard, yeoman, of Dent, Yorks.
B. there. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1660. Perhaps C. of
Church Brampton, Northants., in 1673. If so, father of
Leonard (1691).
SEDGWICK, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Magdalene,
June 27, 1667. S. of William, of Ludborough, Lines. School,
Alford. Matric. 1667; B.A. 167c. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept.
24, 1671; perhaps priest (Lincoln) May 26, 1678. P.C. of
Nun Ormsby, Lines., and of Utterby. R. of Wyham, i68i.
SIGISWICKE, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, June 7,
1682. S. of WiUiam (1631), clerk, of MattishaU, Norfolk.
B. there. School, Norwich. Matric. 1682; Scholar, 1682-8;
B.A. 1685-6. Died July 25, 1688. {Venn, i. 470.)
SEDGWICK, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Queens', Dec. 13, 1723-
Of Buckinghamshire. Perhaps s. of Leonard (1691). Matric.
1724; B.A. 1727-8; M.A. 1731. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Sept.
20, i73o;priest, Dec. 24, 1732. C. of Cranfield, Beds.,in 1731.
Perhaps brother of William (1717-8).
Sedgwick, Tobias
SEDGWICK, TOBIAS. Adm. sizar at Queens', Oct. 18, 1637.
Of Durham. Matric. 1641; B.A. 1641-2. R. of Cockfield,
Durham, 1658.
SEDGEWICK, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Mar.
31, 1631. S. of Thomas, merchant and citizen of Norwich.
School, Norwich (Mr Stonham). Matric. 1631; Scholar,
1631-8; B.A. 1634-5; M.A. 1638. FeUow, 1640-51. Ord.
deacon (Peterb.) June 9, 1639; priest (Bishop of Kilmore)
Nov. 4, 1649. V. of Mattishall, Norfolk, 1650-75. R- of
Little Bergh, c. 1660. Died Sept. 26, 1675, aged 61. M.I. at
Mattishall. Father of Thomas (1682). (F«nn, i. 297.)
SEDGWICK, WILLIAM. M.A. 1635 (Incorp. from Oxford).
S. of William, of London, gent. B. in Bedfordshire. Matric.
(Pembroke College, Oxford) Dec. 2, 1625, age 15; B.A. 1628;
M.A. 1631. R. of Famham, Essex, 1634-44. Chaplain to the
regiment of Sir William Constable, 1642. Chief preacher in
Ely, Cambs., 1644-60. Known as Doomesday Sedgwick
(Cole). Retired to Lewisham, Kent. Author, religious.
Will (P.C.C.) 1663-4; of Lewisham, Kent. (Calamy, i. 344;
Al. Oxon.; D.N.B.)
SEDGWICK, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Queens', Feb. 28,
1717-8. S. of Leonard (1691), R. of Thornton, Bucks.
School, Eton. Matric. 1720; B.A. 1721-2; M.A. 1725;
B.D. 1732. Fellow, 1723-32; President, Mar. 15, 1731-2-60.
Vice-ChanceUor, 1741-2. Ord. deacon (Ely) Sept. 20, 1724;
priest. Mar. 6, 1725-6. V. of Oakington, Cambs. R. of
St Clement Eastcheap, London, 1738-60. Died Nov. 4,
1760. Win, P.C.C. Benefactor. Perhaps brother of Thomas
(1723). {College History, 238.)
SEDLEY, see also SIDLEY.
SEDLEY, EDMUND. Matric. FeU.-Com. from St John's, Michs.
1579. Probably s. and h. of Martin, of Morley, Norfolk (and
Anne, dau. of Ralph Shelton, of Deopham, Esq.). Bapt.
Mar. 24, 1565-6, at Morley St Peter. Died s.p. in France.
(Vis. of Norfolk, 11. 346.)
SEDLEY or SYDLEY, EDMUND. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Pem-
broke, Apr. 5, 1681. S. of William (1657), of Morley,
Norfolk, gent. Matric. 1681. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Mar. 22,
1682-3. Brother of John (1681).
SEDLEY, HENRY. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, June 9, 1646.
Of Kent.
SEDLEY, JOHN. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Emmanuel, Sept. 28,
SEDLEY or SYDLEY, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Pembroke,
Apr. 5, 1681. S. of William (below), of Morley, Norfolk,
gent. Matric. 1681. Died Oct. 10, 1712, aged 49. M.I. at
Morley. Brother of Edmund (1681).
SEDLEY, WILLIAM. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Jesus, July 4, 1657.
Of Norfolk. Died Oct. 10, 1704, aged 64. M.I. at Morley.
Doubtless father of John (above) and Edmund (1681).
{Blomefield, 11. 479.)
SEE, EDMUND. B.A. 1459-60; gmce for B.D. 1470-1. Licensed
to preach in Ely diocese, 1470, ' M.A.'
SEED, JEREMIAH. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Apr. 18, 1679. Of
Lancashire. Matric. 1679; Scholar, 1681; B.A. 1682-3. Ord.
deacon (Chester) June 3, 1683; priest. May 25, 1684. C. of
Kendal, Westmorland, 1691. V. of Askham, 1697-1707.
R. of Clifton, near Penrith, 1707-22. Died 1722. Father of
the next. (B. Nightingale.)
SEED, JEREMIAH. M.A. 1738 (Incorp. from Queen's CoUege,
Oxford). Matric. there, Nov. 7, 1716, age 16. S. of Jeremiah
(above). B.A. (Oxford) 1721-3; M.A. 1725. Fellow, 1732.
R. of Ridge, Herts., 1736-8. R. of Church Oakley, Hants.
R. of Enham, 1741-7. Author, sermons, etc. Died Dec. 10,
1747, aged 47. (Misc. Gen. et Her., 2nd S., iv. 5y, Al. Oxon.;
SEELEY, FRANCIS. M.A. 1734 (Incorp. from Trinity College,
Oxford). Matric. there. Mar. 15, 1722-3. S. of Francis, of
Holywell, Oxford, gent. B.A. (Oxford) 1726; M.A. 1729.
V. of Gt Waltham, Essex, 1740-56. Admon. (P.C.C.) June 17,
1756. (Al. Oxon.; Morant., 11. 90.)
SEFTON, PETER. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter, 1574;
B.A. 1578-9; M.A. 1582. Ord. deacon (Ely) Apr. 17, 1580.
SEGENS (? SEGERUS), THOMAS. Matric. pens, from St John's,
Michs. 1559.
SELBANCKE, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Peterhouse, Apr. 20, 1594.
Matric. c. 1594.
SELBY, CHRISTOPHER. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Pembroke,
July 20, 1692. S. of Michael, of Castor, Northants., gent.
Selby, William
Matric. 1693; B.A. 1696-7; M.A. 1700. Fellow, 1698.
Bursar, 1710. Junior Proctor, 1715-6. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
Sept. 25, 1698; priest, May 26, 1700. C. of Marham, North-
ants., 1698. C. of Framlingham, Suffolk, 1704. V. of Grant-
chester, Cambs., 1707-16. V. of Waresley, Hunts., 1718-29.
R. of Framlingham and Saxted, Suffolk, 1728-34. Died
Oct. 2, 1734, aged 59. Buried at Framlingham. M.l. (Loder,
SELBY, FRANCIS. Adm. sizar at Corpus Christi, 1669. Of
Bedfordshire. Perhapss.of Michael (1629-30). Matric. 1670;
B.A. 1672-3; M.A. 1676. Signed for deacon's and priest's
orders (London) Sept. 21, 1672. V. of Riseley, Beds., 1672.
SELBY, HENRY. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Pembroke, May 10,
1619. S. of William, of Surrey, farmer. Matric. 1619; B.A.
1622-3; M.A. 1626. Head Master of Rochester Grammar
School, Kent, 1627-31. V. of St Margaret's, Rochester,
1627-47- V. of Aylesford, 1646-9. Died 1662. Buried at
St Nicholas, Rochester.
SELBY, HENRY. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, Apr. 19,
1651. 2nd s. of George, Esq., of Greenwich. B. in London.
School, Tonbridge. Matric. 1651; B.A. 1654-5. Adm. at
the Inner Temple, 1652. Called to the Bar, 1659. Bencher,
1677. Serjeant-at-law, 1683. Knighted, June 5, 1685.
Elected Recorder of London, 1688, but declined to serve.
Married (1) Jane, dau. of John Howell, of Lincoln's Inn,
Mar. 20, 1667-8; (2) Ehzabeth, dau. of Richard Amhurst,
Serjeant-at-law, of Bayhall, Kent. Died Aug. 1715. Brother
of William (1651). (Le Neve, KnigWs, 397; Inner Temple,
Benchers ; Musgrave.)
SELBY, JAMES. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, July 2, 1677.
Probably s. of James, of the Inner Temple, gent. Bapt.
Jan. 20, 1657. Adm. at the Inner Temple, Feb. 15, 1676.
Called to the Bar, 1683. Bencher, 1700. Serjeant-at-law,
1700. Of Wavendon and Whaddon, Bucks. Married Mary,
dau. of Sir Rowland Alston, of Odell, Beds. Died Apr. 20,
1724. Perhaps brother of William (1694). (Inner Temple,
Bench Book; G. Mag., 1821, 11. 316.)
SELBY or SILBY, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Magdalene, Lent,
1564-5; B.A. from Queens', 1569-70. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
Oct. 17, 1571; priest, Sept. 17, 1574; C. of Blackforth. R. of
Wootton, Norfolk, 1576. V. of Hedenham, 1582.
SELBEY, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Clare, Michs. 1614; B.A.
1618-9; M.A. 1622.
SELBY, MICHAEL. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's, Jan. 21,
1629-30. S. of Francis. B. at Shambrook, Beds. School,
Little Gidding. Matric. 1631; B.A. 1633-4; M.A. 1637. V. of
Pampisford, Cambs., 1638-46. V. of Riseley, Beds., -1653-
72. R. of Hayes, Middlesex, 1661-85. R- of Ingoldsby,
Lines., 1672-85. Died 1685. Father of William (1679-80)
and perhaps of Francis (1669). (Peile, i. 404.)
SELBY, NATHANIEL. Fellow of Emmanuel, 1677.
SELBY, PETER. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Trinity, July 3, 1711;
'Grecian' from Christ's Hospital. S. of William, citizen and
leatherseller, of London. Matric. 1712; Scholar, 1713; B.-A.
1714-5; M.A. 1718. Ord. deacon (London) Feb. 26, 1715-6;
priest (Lincoln) Feb. 22, 1718-9. V. of Stotfold, Beds., 1718*.
Head Master of Christ's Hospital, 1725. V. of Clavering,
Essex, 1737-53- Died May 17, 1753. Will, Comm. Essex!
(G. Mag.)
SELBY, RALPH. LL.D. Warden of King's Hall, 1391-8.
Member of Richard II's privy council. Became a monk at
Westminster Abbey. Preb. of York, 13S5-6; Sub-dean,
1386-92. Preb. of Salisbury, 1392-1401. Archdeacon of
Bucks., 1392. Archdeacon of Norfolk, 1394. Died 1420.
(Trin. Coll. Adm., i. 138; Musgrave.)
SELBY, RICHARD. B.A. 1501-2. WiU of Rich. Selby, of
Trumpington, Cambs. (P.C.C.) 1549.
SELBY or SELBEYE, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Queens',
Michs. 1572; B.A. 1576-7. Ord. priest (Peterb.) Sept. 28^
1577, Selby. R. of Bedfield, Suffolk, 1584-c. 1610, Selbeye.
SELBY or SILBY, ROBERT. B.A. from Pembroke, 1588-9;
M.A. 1592; B.D. 1607. Ord. priest (Norwich) Mar. 4, 1590-1'.
V. of Reydon and Southwold, Suffolk, 1596. R. of Easton
Bavents, 1608.
SELBY, WILLIAM. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Peterhouse,
Michs. 1573. Probably s. of Sir John, of Branxton, North-
umberland. Perhaps adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 21, 1576.
Knighted, Apr. 6, 1603. Of the Moat, Ightham, Kent. Died
1637. (T.A. Walker.)
SELBY, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Michs. 1578;
B.A. from Clare, 1582-3; M.A. from Christ's, 1586. Ord!
deacon (Carlisle) Dec. 13, 1587. (Perhaps V. of Ford,
Northumberiand, 1597-1600.) V. of Berwick-on-Tweed,
1607. Preb. of Durham, 1608-9. V. of Kirk Merrington,
Durham, 1609-10. Died 1610. (Peile, i. 148.)
Selby, William
SELBEY, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Jesus, Michs. 1614.
Of Suffolk. Scholar, 1618; B.A. 1618-9; M.A. 1622. R. of
Islington, Norfolk, 1622. Perhaps R. of Anmer, 1647.
SELBY, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Nov. 14, 1614.
Matric. 1615; B.A. 1618-9; M.A. 1622. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
July 29; priest, July 30, 1622. R. of Chipping Warden,
Northants., 1625-42. Buried there Mar. 8, 1642-3. See
Al. Oxon. for a contemporary. (H. I. Longden.)
SELBY, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Christ's, July, 1617;
B.A. 1620-1.
SELBIE, WILLIAM. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Christ's, Apr.
1620. Perhaps s. of Sir Ralph, of Branston, Northumberland.
If so, knighted, July 26, 1639. Married Mary, dau. of
Ferdinand, Lord Fairfax. Buried Feb. 23, 1654.
SELBY, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Christ's, Feb. 6,
1626-7. S. of Robert. B. at Raunds, Northants. School,
Higham Ferrers (Mr Frier). Matric. 1627; B.A. 1630-1.
One of these names R. of West Horsley, Surrey, 1644.
SELBY, WILLIAM. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 18) at St John's,
Apr. 19, 1651. S. of George, Esq., of Greenwich. B. in St
Mary Hill, London. School, Tonbridge. Matric. 1651. Adm.
at the Inner Temple, 1652. Of Ightham Moat, near Ton-
bridge. Married Susan, dau. of Sir John Rainey, of Wrotham,
Bart. Brother of Henry (1651). (Le Neve, 397; Hasted, 11.
SELBY, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Clare, Apr. 5, 1660. Of
Northamptonshire. Matric. 1660; B.A. 1663-4; M.A. 1667.
Fellow, 1664-8.
SELBY, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Christ's, Mar. 11, 1679-80.
S of Michael (1629-30). B. at Riseley, Beds. School,
Kimbolton (Mr Taylor). Matric. 1680; B.A. 1683-4; M.A.
1687. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 1684; priest, May, 1686.
Probably R. of Elton-on-the-HiU, Notts., 1687. Buried
there Sept. 9, 1720. {Peile, 11. 77.)
SELBY, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, Aug. 20,
1694. Perhaps s. of James, of the Inner Temple, deceased.
Matric. 1695. Of Husbom Crawley, Beds. Died i753-
Perhaps brother of James (1677). (G. Mag., 1821, 11. 316.)
SELBY, Prior of. Resident pens, at Peterhouse, 1414-5- Pays
13s. 4d. for his chamber. Probably William Pigot or Pygot,
who was Prior of Selby, 1407-29. (T. A. Walker; H. G.
SELETT, JOHN. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1456.
SELFF, JOHN. M.A. from King's, i737- S. of William, of
Hinton St George, Somerset, gent. Matric. (Trinity College,
Oxford) May 10, 1725, age 18; B.A. (Oxford) 1728-9. Perhaps
of Hinton St George, clerk; will (Taunton) i743- One of
these names of Hatch Beauchamp, clerk; will (Taunton)
1786. {Al. Oxon.)
SELL, see also SILL.
SELL, OLIVER. Matric. sizar from St Catharine's, Michs. 1642.
Of Hertfordshire. Migrated to Queens', 1644. B.A. 1645-6;
M.A. 1649; B.D. 1656. Fellow of Queens', 1647-59- K- of
Hinxworth, Herts., 1660-97. Died Nov. 20, 1697, aged 73.
M.I. at Hinxworth.
SELL, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Queens', Feb. 8, 1659-60. Of
Essex. Matric. i66o; B.A. 1663-4.
SELL, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter, 1624;
B.A. 1627-8; M.A. 1631.
SELLAKE, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Sidney, June 25,
1667. S. of John. B. at Halberton, Devon. School, Tiverton.
Matric. 1667; B.A. 1670-1. Ord. deacon (Ely) Sept. 24, 1671.
SELLER, JOHN. M.A. 1620 (Incorp. from Oxford). Of Kent.
S. of John, R. of Saltwood, Kent. Matric. (Corpus Chrisli
College, Oxford) Feb. 17, 1608-9, age 16; B.A. (Oxford)
1611-2; M..A. 1614. R. of Bradfield St Clare, Suffolk, 1619-
33. R.'of Didcot, Berks., 1621-32. R. of Gt Whelnetham,
1633-48. Died 1648. {At. Oxon.)
SELLER or SELLERS, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius,
Nov. 18, 1681. S. of Thomas, brewer, of Bury St Edmunds.
B. there. School, Bury (Mr Leeds). Matric. 1681; B.A.
1685-6; M.A. 1713. Probably V. of Digby, Lines., 1701;
of Metheringham, 1701; of New Sleaford, 1703-37- Preb.
of IJncohi, 1712-37. Died 1737. Father of William (1727)-
(Venn, 1. 469.)
SELLAR, WILLIAM. M.A. 1618 (Incorp. from Oxford). Of
Somerset, pleb. Matric. (Magdalen HaU, Oxford) July i,
1603, age i8; B.A. (Oxford) 1608-9; M.A. 1615- Fellow of
Merton College, Oxford, 1611. V. of St Peter-in-the-East,
Oxford, 1623-31 (re-presented in 1631). R. of Stowe-nine-
churches, Northants., 1631-46, sequestered, but reinstated.
Married Frances Newport, of Welton, Northants., July 4,
Selwyn, Thomas
1639. Will dated, July 9, 1662; proved (Archd. Northants.)
Jan. 12, 1663-4; of Stowe-nine-churches. (Al. Oxon.;
H. G. Harrison; H. I. Longden.)
SELLER, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, June 11,
1703. S. of George, husbandman. B. at Kennythorpe, Yorks.
School, York. Matric. 1703; B.A. 1706-7. Ord. deacon
(York) May, 1708; priest, 1709. C. of Settrington, Yorks.,
SELLER, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's, Apr. 12,
1727. S. of Thomas (1681), clerk, of Lincolnshire. B. at
Sleaford. School, Grantham. Matric. 1727; B.A. 1731-2;
M.A. 1735. Ord. deacon (Lincohi) Sept. 19, 1731; priest,
Dec. 24, 1732. Succeeded his father as V. of New Sleaford,
Lines., 1737-69. {Scott-Mayor, iii. 402.)
SELLER, . B.A. 1529-30.
SELLERS, JEREMY. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs.
SELLERS, . Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1544.
SELLYN, DANIEL. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Christ's, Dec. 1576.
Of London. Migrated to Magdalene. B.A. 1579-80; M.A.
1583; M.D. from Christ's, 1591. Incorp. at Oxford, 1584.
F.R.C.P., 1599. Died Mar. 19, 1614-5. Buried at St Dionis,
London. Will, P.C.C. {Munk, i. 115; Peile, l. 137.)
SELLINGE, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1633. Of Suffolk.
SELLING, ROBERT. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Caius, June 26,
1661. S. of Robert, gent., of Carlton ColviOe, Suffolk. B. at
Topcroft, Norfolk. Schools, Wrentham, Suffolk (private) and
Barsham (private). Matric. 1661; Scholar, 1661-6; B.A.
1664-5. Married, at Bedingham, Mary, dau. of John Smith,
of Starston, gent., July 3, 1666. Died Sept. 26, 1686. M.I.
in Carlton Church. {Venn, i. 414.)
SELLYNGE, WILLIAM {alias GREEN). B.A. FeUow of Peter-
house, June 26, 1422. A clerk in 1434. {T. A. Walker.)
SELLIN, . Adm. Fell.-Com. at King's, Lent, 1623-4.
SELLON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 19) at Trinity, June 14,
1750. S. of John, of Hurley, Berks. School, Westminster.
Matric. 1751; Scholar, 1751. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Mar.
14, 1756. Minister of St James and St John, Clerkenwell,
1757-90. Preacher at St Giles-in-the-Fields, 1758-90, and at
Magdalen Hospital, St Andrew, Holbom, 1790. Chaplain to
Lord Pomfret. Proprietor and minister of Portman Chapel,
Marylebone. Died July 18 (? 29), 1790. Buried at St James',
Clerkenwell. Will, P.C.C. {Al. Westmon., 352; Hennessy.)
SELSTON, . B.A. 1514-5-
SELTH, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, June 24,
1704. S. of William, weaver, of Norwich. B. there. School,
Holt. Matric. 1704; Scholar, 1704-9; B.A. 1707-8; M.A.
1714. Fellow, 1714-24. Ord. deacon (Ely, Litt. dim. from
Norwich) Sept. 23, 1711; priest (Norwich) Sept. 17, 1712.
R. of Hardmead, Bucks., 1721. R. of Foulsham, Norfolk,
1722-4. R. of Gt Melton, and St Michael Coslany, Norwich,
1723. Died 1740. {Venn, 1. 512.)
SELWOOD, ROBERT. M.A. 1698 (Incorp. from Pembroke
College, Oxford). Matric. there, Dec. 2, 1681, age 16; B.A.
(Oxford) 1685; M.A. 1688. R. of Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxon.,
1690. R. of Mongewell, 1703. (Al. Oxon.)
SELWOOD, SAMUEL. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1682. Probably 2nd s. of Samuel, of London, Esq. B. there.
Matric. Michs. 1683; B.A. 1687-8. Fellow, 1686. Adm. at
Lincoln's Inn, Apr. 19, 1687. Ord. deacon (London) Dec. 23,
1694, 'M.A. ' Became insane. Died Oct. 1706.
Emmanuel, Apr. 27, 1612. Perhaps s. and h. of Edward
(below), of Friston, Sussex. Matric. 1612, 'Shelwin.' Died
s.p. (Vis. of Sussex, 1530, 1633-4.)
SELWYN, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from Clare, Michs. 1565.
Perhaps 2nd s. of John, of Friston, Sussex. B.A. from
Queens', 1569-70. Probably brother of Thomas (1565) and
perhaps father of Anthony (above).
SELWYN, GEORGE. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Emmanuel, Michs.
1642. Probably s. and h. of Francis, of Friston, Sussex (and
Penelope, dau. of Sir George Shurley, Lord Chief Justice of
Ireland). Matric. 1642. Probably nephew of Anthony (1612).
(Vis. of Sussex, 1530, 1633-4.)
SELWYN, JOHN. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Clare, May 23, 1728.
B. in London. Possibly s. of John, of Gloucestershire. If so,
M.P. for Whitchurch, 1734-51. Died June 27, 1751, aged 42.
(A. B. Beaven.)
SELWYN, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Clare, Michs. 1565.
Perhaps s. and h. of John, of Friston, Sussex. One of these
names adm. at Gray's Inn, 1570, from Staple Inn. Probably
brother of Edward (1565).
Selwyn, William
SELWIN, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 15) at St John's, Apr. 28,
1730. S. of William, merchant, of Middlesex. B. in London.
School, St Paul's. Matric. 1730. Adm. at the Inner Temple,
Mar. 4, 1729-30. Barrister, 1736. Solicitor to the E.xcise,
1745-9. Died June 24 (?July 4), 1749- [Scott-Mayor, ni.
426; G. Mag.; St Paul's School Register.)
SELWYN, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, May 25,
1749. S. of Henry, of London. School, Westminster. Matric.
1749; Scholar, 1750. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, July 5, i749-
K.C., 1780. M.P. for Whitchurch, Hants., 1783-90. Married
Frances Elizabeth, dau. of Dr John Dodd, of Woodford,
Essex. Died at Richmond, Surrey, Aug. 21, 1817. Buried at
Chislehurst, Kent. [A I. Westmon., 330.)
SELWYN, WILLIAM THOMAS. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Jesus,
Oct. 4, 1701. S. and h. of Sir Edward, Knt., of Friston,
Sussex. Matric. 1701. Adm. at the Inner Temple, June 2,
1702. Died s.p., Feb. 9, 1704-5. M.I. at Friston. {Sussex
Archaeol. Coll., xv. 211.)
SEMEY, WILLIAM. M.Gram. 1503-4-
SEMPER, ALAN. University BedeU, 1474. Perhaps V. of Gt
Canfield, Essex, 1476-81. Died 1488. Buried at St Mary's,
Cambridge. (Stokes, Bedells, 65.)
SEMPLER, . M..\. from Caius, 1595 (in ordo).
SEMSTER, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1607
SENDALL, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Queens', May 24, 1604. Of
Cambridgeshire. B.A. from Corpus Christi, 1607-8. Prob-
ably brother of Robert (1604).
SENDALL, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Queens', Micbs. 1638.
Of Cambridgeshire. Perhaps s. of Robert (1604). B.A. 1641-
2. Probably brother of Robert (1635).
SENDALL, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Clare, Lent, 1563-4;
B.A. 1567-8; M.A. from Trinity Hall, 1571. Fellow of
Trinity Hall, 1570-7. Ord. priest (Ely) Oct. 18, 1571. R. of
Cheveley, Cambs., 1576-1623. Died 1623.
SENDALL, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at Queens', May 24, 1604.
Of Cambridgeshire. B.A. 1607-8; M.A. 1611. R. of Brinkley,
Cambs., 1625-58. Buried there Dec. i, 1658. Probably
brother of John (1604), perhaps father of the next and of
John (1638).
SENDALL, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Queens', Michs. 1635.
Of Cambridgeshire. Perhaps s. of Robert (above). B.A.
1639-40; M.A. 1643. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Dec. 22; priest,
Dec. 23, 1644 (? or May 24, 1646). R. of Carlton with Willing-
ham, Cambs., 1650. Buried Aug. 26, 1665. Probably brother
of John (1638).
SENEWYS or SENOWS, WILLIAM. B.A. 1473-4; M.A. 1477-8.
SENHOUSE, HUMPHREY. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's,
May 2, 1637. S. and h. of John, gent., of Alneburgh HaU,
near Maryport, Cumberland (and Elizabeth, dau. of Hum-
phrey Wharton, of Gillingwood, Yorks.). B. at West Gilling,
Yorks. School, Holme Cultram, Cumberland (private).
Matric. 1637. Died s.p., v. p. (Burke, L.G.)
SENHOUSE, HUMPHREY. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's,
Jan. 12, 1748-9. S. and h. of Humphrey. B. at NetherhaU,
Cumberland. School, St Bees (Mr Fisher). Matric. 1748-9;
Scholar, 1748-9; B.A. 1753; M.A. 1756. Fellow of Pembroke,
1756. M.P. for Cockermouth, 1786-90; for Cumberland,
1790-6. Married Catherine, dau. of Thomas Wood, Esq., of
Beadnell, Northumberland, 1768. Died 1814. (P«7e, 11. 253;
Burke, L.G.)
SENHOUSE, PETER. Matric. pens, from Trinity, c. 1592.
Doubtless s. and h. of Ellenborough (Alneburgh), Cumber-
land. Succeeded his father as Steward of the lordships etc.,
formerly belonging to the monastery of Cultram, 1605.
Sheriff of Cumberland, 1628. Married Frances, dau. of
Lancelot Skelton, of Armathwaite, Cumberland. Died 1654.
Brother of Richard (c. 1592) and Simon {c. 1592). (Burke,
SENHOUSE, PETER. Matric. pens, from Sx John's, Michs. 1616.
Of Cumberland. B.A. 1620-1; M.A. 1624; B.D. 1632. Fellow,
1622. Buried in the College Chapel, Dec. 7, 1635.
SENHOUSE, PETER. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, Sept. 8,
1685. S. and h. of Anthony, gent. Bapt. Dec. 14, 1669, at
Thomhaugh, near Wansford, Northants. School, Peter-
borough (Mr Waring). Matric. 1686; B.A. 1689-90; M.A.
1693. Incorp. at Oxford, 1693. Ord. priest (Hereford) Jan.
31, 1693-4. V.of Kempley, Clones., 1694-1760. V. of Linton,
Hereford, 1704. Canon of Brecon, 1720. Chaplain to Lord
Chandos. Died Jan. 5, 1760. Will, P.C.C. Brother of WiUiam
(1688) and father of William (1742).
Sepherye, Thomas
SENHOUSE, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Trinity, c. 1592.
3rd s. of John, of Alneburgh (or Ellenborough) Hall, Cumber-
land. B.A. (? J594-5); M.A. from St John's, 1598; B.D. 1606;
D.D. 1622. Fellow of St John's, 1598. Incorp. at Oxford,
1600. Ord. deacon and priest (London) June 10, 1604. V. of
Steeple Bumpstead, Essex, 1606. R. of West Cheam, Surrey,
1608. Dean of Gloucester, 1621-4. BishopofCarhsle, 1624-6,
Author, sermons. Died May 6, 1626. Buried in Carlisle
Cathedral. Brother of the next and of Peter (c. 1592).
SENHOUSE, SIMON. Matric. pens, from Trinity, c. 1592.
Doubtless 2nd s. of John, of Ellenborough, Cumberland.
'Murdered near Dovenby' by Skelton of Armathwaite.
Brother of Richard (above) and Peter (c. 1592). (Burke,
SENHOUSE, THOMAS. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
Aug. 13, 1550. Of 'Sestarum' (? S. Owram), Yorks. Matric.
1550, 'Synowes.' Left in 1552. Perhaps adm. at Gray's Inn,
SENHOUSE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's,
Sept. 26, 1634. S. of John, Esq., of Seascales, Gosforth,
Cumberland. B. there. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1634;
B.A. 1637-8.
SENHOUSE, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 14) at Sx John's,
June II, 1688. 3rd s. of Anthony, gent. Bapt. Feb. 26, 1673-4,
at Thomhaugh, Northants. School, St Bees, CumberlcUid.
Matric. 1688. Brother of Peter (1685).
SENHOUSE, WILLIAM. M.A. from Trinity, 1742. S. of
Peter (1685), of Linton, Hereford, clerk. Matric. (Trinity
College, Oxford) Mar. 21, 1729-30, age 16; B.A. (New College,
Oxford) 1733. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Mar. 1733-4. {Al.
SENIOR or SEIGNIOR, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from Trinity,
Easter, 1659; scholar from Westminster. Of London. B.A.
1662-3; M.A. 1666; B.D. 1673; D.D. 1678. Fellow, 1664.
Signed for deacon (London) Dec. 16, 1664. Ord. priest
(Ireland, by Bishop of Derry); 'chaplain to the Bishop.*
Chaplain to the Earl of Burlington. V. of St Michael's,
Cambridge. Died in London, Oct. 15, 1678. WUl proved
(V.C.C). (Al. Westmon.)
SENIOR, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, Apr. 19,
1675. S. of George, of Skelbrook, Yorks. B. there. School,
Wakefield. Matric. 1675; LL.B. 1680. Probably of Mirfield;
took a lease of Newland Hall, Wakefield, 1703. Married
Mary Clarke, of Warmfield, Wakefield, Jan. 23, 1^2. (M. H.
SENIOR, NICHOLAS. Matric. pens, from Sx John's, Michs.
1587. Perhaps adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Aug. 16, 1597; of
Dorset, gent.
SENIOR, ROBERT. M.A. 1626 (Incorp. from Oxford). Of Essex.
Perhaps s. of Robert, Merchant Taylor. B. Sept. 1599.
School, Merchant Taylors'. Matric. (University CoUege,
Oxford) Oct. 23, 1618, age 16 (sic); B.A. 1621-2; M.A. 1624.
V. of Feering, Essex, 1628-c. 44; sequestered, restored, 1660.
SENIOR or SONYER, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Caius,
Nov. 3, 1581. S. of John. B. in London. School, Birstall,
SENIOR, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, Sept. 13,
1634. S. of John, yeoman, of Dodworth, Yorks. B. there.
School, Worsborough, Yorks. (Mr Shaw). Matric. 1634;
B.A. 1638-9; M.A. 1642. Perhaps of Dodworth, clerk, and
father of Thomas (1672).
SENIOR, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1646;
scholar from Westminster, 1647. B. in London. B.A. 1649-
50; M.A. 1653; B.D. 1660. Fellow, 1650. Incorp. at Oxford,
1655. Lecturer at Holy Trinity, Cambridge; ejected, in 1662.
Afterwards a nonconformist preacher at Hackney. {Al.
Westmon.; Calamy, i. 216.)
SENIOR, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, Apr. i,
1672. S. of Thomas (? 1634), clerk, of Dodworth, Yorks.
B. there. School, Wakefield. Matric. 1672; M.B. 1677.
SENNOCK, JOHN. Pens, at Gonville Hall, 1520-5. Monk
from Lewes Priory. B.D. 1522-3; D.D. 1527. Studied arts
and theology 9 years here and 18 months at Oxford.
Pensioned at the surrender of the Priory, Nov. 16, 1537.
V. of Kemsing, Kent, 1542-S. {Venn, i. 25.)
SENNOW, JOHN. B.D. 1511-2. Franciscan friar. D.D. 1526-7.
SENTER, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Michs. 1564.
Licensed to practise surgery, 1566.
SENY or SEYNEY, EDWARD. M.A. from Queens', 1603.
Perhaps of Warficld, Berks., clerk. Will (P.C.C.) 1654;
SEPHERYE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs.
1568; B.A. from Caius, 1574-5.
Seppens, Charles
SEPPENS, CHARLES. Adm. sizar at Petermouse, Jan. 19,
i66a-i. Of Norfolk. Perhaps s. of Robert (below). School,
Scarning. Matric. 1661; B.A. 1664-5; Scholar, 1666; M.A.
1668. Ord. priest (Norwich) Mar. 1672-3. V. of 'Hocham,'
Norfolk, 1673-9. R. of Norton, 1678. R. of Scoulton, 1678-
91. R. of Causton, 1681-91. Died 1691. {T. A. Walker.)
SEPPENS, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at Peterhouse, June 17,
1625. S. of Thomas. B. at Rudham, Norfolk. School,
'Helminton.' Matric. 1625. Migrated to Christ's, Nov. 11,
1628. B.A. 1628-9; M.A. 1632. C. of St Christopher-le-
Stocks, 1637. R. of East Bradenham, Norfolk, 1637-61.
R. of Snetterton, 1659-68. R. of Knapton, 1661-82; of
Hingham, 1668-82. Author, theological. Died 1682. Perhaps
father of Charles (above). (Peile, i. 394; D.N.B.)
SERGEANT, DEGORY. M.A. from St Catharine's, 1724. S. of
Degory, of Eastcott, Devon. Matric. (Exeter College, Oxford)
Mar. 20, 1704-5, age 18; B.A. (Oxford) 1708-9. V. of Down
Ampney, Gloucs., 1710-4. V. of Quethiock, Cornwall, 1712-
25. Died before Oct. 7, 1725. Admon. (Exeter) 1725. (Al.
SARJANT, JOHN. B.A. 1481-2; M.A. 1485; B.D. 1495-6.
Fellow of Queens', 1490-1503. Will proved (V.C.C.) 1503.
SERGIANT, JOHN. Of Jesus. Ord. deacon (Ely) Nov. 1577,
age 23.
SERGEANT, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, Mar. 22,
1636-7. S. of Thomas, barber. B. at Bury St Edmimds.
School, Bury (Mr Dickinson). Matric. 1637; Scholar, 1640-2;
B.A. 1640-1.
SERGEANT, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, Apr. 12,
1639. S. of William, yeoman, of Barrow-upon-Humber,
Lines. B. there, 1622. School, Barton, Lines, (private).
Matric. 1639; B.A. 1642-3. Secretary to Thomas Morton,
Bishop of Durham. Became a Romanist. Studied theology
at the English CoUege at Lisbon; ord. priest there. Joined
the English mission, 1652. Controversial WTiter. Died 1707.
SERGEANT, PETER (?PEYRS). B.A. from Jesus, 1577-8,
'Peres Seriant.' B. at Biilesdon, Leics., c. 1558. Ord. deacon
(Ely) Apr. 1; priest, Dec. 21, 1578, age 23. C. of Kibworth,
Leics., in 1585. V. of Barston, 1598. Will (Leicester) 1618.
SARGENT, PETER. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter, 1625.
Of Lancashire. Probably of Stand, gent. Buried at Prest-
wich. Lanes., May 29, 1661.
SERJEANT, RALPH. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Jan. 26,
1720-1. Of Surrey. Matric. 1721; B.A. 1724-5. Ord. priest
(Norwich) Mar. 1731-2. R. of Waxham, Norfolk, 1733-69.
Died in the Strand, London, Aug. 8, 1769. Perhaps brother
of Thomas (1703). (G. Mag.)
SARGEANT or SARGEN, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Mag-
dalene, Easter, 1632; B.A. 1635-6; M.A. 1640. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) Sept. 25, 1636; priest, June 4, 1637.
SARGEANT, THOMAS. M.A. 1664 (Incorp. from All Souls,
Oxford). S. and h. of WiUiam, of Gloucester, gent. Matric.
(Christ Church, Oxford) Apr. 18, 1651; B.A. (Oxford)
1656-7; M.A. 1658; B.C.L., 1661; D.C.L. 1666. FeUow of
All Souls. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Aug. 17, 1655. Died 1708,
aged 75. One of these names, of Gray's Inn, married
Hannah, dau. of John Cjirill, of Chatteris, Cambs., Sept. 26,
1667. {Al. Oxen.)
SARGEANT, THOMAS. Adm. at Clare, Apr. 23, 1675. Of
Dublin. S. of John. Matric. 1675. Adm. at Trinity College,
Dublin, May 27, 1669, age about 15. Aftenvards of New
England, 'B.A.' {Al. Dublin.)
SERGEANT, THOMAS Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Sept. 21,
1703. Of Surrey. Matric. 1704. Perhaps brother of Ralph
SERJEANT, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Easter,
1619. Probably matric. (Trinity CoUege, Oxford) Oct. 15,
1619, age 17; B.A. (Oxford) 1622; M.A. 1625. R. of Hitcham,
Bucks., 1629; there in 1650. Probably father of the next.
{Al. Oxon.; Lipscomb, in. 282.)
SERGEANT, WILLIAM. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1658. Probably s. of WiUiam (above). B. at Hitcham,
Bucks., 1641. Matric. 1658; B.A. 1661-2; M.A. 1665; B.D.
1672. FeUow, 1661-71. Incorp. at Oxford, 1669. Ord.
deacon (Ely) Sept. 20, 1662; priest, Sept. 19, 1663. C. of
St Edward's, Cambridge, 1667. R. of Fyfield, Hants., 1671-7.
One of these names R. of West Itchener, Sussex, 1662-99.
(Al. Oxon.)
SERGENT, . Scholar of Christ's. B.A. 1535-6.
SERJANSON, . Scholar at King's Hall, 1522-3.
Settle, Thomas
SERMON, WILLIAM. M.D. 1670 {LU. Reg.). Practised at
Bristol during the plague, 1666-9. Attended George Monck,
Duke of Albemarle, for dropsy and claimed to have cured
him, 1669. Physician in ordinary to Charles II. Married
Edith Davies, spinster, of St Margaret, Lothbury, 1678.
Author, medical. Died 1679. Wm(P.C.C.) 1679-80. {D.N.B.;
H. B. Swanzy.)
SEROCOLD or SOROCOLD, GEORGE. Adm. pens, (age 17) at
Caius, May 9, 1645. S. of George, gent. B. at Ashton-in-
Makerfield, Lanes. School, Winwick (Mr Pickering). Matric.
1645; Scholar, 1645-8. Probably died young. Brother of
James (1645). {Venn, i. 357.)
Emmanuel, May 15, 1684. Of Lancashire.
SEROCOLD or SOROCOLD, JAMES. Adm. pens, (age 18) at
Caius, May 9, 1645. S. of George, gent. B. at Ashton-in-
Makerfield, Lanes. School, Win wick (Mr Pickering). Matric.
1645. Brother of George (1645). {Chetham Soc, lxxxviii.
SEROCOLD, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Pembroke, Apr. 23,
1620. S. of Thomas, of London, mercer. Matric. 1620; B.A.
1623-4; M.A. 1627. R. of Creedy, ComwaU. {Vis. of London,
SOROCOLD, MICHAEL. M.A. from Jesus, 1695. S. of James,
of Leigh, Lanes. Matric. (Brasenose CoUege, Oxford) Mar. 20,
1684-5, age 17; B.A. (Oxford) 1688. One of these names
of Goring, Sussex, clerk; wiU (Chichester) 1703. {Al. Oxon.)
SEROCOLD, RALPH. Adm. sizar (age i7) at Peterhouse,
Jan. 7, 1703-4. S. of Walter, of Cherrj' Hinton, Cambs.
School, Cherry Hinton. Matric. 1704; B.A. 1707-8; Scholar,
1708; M.A. 1711. Ord. deacon (Ely) Dec. 21, 1712; priest,
Dec. 20, 1713. Perhaps R. of Walkington, Yorks. (Burke,
L.G.; T.A. Walker, 211.)
SEROCOLD, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, June 21,
1588. Matric. 1588.
SOROCOLD, THOMAS. M.A. 1597 (Incorp. from Oxford). Of
Lancashire. Probably s. of Thomas, of Manchester. B. there,
1561. Matric. (Brasenose CoUege, Oxford) July 18, 1580,
age 18; B.A. 1582-3; M.A. 1585. R. of St Mildred Poultry,
Lx)ndon, 1590-1617. Author, reUgious. Buried at St Mildred
Poultry, Dec. 12, 1617. WiU proved, Jan. 12, 1617-8. {Al.
Oxon.; D.N.B.)
SEROCOLD, WALTER. Adm. pens, (age i7) at Peterhouse,
Feb. 2, 1738-9. S. of Thomas, of Middlesex, and nephew of
Ralph (1703-4). B. 1720. School, Bishop's Stortford.
Matric. 1740; Scholar, 1740; B.A. 1742-3; M.A. 1746. Ord.
deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 25, 1743; priest, Sept. 22, 1745.
V. of Fulboume AU Saints, Cambs. R. of Chignal Smealy,
Essex. R. of Polstead, Suffolk, 1750-7. Sequestrator of
Cherry Hinton, Cambs., 1758-89. Lord of the Manor of
Hinton UphaU. Died Nov. 24, 1784 (? 1789). {T. A. Walker,
276; Burke, L.G.; Musgrave.)
SERRIER, CHARLES. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, Nov. 22,
1698. S. of Charles. School, Westminster. Matric. 1698;
Scholar, 1702; B.A. 1702-3. Ord. deacon (London) June 4,
SERVYNGTON, FRANCIS. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs.
1549. Probably scholar of Trinity, 1551.
SERVINGTON, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter,
SERVINGTON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Queens', Sept. 1613.
Of Huntingdonshire. Matric. 1614.
SETHELL or SETTLE, MATTHEW. Matric. pens, from Jesus,
Easter, 1575. Of Yorkshire. B.A. 1577-8; M.A. 1581;
LL.D. from Corpus Christi, 1588. FeUow of Corpus Christi,
1586-97. Official of the archdeaconry of Norwich and
Commissary to the Bishop, 1595. Died 1597. WiU proved
(V.C.C.) 1598. {Cooper, 11. 243-)
SETTLE, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Christ's, Nov. 9,
1747. S. of Thomas (1707-8). B. at Swainstead, near
Giggleswick, Yorks. School, Giggleswick. Matric. 1748;
Scholar, 1748; B.A. 1752. Ord. deacon (York) Sept. 24, 1752;
'C. of Giggleswick'; priest (Norwich) Sept. 1757. C. of
Wangford, Suffolk. Probably died Mar. 6, i777. {G. Mag.;
Peile, 11. 251.)
SETTLE, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Queens', Michs. 1575.
Ordained by Bishop Freake, of Norwich. Perhaps R. of
Westfield, Norfolk, 1579. Minister at Boxted, Suffolk.
Charged before Archbishop Whitgif t with erroneous doctrines,
and imprisoned, 1586-92. Joined the Brownists' congrega-
tion in London; again arrested and imprisoned, 1593.
R. of Bamingham Winter, Norfolk, 1596-1614. R. of Mat-
lask, in 1601. Probably the author of Tho. Settle, his Cate-
chisme. {Cooper, 11. 402; D.N.B., where there is no further
record of him after his imprisonment in 1593.)
Settle, Thomas
SETTLE, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age i8) at Christ's, Feb. 9,
1707-8. S. of Thomas. B. at Swainstead, near Giggleswick,
Yorks. Matric. 1708; Scholar, 1708-9; B.A. 1711-2. Ord.
deacon (Carlisle) Mar. 1714-5; pnest (York) Dec. 1716. C. of
Wakefield, 1716-37. Father of Robert (i 747)- {Petle.ii. lOg.)
Catharine's, Apr. 14, 1670. Matric. 1672; B.A. 1673-4;
M.A. 1677. Incorp. at Oxford, 1679. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
Sept. 19, 1675. V. of Flowton, Suffolk, 1681. V. of Chattis-
ham, 1682. (Al. Oxon.)
SEVERNE, THOMAS. M.A. 1651 (Incorp. from Oxford). S. and
h. of John, of Powick, Worcester, gent. Bapt. Apr. 28, 1620,
at Powick. Matnc. (Christ Church, Oxford) Nov. 23, 1638,
age 17; B.A. (Oxford) 1642; M.A. 1645; Student; expelled,
1650; restored, 1660. Died unmarried, Sept. 6, 1698. Buried
in Worcester Cathedral. {Al. Oxon.; Burke, L.G.)
SEWARD, BENJAMIN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's,
Nov. 2, 1721. S. of John, steward to Lord Windsor. B. at
Badsey, Worcs. School, Westminster. Matric. 1721. Brother
of Francis (1720) and Thomas (1727).
SEAWARD, CHARLES. Adm. sizar at Trinity, May 26, 1655.
Of Hereford. Matric. 1656; Scholar, 1657; B.A. 1658-9.
Signed for priest's orders (London) Sept. 21, 1672. Probably
C. of Kensington, Middlesex, c. 1670; will (P.C.C.) 1716;
Seward. Doubtless father of John (1695). (Lysons, Environs,
III. I95-)
SEWARD, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, (age 19) at Trinity, June i8,
1720. 4th s. of John, of Badsey, Evesham, Worcs. School,
Westminster. Matric. 1720; Scholar, 1721; B.A. 1723-4',
M.A. 1727. .'^dm. at the Middle Temple, Nov. 3, 1726. Ord.
priest (Lincoln) Mar. 25, 1728. R. of Babingley and Sand-
ringham, Norfolk, 1731-2. R. of West Newton, 1731-2-
Brother of Thomas (1727) and Benjamin (1721).
SEWARD, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Trinity Hall, Easter,
1622; LL.B. 1622. Will proved (V.C.C.) 1643.
SEWARD, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, May 28,
1695. S. of Charles (1655), of Kensington, London. B. there.
School, Westminster. Matric. 1695; Scholar, 1696. Buried
at St Michael's, Cambridge, Dec. 17, 1696.
SEWARD, RICHARD. 'M.A. of Cambridge'; Supp. for incorp.
at Oxford, 1578.
SEWARD, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at St John's, June 17, 1727.
S. of John, gent., of Worcestershire. B. 1708, at Badsey,
Worcs. School, Westminster. Matric. 1727; B.A. 1730-1;
M.A. 1734. Ord. deacon (Salisbury) Dec. 19, 1731; priest
(Rochester) May 20, 1732. R. of Llanmaes, Glamorgan,
1733-40. Perhaps chaplain in the Navy, i739- R- of Eyam,
Derbs., 1740. R. of Kingsley, Staffs., i747- Preb. of Lich-
field, 1755-90. Preb. of Salisbury, 1755-90. Acquainted with
Dr Johnson, whom he frequently entertained at Lichfield.
Married Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. John Hunter, of Lichfield.
Author, religious and poetical. Died Mar. 4, 1790, aged 82.
Will, P.C.C. Father of the poetess, brother of Francis (1720)
and Benjamin (1721). {D.N.B.; Scott-Mayor, in. 404.)
SEWARD, WILLIAM. M.A. from St John's, 1710. S. of
William, of Hereford. Matric. (Brasenose College, Oxford)
Aug. 2, 1695, age 15; B.A. (Oxford) 1699. V. of Vowchurch,
Hereford, 1704. R. of Llandewi Skirrid, Monmouth, 1717.
R. of Llangunider, Brecon, 1729. {Al. Oxon.)
SEWDER or SUDAR, SIMON. B.A. 1528-9.
SEWELL, CUTHBERT. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's,
July 2, 1726. S. of Joseph, tax-collector, of Cumberland.
B. at Carlisle. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1726; B.A. 1729-30;
M.A. 1733. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Feb. 22, 1729-30. Chap-
lain in the Navy, 1730. R. of Southery, Norfolk, 1738-87.
V. of Middleton, 1743-58. R. of Gunthorpe, 1758-87. R. of
Bale, 1758. Buried at Holy Trinity, Chester, Nov. 4, 1787.
SEWELL, DAVID. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius, July 14, 1615.
S. of Matthew, blacksmith, of East Dereham, Norfolk.
School, East Dereham (Mr Rising). Matric. 1615.
SEWELL, EDWARD. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1574;
B.A. 1577-8; M.A. 1581. Ord. deacon (Carlisle) Apr. 8, 1582;
of Caldbeck, Cumberland, M.A.
SEWEL, FORRESTER. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, Apr.
29, 1693. S. of John, shipmaster, of Coleraine. B. there.
School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1693; B.A. 1696-7. Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) June 19, 1698.
SEWELL, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1602. Of Essex. B.A. 1604-5. Buried at St Benet's, Cam-
bridge, Jan. 26, 1605-6.
SEWELL, GEORGE. .\dm. sizar (age 19) at Peterhouse, June
25, 1706. S. of John, of Windsor, Berks. School, Eton.
Matric. 1706; B.A. 1709-10. Studied medicine at Leyden.
Seycill, William
M.D. (Edinburgh). Practised in London for a time. After-
wards a political pamphleteer. Author, miscellaneous. Died
Feb. 8, 1725-6, at Hampstead, in great poverty. {D.N.B.)
SEWELL, HARDWICK. Adm. pens, (age 19) at Christ's,
July 3, 1733. S. of Thomas (by his 1st wife Elizabeth, dau.
of Richard Hardwick, of Spalding, Lines.). B. at Gt Kenny,
Essex. School, Lavenham (Mr Smithies). Matric. i733; B.A.
173&-7; M.A. 1741. Brotherof Thomas (1719-20)- {Morant,
II- 273)
SEWELL, HUGH. B.A. 1531-2; M.A. 1534. Fellow of Christ's,
1532-7. Probably B.D. and D.D. (Oxford) {Supp. for) 1561,
Preb. of Carlisle, 1549-85. R. of Caldbeck, Cumberland,
1560. Died 1585. {Peile, i. 15; Al. Oxon.)
SEWELL, JOHN. B.A. 1497-8; M.A. 1501.
SEWELL, JOHN. Matric. pens, from King's, Michs. 1570.
Lay clerk at King's CoUege Chapel. One of these names, M.A.,
ord. priest (Carlisle) Mar. 25, 1576. Perhaps R. of Horham,
Suffolk, 1575-91-
SEWELL, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Christ's, July 1, 1671.
S. of John. B. in London. School, Westminster. Matric.
1671. Adm. at the Inner Temple, Aug. 27, 1672. {PeiU, 11.
SEWELL, RICHARD. Adm. sizar at Queens', June 30, 1637.
Of Rutland. B.A. 1640-1.
SEWELL, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Christ's, July i,
1686. S. of Richard. B. at Buntingford. School, Bunting-
ford (Mr England). Matric. 1687; Scholar, 1689; B.A. 1689-
90. Ord. deacon (Norwich) May, 1692; priest (London)
June 11, 1693. {Peile, 11. 102-3.)
SEWALL, ROBERT. M.Gram. 1495-6.
SEWELL, THOMAS. B.A. 1498-9. Of Carlisle diocese. M.A.
1502. Fellow of Pembroke, 1498. Ord. deacon (Lincoln)
Dec. 19, 1500; priest. Mar. 6, 1500-1. R. of Leyboume, Kent,
1510-27. Perhaps preb. of St Paul's, 1512-27. Will (P.C.C.)
SEWELL, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Magdalene,
Mar. 24, 1719-20. S. and h. of Thomas, of Gt Henny, Essex.
B. at Lavenham, Suffolk. Died Nov. 1721, aged 19. M.I. at
Gt Henny. Brother of Hardwick (i733)- (Morant, 11.
SEWELL, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinity, Apr. 22,
1740. S. of Thomas, of Earls Colne, Essex. School, Earls
Colne (Mr Stringer). Matric. 1740-1; Scholar, 1740. Adm.
at the Inner Temple, June 4, 1741-
SEWEL, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius, Feb. 10,
1747-8. S. of William, weaver, of Norwich. B. at Langley,
Norfolk. School, Norwich. Matric. 1748-9; Scholar, 1748-
52; B.A. 1752. Obtained the College testimonial for deacon's
orders, July 7, 1752. Died Aug. 22, 1752. M.I. at St Martin-
in-Palace churchyard, Norwich. (Venn, 11. 61.)
SEWSMITH, . B.A. 1524-5-
SEWSTER, GEORGE. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Pembroke,
Easter, 1628. S. and h. of Edward, of Cheapside, London,
Esq. Bapt. May 10, 1612, at St Vedast's. Adm. at Gray's
Inn, Nov. 21, 1632.
SEWSTER, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter, 1641.
Of Suffolk. Probably brother of the next.
SEWSTER, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Queens', Michs. 1637.
Of Suffolk. B.A. 1640-1. Perhaps of Raveley, Hunts.;
knighted, June 27, 1664. Probably brother of John (above).
SEWSTER, SAMUEL. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1572;
B.A. 1575-6.
SEWSTER, SAMUEL. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Queens',
Easter, 1611. Of Suffolk.
SEXTON or SEKSTAN, J. Fined for non-graduation (Law or
Div.) 1462-3. One John Sextun, LL.D., from Brabant, R. of
Eaglescliffe, Durham, and of Haccombe, Devon. Will
(P.C.C.) 1519; as of St Gregory's, London.
SEXTON, JOHN. B.Civ.L. 1534-5-
SEXTON, JOHN. B.A. from St Catharine's, 1632-3.
SEXTON, . B.A. 1461-2.
SEY, see SAY.
SEYCILL, see also CECIL.
SEYCILL or CECIL, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 14) at Caius,
Feb. 20, 1666-7. S. of Robert, gent., of Hereford (? Herts.).
B. in London. School, Walthara Abbey. Matric. 1667;
Scholar, 1667-74; B.A. 1670-1; M.A. 1674- R- oi St Michael
Coslany, Norwich. 1676-1715- Buried there Oct. 9, 1715.
Will proved (Norwich C. C.) I7i5- (Venn, 1. 429.)
Sevliard, Edward
SEYLIARD, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from Trinity Hall,
Michs. 1555. Perhaps s. of Eustace, of Flemings-in-Runwell,
Essex. Perhaps knighted, July 23, 1603. Died June 5, 1610.
{Morant, 1. 140.)
SYLIARDE or SULYARD, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from
Pembroke, c. 1590. Probably s. of Edward (above), of
Essex; adm. at Lincoln's Inn, May 3, 1591, Sulyarde. One
of these names (Sulyard) knighted, Nov. 11, 1618. Probably
brother of WiUiam {c. 1590).
SEYLIARD, FRANCIS. .\dm. pens, (age 15) at Sidney, Feb. 5,
1642-3. S. of Thomas, Esq., of Delaware, Kent. School,
Kenthatch (Mr Knight). Matric. 1644; B.A. (? 1647-8); M. A.
from Caius, 1651. Fellow of Sidney, 1649-50; intruded
Fellow of Caius, 1650-4. R. of Moulton, Suffolk, 1657-76.
V. of Mayfield, Sussex, 1663-4. Died Dec. 26, 1676. Brother
of John (1631) and Thomas (1631). (Venn, i. 378; Le Neve,
Mon., IV. 173.)
SYLIERD, HENRY. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs. 1568;
B.A. 1571-2; M.A. 1575. Probably R. of Addington, Kent,
1583-1615; R. of Ightham, 1586-1616. Buried at Addington,
Jan. 19, 1615-6. Will, P.C.C.
SEYLYARD, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter,
1605, Seilyard. S. and h. of Sir John, of Ightham, Kent,
Bart. {sic). Adm. at the Inner Temple, 1606. Died 1641.
{Inner Temple Admissions.)
SEYLIARD, HENRY. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May 30, 1611.
Matric. 1611; B.A. 1614-5; M.A. 1618; D.D. 1661 {Lit. Reg.).
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Mar. 12; priest, Mar. 13, 1619-20.
R. of Tostock, Sufiolk, 1625-36. R. of Quidenham, Norfolk,
SEYLIARD, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney, July 2,
1631. S. and h. of Thomas, Esq., of Delaware, and of Chid-
dingstone, Kent. School, Kenthatch (Mr Knight). Matric.
1631. Adm. at the Inner Temple, 1633-4. M.P. for Kent,
1654-5 and 1656-8. Created Bart., June 18, 1661. Of
Brasted, Kent. Married Mary Glover. Buried at Edenbridge,
Kent, Dec. 19, 1667. Brother of Thomas (1631) and Francis
(1642-3), father of Thomas (1667). {G.E.C., in. 218.)
SILLIARD, MATTHEW. Matric. sizar from King's, Michs. 1578.
SYLLIARD, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1618; B.A. 1622; M.A. 1625. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 20;
priest, Sept. 21, 1623. V. of Tenterden, Kent, 1627.
SELIYARD, SAMUEL. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter,
1633; Scholar, 1634; B.A. 1636-7; M.A. 1640.
SYLYARDE, THOMAS. B.A. 1528-9. Doubtless s. of Thomas,
of Delaware, Kent. M.A. 1532; B.D. 1544. Fellow of St
John's, 1528. R. of Brasted, Kent, 1537. {Misc. Gen. et
Her., 2nd S., i. 10.)
SYLIARD, THOMAS. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Clare, Michs.
SEYLIARD, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Sidney, July 2,
1631. S. of Thomas, Esq., of Delaware, Kent. School,
Kenthatch (Mr Knight). Matric. 1631; B.A. 1634-5; M.A.
1638. Fellow. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June 9, 1639. Perhaps
R. of Runwell, Essex, 1660-7. Died 1667. Brother of John
(1631) and Francis (1642-3).
SYLLYARD or SULYARD, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at
Pembroke, Mar. 2, 1641-2. 3rd s. of Thomjis, of Flemings,
Essex, and probably nephew of Edward {c. 1590). B. at
Runwell, Essex. Matric. 1642. {Essex Pedigrees, 718.)
SEYLIARD, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter,
1646. Of Kent. Incorp. B.A. at Oxford, 1648; M.A. (Oxford)
1651. One of these names R. of Chiddingstone, Kent, 1647-
62, ejected. R. of Deal; ejected, 1662. Perhaps father of
Thomas (1676).
SILLIARD, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Apr. 25, 1649.
Of Canterbury. Probably s. and h. of John, of Penshurst,
Kent, barrister. Matric. 1649. Adm. at the Inner Temple,
1649-50. Of Penshurst, Kent. Married Mary, dau. of
Richard Holman, of Pendhill, Bletchingly, Surrey, c. 1654.
Will proved, Feb. 7, 1673-4. Perhaps father of Thomas
(1686). (F. C. Cass, Monken Hadley, 92.)
SEYLIARD or SYLIARD, THOMAS. Matric. Fell.-Com. from
Sidney, Michs. 1667. S.and h. of Sir John (1631), of Brasted,
Kent, Bart. M.A. 1669. Succeeded his father as 2nd Bart.,
Dec. 1667. Married (i) Frances, dau. of Henry Wyatt, of
Boxley Abbey, Kent, deceased; (2) Margaret, dau. of Philip,
Baron Wharton. Buried at Edenbridge, May 4, 1692.
{G.E.C., III. 218.)
SEYLIARD, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Jesus, June 13, 1676.
Of Kent. S. of , clerk, deceased (perhaps Thomas (1646),
R. of Chiddingstone). Matric. 1677; B.A. 1679-80; Scholar,
SEYLIARD, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Queens', Oct. 27, 1686.
S. of John, of Penshurst, Kent. Perhaps M.B. 1689. Matric.
Seymour, John
(University College, Oxford) July 23, 1684, age 17. (Al.
Oxon.; F. C. Cass, Monken Hadley, makes Thos. Seyliard,
M.B., s. of Thomas, of Penshurst.)
SILLIARD, WILLIAM. Matric. FeU.-Com. from St John's,
Michs. 1575-
SYLIARDE, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, c. 1590.
Perhaps s. of Eustace, of Flemings, Essex, and brother of
Edward (c. 1590).
SEYMOUR, BERKELEY. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1702. 2nd s. of Colonel John Seymour. B. in London.
Matric. Lent, 1702-3; B.A. 1706-7; M.A. 1710. Fellow, 1706.
Senior Proctor, 1728-9. Adm. at the Middle Temple, Feb. 27,
1704-5. Called to the Bar, 1711. Lived for many years at
Bitton, Gloucs. Died Oct. 1744. {Harwood.)
SEYMOUR, CHARLES. Educated at Trinity. S. of Charles,
2nd Baron Seymour, of Trowbridge (by his 2nd wife Eliza-
beth, dau. of William, 1st Baron Alington, of KiUard). B.
Aug. 12, 1662. Succeeded his brother Francis as Duke of
Somerset, Earl of Hertford, etc., Apr. 20, 1678. Generally
known as 'the proud Duke.' Lord-Lieutenant of the East
Riding, Yorks., 1682-7, and of Somerset, 1683-7. Gentleman
of the Bedchamber, 1683-7. K.G., 1684. Took up arms for
the Prince of Orange, 1688. Chancellor of the University,
1 689-1 748. Speaker of the House of Lords, 1690. Lord
President of the Council and a Lord of Trade, 1702. Privy
Councillor. Master of the Horse, 1702-12 and i7i4-5-
D.C.L. (Oxford) 1702. A Commissioner for the Union, 1706.
Married (i) Elizabeth, Countess of Ogle, dau. of Joceline
Percy, Earl of Northumberland ; (2) Charlotte, dau. of Daniel
Finch, Earl of Winchelsea. Died Dec. 2, 1748. Buried in
Salisbury Cathedral. Father of Lord Percy (1714)- {D.N.B.;
SEYMOUR, EDWARD. Educated at Oxford and Cambridge.
S. of Sir John, of Wolfhall and Chadham, Wilts. B. c. 1500.
Served in the wars with France. Knighted, Nov. 1, 1523.
Created Viscount Beauchamp of Hache, Somerset, June 5,
1536. Privy Councillor, 1537. Created Earl of Hertford,
Oct. 18, 1537. K.G., 1541. Lord High Admiral, 1542-3-
Lord Great Chamberlain, 1543-7- Prominent in many
important military and political events. Created Baron
Seymour, Feb. 15, 1546-7; Duke of Somerset, Feb. 16, 1546-
7. Lord Protector of the Realm, 1547-9- Chancellor of the
University, 1547. High Steward of the town, 1547-52.
Lord-Lieutenant of Bucks., and of Berks., 1551. Married
(i) Catherine, dau. of Sir William Fillor, of Horton, Dorset;
(2) Anne, dau. of Sir Edward Stanhope, of Shelford, Notts.
Beheaded for treason on Tower Hill, Jan. 22, 155 1-2.
Buried in the Chapel of St Peter-ad-Vincula. Father of
Edward (1571). {Cooper, i. 107; D.N.B.; G.E.C.)
SEMER, EDWARD. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Trinity, Michs.
1564. Probably 4th s. of Edward, Earl of Hertford, and Duke
of Somerset. B. 1548. M.A. 1567. Died 1574- Probably
brother of the next.
SEYMOUR, EDWARD. M.A. 1571. S. of Edward, E^tri of
Hertford, and Duke of Somerset. Educated with Prince
Edward, and knighted at his coronation, Feb. 20, 1546-7.
Became de jure Duke of Somerset, 1552, but forfeited his
title and estates in the same year through the malice of his
father's enemies. Created Baron Beauchamp, and Earl of
Hertford, Jan. 13, 1558-9. Secretly married his first wife.
Lady Catherine Grey, 1560; imprisoned in the Tower of
London on the marriage becoming known, 1561; released,
1571. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Feb. 2, 1571-2. Lord-Lieutenant
of Somerset and Wiltshire., 1602 and 1608-21. Ambassador
Extraordinary at Brussels, 1605. High Steward of the
Revenues to Queen Anne, 1612-9. Married three wives.
Died Apr. 6, 1621. Buried in Salisbury Cathedral. Probably
brother of Edward (above). {D.N.B.)
SEMAR, FLORENTIUS. Licensed to practise medicine, 1537-8.
SEYMOUR or SEAMORE, HENRY. M.A. 1641-2 (no6.). (Perhaps
s. of Sir Edward, Bart., of Berry Pomeroy, Devon. Page of
Honour to Charles I. Groom of the Bedchamber to Charles II.
M.P. for East Looe, 1660-79. Died Mar. 9, 1686-7, aged 74.)
Probably 3rd s. of William, Marquis of Hertford, and Duke
of Somerset. Styled Lord Beauchamp. M.A. (Oxford) 1642-
3. Knighted, Jan. 17, 1644-5. Died v.p. Buried Mar. 30,
1654, at Bedwyn Magna. {Lipscomb, iv. 532-3! Collins, i.
185; G.E.C.)
SEYMOUR, HYDE. Adm. pens, at Queens', Oct. 4, 1715- Of
Wiltshire. Matric. 1715.
SEAMORE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Magdalene, Michs. 1638;
B.A. 1641-2.
SEYMOR, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney, Feb. 17,
1679-80. 1st s. of John, groom. B. at Wellingborough.
Schools, Wellingborough and Uppingham. Matric. 1680;
B.A. 1684-5; M.A. 1715. Ord. priest (Lincohi) May 22, 1687.
V. of Stone, Bucks., 1706-19. Died Nov. 1719. Will (Archd.
Bucks.) 1719.
Seymour, Percy
SEYMOUR, Lord PERCY. Adm. nobleman (age i8) at Trinity,
May 4, 1714. 2nd s. of Charles, 6th Duke of Somerset
(Chancellor of the University). School, Eton. Matric. 1714;
M.A. 1717. M.P. forCockermouth, 1718-21. Died unmarried,
July 4, 1721, of the small-pox, aged 24. {Collins, i. 185;
SEYMOUR, RALPH. Student in 1560. Author of verses on the
restoration of Bucer and Fagius.
SEAMER, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, May 26,
1665. S. of John, yeoman, of Raisthorpe-in-Wharram Percy,
Yorks. B. there. School, Dalton. Matric. 1665; B.A. 1668-9;
M.A. 1672. Ord. deacon (York) June, 1671; signs for priest's
orders (London) Mar. 14, 1673-4; X. of Deptford, Kent.'
Perhaps buried at Northiam, Sussex. M.I. there, 1699;
Richard Seamer, M..-^. (Horsfield, Sussex, i. 517.)
SEAMAR, SAMUEL. ('Seaman' in Coll. Reg.) Matric. Fell.-
Com. from Queens', Michs. 1619. Of Somerset.
SEAMER or SEYMER, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel,
Feb. 8, 1630-1. Of Essex. S. of Samuel, of Colchester (and
Mary, dau. of Richard Upcher, of Dedham, Essex). Matric.
1631; B.A. 1634-5; M.A. 1638. {Vis. of Essex, 1634.)
SEYMAR, THOMAS. B.A. 1571-2 (Incorp. from Oxford).
SEAMAR, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Caius, June 17, 1628.
S. of Thomas, husbandman. B. at Soham, Cambs. Bapt.
Nov. 29, 1607. School, Perse (Mr Loveringe). Matric. 1628.
SEYMOUR, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, Feb.
17, 1714-5. S. of William, husbandman. B. at Sutton-upon-
Derwent, Yorks. School, Pocklington (Mr TrebeU). Matric.
1715; B.A. 1718-9. Ord. deacon (York) May, 1719.
SEMER, WILLIAM. B.Can.L. 1506-7. One of these names
(Semer), C. of Hampstead, Middlesex, 1558.
SEYMORE, WILLIAM. M.A. from Peterhouse, 1646. S. of
John, of Ogboum, Wilts. Matric. (Magdalen Hall, Oxford)
Apr. 27, 1638; B.A. (Oxford) 1641-2. Perhaps R. of Eweme
Courtney, Dorset, 1648.
SEZELEY, . B.D. 1468-9.
SHAA, see also SHAW.
SHAA, EDMUND. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Apr. 24, 1632. Of
Essex. S. and h. of Edmund, of Tarling Hall, Essex, gent.
Matric. 1632; Scholar, 1632. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Mar. 19,
1632-3. Brother of the next. {Vis. of Essex, 1634.)
SHAA, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Aug. 15, 1633. Of
Essex. 2nd s. of Edmund, of Tarling Hall, Essex. Brother
of Edmund (above). (A. Gray.)
SHAE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Magdalene, Michs. 1555.
SHACKLOOK, BENJAMIN. Adm. sizar at Jesus, June 30,
1637. Of Nottinghamshire. Probably s. of Edward, of
Misterton, Notts. Matric. 1637; B.A. 1640.
SHACKLOCK, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1552 {impubes); B.A. 1555-6; M.A. 1559. Fellow. A
Romanist; retired to Louvain, where he studied Civil Law.
Author, miscellaneous. {Cooper, i. 241 ; D.N.B.)
SHAD, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Sidney, Nov. 5, 1605. Matric.
1606; B.A. 1609-10; M.A. 1613.
SHADBOLT, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs.
SHADBOLT or SHACKBOLT, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from
Trinity Hall, c. 1597; Scholar, 1598.
SHADBOLT, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs.
SHADDOCK or SADOCK, MATTHEW. Adm. at King's (age 16)
a scholar from Eton, Aug. 22, 1551. Of Windsor. Matric.
1551; B.A. 1555-6. Fellow, 1554-8.
SHADESBY, G. Resident student at Jesus, 1564.
SHADFORTH, GEORGE. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Christ's, June i,
1650. S. of Thomas, of Eppleton, Durham. B. there. Bapt.
Oct. 7, 1632, at Houghton-le-Spring. Schools, Houghton and
Guisborough (Mr Smelt). Matric. 1650. Married (1) Margaret,
dau. of Francis James; (2) Thomasine, dau. of John Hilton,
of Hilton Castle. Buried June 15, 1669. {Peile, i. 536;
H. M. Wood.)
SHADFORD, GEORGE. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Peterhouse,
Oct. 27, 1682. Of Durham. Doubtless s. of George (above),
of Eppleton, Durham. Bapt. Sept. i, 1668, at Houghton-le-
Spring. School, Durham. Buried at Houghton-le-Spring,
Mar. 24, 1700-1.
SHADFORD, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Peterhouse,
Apr. 22, 1 68 1. S. of John, of Hetton, Durham. Bapt. Aug.
30, 1665, at Houghton-le-Spring. School, Durham. Matric.
i68r; Scholar, 1681; B.A. 1684-5; M.A. 1688. Brother of
Thomas (1686). {T. A. Walker, 1686; Surtees, i. 221.)
Shafto, Matthew
SHADFORTH, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18 sic) at Peterhouse,
June 22, 1686. S. of John, of Hetton-le-Hole, Durham.
Bapt. Nov. 4, 1666, at Houghton-le-Spring. School,
Houghton, Durham. Matric. 1686; Scholar, 1687; B.A.
1689-90; M.A. 1693. Ord. deacon (York) Mar. 1689-90;
priest (Durham) Sept. 21, 1695. C. of Brancepeth, Durham,
1695. Minister of St Andrew's, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1705-
24. Died Sept. 11, 1724. Buried at Brancepeth. Brother of
John (1681). (D. S. Boutflower; T. A. Walker, 179.)
SHADWELL, JASPER. Adm. at King's (age 16) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 12, 1524. Of St Peter and St Paul's parish,
London. B.A. 1528-9. Fellow, 1527-9. Known as an
engraver. (Cooper, 1. 78.)
SHADWELL, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Pembroke, Apr. 16,
1634. S. of George. B. at Thetford, Norfolk. Matric. 1634;
B.A. 1637-8. Adm. at the Middle Temple, May 16, 1639.
Called to the Bar, 1653. J. P. for Middlesex, Norfolk and
Suffolk. Recorder of Galway, and Receiver there to the
Duke of York. Attorney-General at Tangier. Of Broomhill,
Norfolk, in 1656. Buried at Oxburgh, Norfolk, Mar. 2, 1684.
Father of Thomas (1656). {Blomefield, vi. 197.)
SHADWELL, ROGER. M.A. Of Norwich diocese. Petitioned
the Pope in 1363 for a benefice. {Cal. Pap. Pet., i. 405.)
SHADWELL, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 14) at Caius, Dec. 17.
1656. S. and h. of John (1634), of Broomhill, Norfolk. B.
there. School, Bury St Edmunds (Mr Stephens). Matric.
1656. Adm. at the Middle Temple, July 7. 1658, but soon
quitted the law and travelled abroad. Superseded Dryden
as poet laureate and historiographer royal, 1688-92.
Dramatist. Married Anne, dau. of Thomas Gibbs, of Norwich.
Died Nov. 20, 1692, from an overdose of opium. Buried at
Chelsea. Will (P.C.C.) 1692. {Venn, i. 393; D.N.B.;
Hutchinson, Notable Middle Templars.)
SHAFTO, ANTHONY. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Christ's, June 30,
1655. S. of William. B. at Barmston, Durham. School,
Newcastle (Mr Ritchell). Matric. 1655; B.A. 1658-9; M.A.
1662. Perhaps Master of Bolton School, Lanes., in 1672.
Ord. deacon (Norwich) 1674, age 36; 'Mcensed to Lakenham,
Norfolk.' (Peile, 1. 568.)
SHAFTO, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Christ's, 1596-7- Prob-
ably of Durham.
SHAFTO, JOHN. M.A. 1637 (Incorp. from Edinburgh). S. of
William. M.A. (Edinburgh) 1634. V. of Warden, North-
umberland, 1643-93. Died 1695-6, at Carrycoats. Will dated.
May 30, 1693; proved, Jan. 9, 1695-6. (Surtees, iv. 418.)
SHAFTO, LEONARD. M.A. 1668 (Incorp. from Exeter CoUege,
Oxford). Matric. there, June 15, 1651; B.A. (Oxford) 1654-5;
M.A. 1657. V. of Dedham, Essex, 1665-71. Minister of
All Saints', Newcastle, 1671-6. Buried at St Nicholas,
Newcastle, Aug. 10, 1676. Father of the next. (Al. Oxon.;
H. M. Wood.)
SHAFTO, LEONARD. Adm. pens, at Christ's, Jan. 14, 1686-7.
S. of Leonard (above). B. at Dedham, Essex. School,
Durham (Mr Battersby). Matric. 1688; B.A. 1690-1; M.A.
1694. Lecturer at All Saints', Newcastle, 1698. R. of Gates-
head-on-Tyne, 1705-31. Died Aug. 27, 1731. Buried at
Gateshead. (Peile, 11. 103.)
SHAFTO, MARK. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter, 1616.
S. of Robert, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Bapt. Mar. 25, 1601-2.
B.A. 1619-20. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Aug. 3, 1619. Barrister-
at-law, 1636. Bencher. Recorder of Newcastle, 1648.
M.P. for Newcastle, 1659. Married Mary, dau. of Thomas
Legard, of Newcastle, merchant. Died Feb. 25, 1659-60.
Father of the next and Robert (1650). (Burke, L.G.; Surtees,
III. 294.)
SHAFTOE, MARK. Adm. pens, (age 15) at St John's, May 11,
1652. 2nd s. of Mark (above), gent., of Greeneland, Durham,
Bencher of Gray's Inn. Bapt. Feb. 5, 1636-7, at Whickham.
School, Newcastle. Matric. 1652. Adm. at Gray's Inn, May
20, 1655. Brother of Robert (1650).
SHAFTO, MARK. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Magdalene, June 4,
1653. S. of Robert, alderman of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Bapt.
July 16, 1636, at Whickham. School, Newcastle. Matric.
1653. Adm. at Gray's Inn, May 20, 1655. Buried at St
Nicholas, Durham, Oct. 17, 1700.
SHAFTO, MARK. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 16) at St John's,
Apr. 19, 1678. S. and h. of Sir Robert (1650), Knt. B. Apr. 8,
1662, at Newcastle. Matric. 1678. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Aug.
8, 1673 (sic). High Sheriff of Durham, 1705-12 and 1714-21.
Married Margaret, dau. of Sir William (? John) Ingleby, Bart.,
of Ripley, Yorks., Oct. 23, 1683. Died Dec. 28, 1723. M.I.
at Whitworth. (Burke, L.G.; Surtees, in. 295.)
SHAFTO, MATTHEW. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
156.;. School, Durham. B.A. from Christ's, 1563-4. Fellow
of Christ's, 1564-5.
SHAFTO, NINIAN. B.A. 1514-5- Of Northumberland. Perhaps
s. of Edward, of Bavington (and Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas
Swinburne, of Nafierton). M.A. 1517. Fellow of St John's,
1516. FeUow of St Catharine's. Proctor, 1527-8. Ord.
priest (Lincoln) June 2, 1520. (Burke, L.G.; Surtees, iii.
SHAFTO, ROBERT. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, May 9,
1650. S. and h. of Mark (1616), Esq., of Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Bapt. May 13, 1634, at St Nicholas. School, Newcastle
(Mr Ritchel). Matric. 1650. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Mar. i6,
1640-X. Recorder of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1660-S5. Knighted,
June 26, 1670. Serjeant-at-law, 1675. Married Catherine,
dau. of Sir Thomas Widdrington, of Cheesebum Grange,
Northumberland. Died May 21, 1705. Buried at St Nicholas,
Newcastle. Father of Mark (1678). (Burke, L.G.; Surtees,
m. 295-)
SHAFTOE, ROBERT. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 17) at St John's,
June 24, 1682. S. and h. of Robert, Esq., of Benwell Tower,
Northumberland. B. at Newcastle-on-Tyne. Bapt. Mar. 10,
1663-4, at St Nicholas. School, Durham. Matric. 1682.
High Sheriff of Northumberland, 1696. Married Dorothy,
dau. of Sir Thomas Heselrigge, of Nosely, Leics. Died 1714.
(Surtees, iii. 296.)
SHAFTO, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Clare, June 27, 1710.
B. at Monk Wearmouth, Durham. Matric. 1710. Probably
brother of the next. See Al. Oxon. for a contemporary name-
SHAFTO, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Clare, June 22, 1708. B. at
Monk Wearmouth, Durham. Matric. 1708. One of these
names s. and h. of Robert (1682). High Sheriff of North-
umberland, 1718. Died Nov. 3, i735- Probably brother of
Robert (above). (Surtees, iii. 296.)
SHAFTON, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Caius, Jan. 25, 1622-3.
S. of John, of South Cave, Yorks. School, South Cave
(Mr Flint). Matric. 1623; B.A. 1626-7. Ord. deacon (York)
Sept. 23, 1627; 'C. of Welton.' {Venn, i. 260.)
SHAKERLLY, JOHN. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Jesus, Easter,
1613; B.A. 1615-6. Probablys. andh.of Richard, of Ditton,
Kent; age 19 in 1619, and nephew of Peter (below). Died s.p.
(Vis. of Kent, 1619; Hasted, 11. 188.)
SHACKERLY, PETER. Adm. pens, (age 24) at Caius, Mar. 3,
1574-5- S. of Francis, of Ditton, Kent. B. in London.
School, Rochester. One of these names of Magdalen College,
Oxford, 1571; B.A. (Oxford) 1573- Adm. at Gray's Inn,
July 4, 1576. Perhaps barrister-at-law, 1595. (Venn, i. 81;
Al. Oxon.; Towneley MSS.)
SHAKESPEAR, EDWARD. Adm. sizar at Clare, July 5, 1725-
B. at Coventry, Warws. Matric. 1725; B.A. 1728-9; M.A.
1736. Ord. deacon (Chester) 1731; priest, 1733. V. of
Leyland, Lanes., 1733-48. R. of North Meols, 1735-48.
Author, sermons. Died at Leyland, Jan. i, 1747-8. Will
(Chester) 1748. (R. Stewart-Brown.)
SHAKESPEARE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 19) at M.^gdalene,
June 13, 1662. S. of [Thomas], butcher, of Coventry. School,
Coventry. Migrated to Oxford. Matric. (St John's College,
Oxford) Oct. 18, 1662, age 18; B.A. (St Mary Hall, Oxford)
1666. V. of Austrey, Warws., 1670. (Al. Oxon.)
SHAKESPERE, . Matric. pens, from Christ's, May, 1544.
SHAKLEFORD, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's,
July 4, 1726. S. of William, of Halesford, Hants. B. at
Alresford, Apr. 2, 1707. School, Merchant Taylors'. Matric.
1726. Migrated to St Catharine's, Mar. 24, 1727. B.A.
1732-3; M.A. 1736. Ord. priest (London) Aug. 12, i733-
C. of St Peter, CornhiU. Buried there Jan. 14, 1766. Will,
P.C.C. (Scott-Mayor, iii. 400; G. Mag.)
SHAKLETON, JAMES. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs.
SHALES, HENRY. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1575. Migrated to Oxford. B.A. (Oxford) 1578. R. of
Dunton-CMW-Doughton, Norfolk, 1581. R. of Hangleton,
Sussex, 1583. Perhaps R. of West Grinstead; admon.
(P.C.C.) 1586 (?).
SHALES, RICHARD. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 16) at Trinity,
July 3, 1721. S. and h. of Charles (probably the goldsmith
and banker), of London (and Anne, dau. of Sir John Barring-
ton). School, Edmonton, Middlesex (Mr Button). Matric.
1721. Died Jan. 29, 1729. (Musgrave; Essex Arch. Soc,
N.S.,n. 51.)
SHALLCROSS, EDMUND. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, June 29,
1622. 2nd s. of Richard (or Leonard), of Shalcrosse, Derbs.
Matric. 1622; B.A. 1625-6; M.A. 1629. Incorp. at Oxford,
1626. R. of Stockport, Cheshire, 1637-45. Married Margaret,
dau. of Thomas Rudyerd, of Rudyerd, Staffs. Killed by the
King's party near Dudley, July, 1645. Perhaps brother of
William (1631). (Al. Oxon.; Jewitt, Relig., vi, 150.)
Share, Peter
SHALCROSSE, JOHN. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Sx Catharine's,
July 4, 1709. Doubtless s. and h. of John, of Stockport,
Cheshire and of Shalcrosse, Derbs., Esq. B. 1688. Matric.
(Brasenose College, Oxford) June 25, 1706, age 18. Adm. at
the Middle Temple, May 2, 1707. Died s.p., 1709. (Al. Oxon.)
SHALLCROSS, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1631. Possibly s. of Leonard, of Shalcrosse, Derbs. B.A.
1634-5; M.A. 1638. Ord. priest (Peterb.) Mar. 10, 1638-9.
Intruding V. of Whissendine, Rutland, in 1642 and 1648.
Perhaps Master of Stamford School, Lines., 1663-8. Perhaps
brother of Edmund (1622). (Jewitt, Relig., vi. 150.)
SHAN, CHARLES. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Magdalene, July 2,
1677. S. of John, Esq. B. at Methley, Yorks. School,
Hardwick, Yorks. Matric. 1677. Ord. deacon (York) May,
1681; priest, 1681-2. Brother of the next.
SHAN or SHAND, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Magdalene,
May 23, 1664. S. of John, barrister, of Methley, Yorks.
School, Methley. Matric. 1664. Adm. at the Inner Temple,
Dec. 16, 1664. Brother of Charles (above).
SHAN, JOHN. M.A. from King's, 1726. S. of John, of Methley,
Yorks., gent. B. Oct. 28, 1700. Matric. (Lincoln College,
Oxford) May 11, 1719, age 18; B.A. (Oxford) 1722-3. Ord.
priest (Lincoln) Dec. 20, 1724. V. of Chicheley, Bucks., 1724-
R. of Famdish, Beds., 1724. Died Aug. 29, 1783, aged 83.
M.I. at Chicheley. WiU, P.C.C. Father of the next. (Al.
Oxon.; R. E. C. Waters, 182.)
SHAN, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's, June 27, i745-
S. of John (above), clerk, of Leicestershire. B. at Thorpe,
near Loughborough. Schools, Appleby, Westmorland (Mr
Martin) and Oakham, Rutland (Mr Adcock). Matnc. 1745-6;
LL.B. 1751. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 23, i75o; priest,
Sept. 22, 1751. V. of Arreton, Isle of Wight, 1763-83. Died
unmarried, Aug. 15, 1799. (Scott-Mayor, in. 553.)
SHANKE, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1560. S. of Thomas, of Rollesby, Norfolk. School,
Norwich. Migrated to Caius, Sept. 14, 1561, age 14. Of
Rollesby, gent. Died 1579. (Venn, i. 46.)
SHAPELEIGH, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 17) at Christ's,
June 2, 1645. S. of John. B. at Dartmouth, Devon. School,
Hertford (Mr Minors). Matric. 1647; B.A. 1647-8. Adm. at
the Middle Temple, June 25, 1647. (Peile, i. 496.)
SHAPLEN, . M.A. 1456. Perhaps Thomas Chapleyn (whom
SHARD, ISAAC PACAT (PACATUS). Adm. at Corpus Christi,
1718. Of Surrey. 2nd s. of Sir Isaac, of Horsleydown, Knt.
Adm. at the Inner Temple, Jan. i, 1718-9. F.R.S., 175°-
Died June 23, 1766. (G. Mag.)
SHARDELOWE, ANTHONY. Matric. pens, from Corpus
Christi, Michs. 1570.
SHARDELOWE, ANTHONY. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Oct. 2,
1598. Matric. 1598. Probably adm. at Lincoln's Inn, May 21,
1601; of Norfolk, gent.
SHARDELOWE, ANTHONY. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 17) at
Christ's, Sept. 28, 1637. S. and h. of Edmund, of Metfield,
Suffolk. B. at Norton, Suffolk. School, Ipswich (Mr Gierke).
Adm. at Gray's Inn, Jan. 26, 1638-9. (Peile, 1. 450.)
SHARDELOW, ANTHONY. Adm. scholar at Trinity Hall,
Julys, 1667. Of Suffolk. Matric. 1667; LL.B. 1671. Fellow,
1673. Died soon after.
SHARDELOWE, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Queens', Michs.
1588. Of Norfolk. Perhaps s. of Bonaventure, of Shimpling,
Norfolk. Father of Stephen (1610-1). (Vis. of Norfolk.)
SHARDELOW, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 13) at Sidney, July i,
1627. S. of Thomas, Esq. B. at Thelveton, Norfolk. Matric.
1628; B.A. 1630-1. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Dec. 23, 1632;
priest, Mar. 17, 1632-3. V. of Ilketshall St Andrew, Suffolk.
R. of Beccles and Endgate; sequestered, 1647.
SHARDELOWE, RICHARD. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1619.
One of these names s. of John, of Shimpling, Norfolk.
Perhaps brother of the next. (Vis. of Norfolk.)
SHARDELOW, STEPHEN. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Mar.
1610-1. Probably s. and h. of John (1588), of Shimpling,
Norfolk. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Mar. 19, 1613-4. (Peile
I. 281; Vis. of Norfolk.)
SHARDELOWE, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1571. Perhaps ord. priest (Peterb.) Apr. 17, 1576;
of Norwich diocese. One of these names V. of Westhall,
Suffolk, 1584-91.
SHARDELOW, . Adm. Fell.-Com. at Corpus Christi, 1571.
Possibly same as Anthony (1570).
SHARE, PETER. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse, Michs. 1546
B.Civ.L. 1539-40.
Sharinge, John
SHARINGE or SARING, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Christ's,
July, i6zo; B.A. 1623-4; M.A. 1627. Orel, deacon (Norwich)
Sept. 23, 1627; priest, Sept. 20, 1628. Preacher at St
Andrew's, Norwich, 1628. {Peile, i. 334.)
SHARINGTON, . B.D. 1492-3. Canonicus. Possibly John
Shavington, whom see.
SHARLING, PETER. B.D. 1493-4. A friar.
SHARMAN, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from Christ's, June, 1585.
Cora. from Queens', Easter, 1588. Of Norfolk. Adm. at
Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 12, 1591-2.
SHARNBORNE, HENRY. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, June 25,
1619. Matric. 1619. Probably of Norfolk.
SHARP, ABRAHAM. Adm. pens, at Christ's, Apr. 4, 1581.
B. at York. Matric. 1581; B.A. 1584-5.
SHARPE, ABRAHAM. Adm. sizar at Christ's, Feb. 22, 1704-5.
B. at Bradford. Matric. 1705; Scholar, 1706-7; B.A. 1708-9;
M.A. 1713. Ord. deacon (London) May, 1711; priest, June,
1712. Master of Skipton School, Yorks., 1709. Chaplain to
the Earl of Burlington. V. of Londesborough, 1715. V. of
Market Weighton, 1719. Confessor to the Household, 1730-6.
Died Sept. 14, 1736. {Peile, 11. 161; G. Mag.)
SHARP, ABRAHAM. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Nov. 18, 1717.
Of Yorkshire. Matric. 1717; B.A. 1721-2. Ord. deacon
(York) June 9, 1723; priest, Aug. 16, 1730. P.C. of White-
chapel (parish of Birstall), Yorks., 1728-30. V. of Sowerby
Bridge, 1730.
SHARPE, ALEXANDER. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1606; B.A. from St Catharine's, 1609; M.A. from Trinity,
1612. Ord. deacon (York) Sept. 1610; priest, Dec. 1612.
SHARPE, ANDREW. Matric. sizar from King's, Easter, 1583.
Perhaps the Andrew Shape or Sharpe, ord. deacon (Lincoln)
1585-6; priest. May 7, 1587. V. of South Westborough,
Lines., 1591 (no degree). Perhaps of Doddington, Lines.,
clerk; will (Lincoln) 1620. One of these names incorp. at
Oxford, Mar. 7, 1603-4. Perhaps brother of Edward (1576),
Lionel (1576) and WiUiam (1581). (Foster suggests that he
was M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1598, but there is
no record of this degree.)
SHARPE, EDWARD. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 1571;
B.A. 1575-6; M.A. 1579. Probably ord. deacon (Peterb.)
Sept. 18, 1579; priest. Mar. 11, 1579-80. V. of Preston-
Capes, Northants., 1580-2. V. of Fawsley, 1582-1601.
Buried there July 11, 1601. Will proved (Archd. Northants.)
Aug. 12, 1601, by his son Thomas. {Baker, i. 388.)
SHARPE, EDWARD. Adm. at King's (age 18) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 27, 1576. Of London. S. of Robert, merchant.
Matric. 1576; B.A. 1580-1; M.A. 1584; B.D. 1592. Fellow,
1579-95- Vice-Provost, 1592. Incorp. at Oxford, 1615. R.
of Stowe-nine-churches, Northants., 1595-1631. Buried
there July 20, 1631. Perhaps brother of Andrew (1583), etc.
{Al. Oxon.; Vis. of Devon, 1620.)
SHARPE, GEORGE. Matric. sizar from Trinity, c. 1591; B.A.
1594-5; M.A. 1598. Probably V. of Brigstock, Northants.,
1604-15. Licence (Peterb.) to marry Elizabeth Raunce, of
Brigstock, Oct. 17, 1600.
SHARP, GEORGE. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1702. Of
SHARPE, GREGORY. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Trinity, June 2,
1735; 'M.A. of Aberdeen.' Of Yorkshire. S. of John,
Solicitor to the Treasury. B. 1713. Schools, Hull and West-
minster. Matric. 1735; LL.B. 1738; LL.D. 1747 (Lit. Reg.).
Incorp. at Oxford, 1751. Ord. deacon (Bristol) 1737; priest
(Westminster, Litt. dim. from Chichester) Jan. 20, 1738-9.
Minister of Broadway Chapel, Westminster. V. of All Saints',
Birling, near Maidstone, Kent, 1743-56. F.R.S., 1754. Preb.
of Salisbury, 1757-71. V. of Purton, Wilts., 1761-71.
Chaplain to Frederick, Prince of Wales, till 1751, and to
George III, 1762-71. Master of the Temple, 1763-71.
Director of the Society of Antiquaries, 1766-71. Author,
theological and classical. Died Jan. 8, 1771, aged 58. Will,
P.C.C. (G. Mag.; D.N.B.; F. C. Cass, E. Barnet, 111.)
SHARP, HUGH. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Pembroke, Mar. 2,
1640-1. S. of James, husbandman. B. at Garthorpe, Leics.
Matric. 1641; B.A. 1644-5.
SHARPE, ISAAC. B.A. from Christ's, 1592-3; M.A. 1596.
Doubtless s. of Thomas, yeoman, of Little Horton, Bradford.
R. of Thorpe-yMjtte-Newark, Notts., 1598-1615. Died 1615.
(Peile, I. 198; W. Cudworth, Abraham Sharp.)
SHARP, ISAAC. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Magdalene, June 2,
1677. S. of Samuel (1622), clerk. B. at Sandwich, Kent.
School, Sandwich. Matric. 1677; B..'^. 1680-1; M.A. 1684.
Fellow, 1683. Ord. priest (London) Dec. 20, 1685. Brother
of Samuel (1671).
SHARPE, JAMES. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Magdalene, Oct. 7,
1724. S. of Samuel. B. at West Deeping, Lines. School,
V.A.C.IV. 49
Sharp, John
Moulton, Lines. Matric. 1725; B.A. 1728-9; Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) May 24, 1730. R. of West Newton, Norfolk,
1732-97. R. of Sandringham and Babingley, 1732-97. V. of
Appleton, 1747-97. Probably died 1797.
SHARP, JASPER. .Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Feb. i, 1631-2.
S. of Jasper, gent., of Bury St Edmunds. School, Bury
(Mr Dickinson). Matric. 1632. Adm. at Gray's Inn, May 8,
1635. Probably died June, 1652, at Bury. (Venn, i. 303.)
SHARPE, JEFFERY. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1629;
B.A. 1632; M.A. 1636; D.D. 1660 (Lit. Reg.). Held two
lectureships in London, and the curacy of Barking, Essex,
in 1647, when he was removed by the Plundered Ministers
Committee (Br. Mus., 15,671). R. of Colmworth, Beds.,
1650-75. Chaplain to William, Earl of Salisbury. Married
Etheldred, dau. of John Wincupp, D.D. Buried at Colm-
worth, Oct. 17, 1675. (Geneal. Bedford., 83, 366.)
SHARPE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Christ's, July, 1604;
B.A. 1607-8; M.A. 1611. Perhaps R. of East Guildford St
Mary, Sussex, 1615. One of these names of Benenden, Kent,
clerk; will (Canterbury) 1641. (Peile, i. 249.)
SHARPE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, 1605. S. of
John, baker, of Bury St Edmunds. School, Bury (Mr Mosse).
Matric. Easter, 1606; B.A. 1609-10; M.A. 1613. Ord. priest
(Norwich) Mar. 20, 1613-4. C. of Sapiston, Suffolk, in 1617.
(Venn, i. 191.)
SHARP, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Christ's, Apr. 26, 1660.
S. and h. of Thomas, Salter (and Dorothy, dau. of John
Weddal, R. of Widdington, Yorks.). B. at Ivegate, Bradford,
Yorks., Feb. 16, 1644-5. School, Bradford (Mr Cotes).
Matric. 1660; B.A. 1663-4; M.A. 1667; D.D. 1679. Incorp.
at Oxford, 1669. Ord. deacon and priest, Aug. 12, 1667.
Archdeacon of Berks., 1673-89. Canon of Norwich, 1675-81.
R. of St Bartholomew Exchange, London, 1675-6; of St
Giles-in-the-Fields, 1676-91. Dean of Norwich, 1681-9.
Chaplain to the King, 1686-91. Dean of Canterbury, 1689-
91. Archbishop of York, 1691-1714. Privy Councillor, 1702.
Married Elizabeth, dau. of William Palmer, of Winthorp,
Lines. Author, sermons, etc. Died at Bath, Feb. 2, 1713-4.
Buried in York Minster. M.I. Father of John (1693) and
Thomas (1709)- (D.N.B.; Peile, i. 590; Le Neve, Mon., 11. 256.)
SHARP, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's, May ii,
1678. S. of Thomas (? 1646), R. of Tatham, Lanes. B. at
Hornby, Lanes. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1678; B.A. 1681-
2. Ord. deacon (London) Aug. 31, 1700. Probably P.C. of
Caton, Lanes., 1707.
SHARPE, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Christ's, June 19, 1682. S. of
John, of Yorkshire. School, Wibsey, near Bradford (Mr
Lunn). Matric. 1682; B.A. 1685-6; M.A. 1689. Perhaps
ord. deacon (Carlisle, Litt. dim. from York) May 3, 1686;
priest (Lincoln) Mar. 1686-7; V. of Alford, Lines. (Peile,
II. 88.)
SHARP, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Sidney, July 14, 1685.
Only s. of John, yeoman. B. at Southwark, Surrey. Schools,
Southwark (Mr James HaUet) and Knotting, Beds. (Mr
Scriven). Matric. 1686; B.A. 1689-90; M.A. 1693. Incorp.
at Oxford, 1693. Ord. deacon (London) Dec. 23, 1694; priest
(Chichester) Jan. 1, 1694-5. V. of Peasmarsh, Sussex, 1695.
R. of Knotting, Beds., 1699. R. of Newton Bromswold,
Northants., 1710-5. Married Martha, dau. of Rev. Thomas
Scriven, R. of Knotting, Jan. 31, 1694-5.
SHARPE, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Queens', Feb. 13, 1690-1.
Of Sussex. Probably s. and h. of John, of Northiham,
Sussex. B. at Rye, 1676. Colleger at Eton, 1685-90. Prob-
ably adm. at the Middle Temple, Nov. 3, 1691. Called to the
Bar, 1701.
SHARP, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 15) at Christ's, Nov. 4,
1693. 2nd s. of John {1660), Archbishop of York. B. June 18,
1678, in London. School, Leeds. Matric. c. 1693; M.A. 1695.
Adm. at the Inner Temple, Jan. 8, 1697-8. M.P. for Ripon,
1701-14. Commissionerof Trade, 1703-14. Of Graf ton Park,
Northants., Esq. Married Anna Maria, dau. of Charles Hosier,
of London, and of Wicken Park. Died Mar. 13, 1726-7.
Buried at Wicken, Northants. M.I. Brother of Thomas
(1709). (Peile, II. 129; G. Mag.; Baker, 11. 255.)
SHARP, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Trinity, May 26, 1736.
S. of John, of Shipton, near York. School, Shipton (Mr
Clarke). Matric. 1736.
SHARP, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinity, May 12, 1740.
S. of Thomas (1709). Bapt. Apr. 2, 1723, at Rothbury,
Northumberland. School, Durham (Mr Dong^vorth). Matric.
1740; Scholar, 1741; B.A. 1743-4; M.A. 1747; D.D. 1759.
Fellow, 1746. Ord. deacon (Ely) Oct. 23, 1748. R. of Hart-
bum, 1749-92. V. of Hexham, 1759-60. Archdeacon of
Northumberland, 1762-92. R. of Howick, 1762-92. Preb.
of Durham, 1768-92. P.C. of Bamburgh, 1772-92. Married
Mary, dau. of Dr Heneage Dcring, Dean of Ripon. Died
Apr. 28, 1792. Buried in Durham Cathedral. Will (P.C.C.)
1793. Brother of Thomas (1743). (G.Mag.)
Sharp, John
SHARP, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1745. S. of
Jacob, of Canterbury, gent. Matric. 1745; B.A. 1749; M.A.
1753; B.D. 1761; D.D. 1766. Fellow, 1753-72. Orel, deacon
(Ely) May 24, 1752; priest (Bishop of Chester, at Cambridge)
Mar. 24, 1754. Minister at Trinity Church, Cambridge. R. of
St Mary Abchurch and St Lawrence Pountney, London,
1770-2. Died at Canterbury, Mar. 27, 1772, aged 43. Buried
at St George's, Canterbury. (H. G. Harrison.)
SHARPE, JOSEPH. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Trinity, Jan. 31,
1746-7. S. of John, of Bury, Suffolk. School, Bury (Mr
Gamham). Matric. 1747; Scholar, 1750; B.A. 1750-1; M.A.
1754. Ord. priest (Lincoln) Feb. 23, 1752. Minister at St
James', Bury, 1751-93. R. of Bradfield-Combust, 1790-
1803. Died Apr. 1805, aged ^^. Buried at Bury.
SHARPE, LIONEL. Adm. at King's (age 17) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 27, 1576. Of London, znds. of Robert, merchant.
Matric. 1576; B.A. 1580-1; M.A. 1584; D.D. 1597. Fellow,
1579-89. Incorp. at Oxford, 1618. Ord. deacon and priest
(Lincoln) Sept. 12, 1587. Chaplain to Henry, Prince of
Wales, and to the Earl of Essex. R. of Malpas (Med.),
Cheshire, 1590. R. of Tiverton (Pitt), Devon, 1597-1630.
R. of Stoke-in-Teignhead, 1597-1630. Archdeacon of Berks.,
and V. of North Moreton, Berks., 1605-30. Imprisoned in
the Tower, 1614, on charge of sedition. R. of Boughton
Malherbe, Kent, until 1630. Author, religious. Died Jan. 1,
1630-1. Buried at Boughton Malherbe. M.I. there. Brother
of William (15S1), etc. {Vis. of Devon, 1620; Al. Oxon.;
SHARPE, MARTIN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Christ's, Jan. 4,
1702-3. S. of Martin. B. at Bury St Edmunds. School,
Bury (Mr Leeds). Scholar, 1702-3; Matric. 1703; B.A. 1706-
7; M.A. 1716. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Feb. 1707; priest.
Mar. 20, 1708-9. C. of West Stow, Suffolk, 1707-15. V. of
Gt Thurlow, 1715-60. R. of Bamardiston, 1733-60. Died
1760, aged 75. Buried at Thurlow. Will (Bury) 1760.
{Peile, II. 156; Bury School Register.)
SHARP, NATHAN. Adm. sizar at Jesus, June 12, 1692. Of
Yorkshire. Matric. 1693; B.A. 1695-6. Ord. deacon (York)
May, 1702; priest, 1703. Master of Hipperholme School,
Yorks., 1703-33. V. of Coley, 1703-33. Married Anne, dau.
of Francis Priestley. Died May 9, 1733, aged 58. M.I. at
Coley. {F.M.G., i. 82.)
SHARPE, NATHANIEL. Matric. sizar from Emmanuel, Easter,
SHARP, NATHANIEL. Adm. pens, at Clare, July i, 1741. B.
in London. Matric. 1741.
SHARPE, NICHOLAS. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1566;
Scholar, 1568; B.A. 1570-1; M.A. 1574. Fellow, 1573.
SHARPE, NICHOLAS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney, July 2,
1634. S. of Robert, Esq. B. at Frisby, Leics. School,
Frisby (Mr Silverwood). Matric. 1634; B.A. 1637-8; M.A.
SHARPE, PETER. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs. 1571;
B.A. 1575-6; M.A. 1579. Incorp. at Oxford, 1579. B.D.
(Oxford) 1590. R. of Heswall, Cheshire, 1583-1613. Canon
of Chester, 1589-1616. R. of Pennant Melangell, Montgomery,
1595-1601. R. of Dodleston, Cheshire, 1597-1616. R. of
Llanrwst, Denbigh, 1601. Buried at Dodleston, May 1,
1616. (Al. Oxon.; U. Axon.)
SHARPE, PHILIP. C. of Brookland, Kent ; ' late of Clare Hall '
(no College or University record). B. at Linton, Cambs.
Ord. deacon (Colchester); priest (London) Mar. 17, 1609-10,
age 30.
SHARPE, PHILIP. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, June 28, 1644.
Of Derbyshire. Matric. 1644; B.A. 1647. P.C. of Armitage,
Staffs., 1647-51; 'A godly and painful minister.' Preacher
at King's Bromley. Minister at Burton, 1651-4. (Wm. Salt,
Staff. Arch., 1915.)
SHARP, RALPH. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1482;
B.A. 1485-6. Fellow. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Mar. 10'
1486-7; priest (Ely) Apr. 14, 1487.
SHARPE, RICHARD. Of St Catharine's. B.A. 1502-3; M.A.
1507-8; B.D. 1516-7; D.D. 1522-3. Appointed Pr(»ident
of St John's, 1515. Preacher, 1512-3. Chaplain to John
Fisher, Bishop of Rochester. Probably R. of Chislehurst,
Kent, 1520. Went to Bromley, in 1523. Died there 1528'
Will proved (Rochester) 1528. (H. G. Harrison.)
SHARPE, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Clare, Michs. 1560.
SHARPE, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Sidney, Nov. 4,
1641. S. of Richard. B. at Frisby, Leics. School, Frisby'
Matnc. 1641; B.A. 1645-6; M.A. 1658.
SHARP, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Magdalene, Feb
18 1700-1. S. of Robert, clerk. B. at Tealby, Lines. School,
Alford. Matric. 1701; B.A. 1704-5- Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
Sharp, Thomas
Dec. 1706; priest (Lincoln) June 19, 1709. V. of Kirmond,
Lines., 1709-19. V. of Gt Ludford, 1709-20. R. of Thores-
way, 1715-8. Brother of Thomas (1693).
SHARP, RICHARD. M.A. from Emmanuel, 1722. S. of John,
of Hockworthy, Devon, clerk. Matric. (BaUiol College,
Oxford) Mar. 31, 1699, age 17; B.A. (Oxford) 1702. V. of
Morebath, Devon, 1705. (Al. Oxon.)
SHARPE, ROBERT. Adm. at King's (age 16) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 14, 1549. Of Bury, Suffolk. Matric. 1549; B.A.
1553-4- Fellow, 1552-7. Perhaps V. of Hauxton, Cambs.,
1561-73, deprived. One of these names R. of Ingham, Suffolk,
SHARPE, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Easter, 1567;
B.A. 1571-2; M.A. 1575.
SHARPE, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Michs. 1567.
SHARPE, ROBERT. Adm. at King's (age 17) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. i6, 1568. Of Smarden, Kent. Matric. 1568;
B.A. 1572-3; M.A. 1576. Fellow, 1571-5. Perhaps V. of
Hauxton with Newton, Cambs., 1573-1624.
SHARPE, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Dec. 1586.
SHARPE, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter, 1626;
B.A. 1628-9. One of these names ord. priest (Peterb.) Dec.
20, 1629; 'of Magdalene College.'
SHARPE, ROBERT. B.A. 1641 (Incorp. from Oxford). S. of
John, V. of Idmiston, Wilts. Matric. (Christ Church, Oxford)
July 7, 1637, age 18; B.A. 1641; M.A. (Oxford) 1644. V. of
Idmiston, Wilts., 1658-1700. Died 1700. WiU, Archd.
SHARPE, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Magdalene, Dec.
27, 1669. S. of Richard, of Skipton, Yorks. School, Skipton.
Matric. 1670; B.A. 1673-4. Ord. deacon and priest (York)
Sept. 1673. Probably of Tealby, Lines., and father of Richard
(1701) and Thomas (1693).
SHARP, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's, Apr. 24,
1682. S. of Francis, husbandman. B. at Stony Middleton,
Derbs. School, Repton. Matric. 1682; B.A. 1685-6. One
of these names C. of Rotheram, Yorks.; died 1692.
SHARP, ROGER. Adm. sizar at Queens', June 14, 1715. Of
Suffolk. B. 1696. Matric. 1715; B.A. 1718-9. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) Dec. 1719; priest (Ely) Dec. 18, 1720. V. of
Chasefield, Suffolk, 1720. R. of Gt Wenham and V. of
Chattisham, 1723.
SHARPE, SAMUEL. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Easter,
1622; B.A. 1625-6; M.A. 1629. R. of Sundridge, Kent, in
1645. Buried there May 11, 1680. Father of Samuel (1671)
and Isaac (1677).
SHARP, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Clare, June 13, 1655. S. of
John, of Little Horton, Bradford, Yorks., Parliamentarian.
B. 1640. Matric. 1655. Drowned, 1656. Brother of Thomas
(1649). (W. Cudworth, Abraham Sharp, 7.)
SHARPE, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Magdalene,
June 3, 1671. S. of Samuel (1622), R. of Sundridge, Kent.
Matric. 1671. Brother of Isaac (1677).
SHARPE, THOMAS. B.A. 1504-5. Of Yorkshire. M.A. 1508.
Fellow of St Catharine's, 1506. Perhaps chaplain of
Huggate, near Hull, in 1525. One of these names of Manton,
Rutland; will (P.C.C.) 1527.
SHARPE, THOMAS. B.A. from St John's, 1606-7; M.A. 1610.
Perhaps ord. deacon and priest (Lincoln) Mar. 8, 1611-2.
R. of Beckley, Sussex, 1613. WiU (P.C.C.) 1644. (W. C.
SHARPE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1625;
B.A. 1628-9; M.A. 1632. Ord. priest (Peterb.) May 27, 1632.
C. of Brook, Rutland, 1632-8.
SHARP, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Christ's, July 30,
1638. S. of Thomas. B. at Battle, Sussex. School (private).
Matric. 1638; B.A. 1641-2. Buried at Gt St Andrew's,
Cambridge, Mar. 15, 1641-2. (Peile, 1. 454.)
SHARPE, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 19) at St John's, Oct. 16,
1646. S. of Thomas, yeoman, of Hornby, Lanes. B. there.
School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1647; B.A. 1650-1. Doubtless
R. of Tatham, Lanes., 1661-99. Died 1699-1700. Will
(Archd. Richmond) 1700. Probably father of John (1678).
SHARP, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Clare, Sept. 3, 1649. S. of
John, of Little Horton, Bradford, Yorks., Parliamentarian.
B. there, Oct. 1633. Matric. 1649; B.A. 1653; M.A. 1657.
Fellow, Jan. 25, 1657-8. EpiscopaUy ordained. R. of Add,
Yorks., -1660-2, ejected. Preacher at Morley, 1672, and
probably at Mill Hill Chapel, Leeds. Married (i) Elizabeth
Bagnall; (2) Faith, dau. of Rev. James Sale, of Pudsey, near
Leeds. Died Aug. 27, 1693, aged 59. Buried at St John's,
Leeds. Brother of Abraham, the mathematician, for whom
see D.N.B. and Samuel (1655). (Calamy, 11. 551; Due. Lead.,
37; W. Cudworth, Rambles Round Horton.)
Sharp, Thomas
SHARPE, THOMAS. Adtn. pens, (age 17) at St John's, Apr. 19,
1659. S. of Robert, gent., of Hawthorn, Easington, Durham.
Bapt. there, Sept. 3, 1641. School, Auckland (Mr Ralph
Robinson). Matric. 1659; B.A. 1662-3; M.A. 1667. V. of
Dalton-le-Dale, Durham, 1665-1715. Married Dorothy
Paxton, Feb. 11, 1700-1. Buried at Dalton-le-Dale, Mar. 20,
1714-5. (H. M. Wood.)
SHARP, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Sidney, Feb. 25,
i57^_5. ist s. of Thomas, yeoman, deceased, of Morcott,
Rutland. B. at Northampton. School, Uppingham. Matric.
1675; B.A. 1678-9. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Dec. 21, 1679.
V. of Denford-cwm-Ringstead, Northants., 1681-1715.
Married Mary Ekins, of Ringstead, Northants., Apr. 18,
1683. Buried at Ringstead, Nov. 28, 1715. M.I. See Al.
Oxon. for a contemporary namesake. Father of Thomas
(1711). (H. I. Longden.)
SHARP, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Sept. 4, i68o;
'Grecian' from Christ's Hospital. Of Middlesex. S. of
William, citizen and merchant taylor of St Giles', Cripple-
gate. B. Mar. 12, 1662-3. Matric. 1681; B.A. 1684-5; M.A.
SHARP, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Magdalene, May 4,
1693. S. of Robert (? 1669). B. at Tealby, Lines. School,
Skipton, Yorks. Matric. 1693; B.A. 1696-7. Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) May 30, 1697; priest, Sept. 25, 1698. Brother of
Richard (1700-1).
SHARP, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Trinity, Apr. 25,
1709. S. of John (1660), Archbishop of York. Bapt. Jan. 1,
1693-4, at St Martin-in-the-Fields, London. School, St
Paul's, London. Matric. 1709; Scholar, 1709; B.A. 1712-3;
M.A. 1716; D.D. 1729. FelJow, 1715. Ord. deacon (London)
June 16, 1717; priest (York) Feb. 1717-8. Preb. of South-
well, 1718-58. V. of Ormsby, Yorks., 1719. Preb. of York,
1719-58. R. of Rothbury, Northumberland, 1720-58.
Archdeacon of Northumberland, 1723-58. R. of Howick,
17-23-58. Preb. of Durham, 1732-58. Married Judith, dau.
of Rev. George Wheeler, Preb. of Durham. Author,
theological and biographical. Died Mar. 15, 1758. Buried
in Durham Cathedral. Will, P.C.C. Brother of John (1693),
Father of John (1740) and Thomas (1743). {D.N.B.; Baker,
n. 255.)
SHARP, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Sidney, May 24,
1711. S. of Thomas (1674-5), V. of Denford-CMm-Ringstead,
Northants. Bapt. Jan. 27, 1691-2, at Ringstead. School,
Uppingham. Matric. 1711; B.A. 1714-5. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) June 11, 1715; priest. May 26, 1716; C. of Denford-
cum-Ringstead, 1715. V. of Irchester, 1721-45. Married,
at Irchester, to Hannah Negus, of Shelton, Beds., Oct. 30,
1721. Will dated, Jan. 8, 1736-7; proved (Archd. North-
ampton) Feb. 19, 1744-5.
SHARP, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Sidney, Dec. 17,
1736. 1st s. of Samuel, farmer, of Elmington, in Oundle,
Northants. B. there. Schools, Oundle and Oakham. Matric.
1737; B.A. 1740-1. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Feb. 22, 1740-1;
priest, May 29, 1743. Perhaps C. of St Stephen's, Walbrook.
Buried there Nov. 30, 1753, aged 37 (sic).
SHARP, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, May 3,
2743. S. of Thomas (1709), D.D. Bapt. Apr. 2, 1725, at
Rothbury, Northumberland. School, Durham (Mr Dong-
worth). Matric. 1743; Scholar, 1744; B.A. 1746-7; M.A.
1750; B.D. 1761. Fellow, 1749. Ord. deacon (Ely) June 4,
1750; priest (London) Feb. 28, 1755. P.C. of Bamburgh,
Northumberland, 1757-72. V. of St Bartholomew-the-Less,
London, 1765-72. Married, at St Nicholas, Newcastle,
July 10, 1770, to Catharine Pawson. Died at Newcastle,
Nov. 25 (? 30), 1772. Buried at St Nicholas. Brother of John
(1740). (Baker, 11. 256; Musgrave.)
SHARPE, WILLIAM. Adm. at King's (age 18) a scholar from
Eton, Sept. 4, 1581. Of London. S. of Robert, merchant.
Matric. 1581; B.A. 1585-6; M.A. 1589; B.D. 1597. FeUow,
1584-98. Incorp. at Oxford, 1591. R. of Tiverton (Pitt
portion), 1597-1637. V. of Stokenham, Devon, 1603. Prob-
ably R. of Tidcombe, Wilts. WiU (Exeter) 1637; of Tid-
combe. Brother of Lionel (1576), etc. {Vis. of Devon, 1620.)
SHARPE, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, c. 1593.
SHARPE, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Feb. 14,
1630-1. Of Leicestershire. Matric. 1631; B.A. 1634-5;
M.A. 1638; B.D. i66i [Lit. Reg.). R. of Teversham, Cambs.,
in 1644.
SHARP, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 20) at Peterhouse, May
30, 1711; pens. Nov. 20, 1712. Of Durham. School, Houghton-
le-Spring. Matric. 1710-1; Scholar, 1712; B.A. 1714-5; M.A.
1722. Ord. deacon (Ely) Mar. 13, 1714-5; priest, June 22,
SHARP, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinity, Dec. 14,
1716. S. of William, of York. School, York (Mr Herbert).
Matric. 1716.
Shaw, Anthony
SHARPE, . B.Can.L. 1509-10.
SHARPE, . M.A. from Clare, 1595 (in ordo).
SHARP, . Adm. at E.mmanuel, Easter, 1627.
SHARPAW, . M.A. or higher degree, 1473-4.
SHARPIN, EDWARD. Adm. pens, at Caius, c. July, 1730.
S. of Thomas, late of West Wretham, Norfolk. B. at Necton.
School, Wymondham (Mr Brett). Scholar, 1730-4; Matric.
1731; M.B. 1736. Practised physic at East Dereham and
afterwards at Bury. Married Mary, dau. of William Bullock,
of Sturston Hall, Oct. 20, 1741. Died at Holt, Dec. 27, 1782,
aged 70. {Venn, 11. 33.)
SHARPEN, FRANCIS. Adm. sizar (age 20) at Pembroke,
Jan. 18, 1639-40. S. of Edward, husbandman. B. at
Chediston, Suffolk. Matric. 1640; B.A. 1643-4; M.A. 1647.
Ord. priest (Bishop Hall, of Norwich) Aug. 24, 1654. R. of
Shadingfield, Suffolk. C. of Stoven, 1672-88. Admon.
(Ipswich) Feb. 4, 1688-9, to his wife Catherine.
SHARPEN, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Jesus, June 18, 1684. S. of
Francis, of Suffolk. Matric. 1684; B.A. 1687-8. Perhaps the
same who graduated M.B. from Jesus, 1708.
SHARPEY, NATHANIEL. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter,
1623; B.A. 1626-7; M.A. 1630, 'Sharpe.' One of these names
(Sharpie), of Whitefriars, licence to go to Leyden, Apr. 18,
1632. {Geneal., N.S., xxiii. 115.)
SHARPIE, ROBERT. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Christ's, Dec.
1612. (Possibly one of the Sharpeigh family of Cranbrooke,
Kent, for whom see Hasted, iii. 46.)
from St John's, Easter, 1570; B.A. 1573-4. V. of Shem-
bome, Norfolk, 1577.
SHARPINGTON, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Caius, June 15, 1631.
S. of George, citizen of Norwich. School, Nonvich (Mr
Stonham). Matric. 1631; B.A. 1634-5; M.A. (Jesus) 1638.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1645. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Dec. 20,
1640. C. of Wimpole, Cambs., c. 1644. {Venn, i. 301.)
SHARPLES, ALEXANDER. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Jesus,
Mar. 1, 1674-5. S. of Thomas. Matric. 1674-5; Scholar, 1677.
SHARPLES, JAMES. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
1584; B.A. 1587-8; M.A. 1591. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Feb.;
priest. Mar. 7, 1590-1. R. of Kirkham, Lanes., 1591-4.
Died 1594.
SHARPLES, RICHARD. B.A. 1473-4; M.A. 1480; B.D. 1484-5.
Fellow of Pembroke, 1477. Appointed to a chantry at
Windsor, 1493. Perhaps R. of Milend, Essex, 1527-42. Will
(Comm. Essex) 1542.
SHAROCK or SHORROCK, HENRY. Matric. sizar from St
John's, Michs. 1589. B. about 1566. B.A. 1592-3. Ord.
priest (Coventry and Lichfield). At Rotherham for six years.
V. of Benington, Lines., 1600. Will (Lincoln) 1626.
SHARROCK, REGINALD. Adm. at King's (age 14) a scholar
from Eton, Aug. 25, 1595. Of Milton Malsor, Northants.
Doubtless 2nd s. of Giles, R. of Milton Malsor. Matric. c.
1595. Left in 1598. Succeeded his father as R. of Milton
Malsor, 1610. Buried there Mar. 25, 1625. (H. I. Longden.)
SHARROCK, THEOPHILUS. M.A. 1614 (Incorp. from Oxford).
Of Yorkshire (cler. fil.). Matric. (Queen's College, Oxford)
Feb. 22, 1604-5, age 18; B.A. 1608; M.A. 1614.
T482-3. Fellow of Peterhouse, 1481-1503. (T.A.Walker.)
SHAW, see also SHORE.
SHAW, ABRAHAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Sidney, Apr. 3,
1676. S. of Jacob. B. at Brampton, Dcrbs. Schools, Bramp-
ton (Mr Colten) and Doncaster (Mr Cotterel). Matric. 1676;
B.A. 1679-80; M.A. 1683. Ord. deacon (York) Sept. 1681;
priest, Sept. 1685. R. of Edlington, Yorks., 1688-1719.
Father of the next.
SHAW, ABRAHAM. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, May 23,
1711. S. of Abraham (above), R. of Edlington, near Don-
caster, Yorks. B. there. School, Wakefield. B.A. 1714-5.
Ord. deacon (York) Sept. 1715; priest, 1718.
SHAW, AMOS. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Easter, 1651.
Of Nottinghamshire. B.A. 1654-5.
SHAW, ANDREW. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Magdalene, May r,
1701. S. of Andrew, surgeon. B. at Burgh, Lines. School,
Alford. Matric. 1704; B.A. 1704-5; M.A. 170S. Fellow, 1706.
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Mar. 9, 1706-7; priest (Lincoln) June
19, 1709. R. of Heydon, Norfolk, 1713. R. of Hevingham,
1720. Father of the next and Samuel (1744).
SHAW, ANDREW. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Magdalene, July 7,
1737. S. of Andrew (above), clerk, R. of Heydon. B. in
Norfolk. Brother of Samuel (1744).
SHAWE, ANTHONY. Matric. pens, from Queens', Michs. 1576;
B.A. 1579-80; M..-^. 1583. One of these names s. of Henry,
of Tiersley, Yorks.; died 1639.
51 4—2
Shaw, Charles
SHAW, CHARLES. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 14) at Trinity,
Nov. 1679. 2nd s. of Sir John, ist Bart., of Kent (by his
2nd wife Bridget, Viscountess Kilmurry). Ma trie. 1680;
B A. 1680-1. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Jan. 29, 1680-1.
Called to the Bar, 1688. Married Elizabeth, dau. of Philip
Harbord, of StanninghalJ, Norfolk. Died at Besthorp, Apr.
26, 1716. Half-brother of John (1675) and probably father
of John (1709). (Burke; Kimber, 11. 318.)
SHAW, CHARLES. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Trinity, July 30,
1680. Of Shropshire. S. of William. School, Audlem,
Cheshire. Matric. 1680; B.A. 1683-4; M.A. 1697. R- of
Lawton, Cheshire, 1705-32. Buried there June 24, 1732.
(Ormerod, iii. 12.)
SHAWE, CHRISTOPHER. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Dec.
SHAW, CHRISTOPHER. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Magdalene,
May 18, 1696. S. of John, clerk. B. at Alford, Lines. School,
Alford. Matric. 1696. Brother of Thomas (1695).
SHAWE, EDMUND. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs. 1624.
Of Lancashire. Migrated to Queens', 1628. B.A. 1628.
Perhaps C. of Rivington, Lanes., c. 1635-9; C. of Goosnargh.
Buried there May 29, 1645. (E. Axon.)
SHAW, EDWARD. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Mar. 13, 1620-1.
Matric. 1621; B.A. 1624-5; M.A. 1632. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) Sept. 22, 1638; priest. Mar. 9, 1638-9.
SHAW, EDWARD. Adm. sizar (age 20) at Magdalene, Apr. 27,
1663. S. of James, of Chesterfield, Derbs.
SHAW, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's, June 6,
1664. S. of John, yeoman, of Newsome, Richmond. B. there.
School, Brignall (Mr Johnson). Matric. 1664; B.A. 1667-8.
Signs for deacon's orders (London) May 28, 1670.
SHAW, EUSEBIUS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Magdalene, May 27,
1656. S. of (?John (1623)), clerk, of Rotherham, Yorks.
(But he does not appear in the pedigree, F.M.G., 328).
School, Rotherham. Matric. 1656. Ord. deacon (Lincoln).
Perhaps brother of John (1679)-
SHAW, GEOFFREY. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, May 29,
1676. S. of George, deceased, of Stainmore, Westmorland.
B. there. School, Appleby. Matric. 1676; B.A. 1679-80;
M.A. 1683; B.D. 1691. Fellow, 1680-1700. Junior Proctor,
1689-90. V. of Hauxton with Newton, Cambs., 1687-96.
R. of Souldeme, Oxon., 1698-1706. Died Nov. 17, 1706.
{Coll. Hist., 210.)
SHAW, GEORGE. Matric. sizar from Clare, Easter, 1575.
Perhaps ord. deacon (Lincoln) June 12, 1583; priest (Win-
chester) June 25, 1584. V. of Risby, Lines., 1584; 'bred in
the schools.' One of these names V. of Ryarsh, Kent, 1603;
buried Oct. 8, 1617.
SHAWE, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1627;
Scholar, 1631; B.A. 1631-2; M.A. 1635. FeUow, 1633,
ejected. Perhaps R. of Dinsdale, Durham, 1633. One of
these names V. of Wath, Yorks., 1658; buried at Kirklington,
Jan. 30, 1658-9.
SHAW, GEORGE. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, June 8,
1650. S. of Robert, yeoman, of Bradfield, Yorks. B. there.
School, Bramley, Yorks. (private). Matric. 1650.
SHAW, GEORGE. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, July 7,
1658, from Queen's College, Oxford. S. of Robert (? 1622),
clerk, of Cockerham, Lanes. B. there. School, Rivington.
B.A. 1659-60. Minister of Cockerham, in 1661. V. of
Poulton-le-Fylde, 1662-74. Buried there July 13, 1674-
Brother of Laurence (1656-7).
SHAW, GEORGE. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Trinity, Mar. 17,
1740-1. S. of WiUiara, of Wakefield, Yorks. School, Wake-
field. Matric. 1741; Scholar, 1743; B.A. i744-5- Ord. priest
(York) June, 1748. C. of Felkirk. R. of Kirk Smeaton,
1759-79. V. of Womersley, 1768-79. Died i779-
SHAWE, GERARD. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, May 13,
1647. S. of Thomas (? 1614), R. of Aldingham, Lanes. B.
there. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1647; B.A. 1650-1; M.A.
SHAW, GILBERT. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter 1544.
SHAW, GODFREY. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Dec. 1615;
B.A. 1617-8; M.A. 1621. Ord. deacon and priest (Peterb.)
Aug. 23, 1624.
SCHAWE, HARIE (? HENRY). M.A. from Glasgow. Fellow of
Peterhouse (by Royal mandate) ; adm. there as probationer.
May 11, 1611. Probably incorp. at Oxford, 1611. (Al. Oxon.;
T.A. Walker.)
SHAW, HENRY. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Dec. 1608; B.A.
1612-3; M.A. 1616. Ord. deacon and priest (Peterb.) Sept. 22,
1616. Perhaps Master of Rivington School, Lanes., 1625.
One of these names minister of Upholland, 1646. But see
Al. Oxon. for a contemporary namesake. (Peile, i. 271.)
Shaw, John
SHAW, HUGH. B.A. from Peterhouse, 1583-4. Perhaps ord.
priest (Lincoln) 1587. V. of Hemingford Grey, Hunts.,
1595-1602. Died 1602.
SHAWE, HUGH. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1625. Of Nottinghamshire. B.A. 1629-30. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) Sept. 21 ; priest, Sept. 22, 1628. One of these names
V. of Belton, Lines., c. 1650.
SHAW, HUGH. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, June 23,
1677. S. of Robert, husbandman. B. at Ravenstonedale,
Westmorland. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1677; B.A. 1680-1.
Ord. deacon (Carlisle, Litt. dim. from Durham) May 29, 1681 ;
priest (Durham) Sept. 23, 1683.
SHAW, HUGH. Adm. sizar (age 20) at St John's, May 19, 1703.
S. of William, husbandman. B. at Brooksbeck, Westmor-
land. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1703; B.A. 1707-8. Ord.
priest (London) Sept. 19, 1714- Brother of Robert (1696).
SHAW, HUMPHREY. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter,
1629; B.A. 1632-3; M.A. 1636.
SHAW, INGRAM. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Sept. 2, 1723-
Of Yorkshire. Matric. 1724; B.A. 1727-8. Lxtt. dim. from
York, May, 1729, for deacon's orders, i730- V. of East
Ardsley, Yorks., 1738-66. Died Sept. 27, 1766.
SHAW, JAMES. B.A. 1506-7; M.A. 1510.
SHAW, JAMES. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Christ's, Mar. 22, 1671-
2. S. of James. B. at Turton, in Bolton parish. Lanes.
Matric. 1672; B.A. 1675-6. Perhaps minister of Hindley
Chapel, c. 1680-90. Died 1690. Admon. (Chester) 1690.
Possibly father of John (1702-3). {Peile, u. 40.)
SHAW, JOHN. B.A. 1514-5; M.A. 1518. FeUow cf St John's,
SHAWE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Caius, June 15, 1581.
S. of Thomas. B. at Brampton, Derbs. School, Mansfield,
Notts. Scholar, 1584-90; B.A. 1588-9.
SHAW, JOHN. Matric. sizar from St John's, c. 1595.
SHAWE, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, May 3, 1596.
SHAW, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Christ's, May 24, 1623, S. of
John. B. at Sykhouse, near Bradfield, Yorks., June 23, 1608.
Schools, Darwen and Rotherham. Matric. 1623; B.A. 1626-7;
M.A. 1630. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Dec. 27; priest, Dec. 28,
1629. Minister at Brampton, near Chesterfield, 1630-3.
Minister of Chulmleigh, Devon, 1634-6. Lecturer at All
Hallows, York, 1636-9. Head of the Puritan party in York.
V. of Rotherham, 1639-45. R. of Lymm, Cheshire, 1643.
V. of Skerringham, near York, 1644. Lecturer at Holy
Trinity, Hull, 1645-62, ejected. Chaplain to Philip Herbert,
Earl of Montgomery and Earl of Pembroke. Chaplain to
Parliamentary commissions, 1646. Master of the Charter-
house, Hull, 1651-62. Royal chaplain, 1660-2. Ejected from
all his prefeiments, 1662. Returned to Rotherham, in 1662,
and preached there as curate. Author, reUgious. Died Apr.
19, 1672, aged 65. Buried at Rotherham. M.I. WiU, York.
Father of John (1679) and perhaps of Eusebius (1656).
{D.N.B.; Calamy, 11. 588; Peile, i. 351; Hunter, 11. 24.)
SHAWE, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's, Easter,
1639. Of Colchester. S. and h. of John, of Colchester, gent.
Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Oct. 21, 1640. Called to the Bar,
1647. Recorder of Colchester. M.P. for Colchester, 1659,
1660-79. Knighted, Sept. 24, i66i. Serjeant-at-law, i677-
King's Serjeant, 1683. Married Thamar, dau. of Samuel
Lewis, of Roydon, Sufiolk. Died 1690. Fatherof John (1665),
Samuel (1667-8) and Thomas (1667-8). (Morant, 1. 483;
A. B. Beaven.)
SHAWE, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, Apr. 26,
1652. S. of John, of Ferry-on-the-Hill, Merrington, Durham.
B. there. Bapt. Apr. 26, 1635, at Bishop Middleham.
School, Houghton, Durham. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Mar. 23,
SHAW, JOHN. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Jesus, June 6, 1665. Of
Colchester. S. and h. of Sir John (1639), Knt. B. 1648.
Matric. 1665. Married three wives. Died Jan. 13, 1681.
Brother of Samuel (1667-8) and Thomas (1667-8). {Morant,
I. 118, 183.)
SHAW, JOHN. Adm. pens, at St John's, Mar. 17, 1665-6, from
Trinity College, Dublin (adm. there, May 21, 1660). S. of
Peter (? 1613), clerk, of Standish, Lanes. B. there. B.A.
1665-6; M.A. 1669. Ord. deacon (York) c. 1667; priest, May,
1670. Probably buried Mar. 11, 1688-9, at St Nicholas,
SHAW, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Pembroke, June 3, 1668.
S. of Richard, farmer. B. at Blechington, Sussex. Matnc.
1669; B.A. 1671-2; M.A. 1675.
SHAW, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, Nov. 19, 1672.
S. of John, yeoman, of Newsham, near Thirsk, Yorks. B.
there. School, Brignall. Matric. 1672; B.A. 1676-7. This,
or the next, ord. deacon (Norwich) Mar. 1678-9; priest,
June, 1679. Perhaps R. of Erwarton, Sufiolk, 1684.
Shaw, John
SHAW, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age i6) at St John's, Apr. 14, 1673-
S. of John, clerk, of Boughton (? Broughton, near Skipton),
Yorks. B. there. School, 'Morthale.' Matric. 1673; B.A.
SHAW, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Jesus, June 27, 1673, from
Brasenose College, Oxford. Matric. there, May 28, 1666,
age 17. S. of Henry, of Thornton, Cheshire. B.A. (Brasenose
College, Oxford) 1669-70; M.A. (Cambridge) 1673- R- of
Swettenham, Cheshire, 1677-1714. Buried there Sept. 12,
1714. Father of Richard (1705). {Al.Oxon.;Ormerod, 111.44.)
SHAW, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, June 15, 1674- Of
Durham. Matric. 1677; B.A. 1677-8; M.A. i68i. Perhaps
ord. deacon (Durham) Sept. 23, 1677, 'B.A.'; priest (Carlisle,
Ljtt. dim. from Durham) May 25, 1678. Probably C. of
Denton, Durham, 1682-1740. Died Apr. 8, 1740.
SHAW, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Trinity, May 18, 1675.
S. of Sir John, Knt. and Bart., of London, and of Eltham,
Kent. Matric. 1675. Succeeded his father as 2nd Bart.,
Mar. T, 1679-80, as also to the Collectorship of the Customs
of London. Of Eltham Lodge. Married (i) Margaret, dau.
of Sir John Peake, mercer of London; (2) Sarah, dau. of
William Paggen, of London. Died Dec. 11, 1721. Buried at
Eltham. Will (P.C.C.) 1722. (Burke; G.E.C., iv. 12.)
SHAW, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Christ's, Nov. 14, 1679. S. of
John (1623), clerk, V. of Rotherham and of Hull (by his
2nd wife Margaret, dau. of John Stillington, of Yorks.).
Bapt. Feb. 15, 1662-3, at Rotherham. School, Rotherham
(Mr Farrer). Buried at Rotherham, Jan. i, 1682-3, aged 20.
Perhaps brother of Eusebius (1656). {Peile, 11. 76; F.M.G.,
SHAW, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 15) at St John's, Feb. 25,
1702-3. S. of James (? 1671-2), deceased. B. at Fumess,
Lanes. School, Kendal (Mr Lancaster). Matric. 1702-3;
B.A. 1706-7; M.A. 1710; B.D. 1717. Fellow, 1708-29. Ord.
deacon (Peterb.) June 19, 1709; priest (Lincoln) May 27, 1711.
SHAW, JOHN. Incorp. D.D. 1708, from Trinity College, Dublin.
Incorp. at Oxford, Nov. 27, 1717. (Not found in Al. Dublin.)
SHAW, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Clare, May 12, 1709.
Probably s. and h. of Charles (1679). B. in London. Matric.
1709. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, June 4, 1713. A captain in
the Guards. Of Besthorpe, Norfolk, Esq. Died s.p., 1722.
(Burke; Kimber, 11. 319.)
SHAW, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Magdalene, Apr. 13, 1736.
S. of Thomas (1693), clerk, R. of Wyberton, Lines. School,
Lincoln. Matrio. 1737; LL.B. 1742; LL.D. 1766. Ord.
deacon (Lincoln) Feb. 27, 1742-3; priest, Sept. 25, 1743.
R. of Wyberton, 1743-88. Died Oct. 5, 1788, aged 70.
Buried at Wyberton. (Lines. Pedigrees, 869.)
SHAW, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinity, July 4, 1740.
S. of John, of St James', London. School, King's, Ely
(Mr Maule). Matric. 1740; Scholar, 1741; B.A. 1744-5. Ord.
deacon (Norwich) Sept.; priest, Dec. 1750. R. of Brettenham,
Sufiolk, 1752-98. Died 1798.
SHAW, LAURENCE. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, Jan. 14,
1656-7. S. of Robert (? 1622), clerk, deceased, of Cockerham,
Lanes. B. there, Feb. 23, 1636-7. School, Blackrod, Lanes.
(Mr Dilwoorth). Matric. 1657; B.A. 1660-1. V. of Cocker-
ham, Lanes., 1662-95. Died c. 1695. Will (Archd. Rich-
mond) 1696. Brother of George (1658). (R.Stewart-Brown.)
SHAWE, LEONARD. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 1570;
B.A. 1575-6; M.A. 1579. R. of Radcliffe, Lanes., c. 1584-
1624. Died 1624.
SHAW, NATHANIEL. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, June 14,
1664. Matric. 1664; B.A. 1667-8; M.A. 1671- Fellow, 1672.
Buried at St Botolph's, Cambridge, May 17, 1678.
SHAW, PERCIVAL. Fellow of Peterhouse, 1448.
SHAW, PETER. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1560;
Scholar, 1560; B.A. 1563-4; M.A. 1567; B.D. 1574; D.D.
1583. Fellow, 1564. Ord. deacon (Ely) Dec. 21, 1568.
University preacher, 1570-1. Canon of Durham, 1572-1608.
R. of Bury, Lanes., 1572-1608. Buried there, July 11, 1608.
Benefactor to Trinity College. Father of the next. [Cooper,
"• 493-)
SHAW, PETER. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Easter, 1613.
S. of Peter (above). B.A. from Trinity Hall, 1620-1; M.A.
from Magdalene, 1624. Incorp. at Oxford, 1624. Ord. priest
(York) Sept. 1625. Fellow of the Collegiate church of
Manchester, 1634-45, ejected. R. of Radcliffe, Lanes.,
1638-52. Died before Oct. 26, 1660. Probably father of
John (1665-6). (Al. Oxon.)
SHAW, RALPH. B.A. 1459-60; M.A. 1464-5. Probably feUow
of Queens', 1479. R. of Harlton, Cambs., 1464. Perhaps
preb. of St Paul's, 1477-84, 'S.T.B.' V. of Stockton, Wilts.
Preb. of Sarum, 1477. Went to London, 1470-1, about a
~ gift of books by the Eari of Worcester. Will (P.C.C.) 1484.
Brother of Sir Edmund, sometime mayor. (Hennessy;
Or. Bk A, 86.)
Shaw, Samuel
SHAW, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's, Oct. 20,
1646. S. of Robert, husbandman, of Downham, Lanes.
B. there. Matric. 1646.
SHAWE, RICHARD. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, May 23, 1666.
Of Lincolnshire. Matric. 1667; B.A. 1669-70; M.A. 1673.
Ord. priest (Peterb.) Sept. 19, 1675. R. of Stratford St Mary,
Suffolk, 1677-1709.
SHAW, RICHARD. Adm. pens, (age 19) at Pembroke, May 3,
1705. S. of John (1673), R. of Swettenham, Cheshire.
B. there. Matric. 1705; B.A. 1708-9.
SHAW, RICHARD. Adm. pens, at Queens', May 26, 1722.
Of Lancashire. B. 1706. Matric. 1722; B.A. 1725-6; M.A.
1729; B.D. 1738. Fellow. Ord. deacon (Ely) Sept. 19, 1731;
priest, June 20, 1736. V. of Foxton. Cambs., 1741-3. V. of
Oakington, 1743.
SHAWE or SHEWE, ROBERT. A scribe employed by the
University, c. 1456-7; perhaps a graduate. (Gr. Bk A, 10.)
SHAW, ROBERT. B.A. 1513-4- Of Yorkshire. M.A. 1517.
Fellow of St John's, 1516. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Mar. 28;
priest, Apr. 11, 1517; 'of CoUingham.'
SHAWE, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Peterhouse, Easter,
1544; B.A. 1547-8; M.A. 1551; B.D. 1555-6. Fellow,
1548-58. Bursar, 1552-3. University preacher, 1555. Preb.
of Dorchester, 1558-60. A recusant, in 1561, and confined
to the county of Salop. (T. A. Walker.)
SHAWE, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse, Nov. 1548.
Of Lincoln. B.A. 1552-3; M.A. from Christ's, 1555. FeUow
of Christ's, 1554-7. Officiated at Bourn, Cambs., 1556-7.
Perhaps R. of Hawkedon, Suffolk, 1560. One of these names
R. of Stansfield; will (P.C.C.) 1584. (Peile, i. 43.)
SHAW, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1570. One of these names ord. deacon (Coventry and Lich-
field) June 18, 1570; V. of Owston, Lines., 1577-8.
SHAWE, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter, 1622;
B.A. 1624-5 ; M.A. 1628. Doubtless V. of Cockerham, Lanes.,
1633-49- Buried there Aug. 4, 1649. Probably father of
Laurence (1656-7) and George (1658).
SHAW, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1629. Of London. Probably s. and h. of Robert, of St Peter's,
Comhill. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Sept. 20, 1632. Married
Hester, dau. of Jefferies Ayres, Jan. 12, 1636-7. Died 1662,
aged 48. (Clutterbuck, 11. 102.)
SHAW, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's, Easter,
SHAW, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Christ's, 1671. S. of
Robert. B. at Knutsford. School, Tamworth. Matric. 1671;
B.A. 1674; M.A. 1678. Ord. deacon (Worcester) Oct.; priest,
Dec. 1681. Head Master of Lichfield Grammar School, c.
1681. Died 1704. M.I. in St Mary's Church, Lichfield.
Father of Peter (1752). (Peile, 11. 37.)
SHAW, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 22) at St John's, June 23,
1696. S. of William, husbandman. B. at Ravenstonedale,
Westmorland. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1696; B.A. 1699-
1700. Ord. deacon (Carlisle) May 26, 1700; priest (Norwich)
Sept. 20, 1702. Master of Ravenstonedale Grammar School,
1700-2. C. of Sutton St Edmund's, and St James', Lines.,
1706. Brother of Hugh (1703). (One of these names of
Hugglescote, Leics., clerk. Will (Leicester) 1732.)
SHAW, ROBERT. M.A. from Christ's, 1700, from Brasenose
College, Oxford. Matric. there. Mar. 29, 1693, age 19; B.A.
(Oxford) 1696. Perhaps R. of Handley, Cheshire, 1703.
(Peile, II. 129, 149.)
SHAW, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 15) at St John's, Dec. 23,
1650. S. of Thomas, blacksmith, of Repton, Derbs. B. there,
1635. School, Repton. Matric. 1651; B.A. 1655-6. Master
of Tamworth Grammar School, Staffs., 1656. Ord. at
Wirksworth, Derbs., by the classical presbytery. R. of
Long Whatton, Leics., 1658-61, ejected. Intruding R. of
East Bamet, Middlesex, 1658-61, ejected. Head Master of
Ashby-de-la-Zouch School, 1668. Author, miscellaneous.
Died Jan. 22, 1695-6. Possibly father of Samuel (1684).
(Calamy, 11. 132; F.M.G., 1. 377; D.N.B.; Nichols, iii. 1110.)
SHAW, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Jan. 9, 1667-8. 2nd
s. of Sir John (1639), Knt., of Colchester and of Lincoln's Inn.
Matric. 1667-8. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 27, 1669.
Died Apr. 16, 1677. Brother of John (1665) and Thomas
(1667-8). (Morant, 1. i. 118.)
SHAW, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Queens', May 5, 1670. Of
Cheshire. Matric. 1670; B.A. 1673-4; M.A. 1677. Incorp.
at Oxford, 1677. Probably ord. deacon (Chester) June 14;
priest, Sept. 20, 1674. Schoolmaster of Wigan, till 1686.
Head Master of Warrington School, 1686. R. of Warrington,
1690-1718. One of the King's preachers in Lanes., 1682.
Preb. of Chester, 1707. Died 1718. Will (Chester) 1718.
Benefactor to Queens' library. (E. Axon.)
Shaw, Samuel
SHAW, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, May i6, 1684.
Of Leicestershire. Possibly s. of Samuel (1650).
SHAW, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Clare, Oct. 7, I7i9. Pre-
viously matric. (Christ Church, Oxford) Nov. 10, 1716, age 17.
S. of Samuel, of Tamworth, Staffs. B. there. Matric. 1719;
B.A. 1721-2.
SHAW, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Pembroke, June 29,
1744. S. of Andrew (1701), R. of Heydon, Norfolk. Matric.
1745; B.A. 1747-8. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Dec. 1748; priest,
June, 1753. Probably R. of Melton Constable, Norfolk,
1754-64. V. of Bemey, 1758-64. Died May 3, 1764. Brother
of Andrew (i737).
SHAWE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Jesus, Michs. 1559;
B.A. 1563-4.
SHAWE, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Easter,
SHAWE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Dec. 1614;
B.A. 1617-8; M.A. 1621. Probably R. of Aldingham-m-
Fumess, Lanes., 1625-67. A member of the Ninth Lanes.
Classis, 1646. Conformed at the Restoration. Died Oct. 19,
1667, aged 70. Buried at Aldingham. M.I. WiU, Archd.
Richmond. Probably father of Gerard (1647). {Petle, 1. 299.)
SHAW, THOMAS. .-Vdm. sizar (age 17) at Peterhouse, July 9,
1645. Of Leicestershire. Matric. 1646; B.A. 1649.
SHAW, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Jan. 9, 1667-8. 3rd
s. of Sir John (1639), Knt., of Colchester. Matric. 1667-8;
Scholar, 1671; B.A. 1671-2; M.A. 1675. R. of Greenstead
by Colchester, 1676-92. R. of Gt Holland, 1678-92. Died
May 3, 1692, aged 40. Will, P.C.C. Brother of John (1665)
and Samuel (1667-8). (A. Gray.)
SHAW, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Jesus, June 10, 1675.
Of Yorkshire. Matric. 1675; B.A. 1678-9.
SHAW, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, 1676. Matric.
1677; B.A. 1680-1; M.A. 1685.
SHAW, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Magdalene, June 9,
1693. S. of John. B. at Wainfleet All Saints', Lines. School,
Merchant Taylors'. Matric. 1695; B.A. 1696-7; M.A. 1700.
Fellow, 1700. R. of Wyberton, Lines., 1712-43- Died Sept. 9,
1756, aged 80. Father of John (1736). {Lines. Pedigrees,
869; G. Mag.)
SHAW, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Magdalene, Apr. 2,
1695. S. of John, clerk. B. at Alford, Lines. School, Alford.
Matric. 1697; B.A. 1699-1700. One of these names R. of
Galby, Leics., 1737-48. Brother of Christopher (1696).
SHAW, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Christ's, Mar. 30,
1698. S. of John. B. at Colchester. School, Brentwood.
Matric. 1698; Scholar, 1698; LL.B. 1703. [Peile, 11. 141.)
SHAW, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Trinity, May 7, 1722.
S. of William, of Cheshire. School, St Paul's, London.
SHAW, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 20) at St John's, July i,
1734. S. of James, of Lancashire. Bapt. July 16, 1715, at
Deane. School, Clitheroe. Matric. 1735; B.A. 1737-8. Ord.
priest (Chester) June 26, 1757- Perhaps Master of Bolton
School, 1747, 'B.A.' One of these names R. of Endfield,
Stags., 1765-70. (Scott-Mayor, iii. 459.)
SHAW, THOMAS. D.D. 1736 (Incorp. from Oxford). S. of
Gabriel, of Kendal, Westmorland. B. there, June 4, 1694.
School, Kendal. Matric. from Queen's CoUege Oxford, Dec. 5,
1711, age 17; B.A. (Oxford) 1716; M.A. 1719-20; D.D. 1734.
Fellow of Queen's, 1727. Principal of St Edmund Hall,
1740-51. Regius Proiessor of Greek at Oxford, 1741-51.
F.R.S., 1734. Chaplain to the English Factory at Algiers,
1720-33. V. of GodshiU, Isle of Wight, i734- V. of Bramley,
Hants., 1742-51. Married Joanna, widow of Edward Holden,
sometime Consul in Algiers, Mar. 30, 1742, at St George's,
Queen Square, London. A noted traveller and antiquary.
Died Aug. 15, 1751. M.I. at Bramley. (Al. Oxon.; D.N.B.)
SHAW, THURSTON. Adm. at King's (age 18) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 23, 1557. Of Saffron Walden. Matric. 1557-8.
Name off, 1559. Ord. priest, July 27, 1560. R. of Theydon
Mount, Essex, 1566-88. V. of Stonehouse, Gloucs., 1574.
Buried there. WiU (P.C.C.) 1610. (F. S. Hockaday.)
SHAW, TIMOTHY. Adm. sizar (age 22) at St John's, June 27,
1737. S. of John, husbandman, of Cheshire. B. at Cherming-
ham. School, Audlem (Mr Evans). Matric. 1740; B.A. i740-
i; M.A. 1763. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Mar. 15, 1740-1; priest.
Mar. 25, 1741. V. of Holbeach, Lines., 1741-50. V. of
Bierton, Bucks., 1750-86, where he kept a school. V. of
Medmenham, 1759-81. V. of St Michael, St Albans, Herts.,
1763-77. Died Sept. 17, 1786, aged 72. M.I. at Bierton.
(Scott-Mayor, iii. 486; Lipscomb, 11. 102.)
SHAWE, WILLIAM. D.D. from Peterhouse, 1624 (Lit. Reg.).
One of these names, M.A., Master of Sherbum Hospital,
Durham, 1623-36, and R. of Egglescliffe, 'D.D.,' 1625-36.
Shaxton, William
SHAWE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Sidney, Sept. 11,
1633. S. of WUliam, yeoman. Bapt. Dec. 21, 1614, at Bishop
Middleham, Durham. Schools, Durham and Kirk Merring-
ton. Matric. 1633.
SHAW, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 15) at St John's, May 12,
1635. S. of Ralph, yeoman, of Sandbach, Cheshire. B. there.
School, Sandbach (private). Matric. 1635; B.A. 1638-9;
M.A. 1642. R. of Mavesyn Ridware, Staffs.; presented, 1648;
instituted, 1660-72. Probably minister of Broughton Chapel,
c. 1652. R. of Mucklestone, 1662-72. Preb. of Lichfield,
1663-72. Died Nov. 16, 1672, aged 55. Buried at Mavesyn
Ridware. M.I. (Misc. Gen. et Her., 2nd S., i. 309; Wm. Salt,
Arch. Soc, 1915; Shaw, i. 191.)
SHAWE, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Apr. 30, 1635. Of
Lincohishire. Perhaps s. of William, of Wyberton, Lines.,
yeoman. Matric. 1635; B.A. 1638; M.A. 1642. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) June 23, 1640; priest (Lincohi) June 5, 1642.
Perhaps R. of Firsby, Lines., 1641. (Lines. Pedigrees,
SHAWE, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Trinity, June 28, 1647.
Of Worcestershire. Matric. 1647; B.A. 1651-2.
SHAW, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Trinity, Apr. 23,
1680. S. of Samuel, of Rushock, Worcs. School, Chaddesley.
Matric. i68i ; B.A. 1683-4. Ord. deacon (Gloucester) May 21,
1687. C. of Enfield.
SHAW, WILLIAM. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 15) at St John's,
Jime 9, 1702. S. of William, gent. B. in London. School,
Eton. Matric. 1705; M.A. 1705 (Com. Reg.). Probably adm.
at the Middle Temple, Feb. 25, 1701-2.
SHAW, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 22) at St John's, May 24,
1710. S. of Samuel, draper. B. at Shelley, near Hudders-
field, Yorks. School, Wakefield. Matric. 1710; B.A. 1713-4-
Ord. deacon (Ely) Feb. 21, 1713-4; priest, Sept. 25, 1715.
(One of these names ord. priest (York) Sept. 1714, B.A.)
C. of Woodbridge, Sufiolk. R. of Akenham, 1720. Perhaps
V. of Bramford, 1723, 'M.A.'
M.A. 1500. University preacher, 1507-8.
Scholar at Christ's, 1550-1.
SHAW, . Adm. Fell.-Com. at Corpus Christi, 1560.
SHAW, . Adm. pens, at Christ's, May 15, 1679.
SHAWBERY, EDWARD. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, 1623-4.
Doubtless 2nd s. of John, of Bury, Suffolk, gent. Matric.
Easter, 1624; B.A. 1627-8. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Mar. 14,
1627-8. Brother of the next and Thomas (1626-7J.
SHAWBERY, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, 1623-4.
Doubtless s. and h. of John, of Bury, Sufiolk, gent. Matric.
Easter, 1624. Adm. at Gray's Inn, May 15, 1628. Brother
of Edward (above) and of the next.
SHAWBERY, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, F;b. 26,
1626-7. Of Suffolk. Doubtless s. of John, of Bury, Suffolk.
Matric. 1627. Migrated to Queens', Nov. 1628; B.A. 1630-1;
M.A. 1634. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Aug. 10, 1633. Brother of
Edward (1623-4) and John (1623-4).
SHAXTON, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1584.
B. at East Walton, Norfolk, c. 1568. Scholar, 1586; B.A.
1587-8; M.A. 1591; B.D. 1598. Fellow, 1589. Deputy
Proctor, 1591. Ord. priest (Lincoln) 1594. Licensed preacher.
R. of Hemingford Abbots, Hunts., 1599-1600. WiU proved
(V.C.C.) 1600. (Cooper, 11. 272.)
SHAXTON, LEONARD. Matric. sizar from Gonville Hall,
Easter, 1546. Probably of West Bilney, Norfolk, gent.
Will proved (Norwich) 1621. (Venn, 1. 34.)
SHAXTON, MARTIN. Adm. sizar (age 14) at Caius, Feb. 6,
1626-7. S. of Nicholas, schoolmaster, of Norwich. B. there.
Matric. 1626-7; B.A. 1631-2. V. of East Winch, Norfolk,
1645; tutor or master there, in 1651. (Venn, 1. 280.)
SHAXTON, NICHOLAS. B.A. 1506-7; M.A. 1510; B.D. 1520-1;
D.D. 1531. Fellow of Gonville Hall, 1510-34. V. of
Mattishall, Norfolk, 1516. An early reformer. University
preacher, 1520. Treasurer of Salisbury Cathedral, 1533-5-
Canon of St Stephen's, Westminster, 1534-5- Bishop of
Salisbury, 1535-9. Resigned his bishopric, 1539. R. of
Hadleigh, Sufiolk, in 1546. Master of St Giles' Hospital,
Norwich, 1546. Arraigned for heresy and condemned, but
recanted, 1546. Suffragan Bishop of Ely, 1555. Retired to
GonviUeHail. Died there Aug. 5, 1556. (Venn,i.ig;D.N.B.;
Cooper, I. 158, 548.)
SHAXTON, NICHOLAS (junior). Pens, at Gonville Hall,
SHAXTON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, Jan. 15,
1630-1. S. of John, gent. B. at Baithley, Norfolk. School,
Aylsham (Mr Knolles). Matric. 1631; Scholar, 1632.
Sheaf, Edmund
SHEAF, EDMUND. Adm. at King's (age i8) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 24, 1580. S. of Thomas, clothier, of Cranbrook,
Kent. Matric. 1580. Left in 1583. Of Cranbrook. Married
Joan Kitchen, widow. Will dated, Nov. i, 1625; proved
(Canterbury, Archd. C.) Dec. 11, 1626. Brother of Thomas
(1580) and Herman (1590), father of the next and of John
{1621). {N. and Q., 7th S.,v. 395-)
SHEAF, EDMUND. Adm. at King's (age 16) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 31, 1614. Of Marden, Kent. S. of Edmund
(above). Matric. 1614; B.A. 1618-9; M.A. 1623. Fellow,
1617-25. Died 1625. Brother of John (1621).
SHEAF, GRINDALL. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1626. Of Welford, Berks. S. of Thomas (1580). Matric.
Lent, 1626-7; B.A. 1630; M.A. 1634; B.D. 1641; D.D. 1661
{Lit. Reg.). Fellow, 1629-50. R. of Horstead and Coltishall,
Norfolk, 1649. V. of Westerham, Kent, ejected. Archdeacon
of Wilts., 1660-80. Died Apr. 28, 1680. Will (P.C.C.) 1680;
of Wells, Somerset. Brother of Thomas (1621).
SHEAF, HERMAN (?HARMAN). Adm. at King's (age 18) a
scholar from Eton, Aug. 24, 1590. S. of Thomas, clothier,
of Cranbrook, Kent. Matric. c. 1590; B.A. 1594-5; M.A.
1598. Fellow, 1593-1605. R. of Goldhanger, Essex, 1617-29.
Licence to marry Sarah GyUibrand, of Cranbrook, widow,
July 6, 1608. Died 1629. WiU proved (P.C.C.) Jan. 22,
1629-30. Brother of Edmund (1580) and Thomas (1580).
SHEAF, JOHN. Adm. at King's (age 17) a scholar from Eton,
Aug. II, 1621. Name off same year. Of Marden, Kent.
S. of Edmund (1580). Probably died as scholar. Brother of
Edmund (1614).
SHEAF, THOMAS. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1580.
S. of Thomas, of Cranbrook, Kent. Matric. 1580; B.A. 1584-
5; M.A. 1588; B.D. 1595; D.D. 1606. Fellow, 1583-97.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1606. R. of Welford, Berks., 1597. Canon
of Windsor, 1614-39. Died at Wickhambrook, Dec. 12, 1639.
Will proved (P.C.C.) Mar. 2, 1639-40. Brother of Edmund
(1580) and Herman, father of the next andof Grindall (1626).
SHEAFE, THOMAS. Matric. pens, (age 18) from Pembroke,
Michs. 1621. S. of Thomas (above), of Wickham, near
Welford, Berks., priest. B.A. 1624-5; M.A. 1628; M.D. 1636.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1628. Granted a licence to go to Padua,
Oct. II, 1633. F.R.C.P., 1637. Gulstonian lecturer, 1641.
Censor, 1643. Died Aug. 7, 1657, aged 50 (sic). Admon.
(P.C.C.) 1666; of Binfield, Berks. {Munk, i. 222; Al. Oxon.)
SHEAFE, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1619.
SHEARS or SHIERES, FRANCIS. Adm. at Trinity, a scholar
from Westminster, 1601; B.A. 1604-5; M.A. 1608. V. of
Gainsborough, Lines., 1610-37.
SHIERS, GEORGE. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs. 1618;
B.A. 1622-3; M.A. 1626. V. of Potton, Beds., 1629. Perhaps
V. of Friem Bamet, Middlesex, 1660.
SHEARES, . Matric. pens, from St John's, c. 1594.
SHEBEARE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from King's, Easter, 1699;
B.A. 1702-3; M.A. 1707.
SHEBBEARE, JOSEPH. M.A. from King's, 1721. S. of J.,
of London. Matric. (Exeter College, Oxford) Mar. 20, 1702-3,
age 16; B.A. (Oxford) 1706. R. of Moreton Hampstead,
Devon, 1721. Will (Exeter) 1735. (Al. Oxon.)
SHEBBEARE, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Clare, June 21, i749-
Probably s. of John, of Witheridge, Devon, clerk. B. there.
Matric. 1749.
SHEDD, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Michs. 1619;
B.A. 1622. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Dec. 19, 1624.
SHEDD or SHEIDD, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Magdalene,
Easter, 1619.
SHENE, CHRISTOPHER. Adm. scholar (age 19) at Caius, July
2, 1618. S. of Christopher, of Gressenhall, Norfolk. School,
Little Fransham (Mr Shene). Matric. 1619; B.A. 1620-1;
M.A. 1625. Ord. priest (Norwich) Mar. 17, 1621-2. R. of
Cockley Cley, 1626. Will proved, Feb. 27, 1682-3. Brother
of Edward (1599), father of Luke (1640) and William (1638).
(Venn, i. 240.)
SHEENE, EDMUND. Adm. sizar at Peterhouse, Mar. 24,
SHEENE or SHYNNE, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius,
May 1, 1599. S. of Christopher, of Gressenhall, Norfolk.
School, East Dereham. Matric. 1599; Scholar, 1600-6; B.A.
1602-3; M.A. 1606; B.D. 1617. Ord. deacon and priest
(Norwich) Sept. 21, 1607; 'C. of Clenchwarton,' Norfolk.
R. of Little Fransham, 1610, and of East Lexham, 1614-49.
Buried at Lexham, Dec. 25, 1649. Will proved (Norwich)
1649. Brother of Christopher (1618) and father of John
(1639-40). (Venn, i. i68.)
Sheffield, George
SHEENE, ELIEZER. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Caius, June 13,
1615. S. of Francis, of Norwich. School, Norwich (Mr
Stonham). Matric. 1615; B.A. 1618-9; M.A. 1622. Ord.
priest (Norwich) Sept. 23, 1621. C. of IBungay, Suffolk, in
1627. V. of Ilketshall St Margaret, 1631-79; of St Margaret,
South Elmham, 1631-79. WiU proved (Ipswich) 1679.
(Venn, 1. 229.)
SHENE, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Caius, Feb. 25, 1639-40.
S. of Edward (1599), R. of East Lexham, Norfolk. B. there.
School, Westfield (Mr Chapman). Probably died before
Oct. 28, 1648. (Venn, i. 337.)
SHENE, LUKE. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, June 18, 1640.
S. of Christopher (1618), R. of Cockley Cley, Norfolk. Bapt.
Dec. 4, 1623, at Little Fransham. School, Westfield (Mr
Chapman). Matric. 1640; B.A. 1643-4. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) Sept. 22, 1644; 'C. of Stanfleld, Norfolk.' V. of
Gooderstone, 1649-82. R. of Shingham, 1650-62. Brother
of the next. (Venn, i. 339.)
SHENE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, Nov. 9,
1638. S. of Christopher (1618), R. of Cockley Cley, Norfolk.
B. at Lexham. Schools, Tittleshall (Mr Harris) and West-
field (Mr Chapman). Matric. 1638; Scholar, 1639-44; B.A.
1642-3. Ord. priest (Bishop Joseph Hall) Apr. 5, 1651.
R. of Little Fransham, Norfolk, 1652-67. Buried there
Aug. 3, 1667. Brother of Luke (above). (Venn, i. 333.)
SHEEPSHANKS, JAMES. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's,
May 22, 1719. S. of James, husbandman, of Yorkshire.
Bapt. Nov. 10, 1702, at Linton, near Skipton. School,
Threshfield (Mr Marshall). Matric. 1719; B.A. 1722-3. Ord.
deacon (Lincoln) Dec. 20, 1724; priest (London) May 28,
1727. V. of Mountnessing, Essex, 1727-33. V. of Little
Wakering, 1733-44. Died 1744. Admon., Comm. Essex.
(Scott-Mayor, iii. 325.)
SHEPSHANCK, JOHN. Matric. sizar from St John's, c. 1596;
B.A. 1600-1.
SHEEPSHED or SHYPSHED, GEORGE. Matric. sizar from
Pembroke, Michs. 1544.
SHEEPSHEAD, JOHN. Grace for B.Can.L. 1478-9. Student at
SHEPWRIGHT, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Pembroke,
Easter, 1575.
SHEEPY, see also SHEPPY.
SHEEPY, WILLIAM DE. Scholar of Cambridge, c. 1270-80.
Clerk of Ely diocese. Used to hunt hares with greyhounds in
Cambridge Warren. (Pleas of the Forest, see Preface.)
SHEFFYLDE, CHARLES. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Easter,
SHEFFIELD, EDMUND. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Peterhouse,
Feb. 8, 1583-4. Adm. at the Inner Temple, 1584; of Ep-
worth. Lines. Probably knighted, July 23, 1603.
SHEFFIELD, EDMUND. M.A. 1594-5. Doubtless s. and h. of
John (1549), Baron Sheffield, of Butterwick, Lines. Matric.
(Christ Church, Oxford) 1574, age 12. Succeeded as 3rd Lord
Sheffield of Butterwick, 1568. A volunteer in HoUand, 1585.
Knighted, June 25, 1588, for services against the Spanish
Armada. K.G., 1593. Governor of Brill, in Holland, 1599.
President of the North and Lord-Lieutenant of Yorks.,
1603-19. CreatedEarlofMulgrave, Feb. 5, 1625-6. Married
(1) Ursula, dau. of Sir John Tyrwhit, of Kettleby, Lines.;
(2) Mariana, dau. of Sir William Irwin, alias Erwin. Died
Oct. 6, 1646, aged 83. Buried in Fulham Church. M.I. Will,
P.C.C. Father of James (1636-7), probably of Philip (1611)
and William (1608-9). (D.N.B.; G.E.C.; Al. Oxon.)
SHEFFIELD, EDWARD. B.Civ.L.; D.Civ.L. 1504-5; D.Can.L.
1516-7. Probablypreb. of Lichfield, 1506-25. V.ofSawston,
Cambs., 1521-5. Died Dec. 1525-6. Will dated, Dec. 5, 1525;
proved, Feb. 7, 1525-6.
SHEFFEILD, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from Clare, Easter,
1622; B.A. 1624-5; M.A. 1628. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June 5,
1631. Perhaps V. of St Just-in-Roseland, Cornwall; ejected,
1662. Perhaps father of WiUiam (1654). (Calamy, i. 278.)
SHEFFYLDE, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs.
1551. Possibly s. of Edward, of Seaton, Rutland. If so,
Sheriff of Rutland, 1588. Married Elizabeth, dau. of Robert
Harrison, of Stow, Northants. Buried at Seton, Sept. 24,
1618. Possibly father of Robert (1571) and Sampson (1575)-
SHEFFIELD, GEORGE. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Feb. 1662-3.
Of Rutland. Perhaps s. of Sampson (1622). Matric. 1663;
B.A. 166&-7. Perhaps ord. priest (Peterb.) Sept. 22, 1667.
V. of Hutton Buscel, Yorks., 1674-1720. Died Aug. 30,
1720. Doubtless father of John (1730).
SHEFFEILD, GEORGE. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, Feb. 24,
1693-4. Matric. 1695; B.A. 1697-8. Ord. deacon (York)
May, 1700; priest, 1701. C. of Fylingdales, near Whitby,
Yorks., 1702. V. of Seamcr, 1708-57.
Sheffield, Henry
SHEFFYLD, HENRY. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
1566. Probably 3rd s. of John, of Croxby, Lines. Probably
brother of Vincent (i559) and Philip (1572).
SHEFFIELD, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Michs.
SHEFFEILD, JAMES. M.A. 1636-7 {fil. nob.). Doubtless s. of
Edmund (1594), Earl of Mulgrave. Captain in the Par-
liamentary army. M.P. for St Mawes, 1640. Probably
brother of Philip (1611) and William (1608-9).
SHEFFIELD, JOHN. B.A. 1499. One of these names s. of
Robert, of Belton, Lines., Esq. Buried there Nov. 6, 1526.
SHEFFIELD, JOHN. Matric. Fell.-Com. from King's, Michs.
1549. S. and h. of Edmund, Baron Sheffield, of Butterwicke,
Lines. Succeeded his father, July 31, 1549, as 2nd Baron
Sheffield. K.B., 1559. Married Douglas, dau. of William,
ist Baron Howard of Effingham. Author, Verses on the death
of Bucer, 1550. Died Dec. 1568, not without suspicion of
poison. WiUproved(P.C.C.) Jan. 1568-9. Father of Edmund
(1594-5), Earl of Mulgrave. {Cooper, i. 263; G.E.C.)
SHEFFIELD, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse, Easter,
1618; B.A. 1621-2; M.A. 1625. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Dec.
22, 1622; priest, Sept. 22, 1628. Perhaps C. of Felmersham,
Beds., 1623. R. of Caenby, Lines., 1629. R. of St Swithin,
London, 1643-60. Perhaps V. of Tonbridge, Kent, in 1646.
Afterwards retired to Enfield. Author, religious. Will
(P.C.C.) 1680. Perhaps father of the next. (D.N.B.; Calamy,
I. 148.)
SHEFFEILD, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, May 23,
1646. S. of John (? above), V. of Tonbridge, Kent. B. at
Careby, Lines. School, Tonbridge. Matric. 1646.
SHEFFIELD, JOHN. M.A. 1653 (Incorp. from Oxford). B.A.
(St John's College, Oxford) 1649; M.A. (New College, Oxford)
1652. Intrudedfellowof New College, 1649. Ord. deacon and
priest (Norwich) Sept. 1661. R. of Weston Longueville,
Norfolk, 1661. R. of Intwood and Keswick, 1662. R. of
Ringland, 1667. {Al. Oxon.)
SHEFFIELD, JOHN. M.A. from Pembroke, 1730. S. of George
(1662-3), of Mutton Buscel, Yorks., clerk. Matric. (Trinity
College, Oxford) May 8, 1703, age 19; B.A. (St Mary Hall,
Oxford) 1707. Perhaps P.C. of Southowram, Yorks., 1714;
of Sowerby, i730-5- Died Nov. 23, 1735. (AL Oxon.)
SHEFFIELD, NATHANIEL. Adm. sizar at Sx Catharine's,
Mar. I, 1677-8. Matric. 1678; B.A. 1681-2. Ord. deacon
(London) Dec. 18, 1692; priest (Lincohi) Feb. 12, 1692-3.
R. of Rathby, Lines.
SHEFFIELD, PHILIP. Matric. pens, from Clare, Michs. 1572.
Probably 5th s. of John, of Croxby, Lines. Of Fulstow.
Buried there Nov. 5, 1592. Will proved, Jan. 22, 1592-3.
Probably brother of Henry (1566) and Vincent (i559)-
(Lines. Pedigrees, 870.)
SHEFFIELD, PHILIP. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Emmanuel, Aug. 1,
1611. Perhaps s. of Edmund (1594). If so, drowned in
crossing the Humber at Whitgift Ferry, Dec. 1614. Probably
brother of James (1636-7), etc.
SHEFFIELD, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Magdalene,
Easter, 1637. Of Lincolnshire. Probably 2nd s. of Vincent,
of Croxby, Lines., Esq. (and Mary, dau. of Sir Richard
Amcotts, K.B.) Migrated to Jesus, Nov. 3, 1638. (Lines.
Pedigrees, 871.)
SHEFFYLD, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Nov. 1571.
Doubtless s. and h. of George, of Seaton, Rutland. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, June 12, 1577, from Barnard's Inn. Brother of
the next. (Peile, i. 120.)
SHEFFYLD, SAMPSON. Matric. pens, from Christ's, June,
1575. Probably 2nd s. of George, of Seaton, Rutland. B.A.
1578-9; M.A. 1582. Incorp. at Oxford, 1584. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) Apr. 11, 1583. Preacher. He got into trouble for
a sermon at Gt St Mary's, in 1587. Apparently returned to
Seaton. Buried there Dec. 12, 1619. Brother of Robert
(above) and doubtless father of the next. (Peile, 1. 132;
Vis. of Rutland, 1618; Cooper, in. 60.)
SHEFFIELD, SAMPSON. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May i,
1622. Doubtless s. and h. of Sampson (above), of Seaton,
Rutland; age 12 in 1618. Matric. 1623. Adm. at Gray's Inn,
June 10, 1624, 'Samuel.' Sold Seaton to Lord Montagu.
Married Jane, dau. of Reginald (? Reynold) Greene, of
Navestocic, Essex. Buried at St Clement Danes, Middlesex,
Sept. 25, 1652. (Vis. of Rutland, 16:8; Coll. Top. et Gen., iv.
SHEFFIELD, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Sidney, May 5,
1636. S. of William, Esq. B. at Liddington, Rutland. School,
Uppingham. Matric. 1636; B.A. 1639-40; M.A. 1643.
SHEFFIELD, VINCENT. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs.
1559. Probably 2nd s. of John, of Croxby, Lines.; age 40 (sic)
Sheild, Theophilus
in 1590. Adm. at the Inner Temple, 1562; of Croxby, Lines.
Married (i) Anne, dau. of Thomas Skegness, of Skendleby
Thorpe; (2) Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Vincent Fulnetby, Knt.,
of Fulnetby. Probably brother of Henry (1566) and Philip
(1572). (Lines. Pedigrees, 870.)
SHEFFIELD, WILLIAM. B.A. 1456-7; M.A. 1460; D.Can.L.
1467-8. Ord. sub-deacon (Ely) Sept. 22, 1459; deacon.
Mar. 13, 1461-2; priest, Apr. 3, 1462. R. of Hogsthorpe,
Lines. R. of Epworth, 1463-82. Preb. of Lincoln, 1463-77.
Archdeacon of Stow, 1477-96. Preb. of York, 1483-5.
Treasurer of York, 1485-94. Dean of York, 1494-6. Died
Dec. 8, 1496. Buried in York Minster.
SHEFFIELD, WILLIAM. B.Civ.L. 1500; D.Civ.L. 1506-7.
SHEFFIELD, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Michs.
1586. Perhaps 4th s. of George, of Seaton, Rutland. B.A.
(? 1589-90). Probably ord. deacon and priest (Peterb.) Nov.
25, 1593; C. at Toft, Cambs., 1595-7, and probably V. of Ely.
Perhaps hisadmon. (P.C.C.) Mar. 13, 1641-2. Probably father
of William (1620), perhaps brother of Robert (1571) and
Sampson (1575). (Peile, i. 187.)
SHEFFIELD, WILLIAM. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Queens', Feb. 24,
1608-9. Of Lincohishire. Perhaps s. of Edmund (i594-5)-
Doubtless adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Apr. 12, 1612. Knighted,
Apr. n, 1617. DroviTied in France. Probably brother of
PhiUp (1611) and James (1636-7). (Stonehouse, Axhohne.)
SHEFFIELD, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Pembroke, Easter,
1620. S. of William (? 1586), V. of Ely, Cambs. B.A. 1622-3.
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 21; priest, Sept. 22, 1623. P.C.
of Little Raveley, Hunts., 1638-70. Probably died c. 1670.
SHEFFELD, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Trinity, 1637;
B.A. 1640-1. Ord. priest (Lincoln) Sept. 25, 1642. R. of
Bowden Magna, Leics., 1644. R. of Ibstock, 1648-62,
ejected. Retired to Kibworth. Died there 1673- Father of
John, nonconformist divine, for whom see D.N.B. (Calamy,
II. 116; Shaw, I. 357; Nicholls, 11. 562.)
SHEFFIELD, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 14) at Pembroke,
June 23, 1654. S. of Edward (? 1622), clerk. B. at Skage(?),
Cornwall. Matric. 1656-7; B.A. 1657-8. One of these names
of Ashton, Devon, clerk. Admon. (Exeter) 1671.
SHEFFIELD, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Sidney, July 3,
1660. S. of George, gent. B. at Lyddington, Rutland.
School, Uppingham. Matric. 1661; B.A. 1663-4.
SHEFFORTH, henry. B.Can.L. 1503-4 (allowed to change
from arts to law) .
SHIELD, BENJAMIN. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Trinity, June 22,
1747. S. of John, of London. B. Aug. 21, 1728. School,
Merchant Taylors'. Matric. i747; Scholar, 1750; B.A. 1750-
1; M.A. 1758. Ord. priest (London) Dec. 24, 1752.
SHEILD, EDWARD. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, June 26,
i6io. S. of Thomas, husbandman, of Preston, Rutland.
School, Uppingham (Mr Burrowes). Matric. 1610; Scholar,
1613-7; B.A. 1613-4; M.A. 1617. Incorp. at O.xford, 1620.
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June 15; priest, June 16, 1617. R- of
Hallaton (South mediety), Leics., 1627-43. Buried there
Feb. 16, 1643-4. (Venn, i. 208; Nicols, 11. 6oi.)
SHEILD, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, July 7,
1709. S. of Benjamin, gent. B. at Uppingham, Rutland.
School, Charterhouse. Matric. 1709; B.A. 1712-3. Ord.
deacon (Ely) Feb. 21, 1713-4; priest (London) Sept. 25, 1715-
SHIELD or SHIELDS, JAMES. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's,
Mar. 14, 1740-1. S. of John, gent., of Durham. Bapt. Apr.
16, 1722, at St Nicholas, Durham. School, Durham (Mr
Dongworth). Matric. 1741; B.A. 1744-5- Ord. deacon
(Durham) Sept. 1745; priest, Nov. 2, 1746. C. of Ford,
Durham. Chaplain in the Navy, 1755.
SHEELD, PETER. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius, June 12, 1633.
S. of Robert, gent. B. at Wing, Rutland. School, Upping-
ham (Mr Johnson). Matric. 1633; Scholar, 1635-9; B.A.
1636-7. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Mar. 10, 1638-9. Buried
July 23, 1639, at Gt St Mary's, Cambridge. (Venn, i. 309.)
SHIELDS, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 1613;
B.A. 1617-8; M.A. 1621. Ord. deacon (York) May, 1618;
priest, Sept. 1619.
SHEILD, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Magdalene, May 6,
1677. S. of WiUiam. School, Uppingham, Rutland. Matric.
1677; B.A. 1680-1; M.A. 1684. Probably brother of the next
and of WiUiam (1668).
SHEILD, THEOPHILUS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Trinity,
July 5, 1678. S. of William. B. in Rutland. School, Upping-
ham (Mr Stockman). Matric. 1679; B.A. 1682-3; M.A. 1686.
V. of Wilbarston, Northants., 1686-9. V. of Weston-by-
Welland, 1691-7. Died 1697. (H. I. Longden.)
Sheild, William
SHEILD, WILLIAM. Adin. pens, (age i6) at Jesus, June i8,
1668. Of Rutland. Doubtless s. of WiUiam, of Preston,
Rutland. School, Uppingham. Matric. 1668. Adm. at the
Inner Temple, 1668. Perhaps father of the next.
SHEILD, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Clare, Sept. 26, 1710.
Perhaps s. of William (above). B. at Preston, Rutland.
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 21, 1717; priest, June 7, 1718;
C. of Ayston, Rutland, 1717. R. of Saddington, Leics.,
1724-32- Buried there Aug. 14, 1732. M.I. {Niclwls, 11. 779.)
SHELBERY, ISAAC. Adm. pens, at Queens', June 19, 1660.
Of London. Doubtless s. of John, of St Clement Danes.
Matric. 1660; B.A. 1663-4. Adm. at the Inner Temple,
Jan. 21, 1662-3. Signs for deacon's orders (London) Feb. 18,
1664-5. Probably migrated to O.xford; matric. (Queen's
College, Oxford) June 3, 1663, age 18. Brother of the next.
One of these names s. of Francis; bapt. at Croydon, July
28, 1646. {Vis. of Middlesex, 1664; Coll. Top. et Gen., iii.
SHELBERRY, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Clare, Nov. 9, 1654.
Doubtless s. of John, of St Clement Danes, London. Matric.
1656; B.A. 1658. Cursitor for London and Middlesex. Age
26 in 1664. Brother of Isaac (above). {Vis. of Middlesex,
SHELDON, CHARLES. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's,
June 25, 1697. S. of Richard, gent. B. at York. School,
Threshfield (Mr Motley). Matric. 1698.
SHELDON, DORMER. LL.B. 1728 {Com. Reg.). Doubtless s.
of Francis, of Abberton, Worcs., gent. Matric. (Merton
College, Oxford) Mar. 28, 1718, age 16. Ord. deacon
(Worcester) May 28, 1727; priest, June 16, 1728. R. of
Church Lench, Worcs., 1728-72. R. of Shenington, Oxon.,
1738-72. Chaplain to Lady Lechmere. Will (P.C.C.) 1772.
(F. S. Hockaday.)
SHELDON, GEORGE. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinity, June lo,
1724. S. of William, merchant, of London. School, St Paul's.
Matric. 1724; Scholar, 1725; B.A. 1727-8; M.A. 1737. Ord.
deacon (Lincoln, Lilt. dim. from Rochester) Mar. 2, 1728-9.
V. of Edwardstone, Suffolk, 1736-77. Married, at Stanton,
Suffolk, Dec. 14, 1744, Hester, dau. of Gamaliel Capell.
Buried at Stanton, Sept. 12, 1777. WiU (P.C.C.) 1778.
(T. T. Methold.)
SHELDON, GILBERT. B.A. 1619 (Incorp. from Oxford). S. of
Roger, of Stanton, Staffs. B. 1597. Matric. (Oxford) 1614;
B.A. (Trinity College, Oxford) 1617; M.A. 1620; B.D. 1628;
D.D. 1634. Fellow of All Souls, 1622; Warden, 1635-48,
1660-1. Chancellor of Oxford University, 1667-9. Built the
Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford; opened, 1669. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, Mar. 7, 1663-4. V. of Hackney, 1633-6. Canon
of Gloucester, 1633-60. R. of Oddington, Oxon., 1636. R. of
Ickford, Bucks., 1636; of Newington, Oxon., 1639. Dean of
the Chapel Royal, 1660-3. Chaplain to the King, 1660-3.
Bishop of London, 1660-3. Archbishop of Canterbury,
1663-77. F.R.S., 1665. Died Nov. 9, 1677. Buried at
Croydon, Surrey. M.I. {D.N. B. ; Al. Oxon.)
SHELDON, HENRY. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, Feb. 3,
1701-2. S. of Richard, husbandman. B. at Trysull, near
Wolverhampton, Staffs. School, Pattingham (Mr Green).
SHELDON, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, Apr. 12,
1654. S. of Henry, of Boningale, Salop. School, Wolver-
hampton. Matric. 1654; B.A. 1657-8; M.A. 1663 {Lit. Reg.).
Incorp. at Oxford, 1671. R. of Alphington, Devon, 1669.
Perhaps chaplain in the Navy, 1662.
SHELDON, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, Feb.
16, 1655-6. S. of Edward, ironmonger, of Wolverhampton,
Staffs. B. there. School, Wolverhampton (Mr Rawlet).
Matric. 1656; B.A. 1659-60. Died Feb. 1685-6.
SHELDRAKE, CHARLES. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1705.
Of Norfolk. Matric. Michs. 1708; B.A. 1711-2; M.A. 1715.
Fellow, 1713-9. Ord. deacon (Ely) Sept. 25, 1715; priest,
Sept. 23, 1716. R. of Little Wilbraham, Cambs., 1718-51.
V. of Grantchester, 1718-51. Died 1751, aged 59. Buried at
Newton, Isle of Ely. {Masters.)
SHELDRAKE, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Mar. 30,
1665. S. and h. of John, citizen of Norwich. School, Baw-
burgh, Norfolk (Mr Tennison). Matric. 1665; Scholar, 1666.
Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 25, 1667. {Venn, i. 425.)
SHELDRAKE, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1654. Of Norwich. B.A. 1657-8; M.A. 1661; B.D.
1669. Fellow, 1663, till his death, in 1720. Signed for
deacon's orders (London) Sept. 23, 1664.
SHELDRAKE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Apr. 5,
1643. S. of John, gent. B. at Brisley, Norfolk. School,
Norwich (Mr Lovering). Matric. 1643; Scholar, 1644-8;
B.A. 1646-7; M.A. 1650. Perhaps R. of Reepham, Norfolk,
1653-62, ejected. Assistant minister at Wisbech, in 1657.
Minister of Yarmouth, 1670-^. 85. Probably died c. 1685.
{Venn, 1. 349.)
Shelmerdine, John
SHELDRAKE, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Caius, Oct. 31,
1648. S. of William, druggist, of Fakenham, Norfolk.
Schools, Fakenham (Mr Wells), Sculthorpe (Mr Turner) and
Norwich (Mr Lovering). Matric. 1648; Scholar, 1650-4;
B.A. 1652-3; M.A. 1656. Fellow, 1654-8. Ord. deacon and
priest (Norwich) Nov. 10, 1661. R. of St Mary's and All
Saints', Barton Bendish, Norfolk, 1658-98. Father of the
next. (Venn, i. 373.)
SHELDRAKE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, Nov.
26, 1679. S. of William (above), R. of Barton Bendish,
Norfolk. B. there. School, Thetford (Mr Keene). Matric.
1679; Scholar, 1679-81. (Venn, i. 463.)
SHELDRAKE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Caius, 1696; Scholar,
SHELFORD, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at Peterhouse, Apr. 30,
1580. Matric. 1580; Scholar, 1581-6; B.A. 1583-4; M.A.
1587. Ord. deacon and priest (Peterb.) Aug. 6, 1587. Per-
haps V. of Berden, Essex, 1592. R. of Ringsfield and Little
Redisham, Suffolk, 1599-1627. Died 1627, aged 64. Will,
SHELFORD, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius, Feb. 9,
1740-1. S. of Leonard, brewer, of Thetford. B. there.
Schools, Thetford (Mr Price) and Bury. Matric. 1741;
Scholar, 1741-6; B.A. 1744-5; M.A. 1750. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) Feb. 23, 1745-6; priest (Ely) June 5, 1748. R. of
North and West Tuddenham, Norfolk, 1750-95. V. of Stow
Bedon, 1750-95. Lecturer of St Mary Magdalen, Thetford,
1769-95. Married Elizabeth, dau. of William Heard, of
East Lexham. Died June 29, 1795, aged 72. M.I. at North
Tuddenham. {Venn, 11. 48.)
SHELL, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Jesus, Michs. 1579. One of
these names V. of Frampton, Lines., 1591-1619.
SHELLEY, JAMES. Scholar of Trinity, 1590; B.A. 1590-1;
M.A. 1594. Incorp. at Oxford, 1598. R. of Shalden, Hants.,
SHELLEY, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Peterhouse, Sept.
17, 1748. S. of Sir John, 4th Bart., of Michelgrove, Sussex.
School, Westminster. Matric. 1748. M.P. for Retford, 1751-
68; for Newark, 1768-74; for Shoreham, 1774-80. Keeper
of the Records in the Tower, 1755-83. Clerk of the Pipe,
1758-83. Treasurer of the Household, 1766-77, and Privy
CounciUor, 1766. Succeeded as 5th Bart., Sept. 6, 1771.
Married (1) Wilhelmina, dau. of John NewTiham, of Mares-
field Park, Sussex; (2) Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Woodcock,
of Lincoln's Inn. Died Sept. 11, 1783. Will, P.C.C. (Burke;
SHELLEY, RICHARD. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May 11,
i6i6. Perhaps 3rd s. of Henry, of Patcham, Sussex. Bapt.
there, Aug. 20, 1601. Matric. 1616; Scholar; B.A. 1619-20;
M.A. 1623. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 19; priest, Sept. 20,
1624. V. of Wolstanton, Staffs., 1643-5, ejected. Perhaps
brother of Thomas (1614). (Horsfield, Lewes, 180.)
SHELEY, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Jesus, c. 1592. Perhaps
s. of John, of Exning, Suffolk. B.A. 1594-5; M.A. 1598;
B.D. 1605; D.D. 1619. Fellow, 1597-1614. V. of All Saints',
Cambridge, 1606-12. V. of Whittlesford, Cambs., 1611-2.
R. of Barton Mills, Suffolk, 1611. R. of Gt Saxham, 1615-45.
Father of Thomas (1639). (Vis. of Suffolk, 1664; A.
SHELLEY, THOMAS. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Emmanuel, May 17,
1614. Probably s. and h. of Henry, of Patcham, Sussex.
Married Mary, dau. of Thomas Stevens, of Lypcate, Gloucs.,
Attorney-General to Prince Henry. Died s.p., Dec. 2, 1620,
aged 23. M.I. at St Alban's, Wood Street, London. (Hors-
field, Lewes, 178.)
SHELLEY, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 15) at St John's, May i6,
1639. S. of Thomas (c. 1592), D.D., R. of Barton Mills,
Suffolk. B. there. School, Bury St Edmunds (Mr Dickeson).
Matric. 1639. Migrated to Caius, Aug. 5, 1640. Scholar,
1640-2. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Feb. 18, 1641-2. Of Banstead
and Nether Hall, Tuddenham. Died Oct. 1680. (Ffnn, 1.340;
Vis. of Suffolk, 1664.)
SHELMERDINE, DANIEL. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Christ's,
May 22, 1652. S. of Thomas (1618), V. of Crich, Derbs.
B. there, Jan. 1, 1636. School, Rcpton. Matric. 1652; B.A.
1655-6; M.A. 1659. Ord. presbyterian at Wirksworth, May
20, 1657. Chaplain to Colonel Green, at Moseley, Worcs.
Minister of Barrow and Twyford, near Derby, till 1662,
ejected; often imprisoned. Died at Findem, near Derby,
Oct. 22, 1699. Buried there. (Peile, i. 548.)
SHELMERDINE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Magdalene,
May 19, 1675. S. of William, deceased. B. in Lancashire.
School, Manchester. Matric. 1678; B.A. 1678-9; M.A. 1682.
Ord. deacon (Chester) Dec. 19, 1686. Head Master of Bolton-
le-Moors Grammar School, 1687-1705. Died 1705.
Shelmerdine, Thomas
SHELMARDINE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Christ's, July,
1618. B. in Lancashire. B.A. 1621-2. V. of Crich, Derbs.,
1629; of Matlock, 1650, ejected. Silenced, in 1662. Retired
to Wirksworth. Married Faith, dau. of Richard Wigley, of
Wigwall, Feb. 17, 1633. Died c. 1662. Father of Daniel
(1652). (Peile, I. 325.)
SHELMERDINE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Christ's, Apr. 2,
1670. Of Derbyshire.
SHELTON, CHARLES. Adm. pens, at Trinity, June 19, 1679.
Of Norfolk. 4th s. of Maurice, of Bamingham, Suffolk, Esq.
Died s.p. Buried at Shelton, Norfolk, Nov. 30, 1710. Brother
of Maurice (i666) and Robert (1675). (Vis. ojf Norfolk, 11.
SHELTON, GEORGE. Adm. scholar at Trinity Hall, Jan. 4,
1724-5. Of Westminster. Doubtless s. and h. of Richard, of
St James', Westminster. Matric. 1724. Adm. at the Inner
Temple, Jan. 21, 1726.
SHELTON, HENRY. Adm. pens, at Queens', July 6, 1703.
S. of Henry, of Bamingham, Suffolk. B. c. 1686. School,
Bury. Matric. 1703. Went into the army and died young.
Brother of Maurice (1701). {Bury School; S.H.A.H.)
SHELTON, HUGH. Adm. pens, at Clare, July 20, 1647.
Matric. 1648; B.A. 1651-2.
SHELTON, JOHN. B.A. from Clare, 1584-5. Licensed to teach
grammar at Long Melford, Suffolk; perhaps C. there.
SHELTON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Pembroke, Mar. 23,
1617. S. of Edmund, of London. Matric. 1618; Scholar,
1618; B.A. 1621-2; M.A. 1626. Perhaps V. of Stanford,
Norfolk, 1628; R. of Reade, Suffolk, 1634-9. One of these
names, 'M.A.,' R. of Kirby Underdale, Yorks., 1639.
SHELTON, JOHN. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Queens', Nov. 30, 1674.
Of Staffordshire, Perhaps s. of John, of West Bromwich,
Staffs.; age 3 in 1663. Matric. 1675. Perhaps brother of
Richard (1682). {Staffs. Pedigrees.)
SHELTON, JOSEPH. Matric. pens, from Trinity Hall, July,
1695; Scholar. Probably s. and h. of John, of West Brom-
wich, Staffs. Adm. at the Inner Temple, Feb. 11, 1695.
SHELTON, MAURICE. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Trinity, May 11,
1666. Doubtless s. and h. of Maurice, of Bamingham,
Suffolk. Matric. 1666-7. Adm. at Gray's Inn, June 29, 1670.
Of Bamingham, Esq. Married Martha, dau. of Robert
Appleton, of Gt Waldingfield, Suffolk, Esq. Died Oct. 7,
1680. Buried at Shelton. Brother of Charles {1679) and
Robert (1675).
SHELTON, MAURICE. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 18) at Caius,
May 22, 1701. S. of Henry, Esq., of Bamingham, Suffolk.
B. there. Bapt. Oct. 2, 1683. School, Bury (Mr Leeds).
Matric. 1701. Deputy-Lieutenant for Suffolk, 1727. Of
Bamingham Holt, Suffolk. Married three wives. Author,
miscellaneous. Died at Bury, July 31, 1749. M.I. at Shelton.
Will proved (Bury) Aug. 28, 1749. Brother of Henry (1703).
(Venn, 1. 507; Vis. of Norfolk, 11. 352.)
SHELTON, PETER. Of Trinity Hall. Proctor, 1391-2. Ord.
deacon (Ely) Dec. 18, 1400; priest, Apr. 2, 1401. Will
(P.C.C.) 1436; ' Treasurer of Chichester (sic); of Carlton Rode,
Norfolk.' One of these names, LL.B., Commissary of Alex-
ander, Bishop of Norwich, in 1408.
SHELTON or SHELDON, RICHARD. University Counsel,
1625-31. S. of John, mercer, of Birmingham, Warws.
Knighted, Oct. 1625. Solicitor-General, 1625-34. M.P. for
Bridgnorth, 1626, 1628-9. K.C., 1634. Married Lettice,
dau. of Sir Robert Fisher, of Packington, Warws. Died Dec.
1647. {D.N.B.; Staffs. Pedigrees, 1664-1700; Vis. of Norfolk,
II. 354-)
SHELTON, RICHARD. Adm. pens, at Trinity, June 14, 1682.
Perhaps 2nd s. of John, late of Bromwich Hall, Staffs., Esq.,
deceased. Matric. 1682; Scholar, 1685; B.A. 1685-6. Adm.
at Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 4, 1684-5, and at the Inner Temple,
May 24, 1692. Perhaps brother of John (1674).
SHELTON, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Caius, Apr. 28, 1675. 3rd
s. of Maurice, Esq., of Thetford, Norfolk. B. at Norton,
Norfolk. Schools, Thetford (Mr Keene) and Norwich. Matric.
1675; Scholar, 1675-80; M.B. i68o. Died in College. Buried
at St Michael's, May 12, 1682. Will proved (V.C.C.) 1683.
Brother of Charles (1679) and Maurice (i666). {Venn, i.
SHELTON, THEOPHILUS. Adm. pens, at Clare, Nov. 15, 1707.
Doubtless s. of Theophilus, J. P., of Wakefield, Yorks. B.
there. School, Wakefield. Matric. 1707; B.A. 1711-2; M.A.
from Magdalene, 1715. Fellow of Magdalene, 1712.
SHELTON, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Queens', Lent,
1607-8. Of Essex. B.A. 1611-2.
Shepherd, Barnabas
SHELTON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Jesus, May 29, 1650.
Of Brentwood, Essex. School, Felsted. Matric. 1650; B.A.
1653-4; Scholar, 1654; M.A. 1657. Fellow, 1655-63. Incorp.
at Oxford, 1660. V. of Gt Bursted, Essex, 1661-70. V. of
St James', Colchester, 1670-99. V. of Stisted, 1691-9.
Buried at St James', Colchester, Oct. 23, 1699. Father of
William (1683). (A. Gray.)
SHELTON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Apr. 11, 1683.
S. of William (1650), R. of St James', Colchester, Essex.
School, Colchester. Matric. 1683; Exhibitioner, 1686. Died
in College. Buried in the Chapel, Nov. 24, 1686. (A. Gray.)
SHELTON or SHECKLETON, . B.A. 1479-80, 'Skelton';
M.A. 1485.
SHELTON, . B.Can.L. 1481.
SHELTON, . Adm. scholar at Trinity Hall, July 13,
SHEMELD, GEORGE. Adm. sizar at Trinity, May 21, 1647.
Of Yorkshire. Matric. 1646. For a pedigree of Shemeld of
Sheffield, see F.M.G., 738.
SHEMELD, JAMES. Adm. pens, at Clare, May 17, 1641-
Matric. 1641; B.A. 1644-5.
SHENK or SHENKIN, ISAIAH. Incorp. from Cologne, 1467-8;
D.Can.L. 1470-1.
D.Can.L. 1480-1. Probably Master of St Leonard's Hospital,
Bedford, 1485-93. Chancellor of Norwich diocese, 1491-5.
Archdeacon of Sudbury, 1493-7. Will (P.C.C.) 1497; 'LL.D.,
of St Giles' Hospital, Norwich.' Died 1497. (H. G. Harrison;
A. B. Beaven.)
SHENKIN, WILLIAM. Com. for B.A. 1467-8.
SHENTON, PAUL. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Trinity, Dec. 28,
1745. S. of Samuel (1708), of EweU, Surrey. Educated at
the School of Christ Church, Oxford. Matric. 1745-6; B.A.
1750-1. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Dec. 23, 1753; priest, Dec. 24,
1758. Brother of the next.
SHENTON, ROBERT. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, Oct. 26,
1745. S. of Samuel (1708), of Ewell, Surrey. School, Christ
Church School, Oxford. Doubtless matric. (Christ Church,
Oxford) July 9, 1746; 'S. of Samuel, of Hagboume, Berks.,
clerk'; B.A. (Oxford) 1750. Brother of Paul (above). {Al.
SHENTON, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, June 2,
1708. S.of Samuel, of London. School, Westminster. Matric.
1709; Scholar, 1709; B.A. 1711-2; M.A. 1715. Fellow, 1714.
Ord. deacon (London) Dec. 19, 1714; priest, Dec. 18, 1715.
V. of Minehead, Somerset, 1722-3. V. of Ewell, Surrey,
1723-48. R. of St John's, Wapping, Middlesex, 1724-48.
Died 1748. Father of Robert (1745) and Paul. See Al. Oxon.
for a contemporary. {Al. Westmon., 250; Hennessy.)
SHENTON, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Sept. 2, 1645.
Of Cheshire. Possibly s. of John, R. of Croft, Cheshire, in
1591. Matric. 1645. One of these names s. of John, of
Burland, Leics., Esq.; adm. at Gray's Inn, Feb. 4, 1647-8.
SHEPHEARD, ABEL. Adm. sizar (age ly) at Christ's, Oct. 30,
1649. S. of Richard (1612-3), R. of Bennington, Lines.
B. there. School, Homcastle (Mr Nottingham). Matric.
1650; B.A. 1653. Perhaps succeeded his father as R. of
Bennington, 1666. {Peile, 1. 531.)
SHEPPARD, AMBROSE. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Oct. 5,
1614. 2nd s. of Owen, Esq., of Kirby Bedon, Norfolk.
School, Norwich (Mr Thorton). Matric. 1614. Chosen register
of the parish of Kirby St Andrew, 1653. Brother of Robert
(1612) and Bamey (1622). {Venn, 1. 227; Vis. of Norfolk.)
SHEPHERD, AMBROSE. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1662.
Of Suffolk. Matric. 1662. Buried at St Benet's, Cambridge,
July 23, 1663.
SHEPHERD, ANTHONY. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's,
June 25, 1740. S. of Arthur, of Westmorland. B. at Kendal.
School, Kendal (Mr Towers). Matric. 1740; B.A. 1743-4;
M.A. from Christ's, 1747; B.D. 1761; D.D. 1766. FeUow of
Christ's, 1746-83. Plumian Professor of Astronomy, 1760-96.
Ord. priest (London) Feb. 23, 1745-6. V. of Croxton,
Norfolk, 1756-8; of Boum, Cambs., 1758-63. R. of Barton
Mills, Suffolk, 1763-82. F.R.S., 1763. Master of Mechanics
to George III, 1768-96. Canon of Windsor, 1777-96. R. of
Eastling, Kent, 1782-96. R. of Hartley Wespall, Hants.,
1792-6. Died unmarried, June 15, 1796. Portrait in the
University Library. WiU, P.C.C. {D.N. B.; Peile, u. 2^1.)
SHEPPARD, BARNABAS. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Michs.
1564. B. in London. B.A. 1567-8; M.A. 1571; B.D. 1578.
Fellow, 1573-80. Ord. deacon (London) Jan. 6, 1573-4;
priest (Peterb.) Feb. 27, 1576-7. R. of Ackworth, Yorks.,
1578-85. R. of Foston, 1583-7. R. of Bulmer 1585-7.
Died 1587.
Shepherd, Barney
SHEPPARD, BARNEY. Adm. pens, (age i6) at Caius, May 15,
1622. 6th s. of Owen, gent., of Buckenham, Norfolk. School,
Norwich (Mr Thorton). Matric. 1622; Scholar, 1623-9; B.A.
1625-6; M.A. 1629. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Mar. 2, 1633-4;
priest, June i, 1634. C. of Whitlingham, Norfolk, in 1636.
Sequestered from Ranworth, in 1645. V. of Upton and R. of
FJshley, 1647. Buried at Fishley, Feb. 26, 1656-7. Will
proved (London) Mar. 11, 1656-7. Brother of Ambrose
(1614) and Robert (1612). {Venn, i. 256.)
SHEPHARD, benjamin. Matric. pens, from St John's, c.
1593. Perhaps s. of Nicholas (1549). Bapt. Jan. 13, 1576-7,
at Peterborough. B.A. 1596-7.
SHEPHERD, BENJAMIN. Adm. pens, (age i8) at Christ's,
May 25, 1725. S. of John. B. at Hill-upon-Coat, Salop.
School, Mavesyn Ridware (Mr Stephenson). Matric. 1726;
Scholar, 1727; B.A. 1728-9. Ord. deacon (Hereford) Oct.
1729; priest, Aug. 1731. (Peile, 11. 210.)
SHEPPARD, CHARLES. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's,
July I, 1664. S. of Thomas, gent., of Hilton, Hunts. B. there.
School, Huntingdon. Matric. 1667; B.A. 1667-8. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, Feb. 16, 1665-6.
SHEPPARD, CHRISTOPHER. Matric. pens, from Christ's,
Mar. 1580-1. Of Leicestershire.
SHEPHERD, EDMUND. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs.
1566; perhaps scholar from Westminster, 'Giles'; B.A.
SHEPHERD, EDMUND. M.A. 1622 (Incorp. from Oxford). Of
Cumberland, pleb. Matric. (Queen's College, Oxford) July 3,
1612, age 16; B.A. (Oxford) 1615-6; M.A. 1619. Fellow of
Queen's College, Oxford. Died 1625. Will proved (Chan-
cellor's Court, Oxford) Nov. 21, 1625. (Al. Oxon.)
SHEAPARD, EDMUND. Adm. sizar (age 20) at Peterhouse,
June 30, 1658. Matric. 1658. One of these names V. of
Shirley, Derbs.; R. of Seaton, Rutland, 1674-82. Died 1682.
SHEPHERD, EDMUND. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1659. Of
Suffolk. S. and h. of Edmund, of Mendlesham, Suffolk.
B. there, June 23, 1641. High Sheriff for Suffolk, 1689.
Married Anne, dau. of Sir John Coell, Knt., Apr. 3, 1666.
Died July 20, 1708, aged 66. M.I. at Mendlesham. Brother
of John (1659) and probably father of John (1690). (Vis. of
Suffolk, 1664; G. Mag., 1830, 398.)
SHEPPARD, EDWARD. Matric. sizar from Jesus, Easter, 1607.
Probably s.'of Stephen (1571). B. at Long Melford, Suffolk.
B.A. 1610-1; M.A. 1614. Ord. deacon (York) Dec. 161 1;
priest (London) Mar. 12, 1619-20, age 28; 'C. of St Laurence,
Hertford.' V. of Gt Maplestead, Essex, 1639.
SHEPHERD, EDWARD. Adm. sizar at Magdalene, Nov. 10,
1721. B. in Lincolnshire. Matric. 1723; LL.B. 1727. Ord.
deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 20, 1724; priest, Dec. i8, 1726.
SHEPHEARD, FRANCIS. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Clare, Apr. 12,
1734. B. in London. .
SHEPARD, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Dec. 1576;
B.A. 1580-1; M.A. 1584. Under-usher of St Paul's School,
SHEPHERD, GEORGE. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, June,
1672. S. of Hugh, husbandman. B. at Sutton, Notts.
School, Sutton (Mr Rayner). Matric. 1672; Scholar, 1672-6;
B.A. 1675-6.
SHEPPARD, GEORGE. Adm. pens, at Clare, Aug. 20, 1674.
Of Doncaster. S. of Edward, alderman. Matric. 1674; B.A.
1678-9; M.A. 1682. Fellow, 1681-90. Incorp. at Oxford,
1682. Buried at Grantchester, Cambs., Oct. 16, 1690. M.I.
Brother of James (1666).
SHEPHEARD, GEORGE. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinity, Mar.
22, 1732-3. S. of Samuel, of Springfield, Essex. School,
Westminster. Matric. 1733; Scholar, 1733; B.A. 1736-7;
M.A. 1740. Adm. at Lincoki's Inn, Mar. 28, 1735.
SHEPHERD, HENRY. M.A. from King's, 1728. S. of Richard,
of Clebbume, Westmorland, clerk, Matric. (Queen's College,
Oxford) May 11, 1719, age 16; B.A. (Oxford) 1724-5. [Al.
SHEPPARD, JAMES. Adm. pens, (age 15) at St John's, Oct. 9,
1666. S. of Edward, alderman of Doncaster. B. there.
School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1667, 'John'; B.A. 1670-1; M.A.
1674. Ord. priest (York) Sept. 1675. Brother of George
SHEPPARD, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Mar. 20,
1592-3. Matric. c. 1593.
SHEPPARD, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Jan. 11,
1594-5- Perhaps s. of John, of Mendlesham, Suffolk. Matric.
c. 1595. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Mar. 12, 1595-6. One of these
names purchased the manor of Campsey Ash, 1652. Died
Feb. 14, 1669. M.I. at Ash. Perhaps father of John (1623-4).
(G. Mag., 1830, 399.)
Shepherd, Richard
SHEPPARD, JOHN. Matric. sizar from St John's, Lent, 1597-8;
B.A. 1602-3; M.A. 1606. One of these names V. of Calkwell,
Lines., 1618-21. Perhaps of Panton, Lines., clerk. Will
(Lincoln) 1631.
SHEPPARD, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1622. Of Norfolk. B.A. 1625-6.
SHEPPARD, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Lent, 1623-4.
Perhaps s. of John (1594-5), of Mendlesham, Suffolk, gent.
B. Mar. 25, 1607. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Feb. 19, 1626-7.
One of these names, of Ash, died unmarried, June 11, 1671.
M.I. at Ash. (G. Mag., 1830, 399.)
SHEPHEARD, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Mar. 31,
1629. Of Suffolk. Matric. 1629; B.A. 1632-3; M.A. 1636.
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June 4, 1637.
SHEPPARD, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Easter,
1659. Doubtless s. of Edmund, of Mendlesham, Suffolk.
B.A. 1662-3. Buried at St Benet's, Cambridge, Oct. 20, 1664.
Brother of Edmund (1659).
SHEPHARD, JOHN. Adm. at Pembroke, June 16, 1659; B.A.
1662-3. Perhaps ord. deacon (Bishop of Galloway) Feb. 25,
1661-2. V. of Wood Ditton, Cambs., 1662. One of these
names, 'B.A.,' R. of Caterham, Surrey, 1667-81.
SHEPHEARD, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Jesus, June 25, 1664. Of
Lancashire. Matric. 1665; B.A. 1667-8; M.A. 1671. Ord.
deacon (Lincoln) May 17, 1668; priest (London) Sept. 1670;
'C. of Epping.' Perhaps V. of Charing, Kent, 1674-8, 'M.A.'
SHEPARD, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, May i, i666. Of
Suffolk. Matric. 1667; B.A. 1669-70; M.A. 1673. Ord.
deacon (Norwich) May, 1673; priest, Sept. 1677. Perhaps
R. of Sanderstead, Surrey, 1679-1705. R. of Wethersdale,
Suffolk, 1681. Buried at Sanderstead, June 5, 1705.
SHEPHEARD, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Clare, Michs. 1674.
SHEPHERD, JOHN. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1690. Of
Suffolk. Perhaps s. of Edmund (1659), of High House,
Campsey Ash, and of Mendlesham. B. 1675. School, Bury.
High Sheriff of Suffolk, 1709-14. Married (1) Anne, Dowager
Countess of Leicester, dau. of Sir Robert Reeve, Bart.;
(2) Hannah Wilmot. Died Oct. 18, 1747, aged 72. Buried
at Mendlesham. M.I. (G. Mag., 1830, 399.)
SHEPHERD, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Emmanuel, Easter,
SHEPPARD, JOHN. M.A. from Corpus Christi, 1718. 1st s.
of Joshua (1664), V. of Harrowden, Northants. Matric.
(Pembroke College, Oxford) Mar. 16, 1694-5 (der. fil.);
B.A. (O.xford) 1698. Ord. deacon, Sept. 22, 1700; priest
(Peterb.) Sept. 20, 1702; C. of Little Harrowden, 1700. V. of
Brockhall, 1722-53. V. of Harrowden, 1722-53. Died
suddenly whilst playing at cards. Buried Jan. 5, 1753, at
BrockhaU. {Baker, 1. 116; H. I. Longden.)
SHEPHERD, JOHN. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1746. Of Kent.
Matric. Michs. 1747.
SHEPHERD, JOSHUA. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's,
Apr. 29, 1664. S. of William, deceased, of Tilbrook, Beds.
B. there. School, Kimbolton (Mr Taylor). Matric. 1664;
B.A. 1667-8; M.A. 1671. Ord. deacon (Ely) Sept. 24, 1670;
priest (Peterb.) Sept. 23, 1677. Schoolinaster of Guils-
borough, Northants., 1676. C. of Higham Ferrers, 1679-86.
V. of Harrowden, 1686-1722. R. of Brockhall, 1707-22.
Married Mary, dau. of John Ward, of Brafield-on-the-Green.
Buried at Gt Harrowden, Jan. 10, 1722-3. Will (Archd.
Northants.) 1722-3. Fatherof John (1718). (H. I. Longden.)
SHEPPARD, LEONARD. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
1573; B.A. 1576-7; M.A. 1580. Ord. priest (Peterb.) Sept. 24,
SHEPPARD, NICHOLAS. Matric. sizar from St Catharine's,
Easter, 1549. Of Westmorland. B. 1533. B.A. from St
John's, 1552-3; M.A. 1559; B.D. from Trinity, 1568. Fellow
of St John's, 1553; reinstated, 1558. Fellow of Trinity, 1562.
Vice-Master of Trinity, 1564-9. Proctor, 1566-7. Master
of St John's, 1569-74. Preb. of Peterborough, 1561-87.
R. of Hartlebury, Worcs., 1561-87. University preacher,
1561, 1566. Archdeacon of Northampton, 1569-87. R. of
Hougham with Marston, Lines., till 1587. Preb. of Lincoln,
1572-87. Died July, 1587. Will proved (P.C.C.) July 10,
1587. Perhaps father of Benjamin {c. 1593). (Cooper, 11. 15;
SHEPHERD, NICHOLAS. Matric. from King's, Lent, 1638-9;
B.A. 1640-1. Perhaps R. of Poringland, Norfolk, 1647-72.
Died 1672.
SHEPHERD, NICHOLAS. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's,
1665-6; B.A. 1669-70. Incorp. at Oxford, 1669-70.
SHEAPHEARD, RALPH. Matric. sizar from Magdalene,
Michs. 1629.
SHEPPARD, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter,
1579. Of Essex.
Shepherd, Richard
SHEAPHERD, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi,
Michs. 1583; B.A. 1586-7. Probably ord. deacon (Carlisle)
Nov. 3, 1587; priest, Mar. 16, 1588.
SHEPPARD, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter,
1588; B.A. 1591-2; M.A. 1595. Incorp. at Oxford, 1595.
Perhaps P.C. of Northaw, Herts., 1604-29.
SHEPHARD, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from King's, c. 1596.
SHEPARD, RICHARD. B.A. from Christ's, 1612-3 ; M.A. 1616.
Doubtless s. of Simon, yeoman of Bennington, Lines. Ord.
deacon (Peterb.) Dec. 22; priest, Dec. 23, 1616. R. of
Bennington, 1619; still there, 1641. Licensed (Lincoln)
May 9, 1626, to marry Mary Westland, of Bennington,
spinster. Benefactor to Christ's. Father of Abel (1649).
(Peile, I. 277.)
SHEPHEARD, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's,
Oct. 6, 1701. S. of Richard, clerk. B. at Thruxton, Hants.
School, Salisbury (Mr Hardwyck). Matric. 1702. Ord.
deacon (London) Feb. 16; priest, Feb. 19, 1706-7.
SHEPHERD, RICHARD. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney,
May 29, 1713. S. of Thomas, of Kendal, Westmorland.
B. there. School, Kendal. Matric. 1713; M.B. 1719. Perhaps
brother of Thomas (1709).
SHEPPARD, ROBERT. Perhaps B.A. 1457-8 (fined for non-
determination). Probably a member of Peterhouse. V.
of Cherry Hinton, Cambs., in 1450-61. One of these names,
' B.D.,' R. of St Stephen's, Coleman Street, London, 1478-86.
Died Sept. or Oct. i486. Will, Comm. London.
SHEPPARD, ROBERT. Matric. FeU.-Com. from St John's,
Easter, 1579. B. at Tenterden, Kent. Perhaps adm. at
Gray's Inn, May 25, 1582, from Staple Inn.
SHEPERD, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Easter,
1611; B.A. 1614-5; M.A. 1618. Ord. priest (Norwich) Dec.
24, 1615. R. of Hepworth, Suffolk, 1618-42, ejected; re-
stored, 1660-72. Buried there Mar. 5, 1672-3. Perhaps
father of Robert (1646). {Peile, i. 284.)
SHEPPERD, ROBERT. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 16) at Caius,
June 16, 1612. S. and h. of Owen, Esq., of Kirby Bedon,
near Norwich. Schools, Bramerton and Norwich (Mr
Thornton). Matric. 1613; B.A. 1614-5. Adm. at Lincoln's
Ian, Nov. 21, 1612. Of Kirby Bedon, Esq. Brother of
Ambrose (1614) and Barney (1622). [Venn, 1. 218; Vis. of
SHEPHARD, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Michs. 1646. Of Suffolk. Perhaps s. of Robert (i6ii), of
Stanton, Suffolk, clerk. B.A. 1650-1; M.A. 1654. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, Nov. 24, 1648.
SHEPHERD, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Oct. 12, 1686.
Of Lancashire.
SHEPHARD, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, Jan. 4,
1701-2. Matric. 1702.
SHEPPARD, SAMUEL. Matric. pens, from St John's, c. 1593.
SHEPARD, STEPHEN. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter,
1571; B..\. 1574-5; M.A. 1578. Perhaps father of Edward
SHEPHERD, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Clare, Easter,
1614; B.A. 1616-7; M.A. 1620. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Mar.
17; priest. Mar. 18, 1621-2. Perhaps R. of Graffham, Himts.,
1622-43, deprived.
SHEPPARD, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Feb. 10,
1619-20. S. of William, grocer, of Towcester, Northants.
B. there, Nov. 5, 1605. School, Towcester. Matric. 1620;
B.A. 1623-4; M.A. 1627. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) July 12;
priest, July 13, 1627. Lecturer at Earls Colne, Essex.
Reprimanded by Laud for his Puritan activities and pro-
hibited from exercising as a minister in the diocese of London.
Became chaplain to Sir Richard Darley, Knt., of Butter-
crambe, Yorks.; preached surreptitiously in that region till
forced by persecution to flee to Heddon, near Newcastle-on-
Tyne. Emigrated to New England. Arrived in Boston,
Oct. 3, 1635, and proceeded to NewtowTi (aftenvaids changed
to Cambridge in honour of Sheppard), Mass. Pastor of the
Cambridge Church, 1636-49. Took a leading part in es-
tablishing Harvard College. Held in high esteem by his
contemporaries. Author, religious. Died Aug. 25, 1649.
(J. G. Bartlett; D.N.B.)
SHEPARD, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1627; Scholar, 1631; B.A. 1631-2.
SHEPPARD, THOMAS. Adm. as M.A. at Emmanuel, 1645.
Of Bedfordshire. One of these names (Shepard), B.A. from
St Mary Hall, Oxford, 1633; M.A. 1635-6; but possibly same
as next.
SHEPHEARD, THOMAS. M.A. 1657 (Incorp. from Oxford).
S. of William, of Abbotscombe, Somerset, pleb. Matric.
(Oriel College, Oxford) Sept. 26, 1634, age 17; B.A. (Oxford)
1636; M.A. 1642. Created B.D. (Oxford) 1661. Perhaps
R. of Mawgan in Meneage, Cornwall, in 1666. i^Al. Oxon.)
Shepley, John
SHEPPARD, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Peterhouse,
June 29, 1677. Of Bedfordshire. Perhaps s. of Thomas, of
Maulden, Beds. Bapt. there, Dec. 24, 1660. School, Potton,
Beds. Matric. 1678; B.A. 1680-1. Probably C. of MUlbrook,
Beds., 1684-8. Buried there May 4, 1688. {Geneal. Bedford.,
SHEPHARD, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 15) at St John's,
Oct. 7, 1680. S. of WilUam (1649), clerk, R. of Tilbrook,
Beds. B. there. School, Oundle (Mr Speed). Matric. i68i;
B.A. 1684-5; M.A. 1688. V. of St Neots, Hunts., 1690-1707;
a non-juror. Followed his father's example in seceding from
the established church. Dissenting minister at Bocking,
Essex, 1700-38. Author, sermons. Died Jan. 29, 1738-9,
aged 73. (David's Essex; N. and Q., 2nd S., vii. 155.)
SHEPHERD, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's,
June 2, 1709. S. of Thomas, gent. B. at Sizergh-FeU-Side,
Westmorland. School, Kendal (Mr More). Matric. 1709.
Perhaps brother of Richard (1713).
SHEPHERD, THOMAS. Student of Clare. Buried at St
Michael's, Cambridge, Apr. 28, 1751.
SHEPPARDE, W. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Clare, Michs. 1545.
SHEPHERD, WILLIAM. Adm. at King's (age 16) a scholar
from Eton, Sept. 1, 1582. Of Littlecote (or Lidcote), Bucks.
Matric. 1582; B.A. 1586-7; M.A. 1590; M.D. c. 1598. Fellow,
1585-99. Practised at Leicester. (Harwood.)
SHEPARD, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse, Easter,
1588. Possibly s. of Adam (mentioned in the will (Cons. C.
London) of Wm. Shepherd, R. of Heydon, Essex, 1590).
Scholar, 1590; B.A. 1591-2.
SHEPPARD, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's,
Lent, 1618-9; B.A. 1621-2; M.A. 1625. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
Sept. 18, 1624; priest. May 9, 1625. Perhaps lecturer in
Peterborough Cathedral. Buried May 8, 1630, at Peter-
SHEPHARD, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Trinity Hall,
Michs. 1625; B.A. 1628-9; M.A. 1632. Perhaps V. of Buxton,
Norfolk, 1637-42. One of these names R. of Waresley,
Hunts., 1663-77. Died 1677.
SHEPHEARD, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Queens', 1649. Of
Bedfordshire. Matric. Easter, 1650; B.A. 1652-3; M.A. 1656.
Doubtless R. of Tilbrook, Beds., 1660-89; registrar there,
in 1653. Subsequently became the minister of a dissenting
congregation at Oundle, Northants. Married Hannah, of
Leonards, Eastcheap, London, Feb. 4, 1657. Doubtless
father of Thomas (1680). (W. M. Noble; Geneal. Bedford.,
292; N. and Q., 2nd S., vii. 156.)
SHEPHEARD, WILLIAM. M.A. from Queens', 1691. S. of
James, of Chudleigh, Devon. Matric. (Wadham College,
O.xford) Mar. 10, 1675-6, age 17; B.A. (Oxford) 1679. R- of
West Worlington, Devon, 1683. R. of Ashreigney, 1700-48.
Died 1748. Will (Exeter) 1748.
SHEPPHEARDSON, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age i.:>) at
Peterhouse, Aug. 26, 1697. Of Durham. 6th s. of Edward.
Bapt. at Pittington, June 29, 1680. School, Durham. Died
unmarried, Apr. 19, 1715. Brother of Ralph (1693). (Surtees,
I. 115.)
SHEPPERDSON, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinity,
Nov. 17, 1725. S. of Ralph (1693), of Pittington Hall,
Durham. Bapt. Feb. 2, 1708-9, at Pittington. School,
Kirkleatham, Yorks. (Mr Clark). Matric. 1725; B.A. 1728-9.
Married Margaret, dau. of George Baker, of CrookhaU,
June 27, 1738, at Pittington. Buried Aug. 19, 1776, at
Pittington. (H. M. Wood.)
SHEPPERDSON, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius, May 16,
1629. S. of Henry, gent. Bapt. Dec. 27, 1611, at Abkettleby,
Leics. School, Melton (Mr Humfrey). Matric. 1629; B.A.
1632-3; M.A. 1636. R. of Broughton Sulney, Notts., 1653-
79, and of Nether Broughton, Leics. Buried at Upper
Broughton, Jan. 3, 1680-1. (Venn, i. 289.)
SHIPPHARDSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's,
Apr. 20, 1667. S. of John. Bapt. Apr. 16, 1651, at Bishop-
Wearmouth. Matric. 1667. Married Elizabeth, dau. of
Ralph Smith, of West Rainton, Durham, Feb. 8, 1669, in
Durham .4bbey. Living, 1713. (Peile, n. 10; Surtees,i. m.)
SHIPPERSON, RALPH. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Trinity, May 3,
1693. S. of Edward, of Pittington HaUgarth, Durham. Bapt.
Sept. 10, 1676, at Pittington. School, Durham (Mr Rudd).
Adm. at Gray's Inn, Apr. 30, 1694. Of Pittington Hallgarth,
Esq. Married Margaret, dau. of Thomas Musgrave, D.D.,
of Salkeld, Cumberland. Buried June 17, 1719, at Pittington.
Will proved (Durham) July 13, 1721. Brother of Edward
(1697), father of Edward (1725). (H. M. Wood.)
SHEPLEY, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, May 31
1655. S. of John, carpenter, of Boston, Lines. B. there.
School, Boston (Mr Morton).
Shepley, John
SHEPLEY, JOHN. M.A. from King's, i733. S. of Samuel, of
Manchester. Matric. (University College, Oxford) May 21,
1726, age 19; B.A. (Oxford) 1729-30. V. of Felsham, Suffolk,
1732-54. {Al. Oxon.)
SHEPPY or SHEPY, HENRY. Adm. pens, at Jesus, June 7,
1690. S. of Thomas. B. in London. School, Lewisham,
Kent. Matric. 1690. Migrated to Trinity, Feb. i, 1691-2.
Scholar, 1693; B.A. 1693-4. Perhaps M.A. 1728 (Com. Reg.).
V. of Gt Clacton, Essex, 1703-5. R. of St Edward and
St Julian, Norwich, 1704. R. of All Saints', 1704-37. R. of
Oxnead, Norfolk, 1709.
SHEPEI or SHEEPEY, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, (age 18) at
Pembroke, June 27, 1646. S. of Henry, husbandman. B.
in Warwick. Matric. 1646. Buried in Little St Mary's, Cam-
bridge, Aug. 6, 1647, Shippe. {E. Anglian, 11. 12.)
SHEPPY, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Pembroke, June 12,
1658, 'Grecian' from Christ's Hospital. S. of Thomas,
grocer. B. at Holbom, Middlesex. Matric. 1659; B.A. 1661-2.
SHERBROOKE, EDMUND. Matric. sizar from St John's,
Michs. 1551; B.A. 1555-6; M.A. from Queens', 1558; B.D.
1565; D.D. from Jesus, 1579. Fellow of Jesus, 1556-7.
Fellow of Queens', 1557-67. University preacher, 1562;
deprived, 1566. R. of Ashdon, Essex, 1565. R. of Had-
stock, 1570-89. Died 1589. Will dated, Sept. 23, 1589;
proved (P.C.C.) 1589-90 ; mentions a brother Michael (? 1569) .
Of Essex. M.A. 1499. Fellow of Pembroke, c. 1495. 6rd.
sub-deacon (Ely) Feb. 23; deacon. Mar. 16, 1498-9. Preb.
of St Paul's, 1509-30. R. of Woodford, Essex, 1510. Of
Wormley, Herts. Possibly resident at King's Hall, Sham-
borough, 1507-30. Died Dec. 23, 1530. Will, P.C.C.
SHERBROOKE, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Michs. 1610. Of Nottinghamshire.
SHERBROKE, MICHAEL. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1569 (adm. 1568). One of these names R. of Wickers-
ley, Yorks., 1567-1610. Died 1610. Perhaps brother of
Edmund (1551).
SHERBROOKE, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's,
Jan. 22, 1643-4. S. of Richard, shepherd, deceased, of
Streatham, Isle of Ely. B. there. School, West Wickham,
Cambs. (private). Matric. 1644; B.A. 1647-8.
SHERBROOK, . B.A. 1484.
SHERBROOK, . M.A. 1496-7.
SHERBORNE or SHYRBORNE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from
Pembroke, Michs. 1545. One of these names R. of Gt
Warley, Essex, 1554-71. Died 1571. See Al. Oxon. for a
contemporary namesake. (But Foster apparently confuses
two men.)
SHERBURN, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Queens', Apr. 24, 1714.
Of Yorkshire. Matric. 1714; B.A. 1717-8; M.A. 1721. Ord.
deacon (York) July, 1718; priest, 1720-1.
SHIRBORN, NICHOLAS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's,
May 31, 1678, from Trinity College (sic), Oxford. Matric.
(St Mary Hall, Oxford) Nov. 24, 1676, age 15. S. of Essex,
of Pembridge, Hereford, gent. B. at Chehvorth, Somerset.
School, Monmouth (Mr Basset). Matric. 1678; B.A. 1680-1;
M.A. 1684. R. of Pembridge, Hereford, 1686. Married Mary
van Hugen van Menheid, of Stanton-in-Arrow. Father of
William (1703). (Al. Oxon.)
SHERBORNE, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Sidney, June 21, 1649.
S. of Robert, V. of Brayton, nearSelby, Yorks., and grandson
of Thomas (i579)- Bapt. May 7, 1635, at Barwick in Elmete,
Yorks. Schools, Coxwold (Mr Smelt) and Selby. Matric.
1649; B.A. 1652-3; M.A. 1656. P.C. of Cawood, Yorks.,
1659-64, ejected. Went to live with his father and assisted
him at Brayton. Died of consumption, 1670-1. Will dated,
Dec. 2, 1670; proved (Selby) May 2, 1671. Brother of
Sydrach (1675)- (Calamy, 11. 558; J. Parker.)
SHERBURNE, ROGER. Adm. pens, at Queens', June 15, 1596.
Of Yorkshire. Matric. 1596. One of these names adm. at
Gray's Inn, Oct. 26, 1601; of Ribbleton, Lanes.
18) at St John's, June 22, i675- S. of Robert, clerk, of Bray-
ton, Yorks. B. there. School, Selby. Matric. 1675; B.A. 1678-
9. Ord. deacon (York) June, i679;priest, June, 1680. P.C. of
Cawood, Yorks., 1684, and minister of Selby, 1698-1701.
Married Ann Rowden, at Wistow, Mar. 10, 1680. Died
Nov. 29, 1717. aged 60. Buried at Cawood. M.I. Brother
of Robert (1649). (W. Wheater, Sherburn and Cawood, 300.)
SHIRBURNE, THOMAS. Matric. Fell. -Com. from Queens',
Michs. 1579- Of Lancashire. Doubtless 4th s. of Sir Richard,
of Stonyhurst, Lanes. Adm. at Gray's Inn, July 1, 1584.
Of Eccleston, Lanes., and of Twisleton, Yorks. Died Sept. 14,
1607. (Burke, Ext. Bart.; J. Parker.)
Sherland, Thomas
SHERBORNE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Sr John's,
June 7, 1703. S. of Nicholas (1678), clerk. B. at Pembridge,
Hereford. School, Pembridge (Mr Graheame). Matric. 1703.
Agent to the Duke of Newcastle for his Hereford estates.
His translation of Horace, Ars Poetica, is in the British
Museum (Add. MSS. 33,498). Died insane. (J. Parker.)
SHERBORNE, . B.Can.L. 1497-8.
SHERDLY, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 19) at St John's,
Apr. 12, 1684. S. of Richard, gent. B. at Farrington, Lanes.
School, Leyland (Mr Wade). Matric. 1684; B.A. 1687-8.
Ord. deacon (Carlisle) June 10, 1688; priest (Chester) June 15,
1689. C. at Blackburn, Lanes. Buried there Dec. 24, 1693.
(E. Axon.)
SHERFIELD, NICHOLAS. Adm. at King's, a scholar from
Eton, 1448. Of Northamptonshire.
SHERGOLD, GEORGE. Adm. pens, at Queens', June 30, 1679.
Of Wiltshire. Matric. 1679; B.A. 1682-3; M.A. 1686. FeUow,
SHERGOLD, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Queens', May 27, 1707.
Of London. Matric. 1709; B.A. 1714-5. Probably V. of
Preston, Dorset, 1720-1; afterwards R. of Devises, Sussex.
at Caius, July 2, 1667. S. of Christopher, of Gt Bradley,
Suffolk. IB. there. Matric. 1667, 'Shriner'; Scholar, 1668-70;
B.A. 1670-1; M.A. 1674. Subscribed for deacon's orders
(Norwich) Oct. 17, 1670; ord. priest, Sept. 1674. C. of
Kennet, Suffolk. R. of Hawkchurch, Dorset, 1677-1727.
Died there Jan. 4, 1727-8. (Venn, i. 432.)
SHERIFFE, EDMUND. Master of Gonville Hall, 1472-5.
Preb. of Lincoln, 1458-71. R. of Little Billing, Northants.,
1467. Archdeacon of Stow, Lines. A carefiU compiler of
the College records. Died Sept. 29, 1475. (Venn, 1. 11.)
SHERIFFE, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Easter,
1655. Of Norfolk. B.A. 1657-8; M.A. 1661.
SHERIFF, THOMAS. Com. for M.A. or higher degree, 1461-2.
Excused from congregations, 1473. V. of Cherry Hinton,
Cambs., 1461-4. Died 1464. (T. A. Walker.)
SHERINGHAM, JASPER. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter,
SHERINGHAM, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Caius, June 20,
1657. S. of Christopher, gent., of Tunstead, Norfolk. B.
there. Schools, Tunstead (Mr Brigges and Mr Hanes) and
Norwich (Mr Lovering). Matric. 1657; Scholar, 1657-60.
Licensed as a literate schoolmaster, Aug. 14, 1662. Ord.
deacon and priest (Norwich) Sept. 21, 1662. R. of Irstead,
Norfolk, 1662-80. V. of Homing, 1662. C. of Hemblington,
in 1674. Father of the next. (Venn, i. 398.)
SHERINGHAM, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Caius, July 5,
1679. S. of John (above), R. of Irstead, Norfolk. B. in
Norwich. Schools, Norwich (Mr Home and Mr Burton) and
North Walsham (Mr Harvey). Scholar, 1679-87; Matric.
1680; B.A. 1683-4; M.A. 1687. Master at Lynn School, 1686.
Ord. deacon (Norwich) Dec. 20, 1689; 'C. of East Walton.'
(Venn, i. 463.)
SHERINGHAM, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St Catharine's,
Aug. 20, 1730. Of Norwich. Matric. 1730; B.A. 1734-5.
Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Dec. 22, 1734; priest, Sept. 19, 1742.
SHERINGHAM, ROBERT. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Mar.
15, 1618-9. S. of William, of Guestwick, Norfolk. School,
Norwich (Mr Briggs). Matric. 1618-9; Scholar, 1620-6;
B.A. 1622-3; M.A. 1626. Fellow, 1626-51; ejected but
restored, 1660-78. Proctor, 1644-5. Incorp. at Oxford, 1628.
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Mar. 28; priest, June 29, 1626.
Retired to Holland. Perhaps adm. at Leyden, Mar. 4, 1650.
Taught Hebrew and Arabic at Rotterdam and in other towns.
Returned to England at the Restoration. Author, De
Anglorum Geniis Origine, etc. Buried May 2, 1678, at St
Michael's, Cambridge. (Venn, I. 243; D.N.B.)
SHERINGHAM, THOMAS. ChanceUor of the University,
1286-7 and 1296-9.
SHERISEW, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Queens', June 29, 1590.
SHERLAND, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from Christ's, May,
manuel, Mar. 26, 1588. Matric. 1588. One of these names,
'of Suffolk,' adm. at Gray's Inn, Mar. 3, 1590-1, from Staple
SHERLAND, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Michs. 1582.
SHERLAND, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Michs.
Sherlock, John
SHERLOCK, JOHN. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, Feb. 28,
1697-8. Matric. 1699; B.A. 1701-2. One of these names,
F.R.S., 1715-
SHERLOCK, RICHARD. B.A. from Clare, 1601-2; M.A. 1605.
Bapt. Aug. 15, 1577, at Woodchurch, Cheshire. R. of
Woodchurch, 1616-43. Buried there Aug. 30, 1643. (E.
SHERLOCKE, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Caius, May 4,
1622. S.of Thomas, husbandman, of Haxby,Yorks. Schools,
York (Mr Johnson) and Pocklington (Mr Ellcocke). Matric.
1622; B.A. 1630-1. Ord. deacon (York) Dec. 18, 1625;
'schoolmaster at Haxby.'
SHERLOCK, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Corpus Christi, 1672.
Of Hertfordshire. Matric. 1672; B.A. 1675-6; M.A. 1679.
Ord. deacon (London) Dec. 24, 1676. R. of Eastry, Kent,
1695-8. Buried there June 2, 1698.
SHERLOCK, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, Jan. 11,
1693-4. S. of William (1657), Dean of St Paul's. B. 1678,
in London. School, Eton. Matric. 1695; B.A. 1697-8; M.A.
1701; D.D. 1714. Fellow, 1698. Master, 1714-9. Vice-
Chancellor, 1714-5. Adm. at the Middle Temple, Nov. 18,
1695. R. of Therfield, Herts., 1701-34. Master of the
Temple, 1705-53. Preb. of St Paul's, 1713-31. Dean of
Chichester, 1715-27. Preb. of Norwich, 1719. Bishop of
Bangor, 1728-34; of Salisbury, 1734-48; of London, 1748-
61. Lord Chancellor, 1743-8. Dean of the Chapel Royal,
1748-61. F.R.S., 1749. Took part in the Bangorian con-
troversy. Supported Walpole in the House of Lords. Author,
controversial. Died July 18, 1761. Buried at Fulham.
Will, P.C.C. Left his library to Cambridge. His portrait,
and that of Benjamin Hoadley, hang together in the Hall
of St Catharine's. {D.N.B.; Cluticrbuck, iii. 590.)
SHERLOCK, WILLIAM. Matric. from Christ's, 1596-7. B. at
Chester, c. 1577. B.A. 1599-1600; M.A. 1603. Ord. priest
(Colchester) Sept. 21, 1606. V. of Offley, Herts., 1608-14.
R. of Lilley, 1614. Father of the next. (Peile, i. 223.)
SHERLOCK, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's,
June 25, 1628. S. of William (above), V. of Lilley, Herts.
B. there. Matric. 1629. C. of Lilley, 1638-50. {Peile, 1. 393.)
SHERLOCK, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Peterhouse,
May 19, 1657. B. at Southwark, Surrey. Schools, St Mary-
Overeyand Eton. Matric. 1657; Scholar, 1658; B.A. 1660-1;
M.A. 1665; D.D. 1680. R. of St George's, Botolph Lane, and
St Botolph, Billingsgate, 1669-91. Preb. of St Paul's,
1681-1707. President of Sion CoUege, 1683. Master of the
Temple, 1685-1705. Chaplain to the King, 1686-90, 1690-
1707. A leader amongst the Non-Jurors, in 1688-9, but took
the Oaths in 1690. Canon Residentiary of St Paul's, 1691-
1707. Dean of St Paul's, 1691-1707. R. of Therfield, Herts.,
1697-1701. Married Elizabeth Gardner, Feb. 8, 1672-3.
Author, theological and controversial. Died June 19, 1707,
aged 67. Buried in St Paul's Cathedral. Will, P.C.C. Father
of Thomas (1693-4). {T. A. Walker, 111; D.N.B.; Clutter-
buck, III. 590.)
SHERLOCK, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Jesus, July 3,
1699. S. of Thomas. B. at Buntingford, Herts. School,
Buntingford. Matric. 1699. Migrated to Christ's. Adm.
there as scholar, Feb. 10, 1699-1700; B.A. 1702-3; M.A.
1707. Ord. deacon (London) June 8, 1707; priest, Sept. 19,
1708. C. of Deptford, Kent, 1716. R. of Little Burstead,
Essex, 1723-36. Chaplain to the Earl of Huntingdon. R. of
St George's, Botolph Lane and of St Botolph, Billingsgate,
London, 1725-36. Died unmarried, 1736. Will, P.C.C.
{Peile, II. 148.)
SHERLYNCKE, . Com. for M.A. or higher degree, 1465-6.
SHERMAN, ABRAHAM. M.A. 1651 (Incorp. from Oxford).
Of Kent, gent. Matric. (Merton College, Oxford) Oct. 19,
1621, age 19; B.A. (Oxford) 1621-2; M.A. 1624. Chaplain
of Lincoln's Inn, 1628-33. R. of Lee, Kent, 1633-54. Died
Oct. 5, 1654. M.L at Lee. WiU, P.C.C. {Al. Oxon.)
SHERMAN, ALEXANDER. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Lent, 1557-8.
SHERMAN, CHARLES. Matric. pens, from Christ's, c. 1593.
SHERMAN, EDMUND. Adm. at St Catharine's, May, 1644,
and at Queens', July 23, 1644. Of Dedham, Essex. S. of
Samuel, clothier. School, Dedham. B.A. from Clare, 1647.
Master of Dedham School, 1668-74. WiU dated, Nov. 20,
1674; proved (P.C.C.) Feb. 3, i674-5- Brotherof John (1645)
and probably of Samuel (1644).
SHERMAN, FRANCIS. Matric. pens, from Gonville Hall,
Michs. 1554.
SHERMAN, GEORGE. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Apr. 9,
1620. Of Cambridgeshire. Matric. 1620; LL.B. from
Trinity Hall, 1626. Fellow of Trinity Hall, 1626-34.
SHERMAN, HENRY. LL.B. Of Coventry and Lichfield diocese.
Ord. sub-deacon (Ely) Dec. 23, 1497; deacon. Mar. 10,
Sherman, Ralph
SHERMAN, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs. 1554-
SHERMAN, JOHN. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 25) at Caius, Jan. 13,
1560-1. Of Little Moulton, Norfolk. S. of John, of Wacton,
Norfolk, gent. Married Barbara, dau. of William Drake, of
Hardley. Will dated, Apr. 4; proved (Norwich C. C.) May 26,
1597. Brother of Richard (1556-7). {Venn, i. 44.)
SHEREMAN, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Caius, Nov. 26,
1567. S. of John, gent., of Maldon, Essex. School, Maldon.
SHERMAN, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Clare, Michs. 1576;
B.A. 1579-80; M.A. 1583. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Jan. 7,
SHERMAN, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Queens', Lent, 1584-5.
Of Yorkshire.
SHERMAN, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Trinity Hall, 1597.
Perhaps adm. at Lincoln's Inn, June 16, 1599; of Suffolk.
SHERMAN, JOHN. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1615. Of Suffolk.
SHERMAN, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Christ's, July, 1621.
SHERMAN, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 1626.
(Perhaps s. of Daniel. B. at Dedham, Essex. If so. Ex-
hibitioner from Charterhouse.) Scholar, 1627; B.A. 1629-30;
M.A. 1633; B.D. 1640; D.D. 1660 {Lit. Reg.). Fellow, 1632;
ejected, 1644. Ord. priest (Peterb.) Sept. 24, 1637. Died
1663 (sic). (But if he be the Exhibitioner from Charterhouse,
his will was proved (Norwich) July 20, 1661 ; described as of
Norwich, clerk. Benefactor to the Charterhouse.) {Al.
SHERMAN, JOHN. Matric. sizar from St Catharine's, Easter,
1631. Of Essex. S. of Edmund. B. at Dedham, Essex,
Dec. 26, 1613. Declined to subscribe for his degree. Went
to New England, c. 1635. Preacher at Watertown, Mass.,
where he succeeded the Rev. George Phillips as pastor in
1647. Overseer of Harvard College, 1647-85. Fellow of
Harvard, 1678-85. Gave fortnightly lectures at Watertown
to the students of the College who walked over from Cam-
bridge to attend them. One of the joint moderators of a
general reforming synod held at Boston, 1679. A distin-
guished student of astronomy; compiled several almanacs.
Died Aug. 8, 1685. {FeU, 463; J. G. Bartlett.)
SHERMAN, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Easter, 1638.
Matric. 1638; B.A. 1641-2; M.A. 1645; D.D. 1661 {Lit. Reg.).
R. of Bradwell-on-Sea, Essex, 1644-66. Died Nov. 13, 1666.
M.L at Bradwell. WiU dated, Oct. 31, 1666; proved (P.C.C.)
May 24, 1667. Father of John (1665). But see Al. Oxon. for
a contemporary namesake to whom Foster assigns this
SHERMAN, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Queens', Sept. 1645. S. of
Samuel, clothier. B. at Dedham, Essex. Matric. 1647; B.A.
1649-50; M.A. from Jesus, 1653; D.D. 1665 {Lit. Reg.).
Fellow of Jesus, 1650-71. Proctor, 1660-1. Incorp. at
Oxford, 1653. R. of Graveley, Cambs., 1655. R. of Harlton,
1662-71. Preb. and Archdeacon of Sarum, 1670-1. Author,
Historia Collegii Jesu, Cantabrigiae. Died Mar. 27, 1671.
Buried in the chapel. WiU proved (P.C.C.) 1671; mentions
his brother Edmund (1644). Probably brother of Samuel
(1644). (A. Gray; D.N.B.; Al. Oxon., where the parentage
is WTong.)
SHERMAN, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Jesus, June 14, 1665. 1st s.
of John (1638), D.D., R. of BradweU, Essex. School, Ely.
Matric. 1667; Scholar, 1667. Died in CoUege, May 1, 1667.
Buried in the Chapel. (A. Gray.)
SHERMAN, JOHN. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, Jan. 23,
1683-4. Probably of Dedham, Essex. School, Woodbridge.
Matric. 1684; B.A. 1686-7. Ord. deacon (London) Sept. 20,
1691; priest (Norsvich) May, 1695. C. of Milding, Suffolk.
Master of Dedham School, Essex, 1700-22. Died Mar. 25,
1721-2, aged 56. Buried at Dedham. WiU (Comm. Essex)
1725. (H. G. Harrison.)
SHERMAN, MARK. Matric. pens, from Clare, Easter, 1618.
Of Cambridgeshire. B.A. 1621-2; M.A. from Queens', 1625.
FeUow of Queens', 1625-7. Ord. priest (Peterb.) Aug. 7, 1627.
R. of Claydon, Suffolk; sequestered, 1644. R. of Orlestone,
Kent, tiU 1665. Died 1665.
SHERMAN, MICHAEL. Adm. sizar at Trinity, Apr. 19, 1669.
SHERMAN, NATHANIEL. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Apr. 28,
1674. Migrated to Pembroke. Matric. 1677; B.A. 1677-8;
M.A. 1681.
SHERMAN, RALPH. Adm. sizar at St John's, c. 1584. S. of
Richard, of Brinkley, Cambs. School, St Paul's. Matric.
1584. Migrated pens, to Caius, May 10, 1587, age 19. Scholar,
1587-90; B.A. 1587-8; M.A. 1591. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
Dec. 23, 1604; priest, June 15, 1606. R. of Ickburgh, Norfolk,
1605-26. R. of Lcmgford, 1605-26. Kept school at Cheveley,
in 1606. Buried at Langford, Sept. 21, 1626. Father of the
next. {Venn, i. 129.)
Sherman, Ralph
SHERMAN, RALPH. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius, June 26,
1638. S. of Ralph (above), late R. of Ickburgh, Norfolk.
B. there. School, Bury. Matric. 1638; Scholar, 1641-3;
B.A. 1641-2.
SHERMAN, RICHARD. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1554.
SHERMAN, RICHARD. B.A. from St John's, 1556-7. S. of
John, of Little Moulton, Norfolk. M.A. 1560; M.D. from
Caius, 1567. Fellow of St John's, 1559. Fellow of Caius,
1560-2. Licensed to practise medicine, 1558. Ord. deacon
and priest (Norwich) Jan. i, 1595-6. R. of Stratton St
Michael and St Peter, Norfolk, 1596. R. of Horham, Suffolk,
1599-1606. Brother of John (1560-1). {Venn, i. 44.)
SHERMAN, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Sx John's, Easter,
SHERMAN, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1575.
Perhaps s. of Henry, of Colchester (will (P.C C.) 1590).
B.A. 1579-80; M.A. 1583. F.R.C.P. Sept. 7, i599- Will
(Comm. London) 1602-3; of St Stephen's, Coleman Street,
London. (Cooper, 11. 285; Munk, i. u6.)
SHERMAN, ROWLAND. Adm. pens, at Clare, Feb. ii, 1747-8.
B. in London. Matric. 1748; B.A. 1753. Ord. priest (Norwich)
July, 1754.
SHERMAN, SAMUEL. Matric. pens, from Queens', Michs.
1644. Of Essex. Probably s. of Samuel, clothier. B.A.
1647-8; M.A. 1651. Fellow, 1649-50. Probably brother of
Edmund (1644) and John (1645).
SHERMAN, THOMAS. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Jesus, Michs.
1573- Possibly s. and h. of Thomas, of Yaxley, Suffolk.
Married and had issue. One of these names adm. at Gray's
Inn, 1575, from Barnard's Inn. {Vis. of Leics., 1619.)
SHERMAN, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Caius, Apr. 24,
1596. S. of Thomas, druggist. School, Ipswich. Matric. c.
1596; Scholar, 1596-1603; B.A. 1599-1600; M.A. 1603. Ord.
deacon and priest (Norwich) Sept. 24, 1609; 'title, his own
estate.' V. of Tuddenham St Martin, Suffolk, 1609-10.
R. of Hintlesham, 1611-46, sequestered. See Al. Oxon. for
a contemporary namesake, with whom he is apparently
confused. {Venn, i. 159.)
SHERMAN, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1618. Of Norfolk.
SHERMAN, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, June 30,
1634. Of Suffolk. Matric. 1634; Scholar, 1635; B.A. 1637-8;
M.A. 1641. Perhaps V. of Silkstone, Yorks., 1666-77.
Buried there Nov. 30, 1677. {T. A. Walker, 52.)
SHERMAN, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Aug. 26,
1650. Of Leicestershire. Scholar, 1650; Matric. 1651; B.A.
1654-5; M.A. 1658. Perhaps R. of St Anthony, London,
1662-4; if so, ord. priest (Bishop Brian Duppa, of Sarum)
July 19, 1658. Father of the next.
SHERMAN, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Apr. 22, 1692.
S. of Thomas (1650), clerk, deceased. Matric. 1692; B.A.
1698-9. Ord. deacon (Durham) Sept. 25, 1698; priest,
Sept. 24, 1699. C. of Croxdale, Durham, 1700. Minor Canon
of Durham. Buried in the Cathedral, Nov. 30, 1700. (D. S.
SHERMAN, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
1604. Perhaps s. and h. of John, of Newark, near Leicester.
Age 34 in 1619. Married Maria Lascells, of Nottinghamshire.
{Vis. of Leics., 1619.)
SHERMAN, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Trinity, 1639;
Scholar, 1641; B.A. 1643-4; M.A. 1647. Perhaps ord. priest
(Ardfert) May 3, 1653. Probably R. of Higham, Leics.,
1660-1719- Died Jan. 9, 1719, aged 97. Buried at Higham.
M.I. Will (Leicester) 1719. {Nichols, iv. 641; J. C. Dale.)
SHERMAN, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Apr. 17, 1671.
Matric. 1671; Scholar, 1674; B.A. 1674-5; M.A. 1678. Ord.
priest (Peterb.) Mar. 10, 1679-80.
SHERMAN, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Christ's, Sept. 3,
1700. B. at Felsted, Essex. School, Felsted. Scholar, 1702-
3; Matric. 1704; B.A. 1704-5. Adm. at the Middle Temple,
June 6, 1702. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Mar. 1704; priest (Ely)
Dec. 21, 1707. V. of Rushmere, Suffolk, 1707. {Peile, 11. 149.)
SHERMAN, . Pens, at Jesus, 1601-2.
SHERMAN, . Matric. Fell. -Com. from St Catharine's,
SHERRARD, BENNET. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, July 6,
1699. Of Nottinghamshire. Doubtless 4th s. of Philip, of
Car Colston, Notts. Matric. 1701; B.A. 1703-4; M.A. 1705
{Com. Reg.). Ord. priest (York) Sept. 21, 1707. R. of Langar,
Notts., 1714-53- R- of Aylestone, Leics., 1716. Chaplain
to the Duke of Rutland. Preb. of Southwell, 1734-53. Died
May, 1753. Doubtless brother of Robert (1693). {Nichols, u.
Sherrard, William
SHERRARD, Lord (BENNET). LL.D. 1705 {Com. Reg.). S. of
Bennet, Baron Sherard, of Leitrim. Bapt. at Stapleford,
Leics., Oct. 27, 1677. Succeeded to the Irish peerage, Jan. 30,
1699-1700. Lord-Lieutenant of Rutland, 1700-12, 1715-31.
M. P. for Leics., 1701-2; for Rutland, 1713-4. Created Baron
Harborough of Harborough, Oct. 19, 1714, and Viscount
Sherard of Stapleford, Leics., Oct. 31, 1718, and finally Earl
of Harborough, June 18, 1719. Died s.p.s. Oct. 16, 1732-
SHERARD, BENNET. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May 28, 1717.
Of Middlesex. B.A. 1720-1. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Feb. 18,
SHERARD, CASTLE. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Sidney, June 3,
1 75 1. S. of Castle, late of Glatton, Hunts, (and Martha,
dau. of Edward Ferrar, of Little Gidding). School, Oakham.
Matric. 1751; B.A. 1755; M.A. 1759. Ord. deacon (Lincoln)
Dec. 23, 1759. R. of Stainby and Gunby, Lines., 1776, and
of Edmundthorpe, Leics., 1776. Married Jane, dau. of
Richard Caryer, Esq., of Godmanchester, Hunts. Died 1803,
aged 70. (His grandson Philip Castle, succeeded to the
peerage as 9th Baron Sherard of Leitrim, in 1859.) {G.E.C;
Nichols, II. 353.)
SHERRARD, EDMUND. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Magdalene,
Dec. 16, 1647. S. of Robert, of Gautby, Lines. Matric. 1647,
'Edward.' Died s. p. {Lines. Pedigrees, 872.)
SHERRARD, FRANCIS. Adm. Fell.-Com. at King's, 1571.
SHERRARD, HOPE. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Feb. 10,
1620-1. Perhaps B.A. 1631, 'Sperantius Sherrard.' Living
as Minister at Providence Island, West Indies, in 1640, and
at Sandwich, Cheshire, in 1648. Minister of Melcombe
Bingham, Dorset, in 1650 and 1658. {Shaw, 1. 251; H. B.
Swanzy; Al. Dub.)
SHERARD, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Nov. 1570;
B.A. 1574-5. Brother of William (1570).
SHERRAD, JOHN. Matric. sizar from St Catharine's, Easter,
1627; B.A. 1630-1; M.A. 1634.
SHERRARD, JOHN. M.B. from Emmanuel, 1691; adm. there.
Mar. 21, 1690-1, from Oxford. Of Berkshire. Probably s. of
Richard, of Sutton, Berks. Matric. (Balliol College, Oxford)
Apr. 10, 1685, age 18, 'Sherwood'; B.A. (Oxford) 1688.
SHERARD, JOHN. B.A. 1738 (Incorp. from Merton College
{sic), Oxford). 2nd s. of Philip, 2nd Earl of Harborough.
Matric. (Christ Church, Oxford) Oct. 20, 1731, age 18; B.A.
(Oxford) 1734. Lieutenant of the Yeoman of the Guard,
1736. Barrister-at-law, 1739. Appointed Lieut. -Colonel of
the volunteers raised for the defence of his Majesty's person
and government by the gentlemen of the law. Died un-
married, Apr. 25, 1745, aged 33. Brother of Robert (i745)-
{Al. Oxon.; Nichols, 11. 335; Collins, iv. 187.)
St Catharine's, 1666.
SHERRARD, MANOAH. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, 1619-20.
Matric. Easter, 1620; B.A. 1623-4; M.A. 1632.
SHERRARD, RICHARD. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 18) at Sidney,
Oct. 27, 1634. S. and h. of John, Esq. B. at Loppingthorpe,
Lines. School, Stamford. Adm. at the Inner Temple, 1637.
Of Lobthorpe, Esq. Married Margaret, dau. of Lumley Dewe,
Esq., of Bishop Upton, Herefords. Died Sept. 12, 1668.
Buried at North Witham. M.I. (His son John was created
Bart, in 1674.) {Lines. Pedigrees, 872; Nicliols, 11. 354.)
SHERARD, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, July i, 1693.
Of Nottinghamshire. Doubtless 2nd s. of Philip, of Car
Colston (and Anne, dau. of Robert Thoroton, M.D., of Car
Colston). Matric. 1693. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, June 7, 1710;
of Car Colston, gent. Married Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas
Reding, of Godeby, Leics. Buried June 23, 1749. Doubtless
brother of Bennet (1699). (A. B. Beaven; Nichols, 11. 346.)
SHERARD, Hon. ROBERT. M.A. 1745 (Incorp. from Merton
College, Oxford). 3rd s. of Philip, Earl of Harborough. B.
Oct. 1, 1719. Matric. (Christ Church, Oxford) Dec. 13, 1737,
age 18; B.A. (Oxford) 1740; M.A. 1743. Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) Feb. 27, 1742-3; priest, Nov. 13, 1743. R- of
Teigh, Rutland, 1743-73, and of Wistow, Hunts., 1743-73-
Canon of Salisbury, 1751-99. Succeeded as 4th Earl of
Harborough, Feb. 1770. Married (1) Catherine, dau. of
Edward Hearst, Esq., of Salisbury; (2) Jane, dau. of William
Reeve, of Melton Alowbray, Leics. Died Apr. 21, 1799, at
Stapleford, Leics. Brother of John (1738). {Collins, iv. 180;
Al. Oxon.)
SHERARDE, SIMON. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Aug. 3,
1572. S. of Rowland, gent., of Lobthorpe, Lincoln. School,
Grantham. B.A. 1576-7; M.A. 1580. Living, 1616.
SHERARD, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Nov.
1570; B.A. 1574-5; M.A. 1578. Ord. deacon (Ely) Nov. I577'
Sherrard, William
SHERARDE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, Jan. 27,
1615-6. S. of Sir William, Knt. (by his 2nd wife Bridget,
dau. of Sir Kenelm Digby, Knt., of Stoke Dry, Rutland).
B. at Stoke, RuUand. School, Oakham (Mr Wallis). Matnc.
1615-6. {Lines. Pedigrees, 872.)
SHERARD, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Christ's, Dec.
6, 1653. S. of William. B. at Glatton, Hunts. School,
Huntingdon (Mr Taylor). Matric. 1653-4; Scholar; B.A.
1657-8; U.A. 1661. R. of Glatton, 1661-90. R. of Folks-
worth, 1669-90. Died 1690.
from St John's College, Oxford). S. of George, of Bushby,
Leics. B. Feb. 27, 1659. School, Merchant Taylors'. Matric.
(St John's College, Oxford) July 3, 1677, age 18; B.C.L.
1683; D.C.L. 1694. Travelled abroad and studied botany
under Toumefort in Paris, c. 1686; spent some time at
Leyden with Paul Hermann, 1688. Tutor to Sir Arthur
Rawdon, 1690-4; tutor to Henry, Duke of Beaufort, c.
1700-2. English Consul at Smyrna, 1703-17. A distin-
guished botanist. Died Aug. 11, 1728. Buried at Eltham.
Will, P.C.C; of All Hallows, Barking, London. Bequeathed
^3000 to found a chair for botany at Oxford. (Al. Oxon.;
SHERRAT, HENRY. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's,
Easter, 1649 (probably adm. 1648).
SHERRATT or SHARRAT, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Trikity,
July 3, 1668. Matric. 1669; Scholar, 1671; B.A. 1671-2;
M.A. 1675. Fellow, 1674. Incorp. at Oxford, 1676. Ord.
priest (Ely) Oct. 3, 1675. R. of Draycott-le-Moors, Staffs.,
1678. R. of Glenfield, Leics., 1701-22. Canon and precentor
of Brecon, 1713.
SHERRATT, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Sidney, May 21,
1703. Only s. of Thomas, leather merchant, of Newport,
Salop. School, Newport (Mr Edwards). Matric. 1703; B.A.
SHERRATT, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Christ's, July 3,
1728. S. of Simeon. B. at Park-lane, Staffs. School,
Cheddleton (Mr Slade). Matric. 1728; Scholar, 1729; B.A.
1731-2. Ord. deacon (Chester) Dec. 1732; priest, Sept. 1733.
V. of Biddulph, Stags., 1733. Buried at Endon, 1739.
(Peile, 11. 218.)
SHERSHAW, . B.A. 1483-4-
SHERSON or SHIERSON, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from
Christ's, Lent, 1705-6; B.A. 1708-9. Ord. deacon (Lincoln)
Dec. 24, 1710; 'C. of Ickleford with Pirton, Herts.' Signs
as minister at Holwell, Beds., 1711-20. Master of Bunting-
ford School, Herts., 1728; there in 1740. Father of the
next. {Peile, 11. 162.)
SHERSON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Christ's, June 25,
1739. S. of William (above). B. at Bimtingford, Herts.
School, Buntingford (his father). Scholar, 1739; Matric.
1740; B.A. 1743-4-
SHERSTON, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Queens', Michs. 1573-
Of Nottinghamshire. B.A. from Christ's, 1577-8; M.A. 1581.
Schoolmaster at Swavesey, Cambs., i577- V. of Lockington,
Leics., 1583.
SHERSTON, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Clare, Jan. 23, 1700-1.
B. at Yeovil, Somerset. Matric. 1702-3; B.A. 1704; M.A.
1708. Ord. deacon (London) Jan. 6, 1705-6; priest, Dec. 19,
SHERWELL or CHERWELL, HUMPHREY. Matric. pens, from
St John's, Lent, 1580-1. B. at St Chad, Salop. B.A. 1584-5.
Ord. deacon (London) Nov. 3, 1586, age 24.
SHEHWELL or SHARWELL, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 15) at
Magdalene, May 7, 1660. S. of Nehemiah, of London.
School, Charterhouse. Matric. 1660; B.A. 1663-4; M.A.
1667. Signed for priest's orders (London) Feb. 17, 1664-5.
R. of Little Hallingbury, Essex, 1669-1710. Buried there
Oct. 31, 1710. Will, Comm. Essex. Father of the next.
SHERWILL, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Christ's, Apr. 8, 1690.
S. of John (above). B. at Hallingbury, Essex. School,
Felsted. Matric. 1690; Scholar, 1690; B.A. 1693-4; M.A.
1697; D.D. 1717. .Fellow, 1695-1712. Incorp. at Oxford,
1700. Ord. deacon (Ely) June, 1696; priest, June, 1698.
V. of Madingley, Cambs., 1710. R. of Anstey, Herts., 1711-
40. Author, sermons. Died July 23, 1740, aged 66. M.I. at
Anstey. {Peile, 11. 116.)
SHERWIN, HERBERT. Adm. sizar (perhaps age 16) at Peter-
house, Apr. 20, 1659. Of Hertford. School, Hitchin.
Matric. 1659; Scholar, 1662; B.A. 1662-3; M.A. 1666.
SHERWYN, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1583; B.A. 1586-7; M.A. 1590. R. of Ickburgh, Norfolk,
1604-5. R. of Beachamwell, 1604-13. R. of Oxburgh,
1607-41. V. of Stow Bardolph, 1616. Died 1641. {Blome-
field, II. 238; VI. 192.)
Sherwood, John
SHERWIN, ROBERT. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinity, June
29, 1698. S. of Francis, deceased, of Uttoxeter, Staffs.
School, Uttoxeter (Mr Boquet). Matric. 1699; Scholar, 1702;
B.A. 1702-3; M.A. 1711.
SHERWIN, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Trinity, Feb. 14,
1699-1700. S. of Robert, of Leicester. School, Leicester
(Mr Thomas).
SHERWIN, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's, May 18,
1672. S. of Nicholas. B. at Leicester. School, Leicester.
Matric. 1672-3; B.A. 1675-6; M.A. 1679- Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) Sept. 23, 1677; priest, Sept. 19, 1680. Perhaps
schoolmaster of Higham Ferrers, Northants., 1676. R. of
Kettering, 1680-4. V. of St Margaret's, Leicester, 1683-90.
V. of Knighton, 1683-90. Father of the next.
SHERWIN, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Apr. 12, 1699. Of
Northamptonshire. S. of Samuel (above), R. of Kettering.
Matric. 1699-1700. Probably B.A. from Trinity, 1703-4
(not recorded in the Trinity Register). Ord. priest (Lincohi)
May 19, 1706. V. of Sileby, Leics., 1707-30. Died Mar. 21,
1730. (A. Gray; Nichols, Leics., iii. 424-)
SHERWIN, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs.
1624. Of Nottinghamshire. B. 1607. Migrated to Queens',
Apr. 1625. B.A. 1627-8; M.A. 1631. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
May 30; priest. May 31, 1630. R. of Wallington, Herts.,
1650-60, ejected. R. of Baldock. Author, theological. Died
at Fowlmere, Cambridge, c. 1687. Father of William, the
engraver (for whom see D.N.B.).
SHERWIN, . B.D. 1472-3. A friar. D.D. 1474-5-
SHERWIN, . B.Can.L. 1476-7.
SHERWIN, . B.Can.L. 1482-3.
SHERWOOD, CHRISTIAN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, May 27,
1615. B. in Thurlaston, Leics. Matric. 1615; B.A. 1619-20;
D.D. (Oxford) 1642. Ord. deacon (London) Dec. 24, 1620,
age 25. Schoolmaster at St Antholin's, London. V. of
St Oswald, Durham, 1631. R. of Bishop Wearmouth, 1644-6,
ejected. Died 1652.
SHERWOOD, FRANCIS. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse,
Easter, 1622. Of Yorkshire. B.A. 1625-6; Scholar, 1626;
M.A. 1629. Ord. deacon (York) Dec. 1627; priest (Peterb.)
Sept. 25, 1636 (not the Oxford D.D. as supposed in Al.
Oxon.). Master of Beverley School, in 1652, and assistant in
the Minster. Buried there July 22, 1669. Father of the
next and of Thomas (1660).
SHEREWOOD, JAMES. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's,
Apr. 20, 1668. Doubtless s. of Francis (above). B. at
Beverley. Matric. 1668; B.A. 1671-2. V. of Waghen, Yorks.,
1682-91. Brother of Thomas (1660).
SHERWOOD, JAMES. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's,
July I, 1730. S. of James, of Yorkshire. B. at Beverley.
School, Beverley (Mr Jefferson). Matric. 1730; B.A. 1733-4-
Ord. deacon (Norwich) June, i734; priest, Oct. 17:5. One
of these names R. of Flowton, Suffolk, 1758-69-
SHERWOOD or SHIRWOOD, JOHN. Incorp. 1460-1. Prob-
ably the ' M.A. and B.D. of Cambridge,' who was incorp. at
Oxford, 1449-50 and 1454 {Oxford Reg., i. 9), now reincorp.
Perhaps Proctor, 1450-1. Edward IV's advocate at Rome.
Chancellor of Exeter, 1460. Archdeacon of Richmond,
1465-84. Master of St Edmund's Hospital, Gateshead, 1467.
Preb. of York, 1471-84. Bishop of Durham, 1484-94.
Partisan of Richard III. Visited the Court of Burgundy to
further the interests of the House of York; proceeded thence
to Rome. Died there Jan. 12, 1493-4- Buried in the English
College. {D.N. P., where the identification with the Cam-
bridge contemporary is considered improbable.)
SHERWOOD, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's,
Michs. 1587; B.A. from Trinity, 1588-9.
SHERWOOD, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Oct. 26, 1612.
Matric. 1612.
SHERWOOD, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Pembroke, Feb.
20, 1621-2. S. of John, 'medicus.' B. at Brome, Suffolk.
Perhaps adm. at Leyden, June 22, 1633; of Norwich.
SHERWOOD, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, June 11,
1641. S. of John, gent., deceased, of Hoxne, Suffolk. B.
there. School, Hoxne (Mr Hall). Matric. 1641; Scholar,
1643-6; B.A. 1644-5.
SHERWOOD, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Christ's, June 17,
1656. S. of Thomas. Matric. 1656; Scholar, 1659; B.A.
1659-60; M.A. from Peterhouse, 1663. Fellow of Peterhouse,
1663-5. Incorp. at Oxford, 1680. R. of St Martin Orgar,
London, 1666-80. R. of North Repps, Norfolk, 1669.
Chaplain to Lord Wotton. Died 1680. Will proved (P.C.C.)
Dec. 20, 1680. {Peile, 1. 572; T. A. Walker.)
SHERWOOD, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Queens', June 16, 1660.
Of Cambridgeshire. Matric. 1662.
Sherwood, Joseph
SHERWOOD, JOSEPH. Adm. pens, (age i8) at Christ's,
July 6, 1647. S. of Joseph, V. of St Hilary, Cornwall. B. at
Truro. School, Plymouth (Mr Fowler). B.A. 1650. 'V. of
St Hilary, 1646; ejected, 1660. Afterwards preacher at
St Ives and Penzance. Imprisoned at Launceston. Died
c. 1705.' So Peile, i. 516, who apparently confuses the son
with the father. (Calamy, i. 276.)
SHERWOOD, JOSEPH. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Pembroke,
May 19, 1710. S. of Joseph, gent. B. in London. Matric.
1710. Adm. at the Middle Temple, Feb. 3, 1709-10. Called
to the Bar, 1715.
SHERWOOD, NICHOLAS. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter,
1610. Of Norfolk. B.A. 1613; M.A. 1617. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) Sept. 24; priest, Sept. 25, 1615. R. of Earsham,
Norfolk, 1618-43, ejected, but restored. Died Apr. 19, 1671.
SHERWOOD, NICHOLAS. Adm. sizar (age 15) at St John's,
July 6, 1633. S. of Thomas, husbandman, of Massam, Notts.
B. there. School, Hougham, Lines, (private).
SHERWOOD, PAUL. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter,
1620; B.A. 1623-4. V, of Raddjffe-on-Trent, Notts., 1633-8.
SHERWOOD, PHILIP. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs.
1554. Of Walkington, Yorks. B.A. 1557-8. Fellow, 1558.
Probably arrived at Rheims, 1570; 'of Yorks.' Ord. priest
(R.C.) before 1573. Sent to England, 1575; e.xiled from
Yorkshire. (Douay Diary.)
SHERWOOD, RALPH. B.A. 1528-9; M.A. 1532- Fellow of
St John's. Will (V.C.C.) 1550.
SHERWOOD, REUBEN. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1558. S. of William (1521-2). B. at Over, Cambs., 1542.
Matric. 1558; B.A, 1562-3; M.A. 1566; M.D. 1581. Fellow,
1561-71. Proctor, 1569-70. Incorp. at Oxford, 1566. Head
Master of Eton, 1571-80. Candidate R.C. P., 1584; after-
wards Fellow. Practised as a physician at Bath. Buried in the
Abbey Church, July 24, 1599. (Cooper, u. 269; Munk, i. 98.)
SHERWOOD, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1581. B. at Wiston, Suffolk. Ord. deacon (London)
Feb. 24, 1585-6; 'B.A.'; age 24.
SHERWOOD, RICHARD. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Trinity
Hall, Michs. 1683.
SHERWOOD, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1622. B. in Norfolk. B.A. 1625-6. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) Dec. 23, 1632. Removed to London where he
set up a school in St Sepulchre's churchyard. Compiled
a French-English dictionary to be appended to the new
English-French dictionary of Handle Cotgrave. {D.N.B.)
SHERWOOD, SAMPSON. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius, c. May,
1647. S. of James. B. at Bushby, Leics. Schools, Scraptoft
(Mr Jones) and Thumby (Ferdinand Burridge). Matric.
1647; Scholar, 1650-2; B.A. 1650-1.
SHERWOOD, THOMAS. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Clare, Michs.
SHEREWOOD, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's,
Apr. 21, 1660. S. of Francis (1622), of Kirkby-Wharfe,
Yorks. B. there. School, Beverley (his father). Matric.
1660; B.A. 1663-4; M.A. 1667. Incorp. at Oxford, 1671. Ord.
deacon (York) Sept.; priest, Nov. 1664. Perhaps V. of
Combe St Nicholas, Somerset, 1671-8. V. of Eccles, Lanes.,
1671-8. Brother of James (1668).
SHERWOOD, TUTHILL. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1684.
Of Norfolk. Matric. 1684; B.A. 1687-8; M.A. 1691.
SHERWOOD, WILLIAM. B.A. 1521-2. Of Durham. M.A.
1525. Fellow of St John's, 1524. Esquire Bedell, 1529-49;
retired on pension. (Stokes, Bedells, 76.)
SHERWOOD, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter,
SHERWOOD, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from St John's, c.
1597; B.A. 1601-2; M.A. 1605. Incorp. at Oxford, 1609.
SHERWOOD, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Easter,
SHERWOOD, . B.A. 1507-8; M.A. 1511. Preacher, 1514-5.
Perhaps Robert, V. of Swavesey, Cambs., 1516. One
Sherwood was at King's Hall, 1525-8. But see the next.
SHERWOOD, . Incorp. D.D. 1525-6. Possibly Robert,
a student at Oxford and at Loraine, in Brabant, where he
read the Hebrew lecture in 1520. One Robert Sherwood,
D.D., was R. of St Mildred, Bread Street, London, 1526-36.
Another of these names (possibly the same) was R. of
Marston Sicca, Gloucs., 1532-53, but was not resident in
Gloucester diocese; a pluralist. (F. S. Hockaday.)
SHERWOOD, . Matric. pens, from Christ's, Easter, 1544.
SHETHER,JOHN. B.A. 1521-2; M.A. 1525- Fellow of Christ's,
1526-30. Incorp. at Oxford, 1539-40. B.D. (Oxford) 1539-
40. R. of St Mary Woolnoth, London, 1538-49- Died 1549.
V.A.C. IV. 65
Shillitoe, Benjamin
shether, robert. b.a. 1512-3; m.a. 1516-7; b.d. 1524-5.
FellowofPETERHOusE, 1517-29. Bursar, 1522-8. University
preacher, 1521-2. V. of Hendon, Middlesex, 1528-57. V. of
Henham, Essex, 1531-2. V. of Gt Waltham, 1533-57. V. of
Bumham, 1535-57. Died Feb. i6, 1557. M.l. (now lost).
Will, Comm. Essex.
SHETHER or SHEATHER, ROBERT. B.A. from Clare, 1604-
5. B. at Lavenham, Suffolk. M.A. 1608, Sheathey. Ord.
deacon (London) Dec. 22, 161 1, age 26; priest, Mar. 8,
1611-2. C. of Frinton, Essex, 1616.
SHEVILLERE, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Oct. 3,
1579, as Chevalier. S. of Anthony Rodolph (Chevalier).
Matric. 1579; Scholar, 1580-3; B.A. 1582-3, Cevalerius.
See Cevalerius, Vol. i.
SHEWEL, ABRAHAM. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Trinity, Apr. 26,
1712. S. of Abraham, surgeon, of London. School, St Paul's.
Matric. 1715; B.A. 1715-6. Ord. deacon (Ely) Mar. 25, 1716;
priest (Norwich) July, 1718. R. of Ashby, Suffolk, 1726-57.
R. of Gunton, 1729-57. R. of Corton, 1745-57.
SHEYN, MATTHEW. Educated at Peterhouse. LL.B. 1556-7,
as Seyn. Of Ireland. Bishop of Cork and Cloyne, 1572.
Died June 13, 1582. {Cooper, i. 455.)
Trinity, Mar. 21, 1667-8. Doubtless s. and h. of Thomas, of
Whitley Hall, Ecclesfield, Yorks. B. Sept. i, 1650. Matric.
1668; Scholar, 1671; B.A. 1671-2. Of Whitley Hall, M.D.
Married Mary, dau. of John Ibbotson, of Bradfield. Died
Jan. 12, 1684-5. Buried at Ecclesfield. Probably brother
of Samuel (1672). (Eastwood, Ecclesfield, 422.)
SHEIRCLIFFE, NICHOLAS. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's,
July 2, 1708. Probably s. of Thomas, of Thumscoe, Yorks.
Bapt. June 24, 1689. Matric. 1708. Buried Mar. i, 1712.
(Hunter, Hallamshire, 447.)
at St John's, June 10, 1672. 3rd s. of Thomas, deceased,
of Whitley Hall, Ecclesfield, Yorks. B. there. School,
Manchester. Matric. 1673; B.A. 1675-6; M.A. 1679. Prob-
ably adm. at Leyden, June 8, 1682; of Yorkshire. Living,
1685. Dead before 1696. Probably brother of Nicholas
(1667-8). (For variations in the spelling of the name Shier-
cliffe, see Eastwood, 425.) (Hunter, Hallamshire, 446; East-
wood, Ecclesfield.)
Trinity, Easter, 1625. Probably s. of Thomas, of Eccles-
field, Yorks. Bapt. there, Aug. 21, 1606. B.A. 1628-9; M.A.
1632. Of Whiteley Hall, Ecclesfield, and of Creswick. Died
s.p., July 27, 1648. Buried at Ecclesfield. WiU (P.C.C.)
1648-9. (Hunter, Hallamshire, 446.)
SHILLBORNE, ANTHONY. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's,
Nov. I, 1712. S. of Anthony, barber. B. at Cambridge.
School, King's (Mr Baker). Matric. 1712; B.A. from King's,
1716-7; M.A. 1721. Ord. deacon (Ely) Mar. 17, 1716-7-
Chaplain at King's.
SHILBORNE, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1618. S. of Ralph, yeoman. B.A. 1620-1; M.A. 1624. V. of
Grendon, Northants., 1625. Buried there Feb. 16, 1655-6.
M.I. Will, P.C.C.
SHILBORNE, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter,
1568; scholar from Westminster; B.A. 1571-2; M.A. 1575-
Incorp. at Oxford, 1579. V. of Cookham, Berks., i575- R- of
Pangboume, 1578. Admon. (Archd. Berks.) 1595. {Al.
SHILBORNE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from King's, Michs. 1623.
SHILBORNE, -. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Lent, 1629-30.
SHILES, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Nov. 16, 1629. Of
Devon. Matric. 1629.
SHILLING, EDMUND. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, May 22,
1644. S. of William, gent., of Hoveton, Norfolk. B. there.
School, Norwich (Mr Lovering). Matric. 1644; Scholar,
1644-8; B.A. 1647-8. Ord. priest (Bishop of Down) Mar. 20,
1648-9. R. of Smallburgh, Norfolk, 1659-81. V. of Stalham,
1661-81. C. of Ashmanhaugh, 1661. Buried Apr. 6, 1681,
at Smallburgh. (Veftn, i. 353.)
SHILLITOE, BENJAMIN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at NUgdalene,
May ^8, 1675. S. of Thomas, of Whitwood, Yorks., deceased.
Bapt. at Featherstone, July 13, 1657. School, Wakefield.
Matric. 1675; B.A. 1678-9; U.\. 1685. Ord. deacon (York)
Dec. 1679; priest, Dec. 1680. C. at Methley, Yorks. Buried
there Feb. 15, 1708-9. Admon., Feb. 21, 1708-9. (M. H.
Shillitoe, Edward
SHILLETO, EDWARD. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs.
1632; B.A. 1637-8.
SHILLETO, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Christ's, Apr. 5, 1738. S. of
John, of Yorkshire. School, Beverley (Mr Clarke). Matric.
1738. Migrated to Trinity, Jan. 19, 1738-9. Scholar, 1741;
B.A. 1741-2; M.A. 1752. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Mar. 14,
1741-2; priest (York) Sept. 25, 1743. V. of Headon, Notts.,
1744; R. there, 1760-92. Died Aug. 1792. (G. Mag.; Peile, n.
SHILITOE, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Dec. 20, 1677.
Of Yorkshire. Matric. 1678.
SHILLETO, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs.
1552. Of Yorkshire. B.A. 1555-6; M.A. 1559. Fellow, 1556.
Ord. deacon (London) 1556-7.
SHILLITON, JOSEPH. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Lent,
SHILTON, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Christ's, May 26,
1669. S. of Joseph. B. at Shustoke, Warws. School, Burton-
on-Trent (Mr Hazard). Matric. 1669; B.A. 1672. Probably
Head Master of Burton School, c. 1697. (Peile, 11. 22-
SHINCKFIELD, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age c. 19) at Caius,
July 8, 1622. S. of Robert, husbandman, of Methwold,
Norfolk. School, Methwold (Mr Brundish).
SHINE, CHARLES. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Easter,
SHYNE, ROBERT. B.A. 1562-3.
SHIPPE, ISAAC. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Caius, Aug. 5, 1652.
S. and h. of Matthew, tailor, of London. B. in the parish
of St Andrew, Holbom. School, Winchester. Matric. 1652;
Scholar, 1653-4; B.A. from Trinity Hall, 1656-7; M.A. 1660.
Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, June 19, 1658. {Venn, 1. 385.)
SHIP, JOSEPH. Adm. scholar at Trinity Hall, Jan. 11, 1662-
3. Of Cambridgeshire. Matric. 1665; B.A. 1666-7; M.A.
1670. Fellow, 1670-85. Ord. priest (Ely) May 29, 1670.
V. of Wethersfield, Essex, 1684-1700. Died 1700. Admon.,
SHIPDHAM, ALEXANDER. Matric. pens, from Corpus
Christi, Easter, 1618. Of Norwich. B.A. 1620-1; M.A.
1624. Ord. deacon and priest (Norwich) Dec. 19, 1624.
V. of Ilketshall St Margaret, Suffolk, 1625; perhaps ejected
during the troubles. R. of Walsham St Mary, Norfolk, 1632.
R. of Hainford, 1643. R- of Blofield, 1646.
SHIPDEN or SHIPDHAM, ISRAEL. Adm. sizar (age 16) at
Caius, Apr. 24, 1633. S. of Richard, goldsmith. Bapt. Sept.
8, 1616, at St Peter Mancroft, Norwich. School, Norwich
(Mr Brigges). Scholar, 1633-40; Matric. 1634; B.A. 1636-7;
M.A. 1640. Ord. deacon (Norwich) June 12, 1642; C. of
St Lawrence, Norwich. V. of Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambs.,
1645-8. V. of Swaffham Market, Norfolk, 1648-55. Perhaps
minister at Nayland, Suffolk, c. 1655. V. of Foulden, Norfolk,
1660. Licensed to teach grammar and to preach at Funden-
hall and elsewhere in the diocese, June 13, 1661. Licensed
to be an Independent Trier in the house of Matthias Elsgood,
at O.xwick, Norfolk, June 29, 1672. Buried at Beetley,
Sept. 24, 1683. {Venn, 1. 311.)
SHIPDEM, . Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Sept. 1664. Of
SHIPDEN, JOHN DE. M.A. Of Norwich diocese. Fellow of
Peterhouse, in 1331. Proctor, 1330-1. Reservation of a
benefice. {Papal Letters, 11.)
SHIPLEY, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, July 16,
1631. S. of John, embroiderer. B. Oct. 8, 1614, in London.
Schools, Merchant Taylors' and Perse, Cambridge. Matric.
SHIPLEY, JOSEPH. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's, Apr. 22
1678. S. of John, clothier. B. Dec. 22, 1662, at Leeds
Yorks. School, Leeds (Mr Gilbert). Matric. 1678; B.A
i68i-2. Ord. deacon (York) Mar. 4, 1682-3; priest, Dec
1683. C. of Wetherby and of Spofforth, Yorks. C. of Hoi
beck, Leeds, 1686. Died in Leeds, Aug. 6, 1690. (R. J
SHIPLEY, LOVE. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius, June 10, 1723.
S. of Francis, of Downham Market, Norfolk. B. there.
School, Bexwell (private). Matric. 1723; Scholar, 1724-30;
B.A. 1726-7; M.A. 1730. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Mar. 2,
1728-9; priest. Mar. 5, 1731-2. R. of Snoring, Norfolk,
1744-73- V. of Stradset, 1745-73- V. of Shouldham
Thorpe. Married Penelope Clarges. Died Oct. 30, 1773.
WiU proved (Norwich C.C.) 1773. {Venn, 11. 18.)
Shipton, John
SHIPMAN, ABRAHAM. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 18) at Caius,
May 1, 1624, after travelling three years in France. S. of
WiUiam, gent., of London. School, Westminster. Probably
identical with Sir Abraham Shipman. If so, knighted by
Charles I. In command of a troop sent to Edinburgh Castle
in the King's service, Jan. 1639-40. At Chester, Sept. 1643;
in the garrison at Pendennis Castle, Apr .-June, 1644.
Commodore of a naval force despatched to Bombay to re-
quire the transfer of that settlement to England according
to the terms of the marriage treaty of Charles II, 1662.
Named in the King's Commission to be governor of Bombay.
The Portuguese Governor refused to surrender and the troops
were eventually landed on the island of Anjadiva. Married
Marie, dau. of Montagu, afterwards Earl of Lindsay. Died
Apr. 6, 1664, soon after his return from Anjadiva. Will
proved (P.C.C.) July 18, 1665. {N. and Q., 1st S., vi. 419;
10th S., III. 197.)
SHIPMAN, BENJAMIN. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1681. Doubtless s. of John, of Fairford, Gloucs., clerk.
B. there. Matric. Easter, 1682; B.A. 1685-6; M.A. 1689.
Fellow. R. of Toft, Norfolk, 1717-50. R. of Haddiscoe,
1739-50. R. of Leasingham, 1739. Died 1750, aged 93 {sic).
(Possibly father and son have been confused.) {Harwood;
Blomefield, viii. 63.)
SHIPMAN, BENJAMIN. Matric. sizar from King's, Lent,
1718-9. Doubtless s. of Benjamin (above). B.A. 1722. Ord.
deacon (Norwich) Mar. 1722-3; priest, Sept. 1724.
SHIPMAN, JOHN. Matric. sizar from King's, Easter, 1726;
B.A. 1729-30. V. of Westleton, Suffolk, 1737.
SHIPMAN, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1627.
Probably s. of Thomas, of Scarrington, Notts. Bapt. there,
Apr. 24, 1608. B.A. 1630-1; M.A. 1635. R. of Treswell
(W. mediety), Notts., 1636. Living, 1653. {Genealogist,
N.S.,iii. 156.)
SHIPMAN, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's, May i,
1651. S. of William, gent., of Scarrington, Notts. Bapt.
there, Nov. 8, 1632. School, Sleaford. Matric. 1651. A
captain of trained bands for his county. A friend of Abraham
Cowley. Married Margaret, dau. of John Trafford, of Dun ton,
Lines. Royalist poet. Buried at Scarrington, Oct. 15, 1680.
(D.N.B.; Godfrey, Nottinghamshire Churches, 350.)
SHIPMAN, TRAFFORD. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Clare, June 23,
1736. S. and h. of William, of Scarrington, Notts. B. Feb.
28, 1718-9, at Warsop, Notts. Of Mansfield. Married Mary,
dau. of Christopher Reynoldson of Askrigg, Yorks., Apr. 26,
1739. Living, 1742. {Genealogist, N.S., in. 158.)
SHIPPEN, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, June 26,
1691, from Oxford. Matric. (Brasenose College, Oxford)
July 16, 1687. S. of William, clerk, of Stockport. Bapt.
July 30, 16/3, at Prestbury, Cheshire. Schools, Stockport
(Roger Dale) and Westminster. Matric. 1691-2; Scholar,
1692; B.A. 1694-5. Barrister, Middle Temple, 1693. M.P.
for Bramber, 1707-9, 1710-13; for Saltash, 1713-5; for
Newton, Lanes., 1715-43. Parliamentary Jacobite. Died
May I, 1743. Buried in St Andrew's, Holbom. Will, P.C.C.
{D.N.B.; Al. Westmon., 220; Al. Oxon.)
SHIPSEA, JOHN. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter, 1610;
B.A. 1613-4; M.A. 1617; D.D. 1630. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
June 4, 1615; priest. May 29, 1619. R. of Saxby, Lines.,
1619-35. R. of Dunsfold, Surrey, 1633-52. Buried
there Feb. 24, 1651-2. Admon. (P.C.C.) 1652. (H. G.
SHIPTON, ANTHONY. Adm. at King's (age 18) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 13, 1507. Of Nun Monkton, Yorks. B.A. 1511-2;
M.A. 1515. Fellow, 1510-9. Elected Proctor, but died, 1519.
SHIPTON, ARTHUR. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's, May 17,
1665. S. of Arthur, yeoman, of Wilnecote, Warws. B. there.
School, Tamworth. Matric. 1665; B.A. 1668-9; M.A. 1672.
R. of Drayton Bassett, Staffs., 1673-1722. Buried there
June 23, 1722. {Shaw, 11. 10.)
SHIPTON, HARMAR. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, c. 1666-7.
SHIPTON or SKIPTON, JAMES. Adm. pens, at Sidney, May 28,
1619. Possibly s. of James, of Nackington, Kent. B. in Kent.
Matric. 1619; B.A. 1622-3; M.A. 1626. C. of Kingston, Kent,
1633-6. C. of Adisham, 1636. V. of Patrixboume, 1659.
V. of St Peter's, Isle of Thanet, 1662-5. Married Joan, dau.
of William Master, D.D., Preb. of Canterbury. Died 1665,
aged 63. (Le Neve, Mon., iv. 113; H. G. Harrison.)
SHIPTON, JAMES. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Trinity, May 7,
1687. S. of James, of London. School, St Paul's. Matric.
1687; Scholar, 1689; B.A. 1690-1; M.A. 1694. Brother of
Richard (i686).
SHIPTON, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Emmanuel, Apr. 13,
1604. Matric. 1604; B.A. 1607-8; M.A. 1611.
Shipton, Peter
Shirley, William
SHIPTON, PETER. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Peterhouse, Nov.
15, 1728; 'Grecian' from Christ's Hospital. Of Romford,
Essex. S. of Peter, citizen and glazier. Matric. 1728;
Scholar, 1728; B.A. 1732-3; M.A. 1736. Fellow, 1734-42.
Ord. deacon (Ely) Sept. 22, 1734. Under master at Christ's
Hospital, 1737-43-
SHIPTON, RICHARD. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinity, June 12,
1686. S. of James, of London. School, Westminster. Matric.
1686-7; Scholar, 1687; B.A. 1689-90. Drowned in the Cam,
July 7, 1692. Buried at All Saints', Cambridge. Brother of
James (1687).
SHIPTON, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, June 21,
1665. S. of Robert, husbandman, of Longdon. B. in Stafford-
shire. School, Lichfield. Matric. 1665; B.A. i668-g; M.A.
1674. Father of Thomas (1701).
SHIPTON, SAMUEL. M.A. 1632 (Incorp. from O.xford). S. of
Edward, R. of Alderley, Cheshire. Matric. ^AI1 Souls,
Oxford) Oct. 31, 1623, age 17; B.A. (Oxford) 1626; M.A.
1629. R. of Alderley, Cheshire, 1630-43 and 1660-70. Died
Aug. 7, 1670, aged 64. Possibly brother of the next. {Al.
Oxon.; Staffs. Pedigrees.)
SHIPTON, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, June 27, 1622.
Possibly s. and h. of Edward, R. of .\lderley, Cheshire.
Matric. 1622. Perhaps of Ashley, Staffs. (Vis. of Staffs.
1 664-1 700.)
SHIPTON, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, May 21,
1701. S. of Robert (1665), clerk. B. at Hamstall-Ridware,
Staffs. School, Burton-on-Trent. Matric. 1702-3; B.A.
1704-5; M.A. 1714.
SHIPTON, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Jesus, June 30, 1710. B. in
Derbyshire, 1691. Matric. 1710; B.A. 1713-4. Ord. deacon
(Ely) Mar. 17, 1716-7.
SHIPTON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Clare, Apr. 28, 1657.
S. of Thomas, of Lythe, Yorks., gent. Matric. 1657. Migrated
to Magdalene, Apr. 6, 1659. B.A. 1660-1; M.A. 1664. Ord.
priest (Lincoln) May 27, 1661; 'C. of Lythe, Yorks.' V. of
Escrick, 1663-72. V. of Lythe, 1664. (Perhaps identical
with the poet of these names for whom see D.N.B.)
SHIPWARK, HENRY. Matric. sizar from Jesus, Easter, 1603.
SHIPWRIGHT, . M.Gram. 1502-3.
SHIRLEY or SHYRLEY, ED. Matric. pens, from Clare, Michs.
1566. Perhaps Edward, 3rd s. of Edward, of Isfield, Sussex.
Probably brother of John (1562). (Vis. of Sussex, 1530,
SHEARLEY or SHEERLEY, GEORGE. Matric. FeU.-Com. from
Clare, Michs. 1587. Probably 2nd s. of Thomas (1561), of
Isfield, Sussex, and nephew of John (1562). B. 1569. Adm.
at the Middle Temple, Oct. 10, 1588. Called to the Bar, 1597.
Autumn reader, 1615. Bencher, 1 615. Serjeant-at-law, 1620.
Lord Chief Justice of the K.B., Ireland. Knighted, Mar. 2,
1619-20. Died Oct. 15, 1647. Buried at Isfield. M.I. Doubt-
less father of Henry (1631). (Middle Temple Bench Book;
Vis. of Sussex.)
SHERLEY, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1623;
Scholar, 1627; B.A. 1627-8.
SHERLEY, HENRY. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, June 16,
1631. S. of Sir George (1587), Knt., Chief Justice of Ireland.
B. at BrightUng, Sussex. School, Westminster. Migrated
to Trinity. Matric. there Michs. 1631; Scholar, 1634; B.A.
1635-6; M.A. 1639. Fellow of Trinity, 1637.
SHIRLEY, JAMES. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's, Easter,
1615. Previously adm. at St John's College, Oxford. Prob-
ably s. of James ('Sharhe'), of London. Bapt. Sept. 7, 1596,
at St Mary Woolchurch. School, Merchant Taylors'. B.A.
1617. Ord. deacon and priest (London) Sept. 19, 1619, age 24.
Master of St Albans School, 1623-5. Afterwards a Romanist.
Moved to London, where (according to Wood) 'he lived in
Gray's Inn and set up for a play-maker.' Suffered during
the Great Fire of London, privations in escaping which are
said to have caused the death of his wife and himself. They
were buried Oct. 29, i666, at St Giles-in-the-Fields. 'The
last of the Elizabethan dramatists.' For an account of his
works see D.N.B. (Al. Oxon.; D.N.B.)
SHURLEY, JOHN. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Queens', Michs.
1562. Probably 2nd s. of Edward, of Isfield, Sussex, Esq.
Adm. at the Middle Temple, Aug. 5, 1565, from Clifford's
Inn. Bencher, 1588. Treasurer, 1601. Serjeant, 1603. Of
Lewes, Sussex. Married Frances, dau. of Henry CapeU, of
Hadham, Herts. Buried at Isfield, Oct. 26, 1611 (? 1616).
Probably brother of Thomas (1561). (Middle Temple Bench
Book; Horsfield, Lewes.)
SHIRLEY, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Trinity, June 22,
1709. S. of Arthur, of Hilton, Derbs. School, Uttoxetcr,
Staffs. (Mr Burnet). Matric. 1709. Migrated to Emmanuel,
May 7, 1711. B.A. 1712-3. Ord. deacon (Lincoln, Litt. dim.
from Lichfield) Dec. 20, 1713.
SHIRLEY, RALPH. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs. 1576
(impubes). Probably 2nd s. of John, of Staunton Harold,
Leics., and of Astwell, Northants. B.A. from Christ's,
1579-80; sublector, 1580-1. Visited Rheims College, 1580,
and the English College at Rome in 1582. Of Stretton,
Staffs., in 1594. Intended for the church, but died without
taking orders. (Peile, 1. 140; Stem. Shirl., 79; Nichols, iii.
SHIRLEY, ROBERT. M.A. 1612. Doubtless the weU-known
traveller and envoy. 3rd s. of Sir Thomas, of Wistow,
Sussex. B. there, c. 1581. Accompanied his brother Sir
Anthony to Persia, in 1598. Remained there after his
brother's departure. Employed by the Shah of Persia to
negotiate alliances against Turkey with European princes.
Entertained by Sigismund 111 of Poland and created Count
Palatine by Emperor Rudolph II. Well received by Pope
Paul V. Came to England, 1611, but was opposed by the
Levant merchants. Stayed a year with Emperor Jehangir
at Surat. Narrowly escaped being poisoned at Ispahan, 1615.
Left Persia on a second mission in 1615. Stayed in Spain,
1617-22. VisitedGregory XVat Rome. Received by James I
and assigned a residence on Tower Hill in 1624. The arrival
of another envoy from Persia obliged him to return there,
1627. Subsequently dismissed from the Persian Court.
Married Teresia, dau. of Ismael Khan, a Circassian of noble
birth and a christian. Died at Kazveen (Casbyn) in Persia,
July 13, 1638. Buried there under the threshold of his own
house. (Stetn. Shirl.; D.N.B.)
SHERLY, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1613;
B.A. 1615-6.
SHIRLEY, ROBERT. Adm. at Corpus Christi, Aug. 12, 1645.
2nd s. of Sir Henry, of Eatington, Warws., and Staunton
Harold, Leics., Bart, (and Dorothy, dau. of Robert, 2nd
Earl of Essex). B. 1629. Succeeded his brother Charles as
4th Bart., June 7, 1646. On the death of his uncle, Robert,
3rd Earl of Essex, he succeeded to a moiety of the estates of
the Devereux family, including Chartley Castle. A zealous
royalist. Several times imprisoned. Married Katherine, dau.
of Humphrey Okeover, of Staffordshire. Died Nov. 6 (? 28),
1656, in the Tower of London, 'not without suspicion of
poison.' Buried at Staunton Harold, Leics. M.I. (According
to Smith's Obituary he died Nov. 28, 1656, of the small-pox.)
(Baker, i. 733; D.N.B.; G.E.C., i. 5; Nichols, m. 718*. )
SHIRLEY, THOMAS. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Queens', Michs.
1561. Probably s. and h. of Edward (?John), of Isfield,
Sussex. Of Isfield, Esq. Married Anne, dau. of Sir Nicholas
Pelham. Died Jan. 18, 1579. Buried at Isfield. M.l. To be
distinguished from Sir Thomas, M.P. of Wistow, Sussex,
Knt. and father of Count Robert (1612). (But according to
Stemmata Shirleiuna, 248, he is our man. The above identifica-
tion, however, appears more likely.) Probably brother of
John (1562) and father of George (1587). (Lewes, Horsfield,
n. 45; Vis. of Sussex.)
SHERLEY, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1611.
Scholar, 1614; B.A. 1615-6; M.A. 1619. Fellow, 1618-44;
ejected. Tutor, 1635-9.
SHIRLEY, WALSINGHAM. Matric. pens, from Trinity,
Easter, 1609; scholar from Westminster. Doubtless 6th s. of
Anthony, of Preston, Sussex (and Barbara, dau. of Sir
Thomas Walsingham, Knt., of Scanbury, Kent). Bapt,
July 28, 1589, at Preston. B.A. 1612-3; M.A. 1616. Fellow,
1614. R. of Stepney, Middlesex, 1618-28. V. of Hawnes,
Beds., 1624-37. Married Constance Grub, Feb. 5, 1623-4.
Buried at Hawnes, June 15, 1637. Will proved (Archd.
Bedford) July 6, 1637. (Stemmata Shirleiana.)
SHIRLEY, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Pembroke,
July 31, 1710. S. of William, of London, mercer (and
Elizabeth, dau. of John Godman, of Ote Hall, Wivelsfield,
Sussex). B. Dec. 2, 1694. School, Merchant Taylors'. B.A.
1714-5- Barrister. Emigrated to Boston, 1731. Captain-
General and Governor of Massachusetts, 1741-56. Directed
the capture of Louisburg, 1745. General and Commander-
in-Chief of the forces in North America, 1755. Governor of
the Bahamas, 1758-67. Lieut. -General, 1759. (Letters
edited by C. H. Lincoln, 1912.) Retired to Roxbury,
Massachusetts, 1770. Died there Mar. 24, 1771. Buried in
the King's Chapel, Boston. (Robinson, 11. 6; D.N.B.;
E. A. Jones.)
SHURLEY, . Pens, at Gonville Hall, 1531-2.
SHURLEY, . Adm. Fell.-Com. at Emmanuel, May 10, 1613.
SHERLEY, . Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, 1644-5.
SHIRLEY, . Adm. Fell.-Com. at Trinity Hall, Jan. 6,
1716-7 (name off, 1720). Perhaps the Hon. Robert, s. of
Sir Robert, Knt. and ist Earl Ferrers (by his 2nd wife Sclina,
dau. of George Finch, of London). B. May 27, 1700. M.P.
for Stamford, 1727-34. Lord of the manor of Eatington,
Warws. Died unmarried, July, 1738. (Baker, 1. 733; Collins,
IV. 99.)
Shirt, Matthew
SHIRT, MATTHEW. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's, May 7,
1659. S. of John, currier, of Cawthorae, Yorks. B. there.
School, Manchester. Matric. 1659; B.A. 1662-3. Ord. priest
(York) June, 1667. P.C. of Rastrick, Yorks., 1664. V. of
WooUey, 1668. V. of Garton, 1673-9. Probably V. of
Wetwang, in 1677.
SHIRT, NATHANIEL. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May 7. 1636.
Of Cawthome, Yorks. Possibly s. of John, steward to God-
frey Bosvile, Esq., of Gunthwaite Hall. B. c. 1620, at Caw-
thome. Matric. 1637; B.A. 1639-40; M.A. 1643. Minister
of Midhope episcopal chapel, in 1647. V. of Kirkburton,
Yorks., 1649-62. Married Sarah, dau. of Rev. Nicholas
Broadley, P.C. of Cawthome. Buried at Kirkburton, May 3,
1662. (H. J. Morehouse, Kirkburton.)
SHIRTE, RALPH. Matric. sizar from Clare, Easter, 1620;
B.A. 1622-3.
SHISTED, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, Mar. 12,
1705. Matric. 1705.
SHOARD, RICHARD. M.A. from Magdalene, 1663. Matric.
(Oriel CoUege, Oxford) July 25, 1655; B.A. (Oxford) 1659-
60. V. of ShephaU, Herts., 1665-79- R- of Stevenage,
1678-9. Died Nov. 17, 1679, aged 40. M.I. at Shephall.
Will, P.C.C.
Jesus, July 5, 1714. S. of John, deceased, V. of Ash, Kent.
Matric. 1714; B.A. 1717-8; M.A. 1721. V. of Northboume,
Kent, 1723-72. Died Feb. 8, 1772, aged yj. (Halted, iv.
SHOLDERTON, . Com. for M.A. or higher degree. Excused
from congregations, 1520.
SHOLSHAM, . Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1472.
SHOOSMITH, JAMES. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi,
Michs. 1641. Of Kent. B.A. 1644-5; M.A. 1648.
Adm. sizar (age 18) at Caius, Feb. 12, 1607-8. S. of Thomas,
deceased (of French extraction), of Norwich. School,
Norwich (MrBrigges). Matric. 1608; Scholar, 1608-13; B.A.
1611-2; M.A. 1615. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Feb. 18, 1615-6;
priest, Feb. 18, 1626-7. Schoolmaster in or near Stamford,
about 1628. Of St Martin's, Stamford Baron, Northants.
Will proved, 1665. {Venn, i. 197; H. I. Longden.)
SHORE, see also SHAW.
SHORE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Christ's, May 20, 1646.
S. of Christopher. B. at Hull. School, Laughton (Mr West).
Matric. 1646; B.A. 1649-50; M.A. 1653. Probably head
master of Hull School, 1650-64. Perhaps ord. priest (Lich-
field) Mar. i66i-2. Probably R. of Roos, near Hull, 1663-92.
Died 1692. Doubtless father of John (1674). (Petle,i. $oy.)
SHORE, JOHN. M.A. from Christ's, 1648. S. of John, of Snit-
terton, Derbs. B. c. i6i6. B.A. (Dublin) 1638. Licensed to
practise medicine, 1648. M.D. 1656. Probably knighted,
Jan. 16, 1667. Of Derby, physician. Married Dorothy, dau.
of John Harper, of Birdsall, Derbs. Died 1680. Will (P.C.C.)
1680. (F.M.G., 471; Vis. of Derbs., 1662; Davy.)
SHORE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, May 29, 1674.
S. of John (1646), clerk, of Hull, Yorks. B. there. School,
Laughton-en-le-Morthen. Matric. 1674; B.A. 1677-8; M.A.
1681. Perhaps R. of Shamford, Leics., 1687-94. (Nichols,
IV. 920.)
SHORE, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, Nov. i, 1692.
S. of John, clerk, R. of Hamsey, near Lewes, Sussex. School,
Westminster. Matric. 1693; B.A. 1696-7; M.A. 1700; M.D.
1706. Brother of the next.
SHORE, PHILIP. M.A. 1725 (Incorp. from Oxford). S. of John,
of Hamsey, Sussex, clerk. Matric. (Merton College, Oxford)
Mar. 21, 1693-4, age i5; B.A. (Oxford) 1697; M.A. 1701.
V. of Wartling, Sussex, 1705. V. of Woodmancote, 1711.
Brother of Jolm (above). {Al. Oxon.)
SHORE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Clare, c. 1596; B.A.
1 600-1.
SHORLEY, W. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs. 1583.
SHORT, ANTHONY. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse, Michs.
1602. 2nd s. of John, of Exeter; age 35 in 1620. B.A. from
Magdalene, 1605-6; M.A. 1609; D.D. from Peterhouse, 1623.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1609 and 1623. R. of Ashreigney, Devon,
1619-46. R. of Drewsteignton, 1625-46. Sequestered and
died before the Restoration. (Walker, Sujf.; Vis. of Devon,
1620; Burke, L.G.)
SHORT, GEORGE. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, Apr. 20,
1738. ist s. of George (and Penelope, dau. of Sir John
Short, William
Tyrwhitt, Bart., of Stainfield, Lines.). Of East Keal, Lines.
Matric. 1738. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, May 23, 1737. Died
young. (Burke, L.G., Supp.; F.M.G., 1190.)
SHORT, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Lent, 1610-1;
B.A. 1614-5. See Al. Oxon. for a contemporary namesake.
SHORT, HENRY. Matric. Fell.-Com. from King's, Lent, 1667-8;
M.A. 1669 (LU. Reg.).
SHORT, JAMES. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter, 1612.
Perhaps adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 18, 1616; of Staple Inn,
SHORT, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Easter, 1588
SHORT, PEREGRINE. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Pembroke,
July 7, 1619. S. of Thomas (? 1588-9), of Fomham St
Genevieve, Suffolk, medicus. Bapt. May 5, 1602. Matric.
1619; B.A. 1622-3; M.A. 1626. Will proved (Bury) Jan. 2,
1679-80. Brother of Thomas (1618).
SHORT, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Lent,
1618-9; B.A. 1621-2; M..\. 1625; M.D. 1632. Of Bury St
Edmunds, Suffolk. Buried at St James's, Bury St Edmimds,
May II, 1668. Father of the next.
SHORT, RICHARD. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Christ's, Feb. 24,
1658-9. S. of Richard (above), M.D. Bapt. Jan. 7, 1641,
at St James's, Bury St Edmunds. School, Bury (Mr Stephens).
Matric. 1659. Migrated to Pembroke, 1660. B.A. 1664-5.
Living, 1674, and paying hearth tax.
SHORT, RICHARD. Adm. sizar at Corpus Christi, 1683. Of
Devon. Matric. 1683; B.A. 1686-7. One of these names
V. of East Coker, Somerset, 1698-1713. Died 1713.
SHORT, ROBERT. Of Peterhouse. (But not found in our
records.) Presbyter of Devon. Donor to the College Chapel
Building Fund, 1632. (Blomefield, Collectanea, 185.)
SHORT, SAMUEL. Matric. pens, from St John's, c. 1594.
Perhaps 3rd s. of Peter, of Tenterden, Kent, Esq. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, Oct. 26, 1596. Married Catherine, dau. of Henry
Gibbon, of Benenden. [Vis. of Kent, 1619.)
SHORT, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May 14, 1631.
Of Kent. Probably s. of Samuel of Tenterden, Kent. Matric.
1631. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Aug. 3, 1633.
SHORT, SAMUEL. Adm. FeO.-Com. (age 16) at St John's,
Apr. 16, 1667. S. of Sir Edward, Knt., deceased, of Wad-
hurst, Sussex. B. in Kent. School, Wadhurst (private).
Matric. 1667; M.A. 1669 {Lit. Reg.).
SHORT, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Christ's, Oct. 1678.
3rd s. of John. B. at Cranbury (Canonbury), IsUngton,
Middlesex. School, Islington (Mr Singleton). Matric. 1679;
M.A. 1683 {Lit. Reg.). Adm. at the Inner Temple, Sept. 22,
1681. {Peile, II. 70.)
SHORT, THOMAS. B.A. from Pembroke, 1588-9; M.A. 1592.
Licensed to practise medicine, 1607. Probably of Fomham
St Genevieve, Suffolk. Probably father of Thomas (1618)
and Peregrine (1619).
SHORT, THOMAS. B.A. from Pembroke, 1604-5.
SHORT, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Pembroke, Aug. 28,
1618. S. of Thomas (? 1588-9), of Fomham St Genevieve,
Suffolk, med. Brother of Peregrine (1619).
SHORT, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Pembroke, June 7,
1634. S. of Thomas, medicus. B. at Bury St Edmunds,
Suffolk. Matric. 1634.
SHORT, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 14) at St John's, Feb. 25,
1649-50. S. of William (1624), clerk, of Euston, Suffolk.
School, Bury St Edmunds. Matric. 1650; B.A. 1653-4; M.D.
1668 {Lit. Reg.). F.R.C.P., 1675. Afterwards became a
Roman Catholic. Died Sept. 25 (? 28), 1685. Buried in
St James' Chapel, London. Will, P.C.C. Father of William
(1686). {D.N.B.; Munk, i. 377; G. Musgrave.)
SHORTE, THOMAS. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 17) at Sr John's,
June 2, 1651. 3rd s. of Peter, gent., of Tenterden, Kent.
Bapt. there, Mar. 17, 1632. School, Watlington, Sussex
(private). Matric. 165 1. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Feb. 9, 1652-3.
Living, 1688. (Burke, L.G., Supp.)
SHORT, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
1612; B.A.; M.A. 1627.
SHORT, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Pembroke, July 7,
1624. S. of Thomas. Bapt. Oct. 2, 1606, at Bury St Edmunds,
Suffolk. Matric. 1625; B.A. 1627-8; M.A. 1631. R. of
Euston, Suffolk, 1630-45, sequestered. Father of Thomas
SHORTE, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Mar. 26, 1633.
Of Middlesex. Matric. 1633; B.A. 1636-7; Scholar, 1637;
M.A. 1640. Fellow, 1639; ejected, 1644. Ord. deacon and
priest (Lincoln) Sept. 11, 1646. Died before 1660. (A. Gray.)
Short, Willtam
SHORT, WILLIAM. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 14) at Caius, Apr. 28,
1686. S. of Thomas (1649-50), F.R.C.P. B. in London.
Schools, in Norfolk, Douay and Paris. (Venn, i. 481.)
SHORT, . B.Can.L. 1476-7-
SHORT, -. Adm. pens, at St Cath.^rine's, 1673-
SHORTER, JOHN. Adm. Fe!l.-Com. at Clare, July 2, 1703-
Doubtless s. and h. of John, of London (and Elizabeth,
dau. of Sir Erasmus Philips, Bart.), and grandson of Sir
John, Knt. and Sheriff of London, 1675. B. in London.
Matric. 1703. Living, 1718. (Le Neve, Knights, 302; N. and
Q., 6th S., X. 72.)
SHORTHOSE, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, May 25,
1650. S. of Robert, yeoman, of Willington, Derbs., deceased.
B. there, 1633. School, Repton. Matric. 1650. Migrated to
St Catharine's, 1651. One of these names R. of Edlington,
Yorks., 1667-70. Died July 26, 1670, 'aged 40.'
SHORTHOSSE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, May
27, 1678. S. of John, clerk, deceased. B. at Bottesford,
Leics. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1678; B.A. 1682. One of
these names V. of Stanton St Bernard, Wilts. Preb. of
Salisbury, 1712-21. Died Jan. 18, 1721-2. (Genealogist,
N.S.,i.x. 35.)
SHORTHOWSE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Pembroke,
Michs. 1583; B.A. from Trinity Hall, 1583-4- R- of St
Michael's, Stamford, 1588-1612.
SHORTING, MATTHEW. Adm. sizar at Jesus, June 27, 1661.
Of Suffolk. Matric. 1661; B.A. 1664-5; M.A. 1669; D.D.
from King's, 1696. Conduct of King's, 1672-93. Signed
for deacon's orders (London) Sept. 18, 1669. Ord. priest
(Ely) Sept. 24, 1670. C. of Grantchester, CambSj, i6fi;
V. 1678-1707. Head Master of Merchant Taylors' School,
Sept. 25, 1691-1707. Died Apr. 1707. Buried in St Mary
Abchurch, London. Will, P.C.C. Benefactor (£400) to
King's College. (Robinson, i. xv.)
SHORTING, NATHANIEL. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Caius,
Apr. 14, 1723. S. of Thomas, Collector of Customs, of Cley-
next-the-Sea, Norfolk (and Anne, widow of John Shovel, of
Cockthorpe, and half-sister of Sir Cloudesly Shovel). B.
Jan. 17, 1704-5, at Morston, Norfolk. Schools, Blakeney
(Mr Smithson) and Walsingham (Mr Harding). Matric.
1724; Scholar, 1724-9; B.A. 1726-7; M.A. 1732. Ord.
deacon (Norwich) July 2, 1727; C. of Blakeney. R. of
Brinton, Norfolk, 1729-58. R. of Thomage, 1734-58. Died
Apr. 28, 1758. M.I. at Thomage. Brother of the next.
(Venn, n. 18; Misc. Gen. et Her., 5th S., n. 299.)
SHORTING, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Caius, Apr. 10,
1713. S. of Thomas, of Morston, Norfolk, gent. B. there.
May 16, 1695. School, Walsingham (Mr Harding). Scholar,
1713-8; Matric. 1714; B.A. 1716-7. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
July 13, 1718; 'C. of Cley.' Buried at Morston, Aug. 11,
1718. M.I. Brother of Nathaniel (above). (Venn, 1. 529.)
SHORTLAND, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Mar. 13,
1664-5. Of Essex. Matric. 1665.
SHORTLAND, RICHARD. Adm. pens, at Christ's, June 13,
1623. S. of Thomas. B. at Coggeshall, Essex. School,
Colne (Mr Cosin). Matric. 1623. Buried at Coggeshall,
Dec. 13, 1667. Father of Thomas (1689-90). (Beaumont,
Coggeshall, 227.)
SHORTLAND, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney,
Feb. 11, 1649-50. S. of Richard, wooUendraper. B. at
Colchester. Schools, Colchester and Felsted. Matric. 1650.
SHORTLAND, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Christ's,
Mar. 22, 1689-90. S. of Richard (1623). B. at Coggeshall,
Essex. School, Felsted. Matric. 1690; Scholar, 1690; B.A.
1693-4. P.C. of Havering, Essex, 1717-20.
SHORTON or SHIRTON, ROBERT. Of Jesus. B.A. 1500-1;
M.A. 1503; B.D. 1508-9; D.D. 1511-2. Fellow of Pembroke,
1505; Preacher, 1507. First Master of St John's, 1511-6.
Master of Pembroke, 1518-34. Incorp. at Oxford, 1525.
R. of Kettering, Northants., 1515-29. Preb. of York,
1517-25- R- oi St Nicholas, London, 1517-23. R. of Sedg-
field, Durham, 1518. R. of Stackpole, Pembroke, 1522.
Preb. of Lincoln, 1523. Canonof Windsor, 1527-35. Almoner
to Queen Catherine of Aragon, and supported her cause
in convocation. Master of Stoke-by-Clare College, Suffolk,
1529. Archdeacon of Bath. 1534-5. Died Oct. 17, 1535-
Buried at Stoke-by-Clare. Will, P.C.C. Benefactor to several
CoUeges. (Cooper, i. ^y, D.N. B.)
SHORTRUDGE, HUGH. M.A. from Trinity, 1675. S. of Hugh,
R. of Ashreigney, Devon. Matric. (Exeter College, Oxford)
Mar. 12, 1668-9, age 17; B.A. (Oxford) 1672; B.D. and D.D.
(Oxford) 1702. R. of Fetcham, Surrey, 1685. Died Mar. 28,
1720. Benefactor to Exeter College, Oxford. (Al.Oxon.)
SHORY or SHOREY, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St
John's, May 9, 1706. S. of John, pewterer. B. in London.
School, London (private). Matric. 1706; B.A. 1709-10; M.A.
Shouldham, Francis
1714. Ord. deacon (London) May 23, 1714; priest, June 16,
1717- R. of Layham, Suffolk, 1729-54. R. of Hadleigh.
Lecturer of St Lawrence Jewry with St Mary Magdalen, Milk
Street, London, till 1754. Died 1754, at Chelsea. Will, P.C.C.
SHOTBOLT or SHADBOLT, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Pem-
broke, Easter, 1573. Doubtless s. of Thomas, of Yardley,
Herts, (and Mary, dau. of Sir John Boteler). Probably adm.
at Lincoln's Inn, Apr. 12, 1579, Sholtbolte; of Fumival's
Inn. Of Yardley. Married Jane, dau. of John Tony, Esq.
Brother of Thomas (1573) and probably father of Tony,
Philip (1602) and Ralph (1602). (Chauncy, Herts., i. 123.)
SHOTBOLT, JOHN. Adm. at King's (age 16) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 23, 1605. Of Chalkestone (orChalverstone), Beds.
Matric. 1606; B.A. 1609-10; M.A. 1613. Fellow, 1608-15.
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June 4; priest, June 5, 1615. Died
in College, 1615. Admon. in King's. (Harwood.)
SHOTBOLT or SHADBOLT, PHILIP. Matric. pens, from King's,
Easter, 1602. Probably 2nd s. of John (1573). of Yardley,
Herts. Married Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Marsh, of Middle-
sex. Brother of the next and of Tony; father of Thomas
SHOTBOLT or SHADBOLT, RALPH. Matric. pens, from King's,
Easter, 1602. Probably 4th s. of John (i573)- Died s.p.
Brother of Philip (above) and of Tony.
SHOTBOLT or SHADBOLT, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from
Pembroke, Easter, 1573. Doubtless 2nd s. of Thomas, of
Yardley, Herts. Married Susan, dau. of Nicasius Yetesworth,
Esq. Brother of John (1573)- (Chauncy, Herts., i. 123.)
SHOTBOLT, THOMAS. Matric. pens, (age 20) from Pembroke,
Easter, 1632. S. of Philip (1602). B. at Yardley, Herts.
B.A. 1640-1. Ord. priest (Peterb.) Dec. 18, 1641. (Chauncy,
Herts., 1. 123.)
SHOTBOLT, TONY. Of King's CoUege. S. and h. of John
(? 1573). of Yardley, Herts. Buried in King's College, Oct. 15,
1598. Brother of Philip (1602) and Ralph (1602). (Chauncy,
Herts., I. 123; Vis. of Herts.)
SHOTTER, ROGER. Adm. pens, (age 19) at Christ's, Nov. i,
1708. B. in Surrey. School, Eton.
SHOTTESHAM, JOHN DE. Southern student who received a
royal pardon in 1261 for taking part in a riot against the
northern students. (Fuller, 29.)
SHOTTISHAM, ROBERT. Scholar of Corpus Christi, 1457;
B.D. 1475-6. Fellow, 1462. Licensed, by the Bishop of
Ely, 'to preach the word of God, both to the clergy
and to the people in the diocese of Ely, July 17, 1469.'
SHOTOVER, . Dr (Div. or Can.L.) 1462-3. Canonicus.
SHOTTON, ROBERT. B.A. 1484-5; M.A. 1488. Fellow of
Queens', 1492-3.
SHOTTON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Christ's, Nov.
22, 1623. S. of Thomas, husbandman. B. at 'Crapson'
(?Cropston in Thurcaston), Leics. School, Sileby (Mr
Partridge). Matric. 1623. B.A. 1627-8; M.A. 1632. Ord.
deacon (Peterb.) May 31; priest, Dec. 20, 1629.
SHOTWELL, DANIEL. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, July, 1668.
Of Staffordshire. Matric. 1669; B.A. 1671-2; M.A. 1682.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1682. V. of North Cave, Yorks., 1681.
V. of Seighford, Staffs., 1694.
SHOULDHAM, CHARLES. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Oct.
13. 1595- S. of Thomas, gent. B. at Shouldham, Norfolk.
Schools, Dunham (Mr Grenwood) and Lynn (Mr Roberts).
Married, at Mileham, to Elizabeth Lewis, 1609. Brother of
Thomas (1590).
SHULDHAM, EDWARD. B.Civ.L. 1465-6; D.Civ.L. 1467-8.
B. in Norfolk. Master of Trinity Hall, 1502-3. Ord.
deacon (Lincoln) May 22, 1472; priest (Ely) Apr. 17, 1473;
'Fellow of Trinity Hall.' R. of Theriield, Herts., 1485-1503.
Canon of Lincoln, 1488-90. Died 1503. Buried at Theriield.
WiU proved (P.C.C). (Clutterbuck, iii. 587.)
SHOULDHAM, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, (age 13) at Caius, c.
June, 1589. S. of William, gent., of Shouldham Hal), Norfolk.
Matric. 1589. Probably scholar of Trinity Hall, 1592. \Am.
at Lincoln's Inn, June 29, 1595- Of Kettlestone, Esq.
Married Mary, dau. of Robert Tavemer, Lord Kettlestone.
Died Apr. 4, 1655, aged 84 (sic). Buried at Kettlestone.
Will, Archd. C. Norwich. Father of Nathaniel (1641) and
Lemuel (1642). (tVnn, i. 136; Btowf^W, vii. 114-)
SCHOULDHAM, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius,
July 16, 1673; re-adm. sizar Mar. 29, 1676. S. of Nathaniel
(1641), Esq., deceased, late of Kettlestone, Norfolk. B. at
Croxton. Schools, Walsingham (Mr Pitts) and Seaming
(Mr Burton). Matric. 1676; Scholar, 1676-81; LL.B. 1681.
Fellow, 1682-3. Died in College. Buried at St Michael's,
June 9, 1683. Brother of Robert (1670). (Venn, i. 449.)
Shouldham, Francis
SCHULDHAM, FRANCIS. Adm. sizar (age i6) at Caius, Mar. 6,
1682-3. S. of Lemuel (1642), of Walsingham, Norfolk.
Bapt. there, May 3, i657- Schools, Walsingham and Holt.
Matric. 1683; Scholar, 1683-7; B.A. 1686-7. Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) May 22, 1687; priest (Norwich) May 21, 1692;
'C. of Horsham St Faith, Norfolk.' V. of Kildrumferton
(Kilmore diocese), 1701-30. Married and had issue. Twin-
brother of Lemuel (1682-3). {Venn, I. 472; H. B. Swanzy.)
SCHULDHAM, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, at Caius, June 4, 1713-
S. of Robert (1670), M.D., of Kettlestone, Norfolk. B. at
Fakenham. School, Holt (Mr Reynolds). Matric. 1713;
Scholar, 1713-9; M.B. 1719; M.D. 1725- Fellow, 1720-76.
Practised at Walsingham. Donor of the 'Schuldam plate
prize. Died unmarried, Feb. 15, 1776. M.I. at Kettlestone.
WiU, P.C.C. {Venn, 1. 530; Burke, L.G.)
SCHULDHAM, JOHN. B.A. 1486-7; M.A. 1490.
SHULDHAM, LEMUEL. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Caius, Sept. 14,
1642. S. of Francis (15S9), gent., of Croxton, Norfolk. Bapt.
Apr. 4, 1627, at Hingham. School, Lynn (Mr BeU). Matric.
1642; Scholar, 1643-50; B.A. 1646-7; M.A. 1650. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, Feb. 2, 1651-2. Steward of the College manor
of Bumham, 1673. Of Walsingham, Esq. Married Eleanor,
dau. of Francis Jermy, of Gunton, Sept. 20, 1664. Died
before Feb. 4, 1688. Brother of Nathaniel (1641) and father
of the next and Francis (1682-3). (K^nn, i. 347; Burke, L.G.)
SCHULDHAM, LEMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, Mar. 6,
1682-3. S. of Lemuel (above), of Walsingham, Norfolk.
B. there. (His parentage is wrongly given in Cotton's
Fasti, V. :66; other authorities have made a similar mistake.)
Schools, Walsingham and Holt. Matric. 1683; Scholar,
1683-7; B.A. 1686-7; M.A. 1690. Ord. deacon (Lincoln)
May 22, 1687; priest (Norwich) Sept. 25, 1692. C. of Offord
D'Arcy, Hunts., 1687. Preb. of Blackrath, Ossory, Ireland,
1699-1719. Married Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel Molyneux,
of Ballymulvey, Co. Longford, and widow of Bryan KeUy,
of Ballyforan,"Co. Roscommon, Sept. 24, 1712. Died Feb.
1719. His son Molyneux was created Baron Schuldham,
1776. Twin brother of Francis (1682-3). {Venn, i. 472;
H. B. Swanzy.)
SHULDHAM, NATHANIEL. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius,
June 29, 1641. S. and h. of Francis (1589). gent., of Croxton,
Norfolk. B. at Hingham. School, Ljmn (Mr Bell). Matric.
1641; Scholar, 1641-5; B.A. 1644-5. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn,
June 19, 1645. Called to the Bar, 1652. Of Kettlestone,
Norfolk, Esq. Married (1) Catherine, dau. of John Thruston
(? Thurston), Esq., of Hoxne, Suffolk; (2) Dorothy, dau. of
Robert Kedington, Esq., of Hockham, Norfolk. Died Nov.
25, 1671. Buried at Kettlestone. Will, Norwich C. C.
Brother of Lemuel (1642), father of the next and of Francis
(1673). {Venn, 1. 344; Burke, L.G.)
SHOULDHAM, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Caius, May 10, 1670.
S. and h. of Nathaniel (above), of Kettlestone, Norfolk, Esq.
B. at Croxton, 1653. Schools, Holt (Mr Mazey) and Lynn
(Mr Bell). Matric. 1670; Scholar, 1670-4; LL.B. 1675; M.D.
1681. FeUow, 1676-9. Married Rebecca, dau. of Henry
Brady, of Norwich, Died June 26, 1705. Buried at Kettle-
stone. M.I. Will proved (Norwich C. C.) Nov. 13, 1705.
Brother of Francis (1673) and father of Francis (1713)-
{Venn, 1. 441.)
SCHULDHAM, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Dec. 30,
1590. S. of Thomas, gent. B. at Shouldham, Norfolk.
School, Dunham, near Swaffham (Mr Grenwood). Scholar,
1590-7; Matric. c. 1591; B.A. 1594-5- Brother of Charles
SCHULDHAM, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius,
June 24, 1706. S. of John, attorney, of Beccles, Suffolk.
Bapt. there, Aug. 22, 1689. School, Beccles (Mr Leeds).
Scholar, 1706-11; B.A. 1709-10; M.A. 1713. Fellow, 1711-2.
Ord. deacon (Winchester) Dec. 30, 1711; priest (Norwich)
June 11, 1714. R. of EUough and Willingham, Suffolk, 1714-
36. Will proved (Ipswich) 1737; of EUough. {Venn, i. 515;
Burke, L.G.)
SHULDHAM, . B.Civ.L. 1500-1. One, Robert Shuldham,
Benedictine, B.D. (Oxford) 1510; Supp. D.D. June 28, 1515.
Became Lord Abbot of St Saviour's or St Mary Overy,
Southwark, Surrey. {Al. Oxon.)
SHOVE, BENJAMIN. B.A. from King's, 1633-4; M.A. 1637.
R. of Gatton, Surrey, c. 1648-66. Buried there May 16, 1666.
{Manning and Bray, 11. 238.)
SHOVE, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from King's, Easter, 1622;
B.A. 1625-6; M.A. 1629.
SHOVE, HENRY. Adm. sizar at Jesus, May 15, 1713. S. of
Edward, of Gatton, Surrey. Matric. 1713; B.A. 1716-7;
Scholar, 1717; M.A. 1720. V. of Rainham, Kent, 1723-71.
R. of St Margaret's, Canterbury, 1727-37. V. of Doddington,
Shropham, John
Kent, 1737-71. V. of St Mary Bredin, Canterbury, i737-
R. of Sutton, Dover, 1766-71. V. of Linsted, 1766-7. R- of
Little Mongeham, 1767-71- Died Dec. 8, 1771- Will (P.C.C.)
SHOWELL, JOHN. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1726.
S. of John, shipwright. Bapt. at Rotherhithe, Surrey,
Sept. 19, 1707. Matric. 1726; B.A. 1730-1; M.A. i734-
Fellow, 1729. Vice-Provost in 1737. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
June, 1740; priest. May, 1744. Had an estate in Hampshire.
Died in College, June 14, 1748. {Harwood.)
SHOWTE, WILLIAM. Scholar at King's Hall. Left, May 12,
SHRAWLEY, JAMES. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Mar. 20, i7i7-8.
S. of John, of Kelham, Notts. Scholar, 1720; B.A. 1721-2.
SHRAWLEY, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, May 5.
1666. S. of John, clerk, of Kirtling, Cambs. B. there. School,
Canterbury. Matric. 1667; B.A. 1669-70; M.A. 1673-
Incorp. at Oxford, 1673. Signed for deacon's orders (London)
Sept. 20, 1673.
SHREDE, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter,
1584. Of Norfolk.
SCHREVE, EDMUND. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1571-
SHREVE, JOHN. Student at Cambridge; supp. for B.Can.L.
(Oxford) 1532. Perhaps R. of Framingham Earl and Pigot,
Norfolk, 1541. {Al. Oxon.)
SHREVE, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Queens', Michs. 1625.
Of Norfolk. B.A. 1628-9; M.A. 1632.
SHROWSBURY, RICHARD DE. Scholar at King's Hall,
SHREWSBURY, Abbot of. D.D. 1460-1. Thomas Mynde was
elected abbot, Jan. 8, 1460. Died 1497- He succeeded
Thomas Ludlow, D.D., who died Dec. 8, 1459; m 1448, he
and his convent conveyed lands in Cambridgeshire to
Henry VI as part of the endowment of King's College.
(H. E. Forrest, Churches of Shrewsbury, 12.)
SHRIGLEY, ALBION. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, Mar.
24,1663-4. S. of Thomas, of Macclesfield, Cheshire. B. there.
School, Macclesfield. Matric. 1664. V. of Shackerstone,
Leics., 1680. Buried there May 11, 1713- Father of the
next. {Nichols, iv. 913.)
SHRIGLEY, ALBION. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Pembroke,
Jan. 9, 1706-7. S. of Albion (above), V. of Shackerstone,
Leics. B. there. Matric. 1707; B.A. 1711-2. Under master
at Market Bosworth School. P.C. of Carlton Chapel. WiU
(Leicester) 1729.
SHRIGLEY, JAMES. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Magdalene,
May 17, 1679. S. of William, gent., deceased. B. at Ard-
wick. Lanes. School, Manchester. Matric. 1679- Brother of
John (1679).
SHRIGLEY, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Apr. 12, 1600.
B. at Bollington, near Macclesfield, Cheshire. B.A. 1603-4;
M.A. 1607. Ord. deacon (London) Sept. 25, 1609, age 27.
C. of St Martin's, Colchester. C. of Stock, Essex, 1621-5.
V. of Margaretting, 1635-41.
SHRIGLEY, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Magdalene, May 17,
1679. S. of William, gent., deceased. B. at Ardwick, Lanes.
School, Manchester. Matric. 1679; B.A. 1682-3. Brother of
James (1679).
SHRIGLEY, JOHN. Matric. Easter, i745; M.A. from St Catha-
rine's, 1745. S. of William, of Manchester. B. there, Oct. 24,
1710. CoUegerat Eton, 1721-30. Matric. (Brasenose College,
Oxford) Dec. 17, 1730; B.A. (Oxford) i734- R- of Bromfield,
Essex, 1738-45. R. of Chicknal, i745-6i. R- of Mashbury,
1745-61. Perhaps R. of Alderley, Cheshire, 1753-62 {sic).
Died 1761. Brother of William (1741). {Al. Oxon.; Morant,
II. 81, 460.)
SHRIGLEY, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from King's, Easter, 1695;
B.A. 1697-8. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) June 19, 1698.
SHRIGLEY, WILLIAM. M.A. from St John's, 1741- S. of
William, of Manchester. Matric. (Brasenose College. Oxford)
Feb. 6, 1720-1, age 20; B.A. (Oxford) 1724- Brother of
John (1745)- {Al. Oxon.)
SHRIMPTON, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
SHRIMPTON, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter,
1577; B.A. 1580-1.
SHROPHAM, JOHN. Warden of King's Hall, 1361-3. Pre-
viously a scholar. M.A. Petitioned the Pope, 1363, for a
benefice. Perhaps R. of RawTeth, Essex, 1392. Died 1393.
{Cal. Pap. Pet., i. 405.)
Shrubsall, Charles
SHRUBSALL, CHARLES. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Nov. 4,
1633. Of Kent. Doubtless s. and h. of Richard, of Canter-
bury (died 1634). Age 2 in 1619. Matric. 1633. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, Nov. 13, 1635. (Vis. of Kent; Hasted, iv. 435.)
SHRUBSOLE, HENRY. Adm. pens, at Jesus, July 5. i7ii-
S. of Kenn, of Canterbury, Kent. B. at Ashford. Matric.
1711. Migrated as scholar to Trinity Hall, Jan. 14, 1713-4.
LL.B. 1717. Proctor in the Commons. Died Feb. 21, 1733.
(A. Gray; G. Mag.)
SHRYNE, . Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1568.
from King's, Michs. 1587. Perhaps s. of John, of Naseby,
Northants. If so. High Sheriff of Northants., 1625. Died
Apr. 25, 1658, aged 86. Buried at Naseby. M.I. Perhaps
father of the next. {Misc. Gen. et Her., 2nd. S., iii. 319;
Bridges, 1. 578.)
SHUCKBURGH, EUSEBIUS. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Christ's,
July, 1614. Doubtless s. and h. of Edward (? above). High
Sheriff of Northants. Adm. at the Middle Temple, June 17,
i6i6. Of Naseby, Northants. Married and had issue.
(Peile, I. 296; Bridges, i. 577-8.)
SHUKBURGH, GEORGE. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Peterhouse,
June 26, 1695. Of London. School, Tonbridge. Matric.
1695; Scholar, 1695. Migrated to Trinity. B.A. 1698-9;
M.A. from Peterhouse, 1702. Ord. deacon (London) Mar. 6,
1700-1. R. of Caston, Norfolk, 1720-33. V. of East Winch,
1722-33. Died 1733.
SHUCKBOROWE, JOHN. Matric. FeU.-Com. from St John's,
Easter, 1606. S. and h. of John, of Shuckburgh, Warws.
Died Oct. 16, 1625, aged 37. Buried at Napton. (Misc.
Gen. et Her., 2nd S., iii. 353; Baker, i. 372.)
SHUKBURGH, JOHN (RICHARD). Adm. Fell. -Com. (age 18)
at St John's, Apr. 14, 1712. S. of John, Esq., of Bourton,
Warws. School, Warwick (Mr Greenway). Matric. 1712, as
Richard. Adm. at the Middle Temple, Oct. 17, 1712, as
Richard. Lieut. -Colonel of the 3rd Regiment of Horse. Of
Bourton, Esq. Died May 14, 1762, aged 67. M.I. at Bourton.
(Misc. Gen. et Her., 2nd S., iii. 353.)
SHUCKBURGH, . B.Can.L. 1488-9. Perhaps John, of
Queens'; will proved (V.C.C.) 1502.
SHUGBOROWTH or SOKBORU, . Scholar of King's Hall,
until 1498; afterwards pens. Died 1504. Left 26s. M. to King's
Hall. (Trin. Coll. Admissions, i. 126.)
SHUCKBORROW, (junior). Adm. at King's, Michs.
SHUCKFORD or SHUCKFORTH, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16)
at Caius, Oct. 3, 1568. S. of William, of Harling, Norfolk.
School, Walden, Essex. Matric. 1568.
SHUCKFORD, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Caius, July 8,
1712. S. of Samuel, gent., of Palgrave, Suffolk. B. at
Norwich. Schools, Norwich and Botesdale. Scholar, 171 2-9;
Matric. 1713; B.A. 1716-7; M.A. 1720; D.D. (Lambeth).
Ord. deacon (London) June 16, 1717; priest (Norwich) Oct.
28, 1718. V. of Seething and Mundham, Norfolk, until 1746.
R. of Hardwick, 1718-46; of Shelton, 1722-46. Chaplain
to the King, 1732-54. R. of All Hallows, Lombard Street,
1747-54. Canon of Canterbury, 1738-54. Author, Sacred
and Profane History of the World. Died July 14, 1754. Buried
in Canterbury Cathedral. Will, P.C.C. (Venn, i. 527;
SHUCKFORD, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Caius, Apr. 28,
1749. S. of William, glass worker, of London. B. Oct. 18,
1730, at Yarmouth. Schools, Norwich (Mr Bullimer) and
Merchant Taylors'. Scholar, 1749-53; Matric. 1750; B.A.
1753; M.A. 1789. Ord. deacon (Ely, Litt. dim. from
Chichester) Mar. 18; priest (Chichester) Dec. 21, 1753. V. of
Wamham, Sussex, 1753. V. of Eartham, 1788. Chaplain to
the Earl of Gainsborough. Died Dec. 5, 1799 (sic). Buried
at Wamham. WiU (P.C.C.) Jan. 1798. (Venn, 11. 62.)
SHUCKFORD, WILLIAM. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1653. Of
SHUTE or SHUTTE, CHRISTOPHER. Matric. pens, from
Pembroke, Michs. 1561. Doubtless s. of Christopher, of
Oakington, Cambs. B.A. 1564-5; M.A. 1568; B.D. 1580.
V. of Giggleswick, 1576-1626. Head Master of Giggleswick
School, 1615-9. Author, religious. Died at Giggleswick,
1626. Doubtless brother of Robert (1542), father of
Nathaniel (1603-4), Josias (1602), Thomas (1605) and
Timothy (1609). (D.N.B.; Cooper, 11. 285; Giggleswick
School; Peile, 1. 32.)
SHUTE, CHRISTOPHER. Matric. pens, from Peterhouse,
Easter, 1582. One of these names of Gargrave, Yorks., in
Shute, Robert
SHUTE, CHRISTOPHER. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 17) at Caius,
May 4, 1584. 2nds.of Robert (1542), Recorder of Cambridge.
Bapt. Feb. 7, 1565-6, at Oakington, Cambs. School,
Oakington (Mr Longworth). Married, in 1588, Joan Hatton,
of Long Stanton. Buried Nov. 27, 1611, at Oakington.
(Venn, 1. 120; Cambs. Vis.)
SHUTE, CHRISTOPHER. Adm. pens, (age i6) at Christ's,
Apr. 2, 1627. S. of Nathaniel (1603-4). B. at Sandon, Herts.
School, London. Matric. 1627; B.A. 1630-1; M.A. 1634;
B.D. 1642; D.D. 1661 (Lit. Reg.). Fellow, 1631. Proctor,
1640-1. R. of Navenby, Lines., 1642-56. R. of Watton,
Herts., 1656-71. Preb. of St Paul's, 1660-3. R. of St Vedast,
London, 1661-3. President of Sion College, 1663. Preb. of
Rochester, 1664-71. Archdeacon of St Albans, 1664-71.
Died Apr. 24, 1671. Will (P.C.C.) 1673. Father of Nathaniel
(1665). (Peile, I. 381.)
SHUTTE, HENRY. Matric. sizar from Pembroke, Easter, 1586;
B.A. from St Catharine's, 1588-9, Shute.
SHUTE, HENRY. M.A. from Pembroke, 1682. S. of John, of
Kilmersdon, Somerset, clerk. Matric. (Wadham College,
Oxford) Dec. 4, 1674, age 19; B.A. (Oxford) 1678. Chaplain
to Edward, Earl of Oxford. V. of Finborough, and of Stow-
market, Suffolk, 1685-9. C. of St Andrew, Holbom, London.
Died Nov. 3, 1722. Will dated, Sept. 21, 1719; proved
(P.C.C.) 1723; mentions a charity school set up by him at
Kilmersdon. (A I. Oxon.)
SHUTE, HENRY. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, July i, 1731. Of
Somerset. Matric. 1731; B.A. 1734-5; M.A. 1738. Ord.
priest (Lincoln, Litt. dim. from Peterb.) Mar. 6, 1736-7.
Perhaps R. of Brancaster, Norfolk, 1751. One of these
names of Stapleton, Gloucs., clerk; will (P.C.C.) 1785.
SHUTE, JAMES. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, July 5,
1676. S. of James, deceased. B. at Wisbech, Cambs. School,
Wisbech. Matric. 1676; B.A. 1679-80; M.A. 1683.
SHUTE, JOSEPH. B.A. from St John's, 161 1-2. R. of Meavy,
Devon, c. 1614-74. Suffered during the rebellion ; imprisoned
at Plymouth, etc. Father of Walter (1641). (Walker,
SHUTE, JOSIAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1602.
S. of Christopher (1561), V. of Giggleswick. B. in Craven,
Yorks., 1588. School, Giggleswick. B.A. 1605-6; M.A. 1609.
Ord. deacon (London) Mar. 4, 1609-10, age 24; priest, June 3,
1610. C. of St Michael Queme, London. R. of St Mary
Woolnoth, 1611-43, ejected. Chaplain to the East India
Company, 1632. Archdeaconof Colchester, 1642-3. A skilled
Hebrew scholar. .Author, sermons. Buried at St Mary
Woolnoth, June 14, 1643. WiU proved (Cons. C. London)
Aug. 1, 1643. Brother of the next, of Timothy (1609) and
Thomas (1605). (D.N.B.; H. G. Harrison.)
SHUTE, NATHANIEL. B.A. from Christ's, 1603-4. S. of
Christopher (1561). M.A. 1607. R. of St Margaret Moses,
London, 1614-8. R. of St Mildred Poultry, 1618-38. A
famous preacher; Fuller caUs him another Chrysostom.
Buried Aug. 11, 1638, at St Mildred Poultry. Admon.,
Sept. 24, 1638, to his son Christopher (1627). Brother of
Josias (above), etc. (Peile, i. 235.)
SHUTE, NATHANIEL. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's, Mar.
28, 1665. S. of Christopher (1627). B. at Navenby, Lines.
School, St Paul's. Matric. 1665; B.A. 1668-9; M.A. from
Queens', 1672; B.D. i68o. Fellow of Queens', 1671-81.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1680. Ord. deacon (Ely) Sept. 24, 1671;
priest (Peterb.) Dec. 22, 1672. V. of Honingham, Norfolk,
1673-80. R. of St Botolph, Cambridge, 1677-81. R. of Gt
ChevereU, Wilts., 1680. Canon of Salisbury, 1704-12. Died
before June, 1712. WiU (P.C.C.) 1712. (Peile, i. 615.)
SHUTE, RALPH. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter, 1576;
B.A. 1579-80. R. of St Michael, Nottingham, 1585-8.
SHUTE, RICHARD. B.A. 1653-4 (Incorp. from Oxford). B. at
Wolverton, Somerset. M.A. 1658; D.D. 1661. Matric. (St
John's CoUege, Oxford) Feb. 27, 1650-1; B.A. (O.xford)
1653-4. Ord. priest (Caius) June 12, 1668; C. of Huntmgfield,
Suffolk. R. of St Peter and St Mary, Stowmarket, 1674-86.
Died Feb. 1686, aged 54. (Venn, i. 403; Al. Oxon.)
SHUTE, ROBERT. Probably adm. at Peterhouse, 1542 or
1544. S. of Christopher, of Oakington, Cambs. B. at Gar-
grave, Yorks. (sic). Adm. at Gray's Inn, 1550. Barrister,
1552. Reader, 1568. Treasurer, 1576. Serjeant-at-law, 1577-
Recorder of Cambridge, 1558-90. M. P. for Cambridge, 1571,
1572-9. Baron of the Exchequer, 1579-86. Judge, Q.B.,
1586-go. Married Thora;fsine, dau. of Christopher BurgojTie,
of Long Stanton, Cambs. Lived at Oakington, Cambs. Died
Apr. 1590. Will, P.C.C. Doubtless brother of Christopher
(1561), father of Robert (1598) and Christopher (1584).
(Cooper, II. 92; D.N.B.; Peile, i. 31.)
SHUTE, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Pembroke, Easter, 1575.
Perhaps s. of Thomas, of Yorkshire. Bapt. at Gargrave,
July 24, 1559. B.A. from Christ's, 1579-80.
Shute, Robert
SHUTE, ROBERT. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Queens', Oct. 23, 1588.
Of Cambridgeshire. B.A. 1592-3; M.A. 1596. Perhaps of
King's Lynn, Norfolk, clerk; admon. (P.C.C.) May 2, 1621.
Probably brother of Thomas {1588).
SHUTE, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Christ's, 1598-9. 4th s.
of Robert (1542), Justice of the Queen's Bench. B.A. 1601-2;
M.A. 1605. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 21, 1600. Clerk of the
Court of C.P., 1616. M.P. for St Albans, 1620-1. Recorder
of London, 1621 (Jan.-Feb.). Died Feb. 10, 1620-1. Brother
of Christopher (1584). (D.N.B.; Peile, 1. 229.)
SHUTE, SAMUEL. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Christ's, Dec. 12, 1683.
S. of Benjamin, of Comhill, London. B. 1662. Adm. at the
Middle Temple, Nov. 23, 1683. Joined the army; became
Lieut. -Colonel; served under Marlborough. Governor of
Massachusetts, 1716-27. His administrative responsibilities
brought him into conflict with the Assembly. Returned to
England in 1723 to consult the advisers of the Crown.
Pensioned on the death of George I in 1727. Died Mar. 15,
1742. (D.N.B.; Peile, n.gi.)
SHUTE, THOMAS. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Queens', Easter,
1588. Of Cambridgeshire. Possibly s. of Robert, of Oaking-
ton, Cambs. (It seems more likely that this man and
Robert (1588) were nephews of Robert.) {Cambs. Vis.)
SHUTE or SHOOTE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity,
Easter, 1605. 4th s. of Christopher (1561). B.A. from
Peterhouse, 1608-9; M.A. 1612. Ord. deacon and priest
(Chester) Feb. 17, 1610-1. Domestic chaplain to the Bishop
of Chester; preached his funeral sermon in 1615- Still in
Chester in i6i8 as a preacher of the word of God. Brother
of Josias (1602), etc. (E. Axon.)
SHUTE, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Christ's, July 4,
1641. S. of Timothy (1609), Preb. of E.xeter. B. at Exeter.
School, Ottery (Mr Bame). Matric. 1641; B.A. 1644-5. Ord.
deacon and priest (Lincohi) July 18, 1646. Succeeded his
father as R. of Lawhitton, Cornwall, 1662. {Peile, 1. 477O
SHUTE, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Queens', May 27, 1723. Of
Cornwall. Matric. 1723- Expelled, 1724-
SHUTE, TIMOTHY. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse, Easter,
1609. S. of Christopher (1561), V. of Giggleswick, Yorks.
B.A. 1612-3; M.A. 1616. Preb. of Exeter, 1630-45, ejected.
R. of Holy Trinity, Exeter, 1635. R. of Lawhitton,
Cornwall, 1647. One of these names of Farway, Devon,
clerk; \vill (Exeter) 1668. Brother of Josias (1602), etc. and
father of Thomas (1641). But see Al. Oxon. for a contem-
porary namesake.
SHUTE, TIMOTHY. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, June 28, 1667.
Of Cornwall. Matric. 1667; B.A. 1670-1; M.A. 1674. Perhaps
R. of Lawhitton, Cornwall, 1675; will (Exeter) 1722.
SHUTE, TIMOTHY. Adm. sizar at Queens', May 27, 1685.
Of Devon. Matric. 1685.
SHUTE, WALTER. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, July 7,
1641. S. of Joseph (1611-2), R. of Meavy, Devon. B. there.
School, Plymouth (private). Matric. 1642.
SHUTTE, . Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Michs. 1542. This
or the next was probably Robert, afterwards Justice of the
Q.B. whom see.
SHUTTE, . Adm. sizar at Peterhouse, Lent, 1543-4-
SHOOT, . Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1558.
SHUTE, . Adm. Fell.-Com. at Peterhouse, Apr. 26, 1578.
Probably Francis, s. and h. of Robert, Serjeant-at-law.
Adm. at Gray's Inn, June 16, 1577- Perhaps brother of the
next. (r. A. Walker; Vis. of Cambs., 1619.)
SHUTE, {senior). Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Apr. 26,
1578. Perhaps John, 2nd s. of Robert, of Oakington, Cambs.
Bapt. there, Aug. 29, 1563. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Jan. 23,
1579-80. {Vis. of Cambs.)
SHUTE, {junior). Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Apr. 26,
1578. Possibly Christopher, 3rd s. of Robert, of Oakington,
Cambs., who was adm. at Caius in 1584 as 2nd son. But he
was only 12 in 1578. {T. A. Walker.)
SHUTE, . Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, 1590-1-
SHUT, . Matric. from Trinity, Easter, 1606 {absent).
SHUTER, PETER. Adm. pens, at Queens', Jan. 18, 1737-8.
Of Leicestershire. Matric. 1738; B.A. 1741-2; M.A. 1745.
Fellow, 1743-4- Ord. deacon (Lincoln) May 29, 1743; priest
(Nonvich) May 20, 1744. R. of Upper Isham, Northants.,
1744-9. R- of Kibworth, Leics., 1741-69. Died Nov. 24,
1769, aged 50. M.I. at Kibworth. Admon. (P.C.C.) 1769.
{Nichols, II. 649.)
SHUTTLEWOODE, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Trinity, May 28,
1650. Of Leicestershire. Scholar, 1651. Probably identical
with the Nonconformist tutor of these names. B. at Wymes-
wold, Leics., Jan. 3, 1631-2. Approved by the Wirksworth
Classis and ord. Apr. 26, 1654. Minister of Ravenstone and
SiBBALD, James
Hugglescote, Leics., 1654-62, ejected. Conducted an academy
for the education of Nonconformist ministers at Sulby, near
Welford, Northants. (A Mr Shuttlewood of Old Sulby was
buried at Welford, Sept. 20, 1678.) Frequently fined and
imprisoned for nonconformity. Died Mar. 17, 1688-9. Buried
at Creaton {sic), Northants. M.I. Will dated, Dec. 28, 1687;
proved (Archd. Northants.) Nov. 29, 1690; of Little Creaton.
{D.N.B.; Nichols, in. 938.)
SHUTLEWOOD, JOSEPH. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's,
Apr. I, 1675. S. of Kenelm, deceased, of Lowesby, Leics.
B. there. School, Oakham. Brother of Thomas (1654-5).
SHUTTLEWOOD, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from St John's,
Easter, 1622; B.A. 1625-6; M.A. 1629. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
June 8; priest, June 9, 1628.
SHUTTLEWOOD, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Feb. i,
1654-5. Of Leicestershire. S. and h. of Kenelm, of Bramston,
Rutland, gent. Matric. 1655. Adm. at Gray's Inn, May 16,
1656; Shuttleworth, alias Shuttlewood. Brother of Joseph
SHUTTLEWORTH, BARTON. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's,
Mar. 28, 1741. S. of Ralph, vintner, of Middlesex (afterwards
settled in Rochdale). B. in London. School, Rochdale,
Lanes. Matric. 1741; B.A. 1744-5- Perhaps Head Master
of Witton, or Northwich Grammar School, Cheshire, 1748.
Ord. deacon (Chester) Feb. 2, 1770; priest, July 28, 1771-
P.C. of Littleborough, Lanes., 1770-93- Buried at Rochdale,
Oct. 31, 1793. {Scott-Mayor, iii. 515; Fishwick, Rochdale,
SHUTTLEWORTH, EDMUND. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel,
Apr. 14, 1651. Of Lincolnshire. Doubtless s. of Leonard,
of St Martin's, Lincoln. Bapt. there, Sept. 18, 1630. Matric.
1653; B.A. 1654. Adm. at Gray's Inn, from Barnard's Inn,
June 19, 1656. Probably buried at North Hickham, Apr. 10,
1711. Perhaps father of the next. {Lines. Pedigrees, 874-)
SHUTTLEWORTH, EDMUND. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Mag-
dalene, Oct. 8, 1709. S. of Edmund (? above). B. at North
Hickham, Lines. School, Heighington, Lines. Matric. 1710;
. B.A. 1713-4. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Aug. 15; priest (Norwich)
Dec. 1714. P.C. of Barlings, Lines. C. of St Peter-at-Arches,
Lincoln. V. of Crowle. Buried at St Swithin's, Lincoln, May
23, 1717. Will proved, July 4, i7i7- (J- Parker.)
SHUTTLEWORTH, JOHN. M.A. from Corpus Christi, 1714-
S. of John, of Wimbledon, Surrey. Matric. (Magdalen
College, Oxford) Dec. 17, 1686, age 15; B.A. (Oxford) 1690.
V. of Obome, 1695-1750, and R. of Lillington, Dorset,
1695-1711. R. of Fifield Bavant, Wilts., i7«i-.5o. Canon of
Sanim, 1721-50. R. of Preston, Wilts., 1721-50. Died
before June 13, 1750. Will Cons. C. Sarum. Father of the
next. {Al. Oxon.)
S. of John (above), clerk, of Lillington, Dorset. Matric.
(Exeter College, Oxford) Mar. 19, 1718-9; B.A. (Oxford)
1722. V. of Preston, Dorset, 1726-52. Died Feb. 18, 1752,
aged 50. M.I. at Preston. {Venn, 11. 33.)
SHUTTLEWORTH, LAURENCE. B.D. 1583 (Incorp. from
Oxford). 2nd s. of Hugh, of Gawthorp, Lanes. B.A. (Univer-
sity CoUege, Oxford) 1574-5; M.A. 1575(?); B.C.L. 1578;
B.D. 1582-3. R. of Workington, Cumberland, 1577- R- of
Whichford, Warws., 1583. Buried Feb. 22, 1607-8. Will,
P.C.C. (Burke, L.G ; Al. Oxon.; Vis. of Lanes., 1567-)
SHUTTLEWORTH, LIONEL. Matric. pens, from St John's,
Michs. 1610.
SHUTTLEWORTH, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Pem-
broke, Apr. 4, 1-37. S. of Richard, of Gawthorp, Lanes.,
Esq. Matric. 1737. Captain, 7th Fusiliers. Married
Christiana, dau. of William Spencer, of Cannon Hall, Yorks.
Died Sept. 4, 1748. (Foster, Lanes. Pedigrees.)
SIBBALD, CHARLES. Adm. pens, (age 15) al Peterhouse,
May 23, 1696. Of Hertfordshire. Probably s. of James
(1646), R. of Clothall, Herts. School, Watton-at-Stone,
Herts, (private). Scholar, 1696; Matric. 1697; B.A. 1699-
1700; M.A. 1703. Fellow, 1702. Incorp. at Oxford, 1708.
Ord. priest (Elv) May 30, 1708. R. of Hatfield, Herts.,
1712-9. Probably brother of James (1691). {T.A.Walker,
SIBBALD, JAMES. M.A. 1628 (Incorp. from Oxford). (Not in
Al. Oxon.) Probably ord. deacon, June 11, 1620; 'C. of
Snaith, and master of the Grammar School.' Perhaps V. of
St James, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, 1631-5 (M.A.), and again,
1641-60 (D.D.); also P.C. of Norwood, 1650. (According to
W. J. Pinks, Clerkenwell, James Sibbald, D.D., minister of
Clerkenwell, 1641, was the Royalist Divine who attended
James Hamilton, Earl of Cambridge on the scaffold, 164 1.)
One James Chibald or Sibbald, M.A. (Oxford) 1633, suc-
ceeded his father William Chibald, as R. of St Nicholas,
Cole Abbey, Middlesex, 1641-61. {Hennessy; Pinks, Clerken-
well; Al. Oxon.)
SiBBALD, James
SIBBALLS, JAMES. Incorp. from St Andrews, 1637. (Possibly
identical with the Scottish royalist divine, for whom see
SIBBALD, JAMES. Adm. pens, at Trinity, June 15, 1646.
Of London. School, Westminster. Matric. 1646; Scholar,
1647; B..\. 1649-50. Doubtless R. of ClothaU, Herts., 1665-
1708. Buried there, 1708. M.I. WiU, P.C.C. Probably father
of the next and of Charles {1696). (Clutterbuck, iii. 506.)
SIBBALD, JAMES. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, Oct. 7,
1691. Doubtless s. of James (above), D.D. (sic). B. at
ClothaU, Herts. School, Berkhampstead (Mr Wren). Matric.
1695. Probably brother of Charles (1696).
SIBBS, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's, Michs. 1632.
S. of John, of Thurston, Suffolk. B.A. 1635-6. Married
Frances, dau. of George Hunt, of Saxham. Will proved
(Bury) July 16, 1673. Father of Richard (1661) and probably
of the next and of Robert (1672). [Vis. of Suff., 1664.)
SIBBS, [JOHN]. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, i66o. Doubt-
less John, s. and h. of John (above). Age 24 in 1664. Brother
of Richard (1661). (Vis. of Suff., 1664.)
SIBBES, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from St John's, c. 1594.
ist s. of Paul, wheelwTight, of Suffolk. B. at Tostock,
Suffolk, 1577. Bapt. Jan. 6, 1579-80. School, Bury. Scholar;
B..A.. 1598-9; M.A. 1602; B.D. 1610; D.D. from St Catha-
rine's, 1627. Fellow of St John's, 1601. Taxor, 1608. Master
of St Catharine's, 1626-35. Ord. deacon and priest (Nonvich)
Feb. 21, 1607-8, age 27. Lecturer at Trinity Church, Cam-
bridge, 1610-5. Preacher at Gray's Inn, 1617-35. Offered
the Provostship of Trinity College, Dublin, 1627, but declined
it. V^ of Holy Trinity, Cambridge, 1633-5. Author, religious.
Died unmarried, July 5, 1635. WiU (V.C.C). (Cath. Hist.;
SIBBS, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from St Catharine's, Easter,
1661. Doubtless 3rd s. of John (1632), of Thurston, Suffolk,
gent. School, Bury. B.A. 1664-5; M.A. 1668. C. of Gt
Ashfield, Suffolk, 1671. R. of Gedding, 1672-1738. Died
1738. Doubtless brother of John (1660) and Robert (1672).
(Vis. of Suff., 1664.)
SIBBS, RICHARD. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, June 11,
1711. Doubtless s. of Robert (below). B. in Norfolk, 1693.
Matric. 1711, 'Gibbs'; B.A. 1716-7. Ord. deacon (Ely)
June 16, 1717; priest (Norwich) July, 1718. R. of Baming-
ham Northwood, Norfolk, 1721. R. of Mannington, 1730-61.
P.C. of Sustead, 1738-61.
SIBBS, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, May 13, 1672.
Probably 4th s. of John (1632). Matric. 1672; B.A. 1675-6.
Ord. deacon (Norwich) Sept. 1678; priest. Mar. 1678-9. R.
of Bamingham Northwood, Norfolk, 1680-97. Doubtless
brother of Richard (1661) and father of Richard (above).
SIBERCH, JOHN. University Printer, c. 1520-2. Lived in the
house with the sign Arma Regia on ground now occupied
by Tree Court in Gonville and Caius College. Probably
from Cologne. Set up the first printing-press at Cambridge,
c. 1520. Well known to scholars then at Cambridge. Men-
tioned as an old friend by Erasmus in a letter written from
Basel in 1525 to Robert Aldrich, of Cambridge, afterwards
Bishop of Carlisle. Claimed to be the first printer of Greek
in England. (Robert Bowes, Siberch; D.N.B.)
SIBERY, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, Oct. 26,
1678. S. of Thomas, husbandman. B. at Wickersley, Yorks.
School, Rotherham (Mr Farrer). Matric. 1678; B.A. 1682-3.
Ord. deacon (York) June, 1683.
SIBESTON, THOMAS DE. Scholar at King's Hall, 1351-60.
SIBILL or SYBYLL, NICHOLAS. Fellow of Peterhouse, 1437-
SIBLEY, CHARLES. Adm. sizar (age 20) at St John's, June 25,
1709. S. of Charles, deceased. B. at Derby. School, Horsley,
Derbs. (private). Matric. 1710; B.A. 1712-3.
SIBLEY, JEREMIAH. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Mar. 26, 1631.
Of Hertfordshire. Matric. 1631; B.A. 1634. Perhaps a
member of the Sibley family of Studham, Herts, (now Beds.).
Perhaps brother of Thomas (1629). (Victoria Co. Hist. Herts.,
II. 277.)
SIBLEY, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Easter,
1605. Of Cambridgeshire. B.A. 1609; M.A. 1612. Ord.
priest (Peterb.) July 5, 1611.
SIBLEY, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May 8, 1629.
Of Bedfordshire. Matric. 1629; B.A. 1632-3; M.A. 1636.
One of these names buried atHarlington,Beds.,Oct.20, 1665.
Perhaps brother of Jeremiah (1631).
SYBYLEY, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse, Easter,
1544; B.A. 1545-6.
SIBNAM, GEORGE. Incorp. from Oxford, 1501.
SIBRIE or SIBERIE, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Trinity, June 23,
1646. Of Yorkshire. B.A. 1649-50.
Sicklemore, Richard
SIBSEY, HENRY. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Easter,
1619. Of Norfolk. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Mav 25, 1622;
priest (Norwich) May 24, 1635, 'B.A.' Perhaps of Wisbech,
Cambs. WiU (P.C.C.) 1656.
SIBSY, SIMON. Matric. sizar from King's, Lent, 1577-8.
SIBSON, HENRY. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter, 1629.
Perhaps s. of Henry, D.D., of Cumberland. B.A. 1632-3;
M.A. 1636. Ord. deacon (Chester) June 1, 1634; priest,
Sept. 20, 1635. Perhaps brother of John (1633).
SIBSON, JOHN. B.A. from Christ's, 1578-9.
SIBSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, Sept. 18,
1633. 2nd s. of Henry, D.D., R. of Bewcastle, Cumberland.
B. there. School, Blencow (Mr Wilkinson). Matric. 1633.
Adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 5, 1635. Perhaps brother of
Henry (1629).
SIBSON, RICHARD. B.A. from Magdalene, 1635-6. Probably
matric. sizar Easter, 1632, 'Simpson.' Ord. deacon (Carlisle)
June 4, 1637; priest. Mar. i, 1639-40. V. of Irthington,
Cumberland, 1642-60, and V. of Troutbeck, Westmorland,
1656-9. Died 1660. (B. Nightingale, 284, 1048.)
SIBTHORPE, CHRISTOPHER. Matric. sizar from Trinity,
Easter, 1578.
SIBTHORPE, CHRISTOPHER. Matric. pens, from Queens',
Michs. 1580. Perhaps identical with the pamphleteer of these
names. If so, Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland, 1607-
32. M.P. for Newtown, Limavaddy, 1613-5. Knighted in
Ireland, May 3, 1618. Died 1632. (D.N.B.)
SIBTHORPE, GERVASE. Adm. pens, at Jesus, June 23, 1642.
Doubtless s. of Gervase, of Laneham, Notts. Bapt. there,
Apr. 1, 1624. Matric. 1642. Of St Mark's, Lincoln. Married
Judith, dau. of Mark Riggall, and widow of Benjamin
Marshall, of Lincoln. WiU dated, Apr. 16, 1703; proved.
May 29, 1704. (Lines. Pedigrees, 8yy; Burke, L.G.)
SIBTHORPE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Christ's, June 5,
1642. S. of John. School, Stamford (Mr Humphry).
Matric. 1643; B.A. 1645-6.
SIBTHORPE, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1571; Scholar, 1575; B..^. I57&-7; M.A. 1580. FeUow, 1579.
Ord. deacon and priest (Lincoln) Nov, 21, 1582. V. of
Trumpington, Cambs., until 1584. V. of Bampton, Oxon.,
1591. R. of North Cadbury, Somerset, 1593-1623. Died
SIBTHORPE, ROBERT. Scholar of Trinity, Easter, 1614;
B..^. 16x5-6; M.A. 1619; B.D. 1627. FeUow, 1617. Incorp.
at Oxford, 1619. (There is considerable difficulty in dis-
tinguishing this man from contemporary namesakes. Ap-
parently he is not identical with the Northamptonshire
divine, who was already B.A. when ordained at Peterborough
in 1606. The M.I. of Robert Sibthorpe, D.D., at Burton
Latimer (Bridges, 11. 225) describes him as of Lincoln CoUege,
Oxford; but in Al. Oxon. he is identified with the bishop of
Limerick. Possibly our man is the son of Robert (above).
If so, previously adm. at Balliol CoUege, Oxford. Matric.
there, July 6, 1613, agei8. Fos/«', however, does not identify
the BaUiol student with the Cambridge man, incorporated
in 1619, but assumes that two men are involved.) One of these
names V. of Hammoon, Dorset, 1629-31. (Al. Oxon.;
Bridges, 11. 225; H. I. Longden.)
SIBTHORPE, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse,
Easter, i6o8; B..A. 1611-2; M.A. 1615. Ord. priest (Peterb.)
Dec. 18, 1614. R. of St John, Stamford, Lines., 1615-25.
R. of Wilksby, 1631.
SIBTHORPE, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1582; Scholar, 1584; B.A. 1585-6; M.A. 1589.
SICKELMORE, JAMES. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs.
1622; B.A. 1625-6.
SICKLEMORE, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Clare, Easter, 1628.
Doubtless 2nd s. of John, of Ipswich (and Elizabeth, dau. of
Thomas Fettiplace, of Berkshire). B.A. 1631. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, Oct. 14, 1633. M.P. forSuffolk, 1654-55, 1656-8;
for Harwich, 1659; for Ipswich, 1661-70. Recorder of
Ipswich, 1660. Married (i) Anne, dau. of Philip Bedingfield,
of Norfolk; (2) Martha, dau. of Nicholas Bacon, of Shrub-
land, Suffolk. Died 1670. Buried at Bramford. Brother of
Jonathan (1645) and Samuel (1636-7). (Vis. of Suffolk,
SICLEMORE, lOHN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Mar. 6, 1637-8.
Of Suffolk." Matric. 1637-8.
SICKLEMORE, JONATHAN, .^dm. FeU.-Com. at Clare, Aug.
9, 1645. S. of John, of Tuddenham St Martin, and of
Ipswich. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Mar. 15, 1638-g.
SICLAMORE, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Trinity Hall,
Easter, 1549.
SICKLEMORE, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, (age i6) at Clare,
Feb. 15, 1636-7. Of Suffolk. 5th s. of John, of Ipswich.
Matric. 1637; B.A. 1640-1. Migrated to Peterhouse, Dec. i,
1641. Scholar there, 1641-2. Brother of John (1628) and
Jonathan (1645). (T. A. Walker, 73.)
SICKLEMORE, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Queens', Michs.
1560; B.A. 1563-4; M.A. 1567. Fellow, 1565-72. Ord.
deacon (Ely) May 26, 1566. R. of Slaidbum, Yorks., 1576-85.
Died 1585.
SICKLEMORE, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Sidney,
Feb. 27, 1622-3. S. of John, clothier. Bapt. Nov. 15, 1609,
at St Lawrence, Ipswich. School, Ipswich. Matric. 1623.
Adm. at Gray's Inn, May 10, 1626. Married Frances, dau.
of Thomas Whitcomb, of London, linendraper.
SICKLING, JOHN. B.A. 1481-2; M.A. 1485. FeUow of Corpus
Christi, 1488-1505. Proctor, 1491-2, 1500-1. Last Master
of God's House, 1495, and first Master of Christ's, 1506.
Much employed in University business. V. of Fen Drayton,
Cambs., 1496. Died June 9, 1507. WiU (V.C.C). {Peile,
I- 4).
SICKLING, . M.Gram. 1481-2. Perhaps John (above).
SIDAY or SYDAY, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, 1620-1.
S. of William, gent. School, Newport, Essex (Mr Woode).
Matric. 1620-1; B.A. 1625-6; M.A. 1629. Probably ord.
priest (Winchester) Apr. 22, 1636. R. of Lamarsh, Esse.x,
1637, and of Beauchamp Roding, 1642-89. 'A godly
preaching minister,' in 1650. Died Apr. 19, 1689, aged 84.
M.I. at Beauchamp Roding. Father of John (1678-9).
{Venn, i. 252.)
SIDAY, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Sept. 15, 1623. Of Esse.x.
Matric. 1623; B.A. 1627-8; M.A. 1631.
SYDAY, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Apr. 23, 1677. Of
Suffolk. Matric. 1677.
SIDAY, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Mar. 11, 1679-80-
S. of John (1620-1), R. of Beauchamp Roding, Essex. B.
there. Schools, Chipping Ongar and Felsted. Matric. 1680;
Scholar, 1680-7; B.A. 1683-4; M.A. 1687. Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) Sept. 25, 1687; priest, June, 1688. C. of Beau-
champ Roding, 1687; succeeded his father as R. there,
1689-1704. Married Mary Peach, of High Ongar, June 8,
1687. Died 1704. Will (Archd. Essex) 1705. Father of John
(1710). (Venn, i. 464.)
SIDEY, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Dec. 13, 1682.
Of Deptford, Kent. Matric. 1685-6; B.A. 1686-7; M.A.
1690; B.D. 1697. Fellow, 1690-1709. Junior Proctor,
1694-5. Ord. priest (Lincoln) Mar. 14, 1702-3.
SIDAY, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's, May 16, 1710.
S. of John (1679-80), R. of Beauchamp Roding, Essex.
B. there. School, Felsted. Scholar, 1710-1; Matric. 1711;
LL.B. 1715. Ord. deacon (London) Dec. 23, 1716; priest,
Dec. 1720. R. of Beauchamp Roding, Essex, 1720-52. Died
there 1752. Will (P.C.C.) 1753- (Peile, 11. i74-)
SIDAY, JOSEPH. Adm. pens, at Queens', June 11, 1612. Of
SYDAY, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Queens', Lent, 1577-8.
Of Essex. B.A. 1580-1; M.A. 1584. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
Sept. 29; priest, Dec. 21, 1599, age 30. R. of Carlton-by-
Langley, Norfolk, 1599.
SIDAY, WILLIAM. Fellow of Peterhouse in 1406. Perhaps
R. of South Shoebury, Essex, till 1390.
SYDAY, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1579.
SIDDALL, ADAM. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter, 1589;
B.A. 1592-3; M.A. from King's, 1596. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
Oct. 18, 1594; priest, July 29, 1599. R. of Knapwell, Cambs.,
1605-13. Buried there Oct. 21, 1613.
SIDDALL, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Dec. 1602.
Doubtless s. of John, R. of Little Peatling, Leics., 1574.
B. there. B.A. 1607-8; M.A. 1611. Ord. deacon (London)
June, 1612, age 24; priest (York, for Lincoln) May 26, 1616.
V. of Kensworth, Herts., 1615-45, ejected. Died same year.
Doubtless brother of William (1596-7). (Peile, i. 242.)
SIDDALL, MICHAEL. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Christ's, Feb. 2,
1630-1. S. of WiUiam, baker, of Micklegate, York. B. at
York. Matric. 1631; B.A. 1634-5; M.A. 1638. R. of Kirkling-
ton, Yorks., 1644-9. V. of Catterick, 1645-58. Founded the
Free School at Catterick. Buried there Jan. 8, 1658-9.
M.I. (Peile, 1. 406; H. B. McCall, Richmondshire Churches,
SIDOLL, RALPH. M.Gram. 1458-9.
SIDDALL, RICHARD. Adm. pens, at King's, 1680-1.
SIDDALL, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Christ's, 1596-7.
Of Leicestershire. Doubtless s. of John, R. of Little Peatling,
Leics., 1574. B.A. 1600-1; M.A. 1604; B.D. 1612. Fellow,
1607. C. of Toft, Cambs., 1604-7. Resided in College till
the beginning of the Civil War. Disappeared (perhaps by
death) after 1642 and before 1644. Doubtless brother of
John (1602). (Peile, i. 223.)
SYDALL, . B.Civ.L. 1529-30.
SIDEBOTTOM, SAMUEL. M.A. from St John's, 1718. S. of
Samuel, of Oldham, Lanes., gent. Matric. (Brasenose
College, Oxford) June 22, 1709, age 19; B.A. (Oxford)
1712-3. Ord. priest (York) Mar. 1713-4. R. of Middleton,
Lanes., 1714-52. Died May 22, 1752. (Al. Oxon.)
SIDLEY, see also SEDLEY.
SIDLEY, Sir CHARLES, Bart. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Jesus,
Aug. 31, 1714. Of Derbyshire. S. and h. of Sir Charles, Knt.,
of Southfleet, Kent. Matric. 1715. Succeeded his grand-
father Sir Charles Sedley (the dramatist) in the family
estates in Kent, Aug. 20, 1701. Created Bart., July 10, 1702.
Married Elizabeth, dau. of WiUiam Frith. Died Feb. 18,
1729-30, at Nuthall, Notts. (G.E.C., iv. 187.)
SYDLEY or SIDAY, DANIEL. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel,
Jan. 16, 1591-2, as Sidley. Matric. c. 1592.
SIDLEY, ISAAC. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Magdalene, Michs.
1655. S. and h. of Sir John, Bart., of Great Chart, Kent.
M.A. 1635-6 (Lit. Reg.). Succeeded as 3rd Bart. Nov. 1673.
Knighted Aug. 9, 1641. Married as his second wife, Cicely,
dau. of John Marsh, of Lincoln's Inn. Died before 1695.
(G.E.C., I. 173-)
SIDLEY or SEDLEY, WILLIAM. M.A. 1586 (Incorp. from
Oxford). S. of John, of Southfleet, Kent, Esq. Matric. (Hart
Hall, Oxford) 1574, age 16; B.A. (Balliol College, Oxford)
1574-5; M.A. 1577. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 11, 1576.
Barrister-at-law, 1584. Treasurer, 1608. Knighted, July 30,
1605. Created Bart., June 29, 1611. Foimder of the Sidleian
professorship of Natural Philosophy at Oxford. Married
Elizabeth, Dowager Baroness Abergavenny. Died Feb. 27,
1618. Buried at Southfleet. Will, 1619. (Al. Oxon.; G.E.C.,
I- 73-)
SIDNOR, FRANCIS. Matric. pens, from Christ's, 1595-6.
2nd s. of William (1557-8), of Blundeston, Suffolk. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, Nov. 15, 1598, late of Staple Inn. Living, 1613.
Brother of William and Paul (1595-6), half-brother of the
next. (Suckling, i. 311; Peile, i. 219.)
SYDNOR, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1578.
S. and h. oi William (1557-8), of Blundeston, Suffolk.
Married and had issue. Died Dec. 10, 1612 (? 1611). Half-
brother of the next, Francis (above) and William (1595-6).
(Suckling, I. 311.)
SIDNOR or SYDNOR, PAUL. Matric. pens, from Christ's,
1595-6. 3rd s. of William (1557-8), of Blundeston, Suffolk.
Probably adm. at Lincoln's Inn, June 27, 1599, Sydney;
of Staple Inn. Called to the Bar, 1606, Sydnor. Brother of
William (1595-6) and Francis (1595-6). (Suckling, 1. 311.)
SIDNORE, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1683.
Of Norfolk. Matric. 1683; B.A. 1686-7. Perhaps R. of
Hempstead, Norfolk, and also V. of Honingham.
SYDNOR, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Gonville Hall,
Mar. 1557-8. Owner of the Manor of Blundeston, Suffolk,
in 1570. Married as his 2nd wife, Bridget, dau. of John
Jemegan, of Belton, Lines., Esq. Died Aug. 26, 1613.
Buried at Blundeston. Father of the next, Francis (1595-6),
Paul (r595-6) and Henry (1578). (Copinger, v. 11; Suckling,
I. 311.)
SIDNOR, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Christ's, 1595-6.
3rd s. of William (above), of Blundeston, Suffolk. Of Belton,
Lines., afterwards of Norwich. Married Margaret, dau. of
Edward Duke, of Kelsall, Suffolk. Brother of Francis
(1595-6), etc. (Peile, i. 219.)
SIDWELL, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Pembroke, Feb. 23,
1721-2; 'Grecian' from Christ's Hospital. S. of John. B. at
Bampton, Oxford. (According to Christ's Hospital Register
his father, John, was citizen and cooper, of St Mary, Rother-
hithe. B. Nov. 12, 1705.) Matric. 1721-2; B.A. 1725-6;
M.A. 1729. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) June 16; priest, Sept. 22,
1728. R. of Welton, Lines., 1728. V. of South Elkington,
1728. (A. W. Lockhart.)
SIFFON(?), W. Matric. pens, from Peterhouse, Easter, 1571.
SIGNORET, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Peterhouse, Apr.
28, 1712. Of Saffron Walden, Essex. School, Canterbury.
Matric. 1712. Ord. deacon (London) May 27, 1716.
SiGO, William
SIGO, WILLIAM. M.Gram. 1472-3- Pens, at Gonville Hall,
1506-9. Founder of a scholarship at Gonville Hall. (Cooper,
I. II.)
SILKE, ANGEL. Adm. pens, at Clare, May 7, i746- S. of
Angel. B. at Sonning Hill, Berks., Feb. 1726-7. Colleger
at Eton, 1736-44. Matric. 1746; B.A. 1749-50. Ord. deacon
(Ely) June 2, 1751; priest (London) June 9, i754- V. of
Good Easter, Essex, 1762. R. of Assington, 1764. One of
these names of Stebbing, Essex, clerk; will (P.C.C.) 1796.
SILK, JAMES. M.A. 1730. S. of Thomas, of Cullompton,
Devon. Matric. (New Inn Hall, Oxford) May 17, 1708, age
21; B..A. (All Souls, Oxford) 1712. V. of Bridgerule, Devon,
1713. R. of Buckland Filleigh, 1717. R. of North Lew,
1737. Will (Exeter) 1755. {Al. Oxon.)
SILKE, JOHN. Entered as scholar at Caius in the lists Lady
Day, 1582-Michs. 1584. Janitor {i.e. porter) of the College.
He brought an action for defamation of character against
one R. Woodhouse, in 1587. Buried at St Michael's,
Cambridge, Feb. 23, 1607-8. (Venn, 1. 113.)
SILKE, SIMON. Adm. pens, at Queens', June 8, 1591. Of
SILKE, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Pembroke, Dec. 13,
1668. S. of Thomas, of Cambridge, carpenter. Matric. 1669;
B.A. 1672-3; M.A. 1676. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Dec. 1674;
priest (London) Sept. 23, 1677. V. of St Ippolitt's, Herts.,
1677-85. Died 1685.
SILL or SYLL, CHRISTOPHER. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Sidney,
May II, i68g. ist s. of Christopher, R. of East Donyland,
Essex. B. there. School, Brentwood. Matric. 1689; B.A.
1692-3; M.A. 1696. Ord. deacon (London) Dec. 18, 1698;
priest (Lincoln) Dec. 22, 1700.
SILL, DANIEL. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Magdalene, May 2,
1691. S. of Tobias. B. at Wakefield, Yorks. School, Wake-
field. Matric. 1691; B.A. 1694-5; M.A. 1698. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) Sept. 25, 1698; priest. May 31, 1702. C. of Bulwick,
Northants., 1698. Lecturer at Wakefield parish church,
1702-31. Governor of the school. Married Mary, dau. of
Rev. William Heron, R. of Hoyland, Yorks., Mar. 26, 1706.
Died Dec. 28, 1 73 1. Buried at Horbury. Father of the next.
(M. H. Peacock.)
SILL, EDMUND. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Nov. 5, 1742. S. of
Daniel (above), clerk, deceased, of Yorkshire. Bapt. Aug. i,
1726, at Horbury. School, Wakefield. (M. H. Peacock.)
SILL, EDWARD. Adm. sizar (age 20) at St John's, June 30,
1658. S. of Thomas, husbandman, of EUell, Lanes. B. there.
Bapt. Feb. 11, 1637-8. School, Ellell. Adm. at Trinity
CoUege, Dublin, Jan. 16, 1659-60, 'aged 22 more or less.'
Nonconformist preacher at Eccles, Lanes. Buried June 10,
1689. Will (Chester) 1689; of Salford, clerk. (E. Axon.)
SILL, JOHN. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter, 1629; B.A.
1631-2; M.A. 1635. Probably minister of Cressingham,
Lanes., 1646-50. Died before Jan. 1651-2.
SILL, MILES. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs. 1586. Of
Yorkshire. B.A. 1590-1; M.A. 1594; B.D. from St Catha-
rine's, 1601. Fellow of St Catharine's. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
Apr. 8, 1596. R. of Wetherden, Suffolk, 1600-4. R- of
Wrestlingworth, Beds., 1607-32. Buried there July 20, 1632.
SILL or SILLS, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Trinity, May g,
1653. Of Yorkshire. Matric. 1653; Scholar, 1655; B.A.
1656-7; M.A. 1662. V. of Addingham, Cumberland, 1668-73.
Preb. of Carlisle, 1668-81. V. of Bromfield, 1673-81. V. of
Torpenhow, 1673-81. Preb. of St Paul's, 1678-81. Arch-
deacon of Colchester, 1678-81. R. of St Augustine's,
Watling Street, London, 1680-7. Chaplain to the Bishop
of London. Preb. of Westminster, 1681-7. Author, sermons.
Died June, 1687. Buried in St .Augustine's. Will proved
(P.C.C.) July 7, 1687. Father of the next. (B. Nightingale,
582; Hennessy; Le Neve, Fasti, in. 362, where the date of
death is wrong.)
SILL, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Magdalene, Mar. 25,
1700. S. of William (above), late Canon of Westminster.
School, Appleby. Matric. 1700; B.A. 1703-4.
SILLESBY, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, May 22, 1633.
S. of Matthew, gent. Bapt. at AU Saints', Northampton,
Apr. 12, 1618. Matric. 1633; B.A. 1636-7; M.A. 1640; B.D.
1647. Intruded fellow of Queens', 1644-50. Proctor, 1644-5.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1649. Buried at St Antholin's, London,
Oct. 21, 1650. Will (P.C.C.) 1650. Benefactor to Queens'
College. Brother of the next. (J. G. Bartlett.)
SILLESBY, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Queens', Nov. 15, 1644.
S. of Matthew, of Northampton, gent. Bapt. at All Saints',
Dec. 16, 1621. B.A. 1648. Incorp. at Oxford, 1648. M.A.
(Oxford) 1649-50. Incorp. at Cambridge, 1652. Died at
SiMcoTTs, George
West Thurrock, Essex, Sept. 1653. Nunc, will (P.C.C.) 1653.
Brother of Samuel (above). (J. G. Bartlett.)
SILLET, CHRISTOPHER. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter,
1584. Of Norfolk. B.A. 1587-8; M.A. 1591.
SILLET, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Queens', Nov. 1589. Of Sufiolk.
Matric. c. 1591.
SILLET, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Christ's, Feb. 4,
1669-70. S. of Richard. B. at Horningsheath, Suffolk.
School, Bury (Mr Leeds). Matric. 1670; B.A. 1673-4; M.A.
1677. Died July 10, 1687, aged 34. Buried at Hornings-
heath. Will proved (Bury) Sept. 9, 1687. (Peile, II. 27.)
SILLET, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from St John's, c. 1597;
B.A. 1600-1. Perhaps M.A. Ord. deacon and priest (Nor-
wich) Sept. 21, 1607, 'M.A.,' age 30. C. of Watlington.
SILLITOE, MATTHEW. Adm. ptas. (age 19) at St John's,
May 9, 1667. S. of Randolph (next), deceased, of Church
Lawton, Cheshire. B. there. School, Broughton, Cheshire.
Matric. 1667.
SILLITO, RANDOLPH. Adm. sizar (age 20) at Christ's, Feb. 25,
1627-8. S. of Andrew. B. at Audley, Staffs. School, Audley
(Mr Croxton and Mr Dyke). Matric. 1628. Ord. deacon
(Lichfield) Dec. 1630. R. of Lawton, Cheshire, c. 1640-3;
sequestered; occurs again, 1648. Buried there Aug. 30, 1662,
as rector. Will (Chester) 1662. Father of Matthew (above).
(Peile, I. 389; E. Axon.)
SILLOTT, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, May 21,
1640. S. of John, yeoman, of Bardwell, Suffolk (and
Margaret, sister of Sir Charles Crofts). Bapt. there, Jan. 31,
1621-2. School, Diss, Norfolk (private). Matric. 1640.
Migrated to Caius, Feb. 17, 1640-1. B.A. 1643-4; M.A. 1647-
Mentioned in the will of his uncle, Sir Charles Crofts, Aug. 31,
1657. One of these names M.P. for Bodmin, 1660. Died
Apr. II, 1672. (Venn, i. 341.)
SILLY, JOSEPH. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Pembroke, Sept. i,
1729. S. of John, of Helland, Cornwall, gent. One of these
names of Lanevir, Cornwall, clerk. Admon. (Exeter) 1739.
SILVERLOCK, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 19) at St John's,
May 18, 1658. S. of James, of Stifford, Essex, gent. School,
Brentwood (Mr Bumhard). Matric. 1658; B.A. 1661-2;
M.A. 1665. Incorp. at Oxford, 1669. Signed for deacon's
orders (London) June 9; priest's, Dec. 22, 1666. R. of West
Tilbury, Essex, 1669-81. R. of Little Thurrock, 1670-81.
Buried at Stifford, Nov. 1681.
SILVERTOP, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Sidney, Sept.
21, 1678. S. of William. B. at Ely, Cambs. School, Ely.
Matric. 1678; B.A. 1682-3; M.A. 1686. Head Master, Ely
Cathedral School. Minor canon of Ely. Died Apr. 14, 1699,
aged 38. (Le Neve, Mon., v. 195.)
SILVERWOOD, BENJAMIN. Matric. sizar from Christ's, July,
1678; B.A. 1681. Ord. deacon (York) Mar. 1681-2; priest
(Lincoln) Mar. 15, 1684-5; C. of Corringham, Lines. V. of
Upton, 1690. V. of Stow; 'poeta ebriosus.' (Bishop's Vis.;
Peile, II. 68.)
SILVERWOOD, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter,
1633; B.A. 1637; M.A. 1642. Ord. priest (Peterb.) Sept. 25,
1642. Sequestered to R. of Little Burstead, Essex, 1646;
gone by 1650. V. of Codicote, Herts., 1654. (H. Smith.)
SIM, see also SIMMES.
SIM,ICHABOD. B.A. of Magdalene. Willproved(V.C.C.) 1588.
SYM, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney, June 14, 1642.
S. of George, Esq. B. at Danby, Yorks. Schools, .Allerton
and Coxwold. Matric. 1645; B.A. 1647-8. M..A. from
Christ's, 1670. Perhaps R. of Goxhill-in-Holdemess, 1662-
89. Chaplain to Christopher, Duke of Albemarle. R. of
Langton, near New Malton, 1670-90. (Peile, 11. 27.)
SIMCOCK, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 22) at St John's, May 25,
1717. S. of John, husbandman, of Cheshire. B. at Middle-
wich. School, Macclesfield (Mr Denham). Matric. 1717.
SYMCOCKS, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John'.s, Sept.
12, 1687. S. of John, husbandman. B. at Whitechurch,
Salop. School, Oundlc (Mr Speed). Matric. 1688.
SIMCOE, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Christ's, 1713. S. of William
(?next). Matric. 1713; Scholar, 1716; B.A. 1716-7. Ord.
deacon (Carlisle) Dec. 1717; priest (York) Sept. 1719. V. of
Tadcaster, Yorks., 1725-34. Buried there Nov. 24, 1734.
(Peile, II. 181.)
SIMCOE, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Christ's, Apr. 5,
1672. S.of George, of Cheshire. School, Bunbury (Mr Hoole).
Matric. 1674-5, and again, as pens, soon after; B.A. 1675-6.
V. of Long Horsley, Northumberland, 1692. Died June i8,
1714. Perhaps father of John (above). (Peile, 11. 41.)
SYMCOTTS, GEORGE. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1648. B. in London, 1631. Matric. 1648; B.A. 1651-2; M.A.
1655. Fellow, 1651-3. Died soon after 1655.
SiMcoTTs, John
SYMKOTT, JOHN. Adm. at King's (age 17) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. II, 1544. Of London. Matric. 1544. Off, in 1546.
Probably brother of William (i545)-
SIMCOTES, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Queens', Apr. 1608. S. of
John, of Sutton, Beds. Matric. 1610; B.A. 1611-2; M.A.
1615; M.D. from King's, 1636. Brother of the next.
SIMCOTES, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Queens', Apr. i5o8.
S. of John, of Sutton, Beds. Matric. 1610; B.A. 1611-2;
M.A. 1615. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 25; priest, Sept. 26,
1614. R. of Wicken, Northants., 1625-8. R. of Sandy, Beds.,
1628-39. Buried there Feb. 5, 1638-9. Will proved, Feb. 14,
1638-9; mentions s. William (? 1649). (Geneal. Bedford,
SYMKOTT, WILLIAM. Adm. at King's (age 16) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 14, 1545. Of London. Matric. 1545. OS, in
1547-8. Probably brother of John (1544).
SIMCOTS, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Queens', Michs.
1588. Of Lincolnshire. Doubtless s. of William, of Louth.
Bapt. there, Jan. 5, 1569-70. Married Mary, dau. of Robert
Smith, of Lincohi. Buried July 9, 1621. (Lines. Pedigrees,
SYMCOTTS, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Sept. 21, 1649.
Doubtless s. of Robert (i6o8), R. of Sandy. Of Bedfordshire.
Matric. 1650; Scholar, 1651; B.A. 1653-4; M.A. 1657. Prob-
ably father of the next.
SYMCOTTS, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Queens', Jan. 3, 1683-4.
Doubtless s. of WiUiam (above), of Clifton, Beds. Bapt. there,
Apr. 15, 1666. Matric. 1685; B.A. 1687-8.
SIMEON or SYMEON, AYMER. ' King's Scholar' at Cambridge,
1326. S. of Percival, King's Serjeant.
SIMEON, GEOFFREY. B.D. 1504-5 (Incorp. from Oxford);
D.D. 1504-5. Proctor (Oxford) 1478. Dean of the chapel
royal. Chancellor of Lincoln, 1 485-1 506. Preb. of St Paul's,
1494-1508. Canon of Windsor, 1501. Dean of Chichester,
1504-8. Preb. of York, 1504-8. Dean of Lincoln, 1506-8.
R. of Wheathampstead, Herts. V. of Colerne, Wilts. Died
Aug. 21, 1508. Buried in Charterhouse, London. Will
(P.C.C.) 1508; 'of Whethamstead, Charterhouse, etc' (H. G.
Harrison; A. B. Beaven.)
SIMISTER, RALPH. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, Sept. 30,
1742. Of Stockport, Cheshire. Matric. i743; B.A. 1746-7.
SIMKIN, CHARLES. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter, 1637.
Of Leicestershire. B.A. 1640-1. Ord. deacon (Lincoln)
June 5, 1642; priest, Sept. 24, 1643. Doubtless intruding
V. of Yelvertoft, Northants., 1649-60. R. of Waldringfield,
Suffolk, 1660.
SIMKIN, ROBERT. B.A. 1511-2; M.A. 1514.
SIMPKIN, SIMON. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, i486.
Ord. acolyte (Lincoln) Dec. 22, 1487.
SIMKINS, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter, 1570.
SIMKYNS, WALTER. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1565.
SIMKINSON, . B.A. 1478.
SIMMS, EDWARD. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Nov. i, 1646.
Matric. 1647; B.A. 1650-1; M.A. froip King's, 1654. V. of
Steeple Bumpstead, Essex, 1655-62, ejected. Died before
1678. Father of the next.
SIMMS, EDWARD. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, June 25,
1678. S. of Edward (above), clerk, deceased. B. at Steeple
Bumpstead, Essex. School, Felsted.
SIMES, FRANCIS. Adm. sizar at Jesus, July 4, 1746. Of
Mansfield, Notts. Matric. 1746; Scholar, 1747; LL.B. 1756.
Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Feb. 23, 1755. V. of Ruddington,
SYMNYS, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Christ's, 1545. One John
Symes, of London diocese, clerk. Admon. (P.C.C.) Jan. 28,
SIMMS, JOSEPH. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, Apr. 25, 1711.
B. Feb. 13, 1695-6. School, Merchant Taylors'. Matric.
1712; B.A. 1714-5; M.A. 1718. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June
15, 1717; priest (London) Feb. 22, 1718-9. P.C. of Bromley,
Kent, 1739-44. R. of Woolwich, 1739-42. R. of Wimpole,
Cambs., 1740-3. Chaplain to Bishop Wilcocks, whom he
succeeded as chaplain to the British Factory at Lisbon.
Preb. of St Paul's, 1748-76. Preb. of Lincoln, 1748-66.
V. of East Ham, Essex, 1756. R. of St John's, Westminster.
Author, sermons. Buried May 4, 1776, at East Ham. Will,
Apr. 1776. (Cath. Hist., 11. 18; H. I. Longden.)
SYMMES, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Peterhouse, Michs.
SYMMS or SYMME, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Clare,
Easter, 1582; B.A. 1585-6. One of these names s. and h. of
Thomas, of Daventry, Northants. {Vis. of Northants.,
SiMONDs, Henry
SYMMES or SYM, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Clare, Easter,
1577; B.A. 1580-1; M.A. 1584; B.D. 1591. FeUow. Ord.
deacon and priest (Peterb.) Mar. 5, 1586-7. Beneficed in
Kent. Doubtless father of the next and Zechariah (1617).
SIMMES, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Easter, 1619.
Doubtless s. of William (above). Matric. 1619; B.A. 1622-3;
M.A. 1626. V. of Harlington, Beds., 1627-38. Married, at
Harlington, Mary Crawley, May 17, 1627. Brother of
Zechariah (1617).
SIMMES, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Easter,
1632; B.A. 1634; M.A. 1638. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June 9,
1639. Perhaps V. of Knighton, Leics. Died Aug. 9, 1669.
Admon. (Leicester) 1669.
SYMES, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Queens', Oct. 24,
1677. Of Middlesex. School, Dulwich. Matric. 1677-8; B.A.
168 1-2; M.A. (BaUiol CoUege, Oxford) 1684. Master of
Southwark School, c. 1700. V. of Chislet, Kent, 1686-91,
deprived. R. of Rand with Fulnetby, Lines., 1716. Licensed
Apr. 12, 1688, to marry Beatrice Hooker, of St Giles-in-the-
Fields, London. (Al. Oxon.)
SYMMES, ZECHARIAH. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Apr. 25,
1617. Doubtless s. of William (i577)- B. at Canterbury,
Apr. 5, 1599. Matric. 1617; B.A. 1620-1; M.A. 1624.
Lecturer at St Antholin's, London, 1621-5, resigned owing
to persecution in the Bishops' Courts. R. of Dunstable,
1625-32. Went to New England with his wife and family,
1634. Settled at Charlestown, Mass. Ordained there as
teacher of the Church and Colleague of Rev. Thomas James,
1634. Disputes arose and an ecclesiastical council was called
to settle the difficulty — and Mr James departed. Became
pastor of the Charlestown Church, 1638-71. Married, at
St Saviour's, Southwark, Surrey, to Sarah Baker, Aug. 13,
1622. Died Jan. 28, 1670-1, aged 71. Brother of William
(1619). (J. G. Bartlett.)
SIMES, . B.Can.L. 1483-4-
SIMONDS, BARNABAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Caius, July 5.
1742. S.of Barnabas, scrivener, of Kelsale, Suffolk. B. there.
Schools, Kelsale (his father) and Bury (Mr Kynnesman).
Scholar, 1742-7. Matric. 1743; B.A. 1745-6. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) Sept. 21, 1746; priest, Sept. 25, 1748- R- of
Thorington, 1758-82. Master of Kelsale School. Married,
at Kelsale, Elizabeth Brown, of Benhall, Oct. 11, i753-
Author. Buried June 20, 1782, at Kelsale. {Venn, 11. 51.)
SIMONDS, BENJAMIN. Matric. pens, from Corpus Chrisit
Easter, 1609. Of Norfolk. B.A. 1612-3.
SIMONDS, BENJAMIN. Adm. pens, at Queens', Mar. 14,
1613-4. Of Norfolk. (Perhaps the above.)
SYMONDS, EDMUND. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, June 12,
1607. S.of John, gent., of North Walsham, Norfolk. School,
North Walsham (MrTilles). Matric. 1607; Scholar, 1608-14;
B.A. 1610-1; M.A. 1614. Ord. priest (Norwich) Apr. 6, 1616.
R. of Sloley, Norfolk, 1625-8. {Venn, i. 195.)
SYMONDS, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Caius, Feb. 12,
1578-9. 2nd s. of John, husbandman, of Suffield, Norfolk.
School, Suffield (Mr Dawson). Scholar, till 1583. Adm. at
Lincoln's Inn, May 25, 1584. Court-keeper to Sir Edmund
Bacon and Sir Roger Townshend. Of Stody, Norfolk.
Married Ursula, dau. of Giles Symonds, of Hindolveston,
Norfolk. Will proved (Norwich) June 20, 1628. {Venn, 1.
SIMONS, EDWARD. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse, Easter,
1621. B. at Cottered, Herts. B.A. 1624-5; M.A. 1628. Ord.
deacon (Peterb.) June 4; priest, Sept. 24, 1626. R. of Raine,
Essex, 1630-43, sequestered. A devoted loyalist. Author,
Vindication of King Charles. (Walker, Sufferings.)
SIMONS, EDWARD. Adm. pens, at Trinity, May 27, 1646.
Of Kent. Matric. 1646.
SIMONS, EDWARD. Adm. pens, at Sidney, i745- Of Luton,
Beds. S. of Thomas, of Caddington. Migrated to Corpus
Christi, Oxford. Matric. there, Dec. 11, 1747, age 17; B.A.
(Oxford) 1751; M.A. (Oxford) 1753. Perhaps R. of Hulcote,
Bucks., 1768-79, 'Edmund.' R. of Whipsnade, Beds., 1773-
Died at Bath. Will (P.C.C.) i779- (^l- Oxon.)
SYMONDS, FRANCIS. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Caius, June 3,
1689. S. of John, gent., of Suffield, Norfolk. B. there.
School, Kensington (Mr Stevenson). Matric. 1689; Scholar,
SYMONDS, GEORGE. M.A. from Clare, 1607.
SYMMONDS, GEORGE. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's,
June II, 1698. S. of Thomas, of Martell (Martletwy), Pem-
broke. B. there. School, Carmarthen (Mr Maddox). Matric.
1698. Migrated to Oxford. Matric. (BaUiol College, Oxford)
Feb. 27, 1700-1, age 20; B.A. (Oxford) 1702. {Al. Oxon.)
SIMOND, HENRY. B.A. 1504-5-
SiMONDS, Henry
SIMMONS, HENRY. Matric. sizar from St Catharine's, Michs.
1628. Of Kent. B.A. 1631-2; M.A. 1635. Incorp. at Oxford,
1653. R- of Southfleet, Kent, 1653-62, ejected.
SYMOND or SYMONS, HENRY. LL.B. 1671 {Lit. Reg.). Incorp.
at Oxford, 1671. Perhaps adm. at the Middle Temple, Sept.
28, 1671; 'of London, gent.'
SIMONS, HENRY. Adm. pens, {age 18) at St John's, Feb. 14,
1714-5. S. of William, of Middlesex. School, Westminster.
Matric. 1715. Perhaps M.A. 1728 {Com. Reg.).
SYMONDS or SIMOND, JAMES. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St
John's, Oct. 16, 1667. S. of James, of Norwich. B. there.
School, Norwich. Matric. 1667; B.A. 1671-2; M.A. 1675.
Signed for deacon's orders (London) May 31, 1672. C. of
Havering, Essex, 1675-9. R- of Rochford, i68o-gi. R. of
Stapleford Abbotts, 1691-1719. V. of Dagenham, 1704-19.
Died Nov. 7, 1719. Buried at Stapleford. M.I. (H. Smith.)
SIMONS, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Corpus Chkisti, c. 1590.
Of Suffolk. Perhaps B.A. 1594-5. Ord. priest (Norwich)
Jan. I, 1600-1, 'B.A.,' age 30. C. of Tharston. One of these
names of Tendring, Essex, clerk. WiU (Comm. Essex) 161 7.
SYMONS, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Caius, Mar. 7, 1600-1.
S. of John, of Cambridge. Bapt. Aug. 14, 1586, at Gt St
Mary's. School, Cambridge (Mr Roddeknight). Matric.
1600-1; Scholar, 1602-8; B.A. 1604-5; M.A. 1608. Fellow,
1612-4. Ord. deacon and priest. May 3, 1610. Precentor of
Armagh, 1617-27 and 1629-37; R., 1617-37. R. of Bally-
moyer, 1635. Married a dau. of Sir Marmaduke Whitechurch,
of Co. Down. Died June 23, 1637. Will, P.C.C. Dublin.
Donor of £40 to College Chapel. {Venn, i. 174.)
SYMONDS, JOHN. Adm. scholar (age 16) at Caius, July 3, 1603.
S. of Francis, gent., of Suffield, Norfolk, and nephew of
Edward (1578-9). Bapt. there, July 3, 1586. School,
Aylsham (Mr Eston). Matric. 1603. Father of John (1660).
{Bhmefield, viii. 167.)
SIMONDS, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs. 1606.
S. of Thomas, R. of Hinderclay, Suffolk. B. there. Scholar;
B.A. (? 1609-10); M.A. 1613; B.D. 1620. FeUow, 1613. Ord.
deacon (London) June 15, age 26; priest (Norwich) Sept. 21,
1617. Perhaps V. of Gt Eversden, Cambs., 1617-23. R. of
Stonham parva, Suffolk, 1623-4. R. of Gislingham, 1628-75.
Died Dec. 22, 1675. Father of John (1648). {Founders and
Benefactors, 58.)
SYMONDS, JOHN. .\dm. scholar (age 14) at Caius, July 23,
1608. S. of Ralph (1583), gent., of Hindolveston, Norfolk.
School, Lynu (Mr Wright). Of Hindolveston, Esq., and of
Ross Manor, Whitwell. Married .'\nne, dau. of Richard
Toothby (or Tovvthby), of Lines. (Blomefield, viii. 294; ix.
378; Venn, i. 199.)
SIMONDS, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Nov. 3, 1628.
Of Norfolk. Matric. 1629; B.A. 1632-3.
SIMONDS, JOHN. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1637. Of Norfolk.
SIMONDS, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, May 3,
1648. S. of John (1606), R. of Gislingham, Suffolk. Schools,
Bury and Norwich. Matric. 1648; B.A. 1651-2; M.A. 1655.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1655. Died unmarried, 1703, at Gisling-
ham. Benefactor to St John's. {Founders and Benefactors,
SIMONDS, JOHN. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 16) at Caius, July 3,
1660. S. of John (1603), Esq., of SufSeld, Norfolk. B. at
Swannington. Schools, Bungay (Mr Gill) and Seaming
(Mr Burton and Mr Fermary). Matric. 1660. Married Alice,
dau. of Walter Bridges, V. of Enfield, Middlesex. {Venn, i.
SYMONDS, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Peterhouse, May 27,
1710. Of Ireland. School, Ipswich. Matric. 1710; B.A.
1713-4; Scholar, 1714; M.A. 1732. Ord. deacon (Ely) Sept.
25, 1715; priest (Norw-ich) July 13, 1718. V. of Dullingham,
Cambs., 1729-78. V. of Stetchworth, 1744-78. Chaplain to
John, Earl of Sandwch, in 1744. Will, Aug. 1778. Father
of John (1749)- {Scott-Mayor, iii. 590.)
SYMONDS, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, Oct. 30,
1712. S. of John, deceased. B. at Bury St Edmunds.
School, Bury. Matric. 1713; Scholar; B.A. 1716-7; M.A.
1720; D.D. 1738. FeUow, 1718-25. Taxor, 1722. Ord.
deacon (London) Mar. 13, 1719-20; priest. Mar. 5, 1720-1.
R. of Rushbrook, Suffolk, 1724-6. R. of Homingsheath,
1725-57. R. of Nowton, 1725-57. Preacher at St Mary's,
Bury. Married Mary Spring (one of the co-heirs of Sir
William Spring, of Pakenham). Died Oct. 1757, aged 60.
Buried at Pakenham. Father of the next. (G. Mag.; L.
SYMONDS, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, July 11,
1747. S. of John (above), D.D., of Suffolk. B. at Homings-
heath. School, Bury. Matric. 1747; B.A. 1752; M.A. 1754;
LL.D. 1772. Fellow of Peterhouse, 1753. Regius Professor of
SiMONDs, Richard
Modem History, 1771-1807. Adm. at the Middle Temple,
May 4, 1747. Barrister, 1756. Recorder of Bury St Edmunds,
1772. Died unmarried, Feb. 18, 1807. Buried at Pakenham.
M.I. Will, P.C.C. {D.N.B.; Scott-Mayor, iii. 569.)
SYMONDS, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, June 29,
1749. S. of John (1710), clerk, V. of DuUingham, Cambs.
B. there. School, Ely. Matric. 1750; B.A. 1753; M.A. 1756.
Ord. deacon (Lincoln) June 9, 1754; priest (Ely) Sept. 21,
1755. V. of Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambs., 1773-1808. V. of
Stetchworth, 1778-1808. Chaplain to James, Dukeof Queens-
berry. {Scott-Mayor, in. 590.)
SIMONDS, JOSEPH. Matric. sizar from Emmanuel, Easter,
1620; B.A. 1623-4; M.A. 1627. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept.
11; priest, Sept. 12, 1624. R. of St Martin's, Iremonger Lane,
London, 1632-9, deprived. Minister of St Mary Abchurch,
London, 1647. Married Elizabeth Elton, June 29, 1626.
{Shaw, I. 338.)
SIMONDS, JOSIAH. Adm. sizar at Queens', Easter, 1601. Of
Essex. Perhaps B.A. (Magdalen College, Oxford) 1608-9.
Ord. deacon (Lincoln) June 7; priest, Sept. 20, 1612. C. of
Horsington, Lines., in 1614. Probably of Langton, near
V/ragby. Admon. (Lincoln) 1620.
SIMONDS, LEE. Matric. pens, from Peterhouse, Michs. 1589.
2nd s. of Giles, of Cley, Norfolk. Brother of Ralph (1583).
SYMON, MARTIN. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 161 1.
B. in St Nicholas parish, Thanet, Kent. Scholar, 1614;
B.A. 1615-6; M.A. 1624. Ord. deacon (Norwich); priest
(London) Dec. 19, 1619, age 25.
SIMON, MATTHEW. M.A. 1520-1.
SIMONDS, MICHAEL. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Easter, 1587. Perhaps adm. at the Inner Temple, 1589; of
Middleton, Kent.
SYMONDS, NATHANIEL. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Emmanuel,
June, 1664. Of Norfolk. Probably s. of John, alderman and
elder of Yarmouth. Matric. 1664. Died 1720, aged 72.
(Manship, Yarmouth, i. 250.)
SYMONDS, NATHANIEL. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Caius, Apr. 20,
1709. S. of Nathaniel, mercer, of Yarmouth. B. there.
Schools, Yarmouth (Mr Wellam) and Norwich (Mr Pate).
Matric. 1709; Scholar, 1709-15; B.A. 1712-3; M.A. I7i7-
Fellow, 1715-9. Ord. deacon (Norwich) July 12; priest,
July 13, 1718. V. of Ormesby, Norfolk, 1718-27. Died 1727.
M.I. at Yarmouth. {Venn, i. 520.)
SIMONS, NICHOLAS. Adm. scholar at Trinity Hall, Feb. 23,
I73&-7- 2nd s. of John, of Belgrave, Leics. Matric. pens.
1737; LL.B. 1749 {Lit. Reg.). Adm. at the Middle Temple,
June 5, 1735. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) May 24, 1741; priest,
May 29, 1743. Probably R. of Isleham, Cambs., 1743-6.
V. of Chislet, Kent, 1748-76. V. of Sarre, 1749-76. Died
Nov. 1776.
SYMONDS or SIMON, PETER. Matric. sizar from Trinity,
Easter, 1577; B.A. 1582-3; M.A. 1586. Ord. deacon and
priest (Lincoln) Aug. 1586. R. of Morcott, Rutland, 1589-94.
V. of St Nicholas, Sandwich, Kent, 1595-1616. V. of St
Clement's, Sandwich, 1600-16. Died 1616. {Hasted, iv. 308.)
SIMON, PETER. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1615;
B.A. 1620-1; M.A. 1624.
SIMON, PETER. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Trinity, Apr. 6, 1727-
S. of Peter, of Sheffield. School, St Paul's, London. Matric.
1727; Scholar, 1729; B.A. 1730-1; M.A. 1734. FeUow, 1733.
Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 19, 1731. Chaplain to Lord
Invin. V. of Whitkirk, Leeds, 1743-79. V. of Welton,
Howden, Yorks., 1749-79. Died June 14, 1779. Will, P.C.C.
SIMONDS, RALPH. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Peterhouse,
Michs. 1583. S. and h. of Giles, of Cley, Norfolk (and
Catherine, dau. of Sir Anthony Lee, of Burston, Bucks.).
Married Anne, dau. of Jeffrey Cobb, of Sandringham.
Brother of Lee (1589) and father of John (1608). {Blome-
field, viii. 294.)
SYMONS, RICHARD. Adm. pens, (age 14) at Christ's, June 2,
1631. S. and h. of John, of Gt Yeldham, Essex. B. there,
Oct. 13, 1616. School, Yeldham (Mr Cavell). Matric. 1631.
Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, June 16, 1633. Parliamentarian.
Fell at Naseby under Fairfax, 1645. The two following
Richards were probably his cousins. Brother of Samuel
(1640). {Peile, I. 411; Morant, 11. 303.)
SYMONDS, RICHARD, .^dm. pens, at Emmanuel, Sept. 10,
1632. Of Essex. Probably s. and h. of Samuel, of Topsfield,
Essex, Cursitor of Chancery. Matric. 1632. Adm. at Gray's
Inn, Nov. 6, 1635. (The next man rather than this is doubtless
identical with the royalist and antiquary of these names.)
(Richard Symonds, Diary of the Marches of the Royal Army
(Camden Society).)
SiMONDs, Richard
SYMONS, RICHARD. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Sept. lo,
1632. Of Essex. Doubtless s. and h. of Edward {or Edmund),
of Black Notley, Essex, and grandson of Richard, Cursitor
in Chancery. Bapt. June 12, 1617, at Black Notley. Matric.
1633. A Cursitor in Chancery. Imprisoned as a delinquent,
1642-3, but escaped and joined the royalist army under
Lord Bernard Stuart, afterwards Earl of Lichfield. Present
at the battles of Copredy bridge, Newbury, and Naseby,
also at the relief of Chester. Left London, 1648, and travelled
to Paris and thence to Rome and Venice. Returned to
England, 1652. Implicated in a Royalist plot, 1655, arrested
but subsequently released. His Diary of the Marches of the
Royal Army during the Civil War, was published by the
Camden Society in 1859. Also left memoranda of his travels
abroad and genealogical and archaeological collections. The
latest entry in a commonplace book of his, is an account of
an earthquake which was felt at Witham, Suffolk, Sept. 8,
1692. Probably died c. 1692. (Morant, 11. 30; D.N.B.)
SYMONDS, RICHARD. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Jesus, Apr. 29,
1674. S. of Henry, of SufiBeld, Norfolk, Esq. Matric. 1674.
SYMMONDS, RICHARD. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity,
Feb. 14, 1707-8. S. of William (1677), of Battle, Sussex.
School, Battle (Mr Lord).
SYMONDS, RO. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1559;
Scholar, 1560.
SYMONDS, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs. 1571.
SIMON or SIMONS, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Queens', June 14,
1580. Of Cambridgeshire. Doubtless s. of Robert, of
Whittlesford, Cambs. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Feb. 5, 1583-4;
of Whittlesford, Cambs. Doubtless father of Robert (1622).
{Vis. of Cambs., 1619.)
SYMOND, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Dec. 1615.
Probably s. of Robert, of Elton, Lanes. Bapt. there, Sept. 10,
1598. B.A. 1618-9; M.A. 1622. C. of Bury, Lanes., 1623.
Master of Nantwich School, Cheshire, before 1634; of
Manchester School, 1637. Chaplain of the Collegiate Church,
Manchester, c. 1638-42. Preacher at Middleton, Lanes., in
1647-8. Minister at Shaw Chapel, 1648-50. R. of Dalbury,
Derbs., 1652. R. of Middleton, Salford, 1661-81. Died
Mar. 23, 1681-2, aged 84. Buried at Middleton. (Peile, 1.
306; Mumford, Manchester School.)
SYMONS, ROBERT. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Sidney, Jan. 20,
1622-3. 2nd s. of Robert (1580), Esq. (by his 2nd wife
Margaret, dau. of Thomas Wendy, of Haslingfield). B. at
Whittlesford, Cambs. School, Sutton, Beds. Matric. 1623.
Adm. at Gray's Inn, Feb. 2, 1624-5. (Cambs. Vis., 1619.)
SYMON, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at Trinity, Apr. 28, 1642.
Matric. 1642.
SYMONDS, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Clare, July 2, 1717.
B. at Exeter. B.A. 1720-1; M.A. (0.xford) 1723. Fellow of
Exeter, 172 1-7. V. of St Mary Arches, Exeter. (Al. Oxon.)
SYMON, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Peterhouse, July 5,
1722. Of Durham. School, Houghton-le-Spring. Matric.
1723; Scholar, 1724. Probably married Mary Rymer,
Feb. 12, 1727-8, at St Giles', Durham. (Probably same as
the next.)
SYMON, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Peterhouse, June
17, 1723. Of Durham. School, Houghton-le-Spring. (See
the above.)
SIMONDS, SAMUEL. Adm. at St Catharine's, Apr. 13, 1640.
3rd s. of John. B. at Yeldham, Essex. School, Steeple
Bumpstead (Mr Thomebeck). Matric. 1640. Migrated to
Christ's, Oct. 29, 1642. B.A. 1643-4; M.A. from Pembroke,
1647. Fellow of Pembroke, c. 1644. Probably R. of Ashen,
Essex, 1654-60. Perhaps R. of Colne Engaine, 1662-7.
If so, died 1667. One of these names, of Yeldham, Essex,
died Oct. 12, 1678. Brother of Richard (1631). (H. Smith;
E. Anglian, 11. 268.)
SYMONDS, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, Apr. 27,
1670; B.A. 1673-4; M.A. 1677. Incorp. at Oxford, 1677.
' Of Clapham, Surrey, clerk,' when his son Joshua was adm.
at the Barber Surgeon's Hall, in 1709.
SYMONDS, SAMUEL. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1699. B. in London. Matric. 1699-1700; B.A. 1703-4; M.A.
1707. Fellow, 1702. Assistant Master at Eton. Died Nov.
1 714. (Harwood.)
SIMON, SIMEON. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1598. Of Suffolk. B. at West Wratting, Cambs. B.A. 1605-6;
M.A. 1609. Ord. deacon (London) Feb. 21, 1607-8, age 23;
'C. of Westham, Essex'; priest, Feb. 17, 1610-1; C. of
Barking, Essex.
SIMONDS, SIMON. Adm. at King's (age 17) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 15, 1505. Of Windsor, Berks. B.A. 1508-9;
M.A. 1511. Fellow, 1508-19. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Mar. 15,
1510-1. V. of Elmdon, Essex, 1518. V. of Bray, Berks.,
1523-51. Probably V. of South Petherton, Somerset, 1533-
SiMPsoN, Edmund
48. Preb. of Lichfield, 1534-46. Preb. of Sarum, 1534-51.
Canon of Windsor, 1535-51. King's chaplain. R. of Taplow,
Bucks., 1537-51. Preb. of Lincoln, 1543-51. Died 1551.
(Cooper, I. 107; Lipscomb, in. 298.)
SYMON, THOMAS. Incorp. from Oxford, 1498-9. One Thos.
Symond, or Symons, R. of Greenford Magna, Middlesex.
Died July 12, 1518. Will (P.C.C.) 1521.
SYMONDS, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Emmanuel, Michs.
1607; B.-A.. 1611-2.
SYMONS or SIMON, THOMAS. Adm. FeU.Com. at Jesus, July
8, 1619. Of Essex. Matric. 1619. Perhaps s. of Richard,
Cursitor in Chancery, of Yeldham, Essex. If so, died s.p.
June 5, 1625. Perhaps brother of Richard Fitz-Simmons
(1615). (Morant, 11. 303; A. Gray.)
SYMONDS ('SIMONIDES'), THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at
Christ's, Feb. 4, 1628-9. S. of Henry. B. at Suffield,
Norfolk. School, North Walsham (Mr Agar). Matric. 1629.
Probably R. of Suffield, 1637-84; also R. of Hackford, 1637;
ejected, then restored till 1684. Died 1684. (Peile, i. 398.)
SIMONS, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1633.
SYMONDS, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, June 10,
1729. S. of Samuel, of London. B. at Moreton, Berks.
School, Westminster. Matric. 1729; Scholar, 1730; B.A.
1732-3; M.A. 1736; D.D. 1773. Fellow, 1735. Ord. priest
(Norwich) Mar. 1733-4. V. of Kendal, Westmorland, 1745-
89. Died Feb. 16, 1789, aged 79. Buried at Kendal. M.I.
Wm, P.C.C. (Al. Westmon., 300; C. Nicholson, Kendal, 60.)
SYMONDS, THOMAS. M.A. from Trinity, 1744. Probably s. of
Thomas, of Elborough, Somerset, gent. Matric. (Balliol
College, Oxford) Nov. 4, 1727, age 16; B.A. (Oxford) 1731.
Incorp. at Cambridge, 1744. Probably R. of EUough,
Suffolk, 1737-48. Died Oct. 12, 1748, aged 38. Buried at
EUough. M.I. (Al. Oxon.; Suckling, i. 55.)
SIMONS, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Gonville Hall,
Easter, 1550.
SYMONS, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Gonville Hall,
Michs. 1556; B.A. 1559-60; M.A. 1563, Symon. Ord. deacon
and priest (Norwich) Aug. 14, 1597, age 56. (Perhaps R. of
Stock, Essex, 1587.) V. of Newton by Stowmarket, Suffolk,
1597-1609. Perhaps C. of Buttsbury, Essex, in 1598.
SYMONDS, WILLIAM. Scholar of Trinity, 1560.
SIMONDS, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 19) at Caius, 1655.
S. of William, gent., of Suffield, Norfolk. B. at HiUmorton,
Warws. School, Norwich (Mr Lovering).
SIMMONDS, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, 1677.
Matric. 1677-8; B.A. from King's, 1681-2; M.A. from
St Catharine's, 1685. Perhaps ord. deacon (Coventry and
Lichfield) June 11, 1682; priest (Chichester) Sept. 23, 1683.
R. of All Saints', Hastmgs, 1683. Dean of Battle, 1689.
Died Dec. 10, 1730. Father of Richard (1708). (W. C.
Renshaw; Musgrave.)
SIMON, . Probably fellow of Peterhouse, 1417. Chaplain
of Little St Mary's.
SIMON, . M.A. 1460-1.
SIMONDS, . B.A. 1507-8.
SIMONS, . B.A. 1509-10; M.A. 1513.
SYMONS, . Pens, at Gonville Hall, 1531-4.
SYMONDS, . Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter, 1544.
SIMONDSON, LISTER. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's,
June 23, 1696. S. of Thomas, husbandman. B. at Star-
botton in Kettlewell, Yorks. School, Threshfield (Mr
Motley). Matric. 1696; B.A. 1699-1700. Ord. deacon (York)
Dec. 1701; priest, 1703. R. of Pannal, Yorks., 1707-50.
Died 1750. Buried at Kirkby Overblow.
SIMPSON or SYMSON, ANDREW. Adm. scholar at Trinity
Hall, Apr. 8, 1731. Of Bardney, Lines. Matric. 1731.
SYMPSON, BARSABAS. Adm. sizar at Clare, Dec. 17, 1689;
exhibitioner from Charterhouse. S. of Isaac, of Alrewas,
Staffs. B. there, Nov. 15, 1673. Matric. 1690; B.A. 1693-4.
Ord. deacon (London) Feb. 17, 1694-5; priest. Mar. 8,
1695-6. V. of Gt Carlton, Lines., 1696-1717. R. ofOxcombe,
1706-17. (Al. Carthus.)
SYMSON, CLEOPHAS. Matric. pens, from Sx John's, Michs.
SIMPSON, EDMUND. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse, Easter,
1560. B. in London. Scholar, 1561; B.A. 1562-3; M.A. from
Pembroke, 1568; B.D. 1575. FeUow of Pembroke, 1568.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1565. Ord. deacon (London) June 12,
1569, age 24. R. of Hulcote, Beds., 1565. University preacher,
1570. R. of St Peter Cheap, London, 1571-80. R. of St
Dunstan-in-the-East, 1574-80. Died 1580. Will (P.C.C.)
Simpson, Edmund
SIMPSON, EDMUND. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, June 4,
1659. S. of John, yeoman, of Lancaster. B. there. School,
Warton (Mr Holden). Matric. 1659; B.A. 1662-3.
SIMSON, EDWARD. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 1576.
SIMPSON, EDWARD. Adm. at Trinity, a scholar from West-
minster, 1597. S. of Edward, R. of Tottenham, Middlesex.
B. there. May 9, 1578. B.A. 1600-1; M.A. 1604; B.D. 1611;
D.D. 1624. Fellow, 1602-28. Chaplain to Sir Moylc Finch,
1611-4. R- of Eastling, Kent, 1617-52. R. of Pluckley,
1628-49. Preb. of Lincoln, 1628. A learned divine. Author,
Chronicon Hisloriam Catholicam complectens. Died 1652.
Admon., P.C.C. {Al. Westmon.; D.N.B.)
SIMPSON, EDWARD. Adm. scholar at Trinity Hall, Jan. 8,
1717-8. S. of Francis, of Fishlake, Yorks., Esq. LL.B. 1724;
LL.D. 1728 {Com. Reg.; adm. 1734). Fellow, 1724-35.
Master of Trinity Hall, 1735-64. Vice-Chancellor, 1740-1.
Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, June 9, 1719. Judge of the Consistory
Court of London, 1747-58. Dean of the Arches, 1758-64.
Judge of the Prerogative Court, Canterbury, 1758-64. M.P.
for Dover, 1759-64. Knighted, Dec. 1761. Died May 20,
1764. (Trin. Hall. Hist., 190.)
SIMPSON, ESDRAS (alias THOMAS). Matric. pens, from
Trinity, Easter, 1576, Symson. Doubtless s. of Thomas, V.
of Brightlingsea, Essex, 1559-84. R. of Eastbridge, Kent,
1596-1604. V. of Kelvedon, Essex, 1604-9, deprived.
Appointed chaplain for three years to the Hon. East India
Company, in 1609. Doubtless brother of John (1576) and
Thomas (1576). (F. Penny, Church in Madras; Newcourt;
Hasted, III. 435; Cooper, in. 19, identifies Esdras, alias
Thomas with Thomas (1576), of Pembroke, but this seems
SIMPSON, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, at Trinity Hall, June 21,
1746. Matric. 1747; Scholar; LL.B. 1753; LL.D. 1758.
Fellow, 1751-81. Chancellor of Lincoln diocese, 1779-81.
Died Nov. ii, 1781. WiU (P.C.C); of St Benet, Paul's
Wharf, London. (G. Mag.)
SIMPSON, GEORGE. Matric. sizar from Pembroke, Easter, 1569.
SIMPSON, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs. 1612.
SYMSON, GEORGE. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Apr. 8, 1645. Of
Essex. Matric. 1645-6; Scholar, 1647; B.A. 1648-9.
SYMSON, HENRY. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's, May 17,
1631. S. and h. of Ralph, of Pittington Hall, Durham.
Bapt. May 21, 1615, at Pittington. School, Durham (Mr
Harrison). Matric. 1631; B.A. 1633-4. Adm. at Gray's Inn,
Aug. 12, 1631. Married Mary, dau. of Sir William Belasyse,
of Murton, Durham, Knt. Buried Apr. 10, 1647, at Pitting-
ton. Will proved, Apr. 30, 1647. Father of William (1663).
(Peile, J. 410; Surtees, 1. 115.)
SYMPSON, HUGH. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, June 30,
1749. S. of Thomas, attomey-at-law, of Cumberland. B. at
Penrith. School, Appleby (Mr Yates). Matric. 1749. Adm.
at Gray's Inn, Mar. 27, 1752. Barrister, 1758. Probably of
Carlton Hall, Cumberland. Died Mar. 1768.
SIMPSON, HUMPHREY. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's,
Jan. 27, 1664-5. S. of Robert, currier. B. at York. School,
York. B.A. 1668-9. Ord. deacon (York) June, 1669; priest,
May, 1670. C. of Bishopthorpe, York. Dead in 1674.
SYMPSON, ISAAC. M.A. from St John's, 1664. B.A. (Trinity
College, Dublin). Perhaps R. of Coppenhall, Cheshire, till
1676. One of these names V. of Lacock, Wilts. Admon.
(Archd. Wilts.) 1684.
SIMSON, JOHN. B.A. 1519-20.
SIMSON, JOHN. B.A. 1521-2.
SIMPSON, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1576.
S. of Thomas, V. of Brightlingsea, Essex. B. there. B.A.
1580-1 ; M.A. 1584. Ord. deacon and priest (London) May 27,
1586, age 25. R. of St Ethelburga, Bishopsgate Street,
London, 1586. R. of St Olave, Hart Street, 1590-1633.
Preb. of St Paul's, 1605-33. Built the libraryof Sion College,
London. Buried Aug. 29 (or 30), 1633, at St Olave.
Admon. (P.C.C.) 1633 granted to son Thomas (1622).
Father of John (1620), brother of Thomas (1576), and
Esdras (1576).
SIMPSON, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse, Michs. 1579;
B.A. 1583-4. Probably ord. deacon (Durham) May 22, 1586;
'of York diocese.' Ord. priest (Peterb.) Mar. lo, 1587-8.
SIMPSON, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1584;
B.A. 1587-8.
SIMPSON, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Queens', May 10, 1596.
Probably s. of Lancelot (1568), of Maidstone, Kent. B. at
East Mailing, Kent. Matric. 1596; B.A. 1599-1600; M.A.
1606. Ord. deacon and priest (London) Mar. 1, 1606-7,
aged 27. C. of Thumham. Probably R. of Mount Bures,
Essex, 1616-44. Sequestered. Died unmarried 1648. Will,
P.C.C. Brother of Samuel (1606). (Vis. of Yorks., 1665;
Hunter, i. 184.)
Simpson, Joseph
SIMPSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Feb. i8, 1599-
i5oo; B.A. 1603-4; M.A. 1608.
SIMSON, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Trinity, 1615. Of West-
morland. Scholar, 1619; B.A. 1619-20; M.A. from Christ's,
1623. Fellow of Christ's, 1622-8. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
May 11; priest. May 12, 1623. Probably V. of Stukeley,
Bucks., 1629. (Peile, 1. 312.)
SIMSON or SIMPSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Pembroke,
May 2, 1620. S. of John (1576), R. of St Olave, Hart Street,
London. Bapt. there, Aug. 4, 1605. Matric. 1620; B.A.
1623-4; M.A. 1627. Brotherof Thomas (1622). (H.Smith.)
SIMPSON, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1631;
B.A. 1634; M.A. 1638.
SIMPSON, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter, 1631.
Of Kent. B.A. 1634-5; M.A. 1638. Ord. priest (Peterb.)
Mar. 10, 1638-9. R. of Mount Bures, Essex, 1644. Signed
the petition for Presbyterianism, in 1646. Probably nephew
and executor of John (1596). (H. Smith.)
SIMPSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 19) at St John's, June 18,
1641 ; exhibitioner from Charterhouse. S. of John, of Bedford,
deceased. B. there. Matric. 1641; B.A. from Magdalene,
1644; M.A. 1648. One of these names ord. priest (Sydserf,
Bishop of Galloway) Mar. 7, 1661-2. R. of Trimley St Mary,
Suffolk, 1662. One of these names V. of Dronfield, Derbs.,
1666-9. Died 1669.
SYMPSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Apr. 15, 1647. Of
Hertfordshire. S. and h. of John, of St Albans. Bapt. Nov.
1630, at the Abbey. Matric. 1646; B.A. 1650-1. Adm. at
the Inner Temple, 1649. Barrister, 1656. Bencher, 1673.
Judge of the C.P., 1659-71, and of the Sheriffs' Court,
1671-81. Serjeant-at-law, 1677. King's Serjeant, 1678.
Recorder of St Albans, 1661-81. Knighted, Feb. 1678.
Married Jane, dau. of Sir Thomas Twisden, Jan. 25, 1661-2.
Died Dec. 12, 1681. Buried in the Temple Church. Perhaps
father of Thomas (1680).
SIMSON, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Magdalene, June 26,
1667. S. of Francis, of Hatfield. School, Sedbergh. Matric.
1668; B.A. 1670-1. Signs for deacon's orders (London) Oct.
14, 1672; but entry erased. Ord. deacon (York) May, 1673;
priest, June, 1674.
SIMPSON, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 19) at St John's, Oct. 17,
1684. S. of James, husbandman. B. at Knayton, Yorks.
School, Ripon. Matric. 1684; B.A. 1688-9. Ord. deacon
(London) Dec. 20, 1691.
SIMPSON, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Trinity, Nov. 8, 1706.
S. of Joseph, of London. School, St Paul's. Matric. 1707;
B.A. 1710-1; M.A. 1715. Ord. deacon (London) Feb. 25,
SIMPSON, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Trinity, Apr. 12, 1708.
S. of Robert, of Colchester. School, St Paul's, London.
Matric. 1709; Scholar, 1710; B.A. 1712-3; M.A. 1716.
Fellow, 1715.
SIMPSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, June 6, 1710.
.S. of Thomas, druggist, of Diss, Norfolk. B. there. Schools,
Gissing (Mr Carver) and Beccles (Mr Leedes). Matric. 1710;
Scholar, 1710-4. Adm. at the Middle Temple, May 6, 1712.
Called to the Bar, 1715. (Venn, 1. 523.)
SIMPSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's, Apr. 20,
1717. S. of John, of Eckington, Derbs., and of Babworth,
Notts. B. at Babworth. School, Wakefield. Matric. 1717;
Scholar, 1718; B.A. 1720-1; M.A. 1724. Fellow, 1725-8;
Fellowship declared void 'by reason of an Estate.' Ord.
deacon (Ely) Jan. i; priest, Jan. 6, 1724-5. Of Stoke,
(?) Derbs., clerk, and of Stainford and Babworth, 1728.
Died Apr. 5, 1784. Buried at Babworth. Will, P.C.C.
Brother of William (i7i5)- (Peile, 11. 192; G. Mag.)
SIMPSON, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Christ's, June 28,
1732. S. of WiUiam. B. at Kimbolton, Hunts. School,
Chesterfield. Matric. 1732; Scholar, 1733; B.A. 1735-6;
M.A. 1739. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) June 20, 1736; priest,
Sept. 25, 1737. V. of Upton, Lines., 1740. (Peile, 11. 226.)
SYMPSON, JOHN. M.A. from Trinity, 1748. S. of Eli, of
Lubsthorpe, Leics. Matric. (Lincoln College, Oxford) Mar.
18, 1724-5, age 17; B.A. (Oxford) 1728. One of these names
R. of Desford, Leics., i735- (Al. Oxon.)
SIMPSON, JOSEPH, .^dm. sizar (age 17) at Jesus, Aug. 31,
1677. S. of , clerk, deceased, of Yorkshire. Matric.
1677; Scholar, 1679; B.A. 1681-3. Ord. deacon (York) Mar.
SIMPSON, JOSEPH. M.A. 1747 (Incorp. from Oxford). S. of
John, of Redmayne, Cumberland. Matric. (Queen's College,
Oxford) Apr. 8, 1728, age 18; B.A. (O.xford) 1732-3; M.A.
1736; D.D. 1761. Fellow of Queen's. R. of Weyhill, Hants.,
1756. R. of Garsdon, Wilts., 1763-96. Died Aug. 17. 1796.
Will, P.C.C. (Al. Oxon.)
Simpson, Lancelot
SIMSON, LANCELOT. Matric. sizar from Queens', Michs. 1568.
Perhaps of Kent. Probably father of John (1596). {Vis. of
Yorks., 1665.)
SIMPSON, LEWIS. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1497.
Name off, 1500.
SYMSON, MATTHEW. Matric. sizar from Queens', Michs.
1569. Of Essex. B. A. 1573-4. Perhaps ord. deacon (Peterb.)
Dec. 22, 1574; priest. Mar. 26, 1575. Of Wickham St Paul's,
Essex. Patron of Nedging, Suffolk; living, 1628. Probably
brother of William (1580) and father of William {1601).
SIMPSON, MERCY (MERRY). Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 17) at
St John's, Apr. 28, 1681. S. of Richard, gent. B. in Barton
Park, Derbs. School, Repton. Matric. 1681. Mendicant
friar. Died in France. (Repton School Register.)
SYMSON, NAARIAH. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney, Apr. 25,
1647. S. of Robert, clothier. B. at Leeds, Yorks. Schools,
Leeds (private) and Batley (Mr Priest). Matric. 1647; B.A.
1650; M.A. 1654. Incorp. at Oxford, 1654. P.C. of .4rmley,
Yorks., 1660-72. Died 1672.
SYMPSON, NATHANIEL. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Sidney,
July, 1632. S. of Robert, 'Dispensator' of Mr Thomas
Waterson. B. at Darrington, Yorks. Matric. 1632; B.A.
1635-6; M.A. 1639. Perhaps V. of Fishlake, Yorks., 1654.
SIMPSON, NICHOLAS. B.A. 1549-50; M.A. i553- WiU of Nich.
Simpson, of Trinity (V.C.C.) 1593. See Al. Oxon. for a
contemporary namesake.
SIMSON, OLIVER. Matric. sizar from Trinity, c. 1592; B.A.
1595-6; M.A. 1599. R. of Radwell, Herts., 1610-29, 'Samp-
son.' Died 1629.
SIMPSON, PETER. Adm. sizar at Trinity Hall, June 30, 1729.
Matric. 1729. Off, 1732. Ord. priest (Lincoln) Mar. 2,
1734-5. One of these names of Aldborough, Y'orks. Died
there Apr. 10, 1780, aged 70.
SIMSON, RALPH. Adm. pens, at Queens', May 30, 1670. Of
SIMPSON, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Nov. 1569.
One of these names ord. at Douay, 1577; described as of
Chester diocese. Sent to England, 1577. E.xecuted there c.
1586. (Peile, I. 112.)
SYMSON, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Apr. 1584.
SIMSON, ROBERT. B.Can.L. 1482-3.
SIMSON, ROBERT. M.A. (Perhaps the above.) R. of Layer
Mamey, Essex, 1488-1530, and of Stanway Magna, 1505-14.
Benefactor to St Catharine's and St John's. (Cooper, i. 48.)
SYMPSON, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1552;
B.A. 1558-9; M.A. 1562. Fellow, 1560.
SYMSON, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1571.
Perhaps adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Aug. 3, 1575, Sympson, from
Clifford's Inn, and of Yorkshire. Barrister, 1584. But see
Al. Oxon. for a contemporary.
SYMSON, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Caius, Oct. 11, 1603.
Of Hutton, Yorks. S. of William. School, Hutton (Mr Price).
Probably B.A. from Trinity, 1608-9.
SYMPSON, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from King's, Easter, 1623;
B.A. 1626-7; M.A. 1630. Probably V. of St Michael, Bongate,
Westmorland, 1634-61; R. of Ormside (or Ormeshed),
SIMPSON, ROBERT Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, Aug. 19,
1661. S. of Rowland (? WiUiam), wooUendraper, of Cam-
bridgeshire. B. there. School, Cambridge (Mr Griffith).
Matric. 1661; B.A. 1665-6; M.A. 1669. Incorp. at Oxford,
1675. Signed for priest's orders (London) June 5, 1669. C.
of Bocking, Essex. V. of Colyton, Devon, 1676-85. R. of
Feltwell St Mary, Norfolk, 1685. V. of Little Buckenham,
1708. Father of the next and probably of Rowland (1703).
(Al. Oxon.)
SYMPSON, ROBERT Adm. sizar (age 18) at Pembroke, July
10, 1705. S. of Robert (above), R. of Feltwell, Norfolk.
B. there. School, Bury St Edmimds. Matric. 1705-6.
Migrated to Caius, Oct. 10, 1707. Scholar, 1707; B.A. 1709-
10; M.A. 1713. Fellow of Caius, 1711-39. Esquire Bedell,
1716-49. Buried at St Edward's, Cambridge, Dec. 6, 1749.
Probably brother of Rowland (1703). (Venn, i. 516; Stokes,
Bedells, 108.)
SIMSON, ROGER. B.A. 1539-40. Perhaps scholar of Queens',
SIMPSON, ROWLAND. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's,
May 24, 1703. S. of Robert (? 1661), clerk. B. at Bath.
Bapt. Aug. 13, 1685, at the Abbey. School, Bury St Edmunds
(Mr Leedes). Matric. 1703; B.A. 1707-8; M.A. 1711; B.D.
1719. Fellow, 1710-31. Senior Proctor, 1717-8. Ord.
deacon (Norwich) Sept. 5; priest, Sept. 19, 1714. R. of
Gaywood, Norfolk, 1714-37. R. (sinecure) of Aberdaron,
Carnarvon, 1728. Died 1737. Probably brother of Robert
Simpson, Thomas
SIMPSON, SAMUEL. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1606.
S. of Lancelot (? 1568), of Kent. Scholar, 1611; B.A. 1611-2;
M.A. 1615. Fellow, 1614. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Jan. 4;
priest, Jan. 5, 1617-8. V. of Blyth, Notts., 1622-33. Buried
there Feb. 26, 1632-3. Brother of John (1596).
SIMPSON, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Queens', June 4, 1677.
Of Denbighshire. Matric. 1677; B.A. 1680-1. One of these
names, 'B.A.,' V. of Billingham, Durham, 1703-15. Died
SIMPSON, SIDRACH. Matric. sizar from Emmanuel, Michs.
1616. Of Lincolnshire. Migrated to Queens', Apr. 2, 1617.
B.A. 1621-2; M.A. 1625. Master of Pembroke, 1650-5.
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June 7; priest, June 8, 1623. C. and
lecturer at St Margaret's, Fish Street, London, c. 1629-38.
Migrated to Holland; joined the independent church at
Rotterdam, 1638. Returned to England and resumed his
lectureship at St Margaret's, 1641. A member of the West-
minster Assembly of Divines, 1643. R. of St Mary Abchurch,
London, 1650. R. of St Bartholomew, E.xchange, 1654.
One of the Triers, 1654. Imprisoned for a short time in
Windsor Castle for preaching against Cromwell. Author,
controversial. Buried Apr. 18, 1655 (according to the
Parish Reg.) in St Bartholomew's, Exchange. Will dated,
Apr. 2, 1655; proved (P.C.C.) Apr. 15 (sic), 1655; left 40s.
to the poor of Black Notley, Essex, where he 'was sometime
preacher.' Father of the next. (D.N.B.; H. G. Harrison.)
SIMPSON, SIDRACH. Adm. pens, at Christ's, July 2, 1650.
S. of Sidrach (above). Master of Pembroke. Migrated to
Oxford. Matric. (Magdalen College, Oxford) Apr. 1, 1656
(sic); B.A. (Oxford) 1655-6; M.A. and B.D. (by decree)
1686-7; D.D. 1691. R. of Stoke Newington, Middlesex,
1665-1704. Licensed to preach at St Bartholomew-by-the-
Bank, St Christopher and St Mary Woolnoth, Sept. 28, 1671.
Died Nov. 1704. Will (P.C.C.) 1704. (Peile, i. 538; Al. Oxon.)
SIMPSON, SIMON. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter, 1611;
B..\. 1614-5; M.A. 1618. Ord. deacon (York) May, 1618;
priest. Mar. 1619-20. Licensed to serve cure in the church
and parish of Santon-on-the-Wolds, Yorks., and to teach in
the Free Grammar School there. Mar. 13, 1619-20.
SIMPSON, SIMON. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1638. Of Yorkshire. B.A. 1641-2. Ord. priest (York) Sept.
1663. Perhaps V. of Waghen, Yorks., 1665-79.
SIMPSON, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
1576. S. of Thomas, V. of Brightlingsea, Essex, 1559-84.
B.A. from Pembroke, 1579-80. Succeeded his father as
V. of Bricklesea (or Brightlingsea), Essex, 1584-6. V. of
Kelvedon, 1586-1609. Became R.C. Begged his way to
Rome, and was made priest at Rheims. Arrested near
Orford, Suffolk, 1585, and imprisoned. Afterwards con-
formed. (According to Cooper, iii. 19, the convert to
Romanism was Esdras, alias Thomas, of Pembroke.) R. of
Eastbridge, Kent, 1604-12. Died 1612. Brother of John
(1576) and Esdras (1576). (Hasted, in. 435; Nea^courtA
SIMPSON, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Trinity, c. 1596.
SIMPSON, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs.
SIMPSON, THOMAS. B.A. 1622 (Incorp. from Oxford). Of
London, cler. fil. Doubtless s. of John (1576). Bapt. Nov. 5,
1601, at St Olave, Hart Street. Matric. (Christ Church,
Oxford) Mar. 14, 1616-7, age 15; B.A. 1620; M.A. 1623;
B.D. and M.D. 1632. Proved the will of his father, Oct. 7,
1633. Died before Jan. 23, 1633-4. Brother of John (1620).
(A!. Oxon.)
SIMPSON, THOMAS. M.A. 1653 (Incorp. from Edinburgh).
Perhaps R. of St John-the-Evangelist, Watling Street,
London, 1662. Buried there Dec. 9, 1662. One of these
names V. of Tottenham, Middlesex, 1655.
SYMPSON, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Pembroke, Apr.
22,1675. S. of William, of York. Matric. 1678; B.A. 1678-9.
Ord. deacon (York) Sept. 1678; priest. Mar. 1684-5.
SYMPSON, THOMAS. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 16) at Trinity,
Apr. 7, i68o. S. of Sir John (? 1647). School, St Paul's.
Matric. 1680.
SIMPSON, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, Jan. 31,
1695-6. S. of John, husbandman. B. at Clowbeck, near
Manfield, near Richmond, Yorks. School, Sedbergh. Matric.
1696; B.A. 1699-1700. One of these names, 'B.A.,' P.C. of
South Shields, Durham, 1721-47, and V. of Bywell St
Andrew, Northumberland. Died 1747.
SYMPSON, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 20) at Pembroke, July 2,
1703. S. of John, of Tarvin, Cheshire, shoemaker. B. there.
Matric. 1703; B.A. 1706-7. Ord. deacon (Ely) Sept. 21, 1707;
priest (Norwich) May, 1708. One of these names R. of Bale,
Norfolk, 1743-9. Died Aug. 15, 1749. Buried at Gunthorpe.
M.I.; 'of Tarvin, Cheshire.'
Simpson, Thomas
SIMPSON, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 20) at Christ's, Mar. 2,
1708-9. S. and h. of Richard, of Torrisholme, near Lan-
caster. Bapt. Nov. 22, 1688, at Lancaster. School, Lan-
caster (Mr Boardly). Adm. at the Middle Temple, Nov. 26,
1708. [Peile, II. 172.)
SYMPSON, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Trinity, Nov. 5,
1744. S. of Thomas, of Lincoln. School, Lincoln (Mr Rolt).
Matric. 1744; Scholar, 1748; B.A. 1748-9. Ord. deacon
(Ely) Feb. 19, 1748-9; priest (Lincoln) Dec. 23, 1750.
Vicar-choral, Lincoln, 1750. Probably preb. of Lincoln,
1759-86. Died 1786.
SIMSON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Queens', June 25, 1580.
Of Suffolk. B. at Wickham St Paul, Esse.x. B.A. 1583-4;
M.A. 1588. Probably brother of Matthew (1569).
SYMSON, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Dec. 1386.
SIMPSON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Caius, June 25, 1595.
S. of William, R. of East Lexham, Norfolk. B. there.
School; Dunham (Mr Bretten). Matric. c. 1595; Scholar,
1598-9; B.A. 1598-9; M.A. 1602; B.D. 1609. Ord. deacon
(Norwich) Sept. 26, 1603; priest, Dec. 23, 1604; C. of Gt
Dunham. R. of Cockthorpe and Little Langham, Norfolk,
1606-22. C. of Little Walsingham, in 1617. Probably father
of William (1639). {Venn, 1. 156.)
SIMPSON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Queens', Apr. 20, 1601.
Doubtless s. of Matthew (1569). B. at Wickham St Paul,
Essex. B.A. 1604-5; M.A. 1608. Ord. deacon (London)
June 3, 1610, age 24. C. of Mitcham, Surrey. R. of Nedging,
Suffolk, 1628. Will (P.C.C.) 1650; property at Wickham
St Paul.
SIMPSON, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter,
1614; B.A. 1617-8. Ord. deacon (York) May; priest, Sept.
1618. Oneof these names C. of St Dionis, London, c. 1630-41.
SIMPSON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Apr. 15, 1614.
Matric. 1614; B.A. 1617-8.
SIMPSON, WILLIAM. M.A. 1627 (Incorp. from St Andrews).
Incorp. at Oxford, 1627. One of these names R. of Wan-
stead, Essex, 1615, and V. of Gt Bentley, 1631-42.
SIMPSON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Pembroke,
May 15, 1639. S. of William (? 1595), of Walsingham,
Norfolk, clerk. Matric. 1639; B.A. 1642-3; M.A. 1646.
Probably ord. priest (Bishop of Ardfert) May 21, 1647.
R. of Irmingland, Norfolk, 1661-1700. Perhaps R. of St
Peter, Heydon, 1662-70.
SIMSON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Caius, May 30, 1645. S. of
William, schoolmaster. B. in London. Matric. 1645.
Migrated as sizar to Trinity, May 5, 1646.
SIMPSON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, June
29, 1654. S. of Christopher, brewer, of York. B. there.
School, York (Messrs Young and Parish). Migrated to Caius,
Nov. 17, 1657. Scholar, 1657-9; B.A. 1657-8.
SIMPSON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's, May 15,
1663. S. of Henry (1631), of Pittington, Durham. B. there.
Bapt. Dec. 6, 1645. School, Houghton. Matric. 1663. Died
unmarried. Buried at Pittington, May 19, 1675. {Surtees,
I. 115; Peile, I. 203 is wrong as to parentage.)
SYMPSON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Trinity, Apr. 28, 1688.
S. of William. B. at Shenley, Bucks. School, Beachampton,
Bucks. (Mr Abraham Freeston). Matric. 1688; B.A. 1691-2.
Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 24, 1693; 'C. of Shenley.'
SIMPSON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's, May 25,
1715. S. of John. B. at Babworth, Notts. School, Wake-
field. Matric. 1715. Adm. at the Inner Temple, June 24,
1715. Owned property at Stainforth, Yorks. Married
Frances, dau. of Fra. Elwick, widow of John Eyre, of
Bramley Hall. Died s.p.s., Jan. 15, 1768. Will, York.
Brother of John (1717). (Hunter, S. Yorks., i. 184; Peile, u.
SIMSON, . B.A. 1466-7.
SIMSON, . B.A. 1468-9.
SIMSON, . B.A. 1480-1; M.A. 1483.
SIMSON, . Com. for M.A. or higher degree, 1493-4.
SIMSON, . Sizar of Peterhouse, Michs. 1543.
SINCLARE, GEORGE. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Trinity, Apr. 16,
1747. S. of William, of Scarborough, Yorks. School, Bever-
ley (Mr Clark). Matric. 1747; Scholar, 1748; B.A. 1750-1;
M.A. 1756. Ord. deacon (York) June 2, 1751; priest. May,
1752. C. of Carnaby. R. of Wilford, Notts., till 1775. Died
June 12, 1775, aged 46. Buried at Wilford. M.I. Admon.
(P.C.C.) Sept. 1775. (Misc. Gen. et Her., N.S., iii. 172.)
SYNKLER, GILES. B.A. 1541-2.
SYNCKLER, HENOCH. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
1626; B.A. 1629-30; M.A. 1633. Probably R. of Slingsby,
Yorks., c. 1650.
V.A.C. IV.
SissoN, John
(age 14) at St John's, Jan. 26, 1671-2. B. at Kilham, Yorks.
School, Kilham. Matric. 1672; B.A. 1675-6; M.A. 1679.
Ord. priest (York) Dec. 1680. V. of Owthome, Yorks.,
1680-1708. Murdered by his servant Adam Alvin with the
connivance of his two nieces who lived with him, in 1708.
For an account of the tragedy see Poulson, Holderness, 11. 406.
SINCLORE, SAMUEL. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs.
1621; B.A. 1623-4; M.A. 1627. Ord. deacon (York) June,
1625; priest, Sept. 1626. C. of Bilton and Wyton, Yorks.,
1626-44. R- of Huggate, 1644-54. Buried there Jan. 11,
SINCLAIR, THOMAS. M.A. 1633 (Incorp. from Edinburgh).
M.A. (Edinburgh) 1618.
SINDERTON, HENRY. Adm. sizar at King's, Lent, 1570-1.
SINDERTON, . FeU.-Com. at Jesus, 1547-8.
SINDREY, RICHARD. Adm. sizar at Queens', Mar. 28, 1706.
Of (? Oakington), Cambs. Matric. 1706.
SINGLETON, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs.
SYNGLETON, THOMAS. Adm. scholar at Trinity Hall, 1560.
(Perhaps same as the last.)
SINGLETON, THOMAS. Of Clare (see his wiU). Spent four
years in Cambridge. Of Cheshire. Perhaps matric. sizar
from Clare, Michs. 1566, as Shynglynton. Adm. at Brase-
nose College, Oxford, 1573, age 21; B.A. 1574; M.A. 1578;
B.D. 1586; D.D. 1597. FeUow of Brasenose College, Oxford,
1576. Principal, 1595-1614. Vice-Chancellor, 1598-9 and
161 1-4. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Mar. 14, 1608-9. R. of Whit-
church, Oxon., 1596-1610. Canon of St Paul's, 1597-1614;
of Hereford, 1604-14. R. of Whitchurch, Salop, 1609-14.
Died Nov. 29, 1614. Buried at St Mary's, Oxford. WiU,
P.C.C; 'to Clare HaU in Cambridge where I had my first
education after I came from Chester, five poundes.' (Al.
SINGLETON, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Peterhouse,
May 22, 1689. Of Middlesex. School, Leicester. Matric.
1689; Scholar, 1689; B.A. 1692-3; M.A. 1696. Medicus.
Married Margaret, dau. of Abraham Dawes, merchant, of
London. Died Dec. 7, 1710, aged 40 (sic). Admon. (P.C.C.)
May, 1711. (Le Neve, Mon.)
SINGLETON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Corpus Christi, 1724.
Of Nottinghamshire. Matric. 1724; B.A. 1727-8. Ord.
deacon (York) July, 1728; priest (Lincoln) Sept. 20, 1730.
SINGLETON, . B.Civ.L. 1482-3.
SINNETT, . B.A. 1522-3.
SISLEY or SYSLEY, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse,
July 22, 1581. Perhaps s. and h. of Clement, of Barton Hall,
Essex; adm. at Gray's Inn, Jan. 29, 1592-3; of Barking,
Essex. (Vis. of Essex, i^i2.)
SISMEY, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's, July i,
1723. S. of John, of Rutland. B. at Thorpe, near Upping-
ham. School, Stamford (Mr Turner). Matric. 1724; B.A.
1726-7; M.A. 1730. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Sept. 22, 1728;
priest (Peterb.) Sept. 19, 1731. C. of Cransley, Northants.,
1731. C. of Pytchley, 1735; also C. of Sibbertoft, in 1745,
Buried July 23, 1745, at Marston TrusseU. (Scott-Mayor, in.
SISSISSON, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, Mar.
24, 1685-6. S. of George, shoemaker. B. at Beverley, Yorks.
School, Beverley (Mr Lambert). Matric. 1686; B.A. 1689-90.
Ord. deacon (York) Mar. 1689-go. V. of Owthonic, Yorks.,
1708-29. Died 1729. Father of the next.
SISSISSON, SETH. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, July i,
1714. S. of Richard (above), clerk. B. at York. School,
Beverley (Mr Lambert). Matric. 1714; B..\. 1717-8; M.A.
1721. Ord. deacon (York) Sept. 1720; priest, May, 1722.
R. of Thwing, Yorks., 1722-47. Died 1747.
SISSON, ARTHUR. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, June 20,
1661. S. of Cuthbert, attorney. Bapt. Apr. 3, 1644, at
St Mary-le-Bow, Durham. School, Hough ton-le-Spring
(Mr Cant). B.A. 1664.
SISSON, GEORGE. Adm. sizar (age 14) at Magdalene, Oct. 6,
1669. S. of John, farmer, of Tinwell, Rutland. School,
Stamford. Matric. 1670; B.A. 1673-4; M.A. 1677. Ord.
deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 24, 1676; priest (York) June, 1680.
SISSON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's, May 22,
1640. S. of Cuthbert, gent., of Durham. Bapt. Mar. 30, 1623,
at St Mary-le-Bow. School, Durham. Matric. 1640.
81 0
SissoN, Lancelot
SISSON, LANCELOT. Adm. sizar (age 28) at St John's, Sept. 7,
1702. S. of Lancelot, husbandman. B. at Garsdale, Yorks.
School, Sedbergh. C. of Sedgefield, Durham, 1707. V. of
Askham, Westmorland, 1711-7. V. of Startforth, Yorks.,
1717-33- Married Margaret Charge, of Cleasby, Yorks. Died
1733. Father of William (1740).
SISSON, PERCIVAL. Adm. pens, (age 21) at Caius, May 10,
1587 (previously adm. 1582-3; matric. as sizar, Lent, 1582-3).
S. of Christopher. B. at Barton, Westmorland. School,
Barton (Mr Wilkinson). B.A. 1586-7; Scholar, 1587-9;
M. A. 1590. (Venn, 1. izg.)
SISSON, THOMAS. B.A. 1538-9. Perhaps V. of Gt Staughton,
Hunts., 1555-8.
SISSONE, W. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1560.
SYSSON, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Dec. 1572.
SISSON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, June 27,
17:5. S. of Jonathan, gent. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1715;
B.A. 1718-9; M.A. 1722. Ord. priest (London) Dec. 22, 1723.
R. of Markshall, Essex, 1723-46. P.C. of Patswick. V. of
Norton, Durham, 1746-73. Chaplain to the Garrison at
Berwick-on-Tweed. Died Jan. 27, 1773, aged 75. Buried at
Darlington. M.I. (Scott-Mayor; W. H. D. Longstafie,
D»rlington, 222.)
SISSON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Trinity, May 12,
1740. S. of Lancelot (1702), of Cleasby, Yorks. School,
Scorton (Mr Noble). Matric. 1740; B.A. 1743-4. One of
these names, 'M.A.,' P.C. of Painshaw Chapel, Durham,
1754-88. Buried there Oct. 28, 1788. (Surtees (Reprint),
I. 205.)
SISSON, . Pens, at Peterhouse, 1570-1.
SISTON or SYSTON, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Peter-
house, Oct. 12, 1657. Of Nottinghamshire. Possibly s. of
Joshua, R. of Adbolton, Notts. School, Leicester. Matric.
1658. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) May 24, 1662. Master of
Grantham Grammar School, Lines., 1663-70. R. of Belton,
1670-1710. Died 1710. Father of the next. (Tumor,
Grantham, 41.)
SISTON, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 15) at St John's, June 7,
1682. S. of Thomas (above), clerk. B. at Belton, Lines.
School, Belton. Matric. 1682; B.A. 1685-6.
SITTISON, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Magdalene, July 7,
1651. S. of John, of Louth, Lines. School, Louth. Matric.
1652; B.A. 1655-6. See John Citizen (Vol. i); probably R. of
Streat, Sussex.
SITWELL, FRANCIS. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1648. Of
Derbyshire. S. and h. of George (1619), of Renishaw, Derbs.,
Esq. Bapt. Jan. 18, 1630-1, at Eckington. Adm. at Gray's
Inn, July 6, 1650. High Sheriff of Derbs., 1671. Of Ecking-
ton, Esq. Married Catherine, dau. of Henry Sacheverel, of
Barton and Morley, Esq. Died 1671. Buried at Eckington.
Father of George (1675). (Vis. of Derbs., 1662.)
SITWELL, FRANCIS. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1700.
Of Derbyshire. S. and h. of George (1675), of Eckington,
Derbs., Esq. Matric. Michs. 1700. Adm. at Gray's Iim, Feb.
2,1699-1700. High Sheriff of Derbs., 1735. Died unmarried.
May 20, 1753. Buried at Eckington. Brother of Thomas
SITTWELL, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter,
1619. S. and h. of George, of Eckington, Derbs. Bapt. there.
Mar. 15, 1600-1. Garrisoned Renishaw for the King; fined
and decimated. Served as Sheriff of Derbs., 1653. Of
Renishaw, Derbs. Married Margaret, dau. of Hugh Childers,
of Car House, Doncaster, in 1627. Buried Aug. 2, 1667,
at Eckington. M.I. Father of Francis (1648). (Hunter,
Hallamshire, 373.)
SITWELL, GEORGE. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Trinity, Oct. 2,
1675. S. of Francis (1648), of Derbyshire. B. Aug. 23, 1657.
Matric. 1675-6. Of Eckington, Derbs., Esq. Married Anne,
dau. of Thomas Kent, of Povey, Dronfield, May 20, 1680.
Buried Feb. 24, 1722-3, at Eckington. Father of the next
and of Francis (1700). (Vis. of Derbs., 1662; Hunter, Hallam-
shire, 373.)
SITWELL, THOMAS. Matric. from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1705. S. of George (above), of Renishaw, Eckington, Derbs.
B.A. 1709-10; M.A. 1713. Fellow of Christ's, 1714. Proctor,
1727-8. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 2, 1705. R. of Caldecote,
1731- Of Povey Hall (by bequest of his grandfather, Thomas
Kent). Died unmarried, 1737. Buried in the ante-chapel of
Christ's. Will proved, June 10, 1737. Brother of Francis
(1700). (Peile, II. 161.)
SIVEDALL, HENRY. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Easter, 1624.
Matric. 1625; B.A. 1627-8.
SIVEDALL, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, Easter, 1624.
Matric. 1625.
Skelton, John
SIX, JAMES DE PREY. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1728. Of
Canterbury. Matric. Michs. 1728; B.A. 1732-3.
SIXSMITH, BRIAN. Adm. sizar at Jesus, Apr. 27, 1694. Of
Lancashire. Matric. 1695; B.A. 1697-8; M.A. 1701. Ord.
priest (London) Sept. 22, 1700. R. of Magdeden Laver,
Essex, 1703-8.
SKARPP, GEORGE. Matric. sizar from St John's, c. 1595.
SKEELER, THOMAS. M.A. from King's, 1727. S. of T., of
Hartlebury, Worcs. Matric. (University College, Oxford)
Mar. 31, 1710, age 19; B.A. (Oxford) 1713. Ord. priest
(Gloucester) June 11, 1715. V. of Winchcombe, Gloucs.,
1726-57. Wm (P.C.C.) 1758. (Al. Oxon.)
SKEET, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Caius, c. May, 1671. Of
Norfolk. Migrated to Emmanuel, July 26, 1673. B.A. 1675-
6. Ord. priest (Norwich) May 30, 1675. R- of Fritton,
Suffolk, 1675-1720. R. of Flixton, 1703 (church ruined; the
last rector appointed). Died Sept. 22, 1720, aged 68. M.I.
at Fritton. One of these names chaplain of H.M.S. Royal
James, in 1678. (Venn, i. 444.)
SKETE, WILLIAM. Adm. at King's (age 18) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 12, 1524. Of Monxton, Hants. B.A. 1528-9;
M.A. 1532; B.D. 1539; D.D. 1544. Fellow 1527-44. Lady
Margaret Professor, 1542-4. V. of Ringwood, Hjints.
(Cooper, I. 86.)
SKEGGE or SKEGGS, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Christ's,
Michs. 1568. Doubtless s. of John (Skeggs), of Eynesbury,
Hunts, (and Christiana, dau. of John Crolts). Married
Susanna, dau. of John Bamardiston, of Northiil, Beds.
Living, 1613. (Vis. of Hunts., 1613.)
SKEGGES, JOHN. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Magdalene, Michs.
1567. One of these names of St Ives, Hunts., s. of Richard,
of Eynesbury, Hunts. Received Grant of Arms, 1568.
SKEGG, RALPH. Adm. sizar at Christ's, Sept. 1729. S. of
John. School, Buntingford, Herts. (Mr Sherson). Scholar,
1730; Matric. 1731; B.A. 1733-4; M.A. 1744. Ord. deacon
(Lincoln) June 9, 1734; priest. May, 1738. Chaplain to the
Earl of Marchmont. R. of Chickney, Essex, 1744. R. of
Quendon, 1744. Married the only daughter of Lord Herbert.
Died 1764. (Peile, 11. 219.)
SKEGGS or SKIGGS, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Mag-
dalene, Easter, 1623; B.A. 1626-7; M.A. 1630. V. of
Stixwold, Lines., 1635.
SKEGGS, ROGER. Matric. pens, from Clare, Easter, 1587.
SKEGNES, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Easter, 1636.
S. and h. of Christopher, of Alford, Lines., gent. Bapt. there,
May 17, 1619. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 11, 1639-40.
Married and had issue. (Lines. Pedigrees, 880.)
SKELLERN, HUGH. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Mar. 25, 1690. Of
Cheshire. Matric. 1690; Scholar, 1691; B.A. 1693-4; M.A.
1697. Incorp. at Trinity College, Dublin, 1701. R. of
Killeshandra, diocese of Kilmore, 1705-29. Married Cathe-
rine, dau. of Thomas Hume, of Bawn, Cavan. Will proved
(Dublin) 1729. (H. B. Swanzy.)
SKELTON, BERNARD. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Peterhouse,
Feb. 13, 1650-1. Of London. School, St Paul's. Matric.
1652; Scholar, 1654; B.A. 1654-5; M.A. 1658. Fellow, 1659-
64. Taxor, 1662. R. of Cantley, Norfolk, 1663-90. A friend
of Samuel Pepys. (T. A. Walker, 97.)
SKELTON, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from St John's, c. 1595.
Possibly s. of William (1563). B. at East Barkwith, Lines.,
c. 1578. B.A. 1598-9; M.A. from Clare, 1602. Ord. deacon
and priest (Lincoln) Sept. 19, 1602. Preacher. R. of
Coningsby, Lines., 1602-36. Will (Lincoln) 1636. Possibly
brother of Samuel (i6o8) and father of William (1627).
SKELTON, GEORGE. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, June 5,
1733. S. of G., of Lincolnshire. B. in Lincoln. School,
Lincoln (Mr Goodall). Matric. 1733; B.A. 1736-7. Ord.
deacon (Lincoln) Aug. 6, 1737; priest, Sept. 23, 1739. V. of
Hanslope, Bucks., 1746-9. V. of Owersby, Lines., 1749-58.
R. of RothweU, 1753-8. (Scott-Mayor, in. 447.)
SKELTON, HENRY. Adm. pens, at Jesus, June 25, 1697.
Of Yorkshire. S. of Seth (1669). Bapt. at Leeds, Aug. 25,
1681. Matric. 1698; Scholar, 1698; LL.B. 1702. Of Osmond-
thorpe, near Leeds. Married EUzabeth, dau. of Thomas
Slater. Died July, 1756. (Geneal., N.S., 19, 50.)
SKELTON, JOHN. Laureated from Cambridge, 1493; previously
decorated at Oxford and abroad (?Louvain). Entertained
by the University, 1495-6 and 1500-1 (Gr. Bk, B')- Probably
a native of Diss, Norfolk. Perhaps B.A. 1478-9; M.A.
1484-5, 'Shelton.' Incorp. from Oxford, 1504-5. R. of
Diss, Norfolk, 1498-1529. Originally under Wolsey's patron-
Skelton, John
age, but having violently attacked hitn, he retired into the
Westminster sanctuary, where he died June 21, 1529.
Buried in St Margaret's, Westminster. Admon. granted in
the peculiar Court of Westminster, 1529, to William Mott,
C. of St Margaret's, Westmmster. (For an account of his
works see D.N.B.; Cooper, I. 38; H. G. Harrison.)
SKELTON, JOHN. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Queens', 1594- Of
Cumberland. Doubtless s. and h. of Lancelot, of Arma-
thwaite (and Catharine, dau. of Thomas Dalston, of Dalston
Hall, Cumberland). Commissioner of the peace for Cumber-
land, 1625. Married (i) Julian, dau. of Christopher Musgrave,
Esq., of Edenhall; (2) Barbara Fletcher, of Cockermouth.
Diedc. 1652. Father of John (1635), Marmaduke (1638) and
Richard (i6i8). {Whellan, 559.)
SKELTON or SHELTON, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Peterhouse,
Apr. 29, 1609, Skelton. Matric. 1609; Scholar, 1612-6;
B.A. 1612-3, 'Skelton'; M.A. i6i6.
SKELTON, JOHN. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs. 1609.
Of Cumberland. B.A. 1613-4; M.A. 1617; B.D. 1624. Fellow,
1618. Incorp. at O.xford, 1622. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Mar. 9;
priest. Mar. 10, 1622-3. R- of Hatley St George, Cambs., c.
1620-63. Perhaps R. of Goldsborough, Yorks., 1624. (One
of these names R. of Kirby Underdale, Yorks., 1639-47.
Buried there June 6, 1647.)
SKELTON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at St John's, June 8,
1635. 3rd s. of John (1594), Esq., of Armathwaite, Cumber-
land. B. there. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1635; B.A. 1638-
9. Perhaps buried at All Saints', Cambridge, June 12, 1639,
'Jonah Skilton.' Brother of Marmaduke (1638) and half-
brother of Richard (1618).
SKELTON, JOHN. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Queens', Easter,
1642. Of Cumberland. Doubtless s. and h. of Richard (1618).
Married Elizabeth, dau. of Gerard Salvin, Esq., of Croxdale,
Durham. (Jefferson, Leathward, 224.)
SKELTON, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Clare, Apr. 28, 1660. Of
'Conesby' (Coningsby), Lines. Doubtless s. of William
(1627), R. of Coningsby, Lines. Matric. 1660; B.A. 1663-4.
Brother of William (1651).
SKELTON, JOHN. M.A. 1662 (Incorp. from Queen's College,
0.xford). Matric. there, June 24, 1653; B.A. (Oxford) 1656;
M.A. 1659. V. of Stixwold, Lines., 1666. R. of Scrayfield,
1671. Archdeacon of Bedford, 1679-1704. R. of East
Wickham, Lines., 1680. R. of Walgrave, Northants., 1681-
1704. Master of St John's Hospital, Northampton, 1682-
1704. Canon of Lincoln, 1683-1704. Died Apr. 3, 1704.
Buried in the chapel of St John's Hospital. (Al. Oxon.;
Serjeantson, Hospital of St John.)
SKELTON, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Jesus, Oct. 2, 1680. Of
Yorkshire. S. of Henry, of Ossingthorpe (or Osmundthorpe),
Mayor of Leeds. B. July 3, 1662. School, Leeds. Matric.
1681; Scholar, 1683; B.A. 1684-5; M.A. 1688; M.D. 1720.
Fellow, 1687-98. Practised in Leeds. Married three wives.
Died Feb. 28, 1736-7. Brother of Seth (1669). (A. Gray;
Vis. of Yorks., 1665.)
SKELTON, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Clare, Mar. 24, 1746-7-
B. at Wakefield, Yorks. School, Wakefield. Scholar, 1748;
B.A. 1750-1. Assistant master at Wakefield, 1751. Ord.
deacon (York) Sept. 24, 1752; priest, June, i754- V. of
Goxhill and Thomton-cum-Curtis, Lines., 1756-87. C. of
Stockton, York. Died at York, Aug. 13, 1791- (M. H.
Peacock; G. Mag.)
SKELTON, MARMADUKE. Adm. sizar (age 15) at St John's,
June 5, 1638. sths.of John (1594), of Armathwaite, Cumber-
land. B. there. School, Gt Blencow (Mr Wilkinson). Matric.
1638; B.A. 1641-2. Brother of John (1635), etc.
SKELTON, RICHARD. Scholar at King's Hall, 1429. Re-
signed, July 31, 1437-
SKELTON, RICHARD. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Queens',
Easter, 1618. Of Cumberland. Doubtless s. and h. of John
(1594), of Armathwaite, Esq. B. c. 1605. Adm. at Gray's
Inn, July 3, 1620. Built a mansion-house on his father's
estate at Southwaite, in 1640. Re-built and endowed the
chapel of Armathwaite with £100. Married Lettice Burdett,
of Bramcote, Warws., sister of Sir Thomas Burdett, Bart.
Will dated, 1668. Half-brother of John (1635) and Marma-
duke (1638), father of John (1642). (Whellan, Cumberland,
SKELTON, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter,
1628. Of Lincolnshire. B.A. 1630-1. V. of Humberston,
Lines., 1635.
SKELTON, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1582;
B.A. 1585-6. One of these names, clerk, married Mary
Saunderson, at Hargrave, Northants., Apr. 25, 1595.
SKELTON, SAMUEL. Matric. sizar from Clare, Easter, 1608,
'Shelton.' Doubtless s. of William (1563). Bapt. at Conings-
by, Lines., Feb. 26, 1592-3. B.A. 1611-2; M.A. 1615. R. of
Skern, William
Sempringham, Lines., c. 1615-20. Probably chaplain to the
Earl of Lincoln, c. 1622. Silenced; sailed for New England,
May 4, 1629. Installed as pastor of the church at Salem,
Mass., Aug. 6, 1629. Married Susanna Travis, Apr. 27,
1619, at Sempringham. Died at Salem, Aug. 2, 1634.
Possibly brother of George (1595). {Felt, 103; J.G.Bartlett.)
SKELTON or SHELTON, SAMUEL. Matric. pens, from Queens',
Easter, 1612. Of London. B.A. 1615-6; M.A. 1619.
SKELTON, SETH. Adm. pens, at Jesus, May 29, 1669. S. and
h. of Henry, of Osmundthorpe, Yorks., Esq., Mayor of Leeds.
Bapt. at Leeds, Feb. 21, 1649-50. Matric. i66g. Married
Elizabeth, dau. of Adam Baynes, of Knostrop, Feb. 17,
1679-80. Died Aug. 21, 1709. Brother of John (1680) and
father of Henry (1697). {Geneal., N.S., 19, 50; Vis. of Yorks.,
SKELTON, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs. 1572.
SKELTON, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Pembroke, Michs.
SKELTON, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney, June 19,
1668. S. of William, yeoman. B. at Pickering Leith, Yorks.
School, Pickering (Mr Nicholas Grey). Matric. 1668; B.A.
1672-3. Ord. deacon (York) Sept. 1673; priest. May, 1676.
R. of Scawton, Yorks., 1676-1729.
SKELTON, WILLIAM. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1454. Of London. M.A. 1456-7; M.D. 1470-1. Proctor,
1460-1. Ord. acolyte (Ely) Apr. 17, 1462. Died 1471-
Benefactor to the College library. (Harwood.)
SKELTON, WILLIAM. Doubtless of Peterhouse, in 1488-9.
Grace for B.D. 1490-r. Preb. of Southwell, 1488-1500.
V. of Cherry Hinton, Cambs., tiU 1533. Will (P.C.C.) 1538.
SKELTON or SHELTON, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from St
John's, Easter, 1563; B.A. 1566-7; M.A. from Clare, 1572.
Ord. deacon (Norwich) June 11, 1568. R. of Coningsby,
Lines., 1582-1602. Died 1602. Doubtless father of Samuel
(1608) and possibly of George (c. 1595).
SKELTON, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Clare, Michs. 1622;
B.A. 1625-6; M.A. 1629.
SKELTON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Peterhouse, May 19,
1627. Of Lincolnshire. Possibly s. of George (1595). Matric.
1627; B.A. 1630-1; M.A. 1634. R. of Coningsby, Lines.,
1636-60. Died 1660. Father of William (1651) and John
SKELTON, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter,
1639. Of Lincolnshire.
SKELTON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Christ's, June 13,
1651. S.of William (1627), R- of Coningsby, Lines. B. there.
School, Tattersall (Mr Twisse). B.A. 1654-5; M.A. 1658.
Ord. priest (Lincoln) Sept. 1, 1662. R. of Coningsby, 1664.
Died 1679. Will dated, Oct. 20; proved, Dec. 10, 1679.
Brother of John (1660). (Peile, i. 542.)
SKELTON, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Mar. 6,
1712-3. Of Leicestershire.
SKELTON, . M.A. 1462. Perhaps William; see the next.
SKELTON, . Probably William of Michael House.
Fined for non-completion of B.D. 1467-8.
SKELTON or SHELTON, . B.A. 1480.
SKELTON, . B.D. 1492-3- A monk.
SKEPE, WILLIAM. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, c.
SKEPPER, ANTHONY. Adm. pens, (age 19) at Magdalene,
Feb. 21, 1717-8. B.atAslackby, Lines. Matric. 1718; B.A.
1721-2. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Dec. 23, 1722; priest, Dec. 20,
1724. V. of Helion Bumpstead, Essex, 1737.
SKEPER, WILLIAM. M.A. Fellow of Clare. Ord. priest (Ely)
June 13, 1495-
SKEPPER or SKIPPER, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Sidney,
July 8, 1612. Probably s. of Edward, of East Kirkby, Lines.,
gent. Matric. 1614; B.A. 1617-8. R. of Thorpe-by-Wain-
fleet. Lines., 1630. (Lines. Pedigrees, 884.)
SKERNE, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Easter, 1623.
Perhaps 3rd s. of Robert, of Bonby, Lines., Esq. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, Nov. 29, 1627. (F.M.G., 782.)
SKEARN, ROBERT. Matric. Fell. -Com. from St Catharine's,
Michs. 1654. Probably s. and h. of Robert, of Fockerby,
Yorks., Esq. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 12, 1656.
SKERN, WILLIAM. B.A. 1490-1; M.A. 1493; B.D. 1503-4.
Fellow of Clare, 1494. Ord. deacon (Ely) Mar. 14, 1494-5-
R. of St Margaret Moses, London, 1496-1505. Died June,
1505. Will dated, June 23; proved (P.C.C.) June 28, 1505.
Skerrit, Augustine
SKERN, . M.A. 1490. Will of Sir Richard Skem, priest, of
St Stephen's, Westminster, proved (Cons. C. London) 1542.
SKERN, . B.A. 15 14.
SKERRIT or SKYRRIT, AUGUSTINE. Matric. sizar from
Christ's, Feb. 15, 1579-80; B.A. 1582-3.
SKERRATT, JOHN. M.A. from Christ's, 1727. From Brasenose
College, O.xford; matric. there, Apr. 16, 1709, age 17; B.A.
(Oxford) 1712. S. of Edward, of Newall, Cheshire. V. of
Kingston-by-Taunton, Somerset, 1716-31. R. of Brereton,
Cheshire, 1731. V. of Biddulph, Staffs., i733- {Peile.u. 202;
Al. Oxon.)
SKERRETT, RALPH. M.A. from King's, 1706. S. of John, of
Shavington, Cheshire. Matric. (Brasenose College, Oxford)
Oct. 10, 1696, age 15; B.A. (Oxford) 1700; D.D. 1720. R. of
Oakley, Suffolk, 1713-20. R. of St Peter-le-Poer, London,
1720. Domestic chaplain to the Earl of Grantham. V. of
Greenwich, 1720-51. President of Sion College, 1738.
Author, sermons. Died May 6, i75i- Buried at Fam-
borough. Will, P.C.C. {Al. Oxon.; L. Mag.)
SKERROLL, FRANCIS. Matric. sizar from St John's, Easter,
SKERROW, WILLIAM. Matric. sizar from Clare, c. 1596;
B.A. 1599-1600. Ord. deacon (Chester) June 9, 1605.
SKEVINGTON, ANTHONY. Of St Paul's Hostel. Perhaps
2nd s. of Sir William, of Skefi&ngton, Leics., and Lord
Deputy of Ireland. (If so, one of his father's executors, in
1534.) B.Civ.L. 1522-3. Adm. to practise in the V.C. court.
Perhaps R. of Seaton, Rutland, and R. of Glaston, till 1554.
Died 1554. (Nichols, in. 448; Vis. of Leics., 1619.)
SKEFFINGTON, CLOTWORTHY. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 18) at
Magdalene, Apr. 3, 1679. S. of Sir John (1649), Viscount
Massareene. B. in Antrim. School (private). Succeeded as
3rd Viscount, June 21, 1695. Commander-in-Chief of the
Co. of Antrim; aided in preserving the province of Ulster
from the ravages of King James's army. Married Rachel,
dau. of Sir Edward Hungerford, K.B., of Farley Hungerford
Castle, Somerset. Died at Antrim, Mar. 1713-4-
SKEVINTON, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 24) at Caius,
July 20, 1596. S. of Nicholas, innkeeper, of Brandon, Suffolk.
School, Thetford. Scholar, 1597-1601; B.A. 1599-1600; M.A.
1603. Ord. priest (Ely) Mar. 21, 1601-2. C. of Flitcham, in
1603. R. of Hellington, Norfolk, 1610-27. Father of the
next. (Venn, i. 159.)
SKEVINGTON, EDWARD. Adm. sizar (age 16) at Caius, c.
Feb. 1630-1. S. of Edward (above), R. of Hellington,
Norfolk, deceased. B. there. School, Hellington (Mr Paul
Amirante). Matric. 1631. Probably V. of Aylesford, Kent,
1650. (Venn, i. 296.)
Peterhouse, Easter, 1550.
SKEVINGTON, HENRY. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Jesus, Lent,
1564-5. Probably 2nd s. of William of Skef&ngton, Leics.
Brother of Thomas (1564-5).
SKEVINGTON, JOHN. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Queens', Easter,
1552. Doubtless s. and h. of William, of Fisherwick, Staffs.
Married Alice, dau. of Sir Thomas Cave, of Stanford,
Northants. Of Fisherwick, Esq. Died Nov. 7, 1604. Brother
of Thomas (1565). (Nichols, iii. 449.)
from Jesus, Easter, 1603. Doubtless s. and h. of William
(1578), of Fisherwick, Staffs. Adm. at the Middle Temple,
Oct. 30, 1604. Knighted, Aug. 1624. M.P. for Newcastle-
under-Lyne, 1626. Succeeded his father as 2nd Bart., Sept.
1 63 5 . Sheriff of Staffs. , 1 637-8. Married Cicely (? Ursula) , sister
and co-heir of Sir John Skefi&ngton, of Leics. Died Nov. 20,
1651, aged 67. Buried at Skeffington. Brother of Richard
(1615). (A. Gray; G.E.C., 11. 14; Nichols, m. 449.)
SKEFFINGTON, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Magdalene,
Michs. 1649. S. and h. of Sir Richard (next), of Coventry,
Knt. Bapt. Dec. 27, 1632, at St Michael's, Lichfield. Matric.
1649. Succeeded his cousin William as 4th Bart., Apr. 1652.
M.P. for Antrim, 1659; for Co. Antrim, 1661-5. Privy
Councillor. Governor of the Co. of Derry and of the town of
Coleraine. Suffered as a Protestant in Ulster. Married Mary,
dau. of John Clotworthy, Viscount Massereene, and became
Viscount Massereene on the death of his father-in-law, Sept.
23, 1665. Died June 21, 1695. Buried at Antrim. Father
of Clotworthy. (Lodge, 11. 377; Shaw, i. 372; D.N.B.)
SKEFFINGTON, RICHARD. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Mag-
dalene, Michs. 1615. Doubtless 2nd s. of Sir William (1578),
Bart., of Fisherwick, Staffs. Knighted, Aug. 20, 1624. M.P.
for Tamworth, 1625; for Staffs., 1646-7. Of Coventry, and
of Fisherwick. Married Anne, dau. of Sir John Newdigate,
of Arbury, Warws. Died June 2, 1647. Buried at Brox-
boume, Herts. M.I. Brother of John (1603) and father of
John (above). (Nichols, in. 449; Lodge, 11. 375.)
Skingle, Thomas
SKEVYNGTON, THOMAS. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Jesus,
Lent, 1564-5. Probably s. and h. of William, of Skefi&ngton,
Leics. Age 21 in 1571. Sheriff of Leics., 1576, 1588 and 1591.
Of Skefifington, and of Ardey, Warws. Married Isabella,
dau. of Sir John Byron, of Newsted, Notts. Died May 11,
1600. Brother of Henry (1564-5) and probably father of
William (1594-5). (Nichols, 111. 448.)
SKEVINGTON, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter,
1565. 5th s. of William, of Fisherwick, Staffs. Scholar, 1568;
B.A. 1568-9; M.A. 1572; LL.D. 1579. Fellow, 1571. Adm.
advocate, May 5, 1582. Will (P.C.C.) 1592. Benefactor to
Trinity. Brother of John (1552). (Cooper, u. ^yg; Middlesex
SKEVINGTON, WILLIAM. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Trinity,
Easter, 1578. Doubtless s. and h. of John (1552), of
Fisherwick, Staffs. Created Bart., May 8, 1627. Married
Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Dering, of Pluckley, Kent.
Died Sept. 1635. Buried at St Michael's, Lichfield. Doubtless
father of John (1603) and Richard (1615). (Nichols, in.
449; G.E.C.)
SKEVINGTON, . Fell.-Com. at Jesus, 1594-5- Probably
William, s. and h. of Thomas (1564-5). Adm. at Gray's Inn,
Nov. 7, 1595. Knighted, Apr. 23, 1603. Of Skeffington,
Leics. Married Catherine Chetwode. Died s.^., Dec. 19, 1605.
(Nichols, III. 448.)
SKEY, BOUGHY. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1741. S. and
h. of John, of Aldenham, Herts. Matric. Easter, 1742.
Adm. at the Middle Temple, June 26, 1741. Lieut.-Colonel.
Died Apr. 30, 1795, aged 69. (G. Mag.)
SKIDDY or SKYDDYE, ANDREW. Matric. pens, from Mag-
dalene, Easter, 1548. Adm. at the Inner Temple, 1551.
SKIDDY, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 21) at St John's, July 3,
1750. S. of Francis, attorney, of Ireland. B. in Dublin.
School, Sedbergh, Yorks. Matric. 1750-1; B.A. 1754.
Emigrated to America. Living, 1761. (Sedbergh School
SKYDMORE, JAMES. Adm. at King's (age 18) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 10, 1543. Of Bumham, Bucks. Matric. 1544;
B.A. 1544-5.
SKIDMORE, JOHN. Adm. at King's (age 17) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 23, 1538. Of Rowlstone, Hereford. Fellow during
SKIDMORE, JOHN. B.A. from King's, 1603-4. Perhaps adm.
at Gray's Inn, Mar. 22, 1610-1; of Staple Inn, gent.
SKIKELTHORP, RICHARD. Adm. sizar at Jesus, July 3,
1697; scholar from St Paul's. B. in London. Matric. 1697;
B.A. 1700-1; M.A. 1707. Ord. deacon (London) June 4,
1704; priest, June 3, 1705. Buried at St Peter's, Comhill,
London, Mar. 17, 1712-3; 'Lecturer.'
SKINGLE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Sidney, July 7, 1641.
S. of Robert, yeoman. B. at Ware, Herts. School, Ware
(Mr Roberts). Matric. 1641; B.A. 1644-5. Brother of the
next, Robert (1626) and William (1646).
SKINGLE, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, Mar.
16, 1634-5. S. of Robert, husbandman, of Ware, Herts.
B. there. School, Ware (Mr Robert Skingle, his brother).
Matric. 1636; B.A. 1638-9; M.A. 1642. Brother of John
(above), etc. and father of the next.
SKINGLE, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Sidney, May 22,
1673. S. of Richard (above), clerk. B. at Haddenham,
Herts. School, Stansted (private). B.A. 1676-7. Ord. priest
(London) Feb. 26, 1677-8. V. of Roydon, Essex, 1682. R.
of Lexden, Colchester, 1706-29. Died 1729. (Morant, i.
SKINGLE, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
1626; B.A. 1629-30; M.A. 1633. Master of Ware Grammar
School, c. 1634. Doubtless of Hackney, Middlesex, clerk.
Will (P.C.C.) 1671. Brother of John (1641), etc. and father
of Thomas (1670).
SKINGLE, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Sidney, June 9,
1680. 3rd s. of WiUiam (1646), V. of Stebbing, Essex.
Schools, Billericay (Mr Skingle) and Felsted. Matric. 1680;
B.A. 1683-4. Ord. deacon (London) Sept. 21, 1684; priest,
Feb. 28, 1685-6. R. of Hawkwell, Essex, 1695-36. Died
1736. Will (Comm. Essex) 1736; of Stebbing.
SKINGLE, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Sidney, May 26,
1670. 3rd s. of Robert (1626). B. at Hackney, Middlesex.
School, Hackney (his father). Matric. 1671; B.A. 1674-5.
Ord. deacon (London) Mar. 11, 1676-7. R. of Hadleigh,
Essex, 1679. Died the same year at Rayleigh. Admon.
(Cons. C, London) June 21, 1679.
Skingle, William
SKINGLE, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 19) at Sidney, July 3,
1646. S. of Robert, yeoman. B. at Ware, Herts. Schools,
Ware (Mr Robert Skingle) and Hackney, London (Rob.
Skingle, his half-brother). Matric. 1647; B.A. 1649. P.C.
of Little Dunmow, Essex, 1650-1700. Ord. priest (Chichester)
May 29, 1662. V. of Stebbing, Essex, 1662-1712. Died 1712.
Will, Comm. Essex. Brother of John (1641), etc. and father
of Robert (1680). (H. Smith; Morant, 11. 416.)
SKINN, HENRY. Matric. sizar from Jesus, Easter, 1614; B.A.
1617-8. Ord. deacon (York) May, i6i8; priest. May, 1619.
V. of Sherbum, Yorks., i6i9-c. 44, deprived.
SKYN, JOHN. Matric. sizar from St John's, Michs. 1568.
SKINNER, ALEXANDER. B.A. from Trinity, 1608-9. One of
these names of Gittisham, Devon, clerk. Admon. (Exeter)
SKINNER, CHRISTOPHER. Matric. sizar from St John's, c.
SKINNER, DANIEL. Adm. pens, at Trinity, July i, 1670.
School, Westminster. Matric. 1670; Scholar, 1671; B.A.
1673-4; M.A. 1677- Fellow, 1674.
SKINNER, EDMUND. 'Of Oxford; perhaps also of Cambridge';
Supp. B.A. (Oxford) 1575-6- S. of Thomas, of Ledbury,
Hereford. Ord. deacon (Coventry and Lichfield) Sept. 26,
1574; priest, Sept. 25, 1575. V. of St Sepulchre, Northamp-
ton, 1582-94. V. of St Giles', Northampton, 1587-96. R. of
Pitsford, 1594-1628. Married Bridget, dau. of Humphrey
Radcliffe. Buried at Pitsford, May 21, 1628, aged 74.
Will (Archd. Northampton) 1628. Father of Robert (1615).
(Serjeantson, History of St Sepulchre; Al. Oxon.)
SKINNER, EDWARD. B.A. (? 1594-5); M.A. from Trinity,
1598. Ord. deacon and priest (Peterb.) Mar. 8, 1611-2. V. of
EweU, Kent, 1626.
SKINNER, EDWARD. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Jesus, Easter,
1641. Probably s. and h. of William, of Thornton Curtis,
Lines, (and Bridget, dau. of Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief
Justice), and grandson of Vincent (1557). Bapt. June 24,
1624, at St Dunstan-in-the-West, London. Of Thornton
Curtis, Esq. Married Anne, dau. of Sir William Wentworth,
brother of Thomas, Earl of Strafford. Died May 13, 1657,
aged 33. Buried at Goxhill. Will (London) 1657. {Lines.
Pedigrees, 888.)
SKINNER, GEORGE. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi,
Michs. 1584. One of these names V. of Rede, Suffolk, 1591.
SKINNER, GEORGE. Incorp. from Oxford, 1598. Probably of
Devon, pleb. Matric. (Oriel College, Oxford) Oct. 14, 1597,
age i8.
SKINNER, GERVASE. Adm. pens, at Trinity, July 25, 1640.
SKINNER, HENRY. B.A. 1499-1500. Of York diocese. M.A.
1503. Fellow of Peterhouse, 1501. Ord. sub-deacon
(Lincoln) Feb. 19, 1501-2. Preacher, 1507-8. WUl proved
(V.C.C.) 1514-
SKINNER, HENRY. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1597. Of Kent.
SKINNER, ISAAC. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, July 7, 1682.
S. of Richard, attorney, of Sudbury, Suffolk. B. there.
School, Eton; Colleger, 1673-81. Matric. 1682; Scholar,
1682-3. Migrated to St John's, Jan. 17, 1682-3. {Venn, 1.
SKYNNER, JOHN. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Jan. 16, 1579-
80. S. and h. of John, of Boston, Lines. Bapt. there, Dec. 12,
1563. Matric. 1579-80; Scholar, 1583-5; B.A. 1583-4.
Married and had issue. Died 1614. Will dated, Sept. 23;
proved (P.C.C.) Nov. 8, 1614, and at Lincoln, Apr. 15, 1615.
{Lines. Pedigrees, 886; T. A. Walker.)
SKINNER, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1584. One of these names knighted, July 23, 1603; of Essex.
SKINNER, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, June 5, 1600.
SKYNNER, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Sidney, Feb. 2,
1674-5. 3rd s. of Richard, grocer, of Foxearth, Essex.
Schools, Liston (private) and Felsted. Matric. 1675; B.A.
1678-9; M.A. 1682. Ord. deacon (Norwich) June, 1680;
priest, June, 1683. R. of Wenham Combust, Suffoll<, 1684.
V. of Nackington, Kent, 1685. V. of Chettisham, Suffolk,
SKYNNER, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 16) at St John's, Oct. 25,
1740. S. of John, attomey-at-Iaw, of Middlesex. B. in
London. School, Reading, Berks. (Mr Hiley). Matric. 1741;
B.A. 1744-5; M.A. 1748; B.D. 1756. Fellow, 1747. Public
orator, 1752-62. Ord. deacon (Bangor, for London) Sept. 23,
1750; priest (Ely) May 24, 1752. Sub-dean of York, 1762-
1805. R. of Easton-by-Stamford, Northants., 1764-1805.
R. of Blatherwick, 1765-1805. Died May 25, 1805, aged 81.
Will, P.C.C. {Scott-Mayor, in. 511.)
SKINNER, JONATHAN. Matric. sizar from Queens', Michs.
1571; B.A. 1575-6.
Skins, Henry
SKINNER, JONATHAN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Easter,
1618. Matric. 1618; B.A. 1621-2; M.A. 1625. Ord. deacon
(Peterb.) July 3; priest, July 4, 1625. V. of Woolverstone,
Suffolk, 1636.
SKINNER, JOSEPH. Adm. sizar at Jesus, June 3, 1644. Of
Suffolk. Matric. 1644; B.A. 1647-8; M.A. 1651. C. of Ashen,
Essex, in 1650. (H. Smith.)
SKINNER, NICHOLAS. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Michs. 1552.
SKINNER, ROBERT. B.A. 1503-4; M.A. 1507; B.D. 1510-1.
Perhaps R. of Little Ockley, Essex, 1520-32, and of Gt
Ockley, 1532-7.
SKINNER, ROBERT. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Caius, July 3,
i6ii. S. of Edward, husbandman, of Beeston, Norfolk.
School, Tivetshall (Mr Collysson). Matric. 1612; B.A. 1615-
6; M.A. 1619. Ord. priest (Norwich) June 15, 1617. C. and
schoolmaster at Mileham, Norfolk, in 161 7; chaplain there,
in 1662. R. of Little Bittering, 1629-65. C. of Longham, in
1636. R. of Little Bealings, Suffolk. Chaplain to Charles I.
Author, Sermon. Will proved (Norwich Archd. C.) 1665.
{Venn, i. 213.)
SKINNER, ROBERT. M.A. 1615 (Incorp. from Oxford); re-
incorp. B.D. 1621 {do.). 2nd s. of Edmund, R. of Pitsford,
Northants. Bapt. Feb. 12, 1590-1, at St Sepulchre's,
Northampton. Matric. (Trinity College, Oxford) July ir,
1606, age 15; B.A. (Oxford) 1610; M.A. 1614; B.D. 1621;
D.D. 1636. Fellowof Trinity College, Oxford, 1613. Preacher
at St Gregory by St Paul's, London, 1621-30. Chaplain to
Charles I. R. of Pitsford, Northants., 1628-35. R. of
Launton, Oxon., 1631. R. of Greens Norton, Northants.,
1636-43, sequestered. Sequestered also from Cuddesdon,
1646, and Beckenham, 1647. Bishop of Bristol, 1637-41.
Bishop of Oxford, 1641; imprisoned in the Tower of London;
restored, 1660. Bishopof Worcester, 1663-70. Died June 14,
1670. Buried in Worcester Cathedral. Will, P.C.C. {A I.
Oxon.; D.N.B.)
SKINNER, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Easter, 1617.
Matric. 1617; B.A. 1621-2; M.A. 1625. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
July 3; priest, July 4, 1625.
SKINNER, STEPHEN. Matric. pens, from Clare, c. 1591.
SKINNER, STEPHEN. Adm. pens, at Trinity, May 17, 1675.
Scholar, 1676; Matric. 1678; B.A. 1678-9; M.A. 1682.
Fellow, i68r. Ord. priest (London) Mar. 5, 1683-4. R. of
Buckland, Herts., 1684-1712. R. of Wyddial, 1693-1712.
Chaplain to the Duke of Richmond. Author, Christian
Practice. Died 1712.
SKINNER, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from St John's, Lent,
SKINNER, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Pembroke, Lent,
1582-3; B.A. 1586-7. Ord. deacon (Colchester) May 13;
priest. May 14, 1596. V. of Laxfield, Suffolk, 1603.
SKYNNER, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Clare, Michs. 1588.
SKINNER, THOMAS. Adm. sizar (age 16) at St John's, May 29,
1646. S. of Nicholas, gent., of Brentford, Essex. B. there.
School, Bishop's Stortford (Mr Lee). Matric. 1646; B.A.
1649. Created M.D. (Oxford) 1672. Practised at Colchester.
Historian. Buried at St Mary's, Colchester, Aug. 8, 1670.
SKINNER, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Clare, July 4, 1649.
Matric. 1649; B.A. 1652. Perhaps V. of Willington, Beds.,
1665-8. One of these names R. of Chevening, Kent, 1686-
1706. Buried there Nov. 25, 1706.
SKINNER, VINCENT. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1557.
S. of John, of Thorpe-by-Wainiieet, Lines. Scholar, 1560;
B.A. 1560-1; M.A. 1564. Fellow, 1561. Incorp. at Oxford,
1566. M.P. for Truro, 1571; for Barnstaple, 1572-83; for
Boston, 1584-5, 1586-7, 1588-9; for Boroughbridge, 1592-3;
for St Ives, 1597-8; for Preston, 1604-11. Knighted, May 7,
1603. Of Thornton College, Lines. Married (i) Audry, dau.
of Richard Ogle, of Pinchbeck, Lines.; (2) Elizabeth, dau.
of William (? Robert) Fowkes, of Enfield, Middlesex. Buried
at St Andrew, Holbom, Feb. 29, 1615-6. Admon. (P.C.C.)
1622. {Al. Oxon.; Lines. Pedigrees, 888; Misc. Gen. et Her.,
N.S., I. 81.)
SKINNER, WILLIAM. Adm. at King's (age 18) a scholar from
Eton, Aug. 12, 1513. Of Alcester, Warws. Name off, 1516.
Perhaps B.A. 1516-7. One of these names V. of St Martin-
in-the-Fields, London, 1522-37.
SKYNNER, WILLIAM. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Clare, Michs.
SKINNER, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Sept. 8, 1635.
Of Essex. Matric. 1635; B.A. 1639-40. Died in College.
Buried at St Andrew's, Cambridge, Oct. 21, 1641.
SKINNER, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at £m>ianuel, Apr. 8, 1642.
Of Essex.
SKINS, HENRY. B.A. from Trinity Hall, 1646-7.
Skins, Thomas
SKINS, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Trinity Hall, Easter,
1639; B.A. 1642-3; M.A. 1647, 'Skinner.' Perhaps V. of
Thrybergh, Yorks., 1644-71. Died 1671.
SKIPP, JOHN. Scholar of Gonville Hall, 1513; B.A. 1514-5;
M.A. 1518; B.D. 1533; D.D. 1535. Fellow, 1516-36. Master,
1536-40. President of Physwick Hostel, 1519-21. V. of
Thaxted, Essex, 1534-9. Canon of Westminster, 1535.
Chaplain and almoner to Anne Boleyn. Archdeacon of
Suffolk, 1536-9. R. of Newington, Surrey, 1538. Archdeacon
of Dorset, 1538-9. Bishop of Hereford, 1539-52. Died Mar.
30, 1552. Buried in St Mary Mounthaw, London. Will
(P.C.C). (Venn, i. 20; D.N.B.; Cooper, i. 109.)
SKIPP or SKEPP, JOHN. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Peterhouse,
Easter, 1615. 2nd s. of Thomas, of London. B.A. 1617-8;
M.A. 1621. Adm. at the Middle Temple, May 22, 1617.
Probably R. of Helmdon, Northants., 1628-33. Brother of
Thomas (1615). [Baker, i. 631.)
SKIPP, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Caius, May 19, 1702.
S. of John, gent., of Wymondham, Norfolk. B. there.
Schools, Norwich (private) and Bergh Apton (Mr Connold).
Matric. 1702; Scholar, 1702-8; B.A. 1705-6. Ord. deacon
(London) Dec. 24, 1710; priest. May 14, 1713. (Venn, i. 509.)
SKIPP, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1609. Of Norfolk. B.A. 1612-3. V. of Horsey, Norfolk, 1615.
SKIPP, RICHARD. Adm. pens, at Peterhouse, Apr. 8, 1620.
Of London. Probably 3rd s. of John, of London. Matric.
1620. Adm. at the Middle Temple, Nov. 12, 1622.
SKEPP, THOMAS. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Peterhouse,
Easter, 1615. S. and h. of Thomas, of London, gent. Adm.
at the Middle Temple, Jan. 25, 1615. Brotherof John (1615).
SKIPP, THOMAS. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 14) at Caius, May 1,
1677. S. of Thomas, of North Tuddenham, Norfolk (and
Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Spencer, of Rendlesham). B. at
Rendlesham, Suffolk. School, Norwich (Mr Cory). Matric.
1677. Adm. at Gray's Inn, June 21, 1680. Died 1681.
(Venn, i. 457.)
SKIP, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Magdalene, Oct. 17,
1696. S. of Martin, Esq. B. at Tuddenham, Norfolk. School,
Wymondham. Matric. 1697; B.A. 1700-1.
St John's, Easter, 1615. Perhaps s. of Christopher of
Durham. Bapt. Feb. 14, 1596-7, at St Margaret's, Durham.
Age 15 in 1615. B.A. 1618-9. Incorp. at Oxford, 1619.
(Vis. of Durham.)
SKIPPER, JAMES. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1703. Of
Norwich. Matric. Easter, 1704. Died 1706, aged 20. Buried
at St Peter Mancroft, Norwich. M.I. there. (H. P. Stokes.)
SKIPPER or SKEPPER, JOHN. Matric. sizar from St John's,
Easter, 1612; B.A. 1615-6; M.A. 1619.
SKIPPER, ROGER. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Michs.
1644. Of Norfolk. B.A. 1647-8. Ord. priest (Norwich)
Aug. 8, 1662. R. of AU Saints', South Elmham, Suffolk,
SKIPPON, LUKE. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Caius, July 12, 1585.
S. of Bartholomew, gent. B. at Weasenham, Norfolk.
Schools, Dereham and Mileham (Messrs Paynter and
Jepsam). Of West Lexham, gent. Died there Sept. 20, 1638.
Father of Philip the Parliamentary General and Luke (1614) ;
brother of William (1584). (Venn, i. 125; Misc. Gen. et
Her., N.S., i. 64.)
SKIPPON, LUKE. Matric. sizar from Peterhouse, Michs. 1614.
S. of Luke (1585), of West Lexham, gent. B.A. 1617-8;
M.A. 1621; B.D. 1634; D.D. 1660 (Lit. Reg.). Fellow, 1619.
Tutor. Bursar, 1623-4, 1632-3. Taxor, 1628. Junior
Proctor, 1633-4. Nominated for the Mastership of Peter-
house, 1663, but not appointed. R. of Hingham, Norfolk,
1636-46. R. of Tavistock, Devon, 1637. R. of Litcham,
Norfolk, 1642. R. of Wissingset, 1661-76. R. of South
Lynn. V. of West Bradenham, 1662. R. of Mileham. R. of
Tydd St Giles', Cambs., 1676. Died 1676. Will dated, Aug.
3, 1674; proved (Archd. C. Norwich) July 12, 1676. (Carthew,
Launditch, in. 444; Misc. Gen. et Her., N.S., i. 64.)
SKIPPON, LUKE. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Trinity, 1656. 2nd s.
of Major-General Philip Skippon. B. Aug. 8, 1638, at
Foulsham Hall, Norfolk. Matric. Easter, 1656. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, Feb. 22, 1655-6. Probably died before 1660.
Brother of Philip (1660).
SKIPPON, PHILIP. B.A. from Trinity, 1660. (Probably adm.
Fell.-Com. in 1655.) Doubtless 4th s. of Major-General
Philip. B. Oct. 28, 1641, at Hackney, Middlesex. Probably
adm. at Gray's Inn, Feb. 5, 1662-3. Left England with the
Rev. John Ray, the naturalist, and travelled abroad, 1663-6.
F.R.S., 1667. Knighted, Apr. 19, 1674. Of Foulsham,
Norfolk, and of Ketton, Suffolk. Married (i) Amy, dau. of
Skipwith, Gerard
Francis Brewster, Esq., of Wrentham, Suffolk; (2) Ann, dau.
of Sir Thomas Bamardiston, of Ketton. Kept a journal of
his travels. Buried at Ketton, Aug. 14, 1691. Brother of
Luke (1656) and father of Philip (1692). (Carthew, Laun-
. ditch, in. 444; T. Quarles, Foulsham.)
SKIPPON, PHILIP. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Jesus, Apr. 25, 1692.
S. of Sir Philip (1660), of Foulsham, Norfolk, and of Ketton,
Suffolk, Knt., and grandson of Major-General Philip Skippon.
B. July 12, 1675, at Wrentham. Matric. 1692. M.P. for
Sudbury, 1705-10. Sold the Foulsham estate, in 1715-
Died unmarried, 1717. Buried at Edwardstone, Suffolk.
(Le Neve, Knights, 299.)
SKIPPON, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Trinity Hall, Lent,
SKIPPON, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Caius, May 10,
1584. S. of Bartholomew, yeoman. B. at Weasenham, Nor-
folk. School, Dereham (Mr Penter). Matric. 1584. Lived
at Tawstock, Devon, where he was secretary or agent to
Lord Bath. Died there Jan. 1, 1633-4. WiU (P.C.C); of
Tawstock; proved by his nephew Luke (1614). Brother of
Luke {1585). (Venn, i. 120.)
SKYPTON, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Sx John's, Michs. 1579-
SKIPTON, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Easter, 1619;
B.A. 1622-3; M.A. 1626. Ord. deacon (York) June, 1623;
priest. May, 1624.
SKIPTON, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Sidney, July 28,
1635. S. of Thomas, Cwsfos of Londonderry. School, London-
derry. Adm. at Gray's Inn, June 19, 1638.
SKIPTON, WILLIAM. Adm. at King's (age 16) a scholar from
Eton, 1522. Of York. B.A. 1526-7; M.A. 1530; B.D. 1536-7-
Fellow, i5?5-c. 1543. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Apr. 16; priest,
June 11, 1530.
SKIPWITH, EDMUND. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Michs.
1588. One of these names, 'of Fordham, Norfolk,' adm. at
the Inner Temple, Feb. 11, 1592-3. (Peile, i. 194.)
SKYPWYTHE, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from St John's,
Michs. 1552.
SKIPWITH, EDWARD. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Magdalene,
Easter, 1571. Doubtless s. and h. of Sir WiUiam, Knt., of
South Ormsby, Lines, (and Anne, dau. of John Towthby).
Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Aug. 13, 1575; of Lincokishire, and
of Clement's Inn. Bencher, 1600. Autumn reader, 1601.
M.P. for Grimsby, 1601. WiU dated, Nov. 24, 1619; proved,
Apr. 3, 1620. Father of the next. (Lines. Pedigrees, 892.)
SKIPWITH, EDWARD. Adm. pens, at Sidney, Nov. 1, 1606.
Doubtless s. of Edward Towthby (above), alias Skipwith;
age 26 in 1615. Matric. 1606. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Nov.
29, 1607. Of Gosberton and Grantham. Married Elizabeth,
dau. of Sir John Hatcher, Knt., of Careby, Lines. Died
May 4 (? 24), 1666. M.I. at Grantham. Father of Edward
(1635) and Thomas (1635). (Lines. Pedigrees, 893; Nichols,
III. 371.)
SKIPWITH, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs.
1628; B.A. 1632-3; M.A. 1641. Ord. priest (Peterb.) Dec. 18,
1641. R. of Boothby and Navenby, Lines., 1641.
SKIPWITH, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Michs.
SKIPWITH, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Sidney, May 27,
1635. S. of Edward (1606), Esq., of Gosberton and Grantham.
B. at Langton, Lines. Schools, Sleaford (Mr TreviUian) and
Grantham (Mr Wilkinson). Matric. 1635. Adm. at Gray's
Inn, Nov. 27, 1637. Of Gosberton and Quadring. Manied
Alice, dau. of Marmaduke Peckett, of London, merchant.
Died Dec. 8, 1644. Brother of Thomas (1635). (Lines.
Pedigrees, 893.)
SKIPWITH, FRANCIS. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Jesus, Michs.
1584. Doubtless 2nd s. of Henry, of Keythorpe, Leics. Died
at Cambridge. Brother of Henry (c. 1591) and WiUiam
(1579-80). (Nichols, III. 368.)
SKIPWITH, FRANCIS. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 18) at Trinity,
July 5, 1724. S. of Sir Fulwar, Bart., of Newbold HaU,
Warws. School, Eton. Matric. 1724. Succeeded as 3rd Bart.,
May 13, 1728. Married Ursula, dau. of Thomas Cart-vright,
of Aynhoe, Northants. Died Dec. 6, 1778. (Vis. of Warws.,
1682; G.E.C., IV. 48.)
SKIPWITH, GEORGE. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Queens', Feb.
1608-9. Of Leicestershire. Doubtless 2nd s. of Sir WiUiam
(1579-80), of Cotes, Leics. B. 1591. Died s.p. in Denmark.
Brotherof Henry (i6o6) and Thomas (1612).
SKIPWITH, GERARD. B.A. 1450. Of Yorkshire. M.A. 1454;
B.D. 1463-4. Fellow of Pembroke, c. 1450. Proctor, 1456-7.
V. of Eltisley, Cambs., 1465. Died 1502. Benefactor to
Pembroke. Brother of Nicholas, B.D. (Cooper, 1. 6.)
Skipwith, Henry
SKIPWITH, HENRY. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Trinity, c. 1591-
Doubtless 4th s. of Henry, of Keythorpe, Leics. (and Jane,
dau. of Francis Hall, of Grantham, Lines.). Of Tugby and
Knight Thorpe. Married Joan, dau. of Leonard Aston, of
Longdon, Staffs. Brother of Francis (1584) and William
(1579-80). (Nichols, in. 368.)
SKIPWITH, HENRY. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Queens', Apr. 24,
1606. Of Leicestershire. S. and h. of William (1579-80),
of Cotes, Leics., Knt. B. 1589. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Oct. 17,
1608. Knighted, July 19, 1609. Created Bart., Dec. 20, 1622.
One of the Commissioners of Array for Leicestershire.
Sheriff of Leics., 1636-7. Gentleman of the Privy Chamber,
1 64 1. A zealous Royalist. Of Prestwold and of Cotes.
Entertained Charles I at his house at Cotes. His expenditure
in the royal cause obliged him to sell the Prestwold estate
and others. Married (i) Tresham (?Amy), 3rd dau. of Sir
Thomas Kemp, of Kent; (2) Blandina, widow of John Acton,
citizen of London. Died c. 1658. Brother of George (1608-9)
and Thomas (1612). (G.E.C., \. 215; Nichols, in. 368.)
SKIPWITH, HUMBERSTON. Adm. FeU.-Com. at Trinity, Apr.
28, 1672. S. of Sir Fulwar, Bart., of Ketsby, Lines. Married
Elizabeth, dau. of Sir George Cony, Knt., July 16, 1675.
Died v.p., June 14, 1677, aged 22. His son Fulwar succeeded
as 2nd Bart., in 1678. (Burke, Ext. Bart.; Lines. Pedigrees,
892; Vis. of iVarws., 1682.)
SKIPWITH, NICHOLAS. B.D. Fellow and benefactor of
Pembroke, c. 1450. Perhaps of Biddenham, Beds., and of
Riccall, Yorks., clerk. Will (P.C.C.) 1493- Brother of
Gerard (1450).
SKIPWITH, RALPH. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1623. Of Nor-
folk. S. and h. of Edmund, of Fordham, Norfolk, Esq. Adm.
at Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 21, 1626-7. Perhaps brother of William
(1624). {Vis. of Norfolk.)
SKIPWITH, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter,
1612. Of Leicestershire. Doubtless 3rd s. of Sir William
(1579-80), of Cotes, Leics. B. 1594. Married and had issue.
Brother of George (1608-9) and Henry (1606). {Nichols,
III. 368.)
SKIPWITH, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age i6) at Sidney, May 27,
1635. S. of Edward (1606), Esq., of Gosberton and Grant-
ham, Lines. B. at Langton. .Schools, Sleaford and Grantham.
Matric. 1636. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Apr. 30, 1638. Barrister.
Reader, 1670. Serjeant-at-law, 1675. King's Serjeant, 1684.
M.P. for Grantham, 1659-60. Knighted, May 29, 1673.
Created Bart., July 27, 1678. Married (i) Elizabeth, dau. of
Ralph Latham, of Upminster, Essex; (2) Elizabeth, widow
of Edward Maddison, of Caistor, Lines. Died June 2, 1694.
Buried at Upminster. Brother of Edward (1635). {Lines.
Pedigrees, 893.)
SKYPWYTH, W[ILLIAM]. Matric. Fell. -Com. from Jesus, Lent,
1579-80. Doubtless s. and h. of Henry, of Keythorpe, Leics.
Knighted, Apr. 23, 1603. M.P. for Leicester, 1604. Married
(i) Margaret, dau. of Roger Cave, of Stanford, Northants.;
(2) Jane, dau. of John Roberts. Died 1610. Father of
Henry (1606), George (1608-9) and Thomas (1612).
SKIPWITH, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from St John's, Michs.
1624. Probably 2nd s. of Edmund, of Fordham, Norfolk,
Esq. B.A. 1628-9. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, May 18, 1626.
(One of these names s.and h.of William, of Utterby, Lines.)
SKIPWITH, WILLOUGHBY. Adm. FeU.-Com. (age 18) at
Sidney, July 13, 1631. S. and h. of WiUiam, of South
Ormesby, Lines. Bapt. there, Jan. 3, 1612-3. School, Otley,
Yorks. (Mr Yonge). Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Oct. 13, 1634.
Married Honora, dau. of Patrick Saunders, of London, M.D.
Died 1658. Admon., 1658; to his widow. {Lines. Pedigrees,
SKIPWITH, . B.Civ.L. 1496-7. Probably Richard, R. of
St Alban's, Wood Street, London, 1505-19. Died 1519. Will
(P.C.C); 'CoUege of our Lady, Warwick.'
SKIPWITH, . Adm. FeU.-Com. at King's, 1582.
SKOPAM, WILLIAM. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1552.
SKOULDING, CHARLES. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, June 29,
1703. Of Suffolk. Matric. 1703. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
Sept. 1712; priest, Feb. 1712-3. R. of Bedfield and Beding-
field, Suffolk, 1720.
SKOULDING, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, June 9, 1687.
Of Suffolk. S. of John, of Sibton. B.A. 1690-1; M.A. 1694.
V. of Sibton and Peascnhall, Suffolk, 1699. R. of Kelsale
and Carlton, 1700. Died 1712. Buried at Peasenhall.
Slader, John
SKYBY, WILLIAM. M.A. 145&-7- Of Essex. B.D. 1460-1.
FeUow of King's. Proctor, 1460-r. Ord. deacon (Ely) Mar.
29; priest, Apr. 12, 1460. Preb. of Hereford, 1481-8. R. of
St Vedast, London, 1482-8. Died 1488. (A. B. Beaven.)
SKYBY, . B.D. 1479-80.
SKYLLING, JOHN. Adm. at King's (age 16) a scholar from
Eton, 1453. Of Combe, Hants. One of these names was of
the Inner Temple. Lent reader, 1507. Treasurer, 1515.
SKYLLING, MICHAEL. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
c. 1460. Probably M.P. for Heytesbury, 1477-8.
SKYRME, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 20) at St John's, Mar.'a,
1737-8. S. and h. of John, Esq., of Lanhaden, Pembroke.
B. there. School, Westminster. Matric. 1738. Adm. at
Lincoln's Inn, May i8, 1737. High Sheriff of Pembroke,
1769-70; of Vaynor, Esq.
SKYRING, ROBERT. Adm. pens, at Corpus Christi, 1690.
Of Cambridgeshire. Matric. Michs. 1691; B.A. 1694-5; M.A.
1698. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) June 4, 1699; priest (London)
July 14, 1705. R. of Snargate, Kent, 1708-53. R. of
Knowlton, 1713-53. R. of ChiUenden, 1721. Died Mar. 26,
1753. Admon., P.C.C.
SLACKE, CHRISTOPHER. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter,
1618. Of Suffolk.
SLACK, JAMES. Matric. sizar from Magdalene, c. 1596; B.A.
from St Catharine's, 1598-9. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Sept. 25;
priest, Nov. 13, 1603. Doubtless R. of EnniskiUen (Clogher);
of Cleenish and of Kinawley (Kilmore), 1622-23. Died in
Dublin May 19, 1634; buried in St Catherine's. (Dundas,
EnniskiUen Parish; H. B. Swanzy.)
SLACKE, JOHN. Matric. sizar from Pembroke, Easter, 1585;
B.A. 1588-9; M.A. 1592. V. of Cantley, Yorks., 1593-1636.
Master of Bawtry Hospital, 1610-43. Died 1643.
SLACKE, JOHN. B.A. from Pembroke, 1608.
SLACK, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Jesus, May 27, 1706. Of York-
shire. Matric. 1706; B.A. 1709-10; Scholar, 1710; M.A. 1737.
Ord. deacon (York) June, 1712; priest (Lincoln) Dec. 18, 1715.
V. of GoxhiU, Lines., 1715. R. of Thornton Curtis, 1715-
SLACK, JONATHAN. Matric. pens, from Queens', Easter, 1611.
Of Suffolk. B.A. 1613-4; M.A. 1617. Ord. deacon (Peterb.)
Mar. 16; priest. Mar. 17, 1616-7.
SLACK, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar (age 17) at St John's, July 5,
1669. S. of Abraham, of Bradfield, Yorks. B. there. School,
Wirksworth. Ord. priest (York) Sept. 1677.
SLACKE, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar at Caius, Aug. 3, 1598. S. of
Richard. B. at Waltham, near Canterbury, Kent. School,
Canterbury (Mr Roger Raven). B.A. 1601-2.
SLADE, CHARLES. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Pembroke, Mar. 23,
1726-7. S. of Edward, of Veryan, ComwaU, gent. Matric.
1727. Brother of WiUiam (1731).
SLADE, DIGGORY. Adm. pens, (age 18) at Pembroke, Mar. 25,
1686. S. of William, of St AusteU, ComwaU, gent. Matric.
1686; B.A. 1689^0; M.A. 1693. Perhaps of Holsworthy,
Devon, clerk. WiU (Exeter) 1712.
SLADE, JOHN. B.A. 1478-9-
SLADE, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 18) at Christ's, June 2, 1721.
B. at MickleTrafford, Cheshire. Matric. 1721; Scholar, 1723;
B.A. 1724-5; M.A. 1728. Ord. deacon (Chester) June, 1725;
priest (Lichfield) Sept. 1727- V. of Biddulph, Staffs., 1732-
Perhaps master of Dilhome School. Master of Ashbourne,
1751-2. Master of Bosworth School, Leics. before 1758-64.
Translator of Musaeus. Died Mar. 22, 1787. (Peile, 11. 203;
G. Mag.)
SLADE, JOSEPH. M.A. from King's, 1713- S. of George, of
St Tew, ComwaU. Matric. (All Souls, Oxford) Mar. 20,
1699-1700, age 19; B.A. (Oxford) 1703. R. of Edgcote,
Bucks., 1730-50. R. of South Moreton, 1744-50. Died 1750.
{Al. Oxon.)
SLADE, ROBERT. Adm. pens, (age 19) at Caius, Oct. 15, 1573-
Of St Neots, Hunts. S. of Richard, gent. School, Wmchester.
Matric. 1573. Of EUington, Hunts. Unmarried in 1613.
Died c. 1622. Benefactor to Peterhouse. Portrait there.
{Vis. of Hunts., 1613; T. A. Walker.)
SLADE, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Christ's, Feb. 6, 1684-5.
S. of WiUiam. B. at West Chinnock, Somerset. School,
Crewkeme (Mr Leaves). B.A. 1689-90.
SLADE, W. Matric. sizar from Clare, Michs. 1571-
SLADE, WILLIAM. Adm. sizar (age 17) at Pembroke, July 7.
1731. S. of Edward, of Veryan, ComwaU, gent. One of
these names of Warmington, Wilts., clerk. WUl (P.C.C.)
1783. Brother of Charles (1726-7).
SLADOR, JAMES. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, Dec. 13,
1658. Of Oxfordshire. Probably brother of the next.
SLADER, JOHN. Adm. pens, at St Catharine's, 1648. Of
Warwickshire. B.A. 1649; M.A. 1653- FeUow, 1650-89.
Junior Proctor, 1664-5.
Slader, Timothy
SLADER, TIMOTHY. Adm. pens, (age i8) at St John's, Apr. lo,
1646. S. of Josiah, R. of Buntingford Westmill, Herts. B.
at Birmingham, Warws. School, London. Perhaps adm. at
Gray's Inn, Nov. 20, 1656; of the City of Westminster,
Middlesex, Esq.
SLANEY, EDWARD. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Christ's, 1595-6-
Doubtless s. of Sir Stephen, Mayor of London, 1595 (and
Mary, dau. of Jasper Pheasant, of Tottenham, Middlesex).
Probably brother of Jasper (1590-1). (F. C. Cass, E.
SLANY, GILES. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1632;
B.A. 1635-6.
SLANY, GRIFFITH. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Christ's, May 5,
1683. S. of Edward. B. at Drayton, Salop. School, Drayton.
Matric. 1686; B.A. 1686-7.
SLANY, JASPER. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Christ's, 1590-1.
Doubtless s. of Sir Stephen, of London, Knt. (and Mary,
dau. of Jasper Pheasant, of Tottenham, Middlesex). Prob-
ably brother of Edward (i595-6).
SLANEY, MORETON. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Sidney, June 6,
1670. S. and h. of Robert, of Hatton Grange, Cheshire, gent.
B. at Shifnal, Salop. School, Shifnal (Mr Thos. Barefoote).
Matric. 1670. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Apr. 9, 1672. Of
Hayhall, Yardley. Married Elizabeth, dau. of John Aglionby,
of Warwickshire. (Burke, L.O.)
SLANEY, MORETON. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinity, May 5,
1718. S. of Moreton, of Birmingham, Warws. School,
Birmingham (Mr Parkinson). Matric. 1718. Probably of
Knowle, Warws. Died 1762. (L. Mag.)
SLAYNE or SLEYNY, STEPHEN. Matric. pens, from St John's,
Easter, 1579; B.A. 1582-3. Probably brother of the next.
SLEYNY, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter,
SLATER or SCLATER, BENJAMIN. Adm. at King's, a scholar
from Eton, 1675. B. at Coombe. Matric. 1677; B.A. 1680-1;
M.A. 1684. Fellow, 1679. P.C. of Teddington, Middlesex,
1685-92. R. of Naunton Beauchamp, Worcs., 1689-99.
from Oxford). 3rd s. of Anthony, V. of Leighton Buzzard,
Beds. Bapt. there, Sept. 13, 1584. Matric. (Corpus Christi
College, Oxford) Jan. 20, 1597-8, age 13; B.A. 1603; M.A.
1607. C. to his father at Leighton Buzzard, 1613-6; V., 1624.
Died 1647, aged 63. Will dated, July 27, 1642; proved,
Aug. 21, 1646 (sic). M.I. at Leighton Buzzard. Brother of
William (1593) and John (1598), doubtless father of William
(1636). (Al. Oxon.; Geneal. Bedford, 405.)
SLATER, DANIEL. Adm. sizar at Queens', July 29, 1700.
Of Middlesex. Matric. 1700; B.A. 1704-5; M.A. 1725- Ord.
priest (London) Feb. 17, 1705-6. R. of Aston-under-Edge,
Gloucs., 1724-50. Died 1750.
SCLATER, EDWARD. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Sidney, June 11,
1629. S. of John (1598), B.D., R. of Church Lawford, Warws.
B. at Clapton, Beds. Bapt. July 5, 1612, at Leighton
Buzzard. School, Rugby. Matric. 1629. Migrated to Queens',
Mar. 2, 1632-3. B.A. 1632-3.
SLATER, GEORGE. Matric. sizar from Trinity, Michs. 1560;
Scholar, 1563, Sclater; B.A. 1564-5; M.A. 1568; B.D. 1575;
D.D. 1584. Fellow, 1565. Ord. deacon (Ely) July 29, 1565.
University preacher, 1570. R. of Alderton, Sufiolk, 1571-2.
R. of Bulmer, Yorks., 1572-85. R. of Bainton, 1573-90.
Preb. of York, 1574-90. Preb. of Southwell, 1586-90.
Married Thomasina, dau. of Archbishop Matthew Hutton.
Buried at Bainton, Aug. 19, 1590. (S. L. Ollard.)
SCLATER, GEORGE. M.A. from Clare, 1696. S. of Edward,
of Putney, Surrey, clerk. Matric. (Magdalen Hall, Oxford)
Feb. 21, 1675-6, age 15; B.A. (Merton College, Oxford) 1684.
R. of Hayes, Kent, 1688. R. of Westerham, 1696. Died
Feb. 1705-6. (Al. Oxon.)
SLATER, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Easter, 1634.
One of these names, s. and h. of John, of Keighley, Yorks.,
adm. at the Inner Temple, 1636.
SLATER or SCLATER, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Queens',
Easter, 1659. Of Lancashire. Probably s. and h. of Sir
Henry, of Light Oakes, Lanes. Age 22 in 1664. Adm. at
Gray's Inn, June 21, 1659.
SLATER or SCLATER, JOHN. Adm. at King's (age 17) a
Scholar from Eton, Aug. 25, 1598. Of Leighton Buzzard,
Beds. 2nd s. of Anthony, V. of Leighton Buzzard. Bapt.
there, July 31, 1580. Matric. 1598; B.A. 1601-2; M.A. 1606;
B.D. 1614. Fellow, 1601-8. Incorp. at Oxford, 1607 and
1618. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) Dec. 22, 1605. V. of Holford,
Somerset, 1610-1. V. of St Michael's, Southampton, 1611.
R. of Church Lawford, Warws., 1612. Married, at Leighton
Buzzard, Jone Smith, Apr. 11, 1611. Father of Edward
(1629), brother of Christopher (16x2) and William (1593).
Slater, Thomas
SLATER, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Caius, Feb. 19, 1624-5.
S. of John, apothecary, of London. School, St Paul's.
Matric. 1625; Scholar, 1625-8; B.A. from Pembroke, 1628-9;
M.A. 1632. One of these names R. of Birmingham, 1661.
(Venn, i. 270.)
SLATER or SCLATER, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Mag-
dalene, June 10, 1653. S. of John, of Hognaston, Derbs.
School, Repton, Derbs. Matric. 1653; B.A. 1656-7.
SLATER, JOHN. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, June 27, 1664.
Of Yorkshire. Matric. 1665; B.A. 1667-8. Ord. deacon
(York) Sept. 1668; priest, Sept. 1669. One of these names
V. of Chatteris, Cambs. Non-juror.
SLATER, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Magdalene, Easter, 1672,
'Salter'; B.A. 1675-6; M.A. 1679. Ord. deacon (London)
Dec. 18, 1681; priest, Feb. 24, 1683-4. Perhaps V. of
'Wrotton,' Beds., 1719. R. of Sandy, 1722. One of these
names, M.A., R. of Stibbington, Hunts., 1731-9- Died i739-
SLATER, JOHN. Adm. sizar (age 15) at Sidney, May 15, 1675.
2nd s. of Jonathan, butcher. B. at Chesterfield, Derbs.
School, Chesterfield (Mr Thos. Needham). Matric. 1677;
B.A. 1678-9; M.A. 1682. Probably chaplain to Mr Pole,
of Radbome. (F.M.G., 210.)
SLATER or SCLATER, MARK. Matric. sizar from St John's,
Easter, 1619; B.A. 1622-3; M.A. 1626. Ord. deacon (York)
Dec. 1626.
SLATER, MATTHEW. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, July 2,
1713. S. of John, deceased. B. at York. School; Thresh-
field. Matric. 1713; B.A. 1716-7; M.A. 1720. Ord. deacon
(London) Dec. 2, 1717; priest (Norwich) Sept. 1720. C. of
Mildenhall, Sufiolk. R. of Euston, 1722-8. Died i7i8.
SLATER, RICHARD. Adm. sizar at Queens', Jvme 30, 1590;
B.A. 1593-4; M.A. 1597.
SLATER, RICHARD. Matric. sizar from Trinity, c. 1592;
B.A. 1594-5; M..\. 1598. Ord. deacon and priest (Peterb.)
May 25, 1596. V. of Hampsthwaite, Yorks., 1604. V. of
Normanton (Trinity College living), 1615; there in 1619.
V. of Kirkthorpe, 1619. Buried at Hampsthwaite, July 27,
SCLATER, RICHARD. Adm. sizar (age 18) at St John's, Apr.
22, 1706. S. of Robert, lawyer. B. at Clitheroe, Lanes.
School, Clitheroe (Mr Ascolm). Matric. 1706. Migrated to
Peterhouse, Nov. 2, 1706. Scholar, 1706; B.A. 1709-10.
Ord. priest (York) June, 1716. V. of Almondbury, Yorks.,
1716-26. Buried Sept. 8, 1726.
SLATER, ROGER. Matric. sizar from Corpus Christi, Easter,
1607. Of Lincohishire.
SLATER, SAMUEL. Adm. pens, at Emmanuel, June 11, 1644.
Of Middlesex. Perhaps s. of Thomas. Bapt. Mar. 3, 1628-9,
at St Olave, Hart Street, London. Matric. 1644; B.A. 1647.
Perhaps M.A. 1658; but see the next. Probably buried July 6,
1667, at St Olave, Hart Street; 'minister.' (The name
appears in the register both as Slater and Slaughter.)
SLATER, SAMUEL. Adm. sizar at Emmanuel, Jan. 28, 1644-5.
Of Middlesex. Perhaps s. of Samuel, minister of St Kathe-
rine-in-the-Tower, London. Matric. 1645; Scholar; B.A.
1647-8; M.A. 1658. (It is uncertain which Samuel (this or
the one above) was M.A. and Scholar, and also which was
the Bury Lecturer.) Minister at Nayland, Suffolk, 1651-5;
afterwards lecturer at Bury; ejected, c. 1660. Pastor in Lon-
don, where he succeeded Stephen Chamock as minister of the
congregation in Crosby Square, Bishopsgate Street, 1680.
Married Hannah, dau. of Harman Sheafe. Author, poetical.
Died May 22, 1704. (Calamy, 11. 415; D.N.B.)
SLATER or SCLATER, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Christ's,
Dec. 1602. B. at Whittington, Lanes. B..'^. 1605-6; M.A.
1609; B.D. 1618. Incorp. at Oxford, 1618. Fellow of Jesus,
1613-28. Ord. deacon (London) Mar. 1609-10, age 24;
priest, Dec. 22, 1611. V. of All Saints', Cambridge, 1620-8.
Buried in the College Chapel, Dec. 20, 1628. Will proved
(V.C.C.) 1628. (A. Gray.)
SLATER or SCLATER, THOMAS. Adm. pens, at Sidney,
Oct. 7, 1631. S. of William, attorney, deceased. B. at
Halifax. Bapt. there, July 4, 1615. Schools, Leigh, Lanes.
(Mr Ja. Gatcliffe) and Wakefield. Matric. 1631. Migrated
to Trinity. Scholar, 1634; B.A. 1635-6; M.A. 1639. Fellow
of Trinity, 1637, ejected. Created M.D. (Oxford) 1649.
Incorp. at Cambridge, 1649. Practised at Cambridge, 1649.
M.P. for Cambridge University, 1659. Created Bart., 1660.
Purchased the Linton, Cambs., estate, including Catley
House, in 1675. Enlarged Catley House and laid out an
elaborate garden. J. P. Sheriff of Cambs., 1680-1. Died
Dec. 16 (? 10), 1684, aged 69. M.I. in College Chapel. (Le
Neve, Mon., v. 60; Genealogist, in. 309.)
SLATER, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Trinity, Aug. 11, 1648.
Of London. Perhaps adm. at Gray's Inn, May 27, 1652; of
St Bartholomew-the-Great, London.
Slater, Thomas
SCLATER, THOMAS. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Trinitv, June 13,
1682. S. of Edward. B. at Kingston-upon-Hull, Yorks.
School, St Paul's. Matric. 1682. Inherited the estate of his
great uncle. Sir Thomas Sclater (1631) in 1684. Afterwards
took the name Bacon. Probably adm. at Gray's Inn, Jan. 27,
1693-4. M.P. for Bodmin, 1713-5; for Cambridge, 1715,
1722-36. Died Aug. 23, 1736. (Burke, Ext. Bart.)
SCLATER, THOMAS. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1747. S. of Henry. Bapt. at Bermondsey, Surrey, Apr. i,
1729. Matric. Michs. 1747; B.A. 1752; M.A. 1755. Fellow,
1750. Ord. deacon (Ely) Dec. 25, 1751; priest (Chester, at
Cambridge) Feb. 10, 1754. R.of Bo.\worth,Cambs., 1754-60.
SLATER or SCLATER, WILLIAM. Adm. at King's (age 17)
a scholar from Eton, .A.ug. 24, 1593. S. of Anthony, V. of
Leighton Buzzard. Bapt. there, Oct. 25, 1575. Matric.
1593-4; B.A. 1597-8; M.A. 1601; B.D. 1608; D.D. 1617.
Fellow, 1596-9. Preacher at Walsall, Staffs. R. of Pit-
minster, Somerset, 1604-19. R. of Lympsham, 1619-27.
Preb. of Wells, 1619. Author, theological. Died at Pit-
minster, 1627. Brother of Christopher (1612) and father of
the next. {D.N.B.; Harwood.)
SLATER or SCLATER, WILLIAM. Adm. at King's, a scholar
from Eton, 1626. Of Pitminster, Somerset. S. of William
(above). Matric. Easter, 1626; B.A. 1629-30; M.A. 1633; B.D.
1640; D.D. 1651. Fellow, 1629-33. Preb.of Exeter, 1641-61.
R. of St Stephen's, Exeter, 1636; ejected, 1644. V. of
Collumpton, Devon, 1644. R. of St Peter-le-Poer, London,
1651-61 (sic). (According to Hennessy the R. of St Peter-
le-Poer died 1656.) Author, sermons. Died in London, 1661.
Admon. (Exeter) 1662. {D.N.B.; Harwood says he died
before the Restoration.)
SCLATER, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at Trinity, Mar. 28, 1636.
Doubtless s. of Christopher (1612), and grandson of Anthony.
Matric. 1636; B.A. 1639-40; D.D. 1669 (Lit. Reg.). Perhaps
ord. priest (Lincoln) Mar. 22, 1645-6. Probably Master of
Bamet Grammar School, Middlesex, 1655-63; V. of Monken
Hadley, 1663. R. of St James', Clerkenwell, 1666-91. R. of
Clifton, Beds. Died Mar. 3, 1690-1, aged 68. Buried at
Leighton Buzzard; 'of London, D.D." Will (P.C.C.) 1690-1.
(There is some confusion among authorities concerning the
identity of William Sclater, D.D., R. of St James", Clerken-
well. Apparently he was s. of Christopher (1612), but that
he was educated at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, is very
doubtful, there being no record of him in Al. Oxon. The
R. of St James', Clerkenwell, was the author of a sermon
entitled. The Royal Pay and Paymaster, and according to
D.N.B. served in the army as a comet during the Civil War.
Hennessy wrongly identifies him with William (1626), of
King's.) (Genealog. Bedford, 407; Misc. Gen. et Her., N.S.,
III. 284; F. C. Cass, Monken Hadley; D.N.B.)
SLATTER, . M.Gram. 1502-3.
SLATER, . B.D. 1519-20. Franciscan friar.
SLATHOLME, SENOCK. Adm. pens, at Pembroke, Apr. 23,
1661. S. of William (1632), M.D. B. at Buntingford, Herts.
Matric. 1662. Died 1662. Buried in Layston Church.
(age 18) at Pembroke, Apr. 17, 1632. B. in Yorkshire.
Matric. 1632; B.A. 1635-6; M.A. 1639; M.D. 1660. Licensed
to practise medicine, 1642. Of Buntingford, Herts. Died
July 24, 1665. Buried in Layston Church. M.I. Father of
Senock (above).
SLATTER, JAMES. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1706.
B. at Eton. Matric. Michs. 1707; B.A. 1711-2. Fellow, 1710.
Died of consumption. Mar. 1712. Buried in Eton College
Chapel. (Harwood.)
SLAUGHTER, JOHN. Adm. pens, (age 19) at Peterhouse,
Sept. 17, 1745. Of Cambridgeshire. Matric 1745; Scholar,
1746; B.A. 1749-50; M.A. 1753. Ord. deacon (Norwich)
Mar. 1750-1; priest, June, 1753. C. of Snailwell, Cambs.,
1753. One of these names of Warblington, Hants., clerk;
admon. (P.C.C.) July, 1764.
SLEDALE, . Perhaps B.A. 1482-3; M.A. 1485, 'Shedale.'
SLEDD, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1579.
B. in St Margaret's, Fish Street, London. Scholar, 1580;
B.A. 1583-4; M.A. 1588. Ord. deacon (London) Nov. 30,
1585, age 26. C. of Horsford, Norfolk. C. of Gt Stambridge,
Essex, in 1586. R. of St Kathcrine Coleman, 1587-90. V. of
Westham, 1590-2. V. of Eastwood, till 1604. Married
Joanna, dau. of John Barrett, of Canewdon, Essex, Aug. 23,
SLEDD, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1568;
Scholar, 1573; B.A. 1573-4; M.A. 1577. Fellow, 1576.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1579. Proctor, 1590-1. Perhaps canon
of Lincoln, 1575. Preb. of Lichfield, 1584-1610. V. of Milton,
Oxon., i6oi.
Slegg, John
SLEE, ANDREW. Adm. pens, (age 16) at Peterhouse, Oct. 23,
1646. Of Lincolnshire. S. of George, of Boston (and Hester,
dau. of Andrew Baron, of Boston). School, Boston. Matric.
1646; B.A. 1650; M.A. 1654. Fellow, 1650-6. Thrice mayor
of Boston (1662, 1664, 1675). Judge of the Admiralty at
Boston. He ultimately became the possessor of the Baron
property in Boston. (T. A. Walker, 87; P. Thompson,
Boston, 434; Lines. Pedigrees, 104.)
SLEECH, HENRY. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1741.
S. of Richard (1693), D.D., canon of Windsor. Matric. Michs.
1741; B.A. 1745-6; M.A. 1749. Fellow,i744. R.ofHitcham,
Bucks., 1771-84. For many years an assistant master at
Eton; lower master, 1767-75. Fellow of Eton College, 1775-
84. Died Mar. 13, 1784. Will, P.C.C. Brother of the next
and Stephen (1723). (G. Mag.; Harwood.)
SLEECH, JOHN. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton, 1729.
S. of Richard, D.D. Bapt. in Eton Chapel, Aug. 16, 1711.
Matric. Easter, 1730; B.A. 1733-4; M.A. 1737. Fellow, 1733.
Assistant master at Eton. V. of Sidbury, Devon, 1737.
Preb. of Exeter, 1739-88. Archdeacon of Cornwall, 1741-88.
Canon residentiary of Exeter, 1747-88. Preb. of Gloucester,
1769-88. Died Jan. 1788. Brother of Henry (above) and
Stephen (1723). (G. Mag.; E. Mag.; Harwood.)
SLEECH, RICHARD. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1693. S. of the organist of Eton College Chapel. B. at Eton.
Matric. Lent, 1694; B.A. 1697-8; M.A. 1701; D.D. 1720.
Fellow, 1697. Assistant master at Eton. Fellow of Eton,
1715-30. Ord. deacon (London) May 31; priest (Ely) July 5,
1702. R. of Hitcham, Bucks., 1702-30. Chaplain to the
Bishop of Ely, 1721. R. of Famham Royal, Bucks., 1721-30.
Canon of Windsor, 1722-30. Died Mar. 2, 1729-30. Buried
at Windsor. Father of John (above), Henry (1741) and
Stephen (1723). (Harwood.)
SLEECH, STEPHEN. Adm. at King's, a scholar from Eton,
1723. S. of Richard, D.D. (1693). B. at Eton. Matric. Lent,
1724; B.A. 1727-8; B.D. ^.7^^(LU.Reg.);T>.V>. 1748. FeUow,
1726. Fellow of Eton, 1729-46. Provost, 1746-65. M.A.
(Lambeth) 1729. R. of Famham Royal, 1730-52. Chaplain to
the King, 1744-65. R. of Worplesdon, Surrey, 1752-65. Died
there Oct. 8, 1765, aged 60. Will, P.C.C. Brother of John
(1729) and Henry (1741). (Harwood; Manning and Bray, ni.
SLEEP, ANTHONY. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Michs. 1601;
a scholar from Westminster, 1602; B.A. 1605-6; M.A. 1609;
B.D. 1617. Fellow, 1608-30. Incorp. at Oxford, 1611.
Deputy Public Orator. King James said that ' at Cambridge
one Sleep made him wake, and at Oxford one Wake made
him sleep.' R. of Gt Wratting, Suffolk, i6i8. Buried in the
College Chapel, July 30, 1630.
SLEIFORD, HENRY. Adm. Fell.-Com. at Emmanuel, June i,
1595, Sliford. Matric. c. 1595.
SLEFORD, RICHARD. B.D. 1517-8. A monk.
SLEFORD, RICHARD. Matric. pens, from Peterhouse, Easter,
1582; B.A. 1585-6.
SLEFORD, . B.Can.L. 1503-4.
SLEEFORD, . Matric. pens, from King's, Easter, 1587.
SLEGGE, EDWARD. Matric. pens, from Jesos, Michs. 1564.
S. of Roger, of Cambridge (mayor of Cambridge, and M.P.
for the borough, 1558, 1563 and 1571-89; the bitter opponent
of University privileges). Perhaps adm. at Gray's Inn, 1572;
of Barnard's Inn. Probably buried at Little St Mary's,
Cambridge, Nov. 25, i6ii. Brother of Henry (1581). (£.
Anglian, 11. 12.)
SLEGGE, EDWARD. Adm. at Corpus Christi, 1618. S. of
Roger, V. of Litlington, Cambs., and probably grandson of
Edward (1564). B.D. 1631 (Incorp. from St Andrews). Ord.
deacon (Peterb.) Aug. 6; priest, Aug. 7, 1620. C. at Grant-
chester, Cambs., 1620. R. of Kirkland, Cumberland, 1631.
Probably chancellor of Armagh, 1643; R. of Killancoole,
1643. (Vis. of Cambs., 1619; E. P. Archer; H. B. Swanzy.)
SLEGG, FRANCIS. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Michs. 1615.
S. of Roger ('of Trinity'), V. of Litlington, Cambs. Half-
brother of Edward (i6i8).
SLEGG or SLEGE, HENRY. Matric. pens, from Jesus, Lent,
1581-2. 3rd s. of Roger, Mayor of Cambridge (by his 2nd
wife Margaret, dau. of Henry Searle, of Cambs.). B.A. 1581-
2. Brother of Roger and half-brother of Edward (1564),
Father of Thomas (1620) and the next. (Vis. of Cambs.)
SLEGG, JOHN. Matric. pens, from Christ's, Apr. 1617. 2nd
s. of Henry (above). B.A. 1620-1; M..A. 1624; B.D. 1631-2.
Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June 4; priest, June 5, 1626. V. of
Histon, Cambs.; ejected before 1647. 'Never served the
cure himself, since he killed the man at Chesterton: takes
all the profits and gets young scholars to read prayers and
to preach. The churchwarden dare not displease him' (Laud's
Visitation, 1638). Died 1647. Will proved, 1648. (E. P.
Archer; Peile, i. 314.)
Slegg, Roger
SLEGG, ROGER. Ord. deacon and priest (Peterh.) May 25,
1595; 'of Trinity College.' 4th s. of Roger, Mayor of
Cambridge. V. of Litlington, Cambs., until 1630-1. Married
Elizabeth, dau. of John Kippan, of Dale, Beds. Buried at
Litlington, Feb. 10, 1630-1. Brother of Henry (1581-2)
and half-brother of Edward (i564)> father of Francis (1615)
and Edward (1618). {Vis. of Cambs., 1619; E. P. Archer.)
SLEGGE, THOMAS. Matric. pens, from St John's, Easter, 1620.
3rd s. of Henry (1581-2). B.A. 1623-4; M.A. 1627.
SLEIGH, EDWARD. Adm. Fell. -Com. (age 14) at Christ's,
June 16, 1655. S. of Sir Samuel (1621), of Ash, Derbs.
B. there. Matric. 1655. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 20, 1655.
Barrister, 1664. Died 1670. Buried at Sutton-on-the-Hill,
Derbs. Brother of Gervase (1644) and Samuel (1655).
{Peile, I. 567.)
SLEIGH, GEORGE. Adm. sizar at Christ's, May 17, 1625.
S. of George. B. in London. School, London (private).
Matric. 1625; B.A. 1628-9; M.A. 1637. C. of St Bartholomew-
the-Less, London, 1634. Will {Archd. London) 1643. {Peile,
I. 367-)
SLEIGH, GERVASE. Adm. pens, (age 15) at Christ's, Apr. 22,
1623. 2nd s. of Gervase, of Derbyshire. School, Repton.
Matric. 1623; B.A. 1626-7; M.A. 1630. Adm. at Gray's Inn,
Mar. 6, 1627-8. R. of Radbome, Derbs., 1634-41. Married
Eliza, dau. of Edward Boys, of Betteshanger. Died 1641,
aged 34. Brother of Samuel (1621). {Peile, 1. 349; F.M.G.,
SLEIGH, GERVASE. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 15) at Christ's,
Dec. 31, 1644. S. and h. of Sir Samuel (1621), of Ash, Derbs.
(by his ist wife Judith Boys). B. there. Adm. at Gray's
Inn, July 7, 1645. Died 1649, aged 20. Buried at Sutton-
on-the-Hill. Brother of Edward (1655) and Samuel (1655).
{Peile, I. 490.)
SLEIGH, RALPH. Adm. sizar at Jesus, June 20, 1705. Of
Staffordshire. Matric. 1705; B..^. 1708-9; M.A. 1726.
SLEIGH, ROBERT. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Magdalene, June
10, 1653. S. of Ralph, of Egginton, Derbs., Esq. School,
SLEIGH, SAMUEL. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Christ's, July,
162 1. S. and h. of Gervase, of Ash, Derbs., barrister. Adm.
at Gray's Inn, Oct. 20, 1623. Knighted, July, 1641. Sherifi
of Derbs., 1648 and 1666. M.P. for Essex, 1654-5; for
Derbs., 1656-8. Bought Pool Hall, 1629 and Etwall Hall,
1646. Married (1) Judith, dau. of Sir Edward Boys, of
Betteshanger; (2) Margaret, dau. of Sir Robert Darcy, of
Dartford, Kent. Died Apr. 1679, aged 76. Buried at Sutton-
on-the-Hill. Brother of Gervase (1623), father of the next,
Gervase (1644) and Edward (1655). {Peile, i. 338; Vis. of
Derbs., 1662.)
SLEIGH, SAMUEL. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 16) at Christ's,
June 16, 1655. S. of Sir Samuel (above), of Ash, Derbs. (by
his 2nd wife Margaret Darcy). B. there, Apr. 1638. Matric.
1655. Adm. at Gray's Inn, Nov. 20, 1655. Married Barbara,
dau. of Archibald Palmer, of Wanlip. Died s.p.. May, 1675.
Brother of Edward (1655) and Gervase (1644). {Peile, i. 567;
Vis. of Derbs., 1662.)
SLEIGHTON, EDWARD. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter,
1637; B.A. 1640-1. Probably R. of Newchurch, Kent,
1665-86, and R. of Sevington, 1668-86. Died 1686.
SLEYTON, ROBERT. Matric. pens, from Sx John's, Michs. 1569;
B.A. 1573-4-
SLEIGHTON, ROBERT. Adm. sizar at Queens', June 10, 1600.
Of Yorkshire. B.A. 1603-4.
SLEIGHTON or SLEIDAN, ROBERT. Matric. sizar from
Queens', Easter, 1634. Of Cambridgeshire. B.A. 1637-8;
M.A. 1641.
SLEPER, R. B.Can.L. 1454-5-
SLIGER (?SLINGER), WILLIAM. Adm. pens, at St Catha-
rine's, June 28, 1717- Of Feliskirk, Yorks.
SLINGER, JOHN. Adm. at Christ's, May 30, 1674- Doubtless
3rd s. of Tempest, of Catlow-in-BoUand, Yorks. Age 10 in
1665. Brother of the next.
SLINGER, NICHOLAS. Adm. pens, at Christ's, Sept. 2, 1670.
S. and h. of Tempest, J. P., of Catlow, Yorks. (and Millicent,
dau. of John Bradhill, of Portfield, Lanes.). B. in Yorkshire.
School, Clitheroe. Age 13 in 1665. {Peile, 11. 31.)
SLINGER, RICHARD. Adm. sizar at Christ's, July 10, 1668.
Matric. 1668; B..-^. 1671.
SLYNGER, STEPHEN. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Michs. 1544.
Probably brother of Thomas (1546).
SLINGER, STEPHEN. Scholar at Jesus, 1546-7-
SLYNGAR, THOMAS. Matric. sizar from Christ's, Easter, 1546.
Of Yorkshire.
Sloper, William
SLINGER, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 18) at St John's, June
10, 1672. S. of Francis, yeoman, of Langstrothdale, Yorks.
B. there. School, Sedbergh. Matric. 1672; B.A. 1675-6;
M.A. 1681. Master of Colchester Grammar School, 1674-91.
R. of East Donyland, Essex, 1686-1733. R. of Layer Breton,
1692. Chaplain to the Bishop of London. Died Jan. 2, 1733-
4. (G. Mag.; Morant, 11. 187.)
SLINGSBY, CHARLES. M.A. 1586 (Incorp. from Oxford). 6th
s. of Sir Francis, of Scriven, Yorks., Knt. Bapt. Nov. 22,
1561, at Knaresborough. Matric. (St Edmund HaU, Oxford)
Dec. 20, 1577, age 16; B.A. from Queen's, 1581; M.A. 1583;
B.D. 1591-2. R. of Rothbury, Northumberland, 1584-1628.
Married Elizabeth, dau. of John Ellis, of Bamburgh,
Yorks., Jan. 10, 1586. Died 1628, aged 67. Brother of
Thomas (1565). {Al.Oxon.; Burke, Peerage; Vis. of Yorks.)
SLINGSBY, HENRY. Matric. FeU.-Com. from Queens', Lent,
1618-9. Of Scriven, Yorks. S. of Sir Henry, Knt. B. Jan. 14,
1601-2. Created Bart., of Nova Scotia, Mar. 2, 1637-8.
M.P. for Knaresborough, 1625, 1640-2. Married Barbara,
dau. of Thomas Bellasyse, Viscount Fauconberg. Present
at Naseby and at the surrender of Newark, 1646. Deprived
of his estates, 1651. Imphcated in the projected Royalist
rising in Yorkshire, 1655; imprisoned at HuU. Sentenced
to death for tampering with ofi&cers of the Hull garrison.
Wrote memoirs of the war. Executed on Tower Hill, Jime 8,
1658. Buried in the Slingsby Chapel, at Knaresborough.
(G.E.C., 11. 430; Vis. of Yorks., 1665; D.N.B.)
SLINGSBY, HENRY. Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 14) at St John's,
Mar. 6, 1672-3. S. of William, Esq. B. at Scarborough,
Yorks. School, Brentwood, Essex. Matric. 1673.
SLINGSBY, HEZEKIAH. Matric. sizar from Clare, Easter,
1625. 2nd s. of Robert, of Husbome Crawley, Beds., gent.
Bapt. there, Aug. 21, 1608. B.A. 1628-9; M.A. 1632. Ord.
priest (Peterb.) June 9, 1639. R. of North Crawley, Bucks.,
1638. Signed as minister of Husbome Crawley, 1638-41.
R. (and patron) of Hockcliffe, 1642-63. Buried there July 15,
SLINGSBY, THOMAS. Matric. Fell.-Com. from Trinity, Easter,
1565 {impubes). S. and h. of Francis, of Scriven, Yorks.
Perhaps B.A. (Oxford) 1568. Drowned in the river Nidd
while endeavouring to save his servant, 1581. Buried at
Knaresborough, Sept. 26, 1581, aged 28. Brother of Charles
(1586). (Burke, L.G.; /I /. O^ron.)
SLINGSBY, WALTER. Matric. pens, from Trinity, Lent, 1634-5.
SLINGSBY, WILLIAM. Adm. pens, (age 17) at Sidney, June 25,
1672. S.of Edmund, gent. Bapt. Aug. 16, 1654, at Husbome
Crawley, Beds. School, Hockcliffe (Mr Stackhouse). Matric.
1672; B.A. 1675-6. C. of Milbrook, Beds., in 1688. Minister
in charge of Battlesden, 1690-1. R. of Wrestlingworth,
1693-7. Buried at Husbome Crawley, Jan. 15, 1697-8.
SLIPPER, JAMES. Adm. sizar at Queens', Mar. 15, 1698-9.
Of Norfolk. Probably s. of Samuel (below). Matric. 1699;
B..\. 1702-3. Ord. priest (Norwich) July, 1712. Pr.>bably
brother of Thomas (1686-7J.
SLIPPER, SAMUEL. Matric. sizar from Queens', Easter, 1659;
B.A. 1662-3. V. of Mettingham, Sufiolk, 1663-81 (Slepper).
R. of Wood Rising, Norfolk, 1664-5. R- of Roydon, near
Lynn, 1664-5. V. of Holy Trinity, Bungay, 1667-81.
Probably R. of Lopham, Norfolk, 1681-1713. Probably
father of the next and of James (above).
SLIPPER, THOMAS. Adm. sizar at Queens', Feb. 5. 1686-7.
Of Suffolk. Probably s. of Samuel (above). Brother of
James (1698-9).
SLOANE, JOSEPH. Adm. pens, (age 20) at Christ's, July 4,
1710. S. and h. of James, of the Inner Temple. B. at
Boswell C